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in java there was no passing parameter to a class, what does it mean in python?
Um barlop are you talking about the fact that python passes variables by value?
Well it really is pass by reference
With some objects being mutable or imutable
well, I'm talking a about a case I see with sublime like
import sublime, sublime_plugin

class ExampleCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
self.view.insert(edit, 0, "Hello, World!")
indentation lost there but you get what I mean. that but with the right indents!
^ that's the API documentation for sublime text 2 (text editor that uses python for coding of its plugins).
so I don't think my issue is whether it's passed by reference or by value
^ that code works by the way.
I just don't understand what passing a parameter to a class, is doing.
and I notice that the parameter isn't given a variable like (to use pseudo-code) function(String a) or function(blahobject a)
So you are really talking about where the class is defined in the line
class ExampleCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand)
yeah that line there with the word class in it
just gonna tkae a quick dump(poo) back in 1min
The subLime_plugin.TextCommand isn't a variable to be passed but another class the the new class is inheriting from.
Goto section 9.5 Inheritance for some more info on this
2 hours later…
print('Good morning world!')
2 hours later…
So. Early. :(
I have a question about floating point numbers.
Why does 1.1 + 2.2 in Python isn't 3.3?
Q: Replacing text according to list

Mihail NatanychI have text in file, like this: One reason the Fed is likely to wait until early 2014 to begin easing back on stimulus efforts is that policy makers there simply will not know if the labor market is gaining or losing strength before then. Not until December will the monthly jobs survey ...

this shows a lack of effort.
I would say for a beginner he put in a lot of effort. - But yes, the question should be closed.
Anyway, I gave him a nice answer: stackoverflow.com/a/19535909/1561176
@cpx It has to do with the way processors work with floating point numbers, I actually had this conversation with a friend (whom is much better at hardware than I) but I must admit that I can not recall the specifics on why it work out like that
@InbarRose lol
the imports for tornado have changed.
@cpx Because IEE754. In Python, like nearly everywhere else, floats are floating point numbers, which are basically stored as m * 2^e, so you can only really represent fractions that are representable by 2^e.
good morning on this bloody monday
Oh, right. It's always a random day with you (usually mondays). It's been a while.
@InbarRose +1 for answering (arguably) dumb questions with lambda xD
@NoaJohanThorstensson :)
@cpx If you want full precision, you can use Python’s decimal type which essentially never forgets any precision and is unbounded.
@NoaJohanThorstensson So where is my +1 ? :P (I see talk, but no action)
Don't worry about it, I don't care about rep, just being silly :)
I'm actually pretty new here on stackoverflow and I where trying to figure out how I would give you rep here from the chat :/
@InbarRose ^
You can't you can only vote up or down on questions and/or answers.
That's the only way to give rep, that and bounties.
lol, I just saw that you also linked to nltk, go all in much?
I remember reading about IEE754 floating point standard an year ago but I forgot how the binary representations work. I'll need to read again :\
Damn, some people just need to learn how to write: stackoverflow.com/posts/19535970/revisions
essentially it's (-1)^s * m * 2^e where s is the first bit, e are the following 8 and the rest m. At least for single precision floats. Python (like others) uses double precision where the numbers are 1/11/52.
Wikipedia has a nice image for this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_precision
@InbarRose such a fundamentally 'wat' question.
yeah it's been a while Inbar ;)
Good to see you back, shame its on a Monday ;-)
A question about the floating point thing: stackoverflow.com/questions/19536203/…
@poke , use your knowledge to answer! :)
@InbarRose Guess I’m too late :P
All the time...
@poke You know, you can always answer questions after they have been accepted, if your answer is better it might get accepted instead, but regardless you will get up votes if its a good answer. Lots of old questions you see, the answer that is accepted will only have a few up votes, and other answers will have much more.
There isn’t much to add to mgilson’s answer though ^^
But overall, speed often decides about the amount of votes you get... unfortunately..
And gold badges + rep.
And avatar
Sometimes gender (in combination with avatar) ;)
Cleavage ^
Should put some cleavage in my avatar.. "poke cleavage" huh?
But that is a given on any forum, online, offline.... whatever.
The sun is making fun of me..
I’ve been slowly wandering from one side of the room to the other, in hope to escape those few sunrays that make it hard to read anything on my screen <_<
Well this is bad
Very, very, very bad
Python interpreter doesn't work on OS X 10.9 D:
@Haidro You're brave if you upgrade on the first day!
Eating the apple never was a good idea.
Experienced Apple users wait to see what kind of experiences people are having
@GarethRees My dad got pissed at me actually for updated
Because I didn't ask him
And if necessary, wait for the .1 release
Say that adam and eve ;)
experienced apple users don't use apple products
@PaoloCasciello Experienced apple users people don't use apple products
everything else is working fine
although my brother has had internet problems on his computer
@Haidro: which Python is this? Is it /usr/bin/python?
How do I check
which python
What does it say if you type which python at the shell prompt?
I wonder when/if OSes will ever ship with Python 3...
got my first answer accepted today
you know, i just don't get it.
when i give a good answer, i get 4 upvotes
when a guy with 10K gives a good answer they get 9 votes
what gives man?
“To him that hath, more shall be given; and from him that hath not, the little that he hath shall be taken away.”
@GarethRees The rich get richer, the poor get poorer
@GarethRees Sounds like a bad omen :P
Whats worse, its the same friggin answer XD
@poke ubuntu ships with python3
@Paolo Really? That’s cool; but it still includes Python 2 as the default, right?
@Haidro That's interesting. What's your PATH?
@poke yup. you have both on the system. lot of their scripts still uses 2
@GarethRees Once again you'll have to guide me here
At a shell prompt, type echo $PATH
@Haidro That Python version is explicitely added to the path? That feels messy :o
guys i was talking to a long time so user
and he ddnt know there was a python chat room :P
we gotta get the adverts out
@poke So poke, what have you been poking into recently? :P
All sorts of stuff
So is the problem this one?
Q: Python crashing when running two commands

Patrick BassutPython interpreter is crashing when I run the second command. I have searched the web for this error and did not found anything. The error is showed below: Python 2.7.5 (v2.7.5:ab05e7dd2788, May 13 2013, 13:18:45) [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "...

yes, I saw that question before
Are you seeing the same problem? That is, a crash in the readline library?
I am getting exactly what that OP is getting
With call_readline in readline.so at the top of the backtrace?
Looks like it's this bug: bugs.python.org/issue18458
Should I try this:

cd /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.3
cd ./lib/python3.3/lib-dynload
sudo mv readline.so readline.so.disabled
Hey, can I be an owner of this room? I am always here.
being owner of the room means nothing
I doubt if that will fix things for Python 2.7
oh right, I should have seen the "3.3"
But it won't hurt to try it — if it doesn't help you can always move the library back
I’m so lucky that Martijn often formats the question first and then answers xD stackoverflow.com/questions/19538243/…
The problem seems to be that Apple have shipped the latest version of the libedit library
Which fixes a bug, but this fix breaks Python's attempt to workaround the bug
@poke ikr
Good on him though
But then he just keeps on expanding his answer more and more so I have to upvote it xD
You should send a crash report to Apple (the more people who complain about this, the more likely it is to get fixed soon).
nah, I'm sure many already have
I'll just wait patiently
See my parenthesis
Apple apparently use the number of duplicate bug reports as an indication of the severity of an issue. So you should send your report in to add to the pile
@InbarRose I don’t think you need to quote the close reason in a comment; as soon as it’s closed it will be displayed automatically ^^
@poke I feel he should have a chance to see the reason it's being closed and have a chance to change it. I feel a comment helps more than a close vote, its no extra effort on my behalf.
Anyway - off to lunch. ciao.
@poke Awesome, lets all cause some mayhem! :D
@InbarRose I think that’s why “closed” was renamed to “on hold” a while ago. Closed doesn’t mean the question is closed for good; it just means that the question should be improved first.
(Although I guess you could argue that it is too hard to get a question opened again)
@GamesBrainiac Sure! You first!
@Paco Cabbage
Okay, I need to figure out now if I can dim this room somehow..... <_<
Problem solved.
Hi all , need help in tastypie
@avi hi there - wassup?
@JonClements : actually i need to set the size of charField
maximum of 10kb
Q: How to set the size of char Field in tastypie?

Avinash Gargclass DemoResource(Resource): id = fields.CharField(attribute='id') text = fields.CharField(attribute='speechToText', default='') I want to fix the maximum size of text i.e 10Kb

@Avi you may wish to accept the suggested edit on your question: stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/3195780
So, when you say fix the size - in that in context that you're using a tastypie that handles post and put etc...?
yes while post or put i need to check the size of text
Umm... I imagine it should be simple - but never personally used tastypie to accept data to store
You guys HAVE to see this
Wow that's cool
Never knew Word had such capabilities
Word is amazing. Its just that MS's advertising department sucks
And people don’t use its full capabilities.. so they don’t realize what they are missing.
Don't everyone speak at once :)
That video is weird .
Yet I have to watch the whole thing...
1 message moved to Trash can
@Gelo welcome - but dumping questions not even related to this room's topic is a bit off... :)
gents, could I have made it any simpler?
A: tile operation in python

Games BrainiacIt simply repeats the numbers of elements in an array. If you have an array, like so [1,2,3], then np.tile([1,2,3], 2) will repeat the elements twice and make a new list. So explaining with some examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> ar = [1] >>> np.tile(ar, 2) array([1, 1]) >>> np.tile(ar, 3) arr...

@GamesBrainiac if the OP doesn't get the docs, and can't try it out theirselves then it's possibly a lost cause... You've also only covered 1D arrays
@JonClements That was the point. He did not get the examples, and they were quite good. So, I just stuck to 1D arrays.
Long time no cabbage!
@MartijnPieters Hey man. How'v you been?
seems like a good question, dupe?
@MartijnPieters howdy
@MartijnPieters fairly new group that might be to your taste: youtube.com/watch?v=6drfp_3823I
Thanks, listening now.
I have to split again though, meeting time. Cheers all!
@MartijnPieters laters
@MartijnPieters Lucy Spraggan has brought out a new album btw - I think you liked her
Today I learned, you can pass more than one iterable to map.
>>> map(lambda x,y: x+y, "ABC", "DEF")
['AD', 'BE', 'CF']
This will save me some measure of zipping :-)
That's good you've found it out though :P
I'm one of today's lucky ten thousand :-)
It's worth noting though: zip(a, b) and map(None, a, b) aren't quite the same ;)
You can pass in None for map's first argument?
Copious learning going on today.
yeah - it's the same as lambda L: L
Try changing the length of one of your strings in the example you've given
If only there were some way of finding out how a function in Python works
>>> map(None, range(10), range(5))
[(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, None), (6, None), (7, None), (8, None), (9, None)]
ooh, it goes past the end of the smaller one.
Incidentally, I see that the documentation for map doesn't mention that you can pass None for the function argument.
I'll submit a bug report and a patch, hold on
But it does mention that you can pass in multiple iterables. So for that bit at least, I have no excuse :-)
Say, it doesn't have the same behavior in 3.x:
>>> list(map(None, range(10), range(5)))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
Is it the same for filter etc..?
And it doesn't go past the end! This is quite a change.
>>> list(map(lambda a,b: (a,b), range(10), range(5)))
[(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4)]
Ah, no, they changed it in Python 3
The documentation for map in Python 2 explains that you can pass None
I wonder why they removed that feature. Did they add an identity function that you can handily pass in, in the place of None?
And then, there's something between the two...
>>> from future_builtins import map
>>> test = map(None, range(3), range(5))
>>> test
<itertools.imap object at 0xec9890>
>>> print list(test)
[(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2)]
What do you guys think of my way-too-much-work answer? stackoverflow.com/a/19542055/1561176
@Inbar that is way too much work :)
I think the idea is that you need to explicitly use itertools.zip_longest when you want to fill in missing values
@GarethRees interesting that from future_builtins import map doesn't behave as per the future builtin map though
I'll miss the zip-longest behavior of 2.7 map, which I learned about five minutes ago :'-(
@Kevin you did without it until now - you'll survive :)
begin dreamy flashback of the time we spent together. Basically reread the last page of chat while playing sad music
For best results, wave a piece of gauze in front of your monitor, to get that soft hazy effect.
I'm not surprised... but I'm in a quandary whether to display sympathy for you, or just slap you
Anyway. This whole line of inquiry came about due to a question I answered.
from future_builtins import map is just shorthand for from itertools import imap as map
Pool.map accepts only one iterable. How unexpected!
I have mixed feelings about that post. I got the green checkmark, but the OP asked an identical question ten minutes later, because my solution caused a pickle error???
Maybe if his follow up question mentioned my code or the error he subsequently got, that would be fine... But I've been cast aside :-(
I feel I should be getting more love here
So you get the 2.7 version of imap which has the func=None behaviour
Incidentally, the source code has the explanation for why the fill-in behaviour was dropped:
"Itertools are designed to be easily combined and chained together. Having all tools stop with the shortest input is a unifying principle that makes it easier to combine finite iterators (supplying data) with infinite iterators like count() and repeat() (for supplying sequential or constant arguments to a function)."
I hear Python 3.X has no limit or no range for 'int' types. Is this really true?
This is also true for 2.7, if you consider a "long" an int.
>>> 10**100
It's quite nice for mathematical problems, when you don't want to double check whether you've overflowed every step :-)
@GarethRees Interesting... nothing more than a standard way of expressing it via an import then. Although - doesn't help forward compatibility if using None as a function... wonder if anything in 2to3 identifies for that...
@Inbar we love you here just fine ;)
This time I think a bug report is justified
What does this do?
>>> import sys
>>> sys.int_info
sys.int_info(bits_per_digit=30, sizeof_digit=4)
@JonClements My original answer even answered the OP's surprise question.
@Inbar I've voted already... you're loved... :P
@cpx do?
It returns a limit for integers in Python but it was said that there is no limit.
I don't think either of those two values represent a "limit"
The documentation says,
@JonClements Appreciated, you think the answer is good though?
> bits_per_digit: number of bits held in each digit. Python integers are stored internally in base 2**int_info.bits_per_digit. Sizeof_digit: size in bytes of the C type used to represent a digit.
@Inbar it shows the hard way, and the use the batteries included way... so useful for the OP if they wanted to learn stuff
@GarethRees I'd expect either a map which doesn't short circuit and takes None or it doesn't None anymore
I like the amusing colloquialisms in the things you say.
I like the title of this question:
Q: Best Aspect Ratio Formulas in The World

user1240328If you work with images you could meet the problem when you need to get image width from its height; and vice versa. So, if you do it quick-and-dirty you risk that h != H(W(h,ratio),ratio) because h&w are integers and ratio is a rational. So you need W and H integer functions. Then: w = W(h, r)...

I need the very best... In the world!
Would... "go and ask a question on SO?" be a reasonable comment?
Hmm, right. There is no max or min function for ints as available in case of floats:
>>> sys.float_info.max
>>> sys.int_info.max
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#49>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'sys.int_info' object has no attribute 'max'
Hello. Is there any type of network where python people are signed up to?
StackOverflow? :-)
@Kevin lol, but we're so few
But there's still sys.maxsize which I don't know what it is for:
>>> sys.maxsize
comp.lang.python sounds like it is a veritable firehose of posts.
build it and they will come - she said
> sys.maxsize - An integer giving the maximum value a variable of type Py_ssize_t can take. It’s usually 2**31 - 1 on a 32-bit platform and 2**63 - 1 on a 64-bit platform.
Doesn't seem to have anything to do with ints.
Thanks for filing that, @GarethRees. I'd upvote it, if such a mechanism existed there :-)
@GarethRees an attribution to the transcript here would be good - although not required I guess :)
Ooh, are we about to become Internet famous? I've never been mentioned in a bug report before.
For the sanity of the maintainers, I try to keep reports as short and simple as I can, so no links to external docs if I can help it
But if I missed something, let me know
For maximum simplicity, you could have your examples take only one iterable. I don't think having two is much of an obstacle to comprehensibility, however.
heya Dawg
anyway to capture kdawg ONLY in this string using regex
basically all the characters which are not between the <>
of course. that's actually a very simple regex
OR you could just split by < and take the first element
regex is my pal!
so regex please.... :)
my emails the best or what?
you want this function.
>>> from email.utils import parseaddr
>>> parseaddr('kdawg <[email protected]>')
('kdawg', '[email protected]')
@Thieftmaster lol - great minds think alike :) (but fools seldom differ apparently) :P
>>> email.utils.parseaddr('helpvampire <[email protected]>')
('helpvampire', '[email protected]')
I would prefer regex though.....
Anything up until < then.. it's not difficult... what have you tried so far :P
@JonClements \w+
@KDawG Where does this data come from?
why the hell do you want to use a regex when there's a stdlib function doing exactly what you need?
not-invented-here syndrome is a bad thing.
The only explanation I can come up with, is, it amuses him to see us do busywork.
wow.. I'v just started using Cython -- although I don't know a single line of C/C++ coding atm -- and probably my algorithms could be better, but I could make a 10x faster code in only 30 minutes.. it is impressive..
btw cabbage folks!
@GarethRees its classified as per the 58th amendment of the super secret**2 stuff........
@Kevin: Guess why I used that email address in my example :>
@KDawG We'll take that as it comes from the world on which only you live then :P
How about, we'll give you a regex if you give us a thousand word essay on why regexes are preferable to the builtin function.
@ThiefMaster k man, I'll do with email.utils.parseaddr
@Kevin I give up :P
The specification is here: RFC2822 §3.4
told ya I was a secret agent...
this is why you don't want to use a regex:
>>> email.utils.parseaddr('"foo bar" "lol" <[email protected]>')
('foo bar lol', '[email protected]')
"secret troll" probably fits better :)
Only slightly related, but fun to share: the thousand character long regex necessary to properly parse email addresses.
And I think that's only using Perl regex, which has lots of bells and whistles that may not be available to us.
That's why I'd just check for *@*.* and then simply try sending an email to it...
sup guys
That's quite a gain, @PeterVaro :-)
@Kevin oh and I think it will be more :)
@JonClements, always fun to see a question like, "how do I remove the comma from my list"?
@PeterVaro the disturbing fact is that cython is so undocumented how the yam did you get on with it?
@JonClements long time no see
heya @hanley - indeed - how've you been?
@Kevin well - we've got a regex answer now...
good i supposed. getting used to this new married life lol
@KDawG I read the documentation, and googled a lot, and watch some cython tuts on youtube -- the usual:)
@here I had to imagine what the Q was stackoverflow.com/a/19539978/2425215
@PeterVaro so your brains already compatible with C?
I think people that ask that kind of question, also expect to see the name of a country on the ground while they're flying over it in an airplane.
@KDawG not yet -- I already started this..
The comma does not exist in the list. It is part of the representation of the list. Likewise, the names you see in an atlas do not actually appear in real life.
@PeterVaro I'd recommend ya c.learncodethehardway.org
yeah I actually started that ^
@KDawG, I think you've got a typo here: "Your question is as unclear as it could be however while debugging I reckon I found the problem"
Did you mean, "Your question is unclear as it could be [insert something that the question could be here]. However while debugging I reckon I found the problem"
@Kevin here comes shakespeare :D
but after a 2013 SciPy conference tutorial I am convinced, that you can make Cython code as fast as a native C code
especially if you are an unexperienced C dev
@Kevin will edit....
anyway, I'm off to luch!
Ah, I see. You mean, your question is as unclear as it could possibly be. I didn't read that crucial "as"
rbrb in 40
@Kevin will not edit if thats the case :P
I thought you meant, "your question is unclear, as it could be A or B", where A and B are possible interpretations of the question
@PeterVaro rhuarb
Muphry's law is in effect... Good to see that the universe is running as expected.
Wonder if that "How to kill a running Python" question is closed yet :P
This one?
41 mins ago, by Jon Clements
Three votes so far
It is a trick question. Pythons do not run, as they have no legs.
Err... not sure being possessed of legs is a requirement for a lot of definitions of "run" though
D'oh, that joke was made like three times in the comments. Real original, self!
@Kevin it just had to be though :P
True, @JonClements. Stockings run, and have approximately the same shape as a snake.
Water runs...
And computer processes run, as well. Say, I think we're on the right track here.
I gotta disappear too, rhuarb all!
@KDawG laters

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