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@WaiHaLee I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
This should be flagged typo right?
no oneboxxxx
Didn't mean too >.<
This should be flagged typo right? stackoverflow.com/questions/36658481/…
@Signal typo question answered by 176k rep user
@cimmanon how do you think they got to 176k?
we have several of the like in
btw anybody answering with "your indentation is off" on a question is sad
Should you flag an answer that is basically the same as another answer posted 20 mins ago, or just leave a comment? or both?
I'd first try to leave a friendly comment?
I'm not sure
maybe a downvote
probably not a flag unless it's blatant theft
if it's reasonable to come to the same conclusion by multiple users independently, assume good will
Here is the answer stackoverflow.com/a/36658662/5724920 It was posted literally twenty minutes after the others.
flaggable ones usually happen months after
yeah, those are all trivial answers to a brain-fart question
and the same trivial solution
don't bother
also, Matt already commented on it
you could downvote
I wouldn't flag
Ok, I'll just leave it alone then. Thanks
@Undo Got a ping from Shog; the close vote dialog requests was causing problems on their end - asked to turn it off/throttle it for now
Working on moving completely over to the API.. hopefully it should be back up by the end of the weekend
@Mogsdad I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Mogsdad passed a audit!
Anyone also looked at the docs a bit already?
@Rizier123 Not me. Kyll and Thaille have invites, I think.
2 hours later…
@Rob Awesome :)
@Rizier123 It's pretty nice
Still a few weeks from release, but it's making progress and seems like a sane feature
I just feel like it is going to be a place for rep whores and thousands of little edits changing like one little thing.
@Drew @Tunaki @JonClements @TheLostMind @Kyll @Sam @Mogsdad et al My son is out of intensive care and doing well.
@Yvette Wonderful, thanks for keeping us updated.
@TylerH @Rob I am on new pc 500 gb SSD, went with AMD to save $ paid someone who has built pcs for my fam for a long time $250 to build it
@Undo thanks Undo, I'm feeling tentatively relieved, still long days ahead, but better than expected outcome :) We're going to visit him soon.
Sorry to all for being so ratty when I was stressed about him. xox
no worries
^ This guy again. Can we just ban his IP?
Since I've had access to Closey I've been mulling over the apparent speed of my reviewing stats - impossibly fast and I know I'm not so fast that my average should. well under 1 minute / review. On perusing my reviews, checking whether my opinion agreed with the community's (it does) I had to wonder whether Closey only calculates on the duration of the just-completed reviewing session, rather than all reviewing sessions, scattered throughout a day?
@SmokeDetector sd gone
@CindyMeister it's per session, yes
@TylerH It's still there?
@Signal no it's been deleted...
Which one?
He auto deleted those two and the ffffffff spam answer is still there?
@TylerH Thanks for the confirmation :-) I'll sleep better for having a clear conscience that I'm not "roboing"!
@Signal see the message my sd gone line is pointing to
that's the one that I said was gone
Wow I'm really blind. Thought he deleted it himself..
That's really good news @Yvette
The spam still lives.
Not anymore :)
^ Both by same user.
Ah, link fail, this is the other one: What are the CSS Bad Practices to Avoid?
2 hours later…
@PraveenKumar are you sure smokey's link isn't just a thanks NAA?
@JanDvorak The above one is spam.
That domain looks suspicious for me.
The thing Smokey was complaining about got fixed within the grace period (if you didn't kill it)
@TheLostMind It's not an answer right, why my flag was declined? I don't know in what sense it becomes an answer. LoL. Not sure which mod declined it. Ah.
And thanks for the support bro.
I was typing the same thing @PraveenKumar
@TheLostMind Can that declined be changed to helpful? Er.. ?
My bad..
@TheLostMind What happened?
So, is it spam?
@JanDvorak Not sure about spam. But definitely NAA.
It's a "Thank You" comment as answer.
No. It wasn't spam..
And my NAA flag was declined.
Yes.. Like I said. It was my mistake.. I am trying to see if I can fix it.
@TheLostMind Ah sure... Great...
So, mods now decline even flags they know are correct? Where have we gone to? :-D
@JanDvorak Er... Mistakes happen... Once in a blue moon. :)
There is definitely a way to fix.
Just a DB UPDATE statement. :D
@PraveenKumar mods can't do that and employess don't care.
@JanDvorak Oh... Second part is crazy.
I think that it can't be undone.. I apologise for the mistake..
@TheLostMind :'(
@KevinGuan It's Kevin Guan's fault.
How that could be my fault?
Hmm, I can explain but that would take me a couple of hours. For now just accept your faith, OK?
Ah :(, okay.
@SmokeDetector Ha ha ha ha... :D
Two crazy things happened... LoL. Smokey blaming the blamer.. :D
How can this happen...
:P :P
Only the bots know
And they don't fail
@rene Skynet!
Now we just need a mod to undelete obvious spam and I'm gone for good.
If it is of possible value, it will be undeleted ...
@Rizier123 I couldn't decipher the website, it didn't appear to be a paywall, it did smell spammy but it the OP responded which is unusual for real spammers.
@Rizier123 100000% NAAAAAAA...
@TheLostMind Your priority increased by 1 getting blamed by SD !!/blame
@Rizier123 LoL
Sometimes even obvious spammers respond
@Rizier123 seems that way: my spam flag (I didn't just blindly flag) was rejected.
@JanDvorak yeah, it is a strange race between the cleverness of the spammers and our level of saneness
@WaiHaLee the NAA flags were rejected, too
@JanDvorak ah, so they were.
@JanDvorak yes, might need to be adjusted
@KevinGuan I don't think so. He's asking the possibility of something, but explained well. What say?
@PraveenKumar Huh, anyway, about your comment: It's in OP's code already.
@KevinGuan I don't understand.
Well, what does your code-only comment do?
@KevinGuan no, it is not great but can live
@PraveenKumar Is your comment a: "Maybe you can try this." comment , or "Why are you using this?" comment?
@KevinGuan it points out the most obvious mistake I guess without knowing the details of the techniques used
@KevinGuan Which comment?
@KevinGuan Oh... That one, I am asking if that's even right / possible / valid.
Ah, got it. I tought it's the first one. Nevermind.
@KevinGuan Grrrrrrrrr.... Keep closing questions.
unclear how we should cv that
Martin James is in a weekend 6-pack vibe: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/321163/…
^ Yes, I know. I just close voted. Now get back to checking real spam, Smokey!
... oh.
@JanDvorak Woah... How did you even manage to come in between me and Smokey? Privacy, man!
Smokey is become slower, does he need little coffee?
@PraveenKumar brews coffee for @PraveenKumar
No not for me, you drink!
@KevinGuan Er... f? Why?
Not spam, right?
@KevinGuan Nopes...
Moving on.
Why is SO so dull today?
Not much good question to answerr.
Because it's weekend?
It always is
Wai Ha Lee passed a audit!
@PraveenKumar I've edited that question: stackoverflow.com/questions/36662486/…
@rene Man, seriously? Are you free or is that question that worth?
Yes, I'm free :)
@PraveenKumar I sometimes remember this
@JanDvorak Timed chat message.
@rene I know right, you are awesome! :D
In 24 hours that timed chat message will become dated.
Wai Ha Lee passed a audit!
@JanDvorak LoL
@Yvette That's wonderful news!
@Yvette Sory for late reply, but that is good news. Lets hope he get complete healthy soon.
@Yvette That's great. Let's pray for him to get well soon. :)
NAA at least
The second one could use protection
and perhaps closure
@Tunaki This one is protected by a pay to download wall of 195 dollar each month
VLQ + mod-spam, then?
I need a detective here. 1 2 3 4 (there's more). See the upvotes. Custom-flag?
@Tunaki This one can get a normal NAA death, its not really a company that spams his product, but a individual al user that wants to share their knowledge oin the form of a product. I don't think the intention is to really spam
Okay thanks @Ferry
More carbohydrates? Sure, but what's that got to do with your product, spammer?
@SmokeDetector We killed this one too slow, :(
@CindyMeister I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@TheLostMind There's a Meta about a declined NAA flag meta.stackoverflow.com/q/321164/1743880
@Yvette This is amazing. Congratulations to you and your son! You rock =D
@Sam @Kyll o/
Plop Tuna
Sorry for all the [cv-pls], I'm clearing my "Watch" tab
@Yvette Great to hear! I sincerely hope he makes a full recovery. :)
I made an edit to the licensing wiki
4 aren't many cv-pls. Just break it up with some jokes in between
And afk for breakfast. :p
breakfast? At this hour?
@Tunaki Yes...
Well, it's Sam
It's Saturday...
Sam is a bot :P
Nope, Pham, Yam and Ram are bots.
Who's Nope?
I knew Kyll was going to make that joke.
or was that Graham?
I knew Tunaki was going to make that comment.
No, you didn't
> "I love stateless systems
> - Don't they have drawbacks?
> - Don't what have drawbacks?"
@EricD o/
Ohai o/
P\op Eric and Wai Ha Lee!
Please help put this question out of its misery, it's still lurching along like a zombie after 45 minutes:( stackoverflow.com/questions/36663550/…
^ got a new link-only answer
@MartinJames How could we help it? It's on-topic and I don't know enough about C to edit it
@Kyll Don't you have any gasoline and a match?
@MartinJames puts a new twist on "burninate" :p
@EricD Commented on new answer
@MartinJames I do, but then people say I'm evil
When really I just enjoy chaos
@JonClements It's only with great difficulty that I suggest burning questions, rather than posters:(
@Martin well - I quite enjoy the smell of destroyed user accounts while sipping my morning coffee :p
@JonClements There have been two posters on the C tag today that are in serious need of pitchforks, stakes, brushwood and torches.
Who knows? Maybe later when I have time for mod stuff :p
c++ already has some forks ready. Perhaps you could use those?
@EricD User is starting to take things personally, I'm disengaging
My last comment. I do not expect the user to take it well, but it had to be told.
@JanDvorak Not on Windows:)
@JanDvorak Gham.
@Kyll Argh, I've just seen that. Hopefully OP will get it when they read the yellow box.
What do Ruby programmers order from the top shelf of the bar?

Sloe gin :)
@EricD Don't care, moving on
ok :)
@EricD Did comment there to ask author to provide more data about the link though
Oh nice, I'm in the top 15 for rep on docs.so. xD
@MartinJames Can you please come to the Ruby room so that I can kick you out? :)
@JanDvorak lol
@Sam Can we edit page titles? The JS page says "Javascript Language Documentation" and thus misspells "JavaScript"
@JanDvorak What an irresistible invite? Can I volunteer? :p
@Kyll Uh, as in the topic's title?
I'm a bit confused from this Q&A: stackoverflow.com/q/36664225/3933332
One a sec
@Yvette That's great news, so good to have more solid ground to stand on. All the best!
@Kyll Yeah, I don't think there's anyway to edit the title once it's been created.
Afaik, anyway.
It will stay as a typo. Forever and ever.
The best solution is to rename all JS in the Internet to Javascript.
@Sam There's a Meta about it
@Kyll Oh, nice
@Sam Is there any guidelines for docs? Because otherwise I feel like there will be just thousands of minor edits just changing like one little thing.
@Rizier123 Meta's your best bet atm.
Just got adled to the beta yesterday ... Not too convinced, and the meta sprawl is part of the problem
And I'm just a lowly 101 rep user on docs until it's out of beta :)
Yeah, I practically gave up after a week.
Plop TLM!
Do I understand that docs.se is just everything SO wanted to be and nothing more?
*added, nice typo there (don't get the edit link in the mobile skin, it seems)
@Sam Okay. Because right now I also have a big question mark in my head: What exactly should be documented? What is too big/ too long? Or what is too simple? Also there are already some Q&A questions on SO which are almost like a documentation. Should these be copied to the docs? Used as reference? Should SO questions in general be used as reference in the docs?
@JanDvorak It's more of a nice support
@Rizier123 Lemme see if I can find something...
The stuff whick really needs third-party doco is also likely to overhaul everything and then we will have hundreds of pieces of stale docs and no sustainable plan for getting it fixed
@Sam But I'm not too convinced of the docs right now since I see a lot of problems and many things which seem not to be defined right now. So I almost want to give up the docs after seeing it for 1 day :P
Meh, I can't find much.
@Rizier123 :p
I'm excited about Docs.SE because 's documentation is utter garbage
Is there a Maven tag in Docs?
s/'s \w+//
I'm excited about Docs.SE because 's documentation is utter garbage
You don't even know Meteor o_o
@Kyll It doesn't matter. It's got that name 'Meteor'. That sota guarantees that it's going to be JavaScript or jQuery crap.
^ another post of the same user on that question
Or should it be k?
yes ----------------------------------------^
@Sam Am I the only one who feels like this?
@Rizier123 Nope
There are tons of grey areas with docs.
Do we move this to a new topic? Should this be an example? ...
@Tunaki I felt it always was just naa
@JanDvorak It was also NAA for me the whole time
Not even sure what to do with it.
The problem of close vote queue: it requires a high concentration to prevent making mistakes, you can't do it at work because of the required time, and you can't do it in the evening because you are sleepy
Depends when you go to bed ^^ :P
The real problem with the close vote queue: it exists.
@Tushar I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Tushar passed a audit!
@Tunaki - Thanks for letting me know :)
np :)
I found a bug on Stack Overflow! stackoverflow.com/help/be-nice -> "In summary, have fun, and be good to each other."
I thought we hate fun on SO?
Quick, ask Meta!
@Tunaki I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Oh boy, I may post an answer today too
Tushar passed a audit!
Tunaki passed a audit!
@Tunaki You've reviewed 40 posts today (of which 2 were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 14 minutes and 2 seconds, averaging to a review every 21 seconds.
73 posts in the suggested edits review queue?
@Tushar You've reviewed 40 posts today (of which 3 were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 57 minutes and 29 seconds, averaging to a review every 1 minute and 26 seconds.
How come I have >40 close votes?
Isn't the test finished? And this says [status-review], not [status-completed]
@Kyll You are special
@Kyll we're back to 50 close votes. 40 of which you can use in the queue
@gunr2171 \o/
I need more coffee then
yeah, i keep forgetting that fact
I thought we were back to 40/40
It never was 40/40.
But I can see why it's not 20/20
But can you feel it?
Can you feel the love tonight?
sd k known spam
Yeah, figured so
@Tunaki If that "long path tool" isn't a running joke I don't know what else it should be :P
inb4 "some mods don't know LPT is spam. Please flag these using the custom flag"
@Rizier123 It starts being boring when they keep putting it everywhere
I have posted enough answers for the month
Maybe two
Yep, two
@Kyll That's more than me. :p
Both upvoted once and accepted. Heh, at least I made OP's day.
@Sam =p
Speaking of which, when was me last answer?
Ah, 6 months ago.
bunch of slackers
somebody called me?
From now on I'm going to try and put "Waffle" in all my answers
> For example let's say you make a typo when writing Tasks and write Waffles instead:
?? addblu kyll
@Kyll You said it. Now I want to see it.
You already manage to plop a lot.
Plopping is for chat, I guess
I'll first try with Waffles. If that works well I'll go with Plop too
Or even with the word of the day
@Tunaki :-°
...What is Plop?
nooooo don't tease the Spearrel
Actually, you can read all about this weirdness here chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/41570/conversation/…
@JanDvorak Baby don't hurt me
Omg someone bookmarked that xD
@Kyll also, rec-tool
@JanDvorak And probably too broad =p
Night! Cya! Popl!
@Tuna done

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