The problem I think right now is that people are dumping shit on documentation because you get rewarded rep for it. If documentation did not reward you with rep (and/or badges) it would scare off the horde of rep farmers and only the people who are genuinely interested in creating high quality documentation would participate. It is similar to what we are doing here with our close votes
Maybe people should just calm down a little and let the dust settle before slamming the whole documentation thing? It may be great or terrible, but only time will tell.
well, this is bizarre, there are three suggestions in the git .gitignore topic, one of them is good but changes the wording in a way that is detrimental, the other two doesn't address any problem since the thing they are adding is already there...
I'm glad that my gut-instinct based assessment of docs, lacking almost any research effort, is backed up by other users who may or may not have thought it more through
@Tunaki I don't see anything wrong with doing a comprehensive summary of the best answers (that would be great actually--and a lot of work) as long as these also linked to the doc
I've created the topic recursion in Java and: No, we should not! The thing is, documentation is new and I did not find a more appropriate place to put this topic. Is there a way to put it somewhere more generic? — hamena3142 hours ago
@Braiam good point. The most upvoted question/answer on a given topic is already a piece of documentation but maybe in the documentation one could merge several answers, remove the noisy ones, have everything in one place. I don't know, I'm trying to justify this Documentation for myself it's not yet clear to me what it should be
I found someone who actually called all of this. Someone actually did. "The site is awesome and you should use it, but it's a game, a game of grinding. Warlords of Documentation might be the thing that changes that."
I just love the random down votes on an otherwise good post. That make you wonder what that person was think. Well anyway on to closing things again now that my curiosity has been sated. Maybe I'll ask another question next year ;).