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@Dharman Initially I also thought "too broad" (needs focus), but then I had doubts and as a PHP expert you'd know better how to deal with it (duplicate is perfect!)
@Dharman That's a hard one.
@Dharman what is your desired result? I could see an argument either way.
My desired result is to review edit suggestion :D
I probably would've skipped that one in the queue, but if I were forced to choose I'd probably have approved it. I like line-breaks.
At first, that's what I suspected, but why didn't you just improve the edit?
@IanCampbell "Improve edit" approves the edit, I try to avoid that button when I want to reject something.
My thinking is that if the edit is so borderline that I have to spend time thinking if it actually improves anything then I should probably reject. Line breaks are not an improvement if there is still more to fix/remove
I could have pressed reject and edit, but I didn't feel like wasting time editing this post
My thinking in this case was that 1) it wasn't clearly helpful, 2) it possibly conflicted with the author's intent, and 3) I don't want the editor to think they should be doing other edits like that.
If anyone can turn it into a nice question, be my guest but I doubt you can improve it by putting line breaks and bold text
In my case I just consider the time I spend editing.
If it takes me more time doing everything rather than building upon the edit I just improve it.
@IanCampbell If you have (3) please don't use Improve Edit. It encourages bad editors and I have a grudge against that button for that reason
I think you can use it when someone has fixed grammar or typos and you want to add some SME expertise to the question.
Oh totally agreed. That's why I qualified it with the "if"
As in, "If you don't want the editor to think they should be doing other edits like that, don't use Improve Edit."
If it was a good edit, totally use Improve Edit.
There was once a user who kept making extremely trivial edits to questions, and I think they would've been suggestion-banned if every "Improve Edit" that fixed the post properly was a "Reject"
And I was salty about having to constantly review their terrible edits :-p
If multiple borderline edits from the same user come across my "desk" sometimes I'll do a little digging about their edit suggestion history.
But there's only so much a single reviewer can handle for every review task.
@IanCampbell the one you linked earlier below the OP's post didn't show any solutions
@akrun I've been told by moderators that it's appropriate to close duplicate questions by the same author posted about the exact same topic even if the target has no answer.
Yes, it is correct. Such questions are an abuse of the system and should be closed and deleted. I think one of the mods even said you could flag to ask a moderator to look into it.
I think the OP changed the error to a different one.
@IanCampbell you are right. It should be closed
@akrun An arrow doesn't make it a new question. They have an old one which is still unanswered. If they made an update to the code, they need to edit the old question instead of asking a new one
@akrun I have extra background about this user, because I answered a previous question of theirs earlier today.
@Dharman I believe this is generally if it's a pattern. If they do it once, just close it.
@IanCampbell thanks for the info. I didn't check the user profile
Haha @Dharman I should have removed the fluff, but I was lazy, sorry
I posted a comment earlier for this question stackoverflow.com/questions/62960601/… and there is a answer with code only using same code. is that acceptable
I think it is a clear dupe though
Dup hammer away is my opinion.
"You can close posts by the same author as duplicates. In future please do that instead of flagging, unless there is a broader pattern of question repetition." - an anonymous moderator
@IanCampbell But getting the dupe for two common dupes in a single post is a bit hard to search
@akrun No, this would be plagiarism. The answer is an exact copy of your comment. However, I would assume that there is an answer already somewhere which shows how to use these two lines of code.
@akrun 3302356 and 19414605?
@Dharman it's not an exact copy. There are several differences in the code. Variable names, quoting. It's so trivial that I doubt they copied it.
It is okay to post that, but I would say that it needs at least some explanation
OK, then I do not understand R tag. If I posted this in PHP I would be immediately downvoted. And one of the downvotes would be my own...
Yes, we have a strange tag
Why are there so many code only answers? Just downvote all of them
I downvoted one code-only answer in R yesterday and the author came back and provided an explanation. I then retracted the vote. Downvoting works!
I like things that work!
@E_net4thecynicalcurator What makes you cynical today?
@Dharman The usual. My profile bio might provide a hint.
@IanCampbell thanks. I closed that
@akrun Good job!
Thank you @Dharman
Well, it may have been false positive spam, but it's NAA. At least I don't find "go use a regex site and figure it out" an answer.
+1 NAA
Is there a canonical for Android JSON error caused by PHP code?
I really hate these Android questions.
@Dharman Not that I've seen, but tell me if you find one...
@Dharman @akrun If they are from the same user, and it's not something they've done more than once, then just close it as a duplicate normally. Don't flag those for moderator attention. If it's something the user is doing repeatedly, then flag. If the duplicates appear to be from the same person, but not the same account, then flag, because those can't be closed as duplicate by normal users.
@makyen I flagged it for code only answer. Should I retract the flag
@makyen I find other posts by the same user with only code stackoverflow.com/questions/62942474/…
@akrun I believe Makyen is referring to the behavior of repeatedly posting duplicates of the same question.
I think your low quality flag could be appropriate. Plus, those only rise to moderator attention if they aren't resolved by the LQP queue within 60 minutes.
@IanCampbell ok, anyway my flag is for code only answer
Not sure if I was misunderstood or not, but code-only answer are not flaggable. You can downvote them and you probably should!
@akrun If it's something that regular users can handle, then it's usually not something you should flag for. Regular users can close questions posted by the same user as duplicates of each other, even if there's not an answer.
@akrun We try hard not to moderate users, so we probably shouldn't be tracking down other posts by the same user for scrutiny.
Code-only answers are not, for that reason alone, flaggable.
I'd expect moderators to consistently decline such flags.
Even the LQP queue, which loves to delete things, is pretty consistent about rejecting those flags.
I don't personally recommend deletion for code only answers in LQP, I skip them, but I know some people do.
@Makyen Please tell me this is flaggable. stackoverflow.com/questions/62961375/…
Seems legit to me. Also, let's close it.
For better or worse, the only thing you can do about code-only answers is downvote and/or comment. I sometimes "play dumb" and asking for an explanation like I don't understand - for instance, "Could you explain why this code fixes the problem? It's a bit hard to tell from the code itself."
If someone is consistently deleting or recommending deletion in the Low Quality Posts queue for code only answers, then I think that should be flagged.
I guess without context, it looks ok.
@IanCampbell Sorry for posting that link. Will keep that in mind. thanks
@Dharman Why do you think it would be flaggable? I'm not sure what I'm missing there that would be a flag issue.
@Makyen It's not. I'm sorry. When I look at stuff and I see context my messages can be very chaotic. Please ignore.
It was closable and it got closed really fast, but not flaggable.
@Dharman OK. Thanks for responding.
@Makyen Apropos of nothing, CVRG feature request: "Revisit at midnight UTC" for when I'm out of votes, but it's not urgent enough to ask for three votes here.
Right now I do it manually by incrementing the hours until it's after 5pm
@IanCampbell Yes, if it's the 4th near-identical duplicate question from the same user, then, yes, it's flaggable. Be sure to clearly explain that in your custom mod-flag. It may even OK on #3, but not just the first time they re-post.
I have a hunch if we give them a couple minutes they'll delete it themselves...
@Makyen After more carefully reading the other posts, I think they are different enough that it's not appropriate.
Also, believe it or not, I have never flagged anything with a custom flag
@RyanM Hmm... OK. That sounds reasonable. I was also thinking that it might be good for the value that's used for the custom time on a new post be the custom length that was last used, rather than default to 0.
@Makyen They do slightly increase the priority of the post in the mod flag dashboard... But yeah, not really important. No real advantage in raising additional NAA flags.
@CodyGray Does a large number of flags notify a moderator before the regular 60 minutes?
@IanCampbell Well... you should. They're so much fun. :) They are the only ones that can't age away. You get a moderate number of characters to explain. They sometimes are open for a long time, so you get to wonder what's going on for longer. :) Sometimes, they even get birthday cake.
Well, maybe once your elected I'll send you one.
@Makyen For me, that would probably also be (slightly) useful if I had a preset for midnight, since the other thing I use it for is punting things for a single day.
Wow, 1 month.
I think I've had one cross a month in age.
@RyanM Yeah, I commonly use it to wait a day to see if anything happens.
@Scratte Yes. Code-only answers shouldn't be flagged or deleted. Downvoting and commenting are sensible. As is expanding it yourself, if you're a subject-matter expert and feeling extremely generous.
@IanCampbell No
@CodyGray Eh, I would delete an answer like that if there are better answers already posted.
I have no issues deleting answers that doesn't bother to explain why or how they solve the issue.
@Scratte It's worth reading up on proper LQP usage
@RyanM Yep, this post was flagged for merging May 14 and merged June 17.
Whenever someone brings up the LQP queue I can't help but think about apples because of that Q/A
@IanCampbell Remember, oranges are not apples!
Nor are signs pointing to apples
It's the tiny little "... delete maybe" that trips people up.
See... 4th point on this answer meta.stackexchange.com/a/103069/213575
Yeah, I have to agree with that
I was pleasantly surprised when I sent a custom flag on MSE and it was handled in 36 minutes :-p
(this is not shade at SO mods, I know how many flags y'all get)
@RyanM They have moderators there, too!
@RyanM SE employees also review flags there.
@Machavity I did read it once :) But I think I'll need to read it again when I gain access to the LQP queue around Christmas :)
This one was handled by a non-employee moderator, though.
SE employees sometimes review flags on MSO, too.
@Dharman No, it's proposing a way to open the Twitter app with pre-filled text...I assume.
@Dharman In my opinion this is an answer, but should we delete it or just downvote and comment?
@Dharman meh. Not enough for me to call it NAA. The Q on the otherhand should be closed
@NathanOliver passed the test. Cody did as well
@akrun of what?
Cody passed it A+
@Dharman Did you see the question?
I wouldn't have downvoted the answer, honestly...it seemed fine, could have used more explanation, but eh. My standards are really low for answers with all the awful ones I see.
Agreed on the question needing to go, though. I didn't check the other answers before it got deleted.
@Scratte My point is that I commented earlier, and an answer based on that is posted (that is fine though), but later somebody posted the same answer and to make it unique, posted the same code in two lines
@akrun I think there's no way to know. There's only so many ways one can do what the OP wants. I wouldn't write it that way, but maybe the answerer has the same style as you.
@akrun I don't know this technology, so I can only look for similarities, and I cannot find any directly ones, meaning I cannot see one is a cop of another. Also the answers are posted within minutes of each other. I don't know which code you want to compare to.
I totally agree that it was not answer worthy unless you're going to give a provide the OP significant explanation and likely talk about pre-initization.
@Scratte the first one posted 15 minutes back and second is 12 minutes.
@akrun You could have also closed that question as a dup of 14848172
@akrun I can see similarities to the question :)
It is closed now
I think the closest you get is that one perhaps used the same as another. But for it to be plagiarism, it has to be very close to identical.
the same idea as <-- missing word.
I flagged this one as NAA, but mods seem to be playing hot potato with it. stackoverflow.com/a/62960076/1839439 Was I right to flag it or should I just hack half of it away?
@Dharman No hot potatoing there. No mods even looked at that flag until me just now.
I don't see why it's NAA. The first part of it looks like an answer. Just needs an edit.
Ohh ok.
For me this looks like an edit to the question.
Hmm, I don't know
It says "This is an answer to how to do it"
And then please help
It's one of those half'n'half..
I was convinced. Weren't you?
I read it as an answer that created a new problem..
Eh I'd say it's 90% answer and 10% followup question, just by amount of content.
maybe they can keep going on making is a really long post.. :)
oh good, I'm not the only one who can't load discord.com right now
Ok, then I will edit it
was wondering if work had finally blocked it... looks like lots of reports have come in on downdetector since 5PM tho
Nope, discord is down for me right now, too, @TylerH. Just checked.
somehow.. it seems the links to imgur is behaving strangely..
As in I can't see this
and it's telling me there's no ip for the domain.
Looks like imgur is down. And, as previously reported, so is Discord. May be related to Cloudflare being down.
Something else seems to be up. The general Internet is having issues
I don't think it helps the bots that the internet isn't working :)
Is DharmanBot loose?
@Machavity Yes, that's what I figured too..
General Internet, we're having issues!
Is it typical for C++ questions not to have the main language tag on them?
Stack Overflow, we have a problem
@IanCampbell No...
@Machavity Hmm, I was wondering why nothing was loading :D
well.. google.com works, so there's that :)
Is the comment on this post rude?
What do you mean Discord and Imgur is down. I can access both without any issues
Well, my boss called me to say the websites are down, and now our VPN is down too. Since they're not related, has to be network
@Dharman Imgur is lagging, and some images stopped loading for me.
Apparently imgur works in Europe, but isn't working here in the US
US is collapsing
The router got COVID...
Well, it was nice knowing you
@CodyGray Ermm.. I don't think so.. Unless Copenhagen moved while I was sleeping.
@CodyGray Don't say that in python...
print("The router got COVID")
@10Rep I would just leave it since it's borderline. That's the OP and she wants to have her say.
@10Rep It's not nice, but I am not sure it is rude.
I guess you're right.
Let me retract my flag.
@10Rep It's been flagged by multiple people. Mods and CMs are aware of it.
We're...discussing it.
Oh! I'm not alone.
Well, I think that comment should be deleted, really.
I think some DNS server or similar thing just got a cold..
ah, Discord is blaming it on cloudflare now...
Hi Ranbee
@Ranbee Hello!
Yeah, cloudflare got a hiccup
> Investigating - Cloudflare is investigating issues with Cloudflare Resolver and our edge network in certain locations.

Customers using Cloudflare services in certain regions are impacted as requests might fail and/or errors may be displayed
I'm so glad I don't run servers for Cloudflare.
SJC is San Jose, right?
BTW, they use AWS for that site
@10Rep Yes,
That's the airport code for San Jose. I have no idea what the Cloudflare code is.
Well, that explains all the error today.
Datacenters are usually near airports (why, dunno?) and use the same code that airports use
probably noise
@Braiam From the most accurate website on the internet;
> I've noticed a lot of tier 1 carriers mark their local network exchanges with the airport abbreviation. So makes it easy to follow suit with your data center. Verizon (business) in Columbus uses domains with cmh (the Columbus airport) so, I don't see why that wouldn't work for a data center. Now the company I work for just uses the name of the city the DC is in.
...and we're back :)
all images are rendering in chat now. Including the ones for TylerH and 10Rep that I couldn't see before.
@Dharman Dirt cheap land?
Smart data centers are located in cool climates and near cheap electricity
@Scratte Why is seeing the image for @TylerH worthy of a smile?
@AdrianMole what's this? counter thinking? the beatings shall continue until the smiling improves
@TylerH Beat away! I'm in the mood...
... just don't kick me, or I'll use my foo-yung skills.
@AdrianMole Is that an attempt of a trick question? :D I was happy to have regained access to imgur, which is the smile on the message just before I explained how I knew I had access again. You need "Mere øl!" :)
@Scratte What is the opposite of "mere" ... that's what I need.
But to answer directly: Of course I am happy to see TylerH.. as I am sure TylerH is happy to see me. It's all over the smile :D Especially since there was no smile before :-(
@AdrianMole "Mindre øl!" :) Same word we use for smaller.
Links ... shminks.
@Scratte No Capisco.
@AdrianMole Mindre øl :)
Does this guy's username count as inappropriate? stackoverflow.com/users/13950694/mr-r-word
@10Rep What?
@10Rep Why? Who/what does it offend?
Wait, I posted the wrong link
I wonder if the R-word in question is Rawalpindi. Because I have no idea how to pronounce that.
@10Rep You raised a "recommend closure" flag 7 hours ago. What acknowledgement were you expecting? The question is still in the close vote queue. One other user has raised a "recommend closure" flag. That's how the process works.
@AdrianMole Egg Foo Yung skills?
I guess I'll wait, then.
I have done reviewing in the "Recommend Deletion" queue, though.
@dbc It's sad that some of that can't go in the tag wiki
But I certainly am not a SME
It could. I normally look for that, but I didn't think there was all that much worth saving.
Hard to justify a historical lock. I agree. Rest in peace
@IanCampbell There's not even a tag for Z/OS assembly as far as I can tell so it's not even clear where it would go.
I'm not sure I would have deleted the question by the way, the content actually looked sort of useful, one of those FAQ-seeking questions from a decade ago that somehow collected non-opinion-based responses back then.
Sorry, I wasn't really directing that comment at you as much as linking to it for clarity.
No problem.
@dbc So you think it's valuable to keep? I'm open to reconsidering. Were you thinking historical lock?
Something like that. Basically the topic (Z/OS assembly language resources) is so arcane that just deleting the content might actually impact the small community of people who need it.
I'd totally be willing to nuke "teaching myself SQL" or "teaching myself JAVA" or whatever, but teaching my self Z/OS assembler somehow got 12k views + 8 upvotes + 10 upvotes for the answer, so maybe it's still relevant to that community.
Yeah, but please fix that typo
I'm also keeping in mind that mainframe assembly language technology moves rather more slowly than, say, .Net, so old answers will tend to age more slowly.
@dbc Can you reword the content then?
Instead of "teaching myself X big thing" try "how to do X small stuff"?
Looks like Cody did.
I fixed the typo
And now it's locked.
If someone else wants to reword, I'll unlock to allow that. Or if someone wants to move to a tag wiki, you can do that, and then I'll delete.
I can't really think of a proper tag though, there doesn't seem to be one for Z/OS assembly. Plus I've never actually touched a mainframe in my life so I really don't want to start writing tag wikis for them. Farthest back I go is PDP-11 programming. I also vaguely remember VAX/VMS assembly.
Yeah, I do x86 and, to a lesser extent, ARM, assembly, but this is way outside of my comfort level.
Arguably, the tag is a suitable place.
@HovercraftFullOfEels a ping for you.
@CodyGray Not only is egg foo-yung tautomeric, it's also saying the same thing twice. :-)
@Vickel something from José Saramago today:
"Se puderes olhar, vê. Se puderes ver, repara."
if you can look, see. If you see take notice
great quote
@BaummitAugen Herr Egge, Herr Keuner.
"Als Herr Keuner, der Denkende, sich in einem Saale vor vielen gegen die..."
@bad_coder but I'm not too sure how people feel getting pinged with off-topic stuff, specially mods
@AdrianMole Are you sure you mean tautomeric? Exactly which states does it readily interconvert between?
No, I'm not sure.
Aren't you the scientist? You should know what tautomeric isomerism is...

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