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01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

@coltonoscopy ahhh - hello there :)
@JonClements howdy! haha sorry i sort of popped in, popped out!
3 hours later…
@Kevin I come the point where the bottleneck is not the drawing itself, but the eventhandling.. Finally I draw 400 000 vertices and as you can see it only takes ~5% of the full computational process ('draw' method of _gl_._vao object)
so definitely Python and c_types were the weak links
3 hours later…
Hey guys
guys do you know how to bind all alphanumeric characters to a widget in tkinter?
äh ... what do you want @Mirac7?
it's too early and the bloody coffee won't work really ... can you give a sample
Q: Variable not found in the outer class scope

warwarukI have this code: class SimpleModel(ModelBase): class Attributes(ModelBase.Attributes): class __metaclass__(AttributesMeta): def __init__(self, cls_name, cls_bases, cls_dict): super(__metaclass__, self).__init__( cls_name, cls_bases, ...

this was an interesting question
@ColinO'Coal something like widget.bind(all,myFunction)
where all is 0-9, a-z and A-Z
@Mirac7: mhm, what I want to know is, what do you want to do with this?
when user enters text in text widget to add tags according to current text...
i wanted to use stringvar.trace() but i can't assign variable to text widget
@ColinO'Coal never mind, i'll just make a loop to update tags alongside mainloop...
mhm, k ... interesting behavior
cbg all
cabbage jon
Heya @Colin and @Paolo - how you guys doing?
i'm fighting with an android build :D
Injecting coffee to come up :/
Use an EMP!
... since 3 hours
bloody short nights
ahah no i need to make it work not blow :D
@Colin they're long when you can't sleep though :P
@Paolo oh... well deploying the EMP is much more fun... are you sure you need to make it work?
yeah i agree.... :D
@GamesBrainiac bah never mind that comment if you saw it - the OPs not going to appreciate it and is far too confused about stuff at the moment anyway
heya @Zero - good pint and burger?
I ended up having fish goujons, but yes, thanks :-)
Well - somewhat different than a burger... but glad you enjoyed it :)
Bumped into a friend I hadn't seen for a bit, who made a point of antagonising locals in the bar by supporting the Brazilian team over the Chilean one.
I think everyone has one of those mates
He's a nice guy actually - although he works with PHP by choice, which is very strange.
Reminds me of the time there were a couple of Germans rubbing in the fact they'd knocked England out... They ended up in the pond outside the pub
I'm often curious who choses to work with PHP though... it's just errrr
Somethings are reasonable in it, but a lot of the time, it feels too much like C
and then not quite like a language as everything's just kinda "added on"
His argument (which is a strong one, I admit) is that it's what customers ask for, and so terrible he's guaranteed lots of support work.
Big corporate clients - national telecoms companies etc.
There is that side to it
Woohooo mystery hour is on in 9 minutes...
and they're doing the first studio cam version of it
(massive fan of James O'Brien)
@ZeroPiraeus That's the "Albatross Consulting" model
morning @poke
Good morning! Potato?
(need to look for an appropriate cat)
@poke Potato... Melon. Potato?
I’m banana, melon
(Who need’s a cat, right?)
Imma be a godzilla
@poke that works :P
I think it's the same one as this guy
haha, what xD
@JonClements You're showing us your dark side, eh? :P
Mushroom lettuce. Asparagus me Pears. Let me know what's going on.
hi again @coltonoscopy
how's it goin, @JonClements!
@coltonoscopy good thanks - had to try and get some sleep last night... you'd just vanished :P
Umm.. audit messages can be edited...
haha my apologies, i was at work and shortly after our conversation, they needed me to remove a bunch of ceiling tiles in our new office since im the only guy willing to do so :p
whoops sorry i should keep quoting your name so you receive the notifications @JonClements
ahhh.... you should have told them it was a hardware problem :)
@JonClements haha my boss just really likes the aesthetic of open ceiling environments because of some other buildings around here. its certainly an interesting look. no functional benefit though!
Well, ceiling tiles provide extra insulation which keeps the building warmer.
i imagine, @InbarRose. too bad the building is always too frickin cold because they give us no control of the ac for some reason! :p
Well, insulation works both ways.
I'm missing a do while loop in python right now.
while True:
does code here work the same way as it does in questions?

while True:
I’ll never understand some voters… sigh
hmm my whole post turned into code for some reason lol
It's more complicated here
@coltonoscopy I think you will have to send separate “lines” for code and text here
ctrl-k adds a level of indentation to your message, if all the lines in a message are indented, it becomes code. So you can't just copy code here.. because empty lines aren't indented... blah blah.. its a bit annoying until you get the hang of it.
I'm loving this: lbc.co.uk/… - I like mystery hour and James O'Brien is one of my favourite presenters....
You said that already.
@InbarRose ah well ill just go with @poke probably and make separate posts :p
@Inbar I know - it's worthy of being mentioned twice... if not more :)
from the uk, @JonClements?
Of course :)
awesome id love to go there sometime. my boss is a big fan of england, has been there many times
I'm on strike for 45 mins - although I may make observations about mystery hour
@JonClements He's pretty good ... was just chortling over the "bus stop" thing.
That video is choppy and annoying.
i actually had no idea stack overflow had chat channels until yesterday
Well, are you pleasantly surprised?
Some of us are in here way more than others, and probably most likely way more than we should be.
actually yes, its a pleasant feature. it's nice to see everyone talking about not strictly programming
i see some of you guys having absurd reputation levels and wonder how long it must have taken
Well, You are welcome to check my profile to see I have been a member of SO for 1 years, 2 months
Though I would have expected SO to have a case to handle "1 year" instead of writing "1 years" I will let it slide.
But I don't think you are talking about me.
8.8 k, certainly not bad @InbarRose! i saw someone yesterday who had 153k and wondered how in the world that happened
Martijn :)
time and dedication
@coltonoscopy I apparently make around ~10k per year…
It’s not really simple, because getting rep is based a lot on luck…
@InbarRose He even has gold badges for lists and dicts? Oh wow..
luck helps, its based on skill.
i wish i were skilled enough to be making that kind of rep, itd be nice
@InbarRose I unfortunately disagree. Most rep comes from damn simple question/answers…
how does one typically acquire a gold badge?
Those that require a lot of work or knowledge are usually so special that not really many people care enough about it to look at it or upvote it even
You are entirely entitled to your own opinion.
@coltonoscopy You get a gold badge for a score of 1000 for that tag. Before comes silver with 400 and bronze with 100.
@InbarRose Well, I have been playing this game a bit longer now, so that’s actually based on experience and not just an opinion.
interesting i never realized it was on a per-tag basis. nice to award specialties
I just think the term "luck" is used way too loosely.
And saying "rep is based on luck" is something I entirely disagree on.
I believe that luck does have a factor, but I would not go so far as to say that the whole thing is based on luck.
Well, yeah, of course, I give you that… But you still need quite a bit of luck to be around for the right questions and to be fast enough etc. – it’s a sad that it’s not entirely based on the quality of the answer, but that’s just how it works.
A: What is ++a doing in Python?

Games BrainiacTake a look at this console session: >>> a = 10 >>> ++a 10 >>> +a 10 >>> -a -10 >>> --a 10 Basically, ++a == +(+(a)), and --a == -(-(a)). This one's to hit the concept home (and for fun): >>> ++++++++++a 10 The following code sample serves no purpose other than to show you how much fun pyth...

did I go overboard here?
That definitely constitutes as "luck" but I don't think that those specific cases are ever the bulk of someones rep source.
@GamesBrainiac No, why? Looks good :)
@GamesBrainiac Are you wet?
Martijn puts a lot of time and effort into his answers on Stack Overflow
@poke lol, I was like you can make ascii art from this :P
Luck doesn't come in to it at all
@GamesBrainiac That's a bit unrelated.
@InbarRose I know
           /\ /|
          |||| |
           \ | \
       _ _ /  @ @
     /    \   =>X<=
   /|      |   /
   \|     /__| |
     \_____\ \__\
heres a bunny.
Yea, I do think I'm feelin a little high
Personally I would find it hard to summon up the enthusiasm to write RTFM answers like this, but Martijn does it day after day:
A: What is the best practice to add tuples to a set?

Martijn PietersWrap your initial node in list or tuple: exl_set = set([a.node]) to not have it interpreted as a sequence of values. The set() constructor interprets the argument as an iterable and will take all values in that iterable to add to the set; from the documentation: class set([iterable]): R...

@InbarRose We could define new operators :P
@GamesBrainiac Not as high as that bunny
do people ever offer you guys jobs here on the site, say after youve assisted them with something non trivial (or even subjectively trivial)?
Martijn has.
@GarethRees He's a nice and busy guy.
I mean - gotten jobs
Also Jon.
@JonClements say hi.
@coltonoscopy I've been offered, but not in this room.
I made it to 200 rep in a day
SO seems like the place to look for a company looking to seek out someone very skilled in a particular domain
@InbarRose i did notice that yesterday, certainly a useful subdomain to have
If you make a profile there
You can get job offers, or, also recommendations for job hirings
@Inbar think it's invite only though (or some completely vague rules about being able to have a profile)
@JonClements Well if you have high enough rep on so, you can make a profile
@JonClements i think i saw something about that yesterday as well. no matter though; happy with the current job :] was just curious about all of you who have much higher reps than i do!
I have 5 invitations >.<
I know for a fact that google contacts you if you have 80K+ on SO and have a gold in C++.
If someone needs an invite for careers, I have 56 atm…
haha thats pretty awesome. i just imagine someone from a company posting a question about a technology theyre using, seeing someone who totally rocks at that category answer a question, and being unable to resist contacting that person for potential employment opportunities
I was offered a 1-time job.
Someone wanted me to write his code for him and offered me 5 dollars on paypal... I politely declined....
@Games I've been getting 3/4 emails a year from google for the last 5/6 years :P
@InbarRose Where?
@JonClements ahahahahahah
@InbarRose lmao
@JonClements Seriously? Awesome o.O
Anyway, I’m out for a bit, see you later!
@InbarRose this takes the cake
@poke Cya pokey! :D
@JonClements i trust you must be very content with your current employment situation :]
@poke see you later!
He works from home. Of course he is.
@coltonoscopy he works for himself
@Inbar and everyone here to keep me company... what more could a puppy want :P
@InbarRose oh ive been there. who doesnt like working from home?
@JonClements that's certainly the goal for myself one of these days :] im glad you enjoy what you're doing
@JonClements a head scratch?
@Games ooo... you offering... waggles tail
@JonClements He has a beard too.
Big Bearded Jon.
Any self-respecting programmer is allergic to sunlight, consumes copious amounts of caffeine and has a decent beard :)
@JonClements Check, Check, Check.
@jon i have all but the beard
@JonClements You forgot to add "drop dead sexy"
@coltonoscopy There is an edit option for your chat messages.
Shorthand is to just press the up key.
what the hell, my rep isnt increasing? is this what you guys call a rep cap?
@InbarRose so there is! many thanks
@Inbar Since it was a reference to myself - I thought that was a given and need not be explicitly mentioned
@GamesBrainiac Yep, 200 daily rep cap.
@InbarRose that sucks
@Games now you just need to focus on accepts :)
@JonClements thanks for the tip dawg! :D
tht was fast :P
Well, if you must know - the bathroom is quiet close to where I sit, and I only needed to be in there a short while.
@Inbar sounds fascinating - tell us more...? :P
Well, I get up (while pushing my chair back) and then take a few steps to the left, then I walk a few steps forward, then to the right, then forward, then turn to the right for about 10 steps, then I go through a door, I then walk a little bit, turn left, open another door, then I look for an available receptacle for me urine and unleash my torrents. I then find a sink and wash my hands, and make my way back to the desk.
It may have taken me more time to write that than to do it.
Ahh... so when you take a few steps to the left... do you strafe left, or rotate left and walk forward?
I strafe left
Okay - I just want to make sure we're completely clear on how you do this
When I turn I say turn
Okay - did the door require opening?
Not this time. But sometimes.
@JonClements My question exactly.
@InbarRose I see, how open, what angle?
and I'm not sure I'm happy with "walk a little bit" - you start by quantifying steps, then you just get lazy...
Well... If you must, I will draw you a diagram.
With annotations I hope
@InbarRose Are you going to use MS paint?
@JonClements I'd prefer a comic skit
People may mock... but it could have been the most important 2 minutes (or whatever) of time that has or will ever occur in the entire universe!
The balancing point of all time and space
What is that sketch thing - I might have just drawn on it
Meh, I dunno.
@GamesBrainiac Not exactly.
Umm.... different
It would appear someone doesn't like someone posting a picture of their cat in PHP
howdy @lime
How's it hanging?
Ask @Inbar - he was being extremely descriptive about things in that department :)
46 mins ago, by Inbar Rose
Well, I get up (while pushing my chair back) and then take a few steps to the left, then I walk a few steps forward, then to the right, then forward, then turn to the right for about 10 steps, then I go through a door, I then walk a little bit, turn left, open another door, then I look for an available receptacle for me urine and unleash my torrents. I then find a sink and wash my hands, and make my way back to the desk.
@Inbar you're supposed to follow the tradition of starting with... "Are you all sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin..."
From when? for whom?
@InbarRose Do wat deh dawg says mon :P
i be octowitchdoctor
@GamesBrainiac You high or Jamaican?
@InbarRose We're all high here bro.
@Inbar I thought the former could preclude the later, but not the other way around :P
I'm at work.
Cut me some slack.
@InbarRose Aww, you must love us sooo much :)
Too goof off of work, and join us in our weird endeavors :P
How do I respond to that >.<
@InbarRose Don't make that face, it reminds me of you going to the toilet :P
┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)
I wanna buy some pringles
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l` \` `.`."`-..,-' j  /./ /, , / , / /l \   \=\l   || `' || ||...
 `  `   `-._ `-.,-/ ,' /`"/-/-/-/-"'''"`.`.  `'.\--`'--..`'_`' || ,
@InbarRose that is aweeeeeeeeeeeeesome
@JonClements albino skin, living in cafes, goatee w/handlebar
Hi @the_minted
I reached 244 guys! :D
@IntrepidBrit was wondering where you were :P
That's a lot of boyfriends :P
@JonClements chuckle
@Inbar it was just too good a chance to miss :(
@JonClements lol
i still dont get it
@JonClements - sssh. I'm lurking
sssshhh's (as Python like as possible anyway)
you're opening up too many ssh terminals guys
you never heard of sssh ?
super-secure-shell ?
Aww - that's probably 'cos I'm making it up... so - fair play :)
but i have heard of the cookie monster
@GamesBrainiac ?
@InbarRose You wouldn't know him. Only people with cute avatars do. Right jon ? ;)
That's a thought
Why isn't there an sssh?
@IntrepidBrit for the same reason that there isn't a ssssssssssssh
@IntrepidBrit maybe there is.. but everytime someone tries to mention it, people think they're telling 'em to shut up
@GamesBrainiac super silent stealthy stainless spamproof subversive strong spork-laden schmazing secure shell
That already exists ;)
Ah, SSH already has perfect forward secrecy
I didn't realise it did
makes note to self to ensure all of his SSH connections are PFS in future
@IntrepidBrit you forgot sexy
Oh, there's nothing sexy about it. It looks like it's been crafted by fingerless midgets
@IntrepidBrit Why midgets? Are they less good at crafting sexy things than non-midgets? I think that's somewhat offensive to midgets. Not only that, but traditionally in fantasy, "short folk" like hobbits, dwarves, and gnomes, and elves (not the Tolkien ones, the small fairy ones) are good at crafting things.
You're right of course. I typed it, coded for a bit, thought about the midgets bit, went to edit it and then realised I couldn't any more
tisk tisk
I guess you've really got to be careful what you say in jest in the twitter age. Tomorrow, I could have a minority social rights group picketing my house
@IntrepidBrit as long as they can climb over the curb I guess
I don't have a curb :(
Imma buy some crisps
Damnit, the word curb looks wrong. I keep wanting to write kerb. As in kerbel space program
Well, maybe they'll fall foul of the drains
well, kerb is UK - so I should slap myself for that faux pas
Oh fantastic work by whoever did this wiki entry:
A curb (US English), or kerb (UK English), is the edge where a raised pavement/sidewalk/footpath, road median/central reservation, or road shoulder/hard shoulder meets an unraised street or other roadway.
Talk about covering bases
He's got it in the wrong order
(or she)
@IntrepidBrit Then you are doomed.
@Inbar looks like it may well be when I have some spare thinking power going :)
I'll give you a brief summary.
In short:
Just going over all possible 256-bit keys (AES or not), requires an enormous amount of simple operations. Each such simple operation requires a minimal amount of energy (moving electrons etc).
Thus the overall energy required to brute-force a 256-bit key, is itself incredibly huge.

To compare, if you convert the entire mass of the Sun into energy, (using E=mc2) – e.g. by nuclear-bombing the sun and generating electricity from the explosion energy – you get only one billionth (0.00000000046) of the energy required for this attack.
@Inbar I doubt many people try to break encryption starting by bombing the sun... :P
hey again @aIKid
hey @JonClements
Seems like you're online all the time.
@JonClements But, that could be an interesting story for a sci-fi show... Some future mega empire that bombs solar systems to crack encryption keys.
Well, it kind of happened in Star Trek Generations...
Since the dawn of time, man has yearned to destroy the sun.
@ZeroPiraeus erm, I doubt it. Man has always relied on the sun.
Even worshiped the sun at times.
@Inbar sorry, it's a quotation (from Monty Burns).
Although - now you guys have put the idea in my head... sounds like a good challenge for the weekend :P
Umm.... I might be toying with the feeds into this room in a mo' @InbarRose
That's gotta be the most interesting discussion i've ever seen in my early life..
@JonClements NOO!!!! FEEDS ARE BAD!!!
That thread, i mean.
Not if they're carefully selected :)
@JonClements Well, then it must be put to a vote.
Well, we'll see if I can get the feed working properly first
whats going on..
Jon is about to cross the streams, or something.
Or not... as I've broken something... anyway...
i have one question why python give 0.1+0.2 = 0.30000000000000004.
and chrome console also
Floating point error.
A: Floating point representation error in Python

TiboYou can think of 0.1 being a rational number for a computer - a rational number whose decimal expansion is not finite. Take 1/3 for instance. For us humans, we know that it means "one third" (no more, no less). But if we were to write it down without fractions, we would have to write 0.3333... a...

why not for 0.3+0.1 ??
@MONTYHS because in one case, the floating point representation of 0.3 isn't the same as the result of adding the floating point representations of 0.1 and 0.2, whereas in the other case, it is.
0.3        1111110011010011110011001100110011001100110011001100110011001100
0.2 + 0.1  1111110011010011110011001100110011001100110011001100110011010000
0.4        1111110011011001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011010
0.3 + 0.1  1111110011011001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011010
(interesting, where sitting around here will take you. I'd never gone looking for a represent-a-float-as-binary Python function before)
@Zero There's probably a reason for that...
Are you familiar with float.as_integer_ratio?
(0.1).as_integer_ratio()(3602879701896397, 36028797018963968)
@GarethRees Nngh. Yes. Completely slipped my mind though.
This looks like a better entry-level account of the issues than my first link: docs.python.org/3/tutorial/floatingpoint.html
@JonClements Ouch, that hurt.
@poke you're a student though, right?
@JonClements Final semester, but I’ve been working in the industry already for 5 years now.
Umm.. well... time you grew a beard then me ladio :)
Does 3mm of stubble count as a beard?
I don’t want one though :(
01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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