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hey there Jon
all right.. this stupid exec is freakin unbeliveable! is there a better way to execute a python script within an other one?
heya @CCInc
@PeterVaro you could import it ?
I came here to steal your codez :D
or I don't know.. @JonClements you will suggest imp.load?
@PeterVaro what problem are you trying to solve anyway?
@CCInc haha! you shall never find de codez.... they iz in a most secretz placez......
one mo -> givin dinnert to coltrane
@PeterVaro does he have dinner before or after jazz practice?
@CCInc how're you doing anyway? Keeping outta trouble and all that ?
I'm just going to inconspicuously slip away here.
@Xeon epic fail ;)
wiggles out of chat
@JonClements ;)
@JonClements Yup :D I just bought a server, so my bot shall be on chat fulltime
(and by server I mean a 5 year old laptop)
@CCInc excellent....
hahaha.... well, as long as it "serves" :)
@CCInc cabbagebot is launching on a new server soon... it's just been running on a laptop as well
I think quad processor and 16gb ram will just about handle it ;)
My Centino Duo and 2GB ram will blow that out of the water :P
You done your cleverbot integration thingy yet?
Naw, will ya give me a hand? I'm lazy :D
If somebody wants to take a look: stackoverflow.com/questions/18027205/…
Not sure I want to go back to network programming in C++ :)
Thought it was in C++ or C# or something?
@jdero I'd go for the ast.literal_eval to get your string back to a Python object... then use that...
Using a regex for that could break quite easily if you have strings with nested delimiters and such, which regex's aren't suited for parsing... (ie - it's not regular)
@JonClements Thanks, so basically it's a waste of time to regex the first expression when I could use ast.literal_eval?
@jdero yup - complete waste of time - you want ast.literal_eval
@JonClements Naw, my bot's in JS
I work in C# and C++ tho :)
Ahhh... that's probably what I'm thinking about then...
@jdero you just want: ', '.join(ast.literal_eval(s)[1:])
@ChristianCareaga cabbage! How goes the day?
the day goes well!
@CCInc in node or something?
Built with node, yeah
sooo sleepy
@jdero if you wanted a really basic regex that'll break easily, but will work for your example, you can take the result of re.findall("'(.*?)'", s) and join that
Jon just throw that into an answer and I'll accept it? :P
I s'pose I could do
@JonClements Thanks
OK, @JonClements if I have an instance of a class in a python code, which was executed by exec how can I inspect that object?
@jdero added an answer
@PeterVaro Where did you exec it to ?
from a subfolder of cwd
What was your exec command ?
    l = {}
    g = {}
    g['__builtins__'] = globals()['__builtins__']
    g['model'] = globals()['model']
    exec(self.widgets[widget_name], g, l)
where self.widgets[widget_name] returns a compiled code object
heya @Jared - long time no see
Oh hi there @JonClements
@PeterVaro And what does the code object do ?
for example this:
    # import pyoneer modules
    import model.widget

    class Abs:

        def __init__(self):
            # Create a widget
            w = model.widget.Widget('abs', 'return the absolute value of a number')
            # Create IO
            w.add_output('|num|', lambda: w.set_output('|num|', abs(w.input('num'))))

    # Create widget
Well, you should have a Abs class accessible
that is accessible
And that'll be all that is.... so errr, ?
but what I need is the model.widget.Widget instance
You create and don't keep an Abs() instance right ?
that presumably would have a .w attribute which would be your widget?
Ahhh no, hang on
but what if
the code object doesn't have a 'holding' class
or what if the 'holding' class is instantiated from model.widget.Widget ?
how can I catch that?
So hang on, you're basically trying to do a widget system?
sort of, yes
Okay....What about a WidgetStore, then provides a method that is used as a classdecorator which you apply to your Abs etc....
that's not a real option here..
what I did before this complete refactor
is put a call in the __init__ of model.widget.Widget
but since it is the API class, I don't want to put
a deep model call there, which will register the widget
so I will call the register function inside the app, which is dynamically loads the code of the widget
which code can be a single instance call, a bunch of functions, a class in class(like the example above) or an inherited class
@PeterVaro very difficult to visualise from a couple of sentences ;)
I don't want to send you 1000+ lines of code;)
Nope - it's fine - not really wanting to receive it either ;)
so what exactly that you can't imagine from my sentences above?
probably I can't explain myself clearly, with a real developer language
@PeterVaro nah - it's just late - and I'm not even very good at understanding developer language anyway ;#)
hi @muncherelli
so? no idea at all?
Plenty but need to think if they're sensible or not, and whether they fit nicely with what youv'e got already
I'm in a big refactor session -- so tell me the best option and I will think about how to implement that to my system
//how thought that deleting objects is harder than adding ones? ;)
How are widgets grouped?
for instance, do you have a widgets module and files in it?

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