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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@JRichardSnape Thanks :) And yeah, same guy
I like the research aspect, too -- you get to learn a lot of cool stuff that way. It actually becomes less of a necessity as you solve more and more problems (because skills build on each other, and because the problem set in general changes quite a bit past the first 200 or so)
yeah - I hit that. Not been for a while, but I think my login is snapey1979. I did a few tricky ones (well, tricky for me, at least)
You definitely find yourself reusing techniques and feel the character of the problem change a bit
So I'm guessing that's a "no" on Tableau. I did a bit of code review via twitter with them... they even tweeted back that I was right: mobile.twitter.com/tableau/status/666787396877459457
@JRichardSnape Nice -- you solved problems like PE404 (that one is quite tough)
observations from someone socially-incapable: 1) if you work remotely, you should practice conversation skills with strangers 2) i'm at a bar and there's a company holiday party happening. it's easy to pick out who works in tech through observation alone 3) i'm programming at said bar and non-technical people like to gawk at code on screens 4) i'm at a bar and programming, so don't take my advice on social situations
javascript development 2015: drink until the design decisions make sense. keep drinking until it seems like a good idea
Switching your JavaScript ES5 to ES6: switch all Thing = {} to export default class Thing { }
yeah, but then be productive using a framework like react
load your dashboards/info from a db and there you are in shittyville. you can't jinja loop over your createclasses for a virtualdom because it thinks it knows how to render (wherein all ducks quack the same)
i mean it's sort of my fault for trying to be creative with the corporate platform of computing
js just feels like a mortgage driven development environment now
I dunno, kinda depends on the framework and browser you're working with. I find most things in JS can be reduced down to nearly nothing though
my latest project was only ~500 lines total and it's a full desktop program
i'm more used to c++ or python wherein i can just 'go code' without hitting places in which i have to chain together a bunch of shitty third party tools (e.g. bower/npm/grunt/brocolli/browserify/etc)
then when you get your resultant library, it always seems like you have to use it in the way they intent
i'd probably quit my job and go be a bartender if i had to work with javascript
all the "hard" problems are tedious
oh yeah, third party libraries are usually... ehh? Too many dumb little features usually. Usually I just write my own, because they're usually not actually that complex
yeah, like i'm using react because it's supposed to fucking blow your mind, but i find it limiting and terrible
meh, most can be accomplished with babel and nothing else
can't even really factory method for your types, has async dep problems, babel is idiotic
Babel? Babel is pretty useful
yeah, because the web is terrible
anyway, heading off. have a good night @corvid
1 hour later…
Hi people...
hi Victornez
3 hours later…
1 hour later…
Today’s Advent of Code was so disappointing! :(
It started so good, and then it just disappointed completely :(
@DSM: Is that you in second place here? adventofcode.com/leaderboard
@MartijnPieters @DSM is called dsm054 on GitHub; that user there is this one.
@poke why disappointing?
Because it’s too easy. It sounded very promising, but ever effort you may take into solving it “properly” is a waste once you see how small in the input is.
My bruteforce solution ran in an instant. No point in spending more work on it.
You mean, you just tried all possible paths?
I was using something like Kruskal's algorithm
Yeah, I was already thinking about solving it as a TSP… but then, well, I looked at the input.
well, tsp is a bit overkill, since the path does not have to be hamiltonian.
@poke Looks like a gravatar match then!
(Or not, really)
@bereal “He can start and end at any two (different) locations he wants, but he must visit each location exactly once.” (emphasis mine)
@Martijn :D
That’s what I said
The gravatar matches..
So congrats are in order for DSM to have hit 2nd place there!
You have the option to be shown as a) anonymous, b) your GitHub display name, and c) your GitHub username. DSM picked option b).
@poke The Travelling Salesman Problem describes a salesman who must travel between N cities. The order in which he does so is something he does not care about, as long as he visits each one during his trip, and finishes where he was at first (emphasis mine)
oh no, spoilers T_T
@Martijn Ohhh, I just got it. You’re right. Wow. Congrats @DSM for staying awake for that :D
@bereal Hmm. What’s this problem called then?
@poke Exactly my experience.
Just 7 nodes, 7! for a brute force is totally fine.
5k comparisons
@poke no idea, it somewhat resembles minimum spanning tree, but that's more like minimum spanning path.
not sure if there's official name
well, in doubt, it can be described as an integer linear programming problem.
well, maybe not.
The graph problems all don’t assume a complete graph…
The homepage is so beautiful I want to create a simple Q&A website?
I just want to AoC but it's blocked at work ;___;
aww :(
Wow, this is the worst web application ever… >_< Apparently because I opened in two browsers at the same time, the first session is now completely broken. When I open it again, I get a message that the session is invalid, followed by 6 modal alerts that there was an error (each dimming the site by ~10%.. makes for a nice effect though!). Refreshing the page doesn’t help at all.
Obviously, the logout button also no longer works now…
You should use the telnet interface.
@Ffisegydd re-theme your jira/trello with the Advent of Code CSS. let your imagination run wild。.:*・°☆
what do lines 20-22 do in this code ? gist.github.com/orlp/1b4ae4f043fe9b131c9f
It's iterating over the rows and checking that they're consistent.
if i had to make a gauss
I am doing this in c++. What does this line exactly do ? if not any(row[:-1]) and row[-1]:
if not any(row[:-1]) and row[-1]: looks like it's taking the 0 to N-1th elements and checking that they're all False whilst also checking the Nth is True.
And I actually assume they're using the fact that 0 is Falsey and 1 is Truey.
ok so its checking that the first N-1 column entries are all zero and the last column has atleast one 1 in it .
On a row by row basis it is checking, not looking as a whole.
Guys I'm looking at my Python code and thinking "Those lines could do with semi-colons.". Halp
I see. So for every row it check if columns 0 to N-1 are all zero and column N is 1. did i get it right now ?
Meaningful whitespace is a terrible idea for a language
@SarvagyaAgarwal technically not. So it's checking that values or True or False. In Python 0 happens to be False and any non-zero number is True.
So the final element could be 9000 and it'd still be True (and pass).
Not sure if that matters to you or not.
What if the final element is over 9000?
Half Life Over 9000 confirmed.
well yeah but in this case elements will always be 0 or 1
thanks guys
Then you'll be fine.
What? Half Life Over 9000?
I was using exit() in my threads. My teacher told me that's an "unclean" way of exiting threads. I'm now using return 0. What do you guys/girls say?
just return is enough, if I recall correct, the value is ignored anyway.
You can only return from within functions?
well, if by thread he means the thread's target function.
@HamZa exit() ~ raise SystemExit()
if we're talking about sys.exit().
@bereal that's what I meant. Sorry for the confusion
def simple():
    # some work
    return 0

t = threading.Thread(target=simple)
# some work
@MartijnPieters: your detective work is correct. Knew I should have chosen the anonymous option. :-)
As per my view exit is used to indicate exit point of a program during error. It used to indicate error has occurred during execution. There are codes likes 0,1,2,3 etc.,. were 0 means success.
@VigneshKalai I'm a bit confused since I used to code in PHP where "exit(0)" will exit the script with code 0. In "C" term, 0 == succes
@HamZa return is optional here.
@poke: I had exactly the same experience as you. Because the last few inputs had all been so big, I didn't even look at the file before immediately thinking of tour algorithms. When I finally did look at it, I realized I'd just wasted 90 seconds because it was so small. Cost me #1, I think. :-P
aww :(
@HamZa yes 0 means successfully completed see my edit.
but well, the #1 is very volatile anyway. It only counts on the last day
Thanks guys for the explanation
But I wanted the memory.. ah, well. I usually don't get to sleep until 1ish and they post at midnight my time, so I'll get a few more chances. And I'm about to change time zones for Christmas to move it to 10, when I'm probably thinking better. :-)
midnight your time? jealous.
It should have been at least UTC.
Is it 6:00 AMish your time? (Not now, but then.)
It’s that time when I definitely don’t want to be awake.
Too late to stay up, too early to be awake.
Way too early for me. Most days I don't even roll into work until 10-10:30.. today's a bit of an exception because of a project due, and we only realized yesterday the client's numbers are logically impossible, so I have to add some slices to convince them of this.
Yeah, I usually start between 9.30 and 10.30 too (depending on mood and project)…
I mean, if I need to be here earlier, I can do that, but I probably won’t be as productive then…
I've managed to shift company culture (in my wing, anyway) not to schedule any meetings before 11:00. We used to have them at 10:00 which sometimes got me into trouble. :-/
I wish #9 had specified that "a to b = x" implies "b to a = x". Is Santa immune to prevailing winds?
Well logically I suppose he's immune to all forms of friction, or else he'd burst into flames the second his sleigh reached top speed. Delivering toys to all the world is not a job for slowpokes.
[insert citation to one of the countless 'physics of Santa' articles]
Aargh, there's no point in getting up early to get to the office if I spend the time loafing around the house chatting here. Temporary rhubarb for all!
Folks, if you have any chance, please check my discussion at reddit. reddit.com/r/Python/comments/3vyk1k/…
"whenever you notice something like that... a wizard n elf did it"
I pretty much only ever raise Exception(some_message), and only for debug purposes. So I'm outside the target demographic for an exception module.
Not sure if it is the better approach...to use Exception in whole system. How do you treat a specific Exception?... let's say is an Exception but is not a critical error?
If you're asking "but how do you catch exceptions that you throw, if you don't give them a specific type?", the answer is: I don't. I only use exceptions if I want the program to terminate immediately and show me information explaining why.
For me there is no such thing as a non-critical exception.
Hmmmm.. I see
Certainly there are circumstances where it is useful to raise specific kinds of exceptions. Like if you're writing an API and you think your audience would appreciate them. But I do not write APIs.
So Kevinscript will follow the JavaScript approach? You can throw errors but there is no difference
Yay! As a small gesture of thanks, we would like to make a $100 donation to charity on behalf of each community moderator. The link below leads to a brief form where you can select which charity you wish to receive your donation.
@poke: hey, nice, you crossed the big 100k!
Late congrats on that.
@JonClements: but now I have to choose :-( Humanitarian or digital rights, for example?
Indeed late, but thank you :)
What is your username (screen name)? - has SO just gone AOL on me? :p
@JonClements :-D It's called Display name on SE sites, Robert...
Congrats poke :)
Bah humbug - at this rate I'll never get to 100k - not that I'm jealous or anything @poke :p
@Kevin !
I haven't decided how KS exceptions will work. In any case it will require some moderate changes to the interpreter.
I haven’t read enough comments on AoC from you today. What did you think?
For AoC I used an O(N!) approach, which fortunately worked on my N=8 input.
as in, bruteforce?
trying them all?
Also I just noticed that my code would have failed for part 2 if the graph hadn't been fully connected, so I'm doubly lucky today.
use the brute force, luke.
my route_length(list_of_cities) function returns float("inf") if there is no path between one city and its neighbor. Which is obviously a problem if you are looking for the longest path.
that's in the problem statement, that the graph is full
Hmm, maybe I should have raised a NoPathBetweenCities exception instead ;-)
@bereal Oh, I didn't see that part.
That also addresses my previous confusion an hour ago as to whether the edges were directed or not.
If they're directed, the graph isn't full, so they must not be directed.
Incidentally, bonus nerd cred to anyone that can identify the sources of each fictional area in the input. I only recognize Snowdin and Norrath myself.
(I'm assuming that everyone's place names are the same and only the distances are randomized)
there’s a reddit thread about that
I’m not nerd enough for that
Morning cabbage.
I wonder if you can do better than O(N!). I would expect so if the graph wasn't fully connected, but when everything connects to everything I expect most graph searching algorithms to take just as long.
Since you only care about the distance, and not the actual path, you can probably reuse previously calculated stuff
From the subreddit, I know that you can't even depend on Euclidean geometry. You might get "a to b = 1; b to c = 1; a to c = 100"
making it maybe O(!log n)!) or something
So anything that assumes simple straight line paths through 3d space is a no-go
I recognize Faerun.
Well, Faerûn, really.
Oh, duh, and Tristram.
Maybe some kind of divide-and-conquer approach...
I like the explanation from the reddit thread for the non-Euclidean geometry.
> You need to take into account that because of different (very realistic!) limitations Santa can't always just fly in a straight line. He has to be careful not to violate certain airspaces (especially following recent political events), he sometimes has to wait for a clearance, he has to avoid storm clouds (reindeer get irritated when wet) etc.
Reindeer also get irritated when you accelerate to mach 20. Doesn't seem to stop Mr Kringle from doing it though.
It's hard to call them "wet" anyway since the water turns into plasma the second it hits their heat envelope.
morning everyone
I think instead of avoiding airspace violations, it is far more likely that because of the speed at which he travels, he is bending space, so it doesn’t make sense to align the locations according to their physical location.
Does anyone know if it is possible to observe changes to a table in Postgres?
@corvid Triggers?
@corvid You could set a trigger for on update/insert.
Depends on what you want to do then though.
Hmm, didn't think of that. So if I have x connected clients, just add a trigger to publish changes to the connected clients after update/removal/insert?
that doesn’t work.
You are looking for some kind of push message from the sql server.
That’s something the application server should be responsible for.
I have a websocket established. When someone hits an endpoint, a query is initiated and results are streamed. I want it so that after the results are fully streamed, a "watcher" is initiated on that query to see if any changes occur (then publish that back to the client).
That websocket connection is not with the database though, so I don’t get why you expect the database server to push information about changes here.
Wooo, down to only two days behind on AoC. I have to do 7 and 9 now.
Yeah it's not. I was thinking some utility function like query.on('complete', functools.partial(stream_changes, query, socket))
(excuse my terrible async skills in python)
Ideally, your application abstracts away the raw query as well as any changes, so it can figure out that something probably changed in the query result without having to ask the database.
Therein lie the challenge... not sure how to approach that one
E.g. taking SO chat as an example, when I post a message, the application might do insertPost(post) which then puts the item into the database. But that method can also directly notify the rest of the application to notify all connected users.
Or when I edit an old post, I do updatePost(post), then that also can notify the other users.
– I think I’ve written a SO answer not too long ago about this…
I see, with websockets, would you just create a single socket for every table, then emit these events on any CRUD operation?
No, every client should only have a single websocket connection, which also only informs about changes that the client cares about.
You don’t want to tell users what happens in those 100 other chat rooms when they only joined this single one.
– or tell users about changes from three days ago, when a mod decides to modify an old post
Thank you, it encrypts however it encrypts it one by one and displays it way :) — wildaking 1 min ago
Not sure if that means "Please help me fix this one last strange behavior" or "the last suggestion you made isn't necessary because I get my desired output without it"
"It still displays one by one despite your fix" vs "no, I want it to display one by one and your fix makes it display all at once"
I got through Advent days 1-6 yesterday. Still need to catch up so I know what the heck you all are talking about each day. :-)
I was too tired for my brain to keep up with Day 7 last night.
The lack of accept indicates the latter, but on the other hand, maybe OP just doesn't know how to accept, or that accepting exists. Not unprecedented.
Yeah, I may just skip 7 for the moment. I'll work on 9 later today. Time to learn graphing.
@MorganThrapp "wrong" dupe
@davidism It is?
Oh, there's the accept. Mystery solved.
Ah, gotcha. I can never find that question.
it doesn't really matter, but I think we try to tailor the dupe to which of the three categories of the problem they have
only to be replaced by the mystery, "did he accept because my answer produced the desired output exactly? Or did he accept in spite of the fact that he had to make further modifications?"
But this is a crummy mystery and no one cares.
Keep getting reminded about sopython.com - not due until Feb though... anyone want to take the domain off my hands?
@JonClements I'll manage it if you want, ping me on Slack
You're currently hosting - so it'd make sense :)
I'm in a Country Music Mood (again) - youtube.com/watch?v=aV_1y5diNEo
I'm enjoying this piano/electronic chill album: alexroe.bandcamp.com/album/tides-of-time
13 seconds in. I feel like I'm watching a melancholy silent montage of someone's childhood home videos.
It picks up, but it's not the most upbeat thing, yeah.
You know the kind, where the lonely main character is watching them in a dark room and the image kind of projects onto their face in an unrealistic manner.
Maybe it's raining outside and they're drinking.
Images of past code fly by: Java, C++, Ruby, faster and faster until it's a blur of bad decisions. Main character poors another drink.
...those years we thought javascript could be used on the backend
(careful, tristan: we have some big node fans 'round here..)
(yeah, but they had to wait for me to initiate, and they won't be sure that i'll see their response, so they'll probably get stuck defending node to the middleware)
Congrats on rank 2 on AoC, DSM :)
Oh, nice. Didn't see that, grats DSM!
Looks like my prediction that #8 would have more answerers than #7 was wrong. I am surprised.
#8 had an easy input file, too -- low number of edges made it easy for O(n!) algorithms to pass in reasonable time
For day 7, part 1, I was thinking topographical sort on the dependencies for each wire, then just evaluating in order. Am I totally off? That seemed a bit complicated compared to the other problems.
That's the "right" way to do it, but there are less intensive approaches.
Gah, I can't think about this during work, I need to get work done.
@davidism Yes, absolutely like that. You can sort by target wire, and then just do a at the last step.
@davidism: yep, I went toposort too.
I got #6a solving in under a second by rewriting it in C.
6 was lights thingy?
I've avoided external packages so far, but I kinda want to just use networkx for the graph sort. :-)
My lights solution took a good ten+ seconds to run, since I just did two nested loops over the range of coordinates for each entry.
@davidism Oh, misunderstood you with “topological sort”. You can just sort by the wire name lexicographically, to get the correct dependency order
Gonna see if I can do b the same way. Pretty happy about it though because previous #6 was very pokey for me.
@poke seriously? I didn't actually check that the names weren't random.
Yeah, seriously. Except for a, all depend on wires that are lexicographically before them.
But that's just not as impressive :-)
maybe not :)
Woo, just got a working solution for 7. Well, it works for the test cases, it's running on the main problem now.
@davidism You can also iterate the list repeatedly until all commands work, while removing the commands that run successfully
@MarcusStuhr That's what I'm doing.
#6 part b is also basically instant. flexes
yeah, that's what I was going to do, but that seemed even less optimal, which is why I thought about sorting it first
Your approach to #7 is definitely more sophisticated than mine. No sorting involved.
Hmmm, I can't tell if my approach isn't working, or if it's just going to take forever. :/
Nope, not working. I seem to be stuck in an infinite loop.
Which problem?
Yup, part 1.
It's the kind of problem where some 'correct' solutions take way too long.
This is what I'm trying right now. gist.github.com/f444ff3c6a135eab97c5
does it seem like front end engineers are usually the hipsters of the programming world?
Well, I think it's an infinite loop, because I get stuck at 295 instructions for far more than 295 iterations.
exec =/
@corvid what do you mean by "hipster?"
@QuestionC I'm curious how many of these I can solve using exec. :D
People with big hips, presumably. I can't say I see a correlation there.
And there's no user input, so it's perfectly safe.
front end devs come in all shapes and sizes. [a beautiful rainbow forms overhead]
I dunno, just a lot of times a lot of front end work seems... not very pragmatic
front-end "devs" argue about the best library to draw the rainbow
Pour some IPA in a mason jar. See if he grabs it.
"Should this button be eggshell or off-white? Better take a long lunch to think about it"
Noobie question: There's 1) a backend module and 2) a tkinter module which implements the frontend for the backend. This requires me to have circular imports (which is considered bad practice). But I want my frontend to be interchangeable, aka in its own file. Someone show me the "pythonic way" please, I've lost it O.O
@corvid yeah, given that there's gulp, grunt, npm, bower, browserify, jam, and a bunch of others, that falls in line with my opinion of "front-end dev." take a problem with a known-stable solution, make a toy and demand others use it in their workflow
Sometimes when I have circular imports, I employ:
In software engineering, dependency injection is a software design pattern that implements inversion of control for resolving dependencies. A dependency is an object that can be used (a service). An injection is the passing of a dependency to a dependent object (a client) that would use it. The service is made part of the client's state. Passing the service to the client, rather than allowing a client to build or find the service, is the fundamental requirement of the pattern. Dependency injection allows a program design to follow the dependency inversion principle. The client delegates to external...
similar: sass -- "why use sed when you can pull in some hacked together thing. also sed doesn't have stickers and is old (read: bad)"
I just feel like most of the front end can be broken down to maybe 4-5 components and the rest can be easily done on the server
i'm using react for this current project only because i want a happy path to dumping out a react-native application, otherwise, i could do almost everything server-side and have maybe like 2k lines of js and be done
Recently at a family get together my cousin-in-law very excitedly told me about his "sass" classes, and a confusing conversation ensued until 20 minutes later when we determined I was talking about SAAS and he was talking about SAS.
Technology devs, please choose more distinct names for your language/framework/paradigm.
An art background is useful experience for front-end work so you end up with a lot of thick rimmed glasses and flannels.
SAS as a SAS.
I'm going to start my own programming language. I'll call it "Programming".
SASSYASSSASAAS - Sassy Ass SAS As a Service
I know, I'll name my language "go"
Syntactically awesome style sheets as a syntactically awesome software as a service. SASSAASASAS
Maybe "Progaming" instead to get all that sweet Twitch.tv traffic.
@QuestionC /me looks at flannel shirt through prescription black-framed glasses .___. sheeaaaat
to be fair, i live in maine, so i get to write off the flannel
Gonna name my programming language "what", so I can reply "yep" to anyone that asks "what is the best language to use?"
What's on Forth?
I think it's only on alpha, actually.
@davidism I enjoyed this. Purely instrumental tracks are good for me since vocals tend to distract me from whatever I'm working on.
yeah, I have the same problem
@tristan Embrace the hip. Here's your standard issue beard and the address of your local microbreweries support groups.
user image
My Sublime Text solution to problem 7.
@Kevin SAS still popular?
@shuttle87 I know at least one person that uses it, apparently.
I was kinda hoping that you did too just because I'm trying to figure out why SAS is still around and that information is a bit hard to come by.
Cousin-in-law's motivation seemed to be "because my company is paying for the classes and I can add 'programmer' to my resume if I pass the exam"
Silly CiL. You can add "programmer" to your resume without doing that.
Variations on that theme are disturbingly common
@poke That is heroic.
On a side note, I’m incredible happy in how well that gif turned out. Less than a megabyte.
@shuttle87 SAS?
Use to program in SAS from '99 to '02 then a bit more in '05 and a tiny bit more in '08
@JonClements Is there anything that SAS does that can't be done through libraries in Python?
There's nothing any environment can't do that another one can
mostly convenience really
Thus was the term Clements Complete language born
I joined a start up that didn't want to pay for SAS licensing - looked at what we really needed from it, then wrote "chinchilla"
I guess sloppy language on my part there, I'm referring to the convenience there. I'm trying to get a feel for how convenient data analysis is in Python is relative to SAS because I have an upcoming project that does a lot of that stuff. Someone I know said it might be a good thing to do with SAS but I have no SAS experience so I'm trying to find out more.
I'd go for Python/Pandas and other related tools
SAS is nice - but you'd be forking out 6.5k for the BASE system, then another 3/4k to get it to anything meaningful
What do you mean by 'data analysis'? Like what kind?
@JonClements that's pretty much the approach I'm taking. Thanks for your input on this.
@shuttle87 look into "blaze" as well - it's invaluable for working with pandas and db sources (at least imho)
a proper python/pandas/blaze with optional apache spark system - hard to beat
that looks very interesting, ty for suggestion
Also - you could look at "R" (the language) - toyed with it, but... each to their own I guess
Yeah I've looked at R and the python library for it before
cbg all
I really should write some tutorials about some of this stuff, I feel as though there's a bit of an information gap with this topic.
This music (Tides of Time) is good, it reminds me of like an Unreal Tournament soundtrack.
Sans light-rifle noises.
Wrote two slides explaining to a client how the assumptions they gave us can't possibly be right. We'll see how well I manage to explain that to them this afternoon at the presentation. :-)
Did you write it in 1st order predicate logic with a triumphal A implies not B at the end?
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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