A few weeks ago, in the Python chat room, a few of the room owners got together and decided that the starred list was getting a bit out of hand (from memory about 100-150 messages, maybe even more). We cleaned up several of the useless messages that were in the list (a shame we can't cancel stars...
@inbar have never seen that message you mentioned on meta... interesting
I just make sure the ones that are shown are either okay for a thread of convo. eg... it's funny and people having a laugh... then clear those up after a bit to bring back the useful stuff
Ah... on a plus side... when I was testing some stuff via a tunnel to a server in the states... which I forgot to turn off... netflix offers more stuff
So set up a local dns server which refers to a state based sever and proxies... otherwise delegates to the ISP
Tip worth a try if you are suffering with code gremlis: you can make a list immutable by passing it to a function (and not making it global there):
def foo_function(peskylist):
#do whatever you like
There are some caveats and uber-pythonistas will correctly state that this s...
@Kefka: os.path.expanduser would expand ~/ using %HOMEPATH% for you. So exe = os.path.expanduser('~\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe').
This is kindof a followup question to this question. I want to get the ID of the users that have retweeted a particular tweet.
I tried following the same technique but I'm getting an error. Here's the code:
import tweepy
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET)
@Kefka, you could iterate through every directory in your hard drive, looking for the program. However, I suspect the OS' native "search for files" tool would be faster.
What's the use case here? Can't you just directly ask the user, "do you have [program name] installed, and if so, where?"
Searching through the user's entire computer feels like overstepping one's bounds. What if I just happen to have a file called photoshop.exe, that wipes my hard drive when run? I would prefer that nobody try to run it programmatically without my permission.
Some software will register their path in an environment variable, or the registry. Ex. Oracle created an %ORACLE_HOME% variable when I installed. Do you think the program you're looking for might have done that?
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This is excellent. If it succeeds, it will make a fantastic companion resource to SO. If it fails, it becomes a case study for why we have the rules that we do.