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I tried to do something like:
hours_ = int(values[1].split(':')[0])
minutes_ = int(values[1].split(':')[1])
total_ = hours_ +':'+ minutes_
sheet.write(line, 1, total_, style_main)
But retrieves that error: AttributeError: 'datetime.timedelta' object has no attribute 'split'
You need to write strings
not timedeltas
values[1] is your timedelta, right?
I think I just found the solution then
do a dir(values[1])
sheet.write(line,1, str(values[1]), style_main) , works..but comes: 10:00:00 and I want 10:00
I'll have to split.
dir? Let me try
It will give you a list of attributes
With "dir" I get this error: Exception: Unexpected data type <type 'list'>
(methods and attributes)
That's for debugging
>>> dir(datetime.timedelta(hours=2, minutes=3))
['__abs__', '__add__', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__div__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__floordiv__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__mul__', '__ne__', '__neg__', '__new__', '__nonzero__', '__pos__', '__radd__', '__rdiv__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__rfloordiv__', '__rmul__', '__rsub__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__sub__', '__subclasshook__', 'days', 'max', 'microseconds', 'min', 'resolution', 'seconds', 'total_seconds']
You can do some maths
using the total_seconds method
to get the hours, and the minutes that you want to save in your excel sheet
seconds = values[1].total_seconds()
hours = int(seconds / 3600)
minutes = int((seconds - hours * 3600) / 60)
my_string = '%s:%s' % (hours, minutes)
sheet.write(line,1, my_string, style_main)
something like this
I should import fibo, sys?
Because it's retrieving me the error saying that
AttributeError: 'datetime.timedelta' object has no attribute 'total_seconds'
what is your python version ?
I am using python 2.7
It might have changed in Python 3
timedelta.total_seconds() in python 3
so it should be working
put a pdb in your code
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
just before the line that fails
ok, 1 minute please
then when it opens the pdb
do a dir(values[1])
well, I tried to run your code, but this on "Loading..."
I dont know if you know the platform OpenERP?
The code I'm trying is the following:
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
seconds = values[1].timedelta.total_seconds()
hours = int(seconds / 3600)
minutes = int((seconds - hours * 3600) / 60)
my_string = '%s:%s' % (hours, minutes)
sheet.write(line,1, my_string, style_main)
Well, I went like an infinite loop because it doesn't get out of "Loading..." (it's like running the code)
pdb puts the program into a "wait" status
it expects commands
but if you don't have a shell to put commands into it, that's gonna be a problem
Ahh, thats the problem.
well, yes, I don't have xD
I remove that line of pdb, and now I receive the same error.
you need to display (somehow), dir(values[1])
what python version is it ?
the total_seconds method was introduced in python 2.7
I think it's the most recent..so v3.
and python 3.2
the documentation says: Equivalent to td / timedelta(seconds=1).
I have this working this way:
so you can try this
current_value = str(values[1]);
hours_ = current_value.split(':')[0]
minutes_ = current_value.split(':')[1]
total_ = str(hours_) +':'+ str(minutes_)
sheet.write(line, i + 1, total_, style_main)

Is this a worst approach?
seconds = values[1] / datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)
I don't need that "str" in hours and minutes.
do not forget to import the datetime module
yeah but doing a str() on a timedelta is ugly
I have the datetime imported.
so try what I put there
@user2742861 if you are doing something complex I seriously advice you to look into sqlalchemy
I think we're not looking at one point.
Isn't available to choose the format of time in the query?
I have this: sum(cast(servic.end_hour as time) - cast(servic.begin_hour as time)) as time_
it knows how to make timedeltas into postgresql intervals for example
@AnttiHaapala The problem is not postgres, it's the timedelta that it returns
And this retrieves: 10:00:00, there isn't a option to only get 10:00?
@user2742861 Have you tried what I told you ?
Actually no, I've lost myself. Let me check again the conversation.
timedelta or interval is not in minutes, hours etc...
Otherwise, in postgres, you can format your timedelta into a string, that's another way of doinf it
timedelta.total_seconds works on py2.7 too
@user2742861 thinks he is using python 3
but total_seconds was introduced in python 3.2
but I don't know what version he is working on
@Paco you advised me to put something like:
seconds = values[1] / datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)
hours = int(seconds / 3600)
minutes = int((seconds - hours * 3600) / 60)
my_string = '%s:%s' % (hours, minutes)
sheet.write(linha_, i + 1, my_string, style_main)
no one should be using py 3.0 - 3.2
How do I know for sure which version I'm working on?
@user2742861 yes, it should be close to that
minutes = int(seconds) / 60 % 60
>>> import sys
>>> sys.version
'2.7.4 (default, Apr 19 2013, 18:28:01) \n[GCC 4.7.3]'
Remember I don't have any debugger.
or just on the very first line of command prompt usually...
I code on notepad++ and then I execute online.
You should perform all these operations on your computer first
I'm working on windows as well.
then make the sys.version to go into your output :P
With that code I showed to you, i get this: AttributeError: type object 'datetime.datetime' has no attribute 'timedelta'
sys.version? ok let me try
then from datetime import timedelta, and use timedelta, not datetime.timedelta
the datetime module is awful, imo
I got the version..
and maybe is because of that..
2.6.5 (r265:79096, Mar 19 2010, 21:48:26) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
hahhah :D
I'd kill myself at that point :D
I am using python 2.4 in work
Even I am surprise..
So don't complain :P
I thought this platform had the python more updated.
paco: embedded?
No, old project going on for 10 years
I think I'm going to stuck in my solution..even if it's not the best approach xD
paco awful :P hope you don't meet any bugs in the core :P
there are loads /o\
2.4.6 was published in 2008
the best bugs are the ones with with oneliner you can crash the interpreter
wiht segfault
The framework coded in Java with Python
Well, guys, I go lunch. Thank you very much.
did you fix it ?
did you try my solution ?
prolly not :P
With my solution. Yours keeps giving me error.
But maybe I'll try later. @AnttiHaapala gaved me another advice about importing. Thanks!
@user2742861 You need to understand what you're doing
and understanding the errors you get with my code
I haven't tried it myself
but it should be pretty close to it
another funny title
Q: I'm using SQL Server 2008

user2786796I'm using SQL Server 2008 I have a table where timesheet is filled weekly from monday to sunday and I'm saving start and end date of the week but when retrieving the data dates selected may be any day of the week. example if selected date is 15/8/2013 and 30/8/2013 and dates saved in table is f...

At least tags are right
A$ap help, How can I remove a certain word from a string?
@KDawG loads of ways of doing that
what's your input like ?
@Paco 'http://sri-lankan.net/postal_codes/colombo'
I wanna remove 'http://sri-lankan.net/postal_codes/'
so end result is 'colombo'
@Paco but it produces ['', 'colombo']
[1] at the end
so it returns 'colombo'
@Paco oh thought it was the first method, ma badd
@Paco BTW thanks a whole lot fellow helpful-pythonian! Cheers!
You're welcome
If my solution helped you
maybe you could star it ?
@Paco it was a small problem I solved bigger ones with the help of others here but I know ya want a bronze badge??
meh, it doesn't really matter ;-)
@Paco bronze badge right??
Yes, indeed
@Paco I'm afraid your gonna have to spend a little more time here cause many of them get the f*ck out after they get that badge ;-)
Yeah I understand that
I come here, whenever I feel like it
@Paco you just gotta the badge mate! for being a troll :D
And it's only a bronze badge, so that's alright
I wasn't trolling :P
@Paco never take me seriously I'm sorta retarded in online chatrooms :P
If I were trolling, I would have talked about text editor
@Paco yeah would a guy with 1.4k rep ever be a troll, answer that if ya got the guts!
Everyone is a troll
even if it's not obvious at first
I really like these namedtuples
I think I might use them over and over
Anyone use the unittest module? I just started looking at it last night.
Trying to figure out the right way to construct my project with tests in mind. Should each class file contain their respective unit tests? Should I put all my tests in one tests directory, separate from my source directory?
@PeterVaro sorry missed your comment
@PeterVaro you misunderstood, cad needs many different views and all of them must be capable of seeing the real model, or otherwise there would be many presenters. However there is only 1 set of operations you can use to influence the model (the controller), even though these actions would be mapped through the view itself...
SOAP is not well supported in python. Is this True?
@rogcg partly...
@rogcg poor documentation maybe...
I haven't used it in some time and my advice is most probably outdated by now......
there are good soap libraries (suds, soapy). the problem is who implements the server
in a lot of cases are crappy microsoft implementations..
that, you can guess, are not standard compliant
got it.
@AnttiHaapala but in that case, why is it a big problem, if there is one Model and one main Presenter and several sub Presenters connected to that and each sub Presenter is connected to a View. If a UserInput is coming from one of the views, the Main Presenter alerts the sub Presenters to modify their views, and the main Presenter is changing the model <--- is it over-engineered, or what?
what would be the correct implementation? One Model, one Controller and several Views connected to that Controller?
// BTW I'm aware of how a CAD program is working -- I'm an industrial designer:)
peter: how many cads have you written :D
@AnttiHaapala NONE:)
although I was working on one, as a designer
but back then, I did not know how to code
so I just designed it, and all the UIs and UXs were my duties
anyway, my point is that the many views within the cad need to access the model straightforwardly, but the commands that act on the model are universal and thus told to a single controller. In essence you'd have MVC at that point but call it MVPWMSP or whatever :P
@rogcg a real can of worms...
But in these cases @AnttiHaapala, why developers are not implementing the MVVM pattern by Microsoft?
have had the "pleasure" of calling a simple service for which WSDL exists...
@PeterVaro many are doing something like that, and incorrectly call it MVC. People are idiots.
morning gents, I'm trying to use seleniums htmlunit driver and setup the browser instance using this line:

driver = webdriver.Remote( desired_capabilities=webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.HTMLUNIT )

but I get the following error: <urlopen error [Errno 61] Connection refused>
Anyone have an idea as to why? I've looked around on the webs for that error related to what I'm doing and I can't find anything useful...
@sadmicrowave good luck :D
interesting.. anway, if you are interested, this was my project (a startup) although it was shut down a month ago -> my team was break up, we couldn't get the fund what we needed, and everybody got tired.. devsigner.net
@sadmicrowave I have this periodic mental illness you know, it manifests itself as an urge to try out selenium... however it goes quickly into remission for obvious reasons...
actually we stopped actively working on it for months now, we were negotiating with VCs..
@AnttiHaapala do you have any alternatives other than mechanize that you use?
@AnttiHaapala yesterday I was searching for ready-made MVVM implementations in pure Python (CPython, not IronPython bindings) and could not find any -- no one is using it these days?
@sadmicrowave nope, we don't do net testing anymore. Selenium just does not work for ajaxy pages. POS.
@sadmicrowave I mean, we never encountered that specific one you see... but instead selenium just never was useful, the test results were always like 1d20 + 80 ... :P
@PeterVaro i admit i never heard of that MVVM pattern... i searched google.. i opened a page and i closed it after 1 minute of reading.... that thing is antipythonic :D
so i'm not surprised there aren't frameworks implementing it in python world
well, it was originally designed for WPF and Silverlight
no surprise in that :D
it's a typical MS overengeneering
I can't say, I'm much fan of MS but I have to admit
i'm the opposite... :D :D
that MVVM makes less code and more freedom on designing, testing and modifying GUI apps
sorry I missed the NOT
stupid grammer
what I want to say is I hate MS
in fact i remember you were using osx
What is the better approach so I could sum 04:40 with 01:00 and get 05:40 ?
I'm using OS X for only one reason (I really want to switch to Linux -- I'm trying every three-six mothes)
in that implementation i see a lot of code.. useless code that reminds me of when (years ago so it may have changed) i first saw zope...
because OS X has great apps for designers, 2D/3D, music, etc.
@user2742861 take a look at the datetime module
yeah i imagined that :)
Yes, I'm looking at this function: datetime.strptime, am I going well? I need to convert from str to time.
anyway, the idea, that you can create 1 Model and 1 ViewModel and as many Views as you want -> all you have to do is bind the events -> is a pretty neat idea
yup. strptime to convert to a datetime object. then you add a timedelta of 1h and you're ok
a great idea in academic form... in real life there will be a moment when the castle will fall.. when you've to do the thing that goes through the pattern :)
well that is true for all kinds of the patterns, not just for MS'
btw patterns is always a very interesting argument
as I said yesterday to someone -- I do believe, that there will be corner-cases where all patterns will fail, but because I think of myself as a newbie, first I want to learn and use these patterns, so that I could forgot them later
reminds me of this aleax.it/gdd_pydp.pdf it's not tied to a specific pattern but on the importance of following one but not in a religious way. :)
and choose the best method for a specific solution
that's how we all should work :)
@PaoloCasciello, but when I look at the timedelta, it says this:
datetime.timedelta(hours=9, minutes=30)
If I want to get the number "9" and "30" I need to split the string from (09:30), am I wrong?
@user2742861 correct
@user2742861 datetime.strptime(...) to get the datetime object
then create a timedelta object with the diff time you want to add.. like timedelta(hours=1)
and then date2 = date1 + timedelta1
So I need to initialize the "global" variable as timedelta?
Sigh, stubborn people are so annoying. Even better when they claim the documentation backs their point when it really doesn't...
total_vertical = datetime.strptime('00:00', '%H:%M')

sheet.write(line, i + 1, total_, style_main)
total_value = datetime.strptime(total_, '%H:%M')

here's the problem -> total_vertical += total_value
any one now how to use pinax?
2 hours later…
Mission: Fix bug
Bonus missions:
- refactor one-character variable names
- remove session variables only used locally
- encapsulate repetitive behavior in its own function
progress: all complete
Score: S+++
Congratulation! You are a super developer!
Begin bonus stage now. Collect 100 coins for 1-up!
Get equipped with: energy drink. Super meter full! Use quarter circle back + punch for combo move FLAWLESS CLASS DESIGN
Fatality! See you on the cloud!
I demand a serial downvoting exception for idiots who serial-post bad answers.
What is the best code coverage tool for Python?
@Kevin FLAWLESS CLASS DESIGN is sleeping with the fishes now.
Always plan to throw the first one away.
Into the ocean.
Hey people!
How are ya?
Filled with existential dread. You know, the usual.
mmmm dread
Does someone know how to access a property object directly? Without it being called, ya know? A property object set with @property. I'd like to overwrite it… but I'm having a max recursion depth reached : )
you need to modify the class, not the instance
> The following methods only apply when an instance of the class containing the method (a so-called descriptor class) appears in an owner class (the descriptor must be in either the owner’s class dictionary or in the class dictionary for one of its parents).
So if you access the class they won't apply and you can access the property itself instead of "using" it
@ThiefMaster Do I? I wanted to create an attribute only when accessing it. So I intended to remove the overwrite the property object with the value I wanted it to have
Mmmh, checking that out.
hm, look at how werkzeug's cached_property is implemented.. afaik it overwrites itself with the actual value which seems to be what you need
obj.__dict__[self.__name__] = value
Thanks :) I could just simply sticks with the property object but that would mean that I would have to check if the value exists or not every time I access it and creating it if needed
@ThiefMaster Aaah, I think this is what I was looking for! I was trying __getattributes__ but I got it all wrong
/me testing
I like to prevent that problem by initializing members in the __init__ method. If the object exists, its members exist. Simple :-)
@Kevin ?? Does it create the attribute (and its content) when creating the object??
(not what I'm looking for)
class Fred:
    def __init__(self):
        self.foo = 23

f = Fred()
#f.foo definitely exists here even though I haven't done anything with it yet. No need to check!
Oh, what I actually want is to generate a content, only when accessing it, not before.
How about,
class C(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._x = None

    def x(self):
        if self._x == None:
            #do initialization here
        """I'm the 'x' property."""
        return self._x

    def x(self, value):
        self._x = value

    def x(self):
        del self._x
(mostly lifted from the docs)
Then it checks its existence every time. I thought this was pointless if I was able to overwrite the function which creates it
My code so far:
Hmm, the above doesn't work too well if you del c.x and then access it again...
class application:
		def args(self):
			self.__dict__['args'] = urllib.parse.parse_qs(self.environ['QUERY_STRING'])
			return self.args
But I guess I have to change the last line too!
(it would make sense)
from werkzeug import cached_property :p
if you don't use it, just copy&paste it from there - using a new decorator for this is much cleaner
i think the reason why your code doesn't work is that @property is always a data descriptor, which means that a corresponding entry in __dict__ won't override it
it seems to work now, with the second line changed
what is weird is that I can't access app.__dict__['args'] before accessing app.args.
Like if ... I never actually overwrite it
but recreate it every time! easy to check!
@ThiefMaster this can't be black magic :p it must be 'stored' somewhere
we must be able to do something about it, right?
why is it weird that you cannot read it before you access it?
a property (or any other class-level variable) is not in the instance dict but the class dict
yeah, it seems like it is recreating it every time
right! argh my brain hurts
I can't change the class itself, right?
I mean, I could but this would be pointless then
Lazy loading is hard. Let's go shopping!
you could change the class itself but it would affect all instances.
that's why i'm telling you to use a custom decorator instead of @property. the one i linked only implements __get__ so it can be overridden by the instance dict
Will the cached_property also works for py3? I'll try it later. I have to go.
yes, werkzeug is python3-compatible
Yeah, and that's greate :)
@ThiefMaster Whats the best code coverage tool for python?
no idea, the last time i used a code coverage tool it was in my first semester at university and for java because we had to. ;)
@ThiefMaster Do you use any tools?
just the basic stuff like pep8 and sometimes pylint
ahh, arrite
Goodnite folks! :D
(and cabbage!) :-P
Just here for 20 mins or so.
I'm hesitant to close a question where the OP promised to improve it later.
Moot point, though, as the OP removed it.
Cabbage folks
@Kevin: and what if the OP forgets?
@Kevin: the question can always be reopened.
that question was terrible, it should not have been posted to begin with.
Hey @MartijnPieters, can I offer you a drink?
Seems to me that there's a lot less enthusiasm for reopening posts, than there is for closing them. (ex. How often do you see the reopen-pls tag in chat?)
To having guided me towards WSGI and helped me quitting PHP once and for all ☺
Users that are merciful and have fantastic memory could leave it open for a day or so, and then vote to close if no improvement occurs.
@JeromeJ: Sure, what have you got for me?
IMO the best outcome is the one that happened. The user should remove his post, and post a new improved one later, that doesn't have to overcome the additional hurdle of requiring five reopen votes before anyone can answer.
@Kevin: but do note that quick self-deletes of posts with negative votes weigh against you when it comes to the automatic question ban.
if that user does that too often, he will no longer be able to ask questions until he can improve the quality of those posts dramatically.
Noted. With any luck, OP will learn the secret of good questions before that point :-)
@MartijnPieters What would you like? I often promote this chat as being awesome, that there are a lot of skilled friendly guys in here, including some people with tons of reputation points (like you I told them). What could I do more?
Oooh, you are in Belgium..
That'd have to be a good Trappist..
We have great beers, great chocolate, great waffles, … ahaha
Rochefort, or Westvleteren...
I am drooling now, not fair.
@MartijnPieters I don't know if you would advise that but I opted for no-frameworks personally. I do pure WSGI with mod_wsgi (Apache). Any opinion on that? I received ton of opinions already.
I want to code less framework, more python.
I personally love Pyramid's style.
I wonder why OP expects 10k users per hour for what looks like a programming 101 algorithm?
10k users cracked per hour?
anywho, need to run, cheers all!
I think my code is fine devutopia.net/helloworld.py Although many people disagreed but didn't tell me what would be better (except telling me tons of different frameworks' name :p)
(go to the http instead of ftp to see the live version)
I keep seeing a comment I wrote a few weeks ago, being reposted all over the place. It basically says, in friendlier terms, "you're new here, and don't know the protocol. Provide a SSCCE please. Don't make it harder for us, because we're all very lazy".
It's probably the most popular piece of content I have created for the site :-)
@MartijnPieters I'll check it :)
does anyone here have experience with pysimplesoap?
i keep getting "Cannot find dispatch method for {}" on requests that i know should return a value
Hello, I was curious about how do you guys name a tuple variable in python? A tuple might contain something like: (id,age,sex) or (merchId,locationId). How would you name such a variable?
what do you mean by name?
@PatrickCollins I strongly recommend using SUDS: fedorahosted.org/suds
If you mean variable name, use the general name for that collection of data.
@Lattyware yeah, I meant a variable name.
So if you have (name, age, height, weight), you use person, or whatever.
Be descriptive.
Variable names should describe, (ideally in a word or few words) what the data is, in a casual way.
that way reading through the code is easier
@Lattyware And when the 2 values are not really related very closely like get_db_conn() returns a tuple if 2 db connections: (loc_conn, merch_conn). Can that be named connections_tuple? or just connections?
No need to append the class name to the end of the name. connections is descriptive enough. The reader can guess it's some kind of iterable, because it's plural.
never add the type into the name
as it's both redundant, and it means that you are less likely to duck type
or rather, more likely to feel it has to be a tuple
@zengr suds has issues with python 3, i think
If the values are not related, it probably shouldn't be a tuple.
or rather, you are not thinking about it hard enough
@Kevin @Lattyware Got it! Thanks!
connections would seem fine there, although there might be a more descriptive name
it all depends on context
the reader should be able to guess roughly how the code works from the names, is the idea.
And besides, if get_db_conn ever gets rewritten to return a list, connections may remain unchanged, but you'll have to change all instances of connections_tuple to connections_list, or else leave it in a confusing state
Exactly, type shouldn't matter in Python, at least, not directly
all you care about is that it's some kind of collection you can iterate over (or, more likely in this case, unpack into individual variables).
although those two are equivalent in Python.
Personally, I had a problem that did require appending the class name. I had an HTML table designed to hold a list of widgets. each row was generated by a repeater object, which used an ORM to get values from the Widget table and put them in a widget object that I'd use to render columns. In the end, I had something like widgets_table, widgets_repeater, widget_entity, and widget_obj
The thing is, that's not really needing the object name
it's just needing a descriptive name for what it does
and the classes used the same name
sometimes I worry about my naming scheme for integers that express the amount of something. like, is connections the number of connections currently open? Or is it an iterable of the actual connection objects? Can I expect the reader to figure it out from context?
I try to avoid that by naming it connections_amount or something, but it feels a little unnatural. I would prefer my code to resemble written English where possible, and I'm more likely to say "there are 2 connections" than "the amount of connections is 2"
generally the usage is clear enough you don't need to distinguish
I agree. I'm just trying to find the right balance. If your project has 60 contributors, it pays off to spend an extra minute typing longer variable names if it saves each maintainer one second of confusion.

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