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12:33 AM
can we skip how many questions as we want while reviewing them?
Yes, there's no limit on skipping.
@SecretKeeper ...but as far as I know, if you skip them, you won't get a chance to review them again (unless they are called to the review queue at a later time).
1:35 AM
@mickmackusa you can actually use the back button on your browser to review if you skipped, but short of that.. yeah.
@SecretKeeper there are some queues where I skip about 49 questions and review the 50th.
@DanielWiddis You can also see your skips in review history
@HenryEcker yeah but you can't review if you reload the link from there. But back-button on browser (and don't refresh) works.
@DanielWiddis Hm. I've always found that clicking the "Skip" button from history will let me complete the review (as long as it has not already been completed)
@HenryEcker Oh, maybe when I have tried, someone else reviewed behind me
Race condition and all that
1:57 AM
@cocomac Instead of a del-pls, submit a flag-pls instread, like I've done above.
@richardec I can do that next time, but should it be that or just ? ( socvr.org/… )
@cocomac I used the cv-pls script to generate that request, so I assume it's fine. Beside that, I've been told before to use [tag:flag-pls] instead of just SPAM: (which is what I used to do).
@cocomac looks like either is an option. You can also install "Advanced Flagging" plugin and use the spam menu option which flags it and reports it to Smokey who ill post in the room
(if you have registered your token with Smokey)
@DanielWiddis Mind posting a link to advanced flagging? I don't see it on StackApps...? Also, not sure how to register with Smokey. I've registered with FIRE over in Charcoal HQ, though
@DanielWiddis Actually yeah, I forgot about that. Shouldn't have SD reported it in this room though? It's been reported to smokey and got 4 TPs...
@cocomac richardec beat me to it :)
@richardec it got deleted before Smokey could report it :)
It's really nice. I use it constantly for NAAs in the SOBotics room.
@DanielWiddis Ah I see.
I have SmokeDetector privledges, if that is what Smokey is (I've been in Charcoal HQ for a while, so I was given access to SmokeDetector/Metasmoke)
@cocomac when I report spam via that plugin it reports to smokey. It tells me it failed, but it does seem to be working
2:07 AM
@DanielWiddis What error message do you get? "Failed to report to smokey" ?
Oh wow, advanced flagging is amazing! Thanks!
All remaining Open Questions in the 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 burnination are in the Close Vote Queue. Visiting the queue would help complete the burn promptly.
@richardec yeah, failed to report. but Smokey responds anyway
@DanielWiddis Hmm, I used to get that even when I had smokey privs, but then I regenerated my token and it worked nicely. Maybe try that?
@richardec (cc: @DanielWiddis) In addition to Advanced Flagging, the Request Generator also has the ability to report to SmokeDetector, but will do so by posting a message in chat rather than requiring an MS token. If using the Request Generator, you'll preferably select to have such chat messages for SD commands posted in Charcoal HQ (via the "Always send SD commands to Charcoal HQ" option), but where it reports depends on the options you've selected. You'll also need to select the appropriate options in the Request Generator to have it display the request types for SD commands.
2:20 AM
Regarding , what to do with a question like this: Differentiating between 'personal' facebook API key and 'Business Page' API keys: the question is no good (no MCVE), but there's an answer that is interesting where the answerer makes a reasonable guess as to the problem.
@dbc I would suggest editing the question to make it a good question, and removing the social tag when you edit it. And reopen-pls when done, if it got closed first.
@dbc Hah, just as you sent that message that very question popped up in the CV queue, where I closed it. I'd definitely close that as "needs more focus".
@DanielWiddis I can edit the question to make it clearer -- but I can't add the missing MCVE.
The answer contains "Without having understood everything I'm going to try and answer this question ;)" and "Am I right?" and " I think there might be two different issues her", etc., an indicator that the question could use some focus.
I will admit I was slightly on the fence on that one because of the answer (guess). Ultimately I reasoned a guessed answer from 7 years ago might never be found in a search.
2:27 AM
I think the title Differentiating between 'personal' facebook API key and 'Business Page' API keys helps to clarify.
@dbc I'd vote to reopen if you could edit the question to much more clearly ask the question stated in the title.
@DanielWiddis Any better now?
@dbc I just cast a reopen vote.
I'll edit the answer to remove a bit of the uncertainty as well, but leave the "assume"
@dbc still one Q needing a 3rd vote :)
2:37 AM
Not seeing it.
Maybe I voted already.
Huh, I guess I missed one.
Yeah, that was an on the fence one for me that I'm still on the fence on.
Maybe we should leave it as the sole post until someone makes a decision. :D
Also, really happy to see the discussion on the personal/business token question. Sometimes this room gets a rep as "close everything" but that interchange shows we're about improving the content. The site is better in some marginally small way because of that.
3:00 AM
Yeah I'm on the fence about that also. Almost more appropriate for Webmasters.
@DanielWiddis Decision made ;)
@Machavity LOL
The problem isn't clear and the answer looks good because it tries to cover all the bases
@Machavity Which applies to a non-trivial percentage of SO posts.
Well, yeah. That goes without saying
2 hours later…
4:39 AM
@Vega I don't think the question needs more focus, it asked a clear, well defined question. Unless it's a duplicate, it should stay open, IMO
4:53 AM
@tripleee I think this can even fall into the "software recommendations" category
yeah, or more focus, or opinion based, as often is the case with poor questions
@tripleee What script do you use to generate those messages? I've been doing it by hand, but I imagine you don't do it that way, given the timestamp...
@cocomac the room FAQ has links to userscripts in the "Tools" section, the one I use is simply called cv-pls generator IIRC
@Cristik Sorry, I stand my ground
5:06 AM
@Vega meaning you disagree with my assessment of the question?
@Cristik I agree that it's not "needs focus" but I went with general computing
6:12 AM
Is this off-topic? code that will run as C# code, Java code, and JavaScript code It's already closed but I'm not really sure whether "too broad" applies there.
Although I will admit that it doesn't seem like a really practical problem to solve. I'm not hugely invested in arguing one way or another. I'm just curious.
7:05 AM
@VLAZ A question asking that breadth needs to have some depth to match. Having recently left a job writing C# for a job writing Java, I appreciate the thought, but without even a single concrete example, it seems like a toy trivia problem that may have an answer but one that is not useful by 99.999% of the definitions of useful.
@mickmackusa it seems this was edited, is it still lacking detail?
@DanielWiddis As I said, it's not a really practical problem. Yet we do have other questions that aren't really practical but ask about weird corner-cases of languages. And those are well received.
With that said, my main concern here is that we do get a few of these questions. I mean literally the same question a the one I asked about. It's actually the second one I saw but in the comments somebody reported seeing more. It's probably some sort of homework. I'd like to know how to handle these questions going forward.
@VLAZ sure, corner cases for one language. Not three (3). :)
More languages = more corners. It's therefore even easier to answer! /s
I'm sure every language has an if/then construct and a loop construct. I think a question asking for a comparison would not be well received.
@VLAZ actually it's harder. The question asks for something common to all 3 languages. Which you would have to be familiar with all 3 languages to even be qualified to answer. And which, if you're that familiar, you probably don't care that much. :)
7:16 AM
the /s meant sarcasm
bah, that's old school. </snark> is the current way of doing it.
(or was a few years ago. I may be a fossil by now.)
And I happen to be familiar with all three languages. Not sure if I can answer the question but I really can't even be bothered to try. I just wasn't sure if a close reason applied, hence I didn't close vote, either.
Depends on your definition of "familiar". I have done 2.5 years of code reviews on C# and decades of writing Java, but while I can read Javascript and am "familiar" with it, I would rather commit seppuku than write anything in it in a professional capacity. Even php is better, and that's saying something.
@VLAZ Maybe keep one around, and use that as a target to more easily close the others? We can do that without figuring out if it should be closed, or not.
@cigien The question needs a positively scored or accepted answer to be a valid dupe target
Or be from the same user but it doesn't apply to homework questions asked by multiple users.
7:22 AM
If one is left open, I expect it'll receive an answer sooner or later.
@tripleee I think that's one of the longest titles I've ever seen on SO
@DanielWiddis Java, C#, and JavaScript are the only three languages I've used professionally. Well, and TypeScript but I'd count it mostly under JS. So, it's the three languages I'm most familiar with. It's the only collection of three languages I'd be comfortable to even attempt anything like this. I've a vague idea how it can work but I need to do some extra research. Which I find not much value in. Hence CBA
@VLAZ I'd be amused if you could actually answer that question. :)
@RyanM this has now an edit saying that it is being discussed in meta, so the del-pls should probably be binned. However I don't see a meta thread about this yet. Do you?
7:31 AM
@blackgreen I think they mean that's it's a meta note about the question, not that's it's on MSE or MSO. My userscript that checks for meta discussions doesn't see one, either.
I guess they mean the discussion in chat
I had a conversation in chat with that user, which you can see from the link, although I thought that was resolved
The question's also been left closed in review, for that matter...
@blackgreen It was not edited after I asked for clarification. It is still unclear because we do not have an exact desired results based on the sample data.
@RyanM ok, then please don't bin. We can bin if/when the OP does take it to MSO. Otherwise it's a dupe that I don't think should stay around
7:51 AM
and Smokey doesn't handle Arabic quite well in its messages apparently
Just look at the link address.
@DanielWiddis I mean, probably. If it's homework, it must be answerable, right? Moreover, all three languages can define classes with mostly the same syntax using class. All three also support declaring variables with var. So with some finagling, it should be possible to have a code for class that is valid across all three. As long as the compiles in C# and Java, it shouldn't be much of a challenge to add JS support as things there are more loose.
But finding the cross-section of syntax that satisfies these sounds profoundly boring. Although, there is also the "technically correct" route - just have code that throws an exception in all three languages. And make sure the exception mentions "hello world". Technically running the program produces that string, in that case.
8:39 AM
9:26 AM
> Great just keep downvoting it instead of actually helping someone.
@JeanneDark Sounds like a plan! You forgot to link it so that I can downvote it.
Oops. I guess the paradox is that downvoting it helps people.
That was a comment under an answer that hadn't been answered ;)
I presume you mean "under a question"?
(Did I wait long enough to ask that the edit grace period has ended?)
@CodyGray No, I mean it like I wrote it ;)
It makes my head hurt.
9:33 AM
They posted an answer to ask a question (reason: "Also, I wanted to add this as a comment but I don't have enough rep to be able to do that which sucks.").
well... they have a point, it sucks not being able to comment :)
Not really. Not nearly as much as it sucks to post inappropriate things as answers, or for others to come across them when looking for answers.
still sucks, but for different people :)
Giving those who post inappropriate things as answers the privilege to post comments (which are even harder to moderate) is a recipe for disaster
yeah, we'd also have spam waves in comments :)
9:52 AM
10:06 AM
@DanielWiddis Thank you
10:56 AM
My brain hurts from a suggested edit to (correctly) add a code fence withing a code fence within an indented code block.
Could be worse: you could have read the Blog.
My brain is numb now, this could be the perfect time to read the blog.
That's exactly when they get you, when your guard is down.
11:39 AM
@gre_gor I really don't understand this kind of question, I'm sure takes more time to write the question, that it would take to search on google
and since the question is a basic one, it doesn't need complicated keywords to be found...
@Cristik It makes even less sense, if they say they searched for hours.
Trying to understand why people do the things they do is the beginning, middle and end of the Road to Madness.
@Cristik i don't think you get it - all those other questions use different variable names. They aren't copy/pasteable.
@Cristik If you search google for "Array sorting, removing id from array" you don't get very relevant results compared to search for "sort array remove duplicates." It looks like part of the problem is that the OP doesn't know how to describe their problem.
They didn't show any code. They clearly aren't looking for a copy-pasteable solution. They obviously had no idea where to start.
11:43 AM
Ah, so it's the other thing, then - personalised tutoring.
Closing the question as a duplicate is a reasonable course of action. I don't really understand making fun of the user, though.
Granted, the problem statement is very unclear, at least to me, but y'all obviously had no problem understanding it, because you found a duplicate, so....
@CodyGray No, it's unclear. I don't know if the duplicate applies.
The way it's described they either want to keep at most one value of ([1, 1, 2, 3] -> [1, 2, 3]) or to only remove duplicated values ([1, 1, 2, 3] -> [2, 3]).
Furthermore, it's not clear whether the array only contains primitives or objects [{id: 1}, {id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3}]
I'd probably have closed it as dupe of this
but it feels nothing more than a guess
Something goes wrong when adding links to posts nowadays, like in the last Smokey report: [JSON of the API][1[\]][1], i.e. backslashes and square brackets are added to links. Is this something the SO editor does? I've seen this multiple times with different users over the past week(s)
@blackgreen That's if the input has array of objects and the match has to be made on all properties, not just by one (the ID). It could still be relevant, though. I can't say without knowing what the expected data actually is.
@Adriaan There are no problems with the stacks editor
More seriously, the A/B test ended, so this question shouldn't have gone through the new editor.
12:04 PM
Is this just NAA or already spam?
I went with NAA and a delete vote, giving the benefit of the doubt.
Also fine, now it's gone
Should we burninate the tag? Discuss
12:20 PM
You're really scraping the of the barrel now.
Well, it's a race to the now
Sounds like a bit of a bum deal.
let's give this tag a kick in the
I mean, the cheek of it.
Well, you could always add padding to the to help cushion that. I hear it's stylish
12:24 PM
Every tag must stand on its own
New rule proposal: only propose burnination of tags with lots of fodder for puns.
@SurajRao That's more of a marginal fix
w.r.t. last SD report, the question should probably be closed
do you mods have some "nuke" button that automatically closes and deletes a post?
I wrote and maintain a userscript to do precisely that, yes.
is the button actually called "nuke"?
12:41 PM
No, there's a separate button for each close reason (except "no MCVE", since that's never a reason to insta-delete). But the CSS class is called something like nuke-button, and the text label does say "Nuke As:". screenshot
The script itself is called "Super Shotgun".
stackoverflow.com/a/72489725/4826457 NAA? has absolutely nothing to do with the question
wow all their recent answer seems off...
@CodyGray very apt names, all of 'em
@SurajRao It's probably plagiarized... Did you check?
I cant find that answer's source..
@blackgreen It was essential to keep them short. It was a challenge for me. I'm quite proud of the result. :-)
12:48 PM
I thought that might be the case
I'm not finding plagiarism but yeah, a lot of those answer are either NAA or maybe tangentially related.
question says "Convert to Stream from a Url", answer says "We will create picker view"...
it's NAA to that question, but the reviewers might not agree, since it looks like an attempt to provide some code
1:05 PM
@Cristik Options: (1) Raise a custom flag. (2) Downvote and post a del-pls in here.
I raised a custom mod flag.
... that will be handled in 6 - 8.
What is modraters?
I think it's a misspelling of mod-raptors ... a common type of dinosaur.
or... moded raptors?
1:10 PM
or "rater of mods"?
A+++, would elect again
"Too much sarcasm, approach with caution"
Of course! Everyone knows you're not supposed to approach a moderator.
If you encounter a moderator, try to keep calm! There are few simple rules: 1. Don't look them in the eyes. 2. Try to make yourself seem larger. 3. Try to play dead. 4. Attempt to distract them with canned processed meat.
Do not try to run away from a moderator - they are known to be everywhere at all times. Do not try to attack a moderator - despite their looks, they are capable of shooting lasers from their eyes.
But... what if you cant see eyes at all? What if all you see is a pair of glasses?
1:23 PM
Oh, you're doomed.
Remember, don't make eye contact with Cody or he'll think you're trying to steal his glasses
1:56 PM
@Adriaan As far as I'm aware, there really isn't a good way to handle LTR-RTL-LTR transitions when you don't have actual control over the HTML used. There's limited options in what can be done in chat. SD and the Request Generator use a similar strategy, which ends up with the display which is the least bad of the ones we've explored. If you find something that works better when sending chat Markdown for titles and usernames that could be almost anything, we're happy to hear about it.
"eye contact" really is not a great way to refer to that in English, as I think about it
Now I'm picturing people pressing their eyes up against other peoples' eyes
@TylerH Normally my glasses will get in the way of literal physical eye contact. If contact is established, then something must have happened to the glasses. It's not unreasonable to assume that they've been stolen.
Q: Should we burninate the [i] tag?

ForceBruRecently I started seeing Python questions tagged i (example: How to create a background mask from numpy array?). They seem to involve iteration like for i in collection. When I hover over this tag in a question, I see that it has "573 watchers, 2 questions". However, it doesn't have a tag wiki o...

2:27 PM
@Adriaan Flagged it as such. Checked the repo and the README is also spammy. Which I don't think I've ever had to say.
I don't know what it actually does but I'd be happy if it wasn't advertised.
Erm, so, it's a script that goes and installs a bunch of other things by cloning a bunch of repositories. Let me just quote the comments (each is followed by cloning an associated tool):
> #Install CIA-Hacking-Tools
> #Install Hack-Tool
> #Install Hacking-Tools-Repository
> #Install Hacking-Tools
And many others that sound like script kiddie stuff. Oh, and speaking of, all the output is in the form of echo -b "_____________________________________________________________" | lolcat
lolcat just colours the output in basically a rainbow pattern.
2:50 PM
Oops. I just closed the wrong question as a dupe. What should I do? This one.
... I could hammer it reopen but that would remove the two close votes that were already pending.
... and the one that I meant to close vote (as a duplicate) is ...
Someone else hammered it open but I felt obliged to at least post a request in here, as some form of redemption. ;(
3:11 PM
@AdrianMole Because you successfully voted to close it, it means you're considered involved
@Machavity Yeah. Sorry about that - but I thought that this (very unusual) circumstance may be an exception.
@AdrianMole What's unusual about it?
That I originally closed it in error, as mentioned in my earlier post. (A simple mis-click, in fact.)
But, I agree. I should have at least checked with the ROs before posting the request.
3:35 PM
@AdrianMole we don't do exceptions here ... searches transcript for /me breaking that rule
Would it be fine to rollback the revision here and flag as spam? stackoverflow.com/posts/72491916/revisions
y u spell it "scrapping" when the tag is right there spelling "scraping" correctly? :(
@richardec meh. I just delete voted it.
I think the answer is mainly just trying to promote that website.
3:40 PM
Maybe but the redflag penalty might be too harsh for first offence.
the account is unregistered. The link is now gone and so will that whole answer. Not much use going over to spam
^ I thought Peter wrote that question. But it's just a community wiki and his name is because he contributed the most.
I think it is the bug effect: meta.stackoverflow.com/q/399072/5468463
@VLAZ So many old CWs were "authored" by him :)
Unnecessary duplicate or can stay? stackoverflow.com/q/72468086/5468463
3:48 PM
@richardec I usually differentiate between spam and advertising; flag the former and edit out the latter. In that case it seemed more like a "signature" on the post than anything else, and there was clear acknowledgement that it was the poster's site. Didn't seem too nefarious to me.
Obviously if they post 5 more such messages today it will be a different matter.
@miken32 That's reasonable. I'll avoid flagging as spam then next time.
4:00 PM
This user keeps undeleting this post. stackoverflow.com/a/72492223/17242583
What should I do? Mod flag?
@richardec Looks like they were/are testing how formatting works. You could point them to the meta.se sandbox that is designed for such a purpose next time they undelete, or if they have another post you can comment on
@NathanOliver Oh...I didn't notice it was the question asker. I'll try that.
I'm not sure I agree with the mark as SPAM. Yes, it's spammy as most of the world defines spamming (annoying repetitive messages), but it doesn't really seem to fit MSO's definition of "Spam", which is specifically "repetitive, unsolicited advertisement or promotion" (emphasis mine).
4:05 PM
@BendertheGreatest If it is about the post with undeleting, it was abuse of the system and not spam. It was deleted as such
@Vega It is, and the post content states "This answer was marked as spam or rude or abusive and is therefore not shown - you can see the revision history for details."
yes, or abusive
Actually, I found this MSE post which does define abusive as falling under that category of content
I was interpreting abusive as hate speech, rude language, etc. But I'm in alignment now
Again, that post was exactly what the meta post describes under abusive flag description
@Vega I'm agreeing with you. I was stating where my initial disagreement came from
Even if it didn't fall under either of those definitions it's obviously still NAA
4:11 PM
@BendertheGreatest That's because I flagged it as spam, but it wasn't deleted for that reason.
4:35 PM
@richardec A less noisy way to find that out is by clicking on the "MS" link in a SD report
@JeanneDark Yeah sorry, I'll stop using sd why here.
5:06 PM
@EJoshuaS-StandwithUkraine That question isn't asking to recommend a dataset, it's asking how to label a dataset with no labels present (to use for a "recommendation project"). But since they don't share the current format, it looks like Needs Details or Clarity.
Also, that tag looks a little fishy, doesn't it?
2 hours later…
@Machavity Are you able to allow me and Daniel Widdis write access to 4b0's Room?
We're having trouble (see the discussion in SOBotics)
If you'd rather not do the wory, don't worry and don't bother. :)
7:48 PM
@richardec That's down to the Room Owners, I guess. Presumably, 4b0 is one.
... mods have "Room Owner" privileges, by default, but I don't think what you're asking for is really what they want to spend their efforts on. Dunno.
... anway, moved the discussion to SO Bio-toxics.
@richardec As for the specific request, have 4b0 go to the room's access tab and give the users they desire "Explicit write access", which they can do by marking "write access" and hitting "change" in the popup available from the user's listing in the "Requested access" list. When you requested access, chat should have shown 4b0 a top-banner announcement that someone had requested access and a link to the access page.
8:17 PM
@Makyen Oh sorry, I didn't realize this was mod-flaggable.
@richardec In general, you're asking a moderator to do moderator things, which is, in the vast majority of cases, done via a moderator flag.
@Makyen Yeah, I understand. I was subconsciously thinking that mod flags were for messages only, but I get it now.
If you want assistance from moderators and you're not sure if it's flaggable, you can also ask in here without pinging a moderator. There are enough moderators that read the transcript that one is almost certain to see it, and they may choose to help. Pinging forces a particular moderator to take the time to address it, which may be inconvenient.
Of course, if you want to be sure that at least one moderator sees it, flags are designed to guarantee that. Worst case, it gets declined and then you know.
@richardec But, really, it should be 4b0 who raises the flag, as they are the one who's authorization should be explicitly obtained for that room.
8:46 PM
Wow, searching "AnyDesk" finds so many off-topic questions...
Why is that even Wow-Worthy?
@RyanM Are you gonna delete any of them?
I can compile a list of completely off-topic ones and post them here or elsewhere, if that'd be useful.
@richardec I've already deleted a handful, and set a few more up to Roomba
8:53 PM
Ah, roomba. Good idea.
I think at this point I've closed all the blatantly off-topic stuff.
@AdrianMole You can play WoW on any desk
what's important is the network connection
@Makyen chat should have shown 4b0 a top-banner announcement that someone had requested access and a link to the access page, no this not happen. sorry to bothered you, I am not able to give access so why question raised otherwise I never ping you. I know never ping MOD unless it's necessary and abut flag,
cc @Machavity
@4b0 Are you able to see this section on this page?
Clicking the orange down arrow should show you this - pick "Write access" and click "Change"
@RyanM ok thanks. Got it. Why I don't get notification. Sorry for this mess.
9:06 PM
ninja'd sigh; ditches a bunch of screen captures with red circles
9:40 PM
@pppery The question seems salvagable to me. I am not a SME but I think OP just needs more precise guidance on what to include.
10:03 PM
@KarlKnechtel Not a SME either, but it looked unanswerable to me without knowing a lot more details about the server, etc.
10:21 PM
fair, closure is not deletion after all
10:37 PM
@sideshowbarker Wouldn't this be an on-topic official-resource request?
is there a limit to how many peeps can be in a chatroom
If there is, I've never heard of it.
is there a golden hammer manual?
10:54 PM
@Joshua Do you mean something like this?
also don't do things like answer and then hammer the question closed
Yeah something like that
but where's the more than one dupe target thing?
it would be reasonable to make a "tips for gold badgers" page, TBH.
I finally got a C gold hammer by grinding
just...far down the list of pages I need to write, at least. Current WIP is an FAQ on "my question was marked off-topic, where does it belong?" with some folks here.
@Joshua upper right of the post notice box, there's an "Edit" link
you have to close first, then edit the targets list
10:59 PM
I guess I'll have to wait for a use case then.
1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null (not actually off-topic)
@Joshua You could always fix a duplicate banner if you wanted to try it out. stackoverflow.com/q/3162030
@HenryEcker Here's one you could also fix with multiple targets.
if you abuse the hammer can a mod take ur gold badge away
11:04 PM
@HenryEcker note that to fix this one, you'll have to reopen and reclose.
@MFerguson Not as such...we can suspend you, though.
Technically, we have the ability to take actions that would cause the system to remove the badge, like deleting answers. However, we wouldn't do that specifically to cause a gold badge to be removed.
@RyanM You'd have to reopen and reclose the other one too. I was just saying if someone wanted to try out all of the powers of a gold tag badge. Unilaterally reopening and reclosing a question closed as a duplicate, then adding targets would be all of the powers conferred by the badge.
ah yes. Fair. I failed to click the first one.
Those would indeed be excellent test questions for badge abilities.
@MFerguson We've had a few discussions with staff along the lines of "we would like to be able to specifically block access to curation tools without suspending" but there aren't any specific plans yet.
@Joshua You wanna use your hammer? You might be interested in SOCVFinder, a bot that reports possible duplicate questions to tags you opt-in for in the SOBotics chat room (iff you're in that room). Run @Queen opt-in [c] pd to have it start pinging you.
3 messages moved to SOCVR /dev/null (shhh, bots, we're talking about you, not to you)
@richardec Someone would need to raise Joshua's privilege level first
11:12 PM
Indeed. Ryan should be able to do that upon request though.
@Queen user 208273
are there guidelines for adding people to the hammer privilege level? or just that they should have a gold badge?
They need 1 gold tag badge
automating that check was a dream at one point IIRC
Makes sense. Then yeah, I can do that if asked.
Ideally with a reminder what the command is ^^;
@RyanM Queen add user 14768 Joshua 2
Was Joshua interested, though?
I hadn't made up my mind
There's no rush (of course)
@Joshua Nope, no problem at all. You indicated a desire to use your hammer (which I share[d when I got mine ;]), and I happened to have an idea. Feel free to decline or later accept :)
11:37 PM
@Queen opt-in
Welcome Joshua, you have been added as Reviewer, standby executing your command
@Joshua Sorry you need to be Hammer to run this command (@Petter)
@Queen add user 14768 Joshua 2
User: (14768) Joshua as Hammer updated
11:41 PM
I didn't know I could do that! @Ryan ^^
@Queen opt-in
@Joshua The tag [c] is not monitored in this room contact RO's for more info

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