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rene passed a audit!
Hey... got some votes back it looks like. Guess some godaddy questions got deleted
? Gravatar bug?
@ryanyuyu yes there's an on-going gravatar bug
@TinyGiant that... doesn't work like that?
@Tunaki what does it look like? It looks fine on my end.
fine on my end also, it's intermittent
@AndrasDeak wrote an answer about it on MSE IIRC
@Tunaki I was out of votes this morning, I now have votes
All of my votes (or the majority of them) were spend in godaddy
@ryanyuyu pink
some were deleted but you didn't vote on those
@Tunaki I know you get downvotes back when questions get deleted, didn't know about close votes
@Tunaki How do you know I didn't vote on em?
@TinyGiant went one by one chat.stackoverflow.com/…
Burnaki tracks deletion events and notifies about that
rene passed a audit!
@rene You've reviewed 40 posts today (of which 2 were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 14 minutes and 24 seconds, averaging to a review every 21 seconds.
@rene just go to your chat profile
if you want to unignore a user
@TinyGiant awesome. I love it.
@Braiam yep found it, thx
There's also a small icon on the avatar wall if the user is present (doesn't work for feeds though)
@rene did you mean to ignore feeds? :p
@NinjaPuppy I'd like to get rid of the constant event notifications
@JanDvorak yeah, I know that one. So it turns out I ignore users and then have never been bothered to un-ignore them
@NinjaPuppy he wanted to ignore you and misclicked (but ssssh I didn't say that, it wasn't me)
@NinjaPuppy I'm only trying to troll help Jan ...
@Tunaki I have a suspicion I'm probably ignored by quite a few users :)
Has anyone seen Jon around?
No, but I saw a ninja puppy that looks just like him
@JanDvorak oh... where? :)
@Tunaki yeah, but that won't tell you if I voted on it or not
@TinyGiant sure, I can open every link and see if you voted :)
"burnaki" sounds a bit too much like "burkini" to me
I did, there are none.
Ohhhh you mean close votes
ah ok
Yeah, idk
@JanDvorak burkini?
I work in a mechanics shop, we swear like sailors, your logic does not apply — Tiny Giant 37 mins ago
tee hee
burqa + bikini
@Tunaki full-length swimsuit for muslim women
ooooh gunr passed an article about that -- picture of French policemen asking a woman to undress
France forbid wearing them, which prompted non-muslims to buy them
nothing new
It was pitched as a sanitation issue right?
I never thought "too much clothing" would be a punishable offence
law says you can't have obvious and huge religious markings on yourself in public
and then.... it comes to interpretation of those words basically
oh. That's something different than what I thought.
So, do they punish all roman catholic nuns?
that's the thing, it is only mainly applied for muslim persons...
Do they punish people who have Darwin's fish tatooed on their foreheads?
@JanDvorak is that considered religious?
Evolutionism is a religion, too, isn't it?
@JanDvorak Uhm.. I wouldn't say no
:32515696 hey! Where you going?
'science' !== 'religion'
you ninjad me :( my arrow didn't make sense anymore
Never heard of it as a religion.
Q: Do peer-reviewed scientific journals reject articles that propose intelligent design, regardless of merit?

A LMembers of the intelligent design (ID) movement, when responding to arguments that journal articles don't support ID, claim that peer-reviewed scientific journals typically reject articles critical of the theory of evolution which propose some form of ID, regardless of the papers' scientific meri...

Don't get me wrong, I consider myself agnostic, but if there is such a thing as intelligent design it has nothing to do with science. Science then would be the observation of the result of such design.
I mean the general consensus of it not fitting the scientific methodology (especially having a falsifiable, testable hypothesis) is pretty much on par. It just fails to meet the definition of science.
Regardless of the state of its validity.
As for the burkini ban, wasn't it just revoked? So I can still go to France and surf with a wetsuit right?
@JanDvorak can you please keep oneboxes to a minimum, specially if they are not at all related to close voting or moderating.
@ivarni Yes, it was revoked by the "Conseil d'Etat"
That's a good thing then. I wouldn't want to visit a country where the government decide what I wear. It's why I never went to Saudi Arabia.
Cool. If you find a country that's okay with me wearing a skirt (Scotland doesn't count, they still dictate me the color and material), let me know.
By okay do you mean "Not arrested" or "Not stared at with funny looks"?
Don't go to school then... Because it is a public institution, you cannot wear burqa or the like
The latter would be preferable
Hmm. That's harder to find. Country-wide at least.
If I decide to wear nothing but a bear pelt wrapped around my left knee I can't expect people to not stare
OK, can you find a country that wouldn't arrest me for exposing my private members?
@Tunaki burkinis don't cover the face, at least from what google tells me
@JanDvorak That I cannot
@JanDvorak try time traveling.
@ivarni yes good point, the difference also is that "the beach" isn't a public institution
@ryanyuyu where? It was already forbidden when the first human child was born.
But maybe not in the future.
@JanDvorak So the first human child was born with pants? Interresting.
Or was it arrested right out of the womb?
If so, who arrested it?
Nope, but it was given some clothing by its parents
wait, the first human child had parents?
but then, who gave its parents their clothing?
Chicken meets egg
I guess the unicorns left a pair of trousers when they seeded mankind
I'd like to not think about how they seeded them
with rainbows of course
@Tunaki Adam and Eve made their own clothing, which was then deemed insufficient, and they were given a replacement immediately
Gen 3:7 and Gen 3:21
Well that was, what? 3000 years ago? We had clothes for a lot longer than that, except I suppose they might indeed have been considered unfit as it would probably have been more like furs
I never knew God was a fashion critic
He has a thing for decency
not a fan of full-time bikini
Still, nuns in the middle ages got to wear what is basically a burkini, only less tight
I am confuse
Or is the burkini really in line with Christian views after all?
All these inconsistencies would be why I'm in the agnostic corner
I don't really care what others wear as long as they don't expose their privates
@JanDvorak how much you can push that line?
That's the way to approach it and I totally agree
Well, your privates are either visible or not
Why do you care if people expose their privates or not?
To add to that I think people should show their face
@ivarni burqa fails that
But burkini does not
I'm wondering if they'd be helpful for me for medical purposes
I used to work at a gas station and I got really uncomfortable when motorbikers walked in with their helmets on. Getting robbed isn't fun (I know from experience)
Getting robbed isn't any better if you can see their face, I would guess
True, but since video cameras is a thing now most robbers hide their face
The camera they just shot?
And every time some fucking motorbiker walked in with their helmet on I had to wonder if they were about to pull a gun. That's the same issue I have with burqas and niqabs
which makes you nervous because you don't know if they cover their faces because they are lazy or they are lazy and dangerous
I can see your point
... or if they cover their faces because they can't have their skin exposed to UV rays
Oooh, edge cases :)
Let's also be nervous of people who walk with hands in their pockets
I need help from one user to edit an answer, to test a bug. Who is in?
or with any loose-fitting clothing at all
I can see that point. There needs to be a line drawn somewhere and that's where culture comes in
@rene link?
But then you have cultures mixing. Do you want to separate them?
@ivarni meta.stackoverflow.com/a/332200/578411 if you can update one of the numbers there in 30 seconds
in 5
@JanDvorak That's a difficult question to answer, I think as far as possible you try to find a middle ground but in the end it's majority rule
@ivarni thanks
which is why burkini is fine with me because it covers privates but not face
You could still fit some explosives under burkini :-) (I'm not being serious, ofc)
In fact, you can still hide explosives while completely naked
Even if you're not serious I'll still point out that you can fit them in shoes as well :)
That whole branch of reasoning is missing the point entirely
aye. But what's so specific about faces that you want them uncovered?
It's not about who can hide what where, the question people need to ask themselves is "would banning burkinis create more extemists or less?"
Would banning helmets make the world a better place? ;-)
For me, seeing someone's face is a crucial part of being able to communicate with them, and hiding your face would, to me, communicate a possible ill intent
@JanDvorak only in gas stations ;)
@Braiam I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
What I have a really disgusting skin condition. Would you still prefer me to take my helmet off?
Yes, I actually would. But again that's an edge case
And a bit of a strawman
No repro, IE6/vista — Will 5 hours ago
If only people with skin conditions wore burqas it would be a different discussion
I can't see what this guy thinks is good about this answer: stackoverflow.com/questions/39174606/…
can someone reword this so it doesn't read as rec question? stackoverflow.com/q/38731535/792066 ...
was about to fail that audit
@Braiam what if I cv it instead?
@JanDvorak no problemo here
good, audit invalidated
Damn, Monody by TheFatRat just makes me want to start jumping around
don't lions hunt rats?
... no we hunt gazelles and stuff
rats are kinda small for a lion
@Tunaki Man, that rapid delete/undelete prank works well, huh?
@Machavity hmm?
@Mogsdad Hey Mogs!
Long time no see
@Tunaki The questions flickering and disappearing/reappearing
@Tunaki True! They don't give badges for consecutive days NOT logged in, but that didn't stop me from trying.
I've got a new job, though! Now I have a few weeks to relax.
@gunr2171 your partner arrived ^
Is there a way to explain to someone to not upvote things like that? stackoverflow.com/questions/39174606/…
(or, should I just rage-quit SO?)
@JanDvorak wow... what a bad book
Should we just nuke the question?
does it has something useful?
not even the name of the book so we can shame it :(
I think not, but that can be said about a lot of questions
on the gripping hand... kids are not alright
if books like that proliferate
@FedeSc Are you saying that the answer says "a function that names three slots for pieces of data can make use of three pieces of data"? Even if that was what the answer meant - and people were expected to interpret it that way - how is that ever useful to anyone? — Jan Dvorak 18 secs ago
there are still 27 [godaddy] questions with pending delete votes on them, if some 10kers want to do the honors of reviewing them
I've put some godaddy questions in the queue
OK, where can I rally for some downvotes?
not here
not even for a -1 net score so that readers know the answer is bad?
In most cases, it's one user, one vote. Comment if you want, but don't try to artificially influence the process past that.
Heck, make part of the comment bold if it's dangerous.
I can say anything I want, it's below the fold, people won't see it anyways
I'll just go back to not voting for answers. It costs rep and achieves nothing.
unless I want to reward someone for answering correctly the some question someone else answered incorrectly?
Hell yeah, let's watch the world burn in a slightly different way.
I'd like to be convinced otherwise, but apparently upvotes are the desired way to go. Now, if people ask about rep inflation... either that, or bad information
... or bad image, but this room doesn't want to have a bad image.
Should I just let the rep inflation thing go?
Rep inflation isn't anything that we as a room can deal with in an impartial fair way.
Nor should we
Voting fraud, however, we can point out to moderators via flags.
Is asking for downvotes a voting fraud?
I don't think so. Everyone can vote based on their beliefs. And if exposing posts that need votes is bad - isn't that the point of this room?
I would think bad answers need more attention than bad questions.
So, what would happen if the penalty for downvoting answers got removed?
@JanDvorak Honestly, I'm not sure. Probably a lot more complaining on meta.
@JanDvorak supposedly, the cost of downvoting is so we aren't so frivolous
Will it help if I just abandon all hope for mankind?
Not really.
What if I wait for divine intervention, and abandon all hope for mankind until then?
I still don't know what the upvoter thought...
@JanDvorak well, time can be considered a divine judgment...
if you give enough time for stuff to fall over itself, you will be proved right
@Braiam I thought it was to discourage downvoting your "competition".
@Braiam that's the idea behind Darwin's evolution
in which case, can we make the world burn faster?
The question is, how to spare people of good will in the process?
@JanDvorak just stop being part of the solution... it tends to accelerate
@JanDvorak there will always be collateral damage
@Braiam God offers to revert the damage after the fact
@JanDvorak God: Here child, everything is how it should be. Try to not mess up again...
@Braiam Ah, I guess that was the vote-locking+rep-penalty meta.stackexchange.com/a/22776/278148
Things haven't been the way they should be for over six thousand years, and people hadn't messed up before that. They haven't had the opportunity.
> Do Not Downvote video submissions unless they are breaking the rules or spam.
that's why people feel so bitter...
... wat
@JanDvorak if I tell you that it was reddit, would you be surprised?
... oh. I thought that was the official guideline on some remote corner of SE.
lol, @Drew is doing one :P
Window should be window
What should be done about a late (2 hours) self-answer that quotes and links a duplicate, if anything?
Suggest duplicate, try to post a nice comment that he can accept it...
I'm not that good at posting nice comments
Anyone willing to educate the 200ker who answered the exam question?
nope... let him have some fun...
pyromaniac strategy? OK...
the other way around, avoid starting flame post....
as in, "just watch the world burn, so that only the fireproof materials are left standing"?
@JanDvorak my nice comment worked : ) stackoverflow.com/questions/39174139/…
What should I think of this question? stackoverflow.com/questions/39175858/…
I feel like the title sucks
@JanDvorak you can use too broad
I used unclear, is that fine?
there are many overlaps over close reasons
bed time for me cya all
I should probably go, too
Hi all!
Hey Andrew
time to hit the bed for me too, night all o/
Uh oh... Ludum dare starting in 1 hour and 30 minutes. I won't get much sleep over this weekend, I think...

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