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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

Did I mention that I'm bored at school? -.-
4 hours later…
I just saw myself get 5 upvotes in 5 seconds
hmm.. its seems requests object don't store cookies from some sites
Q: Blender - three.js export - Linked Groups

mmmmmmI have a blender scene containing an Instance of a Linked Group. When exporting to three.js, the geometry for the elements of that group are not being exported as separate files. If I append (not link) the group to the scene and then select "Embed meshes" when exporting the json files contains ...

2 hours later…
is there any good javascript video capture?
cabbage ;)
cabbage FoxMaSk
would cng mean cannage? xD
@suhail Not in the Python chat room.
@Jerry Damn I reckoned no one saw it :D
damn em typo's
@KDawG I can see everything.
@KDawG Yea, I didn't see anything. It was Inbar Rose
@InbarRose yeah, cause now they put a pencil mark after an edit right?
@KDawG That is indeed true, but that is not what I saw...
@InbarRose be more specific would ya...
Being specific is boring.
@InbarRose whatever you say fellow pythonian :>
@Simpsono hey
2 hours later…
Blending with blender ♥♥♥
Hi Good morning friends........
good afternoon
hi friends
whats wrong with this line
elif int(results.server) == 1 or results.server is None:
getting typeerror
Try having the conditions the other way round
that way if results.server is None, int won't be called on it
@Volatility sorry
did not get u
did u mean to reverse the statement
elif results.server is None or int(results.server) == 1:
got you
Hate when no good answer gets accepted
Q: Why am I getting the error: command 'llvm-gcc-4.2' failed with exit status 1

BryanWheelockI am setting up os X 10.7. I am using the default install of Python: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/ I use a Python based package manager called easy_install. Easy_install seems to not be able to find the compiler. EDIT: When I tried to install MySQL-python...

BryanWheelock: seen 2 days ago
i don't see the "use an OS suitable for programming" answer there... :D :D :D
any one know a good python programmer
must be good in PySide and QtDesigner
I know a few great Python programmers.
atm I'm getting deeper into software architecture design -> what do you think about using MVP or MVVM over MVC?
Not sure - I am not a web dev
me neither
I'm doing this for a desktop app
Then you don't need to follow any strange patterns. Do what you want.
well, it is a bit bigger than that...
I mean it is very complex, and I really need a good system, to work with, so that I can change the GUI anytime I want
or update the model, without rewriting the whole app
also writing unit-tests for model, etc.
* by changing the GUI, I mean the GUI engine, not the colors or styles
Peter - you already know what you want then.
@InbarRose yeah... but I have no experience on which strategy to use.. :P
Do people still care about patterns anyway ?
@ereOn if they are unexperienced on designing a complex system -- I guess yes
@PeterVaro: Fair enough. But I honestly believe at some point one shouldn't care too much about patterns and just make what makes sense.
MVC has the most support out on the web. So I would say it is best if you plan on doing this on your own, as you will have better support information available.
Yeah, I'm not saying it's useless or bad practice, just that it probably doesn't deserve a specific naming, or "set of rules" (aside common sense)
@InbarRose all righty... thanks anyway:)
When trying something for the first time, I would say go with the most recomended and comprehensive thing out there.
Argh, I feel like I'm lagging behind in terms of rep
Stupid mudkips :/
But, like always, I'm not bothered to do anything about it :P
@Volatility it's okay - we still love you, you randomly generated avatar person you :P
Cabbage fellow Pythonistas! :D
I don't care about rep at all
That's like "I don't love you for your money - I love you for your personality"
@InbarRose I don't care as long as I have more than 3K.
After that, I don't want my rep to reach 10K
Cuz then, I'll get annoying messages to moderate this and moderate that.
@InbarRose Same strategy eh?
I was thinking of making the occasional troll question
@GamesBrainiac sounds like a fantastic idea to make friends and influence people :P
@JonClements Thanks Jon! :D
Speaking of trolls, I'm glad our friend Python Newbie has gone away
@Volatility who was that?
@Volatility Maybe they're doing an occupy protest somewhere and a bit busy at the moment...
@GamesBrainiac a troll
An incredibly persistent one, too
Well anyway, I think I'll go to bed now
Unfortunately still have school :/
someone here is also on codereview.stackexchange.com ? i put a question other there but no one is answering oO :D
@Volatility we'll wait until you start working - then it'll be "I wish I was back at school" :P
It doesn't have much traffic, that site
@Jon -.-
Anyway, rhubarb guys
rhubarb guys
@Volatility if I put my question on SO 'im almost sure it'll be closed for OT because it should be asked on codereview :/
Today is legacy project day. I'm working on a project whose last maintainer no longer works here.
Feels a bit like deciphering cave paintings. More so because it's Visual Basic.
@Kevin VB should be deemed a swear word in this lounge! :P
Its so useless
why hello old friends
First task: this project depends on an API that changed at some point. Replace all the CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORE properties with PascalCase properties.
I just vomited in my mouth a little. Who knows how many properties there are? I don't, because it only reports them missing one at a time. Fix one, clean/build, another appears.
Wait... I thought java had firstWordLowerCase and python had lots_of_fucking_underscores
Hopefully I don't accidentally replace REPORT_FREQUENCY_WEEKLY with ReportFrequencyDaily by accident or something
Yes @Crowz, but Visual Basic is not Java or Python
(we are all very thankful that Python is not Visual Basic)
those ALL_UPPER_CASE things always remind me of C which gives me nightmares D:
I'm thankful that the user included a screenshot of the exception he got, although I wish he hadn't sent it to me embedded in a PowerPoint file.
There's an epidemic in my place of work, of naming the second version of a project "new [projectname]". Well, it doesn't feel new when it hasn't been opened in five years.
@PeterVaro youtube.com/watch?v=ElHslw5wMWg -- if someone is interested:)
Hi people
what's up, what's up
It's my first time here, will it be helpful to hang around here?
heya @rajat
it depends on you:)
do you have something specific, you need help with?
not right now, i just started python 1 month ago.
and i find it amazing
first programming language?
i have worked with c# and c++ before
but now i can't imagine why the whole world doesn't use python for everything!
we have the same feelings here;)
it's plain english, with lot less restrictions than other language and compulsory indentation which forces you to produce cleaner code.
Ohk, i will come back here if i have something specific that i need help with, right now i don't understand the user of tuples, if you know can you explain me the gist of it?
I'm glad you think about Python that way
actually you can be here without any question I think this is a really friendly room
with a good community here!
what is the real question about tuples?
what are they good for?
what operations are allowed?
when to use tuples and when to use lists?
do you understand the differences between mutable and immutable data types?
mutable means one which can be changed at any point in the program ?
ohh that sounds interesting
Cabbage y'all
cabbage nihiser
@rajat OK, first of all, did you know, that anything in python is an object?
yes, like c#
and java
okay. so that said, a mutable data type is an object that you can change during its lifetime
I mean
Two of my favourite characters in a tv series got married
lets celebrate
if you crate a list and append elements into it
the original list object will change, by holding the new elements
but an immutable object like an integer
will never change, it will be replaced
so when you type 0 + 1
the zero won't change to 1
a completely new object will be created
and that will be 1
now, list -- as I mentioned above is a mutable object
while tuple is not
because the same objects keeps changing again and again
when we make modification into lists?
yes, exactly
so when is tuple beneficial over lists ?
what are some popular uses of tuple ?
@rajat when you append, pop, sort, etc
well, tuple is smaller in size and if you only store data once, that you want to pass around
unpack it or read it only
than tuple is better, faster
don't really mean to disturb anyone but is there any method to remove all html code from a real big string??
if you want to create an object that will change during its lifetime, then use a list
list is bigger in size
also really fast
another example is:
@KDawG, BeautifulSoup is the typical choice for all HTML-related problems
@Kevin duuuh I'm using bs4
lists are fast, awesome! tuples are faster, awesomer!
though I'm still new and retarded with bs4
@Jerry :)
ok got it.
when you want to sort a container you really want to use a list
@Jerry wrong dude
so i have append to a tuple the whole new object will be created and it will be slower.
I guess you could iterate through the node hierarchy, appending together all the InnerHTML values that you encounter
so when*
@KDawG Lists are faster?
@Kevin an example pleeaasee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@rajat when you do anythong with a tuple (except getting an element or reading the full tuple or passing it around)
a new object will be created anytime
@Jerry no they aren't faster at all, hate them!!!
thanks for the explaination, it's quite clear now
for example: (a,) + (1,) -> (a, 1)
the not the original (a,) tuple will be changed
@KDawG Why? They're mutable and can contain large amounts of data o.o
a whole new tuple will be created
@KDawG then what is faster?
@rajat yay;)
@PeterVaro cool!
got it
Thanks a ton!
OK, np
@Jerry nearly screwed me once by overloading my memory and a blue screen of death occurred when I stupidly appended about 10**6or16 strings to a list
@rajat sets are
@KDawG but sets are unordered!
we were talking about lists and tuples, because they are ordered data types
@KDawG Woah, what would you use besides a list then?
@Jerry arrays...
This is a good demonstration that any language will let you shoot yourself in the foot, in the right circumstances.
@Kevin haha!
@Kevin a very improtant lesson;)
Even friendly interpreted languages that have a thousand layers of abstraction between it and machine language.
what I mean by hate is just totally small, temporary thingy don't criticize I too use lists a whole lot
@KDawG Oh ok. Well, yea, I guess you can use that also
than sets,arrays or tuples
@Kevin about the bs4 removing all html code from a big str thingy...
It's probably something like, text = []; for node in document.iternodes(): if node.innerHTML: text.append(node.innerHTML)
@Kevin now where did ya learn that black magic!
First, don't be misled. The above code will almost certainly not work.
That's why I prefaced it with "something like"
That's just how I imagine it would work, based on my experience with the DOM when doing javascript development.
@Kevin so are you telling me that what I want is currently not possible?
@KDawG what are you trying to do?
By "not work" I meant, iternodes probably doesn't exist, and innerHTML might not be the name of the property, etc. The algorithm is sound.
@JonClements I'm trying to remove all html elements from a real big string
oh hey, lists are considered tuples in tcl... o.o
And it would be an awful blow to all of computer science, if it were impossible to strip the html tags out of a string.
computers would be worthless if they couldn't do something that straightforward.\
Yay! I finally got my python imports to work!
the str.strip() method seems useless in this case :/
and the str.remove()
and the str.replace()
what's the easiest way to round a number to a 10s place mathematically?
@Crowz round(1.1544,1)
prints 1.6
damn the mathematics when you have built in functions
@KDawG not quite that, I have an arbitrary number and I want to see which '10s place' it's in (like buckets)
and I'd rather not write a huge if/else
Please clarify. What is the "10s place" of 123.45?
or just 120 for short
>>> round(123.45, -1)
Beware that it also rounds up when applicable:
>>> round(126.45, -1)
You may just wish to truncate everything to the right of the ones place, using integer division: (126/10)*10 becomes 120. (only works in 2.7)
In 3.0 you can do integer division with a double slash. (126//10)*10
@Kevin (126//10)*10 isn't valid in python 2.7?
It is, but it's the same as the single-slash version unless you import the division future
+1 @ThiefMaster. Guess I should have gone with the forwards-compatible version first.
@ThiefMaster thats a good to knw fact
does counter.most_common make an inplace list that can't be returned or something?
What makes you think that?
nice time with all of ya cbg folk! see ya later.... |*_*|
See ya
This sample program confirms that the value given by most_common can be returned:
from collections import Counter

def frob(word):
    return Counter(word).most_common()

print frob("Hello")
Result: [('l', 2), ('H', 1), ('e', 1), ('o', 1)]
because I did something stupid, it returns a list I guess
which was screwing up my data, I was hoping it'd be a dictionary
That's a weird hope. The entire point of most_common is that it returns an ordered collection of the keys/values of the Counter.
Anyone here knows how to extract postgreSQL Month from a field?
I have this:

WHERE service.create_uid = 4 AND EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TIMESTAMP service.date_registered) = 3

But doesn't work..however, this:
WHERE service.create_uid = 4 AND EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TIMESTAMP '2001-02-16 20:38:40') = 2

If you want a dictionary, just return the Counter itself.
@user2742861 just give it the column name - get rid of the timestamp
got it:
WHERE service.create_uid = 4 AND EXTRACT(MONTH FROM service.date_registered) = 9
Yes, it worked. Thanks.
No problem - we've diverse in the Python room it appears :)
The SQL room was empty xD
The SQL room is empty because every time someone goes there, they find that it's empty and go to a different room to ask SQL questions.
@Kevin that's fairly philosophical :)
I propose a scheme. Every time someone receives a SQL answer, in any chat room, they should go to the SQL room and remain there until they answer three SQL questions from other users.
This should break the vicious cycle of the wandering SQL people.
I have discovered that my legacy app chooses which content to display based on a number of session variables, which are set in various other places throughout the site. So just to navigate to the page the user's bug appears on, I have to reverse-engineer the exact path he took to get there.
hey guys
@Kevin it just was weird because I Jsonified it and returned it then rendered it, so when I did most_common it looked very unusually visually
I appreciate that the original developer wanted to keep variable names short, but I wish they hadn't done so by truncating all words to three characters. GenRep_clk is a little hard to understand. Only a little.
verbosity is better cause you can tab-complete anyway so it's not much more typing and it's more readable
I think this application is from The Before Time, when tab complete didn't exist.
cabbage folks
woof woof
okay. So. This is probably really stupid but I'm getting a typeError on trying to retrieve a single key in a dictionary of dictionaries
@hanleyhansen how was your honeymoon?
I wonder why they call it honeymoon (checking to see Google's opinion on that)
Yeah... everyone knows it's made of cheese
oh...I thought it was made of bacon
Ooo... if it was made of both - that'd be cool
you just blew my mind
A honeymoon is the traditional holiday taken by newlyweds to celebrate their marriage in intimacy and seclusion. Today, honeymoons by Westerners are often celebrated in destinations considered or romantic. History of honeymoon This is the period when newly wed couples take a break to share some private and intimate moments that helps establish love in relationship. This privacy in turn is believed to ease the comfort zone towards physical relationship, which is one of the primary means of bonding during the initial days of marriage. The earliest term for this in English was hony mo...
lol.....I guess they realized that everything goes downhill from there on
Considering what you looked that up for... the fact it cuts off at the point it does, is somewhat ironic :)
well, get off your lazy paw and click something :-P
does anyone know a mature, fully functional, yet beautiful (probably hooked with graphviz) call-graph generator for python?
nope - is there one called pycallgraph perhaps ?
If in doubt - add py in front and see what happens :)
I tried that
but although it says it is Python3 compatible
it is not
eventhough I converted with 2to3
and started recreating the import hierarchy
but I stopped working on it -> I want an instant, working solution:)
Good luck :)
probably I am the worst developer out there -> after missed 2 weeks of working on my project
I completely forgot what I have done so far -- and I don't understand my own code -- or probably just too lazy to trace back what it does..
probably the latter :)
that's why I started to search for a good call-graph generator
@Kneel-Before-ZOD probably:)
hello @PatrickCollins
i need to get data from about 500 requests to a rest API. it's currently really slow (3-6 minutes). would it be sensible to try to run the requests in parallel?
if the results are not needed in sequential order, I would presume so :)
just multi-thread it :)
my understanding is that multi-threading basically doesn't work in python
because of how its interpreter is implemented
Love these variable names: Dim n, i, k, j, c As Integer
during I/O the GIL is usually released
ah, so since each thread is going to spend so long waiting around, there's a benefit in this case?
the threading module is bound by the GIL but multiprocessing isn't.
Of course - nothing helps if the API end point only responds to you once every n seconds anyway :)
i don't think it does any rate limiting, i think it's just slow (.2-1 second/query)
and i suppose i need to figure out the best number of threads through trial and error?
Then, you may not get any speed up - if the system you're asking can't optimise requests, then smashing it with multiple requests may actually make it slower :)
@JonClements that's also true; isn't multiprocessing too much for this (considering the overhead I'm assuming it will generate?) @Kevin
What's the purpose for making 500 requests anyway - and why isn't 5/6 minutes an acceptable time to wait?
I don't know the answer to that. I propose an empirical test: make the multiprocessing version and see if it's faster.
i'm trying to make something that interacts with lendingclub.com's "loan trading platform"
@JonClements just cause he can :-P
the current UI is really awful and it doesn't let you do any kind of filtering of the results -- so you have to poke through 500 pages worth of loans in order to figure out if there are any that you want
And, I see on their site.... We may terminate, disable or throttle your access to, or use of, this Site and the Services for any reason
my goal is to be able to have it start up and get a list of all of the current loans in, say, a minute or so when it launches, and then slowly go through the list while it runs
And you have permission to do so from the site owners?
if you run two requests simultaneously and both get accepted, what happens next?
if they complain i will stop, there's a decent number of automated tools out there that do the same thing, and i don't think those other tools have any sort of special access to the data
the two requests getting accepted simultaneously are fine -- one is "give me results 0-999", the next is "give me results 1000-1999"
so it seems like a good fit for some sort of parallelism
@Kneel-Before-ZOD it was awesome
had a really good time. so much food and drinks lol
lol....your honeymoon time was awesome because there was enough to eat and drink? (Hope your new bride isn't reading this) :-P
@PatrickCollins yeah.....that's the goal; or split them into 10 threads of 50 requests; or 500 threads of 1 request :-P
@Kneel-Before-ZOD How you doin buddy?
not bad.....hates Mondays like most employees :)
Arrite! :P
I'm on holiday, so yea! :P
lucky bastard you :)
@Kneel-Before-ZOD So, working on anything interesting?
umm.....not really; just work stuff and more reading :)
tried joining the python dev mailing list last week, but I haven't received anything from them yet :(
@Kneel-Before-ZOD lol what i meant was that the place we went was great, good food and drinks which we took advantage of lol
and you?
oh okay......anyway, women like food (they just don't like to admit it :D)
@Kneel-Before-ZOD Poor you! :P
lol.....well, just like any exclusive club (maybe not) worth its salt, one gotta try again and again till one's in; are you on vacation or something?
Troll or language barrier?
Q: Python Card game with queue

user73379"The magician takes out the thirteen groundbreaking limits of the game, holding them as a deck of cards face down and put them in the following way: Top Card stopped at the bottom, the next card is dealt face up, next brief stop at the bottom, the next card is dealt out, etc.. to the crowd's amaz...

In a question largely about how queues work, he writes:
> The program [should] also converse intelligently. For example, enter the sentence "I LIKE WHEN YOU HUG ME".
Just kind of flippantly adding in there, "oh yes, in addition to doing queues, it has to understand human affection"
It's like, "I'm trying to write a simple text-based rpg, oh and also it needs to calculate the optimal flight time and path for a vessel traveling between Earth and Mars"
the mudkips hanging out side by side xD stackoverflow.com/users?tab=Reputation&filter=week
"I'm writing a database to track my CD collection, and also solve the Traveling Salesman problem in constant time"
Mudkips are much more dangerous in groups. readies tranquilizer gun
More weekly rep than Jon Skeet!?
I didn't check his rep
but apparently yes
I got a bunch of accepts and fewer upvotes, so I haven't reached my daily cap yet
I was going to post the Are you a wizard meme, but imgur gave up on uploading it
Just sort of imagine that image being in chat, then
eh, oh well, I can't beat his all time rep xD
also, wasn't having much to do at work... so I got some time to answer some questions today
Is anyone here any good with lambda functions?
in python 3
I found this: `>>> nums = range(2, 50)
>>> for i in range(2, 8):
... nums = filter(lambda x: x == i or x % i, nums)
>>> print nums
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47]`
Even on slow work days, I don't get many answers in. I blame my time zone. All the Americans are awake when I am available to post answers.
but it's in python 2, and i'm not sure why it won't work in v3
IIRC, 3 moved the filter function from the builtin module to somewhere else. Gotta import it.
Or, wait, am I thinking of reduce?
there's still a filter function though..? it just doesn't filter, i got a printed list of range(2,50)
actually it gave me a filter object, but i printed i in nums, and it just gave me the whole list, not just the primes
Ok, you're iterating through it. I was about to say, print nums is a SyntaxError in 3
that's just because it doesn't have the brackets
put the brackets in and it'll go
<filter object at 0x00000000031D0438>
or similar
I suspect that this occurs because filter behaves in a lazy way.
how so?
As a quick bandaid, I suggest forcing non-lazy evaluation of nums during each iteration: nums = filter(lambda x: x == i or x % i, list(nums))
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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