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@Scratte everything counts, as long it brings you experience not to do it again :)
I think I must be doing it all wrong then. I have a coffee in the morning every day ;)
^the main reason why fireworks will be forbidden @ new years eve in most "central" EU counties, like Germany, Austria, NL, etc.., is that they are afraid of the "regular" thousands of injuries due to mishandling those fireworks and showing up with burned /no hands, but since capacity in hospitals is scarce due Covid infections... no fireworks
@Scratte coffee is good, as long as you stick to one (not too many) a day
I'm not sure what the deal is in my country. But they tried to limit fireworks after a church had a bad fire one year and they were not successful. I'm sure that even if they try to ban it, fireworks will be going off in the entire country from 23:00 to 2:00 non stop.. at least in Copenhagen for the full timeframe.
But I can't recall ever having bad a lot of bad injuries though. There's always someone of course..
"There's always someone of course" * millions of people = lots of people
@Scratte it used to be the same here in the south, but then bigger touristic towns, like Lisbon or Cascais or Funchal (Madeira Islands) started to do their "official" ones, which kind of put the amateurs to quit, because the Wife and Friends said: 'we go and watch the real thing - are you staying or come?'
That is an awesome way of dealing with it :) No ban, just make it better :)
@Makyen Usually less than 10 get any real injury on a new years eve, if I remember correctly. And the streets are packed with people setting fireworks off. They set it off anywhere. On sidewalks, on roads.. cars usually stop until it's gone off when then see someone lighting it up :D
@Scratte fireworks? or fire-crackers? big difference...
@Vickel Fireworks. It sets off into the sky and explode in mid air :) Or someone's window.. :)
The sound of explosions is like a wall of thunder and the air fills with the smell of sulfur.
Keep your mouth slightly open to avoid an ear-injury and don't go outside without protective glasses.
@Scratte looks like Denmark's people think it is too peaceful there, we need wartime at least one night a year... not good...
Not wartime at all. Fireworks are colours in the sky :) It's like a huge live painting all over the country. I've noticed that foreigners are very often surprised at the amount of fireworks that gets set off. It's also usually the most expensive part of the entire evening.
@Scratte but that's a very accurate description of my town's official fireworks... and we have 3 of it during the year: new years, our lady of the good journey celebration, and when the local nightclub has its birthday :)
400 euros for a decent battery of fireworks and some people bring out 10 :D
@Scratte don't understand me wrong, I love fireworks, it just seems that some people get really "excited" when making their own "explosions"
Yes. They do. Considering the fact that when they set it off, they're already past tipsy, it is a bit surprising that there are only a few bad injuries every year. But campaigning starts early. I remember being taught in school and there are a lot of short messages in radio and TV about what to remember, so I suppose people just "know" it.
@Scratte here we have a professional, who normally is hired by parties like weddings, baptism or those "official" events, known as "fogueteiro" which is someone who sells and prepares and launches fireworks. The really potent ones are restricted to whom has a "fogueteiro" licence
^ 'foguete' means rocket
I don't think it's legal to send of fireworks in my country at any other time of year unless one gets special permission, so I think that sort of company is probably not feasible.
But people do sometimes keep it from around new year to when they want to set it off at some party :D
I just read that over half of the injuries here is caused by illegal fireworks. So even with a ban, there'd still be a problem.
^ that is a scam
@Scratte I mod flagged it... "looks like OP has used real world email addresses instead of example ones, data protection issue?" I'm referring to the question!
@Vickel I did not notice that. Good call.
Yea, good flag.
@Scratte @slackwing it was marked helpful ("Well known spam. Be careful with anything you downloaded"), which I think was directed to the answer. But no action from the mod towards the OP, should I edit out the emails?
I wouldn't bother, but it's up to you.
I see this very often. If OP doesn't care then it means that they are probably fake data
@Vickel - Oh, I was editing it already.
That data seems pretty real.
Faker produces real-looking data too
Oh I see. Maybe not then, but edited in case.
@Dharman so I leave it, as I have raised a helpful mod-flag already. Mods take the action needed after that, I suppose...
@Vickel - 👍
If you're pedantic then.. you missed two :)
@slackwing Hi again. Hope I wasn't responsible for this change ;)
Yeah, looks like GC to me.
Huh, maybe not. It got migrated to unix.se
I was briefly confused why I couldn't post my "This seems like it'd be on-topic for Super User or maybe Unix.SE, though." comment
Lurking mods I presume.
@cigien With bad_coders comment on it saying it's off-topic for SO :D
How much rep does one need to flag comments? Not that I have a unix.se account.
@cigien I think all flags need 15 reputation points. But be very wary about flagging stuff on sites you're not used to. Some sites like to keep everything :)
I thought it was weird, sometimes users with considerable rep post off-topic questions but it isn't usual. At least it was migrated to the right place and will get an answer.
@cigien Just consider it a change to "Purple reign" ;)
Users with the association bonus (who haven't lost a bunch of rep somehow) can flag network-wide. There's no requirement that the rep be earned on that site.
@Scratte it's a common "gotcha" for moderators doing migrations: they have to delete the comments before migrating, because they lose the ability to once it's no longer on a site where they have mod powers.
Well, I made an account and flagged NLN. Don't see why mods on unix.se would want to keep that comment. I shall find out, I guess.
@RyanM I like that you're already getting familiar with the moderator checklist :) Lets hope it comes in handy :)
LOL my homonym just posted :D - Should I leave a comment; "Welcome to SO." ?
@bad_coder My opinion is that "Welcome to SO.." is a bit of an odd message to leave. They may grow up to out-reputation you and then it just looks really silly.
The comment won't last that long anyway.
@Scratte ok :) then I'll just leave a comment saying: "me me meeph"
If it did, one could upgrade to worse_coder, I suppose :)
@Scratte or in French: "terrible_coder" :)
Is this programming?
@cigien Tricky. I'm sure it's only used by developers. And it can clearly be answered by developers.
It's more a customer support (and legal) question than a programming question, I don't think it's on-topic
@Scratte Doesn't it still need to have something to do with writing programs, or using programming tools?
@cigien Yes, probably.. I'm not sure. Of course I'd leave it be, since I figure it's probably not messing up SEO and people apparently found it useful :)
I'm not even sure I understand why android developers using Google Play.
@Scratte Isn't that a given? That you'd leave it be, I mean? Do you vote to close/reopen much?
Sorry, I realize you meant that you think I should leave it be.
@cigien Obviously I'm not voting either way, since I have a reputation barrier :)
You can flag though, right?
BTW, I had meetings earlier, so couldn't participate in the "print 1-100 in one line of Java" question. It's been deleted already :(
I'd never flag such. I flag stuff that is horrible or unanswerable or requires too much energy to figure out that it's lacking necessary details or Questions that looks like a jira ticket with bullet points inside if of things they need done.
@cigien Yes. I noticed that. I don't even have words for that.. I'm not sure why users want these things gone, but I'm not getting a good-feeling impression.
It was deleted almost immediately after it was closed.
@bad_coder are you sure it's not yourself?
@Vickel yes I am sure I don't have a sock puppet, and it wasn't me who posted that. (Came across it on the CV queue by chance...)
^ hey just kiddin... :)
@Scratte so often do I feel "horrible and unanswerable"....
@cigien - You were (;
@Scratte I kind of understand the feeling. Users who can vote to close, and especially delete, are experts. I guess they think that such trivial questions are not worth their time. Why they can't/don't ignore it I'm not sure.
Nah, I would have eventually regardless. Now people won't know without also having to read my disclaimer. Guilt-free livin'
@slackwing So once everyone is used to you, you'll change it back? :)
@slackwing Aah, I see. I felt a little bad when you changed up right after my comment. But I think it's a good idea. Even I'd be biased by the name, and I don't let things like that affect me usually.
Nice name too :)
@cigien But that's the thing I don't understand. Since they are experts, and they are here at Stack, they must know that lots of others users search for those things.
@Scratte Aah, that's an interesting point. I'm not sure that's true. I personally didn't learn any of the basics from SO (didn't exist when I was learning), and I guess a lot of the experts didn't either. Experts look up the more obscure things, and they probably don't want the trivial posts cluttering things up. Maybe they don't realize beginners are looking up the basics.
@Vickel speaking of which... I said I'd answer my homonym bad_coder and Scratte said it would be silly...For some reason (feeling silly) I went to find a translation to "poem in a straight line" (and of course, the translations are never good enough.)
There's nothing like the wayback machine though. Someone apparently argued with Jon Skeet once :)
@KenWhite Is that off-topic on SO? Looks like this but for Windows.
I'd bet a lot of smart people learning browse SO for answers to utter basics while learning something new. The difference is that smart programmers know how to Google and search to find solutions instead of posting a question. One or a few questions on a useful basic topic is good. (but after a few years, additional such questions clearly lack research effort)
@cigien - Oh that was probably insensitive of me, my b. Nope I was fine and thanks (:
Cool :)
@CertainPerformance there is a lot of >10k users, who never/rarely answered a question... there's a SEDE somewhere, let me find it...
@cigien I looked up all the basics. First the tutorial, but then when there was something I was confused about or just curious about, but it wasn't there, I'd find it on the internet... in some post.
@Scratte - Yeah once everyone is clear that I'm a scrub in this room, maybe I'll revert haha.
@cigien That one was back before SU was created. Also, the existence of a prior question is not an indication that the question is on topic now. Guidelines evolve over time as new sites are created or situations change. What is relevant are the current guidelines. That's not a programming related question.
@Vickel Yep, and those continually asking shouldn't be considered experts
@CertainPerformance I have my doubts about that, being smart is getting your questions answered.
@CertainPerformance for me the main problem is those "experts" have the 10k moderation tools without having at least 1000 SCORE points... (even if combined)
@KenWhite Oh really? On the old one, there's answers with bash scripts to do the job. I thought bash scripting is on-topic here.
@bad_coder Actually.. being able to get to 10K asking Questions is probably much harder than doing it answering.
@cigien Where in that post do you see any mention of scripting, or any example of scripting code? It's a general computing question. I don't know why you feel the need to continually debate my CV requests here. Have I done something to offend you?
@CertainPerformance How do you know? We could even have low reputation users here that just flag a new NAAs on occasion. How do you know they're not experts?
@KenWhite Absolutely not. I don't really look at who makes a request when I question it. And I question a lot of requests. If you don't want me to question yours, I'll try not to.
@KenWhite We question a lot of request coming in here.
@cigien I don't have an issue with questions regarding my CV requests. It does concern me when it's extremely often coming from one specific individual.
@Scratte Sure, they could be. I bet many are, only a small subset of great programmers are active here on SO
@CertainPerformance Perhaps they got their Questions closed :D
@CertainPerformance how do you define "great programmer"? A guy that knows 1 language well or another that knows 30 reasonably?
@KenWhite I spend a lot of time in this room. I can assure you it's not personal. @cigien question a lot of requests. Often ones that I want to question, but for some reason don't.
@KenWhite Aah I understand that. Yes, you probably get more questions from me than other members. OTOH, I haven't been singling you out, at least intentionally. There is some overlap in the tags we look at, so that might be part of it. Like I said, I ask a lot of questions.
@cigien OK, fair enough. :-)
@Scratte I spend time here, too. I have been for a few years now. I tend to not often participate in the discussions that aren't related to CV requests.
@KenWhite fwiw, if you feel that I ask you a lot, I would take that as a compliment. It means I think you're open to feedback, and discussing things. I do understand I can be annoying at times, and seem to be needlessly contentious, so I do apologize for that.
Yes, I'm not old enough to be "years".. But I do read most of the transcript and have been from the first time I entered the room.
@cigien No worries. We're good, and thanks for the compliment. :-)
@KenWhite :)
@Scratte I just caught this, lol.
@Scratte I'm not sure what year I started using this room off-hand, but it's been more than a couple. I found out about it after spending a few years before that running out of CVs every day and getting frustrated.
@KenWhite I can thank it for closing posts there my flag from Triage got wrongly disputed, so I'm quite happy with it too. And I think I've learned as much about Stack from this room as digging meta.
@Scratte It's a good room for that sometimes. It helps that there are some mods that spend time here as well, which can often be educational.
They lurk too some times :)
@KenWhite Often is putting it mildly ;)
@cigien Don't want to flatter the mods too much. :-)
Before Makyen and Machavity became moderators, I almost only saw Cody in here.
@slackwing One month there's an entry for almost everyday. Don't really know what's up with that.
@KenWhite Definitely not. Can't let them get too full of themselves :)
@Scratte There were a couple others that used to spend time here. I think Cody is one of the more prolific writers from the mods here (before @Makyen and @Machavity became mods - they've always been extremely active here).
Also, a number of current mods were regulars in this room before they were elected (e.g. Bhargav and JFF, IIRC). They still pop in from time to time.
@AdrianMole Apropos of nothing, I got called a "true python programmer" by a senior standards committee member on main today :p
@cigien Shameful! The C++ Standard explicitly says (or should say) that Python is no place for a real programmer! ;-)
@AdrianMole And all I did was show a piece of code in an answer that's easy to read, but inefficient :) C++ programmers really aren't fans of that.
@AdrianMole That's sad.. I would like to see them active here more :)
... but the std::format thingamajig that comes with C++20 seems to be trying to imitate Python.
@EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica You forgot to add a reason.
Ack so it would seem...
^ Accepted answer = No Roomba!
@AdrianMole If your flag count is low, I left some obvious ones for you.. I even put my mark on them
Beware the mark of the Squirrel
@AdrianMole Oh absolutely. C++ is getting a lot of features borrowed/stolen from python, and rust, etc. They're fine with that, since those features are only added if they can be done so efficiently. My answer had a piece of code that is inefficient though. I see their point, but still unfortunate: just because C++ can be used to write efficient code, shouldn't mean one has to worry about efficiency whenever writing in it.
I would have preferred printf-style stuffs in std::format ... but I'm not on the Committee.
@cigien At least they didn't call you a Java programmer :)
@Scratte Oh my. If they'd done that, I would have to quit programming entirely ;)
@AdrianMole You mean the printf format specifiers? How come? they're not particularly intuitive.
@Scratte :p
They're not intuitive, but they are well-established and very versatile (when used properly). They've also been adopted by a number of other languages.
Ah, the "but we've been doing it this way forever" argument. Not a fan myself. And with std::format IIRC, the format specifiers are taken almost wholesale from python. No harm with C++ adopting stuff from other languages for a change.
I can see benefits to both approaches. Maybe I should suggest a std::cformat class for C++23?
i'd love to see that proposal. A few laughs at least ;)
btw, if you do like the printf format specifiers, there are libraries that add type safety on top of that syntax, which I guess is what you would want with std::cformat.
@Scratte Bhargav Rao, Jean-François Fabre, Baum mit Augen and Samuel Liew are all SOCVR alums. And Jon Clements hung out in here from time to time (still does on occasion)
@Machavity I guess I missed the good old days.. Perhaps I should read the entire transcript xD
How is the latest SD report spam?
\o good night ya'll
Me too, I think.
@10Rep Every one of that user's posts have links to the same website. Hence, Smokey shows "blacklisted user".
@EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica Not even that. "Unclear" already covers "not a real question". I just want "too broad" and "multiple questions" added back to the corresponding reason.
@cigien When the OP makes the edit on what was formerly spam, you don't need to flag that for us. Let the OP flag it. Chances are, as in that case, a mod is already in contact with the user about our requirements. I went ahead and undeleted that one because the problems that led to its deletion were already resolved, but I'd prefer to handle that sort of thing through the private channels that were already opened up.
@AdrianMole Yes. Moderator undeletion does not prevent the community from deleting a post.
@Joshua Just leave the additional links in the comments. They'll still show up in the right sidebar as "linked questions", and if a gold badge holder comes along later, they can easily see them and add them to the dupe list. If not, no big loss.
@AdrianMole That's definitely a duplicate. The BOOST_ASSERT context has no effect on the answer to the question. I've closed it as a duplicate. cc @cigien. If you think the answers should be moved, I can merge, but it's a tough sell, because they are specific to the context of the question (even though they don't need to be).
Double-negation inside of an assert is an extremely common idiom in both C and C++ code. It's not in any way unique to Boost.
@AdrianMole No Effort November is over. Time to step it back up. ;-)
@CodyGray I get that. We had a lengthy discussion in here. I managed to convince cigien but, clearly, not you. No worries - I'll accept decision without further ado.
I was just getting around to reading that extended discussion.
I really don't see why you think there's anything unique to Boost there. It's just an assert macro, warts and all.
My issue was more the difference between what and why. Also (as you say) merging the answers into the dupe target would make them look odd, to say the least.
@AdrianMole But... the why is "it's an assert". And the answer is, "even though it says BOOST_ASSERT, it's actually just an assert". My reaction, of course, is, "that's why assert is in the name!"
@rene Gah! Even if you did, you shouldn't advise people who post blatantly off-topic questions. There's no way anyone could have legitimately thought that question would be suitable for MSE. Better to just close and delete.
@Scratte What? "Canute" sounds almost the same to me as the Norwegian pronunciation of the Old Norse "Knútr". Kuh-noot-er. (As long as you pronounce the trailing "e", which you might not necessarily do in English.)
Medieval Scandinavian history, now you're getting into interesting stuff. :-)
Think this comment is unfriend/unkind or am I just being overly sensitive?
@IanCampbell Yeah, someone else had already flagged it. I removed the rude sentence at the end.
The current version is perhaps a bit harsh, but not over the line for me.
Well, if you're interested, there are 8 more copies of it floating around.
Eeek. That changes my response.
Have fun! And thanks for the insight.
They did all get flagged.
They're also all gone now.
Older versions of the comment didn't include that last rude sentence. The latest copies do.
@CodyGray Yeah, I wasn't thrilled about the "why does BOOST do this?" argument, but was ambivalent enough to reopen. Clearly I was swayed by Adrian's polite, and impassioned argument. Won't happen again ;) Yeah, merging any of the dupes is definitely out. The sad thing is, all those dupes should never have been answered in the first place. I saw this one an hour after it was posted, when several hammers had already seen it, but no one had bothered closing an obvious dupe.
Too many C++ programmers, not enough C programmers
The assert macro is the last real stronghold of the preprocessor
Indeed. And I've yet to see a reasonable proposal that can get rid of it.
Nah, there isn't.
The optimizer can trivially eliminate it in release builds without need for the preprocessor, but we still have no way to insert the line number, function name, etc. in-place.
I would love to see assertions with the ability to emit full debug stack traces as a first-class language feature without use of the preprocessor. But... I dare not dream.
Dare not dream? This is C++. There's already a stacktrace proposal in the pipeline.
Was not aware. That would be super awesome.
Why hasn't it happened already? Seems far simpler and more useful than the stuff they've been adding lately...
Not sure, implementers aren't thrilled about it I would guess, and have been pushing back. I haven't started following any of the C++23 proposals yet, so couldn't really say. Except for std::embed but that's not likely to make it till C++26 IMO.
I don't have time to follow proposals. I barely have time to follow announced features.
Just looked up std::embed. That gets a big old "meh" from me.
BTW, there's a "how" vs "why" target that I discussed with Nathan earlier. When you get to it in the transcript, I'd appreciate a review if you have the time.
I skipped over it because it looked like Nathan already did the noodling.
@CodyGray Huh, really? I would like that one a lot. I'd need a couple of other things to be standardized first, but still.
@CodyGray Completely fair. I've been hanging my head in shame the whole day.
@CodyGray No worries. I'm confident enough with my decision.
When I first read it, I thought you had said you were called that by a Python standards committee member. But now I see it was just an insult from a fellow C++ programmer.
It's annoying to me that C++ programmers seem averse to the language becoming easier to use.
I haven't gotten that impression, really.
What I am personally very averse to, and I think I am not alone, is trading performance for ease-of-use.
Ah, but it's not trading, the language itself won't ever do that. I'm referring more to writing code that is easier to read, at the cost of performance. Not in production code, of course, but for personal programs why does one need to care about performance all the time?
Why does one not need to care about performance all the time?
Keeping an eye on performance should just be innate, so you do it without thinking.
That's the objection I have to canards like "premature optimization is the root of all evil". Yes, spending a bunch of time optimizing code is premature and foolish. But learning idioms that tend to produce more efficient code on average is neither premature nor foolish. You can invest the same amount of time up front and get better code all the time.
Ok, that I agree with. Perhaps the specific answer that I'm talking about will help clarify what I mean. I'll share the link.
This one. I wrote what I meant in my answer as well. You might recognize the commenter as well :)
Readability matters. On the other hand, you do kind of have to learn the idioms of the language before you can judge true readability.
For many years, I've thought that too many programming languages focused too much on terseness. If C++ had a syntax more like Visual Basic, would that really be the crisis that C++ programmers act like it would be?
I knew who the commenter would be before seeing the name. There are only 2 or 3 choices.
Deleted two of the comments, upvoted two others. :-)
I wouldn't downvote the answer, because I do think it's useful on some level, but I do nevertheless agree with the commenter...
I note that the commenter didn't downvote, either. :-)
One thing I do like to do sometimes, which may or may not drive people crazy who try and read my code, is to include an alternative, simpler/more readable algorithm as a debug-only check, any time I write something for efficiency that might not be immediately obvious what it's doing or why it's correct.
I think I see your point, though I disagree. Would you be to averse to someone learning C++ only to write small scripts for their own purposes? Basically like a lot of people learn python for example.
That way, I get the benefits of readability (by understanding the more obvious alternative algorithm) and double-checking the result at runtime, while still getting the benefit of maximum performance in optimized builds.
@cigien No, of course I wouldn't be averse to that. I think it's a great idea. Honestly, I see vanishingly few advantages today of Python over C++.
You need to wait for Python++.
@CodyGray In that case, I not only think my answer is useful, I think it's better than an answer that says, "write the efficient version". For the audience who doesn't care about performance of course.
What gets me, @cigien, is people who write code that is slower and less obvious, just to be clever. In a lot of ways, that's what I see your answer and Jarod42's answer as being. If there were something cryptic about the original version in the question, maybe. But uh, it don't get no simpler than that.
Ah, but you see, it's not "write the efficient version". It's "write the most idiomatic, simplest, most readable, and the most efficient version."
@AdrianMole If that's the compiled version, I might be interested.
@CodyGray Ah, and that is where I have an issue with other seasoned C++ programmers. We all seem to have collectively forgotten how hard it was to learn the idioms that we find so natural today. It's bordering on sadistic I think, to tell new programmers to use those idioms. I mean, we've had for (auto e : v) f(e); for a decade, and it wasn't till a few years ago that people stopped saying, "no, for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) f(v[i]); is simpler". And there are still holdouts.
Well, I disagree.
I remember well how difficult it was for me to learn the idioms. Some of them were difficult. This one was not.
@cigien I think you mean std::size_t i... ;-)
Nah, it's just a warning this way ;)
Template metaprogramming syntax in particular is where I think many seasoned C++ programmers are borderline sadistic.
Basic if comparisons and anything you find in an introductory C book? No...
@cigien And always prefer std::size(v) over the member function :-)
Ok, fine, not the loop, or if idiom necessarily. But in general.
@CodyGray Related, in C++20, template<typename T> void f(T); becomes void f(auto). Also, there's std::ssize(v) so now we can finally compare to int :D
I am a big advocate for simplicity in the syntax. I agree that it does seem to me that there are programmers who think it somehow makes them "real programmers" because they use a language with cryptic syntax.
Ok, we agree on that.
@cigien Not portably, though, right?! (for std::ssize)
(I clearly know nothing about C++20. I had not even seen that new template declaration syntax.)
@CodyGray What do you mean? Of course, portably. It's just a wrapper that returns a signed size.
Will an old post (2+ years) which has just been closed and has no upvoted answer automatically roomba?
(Also, confession: I never write std::size_t, only size_t. I hear that's also unportable. But inertia. It works in MSVC, and it works on GCC, and I've never been forced to stop.)
@Nick It should, yes. The rules for Roomba are kinda complicated. Rumor is, there's a userscript that will tell you.
@cigien Right, but signed sizes aren't portable.
I've heard tell of such scripts :)
@CodyGray I must be missing something. Why not?
@CodyGray Nah, it's fine. Technically not portable I think, but I've not heard of issues. Not sure though.
@Nick The script would surely follow the commandments given here, if thou arest curious.
@cigien The standard library defines the size type as an unsigned integer. Unsigned integers can't be portably converted to signed integers of the same bitness. So how would that work?
@CodyGray The signature is template <class C>constexpr auto ssize(const C& c) -> std::common_type_t<std::ptrdiff_t, std::make_signed_t<decltype(c.size())>>;. Usual standardese, implementations are obliged to make the bits fit somehow. Presumably all compilers agreed they could do this, or it wouldn't have been standardized.
Formatting doesn't work in multi-line chat messages
Also, and I'm not sure if this is directly related, but signed integers are required to be 2's complement from C++20.
Ah, I see. So it's going to just return std::ptrdiff_t if the signed version of the type of size_t doesn't fit.
Well, that's not helpful. I for one hate how std::distance returns std::ptrdiff_t instead of std::size_t.
Hmm, I can't answer that off the top of my head.
@CodyGray thanks for the link - this one won't as it is closed as a dupe and has an answer.
Time for you to post a language-lawyer question ;)
I'm an architecture lawyer, not a language one.
I would far rather spend hours digging through assembly listings than standards.
^^ (up there somewhere) +1. In for loops you need to use size_t for the index (to avoid warnings) but then you need to cast that size_t to a signed something to add it to .begin(). Madness. (I can see why iterator math needs to be signed, but why can't there be a size_t addition overload?)
@Nick You're involved in that. Please make your answer a CW, or bin the request.
@AdrianMole std::next(std::begin(container), i) Where is the problem?
Not terse enough. I might as well use a static_cast.
That's not the same!
@cigien how about I just delete my answer...
@cigien btw, CW?
@Nick Yes, that works too.
What about asm { inc rax };? That fit your terseness bill?
@Nick Community wiki.
What? Like vec.erase(vec.begin() + static_cast<int>(i)).
What happens when i is larger than will fit in an int?
@cigien of course. My answer is gone so the request can stand.
@CodyGray That would mean my code is already broken.
@Nick Yes, it can. Thank you for fixing it.
@AdrianMole Oh, that's never happened to you?
(Be gentle - I'm just an old man trying to learn new programming tricks!)
Seriously, use std::next(std::begin(container), i); everywhere. All of your woes will be solved, and you can use it without even thinking.
Once I discovered that, I stopped writing pointer arithmetic almost for good.
But the i is still not a size_t type, I think. My issue is using index-based loops, where the loop index should be size_t and then trying to use that to erase an element.
I'd be interested in clarification from an RO as to whether requesting deletion of a closed post where I have the only answer is a violation of the involvement constraint or not. I understand it is against the letter of section 15, but since I am the only person losing anything here, is it against the spirit of the section?
@Nick Why not just delete the answer first?
@CodyGray trying not to run into the daily post deletion limit
You delete 5 of your own posts in a day?
@AdrianMole Oh, hmm. I see. std::next takes a std::ptrdiff_t (or, formally, a difference_type, but that typically resolves to std::ptrdiff_t). I don't know why, but neither MSVC nor GCC ever warn me about a signed-unsigned conversion when I use it with a std::size_t from a loop index.
I'll give it a try. I'm sure clang-cl will find a reason to grumble, even if MSVC doesn't.
I've never gotten clang-cl to work for me. Last time I tried, it choked all over the Windows libraries, like MFC.
Clang will complain about that signed-unsigned conversion btw.
@cigien once in a while I revisit some of my first answers on the site. Sometimes I find they are (a) bad; or (b) answers to bad questions that should be removed. In the latter case I try to get the question deleted, but otherwise I just delete my answer.
We go back to Bjarne's declaration, which I wholeheartedly agree with: using unsigned types in the standard library was a mistake. Unsigned types should only be used for bit manipulation.
@Nick Generally, it's better to ping an active RO when asking something like that. Your message is pretty long, so it's unlikely all of them will miss it, but still.
I can't get a working build with clang-cl (my stuff is nearly all MFC). But I do like to run my code through its compiler and static analyser just because they like to grumble a lot.
How do you avoid the compiler and static analyzer choking on MFC? You run just your code through?
@cigien we don't seem to have any at the moment...
@Nick Ah, I see. Fair enough. Good clarification question btw, I want to know the answer myself. I want to dump some of my old posts as well.
@Nick Just click on the info button, and it lists them in the order they were last active. Currently that's Machavity. Doesn't mean they're in the room of course, it's just a way to ping one of them.
@CodyGray clang-cl will find loads of things to warn me about in the MFC headers, so I surround those with two blocks of suitable #pragma clang warning... lines.
@Nick Basically, yes, it is. You have 2 trivial options that would enable asking the request: 1) delete your answer, or 2) make your answer community wiki.
@AdrianMole But without those headers, how can it make sense of your code?
@Makyen thanks
It still reads/uses/whatever the headers. It just doesn't give me warnings about stuff in them. Same for MSVC, actually - loads of warnings in there for that, too.
Yes, on MSVC, I put all system headers inside of a #pragma warning(push, 3) ... #pragma warning(pop) block.
Otherwise, my favored /Wall is useless.
I like walls.
Same here. Best sausages in All England.
Also note that clang-cl understand (nearly) all the MSVC pragmas.
OK, is it just too late for me to brain? Who wants to tell me why these two ways of zeroing an array of pointers result in different assembly output?
@Nick However, I'd note that I wouldn't be that thrilled to see a del-pls for a question where you've chosen to make your answer community wiki rather than to delete it when your answer is the thing preventing the Roomba from deleting the question. In such case, you'd be asking other people to spend delete-votes in order to make it such that you don't delete your own answer, which has a level of self-benefit which I'm not that comfortable with in a request here.
@CodyGray Beyond my scope, I'm afraid.
@AdrianMole Was that supposed to be a pun on scope?
That's the only possible cause of the difference I can see.
How? There's no scoping difference that I can see.
It was only a guess. (I would have posted it as a comment on main, rather than as an answer.) xD
Guesses usually have some logic behind them. I was hoping to get some more commentary on that.
Only looking at the clang output - but all I can see is call memset rather than jmp memset. The for loop's scope may be involved in that?
I'm not so hot on when tail-call optimization is allowed.
Pass -fno-optimize-sibling-calls, and Adrian becomes hot again.
That... made the Clang output identical.
Not GCC, which is still odd.
You can post it as a question on main, now. I'll know what to do! :-)
@Makyen point taken. I wouldn't go the CW route anyway (I hadn't even thought of it until cigien mentioned it), but definitely will not now.
@AdrianMole Downvote without a comment?
But GCC is odd by design.
@Nick Yeah, Makyen makes a good point. I mentioned CW because I knew it made the request eligible. I agree it's more appropriate to self-delete.
What's weird is, GCC does a tail-call optimization with the for loop. Which is one case where it looks like to me that GCC is generating better code than Clang.
Yeah. If you want something deleted, just delete it. If that also makes it eligible for automatic deletion, all the better...
ICC inlines the zero-fill!
And MSVC, bless its heart, generates worse code for the call to std::fill, even at maximum optimization levels. I guess it's got an extra check in the standard library function that the code-gen cannot elide... :-(
@CodyGray Ninja'd - I was just looking at what MSVC did.
It's actually aligning
Could be reasonable for very large arrays?
Yeah, it's clearly attempting to perform an optimization. r8 is the length * 8, rax is a pointer to the end of the array.
Wait, no... I think it's handling the case where the end and begin pointers are swapped?
I don't have any really high-throughput code that I've worked on but, whenever I test anything with MSVC vs ICC, I never see any significant performance increase. All I notice is that ICC takes long enough to compile that I can have lunch, whereas MSVC only lets me have a short coffee break.
Do you do anything that would benefit from vectorized numeric arithmetic?
I've never used ICC to compile anything but snippets in Godbolt because I cannot afford ICC.
Image processing is the only possibility. But that's probably not going to matter on the sort of image sizes I come across. My attempt at the Mandelbrot Set (using C++17 parallel stuff) failed miserably with ICC.
@CodyGray I get one copy free (as an "educator") :-) But I can't distribute stuff I build with it.
Also, to be fair on ICC, I haven't really delved that deeply into using code targeted to their more subtle features.
As a Stack Overflow moderator, I do a lot of "education". Does that count, I wonder?
Hmm, it doesn't usually take that much delving. Do you, perchance, have an AMD processor?
You don't even need any special parallel stuff. The advantage is that it will auto-parallelize "normal" code.
Not currently. All GenuineIntel™ in my domain.
ICC complained about one of my nested for_each(std::par|std::no_seq..., saying that it thought vectorization was pointless.
Weird. From everything I see looking at snippets, ICC generates code that is at least as good as Clang, and in many cases better, especially if there's a lot of numeric stuff.
It's substantially better than MSVC, which isn't even as good as Clang.
Maybe its down to the MFC base?
But I did some console-mode tests (few years ago, though) on a maths-heavy modelling program. MSVC, ICC and clang were all about the same. I'll need to resurrect those tests and try with my 'modernized' code.
Oh, you were able to get MFC to compile in ICC?
ICC can build and run MFC stuff. But the EXE-to-DLL ABI is lost if they're built with different tools from each other.
Well, of course.
That's arguably a possibility when building with different versions of MSVC.
@AmitJoshi Wrong link? There's no new answer posted to that. The only answer was posted in 2016 and deleted 3 years ago by a mod.
@Scratte Just completed my 5 year anniversary of joining this room (last week)... :p
Josilber joined in Aug 2015, became a mod in Nov 2015. I joined in Nov 2015, became a mod in Nov 2016 (after a year)...
Did it really took us a year to brainwash you into becoming a mod? ;)
They only have elections once a year...
@CodyGray My bad. RO, please delete my this message.
Took a few hrs on the nomination day, hehe ... chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/33914478#33914478
I think I'm going lockdown-loopy! Comments from my own code (made by me): 27-Nov-2020 Fixed light-gate "type" error (V-3.300) and 08-Dec-2020 Fixed light-gate error AGAIN (V-3.301). Dumb scientists - they should know what I meant.
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