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@Nick You appear to have not read the next paragraph that's within the same bullet point, which provides some additional clarifying text. If you have read that paragraph, and you still have this question, I'd appreciate any suggestions on how the intent could be made clearer.
@Makyen you are absolutely right, I must have had my blinkers on as I completely missed the part about answers in that paragraph. It's probably just me, but perhaps it might be even more obvious if the two different parts of that sentence were bullet points (i.e. one for questions, one for answers)?
@Nick Possible, but we're already 2 levels deep at that point, and those are clarifications of the general requirement, as applied to the specific types of posts...
@mickmackusa You're an active closer/voter/deleter, I'd say you were a prime target for DVs. It happens, don't let it bother you. Comments seeking feedback from the DVer are a waste of time IMO - if they voter did not give a reason at the time of voting, they never will.
(I sometimes comments on my own posts where I suspect revenge voting to have occurred - not to seek feedback, but to note to any decent-minded readers that the voting reason was likely unreasonable).
@Makyen No worries - I'm sure the average person who actually reads, rather than skims, will have no problem seeing it. I will try to do better but in the meantime please do keep calling me out on it. One day it might actually stick :P
Everyone, please be careful not to scrub comments that inform researchers that a given answer is provably incorrect and include a demo link as proof. If you don't like the tone of the comment, and you have the ability to edit a comment, please edit the comment to your liking instead of killing an informative comment.
@πάνταῥεῖ Why have you closed this? The target is wrong.
@cigien reopened
@mickmackusa If a comment is flagged (i.e. as NLN, unfriendly/unkind, or harassment/bigotry/abuse), the responding moderator's primary responses are to delete the comment or decline the flag. While moderators can edit such comments, that happens much more rarely. If you want your comments, or portions of them, to stick around, you are far better off writing comments which won't be flagged, or which when read by a moderator have obvious value and won't be interpreted as unfriendly/unkind.
That doesn't mean you can't say things which are negative about a post, but it's a good idea to stay with fact-based comments pointing out issues with the post, ways that it might be improved, requests for more information, etc.
I'd also note that many moderators are reluctant to edit comments, for multiple reasons, not the least of which is that some people get quite upset when their comments are edited, regardless of the reason for the edit.
@Makyen All I am saying is that a comment that expresses how the answer is provably incorrect cannot possibly be "NLN". As for the "unfriendly/unkind/harassment/etc", that is a grey zone which I am not up for arguing about. I am asking for comment purgers to have pause when someone posts something vital to helping researchers like indication/proof of incorrectness so that the baby doesn't get thrown out with the bath water.
@mickmackusa You may have to take that one to meta; I suspect (but cannot confirm) that the moderators deleting such comments are not the ones in this room. Generally, I agree with you that such comments should generally be left up unless they're especially rude.
Why was this Answer deleted?
@Scratte 3x 20k did it
Ah.. OK. Thanks :) It wasn't stellar, so I guess that's fair :)
@Scratte It was terrible - I am one of the three!
@AdrianMole Funny. It works for all the javaScript I write :)
Some explanation would've helped, for sure. Maybe I was a bit hasty?
... but I did see your comment, though.
@RyanM No. It's not the moderators' job to run behind a user and clean up by editing their comments which are unfriendly/unkind or harassment/bigotry/abuse. If the user wants their comments to stay, then their comments need to not stray into being unfriendly/unkind or harassment/bigotry/abuse. One, maybe two, where there's some exceptional value to the comment, then an edit is reasonable. Runing behind a user to clean up by editing many such comments to multiple people on a single page, no.
Note: Yes, anyone is welcome to go to Meta to question or protest moderator action. I'm not saying no to that part.
I expect that the reason they wrote is that it's a timing issue. Waiting for a second may work, since the button will be loaded by then. However the other Answer says that it's not possible to get it by the ID, since it changes.
It struck me as a sort of "try turning it off and on again."
@Makyen ah, I didn't intend to imply that editing was the correct solution; that was my intent by adding the "unless they're especially rude" - implying that deletion would be warranted there.
but obviously I could have been clearer. I agree with everything you've said in your message.
I also haven't seen the comments in question (and perhaps you have), so maybe they were in fact especially rude.
@AdrianMole What's wrong with that? :) If you post that at the right time, you might get 10K reputation points :)
Is this an Answer or is it thanking the thread for telling them there to find this file?
@Scratte Both I guess, but the answer itself is copied anyway. I custom flagged.
Ah. Thanks :) I saw you left your mark on it :)
Should we get a reputation penalty for downvoting Answers on meta? :)
Was that question meant for me? I'm not sure what you're referring to.
@cigien No.. that was just me being silly :)
Ah, I see :)
Reputation penalties for being silly would be ... silly.
Are we introducing voting on chat messages too now? :)
@Scratte We only have a Thanks™ feature for chat messages: it's the little star on the right.
@RyanM I always though it was the chat-upvote :) A star-vote.. but they expire.
@Scratte But since they don't count for anything (well, except badges), they're really more of a Thanks™
@Georgy I'm not sure that can be salvaged. I agree that the question was extremely unclear, which is why it needed to be closed. The fact that answers came in before the question was closed is quite unfortunate, as it essentially means that any clarification now would invalidate the answers, which is contraindicated.
At this point, I don't see what else that can be done, short of deleting the entire thing and asking the asker to ask again, with more details the next time.
It is somewhat unfortunate that some of the answerers (including the accepted answer) engaged with the chameleon question, but that's really their fault for answering unclear questions. And, as you said, there's little of general value there that would be lost by deleting the entire thing. So I don't feel too bad about it.
In general, of course, I agree that editing to salvage is far preferable to deletion, but I just don't see that working out in this case, in large part because the system failed us in not getting the question closed quickly enough. This is why I'm such a big advocate of closing as early as possible.
@Scratte People definitely are set in their opinions, but that doesn't mean they can't change. That's why arguments and discussions are required in order to change people's minds. It's not always easy, but nothing that matters is.
Not sure that's entirely true. It matters to me that I get my coffee in the morning, and it's easy :)
Then it's not good coffee. My understanding was that good coffee requires going and harvesting the beans yourself, perhaps starting a guerilla war in some Latin American country in order to obtain the rights to harvest them, then roasting and brewing them yourself.
You forgot to add the 'generous helping' of good Irish Whiskey - or am I thinking of a different sort of coffee?
That and coffee stouts/porters are the one type of coffee that I like.
I had some coffee stout, last time I was down in Wales. Seemed a bit odd at first, but I ended up liking it (well, enough to order a second, and a third...)
In my opinion, ordering the same exact beer more than twice in a pub is doing it wrong. Unless said pub has really poor choices.
I guess I like variety.
Actually, the pub is a local brewery's "show off" house. They have dozens of excellent beers, ciders and other potable offerings. But I couldn't spot anything that felt 'right' after the strong taste of the coffee stout.
Yes, that's perfect! Pubs that are associated with a little microbrewery, also known as a "taproom". Best selections, tons of variety, freshest beer, awesome experience all the way around.
Ah, yeah, I do tend to save the darkest malt beers for last. They are generally my favorites, but also can mess up your palate for the other offerings.
Not really a 'micro' brewery. In fact, Wales' largest (Brains is the name). But they do a wide selection of organic brews.
The more the merrier!
... and the pub does a few "guest ales" for good measure.
Are they only ever ales?
Or is that just a fixed phrase that refers broadly to any type of brew?
And stouts, porters, lagers. But folks sometimes use the word "ale" to sound posh.
I have no idea where to get a coffee bean that can sprout. If I got one, I'd grow it myself. I guess that's the meaning of "not easy" :)
There are two broad types of beer: ales and lagers. The former is brewed with top-fermenting yeast that likes warmer temperatures; the latter is brewed with bottom-fermenting yeast that likes cooler temperatures. Ales tend to have wider, more varied flavor profiles.
I was just coming to that: Lager beer; stout ale. But the terminology has loosened over time.
Stouts are just a type of porter (original name was "stout porter", but the "porter" part was dropped over time). They can be either ales or lagers, but are usually ales.
(Because ales are usually better. Prove me wrong.)
You should post more on the SE Beers+ site. You'd get gold tags galore. And you're not wrong.
I drink lager in Scotland because most of the available ales are rubbish. Also, I have a habit of not knowing when to stop, should I come across an outlet of particularly good ale.
Do I need more gold tags?
Wait, what? Scotch ale is amazing!
I have never come across anything known as Scotch Ale in Scotland. Maybe it's a transatlantic term?
Perhaps you know it as "wee heavy"?
... but there are some goodies.
It's like a Scotch version of an English-style barley wine. As far as I know, the style originated in Edinburgh. Last I checked, that was Scotland.
"Heavy" is just a generic term for what the English call "Bitter (Ale)".
Super malty, rich, dark-bodied ales, bursting with caramel and peaty flavors.
... nothing as strong as a barley wine.
Not quite as strong, no. But very strong compared to most brews.
They were pretty much the strongest you could find, until American IPAs started doing insanely high ABV
Still, I think the richness of the malt is better for balancing that high ABV
Most ordinary pubs in Glasgow will serve one or two Heavies on tap; but they're mediocre, at best.
That's a shame
I used to drink IPA regularly, when I was young. Then I stopped and moved to Lager (less acid to bother the guts). I 'rediscovered' the beauty of IPA on a visit to your (adopted) neck of the woods: Bay Area. Very impressive stuff.
They're ridiculously trendy here in the US, at least certain parts.
It's almost hard to find good brews on tap that aren't IPAs.
Fortunately, you can still buy plenty of good stuff in the stores as six-packs.
And they're trending here, too, in the more upmarket venues.
I like IPAs when I'm in the mood, but I'm not always in the mood.
My local was serving a "hybrid" for a while, which I liked (half lager, half IPA).
Hmm, that's weird.
What was "lager"-ish about it?
Sounds weird but it's nice; and popular.
It's yellow. :-)
I'm imagining just a very mild IPA
Uh, lots of IPAs are yellow, I think
In terms of ABV, it's not mild; in terms of pH, it's milder than a full IPA.
Right, less bitterness is what I meant by "mild".
And by "bitterness", I of course mean "hops"
@AdrianMole So.. the colour is the same going in as coming out?
Hops is good.
@Scratte Nah, it shouldn't be yellow coming out. If it is, you're dehydrated.
Also, IIRC, the hybrid I referred to is cold-brewed (which is lager-style).
Yellow-ish.. who has clear water coming out, expect for this happy kid?
That's the classic distinction between lagers and ales, the temperature at which the yeast is active at fermentation
Also a distinction that is pretty unnoticeable to the consumer
@Scratte Seriously, the clearer the better. If you're properly hydrated, it should be nearly clear.
Unless you have hepatitis, or eat lots of saffron.
@Scratte Stars don't expire...This very room has stars going back to its founding date: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/info/41570/so-close-vote-reviewers/…
Certain antibiotics will turn your urine colors, like a bright orange or a fuchsia.
I meant the messages expire on the startboard :)
Ah, well, the starboard on the starboard side only shows the most recently starred messages. But the entire starboard is maintained in that link I posted.
@AdrianMole asparagus.. then you can mark your area.
Would that be a code road smell?
Doesn't change the color, just the odor.
The odor of sulfur! Apparently, though, not everyone metabolizes asparagusic acid in the same way, so not everyone gets that smell.
Funny stuff, asparagus. The Thais call it French Bamboo.
Speaking of Thai and green, stringy things... Why do I love Thai green beans, but not like the normal green beans you find elsewhere in American and European cooking?
Are they actually different plants? Or is it just about the way they cook them in Thai food?
Strange.. I just love the regular green beans :)
Most vegetables in Thai cooking are left stringy (or maybe grown to be stringier than normal). They just like it like that.
@Scratte Have you had the Thai green beans?
With some homemade chili oil? Mmmmm.
@CodyGray Never tried thai green beans. I used to try whatever food was served. I'm less open now.
I imagine they're all the same species; different varieties, or whatever the currently fashionable taxonomic term is. (cultivars?)
Oh, how predictable. You once got served a dish you didn't like.
@CodyGray No. That happened a lot while I was still trying out whatever was served.
Just never ask for a "hot dog" if you're passing through Korea. ;-)
I also do not have any illusions that one kind of animal feels less pain than another, so I don't really care more or less for a dog than for a chicken. But I do tend to not eat meat at all unless I'm fairly certain that it's safe.
@Scratte Yeah, it's important to ensure that it's good and dead first.
@CodyGray Apparently that's not fashionable everywhere.
So I've heard
I'm not about that
three "calorieDemand" homework dumps in last few hours: 1, 2, 3. First two in this list are certainly from sock puppets
@gnat That's a mod flaggable issue.
@CodyGray I flagged
@πάνταῥεῖ OP brought this post up on meta. No reason to get involved I think, just a heads up.
It was brought up on Meta before it was deleted. As such, it should not have been deleted. One cannot have a Meta discussion about a deleted question.
I call that spam, m'dear...
Is that a new recipe? Sort of like Croque Monsieur - Spam M'Dear?
Yeah I'm on the fence. Maybe I just have low expectations for askers... definitely a candidate for expedited removal
The fence broke and fell down from underneath me some time ago.
my optimistic side marked it FP; my pessimistic side watched the domain in Smoke Detector.
It's all the thai green beans you've been eating.
More likely the beer, but good way to indicate you've been reading the transcript. :-)
Now that I know I can see edit histories, it takes much longer ;)
btw, I can ask this in CHQ if that's better, but how did all your comments get added to the MS review?
All whose comments? Replying to the SD message in here will add comments to MS. As will adding a comment directly on the MS page.
Oh, those were replies to SD. Now that the report is gone, it looks like the comments aren't responding to anything. Got it.
I'm still confused as to what you're talking about. SD messages aren't deleted from Charcoal HQ. Only in here are they moved to the Graveyard. Which message are you referring to?
Oh, hmm. That's weird that my replying to Ryan would show up on MS.
And I didn't even reply to Ryan.
That is super bizarre!
Smokey thinks you were using their familiar name?
... it was the very next message and contained the word "spam."
I could maybe buy that if it was an SD message. But why a Ryan M message?
OK, I missed that.
No, RyanM responded to SD in CHQ. It's your "m'dear" comment and Adrian's "recipe" comment that I'm confused about.
Or, agreed (?)
Hmm, no clue what's up with that. I can't see a way in the MS UI to tell where a comment originated from.
@CodyGray btw, thanks for the hint/nudge/push to start interacting with SD. It's extremely fascinating.
I saw you bit the bullet and requested privileges.
You are easier to convince to do things than Scratte. :-)
@CodyGray Low bar, unfortunately :(
SD privileges take over a week to get processed in here, interestingly enough.
@cigien Easier to clear that way.
@cigien ROs here are persnickety, as they well should be. I'd have it no other way.
No doubt. I just thought CHQ would be even persnickitier.
Moving on ...
All such NAA flags were declined, @rene. Not much interesting to see there, I'm afraid.
I do use and recommend the tool. There might just be a conspiracy. A conspiracy to get programmers good tools!
I assume you already added a watch for that domain?
@CodyGray it was watched yes, not by me
@tripleee I see. Got me on the details. :-p
@CodyGray actually they were only watched after they also posted the same spam to the Spanish SO
Seriously, how do people not love Meta? It's one of the few places I can count on each day for a true, hearty laugh.
@CodyGray Good times on Meta today indeed! Just got accused of lying :P
@RobbyCornelissen For being right, no less! VLAZ's comment has me in stitches.
@CodyGray Best fun I've had all year (with my clothes on). And a rare special guest participation. :-)
That's true, I don't see Robby on Meta that often.
I so wanted to upvote - just for the reaction.
Rob shut down our fun.
@CodyGray Raise a custom flag!!
@AdrianMole Someone already raised a rude/abusive flag.
... but I think it had passed its peak about 20 comments before Rob's.
@E_net4downvoteseverything I hear you can earn money from the moderators by answering Doxygen questions.
@CodyGray Sorry :(
But so little cash to share between so many people.
@CodyGray Doxygen? Sounds like blood money to me. :x
@AdrianMole That would be Robby's comment. Hmm... coincidence? I think not. A conspiracy must be afoot!
What isn't blood money these days?
Well, you know what's said about curious concatenations of coincidences.
What should we do with this answer?
@PraveenKumarPurushothaman downvote it? Flag it as "Very low quality"?
@PraveenKumarPurushothaman Other than the poor grammar/spelling, and the code-as-image, and the lack of explanation, what's wrong with it? ;-)
What do we do if someone keeps posting various forms of the same question but what they are trying to do just isn't possible in the language they are trying to do it in? Said multiple times why it's not possible, but they continue to post questions completely ignoring what has been said.
Keep closing them. Isn't there a daily limit, and a point at which a Q-ban kicks in?
Vote to close them as duplicates of their own previous question(s)
He's back!
@RobbyCornelissen Huh?
New question on Meta, already closed and deleted :D
@RobbyCornelissen let's move on
Ooo, ahh, so that's where the doxygen money idea came from.
Can you link to a question so I know what you're talking about?
rene has asked us to move on... so lets do that..
I don't want to discuss it. Just see what it's about. I'm a very curious person. And saying "let's move on instead" just triggers it even worse. Pretty please? :D
@klutt You can scavenge the list of deleted Meta questions. One would rather not keep bringing it up here anymore, I agree.
Spoke too soon.
What question? I'm lost.
Wait, what.
OK folks, back to cv-plsing.
@AmruthA We will not be discussing that issue on this chat room. It is far outside the scope of what this chat room handles, as described in its FAQ. If you keep discussing this, you will be kicked from this chat room. You have already been told how you can contact the owners of this site if you want to raise concerns about moderators. Alternatively, you can escalate on Meta Stack Exchange.
Message moved, the discussion continues there, if needed.
Whoo, made it to the top 45 close vote reviewers, now all I have to do to show up on the on-site leaderboard is checks notes review that same number of posts that took all year once more.
But hey I'm halfway there now!
Yep. The gaps get bigger as you go higher up the ladder!
I think I'm at about 60.
58, in fact!
heather-eggnog.glitch.me for those who've not seen this nifty site that tracks the rankings
You're 10th in the last 30 days, @RyanM.
I had never heard of that site.
@CodyGray oh neat, is that tracked anywhere publicly?
I doubt it
Maybe SEDE? I don't know, ask rene on Meta to write you up an answer.
Put a question in the answer section stackoverflow.com/a/65213480/2572645
@AndyK Answers can't be closed. In situations like that, you should raise a "not an answer" flag on the post.
@CodyGray reviewtasks doesn't have userid.
@CodyGray cheers Cody. Some rep users just deleted the answer
Yup, sure thing. I got this one, but in the future, that's the best way to get questions-posted-as-answers deleted.
Looks like rene has bribed Sam to not take his 5th place. ;)
@cigien Looks like you and I have a very different view on what's useful and what's not. Personally, this is the type of question I don't want to see here. And it's sad for me to see that not only it wasn't deleted but it actually was reopened :( And regarding MCVE. IMHO, this is not a minimal failing code. If OP debugged it, they would see that there is only one line that fails to produce the expected result in that code, it's the line with the comparison...
...From that point they could ask how to compare string representations of numbers, or how to convert user input from str to int, but even in that case it would be closed as a duplicate.
@MrUpsidown Yea, this works.
@RyanM that's what 5800 CV reviews?
No. 58th in the order of All Time Review counts.
@AndrasDeak Thanks, added :)
Thanks :)
@AdrianMole where's the SEDE query for that?
Dunno. It's rene's website (the link given by Ryan).
It functions by scraping, since the data isn't in SEDE
@AdrianMole ok, I just noticed (that chat was confusing).
@RyanM ok, I'll have a look. Thanks.
@CodyGray Ok, I left a comment to OP. I'll leave the deletion to you then. Thanks! :)
Is it okay for an answer to have its code on stackblitz.com or any other site of this kind? Or should I edit the code into the answer? Is the answer link-only without it?
@Yatin No, usually no, and yes
@MrUpsidown Edited out
Should we simply edit out that kind of content or flag it?
In general, posts with minor profanity in the text should be edited, rather than flagged. Something like that is likely to get a declined flag (especially if put in front of SOCVR where someone's likely to just edit it before a mod gets there).
ok well you just answered
if it's a pattern or they keep putting it back, then it can be worth a flag
Flag removed
@MrUpsidown maybe it is not wise to repeat the offensive stuff in our transcript ...
@rene I thought it was clear that I was pointing out at the bad words and not telling anyone here to "F... O..." but ok
yeah, we all get that but I'm a bit worried about the casual reader
I don't want your well meant message being chat flagged
Is this question closeable?
Is this question is re-openable? I feel like it is...
@double-beep surely the question should be closed & the answer is "link only"
@double-beep Seems highly unlikely to help future readers.
@E_net4downvoteseverything ...oops... :(
@RiggsFolly looks more like POB?
@Braiam probably speaking from experience ...
@Braiam Spot the typo in that comment for a bonus point.
@AdrianMole Double the
Sorry, bonus points can only be awarded in black-and-white. :)
wow I had to read that several times. Best I could come up with was the lack of an Oxford comma, which is more of a faux pas than a typo ;-)
ctrl+F -> the
"is the pretty much"
@Braiam Do you store links like these somewhere?
@Yatin I commit them to memory :D
Then search for them using either post search, or sede search
Other times @Yatin I just quote myself quoting the link.
@Braiam I have been looking for a meta answer for a while... I think shog9 wrote it... It was about reputation and gamification.. It used a farming metaphor. I really liked that answer but can't find it anymore :/
Do you know anything about it :)
@RyanM I knew Shog doesn't refer to growing stuff as "farm" but "garden"
@Braiam well...it turns out he's also compared SO to farming, but that wasn't the one Yatin was after.
@RyanM Yeah, but I was sure that it was on MSE since that particular topic (gamification) seemed very old.
@RyanM Oh thank you! 😀😀
np :-)
I don't know how many times or ways I can try to explain to someone that JScript latest implementation was based off ECMAScript 3rd Edition, anything after that available in JavaScript just isn't supported. Almost every question they ask is some variation of that statement, I'm losing the will to live. We are talking about a legacy tech that is over 7 years old now.
If you have a grief against a specific user, it might be best to ignore them entirely
^ +1 I have a very few usernames in my virtual "little red book."
It's not grief against them, they just keep popping up in the question queue I follow...I'm trying to help.
I think Lanky "someone" is just a vague "people that do the same thing I don't understand and is kinda make me lose faith in humanity"
But you do know that your attempts to help will not be appreciated
My main concern is maintaining the quality of the queues I follow, if I leave them and ignore them I just end up with a right old mess of open unanswered questions. It's an OCD thing I guess.
@Lankymart VtC :D
@Lankymart There must be other users in your tag, no?
@Braiam I stopped voting or flagging any of their questions because it landed me in hot water back in Nov, just wish they'd meet me halfway. Their questions aren't bad, very detailed, show a great deal of effort but they also show a total inability to heed advice previously given.
@Lankymart If that gets you on hot water, then someone should stop trowing it at you.
If you find something objectively objectionable, do flag. If you find their answers factually wrong, downvote. Otherwise, move on.
If the Question quality is good, why close them?
@Scratte The issue is more the question, it might be good but the answer each time comes down to "It's not supported" 1000 different ways of saying it going into immense detail around when versions were released etc. But it is always the same answer, plus if I answer with that it'll just get ignored anyway.
Need to stop ranting, just feel like I'm stuck between a rock and hard place at the moment.
@Lankymart If the Answer is the same, then they can closed as duplicates, no?
Can one ping a suggested editor? Before the edit is approved?
@Scratte Indirectly, yes. Just find of their posts.
Not sure what to do here. I'd like to link to the How do I make a good edit? about "Remove 'Hi' and 'Thank you'", but I'm not sure how to do it. Leaving the "brother" reference seems to like a strange choice in the equality times as well.
@Scratte questions are different around the same subject but it comes down to trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, it's just not possible. Closing it as a duplicate wouldn't feel right, it's more "Can't Reproduce" perhaps...
@Scratte Reject and improve
@Scratte Improve edit, make those changes, ping in comments.
Hmm.. someone else Approved that edit :O
I've often used Improve+ping for "you had the right idea, but..."
@Scratte That looks like a prime candidate for a couple of revenge downvotes after a "reject and improve". I would just skip.
@RyanM That's against my religion..
@Scratte which part?
@AdrianMole Downvotes? :) I like downvotes :)
Then go for it!
Is this an answer?
@RyanM Improve.. I don't edit.
It doesn't look to me like the answer to the question
@Scratte Then either skip or reject.
@Dharman I think so. It's a specification of what they did to solve their issue, no?
Why are they thanking the OP then?
Ahh.. yes, but that is not going to help the editor to learn, is it? I mean they've probably not read the meta post.
@Dharman question is self-answered as well
@Scratte Well, they've had over 8 years to learn how to edit ...
@Dharman It normal for Answers to build on other Answers, no?
@RyanM although, err, that doesn't really explain the content of that answer...
@AdrianMole At some point they'll have full privileges. I thought the point of having suggested edits was to make users learn how to do it and what to edit.. before they're set free.
I don't know. My ASP knowledge is limited and I don't know if the answer is useful or not, but it does look like an attempt at least.
@Scratte IIRC, even those who have been "set free" can incur edit bans. Or maybe INRC?
Edit bans?
Did I just dream something up?
I'm afraid you did
First time I hear about it
<2K users can be banned from making suggestions.
Yes.. it's editing privileges cannot be revoked or temporarily suspended. It's a full suspension or still free.
But it was a nice dream, if short-lived.
@AdrianMole Yes, but that's different :) Also review suspensions make one unable to approve edits on one's own post.
However, approving or rejecting a suggested edit on one's own post(s) can get you to 41 (or more) reviews in a single day. :-)
Isn't this funny "+1 2 hours ago reversal Voting corrected"
@AdrianMole The only edit review I ever did was on my own post. While I wanted to do it, I feel those should not count as a review. But they do and I got an undeserving badge for it, and it's haunting me with a 4 that's making the other badges look like they're lesser.
@Dharman You got one downvote corrected?!?
Not me
Is this an answer? Second part looks like an answer but overall.....
@Dharman Somebody serial-downvoted 5 answers; four were deleted but the last one was not. Then the reversal script kicked in. Discuss.
I haven't got a clue. It was done by employee so something bigger must have been happening I presume of which we only see the +1 reversal
@AmitJoshi it is more like a comment to me, however the question itself should be closed
@AmitJoshi Meh, I think it's 20k deleteable but not R/A
^^ I went with NAA
^^^ and delv
what about this? seems like a request for resources to me, asking for examples, any thoughts?
@Dharman The "These people would rather ask the world for an answer than go to their own instructor who is happy to help them." part in answer looks rude to me. Anyway, answer is deeply down-voted so far. Hope it will go soon.
Even if it isn't very rude in and of itself it is likely to start a fight in the comments. I would love to see it go
gone already
@TylerH Well, I'm asking about actions that put users at risk of receiving a moderator message.
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