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12:00 AM
@Dharman There has to be a strong reason for you to chose that post for editing. What made it special for you to take the trouble?
@bad_coder It has 10k views and it is not a bad advice altogether. Also, it's easier than deleting
@Dharman interesting criteria....
I don't like when people post broken code in the answers.
It leads to situations like this one where the fix was provided in a separate answer.
@Dharman some serious curating...I can't find the patience to remake my first questions.
@bad_coder What do you make?
12:08 AM
@Nick I make a lot of stuff...But if I say the varieties I'll be giving away my localization.
@bad_coder fair enough - I already have my general location in my profile though so happy to admit I make Shiraz and Merlot
@Nick ok among the common ones I have Pinot Noir and Cabernet Sauvignon
@Nick My 2 cents: I'd have rejected that review, it adds a bunch of disruptive formatting changes, and the only remotely useful thing it does is bring info from the title into the post, when it's already right there in the title when you're reading the post. Also, I'm pretty sure that that was not a quote of an error message, just two deprecated methods (I edited the post to correct this) but your edit was otherwise a huge improvement.
@Nick I have some friends from Australia, mostly middle age ladies. They have a lot of fairness and solidarity in their way of being.
@AdrianMole you are making me look bad. Third refill and you dropped out already.
Java doesn't output warnings in nice prose listing all the deprecated methods you used (e.g., MongoDB.util and MongoDB.bytes are deprecated). Depending on how you configure it, you get a warning per call or just a blanket "hey you used deprecated stuff, go turn on verbose deprecation warnings for more info"
12:19 AM
@RyanM I did teeter on the edge of "Reject and Edit" - I guess I'm still in a good mood as I've just had 10 days off camping...
Ooooh, sounds nice.
@RyanM It was - we went to the Gawler Ranges and Streaky Bay - a bit cool (and wet on a couple of days) but so nice to escape town for a while.
12:50 AM
@HovercraftFullOfEels how are you doing today sir?
1:26 AM
@bad_coder I'm doing alright, yourself?
And good luck to @Machavity, @Makyen, @Dharman
^ What @HovercraftFullOfEels said...
This is probably the last time any of us can chat with one or two of you without feeling just a little guilty about interrupting your site work
1:42 AM
Good luck from me as well! I took a page out of Dharman's book and used all my comment flags today to make sure that there are still flags left for y'all to handle once you're elected.
Good thought, @RyanM
Crossed 100 pending flags for the first time, despite some moderator's valiant attempts to stop me by handling a bunch of the flags partway through :D
2:12 AM
@HovercraftFullOfEels Thanks!
@HovercraftFullOfEels Assuming at least one of the three of us wins, I'd expect we all at least intend to remain accessible. @Machavity is even running on a platform of being approachable. :) While there will likely be something of a change in focus, I don't expect any of us to disappear. :;
@RyanM Ouch! :)
2:39 AM
@HovercraftFullOfEels perfect, having a drink after a prolonged dry stint.
the main problem you'll find won't be technical, or a flag queue for that matter.
The main problem you'll find is human, in the order of conceptions, in the order of discourse. That's what will be hard, probably impossible to address.
There's been copious amount of blaming "the company" but what actually needs to be addressed is "the community".
@bad_coder In what way do you feel "the community" needs to be addressed? I agree that there are a lot of individual human issues, but how do you feel the problems relate to "the community" at large?
2:55 AM
Well, for starters, that Community guy is always deleting all my spam legitimate marketing posts! That needs to be addressed for sure.
Your rants, too, amirite, @IanCampbell?
So true.
@HovercraftFullOfEels Thanks :)
@CodyGray you studied morals, what's the origin of "assume good faith" and "don't hold a grudge"? How would you date those in the history of morals? What schools of thought make them halmark values?
@CodyGray those 2 values seem to be guiding pillars of this community.
Social contract. See: Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau.
Not so much "don't hold a grudge"
But partially. Can't hold a society together if it's built on bad faith and grudge-holding.
3:07 AM
@CodyGray that's what? 19th century? 18th century?...
@CodyGray ok Hobbes goes to 16th century...So you wouldn't correlate those 2 pillars with Christian tradition?
3:19 AM
@Makyen I'll start by saying I like SOCVR because there's a "sense of shared mission/goal" here. That brings about "companionship" (or "camaraderie" as some would say). And that's a good thing, it's what makes this room special. Folks gather here for a shared purpose.
Christian tradition borrowed a lot from pre-existing moral philosophy. There was a lot of give-and-take between the Christian tradition and Western philosophy. It's hard to disentangle.
@CodyGray it is enough to say, that "good faith" and "forgiveness" are the core moral values of Christianity. (Thus disentangling isn't strictly necessary, suffices to say there's a long and strong tradition of cultivating those 2 values.)
The golden rule is "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Christian morality is (in theory) based on "Love thy neighbor as thyself". Similar, but vastly different outcomes
I'm not sure I agree that those are the core moral values of Christianity. The vast majority of Christians don't practice those values, so there's no indication that they are common, core, or shared.
@Machavity God bless.
3:22 AM
You can certainly interpret the teachings of Christ in that way, and I personally do. But many, many others don't.
Maybe, but when they were said by the guy whose name is on the institution, it's hard to say it's not the core. Especially when he says "This is it. Right here. Do these two things and you got it."
@Machavity you are right.
But yeah, Christians get it wrong a lot of times. It's a shame.
Sorry, to be clear, I was referring to "assume good faith" and "don't hold a grudge", not "love thy neighbor as thyself" or "do unto others as you would have them do unto you".
Oh, yeah. That's true. Neither is an explicitly Christian virtue
3:33 AM
@Machavity Well, that's also true. From the Lord's prayer:"Forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespassed against us"...That's pretty clearly "don't hold a grudge".
"Assume good faith"...I'd have to hit the books, but it's certainly elaborated on since the first century, and it's in Scripture..."Innocent like children"
@CodyGray so yeah, pretty good values that "by accident" we find on SE. The modern tendency (of the future) is for inter-faith dialogue. So denying correlations with our own traditions doesn't seem right (or wanting to force a secularized perspective.)
The modern tendency is for religious people to see their own religion in everything...
@CodyGray that's not "modern" that's tradition.
Oh my! I see the flying spaghetti monster in my plate of pasta!
@IanCampbell Oh my, let's go to the Sistine Chapel and have good Mediterranean red wine during the afternoon.
No, it really isn't.
I know far more about historic Christianity than I do about modern Christianity.
3:45 AM
@CodyGray Read AW Tozer sometime. Mid-20th century but he loved quoting the historical theologians
Funny how much people give away about themselves when they make fun of others who are talking about close personally held beliefs, right @IanCampbell?
I think Cody knows I was just trying to lighten the mood. But I'm sorry if I offended you @Brightstar.
@tony19 That doesn't look like general computing to me. It looks like they're having a problem with one of their Node.JS applications. I'll grant that it lacks debugging details and still needs to be closed, but I think you identified the wrong reason
Oh I'm not offended. I should really watch for context before I talk.
No big deal
Alright, I've probably broken enough rules by dragging religion into this. If you want to continue on the subject please take it over to the Ministry
Anyways, I'm off to bed
3:49 AM
Ha. You can't tell me what to do, Machavity. ...At least, not for another 16 hours.
Sleep well
Well, I still can :-)
@Machavity Good night :)
But don't worry, I break the rules, too.
We can only hope The Company doesn't stumble across this recent chat transcript.
shrug I just popped in here accidentally, actually. Was nosing around the moderator elections. I have no idea what rules I'm breaking.
3:53 AM
@Makyen I'll try to answer over time. Let's be empirical, "communication science" there's a considerable amount of "tension" in what you can and can't say. There's also a considerable amount of "censorship" (lets not overcharge the word). I'd say at this point, dialogue and debate are certainly strained and sometimes nearly impossible.
@Makyen for me the following is evident: a lot of folks simply retreated from trying to express their opinion on SO. A lot of the more knowledgeable ones, saw it was going to be nearly impossible and produce negligible results at best. (And that was years ago...)
Oddly, I don't get that impression at all. It certainly didn't happen "years ago". It might have happened towards the end of 2019, when people were afraid of having their heads cut off for sharing unpopular opinions. But the community has been alive and well, regularly speaking out against things they dislike.
@bad_coder ...That feels like a synopsis of the social discourse (particularly in the USA, but in general) from the past few years as a whole.
@Brightstar I'm not a US citizen, so I don't have a complete sensitivity to how things are going there. However, (this is not entirely a coincidence) the "buzz term" the last couple of weeks was "cancel culture". And that does have some overlap with the effects of censorship as they currently stand in SO culture.
I have never heard that term "cancel culture". What does it even mean?
@bad_coder and I'm only addressing US culture because it's what I'm familiar with.
4:00 AM
@CodyGray Wait, moderators can set multiple close reasons?! What is this witchcraft?
@CodyGray where are all the engineers that study social sciences as a hobby? Where are their analyses? Most of them forwent or retreated from META long long ago....
@RyanM Uh, what? No. There were two votes by community members to close as general computing. My binding vote was for "needs debugging details".
@bad_coder We never really had any. The only one who did stuff like that was Jon Ericson, who went away mostly because he was fired.
@CodyGray There are pretty constant examples from US news. People dislike others' opinions and try to get them punished by outrage mobs. (Fired from jobs, shunned, etc)
That's Cancel Culture
(Although Jon is still around, less so on Meta. He hangs out on the sites he loves.)
@CodyGray I suppose that should be phrased as "a moderator vote that disagrees with the majority causes multiple close reasons," then. This doesn't happen for us mere mortals - when we disagree, even in a tie, it picks one of the reasons.
4:02 AM
@Brightstar that's ok. The US sets the standard/trends, and I'm actually always interested in how the social debate is going there.
I didn't even know the data model supported that.
@CodyGray I know. I've read a lot of his posts.
@RyanM Ah, well, that used to be more of a thing when 5 close votes were required. You can't really have a split vote with only 3 votes.
@bad_coder ...You're right. The US does set trends. God help us all.
Ahhh, that makes more sense...so anything with 2 votes would show
4:04 AM
Yeah. Previously, if you had 2 votes for option A, 2 votes for option B, and 1 vote for option C, then both option A and B would be shown.
Mods votes are still binding, so we still count as a majority, even when we're not, I guess.
Thanks for pointing it out anyway, though. I hadn't noticed that it did display both reasons, and I don't think the "general computing" reason should be shown there, so I've done a little dance to remove it.
@Brightstar it works both ways, for better and worse. The term is actually "dominant" be it in media, economics, and most of everything else...
@CodyGray they are around...But the "format" is a problem (this time I'm talking strictly techincal) for example, one of the mods on Philosophy.SE said he was thinking of quitting because the "format" is inherently not well suited for debate.
Yes. I didn't want to moderate Philosophy.SE for precisely that reason: everyone wanted to debate, and that's not what the site is for. The format was never meant to accommodate that. In fact, it was specifically designed to prevent that.
@bad_coder Yep. Over the past twenty years, I've been watching my society come unmoored and lose its mind. Watching the rest of the world follow THAT trend is painful. Hence my comment.
@Brightstar there is a widespread consensus we are going through a period of crisis. Not economical but of values.
In every single decade since the beginning of time, Chicken Littles have gone around saying that we're facing a "crisis of values".
4:17 AM
@CodyGray that's the Aristotle argument "this young generation is lost".
It's the moralistic imperialism argument
@CodyGray ...and sometimes they're right. Have you ever heard of the book The Fourth Turning? Some periods of history are just more unstable.
@Brightstar I haven't. Most such books are filled with nonsense and abysmally poor scholarship.
@CodyGray you just managed to put two adjectives together both with a negative connotation "moralistic" and "imperialistic".
4:21 AM
@CodyGray One thing is certain. We do not have a socially uniformitarian history. The magnitude of social unrest and reassessment of values does change as time passes (with some sort of pattern).
Even a cursory examination of history bears that out.
I feel like my education has failed me. I just learned a new word.
@IanCampbell If you keep reading you may also learn "Pareidolia"
..."Patternicity." "Agenticity"... now they're just making up words
Only 289k hits on Google. I'm going to give myself a pass.
@CodyGray that's an easy argument, again based on a noun.
4:26 AM
I am sorely tempted to switch and, as devil's advocate, start arguing for the idea that there is no such thing as a pattern, if only to push @CodyGray away from the position he's currently occupied and into making my point for me. :P
Seriously though... this is the point in a discussion where I reach the conclusion that the other party has firmly entrenched himself in his position and that it's not worth my time to continue.
@Brightstar you are right. Even societies separated by a close border have significant differences and statistics show they go through significantly different periods of change regarding their values. So that much for simplistic counter-arguments...
@RyanM Now that is a word I do know. See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neologism
@Brightstar yes Cody has significantly entrenched himself in a set of arguments that don't always hold up...I'm left wondering where he got that.
@bad_coder ...Except that when someone decides he isn't willing to listen, you might as well stop trying to argue.
I've wasted too much time in the past trying to get people to listen when they just don't want to.
@RyanM That's how writing works. :-)
4:30 AM
@Brightstar Cody has kept with open dialogue and he's been a sweet guy to me. Some of those arguments, are, simply, nagging...Because of the need for refutation.
He managed to supply two dismissive (almost contemptuous) replies to things I had to say in a row.
@Brightstar you haven't seen the half of it....
@CodyGray see...and then he smiles, saying:"I won the argument!! If I was wrong or right is a lesser concern."
@bad_coder Uh, no. My reply to Ryan was completely unrelated to "the argument".
@CodyGray I took the opportunity nevertheless. :)
Well, you aren't going to offend me by calling me a sophist. I have on multiple occasions just argued for the sake of arguing, not only because I find it fun/interesting/entertaining/challenging, but also because arguing is the best way to learn something. It's also inescapable, since I spent many years making a living off of teaching people how to argue.
I just wanted to clarify that, in this case, that wasn't my intention. And regardless, I'm not the type who is going to do something like insert a smiley to prove that I've "won" an argument. I consider that to be a super dickish and intellectual dishonest move.
4:40 AM
@CodyGray If your default mode of disagreement with someone who approaches you in a friendly and open fashion is dismissal and contempt, it says something about your personal character. I really don't give a flying you-know-what for making points in an argument.
(I'll hang around to hear any reply you care to give, then I'm out for the night, folks.)
@CodyGray you put a negative spin on things. I insert a smiley when I'm smiling, because those are people talking with me, and I value them. So there, have a smiley :D
@CodyGray so you argue for the sake of argument. I love you CodyGray...Bed time for me. Good night. See you tomorrow. And thanks for your time, I appreciate your kindness.
@Brightstar It is not. I do not believe I've done anything that amounts to dismissal or contempt.
@oguzismail Could request messages maybe be a bit less ...explicitly insulting?
@RyanM Okay sorry, next time.
4:51 AM
I edited that one. It was definitely over the line. Even more generally, do try to keep request messages focused on facts.
@oguzismail Your original version of this request was unacceptable. Do not use that language to refer to someone again.
@oguzismail Please read the "What Should Request Reasons Contain?" of the FAQ.
@bad_coder If you have an issue with someone, you can discuss it, but don't attack them.
Is it a full moon tonight? Nope. New moon.
@IanCampbell it is, in fact, exactly the opposite of a full moon. As you've found :-p
@RyanM Random question. Did you find this question by yourself or from my CV request?
Sorry for the double ping and initially wrong question.
5:03 AM
@IanCampbell I was very confused before you edited. Your CV request, I just did a couple things between posting the comment and potentially casting a close vote.
It was going to be very spooky. Like bad content is somehow drawing in SOCVR members.
@IanCampbell Well, that definitely happens...
Okay guys I'm sorry again, and thanks for understanding and not banning me straight away
@RyanM is working on upping his game. Sometimes, though, he just misses one.
Also whooo just got under 1% declined flags
5:08 AM
@oguzismail It was very close. If I had gotten back to the room 10 to 30s sooner, i.e. before Cody edited your request for you, you would have been kicked.
We'll need to save evidence of this. Later, no one will believe that I am nicer than Makyen.
I... have a smaller toolset. :;
You... temporarily have a smaller toolset.
Possibly. We'll find out soon. :)
Are you feeling calm, anxious, dread?
5:11 AM
@IanCampbell Don't count your chickens before they're elected, or however that saying goes...
@RyanM What can I say, I'm an optimist.
I learned earlier that that saying goes "Don't count your chicken littles until they are screaming we're facing a 'crisis of values'".
@IanCampbell Calm. I'm OK with any of the highest to moderate probability outcomes.
But do you have enough chickens?
Very low-probability outcome: due to a previously undiscovered technicality in the election rules, votes for candidates who have withdrawn go to Shog9 instead, and he is elected moderator in an upset surprising even to him.
@RyanM I'd be more than OK with that outcome. :)
@CodyGray I ... don't currently own any chickens, although I do have some eggs, but they are unlikely to become chickens. :)
5:20 AM
My grandmother raises chickens. They are messy... and eat a lot.
That's just birds. I love birds, but they cannot control their bodily functions, and are thus extremely messy. Not good for a pet.
Although, I suppose I could have just as easily rephrased that to "My grandmother raised 3 children. They are messy... and eat a lot." and it would have still been valid. Maybe I should lay off the chickens.
@rene Shocked to learn that only half of the time was that "grumpy mod" me.
So I can prepare myself for tomorrow. Typically, how long after the election closes do the results become available?
Immediately. Like literally within 2 minutes.
The lag time is a CM posting the announcement on Meta. So I would think it mostly depends on how organized Catija is, if she's busy at that precise time, and if she's got a draft already written up.
5:26 AM
@CodyGray Nothing wrong with grumpy. It works for me. :D
@CodyGray although usually Smokey gives unofficial results sooner
Good ol' Smokey.
Best of luck tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be celebrating at the after party.
I wasn't aware Smokey did that
@CodyGray I've been digging, but it seems it's actually some previous incarnation of ElectionBot, I think by Undo and/or Art, that sometimes runs under Smokey's account
Not sure if anyone's going to make it happen this year
5:31 AM
@IanCampbell Thanks. We'll see what happens. :) It's quite likely we'll be celebrating with at least one of the regulars in here. :)
Ah, yes, Undo used to run a bot that give live election results, but that was only during the primary, so it didn't end up getting turned on this year.
@CodyGray thing is, you also mentioned once that I have so many reversal badges on Meta. You can only achieve that if you take the risk of answering questions that regular users would close. I might have sneaked in an answer 4 times. I lost count how many answers I didn't finish because luckily someone closed the thing. And rightfully so. I need to move on sooner, some questions aren't worth getting a reversal badge for.
Am I wrong about this question ("Anybody have any ideas on good languages, methodologies, or what to look up?") needing more focus?
@rene I don't really have a problem with it. Half of the time, I am closing questions in order to prevent low-quality answers. You aren't posting those. I've quite a few reversal badges on Meta myself, mostly from taking the time to genuinely answer troll-bait questions, which get pretty quickly deleted by the community.
@JeanneDark No, you are not wrong.
@CodyGray true that
5:38 AM
Who's making the post-election party plans? Is there a committee already established?
@CodyGray ElectionBot said it was taking care of it. Then it muttered something about "export controls" and "plutonium."
5:53 AM
@RyanM Sounds like a fun party!
6:33 AM
Am I misremembering? I tried using duplicate:y in the search but it didn't give me duplicates. I had to do duplicate:yes. I thought you could use y and n for yes/no.
@VLAZ yes, true and 1 work for duplicates
@JeanneDark thanks. I might be confusing y/n with is:q/is:a for question/answer.
@Makyen That is a little funny in a sense that I'm not. I'm going to be very disappointed in the election process if you don't have a diamond on you tomorrow.
6:53 AM
^^ Spam
More spam disguised as a question
7:06 AM
I flagged and posted this here, but it's not getting closed. Did I miss anything?
@Scratte I missed it. Upon first glance, it seems problematic, but I think there may be a legitimate question in there waiting to get out with an edit.
"Does Microsoft continue to support Flash Player for standalone applications?"
But isn't it asking about the future?
@CodyGray surely asking about support for a library is off-topic?
@Nick What? No. Asking for support on using a library is certainly not off-topic. It's done all the time.
Surely I have misunderstood your meaning...
@CodyGray No... I've always thought those were questions about an off-site resource. It's my mistake...
7:16 AM
If a user has multiple posts with undisclosed affiliation, what's the best way to handle it? Custom mod flag, or spam flag each post? Does this vary with the number of such posts?
Uh, well, library recommendations are off-topic, because those are asking someone to locate/recommend an off-site resource. Is that what you meant, @Nick?
It's asking if a company will support their library in the future. I'm not sure how we can answer this. Not even sure how Microsoft can even answer what the future brings.
I missed how it's asking about the future
Is it not the case that Microsoft has a current policy that they're asking about?
@CodyGray I was referring to @Scratte point...
"does anyone know if Microsoft is going to kill the ability to use Flash in standalone applications?"
7:17 AM
Are you sure that's not just a phrasing problem?
Pretty sure yes. I read that they've used the technology and want to know if their investment is good.
FWIW I'm also reading it as: "We are currently using Flash within our application. Now that Flash has reached EOL, what is Microsoft going to do (in the near or far future)?"
stackoverflow.com/questions/63008794/… is the exact same code as stackoverflow.com/questions/63007631/… (maybe two users working on the same homework assignment or something), but can’t close it as a duplicate due to the fact it’s two different users and neither one has any answers yet
7:37 AM
@sideshowbarker If you feel they are duplicates, the only way to get one of them closed as a duplicate is to raise a custom mod flag and explain
8:10 AM
@RyanM Congratulations. Hitting 99.00% is cause for celebration for me :)
@Scratte According to MS announcement they are removing Flash from Edge/Chromium/IE so it is a question that could be answered matching the SO policy IMHO
@bradbury9 But they are asking for standalone applications.
Is there a way to answer it without guessing?
Indeed, ultimately depends on how MS disables those browsers. Changing the browsers? Removing the component the browsers use?
@bradbury9 lol!.. "es-es". I don't even know which button to press to get out of that :D
@Scratte All the cool kids just manipulate the URL
8:17 AM
@Scratte edit the url and change it into en-us
There we go! @bradbury9 is one of the cool kids!
@Scratte I just change the URL. Too many websites have their language menu at wildly different positions, so I can't even search for it. Sometimes you can't even find it anyway since it just says "language" (translated) without any indication like a country flag or whatever.
@bradbury9 I tried "gb-en" and "en-en" and got 404's :) I'm not a cool kid :D
...and another one
@Scratte This is very annoying, indeed. I am using MS Docs a lot, and edit the URL every single day
8:18 AM
I worked by removing the es-es/ completely
@janw MDN also does it. Not sure why but when I search for stuff it sometimes gives me the correct page but in German or French or something else. It's bizarre.
@VLAZ Yes, and it isn't even a good translation.
The spanish translation was fine
@janw Since I know very little German, I can't really tell. I don't know French or Spanish or mostly anything else I get a page in, so I have less of an idea there.
8:21 AM
I configured the browser to English language on my work notebook - this seems to fix it. But now a ton of German websites are broken
@janw There are URL redirector plugins I used them loong time ago
I didn't check for the translation of "language" in Spanish. I only know two words: Si and mañana, and I get twitches in my eye when I hear the later.
@VLAZ Yeah, it is automatically translated, often including the technical keywords. The text usually doesn't make any sense.
@bradbury9 :D Actually a good idea. Why did I never think of that?!? Do you know a good one for Firefox?
"Language" = "Idioma"
So long ago, I do not remember which one I used
@bradbury9 No problem, thank you very much for that idea. It never came to my mind that there may addons for automatic redirection, but I found one and it works. You just improved my workflow :)
8:36 AM
@Lankymart The requirements in the proposed duplicate are quite different. — tripleee 29 secs ago
Glad to help
8:58 AM
@tripleee Fairly sure I covered this in the question comments - "The requirements might be, but the implementation (how you group digits exclude certain characters etc is exactly the same). I'm not saying it's a solution but it shows how they could structure the RegEx to get the output they require. The principles are exactly the same, both are trying to identify invoice numbers (The nature of an Invoice Number means they won't be exactly the same)."
@tripleee Probably should have led with - stackoverflow.com/questions/22937618/…
9:30 AM
Does this have anything to do with programming? stackoverflow.com/questions/63010059/…
@oguzismail No
How do we handle edit suggestions that merely change a project name in an attempt to "redact"? Just reject as "no improvement"? stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/26729503
I do not know Apple, but I'm wondering the same thing (about programming?) about this
@Scratte Not an expert there, either, but I think that is programming-related. MusicKit is an API, at least.
@janw yeah, that sounds right
if the author doesn't redact it, then i'd say it doesn't matter
9:35 AM
@janw Check first and make sure that the editor isn't making an answer consistent with redactions already made to the post.
If that's not the case, yeah, I'd go ahead and reject.
Like Jabster28 said, if the author doesn't care, why should we?
@CodyGray I got the answer in review.. :) Admittedly I went Skip..
Alright, I rejected. It's an unanswered question.
@HovercraftFullOfEels Thanks, I really hope that two of us get elected. I will try to stay approachable if I'm elected.
@Dharman appears to have been edited into English
@desertnaut Was just about to post the same, still some Russian in the code but the question is in English.
9:47 AM
@desertnaut you can rollback
@Dharman I can, but should I??
They just removed the russian part.
@desertnaut ok, wait I see now
@Dharman did you forgot to vote in your last request, or you have already run out of closing votes? :)
I am spanish, but I would never translate a spanish question into english. OP would not understand it at all.
The russian -> english edit was not done by the OP
9:50 AM
Well, it wasn't translated, the editor just removed the entire russian part.
It's difficult on mobile, ok?
@janw Did a quick google translate, the russian removed part is the same as the original english part, so the cv-pls now does not make sense
I was going to ping RO to remove my cv-pls, but it got closed before I got to my PC
10:12 AM
rene, not sure if you noticed, but while I was struggling yesterday, Dharman made the query super fast :)
@Scratte No, I did not. I'll revisit later. Do you happen to have a link for me?
10:32 AM
@Scratte 1ms? It took me a minute to execute it yesterday
Blame cache?
yes, results are cached for a week.
The execution plan looks alright: data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/…
@Dharman I guess the resulting <1ms in the bottom is just trying to show off then :)
Is there a way to get the execution plan without running the query?
@Dharman 42 ms 25023 rows.
Problably it takes time to get the initial execution plan and cache it
Thank you :) Of course you're the answerer on that post :)
10:42 AM
@Scratte I searched for meta.stackexchange.com/search?q=%5Bsede%5D+showplan so there is not much to pick from. Sorry about parading my own answers here.
@rene I think you may have misunderstood. It was meant as a praise.
I'll take the praise. Thanks.
@JeanneDark someone reading back the transcript might raise some eyebrows now ;)
@rene ;) I will make it clear in the future when I refer to SD's posts
I like this way, actually
I bet you do ;)
I have to sit on my hand to not star it :D
11:17 AM
@Scratte Don't sit too long on it, it might cause circulation problems ... :D\
@RiggsFolly Looks like something went wrong with your auto-comment there... Somehow you seem to be inserting line breaks into your comments? Is that a script, or are you typing these by hand?
11:44 AM
@CodyGray Hi Cody, checked the grave yard dont see anything odd. Confused, but willing to be pointed at the issue
@RiggsFolly Sorry, I didn't make that easy for you. I mean this comment. But it's too late for you to edit it now.
@CodyGray Ahh copy/paste error. Didn't pick up all the message. Fixed stackoverflow.com/questions/63010944/…
@RiggsFolly Cool. You've still got some weird line breaks in your template, it seems. I guess it doesn't matter, though.
@CodyGray Yes, realised I added line breaks so I could see all the message in my editor. Removed them, didn't realise it made any difference. I guess you see the comments in a different way to us meer mortals
@RiggsFolly Oh, it doesn't make any difference. I only see them when I go to edit the comment, which I did because the previous version was weird and I was wondering what had caused it to be cropped off.
I just didn't know if that might somehow be related to your copy-paste troubles.
11:54 AM
@CodyGray Oh right... Gotcha
12:04 PM
@Dharman If it's not a real question, why would you recommend they try another site?
They are asking where to ask questions in Russian
Oh... I see...
So you are answering their question
12:06 PM
@CodyGray Are you stalking us on main? :)
@NathanOliver Does this question seem on-topic?
@Machavity looks okay to me
12:33 PM
@NathanOliver Rhanks
Is this question suitable?
@JeanneDark I don't think so. it is closed now
@JeanneDark good to know I have some backup in ML/DL posts ;)
I've noticed a strange bug in review. If I write a comment while someone is making an edit to the post, then when I post the comments, it seems to vanish in review. Though when I open up the post in a new tab, I can see my comment.
@desertnaut Are only few people flagging / voting to close them?
1:28 PM
for starters, I think I am the only one in here focusing on them (before you came in, that is)
It does seem like everyone that was on this post was in here already. I got it in review. But, like you, I do not have close vote privileges.
Never mind :)
@JeanneDark the one you brought to our attention would probably go under the radar, especially since there was not tagged with anything else (heck, even myself I'm not systematically monitoring that tag)
I also don't monitor specific tags, but from time to time browse new questions on the main page.
1:50 PM
@JeanneDark We don't moderate meta here :)
@Scratte I already considered asking if MSO was allowed here ;)
I didn't notice until it was already gone though :) I assume if was self-deleted.
2:15 PM
@Scratte Thanks! I was in time to retract it and keep my spotless record
I envy that :) I only have that at meta.
@Scratte Check out Advanced Flagging. Reports to GenericBot, which will ping you in SoBotics if it's edited
@Scratte Well, that's the best possible outcome. The post is edited to not be NAA anymore :)
It is weird that one can get a declined flag because of this
One of my 4 declined flags came from this - I worked with the OP to improve their answer until it was quite good, and before I could retract a mod declined it :P
@janw Never help a user ;)
@JohnDvorak OP has edited the question; does that edit include an MCVE?
2:28 PM
@janw That would have made me cry.. at least a little :)
@Machavity I will :) I was under the impression one had to sign in with credentials for that. (But since I would certainly want to enable JeanneDark's perfect record, I would probably still have mentioned it :)
@Scratte Only for SD access (if you have it)
Ah. Thanks. No, I do not.
@Scratte You can use it without the SD part then
@Machavity I was just looking at it. It seems that just using the Natty Reporter may be enough.
Ok. This will take some time though. It seem one has to read the code to understand how it works.
2:45 PM
@Scratte You're going to want the GenericBot part too, or you won't get notices when the posts are edited
Usually gives you time to retract
I see I was mistaken. That looks to be the only one that I need for tracking.
I'm out of CVs myself...
@Machavity @Makyen because I can't ping moderators in this room, please handle the flag from @janw once you got your diamond ...
lol ok boss ;)
2:57 PM

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