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3:00 PM
@tristan yes
However, I sold it a few months ago so the new owners may object
Examples are easy. Just do the equivalent code in before-added and after-added versions
Sweet, I'l pay half shipping
@RobertGrant Yeah but it's good debt (is what I tell myself....)
@tristan I have a friend with a boat. Save on shipping
What made you decide to buy?
Just beats renting. I've been in rented accommodation, moving around a lot for the last 6 years and it sucks now
3:02 PM
@RobertGrant congrats!
I had to do a security check thing for work and they needed my address for the last 5 years: 15 places.
Aren't you in Oxford, the only place more ridiculous for property than london?
@RobertGrant Ah cool. GF and I are considering that math right now for next year
@Withnail yes and I got property! (Thankfully Brexit has temporarily depressed the market)
@tristan cool
@tristan Would you consider staying where you are? Or try to settle somewhere else?
3:03 PM
Have pics of the house @RobertGrant?
Hah, nice. :) I'm hoping it's still depressed when Mrs Withnail's options kick in in a couple of years. :p
@idjaw Settle somewhere else, most definitely. Will share later as I don't want to take any focus away from the Bobby Grant congrats train
@tristan er no, turns out :-) It's come off the website already. I'll post soon
@RobertGrant Nice. So when's sopycon?
Yeah seriously, thanks for hosting
3:05 PM
Well we'll probably move in in about three weeks, so from that date onwards for the rest of eternity?
I assume you've got a Fizzy Room prepared in case I decide to pop by?
"Why can't a few bros stay round to code for ever? GOSH"
No, don't put yourself out, I'll just take the largest room
The Tristannex will be built very soon
I'm actually trying out a new high-meat-intensity diet comprised entirely of steak. Just so you know to get some in for me.
3:07 PM
I'm not picky. I just need a soft surface
I can sleep anywhere
My selling point as a house guest is that I can remain completely silent for upwards of 72 hours.
@Kevin my first reaction was that's good. Now it's so weird I've started laughing.
Bobby has a small child, he doesn't know what the word silent means.
You'll still grow to hate my presence as I leave unwashed dishes in the sink etc, but I won't keep you up at night by singing Journey's greatest hits
@RobertGrant All I need is a load-supporting beam. I sleep upside down like a bat.
3:07 PM
@tristan the tristangular bracket will be installed soon
question - and I'm honestly not even sure what terms I'd use to search here, was taking a look at codecs.iterencode but that doesn't look right - I want to open a file for writing in text mode but reading in binary mode. That is, I'm writing out a csv, but then I want to upload it to azure, which apparently only takes a binary stream. Is there a non-hackish way to do this?
@RobertGrant When I wrote that, I thought "what's the most bizarre number I can put down here..."
Something that makes the reader think, how do you know that to that precision.
3 days. Nice round number.
3:09 PM
@WayneWerner Do you need read and write at the same time?
@WayneWerner don't you have 2 files
My current approach is use a NamedTemporaryFile opened in text mode to write the csv, then I re-open it inside the tempfile's with block in binary mode to upload it
73 hours would've been much weirder
naturally this feels horrible
72 hours of silence gives your claim a Messianic quality
3:10 PM
if the api is stupid enough to require an actual file then that's probably easiest
@AnttiHaapala it's just one file. Could potentially be several hundreds of MB
72 hours of silence. The John Cage epic.
otherwise I'd just use a string and be done with it
you can also get the underlying handle IIRC.
Or maybe final outpouring of a Prog Rock band before they spectacularly implode.
3:12 PM
@RobertGrant you live in Oxford?
72 hours - Kevin's sequential performance of 4'33" repeated 997.690531177829 times
I'm pretty sure that Kevin's claim of 72 hours of silence is actually more like this
I really want someone like that in my life. It would make things really fun.
His antics are fantastic
The write-text, read-binary question is very confusing to me. Isn't the only difference newlines?
@QuestionC slap
3:15 PM
Like why not just write the file in binary?
@QuestionC because csv can't
the difference is that one is text, and the other is binary representation of text.
otherwise I'd be done :P
@WayneWerner but can you write into the API?
because you can wrap any binary stream into text stream
the csv api or the azure blob one?
3:16 PM
it is just not obvious
azure blob
Um.... I think it reads from the stream
yeah that's why it is utter shit then.
lemme find some documentation crosses fingers
csv can't write binary mode files?
not the CSV that's at fault here, but those stupid "let me read from something that looks like file"
@QuestionC ..............
3:18 PM
Oh stop acting like I'm stupid. The recipies on the csv page are opening the file in binary mode.
@QuestionC we're not talking about anything like that
It can also read from text and read from bytes -_-
Omg, Great Western's wifi is ruuuuuuubish
I think hotels in general have pretty caca poop wifi
3:19 PM
@WayneWerner but it still doesn't help you if you've got the data, you'd want it to have a write support
it does have that ... "put_block_list"
but omg, that's just awful
Omg, Great Western's wifi is ruuuuuuubish
I never want to use azure.
:33048150 In [127]: import csv

In [128]: import tempfile

In [129]: with tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='wb') as f:
     ...:     writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=['foo', 'bar'])
     ...:     writer.writerow({'foo': 'text', 'bar': 'does not work'})
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-129-b57af54caddd> in <module>()
      1 with tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='wb') as f:
So, no
apparently it can't
Azure looks pretty, has quite a nice GUI and is a nightmare to configure ime
I've never Azure'd. Is it really that bad?
3:22 PM
i guess so
I was under the impression that it wasn't horrible to use.
@AnttiHaapala Yeah, it's like anything else Microsoft. If you're not using Microsoft things it makes you want to punch yourself in the face over and over again.
Because could it really be any worse than using Azure?
@idjaw It's been a while since i used it, but basically a lot of stuff was placed on the GUI, and it was a pain in the butt to configure the things that weren't, because there was microsoft cruft on top doing config over what I was trying to do on CLI
I was probably doing it wrong, because Microsoft, but still.
Sounds like IIS shenanigans
that's the badger
3:25 PM
That takes me back....
The nightmares are coming back
NewCo is in the middle of migrating from IIS to linux
so I'm sure I'll get the tail end of that fun next week :)
My only responsibility towards touching MS things is making sure our platform can boot a server with a Windows image
Isn't IIS a webserver?
Yeah, IIS is a webserver, but picture it as a robot with wires and hoses connecting it to the rest of the Microsoft machine
Yeah, but azure uses the IIS managers, iirc
hah, and that.
3:27 PM
and then you have the IIS Manager UI which is so much fun to use, because it's a UI and everything should be done from there, because UIs should always be used to get things done. Always.
Does anyone else thing Kevin M looks like General Zod in his mini-avatar?
I actually clicked on it the other day to see if he actually looked like that.
LOTS of wires and hoses ...
How do you know he isn't Zod?
@tristan That's a pretty accurate description
Hey, I wasn't saying he isn't.
3:29 PM
now kneel
I've been found out.
just nuke the room and get it over with
Hang on, I have a couple of plates of glass to imprison him in, you take one and i'll get the other.
I can't see it, though. Do you have a reference pic?
3:31 PM
Hmm kneel-before-zod's been lurking here as well, perhaps we should ask them :P
@AnttiHaapala stalking hey? :p
This past weekend I was compared to that one person from Rise Against, I think that's the closest lookalike I've found so far
To me, you look like someone I'd be friends with in the office, but during happy hours, we're always talking with our teams.
from Tristan, that's about the highest compliment one could ever get
that means he likes you. Say you're welcome, smile, nod and just go back to your business
3:34 PM
Haha, sometimes I'm legitimately confused by my reputation in this room.
don't make a big thing about it
@tristan Yo [ : Hillary was in Between two ferns. You should definitely check it : P*
^^ ha yeah, I saw that yesterday
Anyone using JetBrains' DataGrip?
@tristan serious: I think you're a good bro, bro.
3:35 PM
Downloaded it to trial today, not sure about it yet, feels a bit overkill, not 100% sure what it's for yet
@idjaw you too bro :)
@randomhopeful Haha yeah, I love that she's having such a hard time with voters that she has to pander on funny or die
Tchousse @AndyK [ :
@tristan Yeah : D
3:37 PM
I'm not anon in the python room anymore. Cya @randomhopeful!
Oooooh Upsource looks nice, and it's free for < 10 users.
@tristan It reminded me of this:
3:41 PM
Hahaha : D I remember Jon Stewart's bit on some republican's ad where he wanted to be like the cool kids. Sitting on the chair back side front
He destroyed him : D God I miss him on the Daily show
I read something recently that asserted that the Book of Revelations contains a reference to three frog-like demons and that it must clearly be referring to Pepe, Kermit "but that's none of my business" The Frog, and Dat Boi.
I legitimately have a hard time believing that the reality simulation isn't broken when 4chan memes, internet trolls, and relative-fringe youtubers are being discussed by both political parties.
> Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
> Rev 16:13
@tristan Oh my god that was awful.
3:44 PM
@Kevin The false prophet is clearly Green text anon
Stewart always annoyed me. A smirk is not a thought. And the combination of his "take me seriously please please I want to matter" tone with his habit of saying (whenever he was caught being hopelessly partisan) "it's a joke, of course I'm not being fair -- I'm a comedian, can't you take a joke?" was, while clever, pretty pathetic.
@DSM Same. It's the same way that Fox News would dodge criticism of rampant bias or misleading information.
I don't know man. You're not describing the guy I watched most of his shows.
3:47 PM
this is R room right? is there an R alternative for map() ?
I like 4chan's political approach. Start as crazy as possible and slowly turn down the heat until mainstream media takes you seriously.
I liked Jon Stewart but in retrospect I think it's because he was telling me things I already agreed with. Which isn't to say he wasn't a legitimately talented entertainer.
@tristan The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place from Explosions in the Sky..That's the album I was thinking about I forgot to mention was my favourite from them.
It's a distraction. The normies are talking about common pepes instead of legitimate concerns about mental/physical states, acting above the law, or not actually having a plan on how to lead a country.
3:48 PM
The Daily Show was very good during the Bush/Kerry election and got worse and more evangelical.
@idjaw Yeah, it's really good.
nevermind found it
@Ffisegydd I hadn't seen upsource before - but it's so that you can run interactive code-review in the IDE, is that right?
@QuestionC He did get tired but he always managed to have really interesting guests and takes on current matters + He's being pumped by many current talk shows so he must have done something right
arg, pip y u not playing nice
I broke everything D:
3:57 PM
@SterlingArcher I recently tried using Python on Windows since I had it installed temporarily. Safe yourself the grief and use Linux. At least a VM if nothing else.
@SterlingArcher In the future, please copy/paste the error text. As for this, pip makes no guarantee that the package you name is of any quality
flask-mysqldb should be installable
Actually, I just looked at that and what?
lol (yeah that's an unexpected one, don't want to make extra ping noises)
@davidism well, I have a linux box, but it's command only
So I really don't want to vim python
3:59 PM
Why not? Why not vim everything?
I use vim for my game, and I hate not being able to mouse :P
There will come a time when everybody will revert back to command lines just as god intended
(does some quick googling of the error message) Permission problem, maybe?
> And on the 9th day, god created vim, and satan created emacs
@DSM yeah that's what i'm looking into right now. I was able to install Flask fine, then today not so much
my cat does this annoying thing of hopping on my lap, but settling into a position in which i have to prevent him from falling
4:03 PM
It looks there have been actual pip bugs in the past which caused exactly that symptom. (And on windows I'm a conda user, so I probably wouldn't have hit this problem.)
@tristan Cat sleeping on lap is a good abs workout
That's what my dog does, but it usually causes him to make that snoring noise.
@davidism: that no-op thing is super-weird.
@DSM perhaps a this is the end of the i loop comment, but weirder than that.
Ugh screw this im going VIM
windows sucks
4:10 PM
@davidism: they're not in tuples, there aren't any commas..
neovim has a built-in terminal. Why would you ever leave it?
@DSM uh... I meant to write parentheses
Your cat won't fall, it will just have to employ more aggressive techniques designed for climbing trees without your help.
Laters [ :
Also, @SterlingArcher, use virtual environments to keep your projects' dependencies separate.
Not that I think that's anything to do with your error. It just reminds me how much I used to hate the Windows command line
4:16 PM
Yeah I'm reading up on virtualenv now
Gah, this is the second time in the last day that a user has posted a Flask question and only given the top few lines of the traceback, the most useless part.
pip virtualenv
pip install virtualenv
Python 3.5 doesn't require that.
wrong window lol
4:17 PM
He's using 3.5, no? We shouldn't need to in.. aargh, Kevin'd by tristan!
3.5 doesn't use virtual environments?
@tristan it does if you installed Python for all users but are creating the virtualenv as a not-administrator.
@SterlingArcher It does, but virtualenv comes with the standard lib
Otherwise you get a really old version of setuptools that can't be upgraded due to permission error.
oh lol
4:18 PM
@davidism Ah, I'll butt out. I've only installed Python on Windows once, and it was 3.5 on Windows 10, and I installed for all users, so I'm probably out of my depth
Go with full virtualenv, it's way more versatile.
OK the approved recipe nowadays is python -m venv envname, right?
2 mins ago, by davidism
@tristan it does if you installed Python for all users but are creating the virtualenv as a not-administrator.
@holdenweb if you do that you can't upgrade pip or setuptools within a virtualenv created by a non-admin.
@holdenweb there's a wrapper for that at pyvenv-3.5 (symlinked to pyvenv by whatever 3.x)
See my notes above about how much I hated the Windows experience
4:21 PM
oh what the crap flask-mysqldb stop being a butthead
I almost never upgrade pip or setuptools. Maybe once every few years.
@tristan I mostly do it when the reminders get on my nerves. It's like notification badges on phones.
pip now annoyingly complains if it's not the most recent version. So I normally do a pip install --upgrade pip as soon as I create a venv
my deployment scripts upgrade pip/virtualenv in non-local envs, but locally, i'm pretty good at ignoring warnings
4:23 PM
(Dear goodness, this train is cold, I might have to put my jacket on, which goes against everything I stand for.)
OK, time I rhubarbed off - been at the office ten hours already ... have a good weekend, all
you too holdenweb
have a good one.
Rhubarb for holdenweb.
4:35 PM
Ever since that one time that my computer simultaneously played audio from both my headphones and its speakers, I've been paranoid that my computer might be simultaneously playing audio from both my headphones and its speakers.
I wonder if there's like, a hardware setting somewhere that I can twiddle to say "don't ever play anything from the speakers, no matter what any other setting says"
If windows, you can disable the speaker device (maybe -- depends how the sound (software?) card represents itself and if the audio out jack is considered distinct)
I could also stab my laptop with a screwdriver in the places where I think the speakers are. I don't see any sound holes so it's not obvious.
Don't listen, it's a trap. It'll actually double your speaker volume and then freeze up when you try to turn it down, leaving the sound going forever.
I know that paranoia. I constantly lift my headphones to make sure the OS didn't decide to output to both.
Flask-MySQLDB docs are crap. They don't mention "hey, don't forget you need dev-tools, setup tools, gcc, libevent-devel, and a partridge in a pear tree >:(
4:38 PM
MySQL!? gags
Jon I swear
@SterlingArcher pretty much everything assumes you already have the compiler and the headers installed for whatever you're compiling. I agree it's annoying.
@davidism ugh. It's like they assume I'm the kind of man that looks beyond the first google result.
To be fair, Flask-MySQLdb is using mysqlclient, maybe it documents it.
This was a lot simpler a year ago for some reason
4:40 PM
Are you sure you don't want to use Flask-SQLAlchemy instead? SQLAlchemy's a lot nicer than the basic drivers.
Device Manager has a "Speakers / Headphones" item that I can disable, but obviously that's only half of what I want.
@davidism um. Depends on what that is. Excuse me while I go read
Dammit wrong room
lol, thanks for recognizing that.
@SterlingArcher are you following a tutorial? If so, link it and I'm sure someone will scan through it to see if it's suggesting bad thingsâ„¢.
(eating salt and vinegar peanuts on the train Guy next to me hates me, and with good reason)
4:45 PM
At the moment I'm flying by the seat of my pants
@WayneWerner I saw that misclick ;-)
@Withnail offer him some
yeah, about that... maybe too late.
I've been up for 13 hours already and damn am I hungry.
5:05 PM
That sounds like it'd be better constructed as an object, and they could use a method to initialise (or reinitialise) it, but given that, yeah, it might be.
I am still waiting for the feature to block posts from users with 1 rep
s-s-s-s-s-ileeence breaker
@wim How would they get more rep? oh nvm...that's what you meant.
5:21 PM
"I'm real, and I'm fabulous"
@davidism: uhm, I was having a conversation with that user.
I don't think that kick was warranted. You could have asked me to take it somewhere else perhaps?
@MartijnPieters sorry, you're right
5:27 PM
I moved the message as I didn't think it fitting/appropriate. I'd really like it not to be moved back, even if it was part of the conversation.
I didn't realise that was part of a conversation, but when I initially saw it I thought it was just racism and was about to kick the guy.
I need a canonical post explaining repr output for bytes, strings and unicode objects..
I think that particular comment is OK to move to the trash because of the insinuating racism/stereotyping
Yet Another 'where did my bytes go' question where the repr shows ASCII printable data.
Dude, Where's My Bytes
5:31 PM
but it only covers str
@davidism and doesn't cover when \xhh bytes are shown and when ASCII printable characters.
I feel like I've found a dupe for that before, but I guess I didn't add it to the canon. :-/
Added this one recently, sopython.com/canon/105/…, but that's more concerned with converting bytes to text
@davidism I clicked on the check mark, and then the screen was like, "Uhhh, nope!"
My reaction: "Who is the jerk that downvoted that answer? Waaait a minute...."
5:42 PM
@WayneWerner I wonder if you could wrap BytesIO in TextIOWrapper and avoid the temporary file.
@AndyK just outside, but yeah will do
Probably. But if I was doing that then I'd just go ahead and do text_thing.read().encode() ...
the whole reason I was using the tempfile in the first place is that I'm not sure how big the data will be
@idjaw that's the thing, most of these questions are really X-Y problems. In that case, the OP tried to decode JSON.
there's potential that it's in the hundreds of megabytes or even GB if something odd happens
I don't want to choke the server if that's the case, and writing to a tempfile is fairly convenient. I mean, it slows down performance in most cases... but I'm OK with those cases, heh.
that's racist as heck
@MartijnPieters Yeah. I was having a hard time finding a simple general explanation. That was the closest thing I could find that showcased bytes, str and repr
5:48 PM
If python is running in a virtual environment, and you start the server
(geoapi) [jordan@localhost ~]$ python server.py
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Then I should be able to access [ipaddress]:5000
@MartijnPieters o/
@idjaw what?
geoapi is my venv yeah
It's saying my server took too long to respond
This didn't happen when it ran localhost on my windows computer
But I transfered it to linux
@SterlingArcher if you're on a different machine you have to bind to the outside world, not to localhost.
flask run -h
@SterlingArcher Ah. You were trying to access your server externally? I assumed that you starting your server on localhost, you were still wanting to access locally
@davidism exposed and exported, same result. >.< Gonna do some debugging
well...looks like davidism got to that one...so, hopefully things are moving forward well nvm :P
@davidism Was I meant to be invited to that?
I also was
Every moved message gets a ping, you don't have to join in.
@idjaw When messages are moved and you wrote one of the messages, you get pinged.
5:57 PM
Ah okay
^^ oh that's a new one for me. Neat.
well. It's end-of-agile rituals. rbrb for now folks.
Last two Mr Robot episode names had Python in them.
final note before I leave: @tristan I still don't know how I feel about that second season
6:03 PM
@idjaw I didn't think it to be nearly as good. Somehow more far fetched and it felt like the writers were bored of the material.
welp, flask app is running on but I can't access it from [ip]:5000 and not sure why lol
well here you go: get the password restart machine going if you have an account independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/features/…
@SterlingArcher are the two machines on the same network?
I want to say yes, but a part of me is saying no.
You'd have to port forward if the server was on a completely different NAT.
6:11 PM
IT gave me this server IP to work on
Oh ffs
Wait, I think we're on the same NAT. We have similar IPs
so the machine is on the network
<pedant>same subnet, not same NAT</pedant>
thank you pedantbear
Right. i'm gonna go bug my boss about this and give you guys a break from me. Appreciate the help, seriously.
So I setup a linux VM that already has python 2 and 3 installed, but pip points to the 2 version. I tried apt-get install python3-pip but that fails. I wasn't sure if anyone had experience with this?
6:25 PM
@Programmer which pip? Sounds like PATHing.
If Python 3 isn't the default on that system because of utilities that rely on Python 2, you could create a virtualenv for general work and just activate it as part of your shell profile script
@Programmer the non-suffixed commands will continue to point to Python 2 stuff (except on Arch). There's a PEP about it.
This is why you use a virtualenv.
"It fails" isn't a useful problem description though, so there's not much to say about that.
Was thinking to create an interactive widget like the Mathematica window here, in IPython (if that's actually possible). Is there any existing similar project? I d hate to reinvent the wheel.
Yeah, sorry. I just wasn't sure if there was another approach. I thought I had used pip3 previously, but I should probably learn to use virtualenv.
@davidism what PEP is that? I can never remember
Thanks. Googling for PEP python 3 2 never works
> however, end users should be aware that python refers to python3 on at least Arch Linux (that change is what prompted the creation of this PEP), so python should be used in the shebang line only for scripts that are source compatible with both Python 2 and 3.
I had no idea there was such a controversy when I switched to Arch, I thought it was great that they had decided that 3 was the default.
Arch's philosophy of "well, we're rolling release so python should point to the latest version... which is 3" didn't fit well with everyone else's philosophy of but I don't like chaaaange
I'm definitely not misrepresenting the 2 holdouts there, nope
Sounds about right to me
Arch has never been scared of sweeping, breaking changes
Oh wow, I didn't know Arch defaulted to 3. That's pretty cool
6:37 PM
They typically handle it well, notifying folks at least. I wonder how that was handled on the announce-list back then
One of the reasons I rather like Arch
Late cbg
I mostly write JS or Python and I always just create a "virtual environment", so I don't think I'd even notice default language version changes
7:02 PM
@tristan yeah
Have we got a canonical target for "my beautifulsoup-powered web scraper won't read all of this dynamically created page"? If so, Python 2.7 BeautifulSoup email scraping stops before end of full database
@AnttiHaapala look up a couple more message ;-)
@davidism I read the transcript backwards.
Even worse - a PEP I just submitted says that as soon as a bash script's !# line contains the characters "pyth", it immediately runs Pyth without seeing if there are any more letters in the command
7:12 PM
stackoverflow.com/q/39664961 dupe linked in comment, previously voted mcve
7:32 PM
My AIO printer refuses to scan stuff (or do anything else) if some ink tanks are empty
WTF really
Why would you scan something if you're not immediately going to print it out in green? #standstoreason
Tay Zonday just followed me on Twitter. I don't know why.
No way, the Chocolate Rain guy is totally aware of me!
7:40 PM
I vaguely recognized the name, and certainly recognize the face, but don't think I've heard any of his music. People can surprise you though, maybe he likes the idea of Pallets.
> 2007
I haven't listened to anything from him since. I think I originally found this on Albino Blacksheep.
7:57 PM
@davidism Yeah, that sounds about right.

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