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@Gimby We don't do NAA requests here unless the answer needs reflagging (after an edit for example)
@kyll crud, noted!
It's in our FAQ. Also the punishment is 3 kilos of waffles to be cooked for Monday.
-cooked- waffles? yuck!
@Gimby besides, one flag is enough to get into the queue, so there's no need for more than one person to flag it. So only if you're out of flags I'd say post a request (@Kyll is that allowed, or is that for NATO?)
@adriaan doubly noted. Excuse me, I'm going to spend some time standing in the corner
@Gimby oh don't worry, everyone learns every day something new ;)
@Adriaan I don't think you can request them if you're out of flags
yes but I do hope for less shameful lessons :p
Mainly because otherwise @Tunaki would be literally spamming the room all freaking day long
@Kyll always the French... :D
since you guys are overloaded with work here let me ask for advice instead: I'm correct in thinking this edit is nonsense right? stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/12028607
@Gimby I know nothing about either language, but OP doesn't talk about JS at all
anyone here knowing or here? Please look at that edit-------------------^^
I would reject that edit since the language in the question has nothing to do with javascript
@Gimby i see nothing in that question that looks like javascript
6 eyes principle succeeded, I rejected :)
@Gimby I looked with only one :P
yes but since you're Dutch you count for two
yes I know, I need a bucket to puke in myself. But whatever, its Friday.
judging by the stars, i see you guys were php bashing without me earlier :-(
@Gimby Dutch domination! Just like in the 17th century!
We need a bigger ferry
the current ferry is of insufficient size to transport personell between anchor points
@Gimby I can confirm that fact
@cimmanon We'll make sure to give you a ping next time!
@cimmanon somehow your name is strange
Like cinnamon and anon
Are you a cinnamon loving user of 4 chan?
@Magisch you don't say, every time I read the username my eyes get crossed.
Speaking of language bashing... Let's close this before it starts.
@Rizier123 My maths teacher in my first year of high school started us with BASIC, on paper: machine access was rather limited in 1971. :)
Its most curious to see just how far we've all gone in the meantime
@NathanOliver there is some stuff for you to purge into the trashcan, starting from here: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/29962326#29962326
@NathanOliver Hiya
Particularly the conversation that followed this one guy proposing that we engage in voting fraud...
@Sam thanks for the accept (y)
Im 2 weeks short of beeing able to join :(
@Magisch thanks for letting me know
@Magisch I've been around for the past ~3 hours, y u no tell me? :(
@Sam I didnt know that
I just recently came back
Ah, school messing your brain again?
3 months and im already at 6k messages in here
That should do it
I may be posting too much
> NathanOliver has invited you to join Trash.
well me didn't want to say anything but since you brought it up... ;)
@Magisch Nah
This morning there was no RO in here now its room owner galore
Jan 23 at 13:13, by Sam
Spam as much as you like.
Even tuna has surfaced. o/ tuna
I'm just in time for the spam.
... Dat timing.
I wasn't even halfway my comment ...
I guess that was a moderator nuke?
That lasted 21 seconds
@Ferrybig It did reach -6, maybe not.
Possible. Made it to -6
Too late nathan, we saw it
need more coffee
good idea, let me make one
In June I shall join all of you in the team!
@Magisch brews coffee for @Magisch
It's raining.
bummer. Sunny here.
and there came an outcry of the force, as if thousands of baguette la fromage were baked and subsequently eaten
Cloudy, not raining
I don't want to hear anything about clouds anymore :( I just followed an entire course about it.
Hiya @PhMgBr
@Adriaan I take it that was not a course about those things in the sky
@Gimby it was. Atmospheric Science.
@Adriaan oh! Well that sounds a whole lot more interesting than a course about putting an application in 'the cloud' or setting one up
I'm out for the weekend. Hejdå
c-c-c-cya breaker! :p
take a look at the URL at the end
Sounds like it.
@JonClements Mods breaking chains? We're all DOOMED! D:
this is OP's site
@JonClements c-c-c-c-c-c-clements!
@PhMgBr actually we're Unreal Tournamented, not Doomed
badum psssh
It's tsss.
@PhMgBr depends on how good a drummer you are
Just got +45 out of nowhere :) seeing the green notification always makes my day
Posting a meme about people getting memes wrong
@PhMgBr PhosphorMagnesiumBromide?
@TimCastelijns Thats nice.
Phenylmagnesium bromide
I haven't gotten decent numbers of upvotes in months
Phosphore is P
Haha yeah that's still a big chunk of rep for me
I used to answer more before I started closing crap instead of answering it
I'm a base and I burn all the robo-approvers.
@TimCastelijns I have 1 late answer that usually gives me 20-30 rep a week
@Magisch so you admit you used to answer crap and thus were a rep-vamp
@Magisch I've actually almost completely stopped answering, but between the 500 answers that I have I get maybe 10 rep a day on average
@TimCastelijns That shade of green has become my favourite colour. :) FWIW, I got an upvote the other day to an old answer that had zero votes after I linked it in a comment to a new question. That was nice.
@Gimby that is correct gimby
@PM2Ring yeah I know the feels :)
@Magisch good for you then!
And thats because I'm an apprentice and the languages I peruse are high traffic tags
so if I answered anything then the easiest questions my answers would be so late at that point nobody cared anymore
My late answer was more than 1 year after the question, and is 148 votes behind the top-voted answer
Yes but consider that I suck at programming
The top voted answer has 148 upvotes? :P
@Magisch Try answering Python questions when you've got to compete with Martijn Pieters. :) At least he's not so prolific these days, now that he's a mod. But he still manages to find time to answer question. And his ninja abilities allow him to provide high-quality code and in-depth explanation within minutes of the question being posted. And half the time he's doing it on his phone. :)
Yes martijn is pretty awesome
@Magisch Well you can't be that bad. You are employeed and I haven't seen a "can haz codez plz" question from you.
@Ferrybig I have one like that. Answered 4/5 years after the question. It's now second answer.
@NathanOliver Thats because I asked all of these to myself and typed them out and while formatting and narrowing down I found the solution instead.
@PM2Ring it also helps that he knows just about everything there is to know, by head
If I posted any question I ever started typing out on SO I would be Q banned by now
@Magisch Which makes you better then a lot of the so called programmers we see on a daily basis.
Or more afraid for my imaginary internet points :x
@Magisch Rubber ducking ftw
@Magisch This happens so often
SOCVR or your daily therapy session.
For every one question I posted there were at least 20 where following the how-to-ask has lead me to find the solution instead :P
Can I get a free tunaki therapy
SO has answered heaps of my questions, but I've never had to actually submit a question myself. I only joined up because I figured I ought to make a contribution as "payment" for all the great info I'd learned here over the years. And now I wish I'd joined years earlier, when there was still plenty of good-quality low-hanging fruit available...
@Magisch I posted zero questions so far, because when after 30 minutes I didn't find an answer I spent 30 minutes more and did find it :)
@Magisch SO has the best rubber ducks.
Deep inside, we all love ourselves some juicy rep
@TimCastelijns And poetry.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I suck at programming,
and debugging too.
but red doesn't rhyme with programming...
This is an impure pair rhyme
@Magisch ha ha ha :) How a simple variation can make such a difference :)
The only thing I kept from German studies class
Roses are red,
violets are blue,
Tunaki is complaining about our poetry,
why don't you try it yourself, you!
@Tunaki I feel bad flagging that
a heartbroken guy grasping at straws :(
Roses are are
,, blue Violets red
Asynchronous is, fun
Except for race .conditions
Roses are red,violets are blue, I suck at rhyming, but in unreal tournament will obliterate you
@Magisch yeah... pretty bad to nuke that.
need to figure out how to do multiple lines...
Shift+Enter NINJA -v ----------------------v
@Gimby shift + enter
or copy a newline from clipboard
@Gimby Shift + Enter.
@gimby shift + enter
shift + enter
Kyll self extending ninja
@Gimby I think it's Shift + Enter.
after almost 3 weeks with basically no water, finally got a plumber out today to work on it. one place was like "you should completely replace your pump. btw, thats $2000". looks like our well was just full of dirt >.>
@Gimby Enter + shift
@Gimby try shift+enter
woohoo, my very first train
@cimmanon Ouch
Not even here you'Re safe
I shall banish your spirit into code @Kyll
@Kyll i think dirt is a good thing? it means it doesnt need to be replaced (i hope)
@cimmanon D:
@cimmanon No idea
@cimmanon Wow. Glad you have water again. The news station did an investigation of plumbers in our area and they set up a simple fix on a water heater. Some people fixed it for free, some told them what needed to be done but others told them they needed a whole new water heater when only a valve needed to be closed.
sd delete f*ing ninjas
@Kyll Nina.js?
Kyll delete
@NathanOliver well i dont have water yet :p
@Tunaki Is this an answer?
@Gimby if you want a train with a decent chance of success, just reply "Hiya" to tunaki when he comes in
@cimmanon Oh. Hopefully soon then
@Tunaki looks like a CR request? doesnt look like a question to me
@Kyll that should report a 404 if it were really a ninja library
@Tunaki No, and someone upvoted it :(
@Kyll lol, da heck is that site
@Magisch Hardly. That's a classic spammer trick: Post some nonsense (probably randomly generated) to see if it gets through, and then follow up with the spammy links.
@Tunaki Hmm...2 upvotes now...
@Sam It's so abd it's sad
@Tunaki Its one of the answer in question type of posts, usually done by people who don't understand the system
Oh my god what is it with me and words todya
@Ferrybig Yes that's what it looks like. But I have no idea how to salvage that.
@Kyll Need more coffee?
@Magisch That close reason sounds No MCVE.
@Kyll nto enoghu tyops
@Sam I forgot to drink it! brb
Its a dash of no-mcve mixed with too broad and a side helping of "this really ought to be on code review instead if it wasn't irredeemable garbage"
yuo need cofeff
@Magisch language
Or you mean Shift + Enter ?
@KevinGuan (It's English)
I heard you can banish a french person if you say "BAGUETTE AU FROMAGE HON HON HON" over and over
@Kyll console.log("What's language of this message then?")
@KevinGuan Syntax Error.
@KevinGuan Syntax error
nailed it
Just noticed that...
@Magisch you'll make him starve to death
@Magisch o rly?
What is baguette au fromage, anyways?
@Magisch Doesn't exist actually
However, "Croissant au fromage" probably does
Why is SOCVR so hot today? I remember that when it's near weekend this room would be cold down.
@Tuna Déjà trouvé des croissants au fromage? Ça doit pas être mal...
Im trying to kyll time until I can leave
We're hot.
not starting another build an hour before leaving
@KevinGuan The world is getting hotter, so we are too
@Ferrybig missed opportunity to rhyme that up
!!/blame the world
@KevinGuan It's Adriaan's fault.
@Kyll I ate one a few days ago. Well, it was a "ficelle". Ficelle au fromage. Ficelle aux lardons. Yum.
Die Käsebaguettestange ist sehr wohlschmeckend wenn man sie mit einem Dip aus Pferdemehrrettich und Sauerrahm verbindet.
Plop @gunr!
Please stop speak Frech or I'll go to learn that.
"Käsebaguettestange" - that is an awesome German hangman word.
And morning!
1 message moved to Trash
@KevinGuan Tu devrais! Y'a pas mal de-- ah COME ON NOW
@Magisch Yeah. Code Review would not be impressed if we migrated that POS. :)
@Gimby Cheese - Baguette - Stick
Hi gunr
@gunr2171 Hiya
:( fine, I'll let you win this round Kyll
Kyll wins every round
Kyll is eternal
Kyll is infinite
Kyll is lyfe
@gunr Not like you're used to winning them when we're different colours anyway
Kyll is the best word to use in code
gunr \o
Kyll is Kyll
@KevinGuan Yesterday I learned that mods have an automagic translation tool in chat rooms.
@KevinGuan la laaa la la la
@KevinGuan we'll be changing that soon, when someone has the time...
I shall join the team in 2 weeks
@PM2Ring Huh, I can also just use Google Translate.
and then, destruction shall follow my wake!
@gunr2171 Well, since I've already joined, so I think I can...oh wait i am not a ro so it is still your job pls
Kyll is ןןʎʞ upside down
@KevinGuan But mods can do it inside Chat. See chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/29949626#29949626 and subsequent messages from Jon
@KevinGuan eh. anyone already in the team can delete it. if you want to edit it go for it, we can't exactly stop you. Just don't vandalize it.
@Tunaki Uh, k
@PM2Ring Mods have everything and can do everything!
@gunr2171 Okay let me try.
Sure, mods get some good stuff. But they have to deal with a lot of garbage, so it's only fair that they get given tools to help them do that.
> This is abusiv eand
Oh no. My secret is known.
It is still live btw. Are you busy calling Norton?
@Tunaki Nooooo...how do you know that?
@gunr2171 Why did we put so many unrelated tags in our team page?
Hello \o
I think that was related to the technologies we used in github
@BhargavRao o/
6 months 7k tweets ... I can join the team \o/
@BhargavRao Hello SABR.
@KevinGuan SA?
Lol :D
@gunr2171 What do you think about now? stackoverflow.com/teams/11/socvr
looks good
and now I'll be afk, need to get work done

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