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thanks @PeterVaro
2 hours later…
hah, oh wow, I now have a post at +15/-15
don't see that every day
Hmm, if Python is LL(1), do I really need LALR(1) for Cabbage?
Hmm, another starred message has disappeared
3 hours later…
2 hours later…
just looking myself in the mirror
the horror
2 hours later…
@limelights dexter's lab?
btw cbg
Capped today :3
Hi, Is there any way to find out changes to list ?
not like len(list)
what do you mean changes
suppose a list have [1, ,2, 5, 6] it may change to [ 2,5,6] or [1, ,2, 5, 6,7]
14 votes? Outrageous!
Anyway, we just had the funniest debate with Aloys
The topic was about abolishing prisons for juveniles, and they were Aff
Their third speaker came out and said something like:
Would you like to eat bad food? Would you like to be separated from your family and friends? etc etc
Our third speaker just kept nodding to all the questions, and then the guy speaking said, "Well if you do,... you're strange"
And then at the end, he was trying to accuse us for being inconsiderate to juveniles committing crimes and putting them into prison, and said that only Trinity boys would do that
It was quite funny, actually
(we won the debate, of course)
Lmao @Volatility silly school
Aloys? yeah
So yea, 14 votes. That's my highest ever atm. Very shocked
Didn't actually know it because I was capped after 7, and then I saw I got the Good Answer badge
You're catching up quite quickly
Just want 10k then I'm done
(done seriously answering questions)
@Volatility So I found out my year one and two teacher is now teaching at my school
Let me give you a little bit of background
My prep school from years transition-2 gave a really bad education.
So I left after yr 2 and went to the prep school of where I go now
And I hated all the teachers I had
I had the same teacher in yr 1 and yr2 (I hated her sooo much)
and now she's teaching back at my school, and I have no idea why
I don't know how someone from that education level gets to teach at a school at my education level
Well we have a new staff member in the music department
Everybody seems to hate her
She was replacing another who is currently on maternity leave
She was really nice
aw that's a shame
for being way off topic for the site.
(and Cabbage all :-))
@MartijnPieters cabbage :D
@MartijnPieters Are you proud of me: stackoverflow.com/a/17742759/1971805
So proud!
cabbage jon!
You're making your ninja master proud I see Haidro ;)
heya @limelights
@JonClements: You inspired me to put some Ninja-themed items for the office on my Amazon wishlist.
As it should be ;)
did we get anywhere on the starred list?
Unfortunately, it's not got much attention
get where on the what now?
Btw, when did they start putting things in the comment box when you click "add comment"?
Just noticed that too @vol
@Kevin you could update your answer to actually break there...
Which answer is this?
looping over even numbers until 980 or something
Should just be: evens = [num for num in numbers[:numbers.index(980) + 1] if num % 2 == 0] if I'm reading the OP right
Yes, list comprehensions are the next lesson..
but the .index() will have to do a scan first.
True... shame takewhile doesn't include the end value in this case ;)
adapting this to work with itertools.takewhile would be more painful still.. I forsee a look-behind with tee...
here's an idea.... how about a for loop with a break statement ? ;)
Yeah, quick, post that as an answer!
Needs more enterpriseyness. How about an AbstractSingletonBeanPartialIteratorFactory?
called Fred?
Well, I'm certainly not going to type out AbstractSingletonBeanPartialIteratorFactory every time.
I'm a bit scared now
Hello every buddy!
Sounds like a weapon. This will reduce the enemy's factory into its component elements.
I came back again with a doubt maybe kinda stupid
How I run this command in python: >tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq notepad.exe"
Bonjour! Cabbage!
(Popen() not work)
@Kefka: language tip: "doubt" in English is not the same thing as "question".
In english, 'doubt' is a verb, "to doubt" is to express or feel doubt about the truth of something.
"I doubt Martijn Pieters knows what he is talking about".
Sorry, my English is horrible
It is a common error.
I don't doing again =)
* will
I see that pretty frequently. I bet it's idiomatic in a lot of other languages. Similar to "how it looks like" is valid in some other languages (according to this guy)
I pratice my English here sometimes
In schools of my country not is good, in pratice is better
@Kefka, works on my machine.
>>> import subprocess
>>> command = 'tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq notepad.exe"'
>>> subprocess.Popen(command)
<subprocess.Popen object at 0x0000000001D8B2E8>
>>> INFO: No tasks are running which match the specified criteria.
command = 'tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq notepad.exe"'
>>> subprocess.Popen(command)
<subprocess.Popen object at 0x02101970>
>>> r = subprocess.Popen(command)
>>> print r
<subprocess.Popen object at 0x02101750>
@Kevin see it
I using python 2.7
Perhaps check_output would be more constructive.
import subprocess
command = 'tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq notepad.exe"'
print "Result:", subprocess.check_output(command)
Hi, how to change this middleware to work only if host = .com (not .ru and other) ?
host == ".com" *
@Kevin worked!
@happydev, seems tricky, since HttpRequest.path doesn't even include the domain. So example.com/foo/bar and example.ru/foo/bar both look like "/foo/bar"
Oh, I guess you could look in build_absolute_uri.
Kevin request.get_host().find('.eu') I added this in 11 line: dpaste.de/IOzta Should return None, since I don't have .eu
It'll return -1 - not None
May use if not request.get_host().endswith('.eu')
Or whatever
Can't get_host() return an ip address?
Then you might get back for example, which is a .eu domain
@Kevin Answer this next question in less than 5 second
If I enter nothing for when raw_input() is called, is the output a new line or empty?
yes ;)
What do I win? :)
A cabbage
what is a cabbage?
Cabbage (Brassica oleracea or variants) is a leafy green biennial, grown as an annual vegetable for its dense-leaved heads. Closely related to other cole crops, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts, it descends from B. oleracea var. oleracea, a wild field cabbage. Cabbage heads generally range from , and can be green, purple and white. Smooth-leafed firm-headed green cabbages are the most common, with smooth-leafed red and crinkle-leafed savoy cabbages of both colors seen more rarely. It is difficult to trace the exact history of cabbage, but it was most likely dome...
@Haidro that's a great looking cabbage ? :)
That's a great looking Image not found
Der we go
So realistic! That must have dozens of polygons :-)
@Kevin the textures must have taken years to render on a super computer as well
Just think of all the wasted computer resources used to render that, that could have been put towards curing cancer or something
This is Brassica Prime. Keep in mind the pic was taken in 2009
I'm calling it now. The triple A titles of the future will compete on the detail and intricacy of the plant life in the background.
Indeed - I think it's one of the mission goals in Crysis 4 ?
Gotta corner that lucrative botanist demographic
Once cabbage rules all - it'll be law
sheesh - 3rd edit lucky...
322 rep today I am happy. Most I've ever gotten I think
Yep, second best is 310, third is 305. Rest is under 300
Be careful @Haidro; that's how the site reals you in and makes you dependent on that rush!
I'll be taking a break after 10k
@MartijnPieters speaking from experience there, hey?
@Haidro: That sounds awfully familiar..
@MartijnPieters LOL
You can't take a break. At 11k, Jeff Atwood shows up at your house and takes you to a steak dinner.
Umm.. really.... I didn't get a steak dinner
I demand a refund
That's just what you would say if you were sworn to secrecy! Theory confirmed.
I'll just say: I am saying nuffin.
Because your mouth is full of steak, I assume.
I have a horrible feeling by "steak dinner" - I have taken the literal interpretation while I should have been using a slang dictionary or something...
Nope, totally literal. Just you and him and a bottle of wine
stackoverflow.com/questions/17746999/… @MartijnPieters Calm down lmao!
Kevin: print request.get_host()
That medal question is coming along slowly... ;)
@happydev Anything in print request.META that might be of use ?
@Haidro @Haidro: voted to close that one
Is it 40 votes one gets per day ?
Oh, votes
yes, 40.
Do thirty in a day get a badge, do 40 in a day and get another (iirc)
What were you thinking when you said 20? :)
Thanks :) I will try this tomorrow with my code and inform you how it works out — user2598164 3 mins ago
Is this guy coding via Pony Express or something?
My dad told me about the good old days, where if you wanted to compile your code, you had to print it out and carry it over to the data entry clerk, who would punch it into the computer for you
average time: 1-3 days
Seems legit
There are catsright outside my house that are meowing
I don't know how to react
People say that when you have a syntax error, the compiler complains at you. Well, back then, the compiler was an ornery chain smoking woman, and she would really complain when you had a syntax error. Loudly and at length.
@Kevin I remember an old boss of mine telling a story about when he started in computers, and massively peeved off all the programmers, by knocking over a trolley with the punch cards on it... He spent ages having to try and put them back in order again...
The trick to that is, draw a diagonal stripe across the edge of your cards with a magic marker. And pick a different color from your coworkers.
That piece of knowledge is taking up valuable real estate in my brain, and will never be useful unless I go back in time a few decades
Ding ding! 6k rep achieved. Hooray for arbitrary round numbers!
Congrats @Kevin! w00t w00t ;)
5k more and you get the "steak dinner" :)
4k more.
I hit 5k back in February or so. It's been a bad year for imaginary points :-(
I think I need a cuter avatar.
Or was the whole steak dinner story made up after all? :-P
I see puppies and mudkips and miniature ninjas, and I see a pattern.
Interesting: because "a pattern" is all we see when we look at you ;)
So, general SO population, I heard you liek mudkips.
We tolerate mudkips ;)
                          _                        _
                         (_)                      | |
  _ __  _   _ _ __  _ __  _  ___  ___   _ __ _   _| | ___
 | '_ \| | | | '_ \| '_ \| |/ _ \/ __| | '__| | | | |/ _ \
 | |_) | |_| | |_) | |_) | |  __/\__ \ | |  | |_| | |  __/
 | .__/ \__,_| .__/| .__/|_|\___||___/ |_|   \__,_|_|\___|
 | |         | |   | |
 |_|         |_|   |_|
OK? :)
Fine with me
@JonClements I almost finished the syntax definition only the strings left (with the regex highlight and the format mini-language implementation), I think it will be available at the weekend. Will you be one of the first testers?
If you want ;)
You going to shove it on github o something ?
Does anyone have an idea on what I should make with python
Kinda bored just devoting my whole python time to SO
I want to make something
Umm... shoes ?
World peace!
Make me a facebook. Please send the codes to [email protected]
you people are fun
It's python, should be feasible.
@Haidro Pyglet for Python 3!
@MartijnPieters sheesh.... you practicing for "Miss America" or something ?
What even is Pyglet
Write a program that scans other programs and determines whether they will loop forever or eventually halt
@Haidro pyglet.org
it is a brilliant library, but it lacks on Python 3 support
python 3 is silly though
So none of you have ideas I imagine?
Umm, how about writing "Skynet"
What? I told a great project that a lot of people need..
>>> print "Skynet"
I have other ideas: a good documentation with real examples on cython
In fact - BBQ'd mudkip might be quite tasty... Fancy coming to a BBQ @Haidro ?
Buy my ticket
Umm... Aren't mudkips meant to be good at swimming?
I can't swim well
It's okay - we've got quite a few days left of BBQ weather... I can wait...
See, this is what programming is all about. Solving problems. Now, how to solve the problem "I can't swim" with Python?
Guess I'll just continue answering questions
@MartijnPieters think you over-engineered your answer - it can be summarised to one sentence apparently... stackoverflow.com/questions/17747522/…
Yup, I was way to verbose, as always.
It's similar to the "Google" problem... Open a browser... vast wealth of information accessible just with a few keystrokes... And then you sit there for ages trying to think of something to search for...
Also similar, "Name a book you have read" can be more difficult to answer than "Have you read [book XYZ]?"
consoles @Haidro.
One less enlightened badge I could have received D:
Your first lower-score-competing-answer-accept?
My first +10 answer not accepted
The latter was inspired by you :D
@Kevin The Hungry Caterpillar... ?
That's a pretty good book
Yup, it happens.
It's quite advanced for a puppy... but I'm doing okay with it
I prefer busytown and the Mr Men series, but to each his own.
I think this one is my highest-voted lost-to-the-competitor answer.
Wow, we get there 3 more upvotes, you get a populist ;)
@MartijnPieters 3 more upvotes then you get a gold badge ;)
Dammit Jon
Where Ashwini Chaudhary first only focused on the comprehension form, then expanded because I was pointing out my solution was way faster.
@Haidro: 4, and one for Ashiwini.
Okay, 2 now. :-P
oh yeah...
Right, I've done aswini's , so no one touch that
If we downvote Ashwini's... hmm no
It'd have been 'safer' to not have touched Ashwini until I had reached 22. :-P
Has 3 gold badges and proud of them
holy shit it's 12:12
No it is not..
It is 15:13!
It is for me :3. Night everyone!
Night Haidro!
Still a bit upset at that 16/4, but oh well
Quoting Ignacio "You gain some you lose some"
@JonClements: Hehe, you undid your vote?
nasty! :-P
I wish I had on hand that gif of the guy wiping his teary eyes with a pile of hundred dollar bills
Nooo.... of course not...
Umm.... Think I'd ask him to borrow a tissue or two...
Actually - not sure I want @MartijnPieters to get a Populist badge - it's one I have that he doesn't :)
So sweet and supportive of you!
@Martijn part of the plan - if people think I'm being mean to you - they'll upvote you
Interesting, it seems Ashwini has gone cold-turkey.
Q: unable to start gunicorn with fabric

loveshMy code lies in /home/ubuntu/api in the remote server. The WSGI object is named app and its present in /home/ubuntu/api/api.py. My gunicorn conf file is called gunicorn.conf.py and is present in /home/ubuntu/api I am trying to start gunicorn on a server remotely through fabric. My fabric code lo...

No new answers since 06-12.
He visits, comments, just does not add new answers.
Cabbage folks
After a real burst of activity; his Python-related vote counts on the topusers pages were rivalling mine for a little while.
He took the number 1 spot I noticed ;)
heya ZOD
@JonClements He still holds it for stackoverflow.com/tags/list/topusers
@MartijnPieters just looking at a couple at the bottom of the all time for that :)
Okay, so you need 3 more votes
err 2 even now
1 for me, one for Ashwini you mean?
Think its 11 and more than twice... which would mean you need 23
Ah, indeed.
keeps forgetting the exact rules for that.
yeah, 23 is indeed the minimum then.
You know you do things like "first to get "... Maybe I should do: "Got Populist badge before Martijn Pieters.... IN YOUR FACE PIETERS... MUHAHAHAHAH"
You should totally go for that, makes you really professional! :-P
> I'm really just looking for a bit of guidance on this decision from anyone who has relevant experience
I VTCed as primarily opinion-based
And it's gone already.
I concur with ya
@MartijnPieters I'm a puppy - I still wee on the carpet if I get over excited about a new product launch... I don't think people are that worried about professionalism ;)
heya @PaoloCasciello - welcome
Such exquisite grammar, yet so so off topic. What a shame.
Woo hoo - 11.1% of posts in this room are mine
It's possible that 0.11% of those are actually worth reading...
@MartijnPieters ooo... Well, got the accept on 17747522 - surprisingly... Was expecting something back like, "but I want to delete a line number or blah blah blah..."
oh thx :)
Python's data structures are an odd mix of really simple and difficult to work with
@Crowz are they?
@JonClements Good for you! I punted on the fileinput solution, could not be bothered.
I wasn't going to bother, but found that sitting in a file called "fileinput examples" :)
I'm in danger of being organised
Hi there, how can I initialize an empty set using '{}' ?
and not set()
You can't, {} is a dictionary
I dunno I think it's just because I am too used to C and java
>>> type({})
<type 'dict'>
@AnimeshPandey You can't
Although, I suppose technically you could do: {None}.difference({None})
Which wouldn't get people chasing you with pitchforks at all
@JonClements suppose I have a list of sets - [{1,2,3},{3,4,5},{5,6,7}]
I wish to find the union of them without using that union() function. I guess I have to initialize an empty set ... Is it possible
Use.... set().union(*list_of_sets)
>>> los = [{1,2,3},{3,4,5},{5,6,7}]
>>> set().union(*los)
set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])
You could use a dict as a set, if you really wanted. d[x] = True instead of d.add(x), del d[x] instead of d.remove(x)
Curious questions today. How do I get a set without using set()? How do I union sets without using union()?
This means that there is actually no other way other than using set().union ?
There must be a way. After all, set.union() unions sets without calling set.union() :-)
Well - I'm pretty sure we can come up with some quite funky ways... but do you have anything against set().union ?
>>> x =  [{1,2,3},{3,4,5},{5,6,7}]
>>> {element for s in x for element in s}
set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])
guys, we need EBM
@Kevin Now that is intersting!
@Kevin okay... I see the set comp, and give you reduce(operator.or_, x)

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