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@AnttiHaapala: sorry, man. I was rooting for the Finns not just for pythonic reasons but because i wanted the NorthAm kids to advance, so you know I'm sincere. :-)
hey @DSM :)
I think I've found my new favorite beer. Hofbrau's Hefe Weizan. It is gooood stuff.
Cardio hard to type :-)
@DSM are you running right now?
@MorganThrapp Noting that down to see if it is at the beer store near my place
High interval elliptical
I've become a fan of hefeweizen in general, and this one just has a really nice depth of flavor.
Lots of banana and wheat, with some nice clove under it.
I love this track but I also want that house :p
actually I don't... heck - I'd spend my entire time cleaning it...
@idjaw I am trying to change an item in list of dictionaries, I got solution on how to do it. But I have question on fundamentals of for-in loop with list. If you refer to link I gave on another article (code below), the answer is i won't affect li[idx] li = ["spam", "eggs"] for i in li: i = "foo" My code is similar, but mine is list of dictionaries instead strings. But changing dictionary each affects employees. so my question what makes this difference? How I can i change above code to affect li[idx] when i changes ? — Nar 1 min ago
I feel like by the time you can afford that house, you can afford a staff to clean it for you.
Can anyone decipher that? I have absolutely nooooooo idea what OP is trying to tell me.
Yeah, I have zero clue.
@idjaw inplace mutation rather than copies?
best guess
But they are complaining that changing the value for one key changes it for "all". But if you look at their example, their code is doing exactly that. If they want to change only one dictionary, then....why not just change the one dictionary?
I give up
yup - not quite getting it either - they're mutating mutable objects inside a mutable object
I'm guessing what they're really after is [dict(**el, name='changed') for el in some_list] although that's frowned upon
and I've probably got that wrong
nope, I give up - that makes no sense
random question: bying new laptop ,,how much hdd should i need to last me some years?
^ this much
random answer: Yes, Soylent Green is in fact made out of people. Oops...spoiler.
@anatp_123 get an SSD. Don't get a McSpinny McSpinface
if money is no option
640k should be enough for anyone.
I really want to find that HDD and make it into a table
A turntable
It has been doneded!
You have to do this @JGreenwell
I think if I did my productivity would go straight down the tubes as I would just keep trying to spin the disks
anyway, time to go - rbrb all
rbrb @JGreenwell
I wouldn't use it as a coffee table. I'd put boxes full of files on it, so I can say it's my Hard Drive File Allocation Table
Is there a pythonic way to get the value of any() that are in an array w/o a lot of checks? For example: if any(['ill', 'ull']) in array: print(value). Value would be the value that was in 'array'
Use sets. Or a for loop over the different values.
any(x in data for x in ['ill', 'ull'])
I guess it depends on whether we want the set of values in array or just the fact that there are any..
>>> ills = {"ill", "illin'", "illest"}
>>> {"ill", "ull"} & ills
That's sick.
Actual laughter after I got that. :-)
what does the & do?
Err, intersection?
It's another way to write intersection:
>>> {"ill", "ull"}.intersection(ills)
the method forms take any iterable which is nice
That is, "what values are in both"? One advantage of writing out intersection instead of & (apart from being easier to read) is that then ills doesn't even need to be a set itself:
>>> ills = list(ills)
>>> {"ill", "ull"}.intersection(ills)
@JonClements: aaargh, you Kevin'd me!!!
strangely though - the & form of dict.viewkeys() or dict.keys() in 3.x will take an iterable anyway
It's the early morning for you, why are you still thinking so quickly?!
>>> {'a', 'b', 'c'} & 'a'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for &: 'set' and 'str'
>>> dict.fromkeys('abc').keys() & 'a'
Wow. Completely missed sets when reading the docs. Thanks guys.
it's still on my list of things to do in exploring the internals - I think I know why... just never bothered to check
@wim yam it, I was just about to hit post with the exact same solution.
Standard question: if he can't use modules, what're the odds he's allowed to ask strangers on the internet?
@DSM also the other interesting things you can do with methods over the & and such is make functions out of them - which then intern the base as well...
as_least_one = {'a', 'b', 'c'}.intersection
if at_least_one('c')...
@DSM it was borderline: obviously homework, but they had done work. Then that comment came in so now I'm not so sure I want to help.
@JonClements: I haven't decided if I like that pattern or not I've been known to use (literal).get, but still..
I occasionally use fmt = '{} {} {}'.format then use that or something
I'm reckoning that more people don't know that option exists rather than don't use it
anyway - couple of hours of sleep, then back to the grindstone... rbrb for now
Rhubarb for the ninja puppy.
rbrb pup
@davidism: with due respect to you and wim, I'd just do c = Counter(s); return next((i for i,x in enumerate(s) if c[x] == 1), -1) and get on with my day. We're now on the third non-working OrderedCounter version..
@DSM but what if you can't use modules? :-P
Yes, I totally agree.
@DSM stop being so sensible
@wim fails on Py3, should go back to the next version
If I can't use modules, maybe
return min(({x: i for i,x in enumerate(s)}.items() & {x: len(s)-1-i for i,x in enumerate(s[::-1])}.items()), key=lambda x: x[1], default=(None, -1))[1]
What if you can't use built-in functions? What if you can't use computer? What if you can't pass class?
Then death awaits you with sharp pointy teeth!
If we only allowed posting those sorts of answers, I'd be more inclined to allow "do my homework" questions in here. But still wouldn't.
ok i changed it back to next thing
shell out to ruby and capture the subprocess output
@wim embrace the present :-)
my phantom downvoter shows up again lmao
jeez man...what do you keep doing? :P
today went by weirdly fast; i feel like i managed to get nothing done, yet i feel vaguely stressed out
@wim: NMDV, but I don't see how that's going to work. You're iterating over the counts.
oh fuck, did i screwed it up again ...
@DSM in order, and you only care about the index
@davidism due to time dilation, i feel i should apologize for these multi-gigabyte messages
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@davidism: consider "a". It has a count of 1. Won't first_unique return 1 instead of 0?
I mean, look at it: (v for v in counter.values() if v == 1).
Yes, for some reason he took enumerate out this time. This question is cursed.
other beard wearers: when you're sick, do your hair follicles on your face hurt?
2 days ago, by wim
┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ) chill out bro
but I don't want to use enumerate cries
It's a good thing they're only running timeit, not actual tests.
I may or may not have an itertools.product test in a window. ;-)
lol ... submit a solution pass and see if he notices
@tristan: usually no, but I have to admit there are times when it was somewhere between itchy and sore for no obvious reason.
This reminds me of the BMO project sopython came up with for benchmarking multiple solutions against a suite of tests. I'm pretty sure I was supposed to follow up with that.
@tristan I don't know if it is the hair follicles, because I always have some form of facial hair on my face, but my whole face usually hurts...
@DSM thanks -- didn't know if i just had some disorder
ok I have a new idea
Hopefully it's beard-related, which seems to be the topic at the moment.
there's a band in australia called "the beards"
and their album is called "if your dad doesn't have a beard, you've got two beardless mums"
def first_unique(s):
    nah = set()
    yeah = OrderedDict()
    for i,c in enumerate(s):
        if c in nah:
        if c in yeah:
            del yeah[c]
            yeah[c] = i
    return next(yeah.itervalues(), -1)
what y'all think
oh better
def first_unique(s):
    nah = set()
    yeah = OrderedDict()
    for i,c in enumerate(s):
        if c in nah:
            del yeah[c]
        except KeyError:
            yeah[c] = i
    return next(yeah.itervalues(), -1)
What do I think? I think that first Finland lost, then the USA lost and I felt bad for Suter, and now the Patriots are going to win. What a miserable sports night. Thank God the Habs weren't playing or they probably would have won too.
Frustrated rhubarb for all.
rbrb DSM
rb dsm
Hi friends good morning if any python module is there in build MOOC
for localhost
1 hour later…
cbg, Antti
@DSM "4th Finland 3 -8 0"
2 days ago, by Antti Haapala
most important objectives for Finland in order of decreasing importance: Finland defeats Sweden, Finland defeats Russia, Finland gets gold, Finland isn't the last, Finland gets a lesser medal
let's see:
Finland defeats Sweden ✗
Finland defeats Russia ✗
Finland wins gold ✗
Finland isn't the last ✗
Finland gets a lesser medal ✗
now that went well
"You don't always get what you want"
I call for the federal monarchic-republic of Sweden-Finland.
or... the Kalmar union <3
early starters. I luv morning
perhaps we should declare the CABBAGE as the official anthem of the Room 6
We really need a canonical “'NoneType' has no attribute 'x'” question… like C# has for NullReferenceException…
@AndrasDeak Thanks! (Don't leat anyone here know that I don't know Python at all)
quick question guys
what would be a good way in term of algorithm to find a numbers greatest common denominator? (algorithms, not python library on how to find it)
Leaving a little ping for @ffisegydd - I want to pick your brains about online ML courses if you know any. Got a student who's keen, but I picked up my knowledge from Uni 10 years ago + tinkering so not down with the kids about courses.
@JRichardSnape adsfghdfhdjgndaojga
Sorry I accidentally alt-tabbed while typing Javascript and typed some into chat.
I'll get back to you once I've decoded that.
Ah, just minify it, it will be fine. No one will ever read it. So I've heard.
(I'm more looking for some wikihow)
I don't personally do online courses because I'm awesome I have the attention span of a goldfish and get bored by them, but I will have a look and also ask my data peeps.
@AndyK I'd definitely look at the Wikipedia page for GCD. There's at least one very standard algo on there from memory.
@Ffisegydd Thanks! I keep hearing the Coursera one mentioned.
Yes I think I did part of that a while back.
tks @JRichardSnape. I've coded a quick and dirty one yesterday but there was something flawed in my logic
It ought to be good as it is prepared by Andrew Ng.
Actually no I didn't do it, and now I remember why.
It's in Octave/MATLAB.
So they'll learn Octave/MATLAB for the course and then be mocked in every interview they go to for using Octave/MATLAB.
Actually - I confess - I have used them a bit. And did my masters implementation in MATLAB.
That was many moons ago, I was young and foolish.
I've heard okay things about Udacity but I think you have to pay for some of the courses.
A lot of the really good courses aren't actually on MOOCs, they're basically standard uni courses that are on normal uni websites where the lecturer videos their content and posts it.
Their websites usually look really crap and sparse but the content is the best.
@AndyK Like this:
@Ffisegydd Very much agreed.
Unfortunately, they're more difficult to find because they don't have flashy SEO.
@JRichardSnape “keen”? As in “Commander Keen”? Might be a job for @tristan then
I'll also look around for that.
@AndyK That's the one!
def gcd(a, b):
    while b:
        a, b = b, a % b
    return a
@PM2Ring so easy ... where's the frustration button??
@poke I'm hoping that keen students aren't so rare that they require a celebratory costume :P
can you explain a bit more your solution?
@AndyK No worries. FWIW, that code is faster than the GCD in the fractions. I guess that's because I don't do any argument checking.
@AndyK Don't forget PM2 has probably written a gcd function 100+ times over 30+ years (apols if my estimates are wrong PM2)
the 10 000 hours ...
anyway no need to get frustrated. just keep going
Thanks J Richard
That's the trick. Try to deconstruct PM2's line in the while loop, that will aid your understanding.
@JRichardSnape Something like that. :) A slightly nicer version does if a<b: a, b = b, a before the while loop. But that's not really necessary: in the version I posted above, if a is less than b the while loop just does one extra loop.
you beat me J Richard
@PM2Ring a,b = b,a what does it mean?
@AndyK The core idea of that algorithm is if d = GCD(a, b), then d = GCD(a -k*b, b) for any integer k. Try to prove on paper why that must be so. It may help if you play around with some numbers first before trying to prove it.
writing it down
@AndyK That swaps a and b. In most other languages you'd need to do that with a temporary variable: t=a; a=b; b=t. But in Python we can do it with tuple assignment.
I'm going to recommend you try the a,b = b,a in an interpreter. That is the quickest way to find it out.
didn't know it
It's also a good habit to get into for these very small examples where there's syntax that isn't familiar.
oh boy ... learnt a new one today
It's the same as (a, b) = (b, a). The parentheses aren't needed to make tuples, the commas are the important thing. The parentheses are only needed in situations where it would be ambiguous without them.
the size of what I don't know is ... huge (I wanted to use infinite but that would have meant that void would have beaten me and that ...)
much thanks
Don't fear the REPL
Nice. Good song.
Morning folks
Don't fear the REPL, by the Green Python Cult?
stackoverflow.com/questions/39657003/… too broad, and bad, and no idea
@IntrepidBrit Needs more cowbell.
@PM2Ring Hey [ : I thought a lot about what you told me. [ Many teaching materials use old school methods of progression and comparison] Now, I believe it's a good thing.
I find myself going further and further in CS History but I'm pretty sure it's going to pay well in the end
is node.js as bad is it sounds?
@randomhopeful Well, it is important to understand how basic looping works, so there's no great harm in teaching that with the old school example problems. But once the students are confident with that stuff they should also be shown how to use Python's standard features to do it more efficiently.
IMHO, it's important for learners to get a solid understanding of basic algorithms, otherwise they'll never be able to create algorithms for themselves. And they may migrate to another language where you have to do it the old school way because the language (or its libraries) don't provide the more efficient way.
Very true
@khajvah I'd like to say "No, it's even worse", but I'm only going on hearsay, I've never used node.js myself.
It's getting so popular but it has ".js" extension to its name, which makes me avoid it
function nodeRating(c)
	console.log("Node is ");

function okay()

One scary thing about node.js is npm Also see NPM & left-pad: Have We Forgotten How To Program?
@PM2Ring For example when I finally understood that tuples are a mathematical term for a finite ordered list, I was able to understand what Python org means by : immutability is not strictly the same as having an unchangeable value, it is more subtle. And so on for other commonly misunderstood Python stuff
@PM2 you know nothing. I have peered into the very eye of insanity, felt its gaze pass over and through me, and come out changed. Feast your eyes on the blackness of the human soul and despair.
Instructions for use: var console = require("console");
@randomhopeful Well, if a and b are lists, then you can have a tuple t=(a, b). The contents of that tuple will always be a and b, because a tuple is immutable. But a and b themselves are mutable, and they can still be mutated even though they are part of a tuple.
(Side note, it's actually a needed thing as I think some testing bits can remove access to globals, so you do var console = require("console"); to retain access to console.log)
I am sooo mad right now. One of front-end guys messed it all up and went of a vacation
@PM2Ring Absolutely. That same sentence would've been upsetting to me a couple of months ago : D
Yes, the objection I have to the node ecosphere is precisely that the packaging seems to be at the level of one-line functions a lot of the time
@khajvah don't you know that weekends and the night before christmas are the BEST times to deploy to production?
@tzaman I have to deploy this week but the whole codebase if f***ed up
so don't
or rollback
@PM2Ring interesting
will try not to
@PM2 actually there was a talk at pycon uk (that I didn't manage to see but should be on video) talking about left-pad and how you can avoid stuff like that with pip.
Theoretically the same thing could happen with pypi I think? But you can do things to avoid it, which was the topic of the talk.
@Ffisegydd test and version your requirements. There, I saved you having to go to that talk :)
@khajvah If you do end up node.jsing, stay the heck away from the (Raspberry) Pi.
The last (and only) time I tried it, flames, death and damaged pastry everywhere.
I assume it was node related, and a bus didn't crash through the wall or something
why do people hope to get away with lazy code
I thought I was bad
@Ffisegydd Well, with pip, you actually install stuff to your HD, so you aren't left high & dry if someone decides to remove their package from the repo. I understand why npm is dynamic, but I still think it's a wasteful way to do packages. Not everyone in the world with Net access has unlimited GB Web accounts. OTOH, I guess keeping it dynamic is better than installing a bunch of dubious crap to your HD. :)
Well, surely you install stuff to your HDD with npm too? I don't really see the major differences between npm and pip apart from a) the culture, and b) the way versioning works.
The issue with left-pad was that lots of people don't do tight versioning
As far as I know.
Yeah that sounds right
@Ffisegydd No, the issue with left-pad was that it was completely gone. Including old versions.
Oh sorry yes, I was sloppy with my sentence.
with npm, you are not installing things on your hd?
The issue with npm is that lots of people don't do tight versioning. And I'm totally guilty of this. I did a prototype the other month that was so badly versioned that when D3 upgraded from 3 to 4 and made lots of breaking changes, I did an install and it used 4.
I think my package.json literally had something like d3.js: *
When I'm your boss you won't get away with that
@PM2Ring nice
When you're my boss puppet I'll get away with whatever I damn well please.
I enjoy working as a singleton on small prototypes as I get to do whatever I want with the tech and do crazy stuff, but the issue is that I do pick up the worst of habits.
@khajvah Here's a version with a transcript: xahlee.info/w/apache_nodejs_nginx.html
the lisp bit it great
@Ffisegydd By default, installing modules with npm will use a safe version range—assuming the package follows semver
My god, Xah Lee - that's a name from the past. Is he still doing his thing?
@Ffisegydd Ok. Maybe I misunderstand how npm works. I was under the impression that npm packages are just temporarily loaded to the browser's environment, so if you re-visit a node.js page during the same browser session then the previously loaded packages are still available, but if you reboot (or just close & re-open the browser) then all those packages are gone and have to be reloaded from the Net.
I give you as an example of his many contributions to programming wordyenglish.com/lit/etymology_of_execute.html
pm2: the browser always has the option of caching the content (in the absence of caching directive headers). But that's client-side, not npm. npm installs the javascript assets on the server side.
@holdenweb Oh. ok.
@JoranBeasley I'm glad I could help out:)
It's nice when an OP thanks you for dupe-hammering their question. :)
@PM 2Ring, amazing! Thanks. — Eduardo M 12 mins ago
@RobertGrant That's what npm install does, isn't it?
@PM2Ring Also, great SNL reference
@holdenweb This is a very very nice website I didn't know of. Thank you
@holdenweb ah, the connotation police
@RobertGrant More like OCB enabling heaven
But it's like Cholesterol, there's good and bad. This one's obviously sweet
"Spaces or tabs?" "Semicolons." @aisamanra https://t.co/QmiH4t79gN
Hai all :)
I am having a problem in converting and comparing values
for row in header:
if (int(row[0])<monthDiffer1):
print ("True")
print ("Hey")
Here it's displays error - if (int(row[0])<monthDiffer1):
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 't'
You've got the letter 't'
@AM.Firnas so does 't' look like a number
Which can't be converted to a decimal integer.
I don't have any "t" there
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 't'
row[0] = 965758500
no it isn't.
before that line, rerun
Ah ! Found it
Thank yo
OOOOoooooh boy (@Antti). The missus just got a letter in the mail, it came from the Governmental Information Center, I'll get mine soon. It's blatant propaganda asking us to vote "no" in the forthcoming referendum. It's so infuriating that I went and translated it into English
BTW the question at the referendum will be "Do you want the European Union to be able to prescribe the mandatory settlement of non-Hungarian citizens to Hungary without leave from the Hungarian Parliament?"
No wonder that most of the opposition suggests that we should give invalid votes, the whole thing is a bad joke with no punchline
@AndrasDeak phhoto of the original?
@AndrasDeak Propaganda or not, you're facing a heavy issue : /
@randomhopeful .. ... ....
.. ... .... indeed : /
@randomhopeful this has nothing to do with refugees. it has everything to do with internal crony power struggle in Hungary.
@AnttiHaapala Believe me, I can imagine that. Still, it seems that this issue was added to the mix.
@AndrasDeak "In our minds we've already spent your taxes on Aston Martins - THIS EU IMPOSITION SHALL NOT STAND!"
@AndrasDeak get a photo of the original as well
Wonder if anyone who looked at the BMLL SO Company Page (stackoverflow.com/jobs/companies/bmlltech-com) would mind telling me if it looks any better now (and feel free to take a look anyway - it's got a picture of the team in now)
@AnttiHaapala in progress
Hungarians living abroad got similar letters, it might have been the same (I consciously avoided looking into that)
@holdenweb Eyyy, I recognized you : D Very cool picture. How cool must it be to work near to the Westminster Abbey
ok :)
@randomhopeful the only issue we're facing is the ruling party and a buttload of idiots following them
@AndrasDeak I'm pretty sure you're better knowing of the specifics than me. In any case, good luck with what's laying ahead
The current quota would imply...I dunno, 300 refugees to be housed here? That would make our economy crumble. Here's the thing: we already have a lot of refugees, kept in hangars like animals, while there are millions of euros each year that we get from the EU to house those same refugees.
Before Orban started making an issue where there was none, refugees transited across Hungary, nobody in their right mind would stay here voluntarily. Then Orban found this great source of fear to infuse into the people, so started a war against immigration. Suddenly there was an issue, because Hungary built a fence (sooooo much tax money gone), and refugees were worried that they might not get through and then they did start to storm the borders.
And I could go on for a long time and this is not the right place, nor does it lead anywhere:D
@randomhopeful 25 % of all population now n libanon refugees from syria...
in hungary these would go within the margin of error.
Fun fact: we've had "informational" posters payed for by the government (=tax money) for months (official propaganda time interval is 30 days before the referendum), all of which are along the lines of "Did you know? There have been 300 dead in Europe due to terrorists attacks since the migration crisis has begun."
sooo much information
@AndrasDeak I see and understand better, I must admit. It's a tip poking out of a shit swirl of denser problems hogging the middle east for a bit over a century now
@AndrasDeak I'll get this to some Finnish MEPs etc :D
@AnttiHaapala wonderful:D Although make sure to get a proper translation of the original, I'm lacking a lot of the vocabulary
this website is delightful as well, official site of the referendum
@AnttiHaapala I understand
Section titles on the front page include "Forced settlement increases terror risk" and "Forced immigration quota endangers our culture and customs"
So at least they're not trying to be sneaky about it:D
"Terrifying headlines increase terror risk"
@holdenweb FWIW, I believe the page is well done and thought of.
Give holden some of that sweet feedback, guys. What's the matter
Sorry, I stole his thunder
21 mins ago, by holdenweb
Wonder if anyone who looked at the BMLL SO Company Page (http://stackoverflow.com/jobs/companies/bmlltech-com) would mind telling me if it looks any better now (and feel free to take a look anyway - it's got a picture of the team in now)
Hey, them's the breaks, I don't imagine you were waiting to post until somebody else said something ...

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