I have text in file, like this:
One reason the Fed is likely to wait until early 2014 to begin easing
back on stimulus efforts is that policy makers there simply will not
know if the labor market is gaining or losing strength before then.
Not until December will the monthly jobs survey ...
@cpx It has to do with the way processors work with floating point numbers, I actually had this conversation with a friend (whom is much better at hardware than I) but I must admit that I can not recall the specifics on why it work out like that
@cpx Because IEE754. In Python, like nearly everywhere else, floats are floating point numbers, which are basically stored as m * 2^e, so you can only really represent fractions that are representable by 2^e.
essentially it's (-1)^s * m * 2^e where s is the first bit, e are the following 8 and the rest m. At least for single precision floats. Python (like others) uses double precision where the numbers are 1/11/52.
@poke You know, you can always answer questions after they have been accepted, if your answer is better it might get accepted instead, but regardless you will get up votes if its a good answer. Lots of old questions you see, the answer that is accepted will only have a few up votes, and other answers will have much more.
I’ve been slowly wandering from one side of the room to the other, in hope to escape those few sunrays that make it hard to read anything on my screen <_<
Python interpreter is crashing when I run the second command.
I have searched the web for this error and did not found anything.
The error is showed below:
Python 2.7.5 (v2.7.5:ab05e7dd2788, May 13 2013, 13:18:45)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "...
Apple apparently use the number of duplicate bug reports as an indication of the severity of an issue. So you should send your report in to add to the pile
@poke I feel he should have a chance to see the reason it's being closed and have a chance to change it. I feel a comment helps more than a close vote, its no extra effort on my behalf.
@InbarRose I think that’s why “closed” was renamed to “on hold” a while ago. Closed doesn’t mean the question is closed for good; it just means that the question should be improved first.
class DemoResource(Resource):
id = fields.CharField(attribute='id')
text = fields.CharField(attribute='speechToText', default='')
I want to fix the maximum size of text i.e 10Kb
It simply repeats the numbers of elements in an array. If you have an array, like so [1,2,3], then np.tile([1,2,3], 2) will repeat the elements twice and make a new list. So explaining with some examples:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> ar = [1]
>>> np.tile(ar, 2)
array([1, 1])
>>> np.tile(ar, 3)
Pool.map accepts only one iterable. How unexpected!
I have mixed feelings about that post. I got the green checkmark, but the OP asked an identical question ten minutes later, because my solution caused a pickle error???
Maybe if his follow up question mentioned my code or the error he subsequently got, that would be fine... But I've been cast aside :-(
So you get the 2.7 version of imap which has the func=None behaviour
Incidentally, the source code has the explanation for why the fill-in behaviour was dropped:
"Itertools are designed to be easily combined and chained together. Having all tools stop with the shortest input is a unifying principle that makes it easier to combine finite iterators (supplying data) with infinite iterators like count() and repeat() (for supplying sequential or constant arguments to a function)."
@GarethRees Interesting... nothing more than a standard way of expressing it via an import then. Although - doesn't help forward compatibility if using None as a function... wonder if anything in 2to3 identifies for that...
> bits_per_digit: number of bits held in each digit. Python integers are stored internally in base 2**int_info.bits_per_digit. Sizeof_digit: size in bytes of the C type used to represent a digit.
If you work with images you could meet the problem when you need to get image width from its height; and vice versa. So, if you do it quick-and-dirty you risk that
h != H(W(h,ratio),ratio) because h&w are integers and ratio is a rational.
So you need W and H integer functions. Then:
w = W(h, r)...
> sys.maxsize - An integer giving the maximum value a variable of type Py_ssize_t can take. It’s usually 2**31 - 1 on a 32-bit platform and 2**63 - 1 on a 64-bit platform.
For maximum simplicity, you could have your examples take only one iterable. I don't think having two is much of an obstacle to comprehensibility, however.
wow.. I'v just started using Cython -- although I don't know a single line of C/C++ coding atm -- and probably my algorithms could be better, but I could make a 10x faster code in only 30 minutes.. it is impressive..
The comma does not exist in the list. It is part of the representation of the list. Likewise, the names you see in an atlas do not actually appear in real life.
@KDawG, I think you've got a typo here: "Your question is as unclear as it could be however while debugging I reckon I found the problem"
Did you mean, "Your question is unclear as it could be [insert something that the question could be here]. However while debugging I reckon I found the problem"