If you're an intern, they can't expect much more from you beyond fetching coffee. If you're a full employee, how did you get past the technical interview if you don't have a clue?
My chief responsibility during my second internship was ordering lunch. I was pretty good except when ordering from the Thai food place whose owners didn't speak English.
well the idea is I need to take a list of objects, count a certain attribute of that object, and then I need to append many different characteristics of that object to the tuple and sort it so I come out with a dictionary or list of manipulated data
I write ballistic trajectory simulators that are simpler than that.
It will be really humorous to me if the actual problem you're trying to solve is something like, "find how many students in class got a B or higher on the midterm"
And you're just building this huge towering monolith of nested data structures when a single list would suffice
@JonClements, just looking around. Is it okay for a person (me) who doesn't know programming to ask a programming-related question in the SO main section? It relates to a gedit plugin which is in Python.
@vasa1 if it's about extending or the code of that plugin I guess, or the plugin is a tool used for programming... (as long as it's not a - how do I use this plugin) kind of question
@JonClements, I know how to use the plugin but I want to tweak it; it's the markdown preview plugin. I've asked at the author's site a couple of weeks ago but the author hasn't visited the site for a while now.
@vasa1 as long as you're not asking "how to" tweak it, but if you've tried to tweak it and have a specific problem with it that needs solving - it'll be okay. The FAQ that @Kevin linked you to is well worth a read
@Christian, Seems like a solid strategy. If something fantastical happens and you're not sure which actions will restore things to normal and which things will permanently destroy everything, it's best to just summon the boy and make him sort things out.
You better be prepared for the consequences when you convince granny that the computer is even more magical and incomprehensible than she originally thought
This is a list of the heaviest people recorded. The table includes each person's name, peak weight, their birth date, and years of life. This list is limited to those individuals who weighed over .
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!Peak weight
!Peak BMI
|Jon Brower Minnoch
|United States
|186 kg/m²
|His weight loss of approximately is the largest ever documented.
|Manuel Uribe
|155 kg/m²
|After worldwide media attention in January 2006, with help from doctors an...
@Jon, it's a bit "niche" in that not many people want to or need to modify the default appearance of html but it looks like there's a provision for doing so in the plugin.
I looked at the pypi classifiers and some guide to help me write the following script, and here's me wondering if it can be improved:
import xmlrpc.client
# pypi language version classifiers
PY3 = ["Programming Language :: Python :: 3"]
PY2 = ["Programming Language :: Python :: 2"]
PY27 = ["P...
Umm, didn't have much difficulty as I worked full time for some big companies for about 10 years before hand so was able to make a lot of contacts before going the solo route...
Makes sense, I only graduated just over a year ago. Still learning loads, probably going to try and do a bit of a mix staying with my office work. At least when I screw up I can point at someone and say 'It was his idea' ;)
To an extent greater than some other languages, Python developers focus on the "Pythonic way":
Python has a particularly strong idiom built around the idea that, "there should be one—and preferably only one—obvious way to do it".
Here are some recent, well-received questions that illustrate...
I have a list of server IP addresses, I need to check if each one is online and how long the latency is.
I haven't found any straight forward ways of implementing this, and there seems to be a few problems in calculating latency accurately.
Any ideas?
@EiyrioüvonKauyf electoral role processing, phone directory and name and address matching, credit scoring, real time sports events data, flight / route planning and tracking... etc....
@EiyrioüvonKauyf ahhh... Google - think I may of heard of that somewhere... how do I find out about it? excite? yahoo? dogpile? altavista?
@JonClements i'm so happy i don't meet people in real life sometimes. but then again the people i meet in real life don't do this ... well most of them
Oh, just simple stuff like if someone wants to go to syndey from new york, it picks out flights that connect with reasonable timings in between, from different airlines, and based on a budget and other stuff....
Well, that's more real-time data, but is fairly large... (throw in caching, bookings and other bits used for potential marketing across other sites...)
if I have a python file, which have a class (let's name it A), and in that class I instantiate another class (name B), and I exec() this python file, and as the third argument (locals) I pass an empty dictionary to it, why am I not seeing B class in it, only just A class?
@Tshepang Yes, I often pop in to ask a question that often are pretty trivial. I'm sure it generates some frustration. So I am trying to make up for that by appearing here and there without the need to ask questions.
When I was working my summer job. I would usually sit for an hour or two each day at a desk with nothing to do except check the BBC on a heavily restricted Windows XP system
Because I would paste my python files into notepad, and send them to myself to work on when I was bored. I did not access SO, so I spent most of my time devising solutions based off documentation and whatnot. Then send the text file back home to be tested that evening
I'm somewhat younger, so I was lucky to get the net when I was around 13.
Of course, I knew nothing about Python then, but decided to pick myself a small book about games programming that happened to be in python last year or so.