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Hmm, when I use tzaman's algo, I get 8 filled.
fill in Ls:

fill in Rs:
(no change)

fill in Bs:

Fill in Zs:
Or did I misunderstand something.
yeah that looks fine
but it's still not necessarily optimal
I suspect there may be corner cases where you don't necessarily want to completely fill in a row with Ls and Rs
since the R-most seat on any L row can be a B
Yeah, consider L=2, B=2, N=M=2, everything else=0.
with the "fill Ls first" algorithm, you max out at LL / B-, when you could have done LB / LB
how about "fill Ls except the r-most" ?
the constraints dont even allow simulation of any kind :/
that way with maximal L-packing you end up with the entire R column of seats with zero restrictions on them
you can do the same for any row by filling it with Rs except the L-most seat
Here's another tricky one. Consider L=2, B=4, rows=2, seats_per_row=4.
If you do "fill Ls but leave one slot if possible", you max out at LLB- / B-B-, when you could have maxed out at LB-B / LB-B
ooh, nasty
"distribute Ls and Rs such that whenever possible, each row they occupy has an odd number of empty slots remaining", maybe?
I love problems with so many tricky cases , if only i could solve them too :P
I think for any given row
if you can FILL it except the last seat with either all L or all R
you do so
You guys really shoudln’t discuss ongoing contests.
and then work out the remainders
there are cash prizes for this contest, you know?
none of us are participating i think
we're not participating
if anyone wants to be unethical and use our discussions, that's on them
That’s beside the point
No one's participating... Except for the one secret puppetmaster who is participating without telling anyone else.
They hid it well.
I’m a regular, and I know, alright?
.. how big a prize are we talking about?
Yea, I dunno if I wanna help these goons.
Is it this thing?
> Take part in our 10 day long monthly coding contest and the shorter format Cook-off coding contest. Put yourself up for recognition and win great prizes. Our programming contests have prizes worth up to INR 20,000 (for Indian Community), $700 (for Global Community) and lots more CodeChef goodies up for grabs.
^ that
top 3 get cash
Awesome. What were your solutions guys?
I will however spoiler it.
I got "42".
I don't think there's anything really wrong with discussing an on-going competition.
After all, people come in on a daily basis where they look for help with programming that'll earn them money. This strange competition is known as work
@Ffisegydd It's a polite request.
What’s so strange about this contest?
No I understand the request, I'm just stating an opinion that there's nothing wrong with it.
this is competitve programming, its nothing like the sort of thing that goes on at SO
It's usually best not to discuss ongoing contests -- just wait until the contests are over
I don't have much of an opinion one way or another, but polite requests can be politely accepted or politely declined.
Now there's a quandary. How much should we respect the code of conduct of other sites? If codechef says "please don't discuss this problem with others" and SO says "discuss whatever programming-related stuff you want with others", what ought to be done?
It's not an easy question.
@RishavKundu but I still don't see your point? People come in looking for help with their jobs every day, they earn money for their jobs (and jobs can be seen as quite competitive).
My job is an ongoing competition between slacking off and getting work done.
In other contexts, SO has made it clear it doesn't consider enforcing contracts to which we're not party obligatory.
yes, but asking for help is not prohibited
Yeash, I know that, SO doesn’t have to be bothered.
Just saying, you know.
@MarcusStuhr out of interest, why do you frequently delete your messages? (Not saying it's a bad thing, just seems like a strange act)
can anyone give me some hint on converting t = 5000 X 441 array as t = 5000 X 21 X 21 such that t[0] = 1 X 21 X 21........I tried reshape but it returns t[0] as 21 X 21
And on that same note (out of fairness if you think you're deleting them forever) you should know that message histories are still accessible to Room Owners/Mods
anyone has news of documentation project newer than meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/documentation ?
@Ffisegydd: especially because I set up a script to enforce an immediate twitter redirect to @marcusstuhrsaid. ;-)
Yep, we see all. [burning eye of sauron.png]
@Ffisegydd Usually I delete if I decide that it was a silly thing to say (which happens often!)
Fair enough :P
It personally bothers me a little when I see people ask for solutions on PE problems because I feel they're cheating themselves. So I'm sympathetic with "Don't cheat please" requests on contests.
They're just practicing their social engineering skills ;-)
I used to feel the same, then I realised that people asking for help with their work/jobs were a lot worse but I didn't think they were bad people, so I forced myself to not feel bothered.
As long as we can all agree that my impeccable reasoning doesn't need validation by proving I can solve problems in front of others.
In other news, Aoc seems to be a bit of a letdown :/
Aww, my brute-force solver has a bug. :-(
That's, like, your opinion, man.
Really? I'm certainly enjoying it.
Really? :/
I like AoC. I want every student in the country to be forced to do this.
They seem really simple
AoC is interesting because the problems I found easiest to solve, also had alternative solutions that were much harder.
@RishavKundu we're not competitive programmers though (for the most part)
That’s true.
We don't want insanely difficult problems, as (at least in my like opinion man) they're not very fun.
Neither am I though, lol. My skills are limited.
The lights grid and quadtrees; the shortest-route problem and Traveling Salesman algorithms; the look&say problem and finding non-interfering subsequences.
@QuestionC Also, sometimes a question may require some outside research -- and it's very hard to do that research if people are posting entire solutions when you Google certain key phrases.
None of the "advanced" stuff was necessary to actually solve the problem, but it's there if you want to do it in a "robust" way
And as someone who didn't take any programming courses in college, they're a perfect level of difficult for learning some new concepts, without making me want to give up.
I was astonished when someone pointed out that you could solve the circuit one without a topological sort.
This is also a true fact. I can do them as a programmer without worrying about the fact that I never did computer science.
Actually doing a topological sort is kind of a flawed approach
@QuestionC What is AoC ?
because nobody said the graph is a dag
The lights one I ended up rewriting my code in C just to test out speed differences. I never do that normally.
yesterday, by Kevin
Q: I keep seeing Xmas themed puzzles being discussed. Where are they from? A: Advent of Code. Come play along!
No need to star it, the original is pinned :P
It was however hilarious, so carry on.
Duly noted :3
If anyone is looking to kill some time, I'd love to know if I'm missing any golfs on codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/66289/38770
Are there any types of problems anyone might like to see from PE in the future?
Impossible ones that look possible.
As opposed to all the others, which are possible but look impossible :P
The community of people that answer new PE problems is very small and it's not us AFAIK.
@RishavKundu: my code broke the states down into collections of viable paths and would have warned me if there wasn't one. The fact that it turned out not to be necessary is an interesting fact, but it could have been.. I just guessed wrong, rather like I guessed that I was going to need an Eulerian tour algorithm when brute force sufficed.
ah, I forget how SO coders write super-robust code :)
@Marcus does PE ever introduce new "easy" ones? We were talking the other day about how I'd done most of the first 50 and few else.
@Ffisegydd Yes. We release problems according to a difficulty cycle: HMEMEM
Ah okay, I should look into them over Christmas.
Wait, by "we" do you mean you're one of the sadists who dreams up Euler questions?!
Yeah, I'm an admin/problem dev for PE
What is the difference between the normal PE site, and PE+ on hackerrank?
Who did the first 100 problems? Was it just one guy, or did he have a team?
(Mental note: buy doll and label it "Marcus". Then stick pins into it.)
@RishavKundu HackerRank takes the PE problems and turns them into "programming" versions where you may need to compute a dynamic result over several test cases. Sometimes they choose more difficult limits, too
I see.
I realise the point of PE and such is to compute a clever solution, but I also like computing a clever/efficient brute force solution sometimes. If that makes sense.
good evening
For easy problems sometimes we choose limits where efficient brute force will pass if you're willing to wait it out -- then you can read the forums and see how others did it, etc
@DSM Aackkk!
installed python 64 bit with the anaconda installed on mac os, now i have to load a module that only works with 32bit, anyone knows a quick fix, other than a virtual machine ?
Install the module twice to make it 64bit.
I want to demand something ridiculous like "write me a PE problem involving marmosets" just so if it gets in, I can claim to be responsible for a little piece of Internet history.
What is PE ?
Project Euler
I don't really know what kind of subject material I'd actually like to see. If I could come up with programming problems on the fly, I wouldn't need programming challenge sites. I'd just regress forever into my own little bubble of self-made puzzles.
must have felt good to gave that answer.. i am happy to have provided that to your ego.. don't give up man... i am sure eventually people will like you
What's the general standard of hiding passwords in your python applications?
Can someone recommend a latex tutorial?
@pyramidface I prefer to hide them under cardboard boxes. Guards don't seem to be able to find them that way.
@pyramidface You could use the getpass module.
If it's in your source, it's not safe. It should be hashed and in a database.
@hmmmbob thanks, it did feel good.
Because I can just change the line password = blah.
@Kevin getpass seems to be limited to prompting users for passwords without echos
@pyramidface: do you mean "asking for a password and not showing the keys", or "saving a password in Python code but hiding it from users"?
@DSM saving password in python code that should be in a different file from the actual py code, and only accessible by python and root and not other users on the server
In that case, I don't know :-)
this is just for things like... for example your mysql db credentials
but maybe my way of separating files out isn't the standard convention? what do you guys usually do?
So it's not even a password the user will be typing and we have to verify, just password-related information we want kept private?
there might be a lot of developers looking at stuff in the py files but some of the info is sensitive so I wanna keep it hidden somehow
Couple ways to do it, none of which involve putting the password in your source.
@QuestionC got some examples/links?
1) Prompt the user for the password.
2) Use identity-based access to log into the database (see Kerberos)
3) Set up a service that your application will interface with instead of the database directly.
Yeah 3 is what came to mind for me.
In the specific case of DB credentials, I'd create a user specifically for the program and forbid them any create/update/delete rights. Then if the end-user gets ahold of those credentials, the worst they can do is read data from the DB, which they were already capable of through the application anyway.
What if the application needs to create/update/delete?
@QuestionC for 3, wouldn't you need to authenticate with the service then instead of the database?
Sorry, no. I had to do something related once-upon-a-time, but we decided to do something totally unsecure if the source is open. We basically put a blowfish key in the code itself.
I would assume that everything the application can do, the user can do without the application, and design accordingly on the server-side.
If the user can create rows, then the server should not panic when new rows appear without an application instance being spun up.
@MattGiltaji The user would have to authenticate with the service, you then decide what an authorised user can do.
so if UserX only has READ, then they can only READ.
@MattGiltaji The service might not need authentication because it can restrict access (You don't get to play with the whole database, just what gets tunneled through).
The "keys to the kingdom" are kept secure in the service.
If the application is designed to create rows only in restricted circumstances, then I'd go with QuestionC's #3, in which case the user is restricted no matter how they access that service.
But yea, to a large extent it's just pushing the problem somewhere else. But the number of people who need the DB password because they're starting the service is much lower than the number of people needing the DB password because they're running whatever app it is (maybe).
If the database and app are on the same machine, couldn't you lock down access to the database to localhost?
It really depends on how much you need to do. If your app basically needs DB write access then making it a service gets more complicated.
If the user has physical access to the computer holding the db, you're doomed no matter what.
it sounds like some of those options are specific to db passwords, what about something all purpose like... I've got api keys and
Environment variables?
A sufficiently determined attacker will drill through the side of the computer tower to get the precious bits inside.
@pyramidface If you got to do it, then obfuscation city.
I once tried to crack Dominions 3 and gave up because the shit they do to hide what's going on is just totally insane.
Like, once you put in your Key for that game, the first thing it did was copy that key to 1000 different places in memory, and the verification algorithm running on it was all over the place.
I love reading about the copy protection stuff that game devs did in the 90s.
Asking "how do I keep my users from sharing API keys with their friends?" seems like something that requires a server-side solution. Watch for multiple simultaneous log-ons and weird IP ranges, that kind of thing.
@Kevin But yea that. Their defense ultimately amounted to being more work than the $50 merited.
it's cool that AoC says that if your wrong answer is too high or to low
If you're running the python code as root then maybe store the passwords as environment vars for the root user?
o man i'll have to revisit this... starving for lunch
Though running things as root makes me weary.
but aren't env variables accessible to all?
No I don't think so.
@XavierCombelle Binary searching for answers! Solve any problem in O(Log(n)) minutes.
so you would have to run your python application as root then?
I could set some environment vars in my .bashrc, if I'm the only one with read access to it then it's safe*
@MorganThrapp Earthbound's copy protection was pretty comprehensive.
@Kevin Yeah, that was the other one I was thinking of.
We need a version of IANAL for I Am Not A Cyber Security Specialist
whats IANAL?
I tried to steal my neighbor's wifi once. I think that qualifies me as a security expert.
I Am Not A Lawyer
Though you run into collisions with I Am Not A Cascading Style Sheet.
omg i'm starving gotta eat bbl
We won't chide you for not googling "IANAL" because... well. :-)
@pyramidface Consider asking on security.stackexchange.com as well
@MorganThrapp the collision is precisely the fun point
I think env is the way to go. I like using them for API keys in my open source work. Can keep my keys to 3rd party services on my PC, out of the source code
"IANAL" is a way of dating yourself as having been active when Slashdot was relevant.
I've been doing a lot of HTTPS and SSL lately. Certificates make me sad.
@QuestionC I see it on reddit frequently.
Self-signing certificates for debugging make me the saddest.
I thought IANAL was a standard acronym?
@MorganThrapp Last throes of a dying jargon.
Yeah I know it from Slashdot but I see it a lot in OS discussions (licences and such)
I for one welcome our new ignorant-of-usenet-terms overlords.
I used to read Slashdot every day up until maybe a year ago. I missed the memo, clearly.
"The Oracle ZOTs you for your insolence." Did I do it right?
For some reason, now reminded of Zork
Inconsiderate clods, the lot of you.
It's "insensitive clods", you insensitive clod! ;-)
Nethack 3.6.0 released yesterday-ish
About time. They add graphics yet?
It was mostly a backend cleanup, although they integrated some popular quality-of-life patches.
Huh, you can have the same name as another user.
Yeah, we've had a couple Kevins in here at once.
get weapon. throw weapon at kobold.
changes name to Kevin
The kobold zaps a wand. It was a wand of death! Do you want your possessions identified? (Y/N)
I like games that allow undo.
You can play Braid, then.
Or Excel
Can you get merge conflicts on CLI after doing git merge FETCH_HEAD?
This works in py2 but not py3 as expected.
Is it correct to assume that py2 is not discarding the last reference of item or is it scoping bug ?

details = ['Doe', 'Jane', 'CSW', '2323', '01/19/12', '12/15']

comp_items = [item for item in details]
print (item)
>> 12/15
Python 3 creates a separate scope for list comps. You can't access the loop index outside of the list comp.
It's a 'feature'!
aah gotcha, thanks !
When listcomps were first introduced, the idea was that they would behave just like the corresponding for loop would, and leak the index variable. This caused more problems than it solved, and so was fixed.
@DSM yeah, I just ran into one of those problems
@DSM is that actually you in the aoc leaderboard?
@RNar: yeah, I've been #2 for both of the last two days. Which is both good and frustrating. :-)
ahh I can imagine haha. good job tho (y)
Hi. Anyone here have ever tried embedding Python in C application? I have a couple of questions. If I got you interested, here's a link stackoverflow.com/q/34075757/5114473 thanks in advance for any clues!

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