@Gimby besides, one flag is enough to get into the queue, so there's no need for more than one person to flag it. So only if you're out of flags I'd say post a request (@Kyll is that allowed, or is that for NATO?)
@TimCastelijns That shade of green has become my favourite colour. :) FWIW, I got an upvote the other day to an old answer that had zero votes after I linked it in a comment to a new question. That was nice.
@Magisch Try answering Python questions when you've got to compete with Martijn Pieters. :) At least he's not so prolific these days, now that he's a mod. But he still manages to find time to answer question. And his ninja abilities allow him to provide high-quality code and in-depth explanation within minutes of the question being posted. And half the time he's doing it on his phone. :)
SO has answered heaps of my questions, but I've never had to actually submit a question myself. I only joined up because I figured I ought to make a contribution as "payment" for all the great info I'd learned here over the years. And now I wish I'd joined years earlier, when there was still plenty of good-quality low-hanging fruit available...
after almost 3 weeks with basically no water, finally got a plumber out today to work on it. one place was like "you should completely replace your pump. btw, thats $2000". looks like our well was just full of dirt >.>
@cimmanon Wow. Glad you have water again. The news station did an investigation of plumbers in our area and they set up a simple fix on a water heater. Some people fixed it for free, some told them what needed to be done but others told them they needed a whole new water heater when only a valve needed to be closed.
@Magisch Hardly. That's a classic spammer trick: Post some nonsense (probably randomly generated) to see if it gets through, and then follow up with the spammy links.