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@Ferrybig brews coffee for @Ferrybig
@Closey status
SOCVR Chatbot, running at nagato v2 docker, version 8dbd64ac on master, running for 29 minutes and 27 seconds (tracking latency 8717ms).
@Ferrybig passes the coffee to @Tunaki
Hint: review the close votes for , they are some easy ones
is smokey down?
Ferrybig passed a audit!
@BhargavRao plz send teh coffee
8 min delay?
It shouldn't be that slow.
Bye all, Time to sleep \o
@BhargavRao Cya o/
Tunaki passed a audit!
I did?
@ryanyuyu 21 c# up there now if you want them
what do you have to do to pass an audit?
choose the red or blue pill.
Basically, choose close if it should be closed; leave open if it should be open.
And never choose edit if you suspect it is an audit, because it usually fails it
Ferrybig passed a audit!
If you suspect it is an audit, you already passed it in some way.
@Ferrybig ^ didn't know that. When they have been obvious audits (need to be closed), I've not dared press edit.
Noo don't fail on us dear.
@Reimeus edited to English
still incomplete though
@Tunaki You've reviewed 60 posts today (of which 2 were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 5 hours, 58 minutes, and 56 seconds, averaging to a review every 5 minutes and 58 seconds.
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[ubuntu]"
Thanks love
@Ferrybig You've reviewed 60 posts today (of which 3 were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 46 minutes and 16 seconds, averaging to a review every 46 seconds.
@TylerH gracias :)
@Reimeus English pls :-P
@TylerH Tanks in advantage
@TylerH but the rumors are that we're going to use French Français.
@ryanyuyu Don't believe everything you read in an internet chatroom
including my previous line
Some day I hope to pass an audit
@Reimeus have you never passed one?
@rene I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
I imagine you'd be blocked from reviewing by now
Or do you just mean you want to be tracked by Closey :-)
@TylerH not that I'm aware
@Reimeus We can add you (or at least get Tuna to add you) to have Closey track your stuff.
well I mostly close stuff w/ the odd review - is it worthwhile?
If you don't go often to the CV queue, it's not really useful. The bot tracks how much you review so that we can make statistics out of it.
@Reimeus If you would like to spend time here and participate in CV events and/or use your allotted reviews, it's useful/interesting info to have
If you are just dropping by, then it's probably not useful/interesting to you
I hit the CV queue almost every day....
not too bothered TBH
If you do find yourself interested you can just tell Closey 'Add 871026 to Reviewer'
@Closey help
This is a chat bot for the SO Close Vote Reviewers chat room, developed by the SOCVR developers. For more information see the github page. Reply with commands to see a list of commands.
all the tracking is automatic
@clo commands
@Sam Here is a list of commands you have permission to run:
add review [review id] [user id] - Manually adds a review to a user. Should only be used for testing.
add [user id] to [group name] - Manually adds a user to the given permission group.
alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
approve request [#] - Approves a pending permission request.
audit stats - Shows stats about your recorded audits.
commands - Shows this list.
current tag - Get the tag that has the most amount of manageable close queue items from the SEDE query.
help - Prints info about this software.
@TylerH you can't add yourself, but you can request permission to reviewer
@TylerH k thanks
@gunr2171 oh, I was deceived by ryanyuyu's permissions list
ah, ok
I thought it was simply a commands list when I saw it posted earlier
ah. I was trying to remember how to review my audit stats. The long lag between my audit and Closey pinging me also threw me off.
And back
Just in time it seems
Oh hey my answer was quoted!
Also, the tag was simply removed from posts without further intention :(
I really didn't want to rush the final process guidance. Now I have to be re-active instead pro-active. nvm.
@rene Well, we can see that during next week's meeting no?
@rene the curse of a real-time system, I'm afraid :-)
alright what tags are hurtin' ?
@Drew Top ones to review are starred on the right -->
ubuntu is an easy target
most are gonna be off-topic; super user
Added question about SOCVR responsibility during burnination to the agenda via PR
anyone know of a Java IDE that doesn't suck?
@cybermonkey notepad
@Rizier123 :D
but seriously, Eclipse just flipped out on me (deleted half the project I'm working on, got it back)
still better than Netbeans.
@cybermonkey I'm using IntelliJ for my current project. I'm using it for Maven magic and web development, but I know it has Java support. Community edition is passable, but my company paid for professional version.
@cybermonkey edlin
@Drew lol
I would just use VS but apparently the Visual Studio extension for Java isn't that good.
@Kyll I made a comment
@Nathan I'm going to answer to your comment
@Clo audit stats
@Sam I don't have any of your audits on record, so I can't produce any stats for you.
@rene Oh, right. Thanks for that answer!
@Nathan (answered)
@Kyll I saw that. expect an answer in 6 to 8 weeks ;)
@NathanOliver You're so italic
I am prepping for when I run for a mod position
@cybermonkey Eclipse. Don't use IntelliJ or NetBeans.
@NathanOliver You'd have my vote =p
You wouldn't have mine.
I'd also run for mod.
@Tunaki don't want to use Eclipse anymore because it's buggy..
@Tunaki How about I vote for you and you for me (for mod we are not talking about any sort of question or answer)
@NathanOliver Totes calling this out as fraud because saw the word "vote"
plus, it lacks tons of features I'm used to in VS, plus I don't like the font
@CindyMeister Any chance you are free for some c# reviews?
@Kyll You can't. I have a disclaimer :P
see. I can already cover my A#%
@rene I'm editing your meta answer a bit. When you mentioned the 5 tag from "that list", are you referring to the results of the "unloved search"?
@cybermonkey Nah it works fine.
What problems are you encountering?
@Tunaki mainly parts of my project disappearing (and re-appearing when Eclipse is re-opened)
That sounds weird.
Define disappearing.
Blame Java
@Tunaki functions not present in the codefile (as if I deleted them)
then when I close and re-open Eclipse, they appear again as if nothing ever happened
Huh. Mars.2?
@Tunaki yeah
And this is a normal Java project?
@Tunaki yep
@ryanyuyu partly, the 5 highly voted that we selected from that list but not the ones with 1000+ questions
I fixed some typos there @rene
yeah, I saw when I was editing ...
I added the tasklist
I'll fix a few more. They're pretty small. I think you're over-hyphenating some phrases.
@ryanyuyu You can-never have too-many hy-phens in-a sen-tance.
Ah sorry if I messed up your edit
@Drew I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@NathanOliver reminds me of bulletpoints everywhere
@cybermonkey This is really weird then. OS?
@WaiHaLee I think it is too broad. The user also mistakenly called us a forum which we are not. We are a Q&A site.
@NathanOliver thanks - I'm not going mad.
@NathanOliver bye
@Tunaki Windows 10 Professional x64, up-to-date with updates
Blame the kittens then.
thx feeds
@Drew For a little while I can do something, if you still need me?
I'd need instruction on how to target a particular tag of reviews
@CindyMeister Always do. I have c# batches over in the beehive
Produced them an hour or two ago. Not sure what state they are in now. Thx
Not familiar with "beehive". It's after 11 pmp here, so I don't have time to research. A quick overview of how this works would be nice...
There are 2 files in there for c#. One clicks on "View" and proceed with the links (back to SO) ... if it is too late, no biggie
They are all at close vote 4 status. So if you want to vote to close, based on your opinion, just do as normal
will look, now that I'm on a "real" machine...
They aren't driven by the review queue directly. So no audits. Just don't close anything not close worthy
:29603928 Praveen'd again.
@rene: taking the conversation off of stackoverflow.com/questions/36270310/… for a moment, the original questioner updated his question adding the link because he either didn't know he could post answers to his own question, or was unable to.
yeah I checked the timeline
you're right, sorry about that
@Tunaki what's going on with that bounty question? I see bad mood in the air there
hello everyone! (it has been a while, I know, super busy but alive)
@JasonMalinowski The answer is a bit link-only, if you can bring in some more bits it would be great
@rene: I could, but then it's a point-in-time snapshot of an answer.
And sorry for the hassle
And I'm not sure that's useful in this particular case.
I should probably make it a github permalink just to avoid bit rot.
@A.DiMatteo I'm accused of plagiarism and I don't like it. But now I'm going away. Arguing there has no point.
@rene: is there best practice for "here's our current instructions?" If we expand support or change how it works, we'll be updating that document. Freezing the content in some form in the question is probably a disservice.
@JasonMalinowski that is my main concern
@A.DiMatteo The user there also conveniently removed the comment that started all this...
@Tunaki :S
@JasonMalinowski we normally try to bring in a useful excerpt
@rene: OK, I'll do that.
so without the link the answer would still have some value
@Tunaki I missed some pieces of the puzzle indeed. Side note: the OP has posted 3-4 similar/related questions in the range of few days, always not crystal clear, when I saw the bounty I thought "oh, you, again!", and he's not interacting much in the debate I see
@Tunaki when I read "you can bring it to meta if you want" I firstly thought "ok guys, gonna grab pop-corns then", but indeed there is no point of arguing, keep zen and move on
Yep. I'm not going over Meta to argue why the answer won't work...
@Closey status
SOCVR Chatbot, running at nagato v2 docker, version 8dbd64ac on master, running for 2 hours, 50 minutes, and 41 seconds (tracking latency 3451ms).
@A.DiMatteo And since they don't make much sense now (I'm not going to undelete because beware demons), I'll remove the comments also.
@rene: revised. The executive summary text is small, partly because the part the original questioner missed was that pre-Update 1 this was a headache. We did work so it "just works" now, and the transition happened.
By the way @A.DiMatteo, I noticed your new answers on some old posts. Very nice work :).
@JasonMalinowski I did touch the question and that still seems to be in line with your answer. Thx.
do notice that I'm cleaning up comments as well
@Tunaki thanks! :)
@Tunaki not following much the latest questions recently, I live in Brussels and these days there is no much mood nor time for that, but I kept some favorites to work on, with no stress, actually relaxing troubleshootings
@Tunaki hello, what's happened with

Aleksandr M?
Oh. Hello Mercer! Let's move to a different room :)
@rene Made an auto-comment for burnination requests already?
Nope, I had another incident coming up and I'm still in the CVQ doing reviews
Okay. Want me to try and write up something about that?
Yes, please. If you have time and want that to do, sure.
On it then
crap mushrooms burning
What is the appropriate flag here?
great answer, misplaced (should be migrated to workplace.SE?)
@Kyll what kind of mushrooms?
@ryanyuyu Which kind doesn't get me arrested?
@Drew OK, worked through them, as I would items in the normal queues. Found one I ended up writing an Answer to. Legit question (Office Ribbon - my area), although I'd be surprised if there's not a duplicate somewhere, but time to sign off - tomorrow's a new day!
Obviously, they're Champignons de Paris
posted on March 28, 2016

On March 28th, 2016, we lost question access across the network for approximately 12 minutes. The big change in play here was moving the static content for every Q&A site to a different directory path to help developers and designers both work more efficiently and enable some new functionality like per-site mobile themes. It was also a tech-debt item from the current structure simply not sc

@Tunaki on one hand, OP discloses affiliation. On the other hand, the link doesn't add much info, does it?
@Tunaki Heeeeh.
@Tunaki that's a pretty bad question. I'm leaning towards not spam because the question is at fault.
@CindyMeister Thank you very much. I will try to post a few batches up there in the coming days for some of your main tags.
@Kyll ah. The mushroom selection here in the US isn't super great at normal supermarkets. At least I get my hands on crimini and shiitake.
@drew OK, but limited availability as the garden is calling - FINALLY going to be warmer than the low 40s... Leave a message and when I have a few moments I'll take a look :-)
Agree with @ryanyuyu close the Q
What is a good flag for parse.com questions?
First try:
Thank you for posting this burnination request and allowing the community to take a close look at it. Please note that burninations are not just tag removals - They are the process of carefully moderating a specific place of Stack Overflow. Avoid mass-editing the tag out of questions as it is counter-productive.
@pp_ Close as off-topc software rec usually.
For more information, see [Shog9's answer on MSE](http://meta.stackexchange.com/a/239191/306392) or the [unofficial SOCVR process](https://github.com/SO-Close-Vote-Reviewers/SOCVR-RoomInformation/blob/m‌​aster/burnination.md#process).
@AlexanderO'Mara And if they are not asking for an alternative but wonder why they can't create an account?
@pp_ off topic, we are not support for your favorite company
custom reason that is
I believe there is a meta post as well
@Kyll that sounds all good
@rene Great then
@pp_ Custom reason pointing to meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/255745/…
Saved auto-comment, will post next time there's a burnination request around
@Kyll did you make a PR for the central script?
@rene That is a good idea
just posted this answer, opinions?
I realise that the 'automation' aspect of my answer may be unpopular...
@cybermonkey meh, but the questions is mehmeh.
rene passed an audit!
@cybermonkey It's a minor inconvenience. And I'm not convinced that further locking up the vestiges of site functionality is productive in a partial outage. I agree with rene that the feature and your addendum are both meh.
Today it's the 29 of March right? If you hover over the asked X here: meta.stackoverflow.com/q/319925/3933332 what date do you see?
@rene Done
@Rizier123 April, 1st?
@rene For real now? I see 2016-03-28 22:06:51
It's midnight also.
@Rizier123 google.com.au/… :)
Ah summer time, I have 2 hours offset from UTC
The tooltip says 2016-03-28 22:06:51Z
I thought I was going crazy :P
@Rizier123 Me, real? I'm a flower: 2016-03-28 22:06:51Z
@rene And that flower is trying to chat with a terminal.
Yeah, it is a cruel world ...
@rene sorry for dropping a grenade and running away from the question. I've left a comment on the question (probably too late) to make any difference. Thanks for saving my behind again.
@JasonMalinowski - didn't recognise your name in the room otherwise I'd have pinged you to discuss it here.
@Rizier123 You want some love, don't you?
@WaiHaLee np, all is good now
@Tunaki You need to play more Undertale.
@rene You've reviewed 60 posts today (of which 1 was an audit), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 3 hours, 1 minute, and 31 seconds, averaging to a review every 3 minutes and 1 second.
what is love?
@Tunaki That's how the plot resolves
@Tunaki baby don't hurt me
@Floern Look at the pictures in edit mode...
@Floern I'm not sure, but definitely NAA.
@Tunaki saw it
total crap
@ryanyuyu don't hurt me
no more
@Floern Yes, report?
and now to get a house remix of that stuck in my head for the rest of the night
We're weird. At with that, I'm out. See you around.
@Kyll flagged it
I'm out of flags myself. Voted to delete though.
Off to bed, night! You should go too, Tuna =p
@AndrasDeak I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@Drew Just did the 2 Java batches
awesome. Thx. A bit slow in that tag today.
Cya Sam
nite Sam
Bye all. Don't mess around, I still have eyes everywhere.
^ accepted answer: "In general this should work, you 'just' have to implement the whole SMTP protocol yourself. An introduction is available on Wikipedia. I'd really use a library for this."

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