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12:00 AM
@AndrasDeak lol
@AmanuelBogale for the record, you don't need to (read: please don't) ping me every time you come here
@AndrasDeak Oh. I thought you liked to be pinged. Sorry.
yeah I love it
except when I don't
that sounds serious enough for me to go to bed
Cya \o
12:11 AM
night Tunaki \o
dont mess around, I'll read the transcript in the morning... :p
uh oh:P
I'll get busted
@Tunaki this question spatial stackoverflow.com/questions/36181820
so I was hoping to make some comment to help him
And I asked Ollie Jones to take a look. But the question gets closed anyway
? @AndrasDeak
12:26 AM
@KevinGuan Night
@Tensibai I refreshed an batch a few hours ago in the hive
@AmanuelBogale o/
Im going to make a comment on meta on the ability to downvote comments
Does that seem logical?
the ability to downvote comments ?
That was asked already.
^^ lol PHP comment with a guy named PHPNoob, so ironic
I gotta do homework for school
12:56 AM
@TylerH I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
It's 1:59 in a minute it's 3:00
@Rizier123 DST already happened
In CET, but not in GMT :)
@Kyll Huh, just tried the basic Node guides, and now my feeling is, cool.
@KevinGuan careful
If you start using Node then all your stuff will break and you will find yourself frozen with despair the next time someone removes their module from the Node chain :-)
1:03 AM
@TylerH Really? Why? :(
TylerH passed a audit!
@TylerH lol, I like that isArray one :P
And cool, an employee of SO.
@Shadow I think the sql guy just needs to not set command=
TylerH passed a audit!
1:17 AM
oh damn, I've just lost an hour:S
@AndrasDeak better get to bed
I guess...soon:P
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[haskell]"
I have survived
Rattedd, sleep..
I've noticed a lot of XCode questions popping up as audit questions lately
1:30 AM
TylerH passed an audit!
@TylerH You've reviewed 60 posts today (of which 5 were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 38 minutes and 55 seconds, averaging to a review every 38 seconds.
2:20 AM
@TylerH Me too.
1 hour later…
3:21 AM
Hey Whassup Guys
@TylerH @ i 100% Agree With that
This is the first time i met my age group guys!!! @Jasch1
Ian has started reviewing!
Ian passed a audit!
3:43 AM
Ian passed a audit!
That moment when you almost kill a colonist in Rimworld because you set his allowed zone and forget to include the room with the food in it... oops
Ian reviewed 60 posts today (of which 3 were audits)! The time between Ian's first and last review today was 20 minutes and 5 seconds, averaging to a review every 20 seconds.
3:59 AM
Anyone else getting upvotes/rep but not getting a notification under the achievements dropdown?
I got notified - at least till yesterday. Today, I got no rep up.
Undo has started reviewing!
4:16 AM
If you don't have enough mod flags to handle, I'll go flag some thank-you comments for you...
I'm probably going to sleep in a few minutes anyway
Though I guess your votes are up to five times as effective, so maybe it's worth it anyway.
The lack of notification must have been a hiccup, seems to be working now.
2 hours later…
6:07 AM
@Tushar I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
7:05 AM
Tushar passed a audit!
7:23 AM
Tushar passed a audit!
@Tushar You've reviewed 60 posts today (of which 2 were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 1 hour, 19 minutes, and 59 seconds, averaging to a review every 1 minute and 19 seconds.
@WaiHaLee I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
3 hours later…
10:12 AM
If someone asks a question, gets a few comments, votes and close votes on it. Then he edits it into a completely other question, which then gets answered. Should it be rolled back? I mean all votes, comments and close votes don't apply to that question anymore. Also is the a meta post about this?
Only thing I found so far is: meta.stackoverflow.com/q/306077/3933332
@Mogsdad Why isn't Magic™ Editor not working on this post? Crazy: Post
The too broad was clarified.
10:36 AM
@Floern LoL. That's bulb.
Bah... I undeleted and re-deleted so they can't undelete it now
@JonClements ah, just wanted to ask what you were doing ;)
This person isn't responding. What to do? stackoverflow.com/q/36246372/462627
@JonClements Is it allowed that if someone asks a question, that he completely rewrites it into a different one or should it be rolled back?
10:43 AM
@Rizier123 Not allowed. Right?
@PraveenKumar maybe he needs some time
@Floern Okie... :)
@Rizier123 ummm... it's not really acceptable if it invalidates other contributions - have you got a link - it's even more non-acceptable if they're using it as a way of getting around a Q ban...
@PraveenKumar I failed till now to find a meta post or something about it, so not 100% sure.
Hey guys... How's the design: praveen.science and praveen.cloud?
@Rizier123 Common sense. :) Not allowed. Let's confirm with @JonClements
10:45 AM
@JonClements invalidates other contributions Yup. See: stackoverflow.com/q/36245885/3933332 (new user, same question as ...), old question: stackoverflow.com/q/36235809/3933332 (different user, see revision how he rewrote the question) <- custom flagged it
@Rizier123 I've seen this happening in the MATLAB tag, where we discussed it in the MATLAB room and decided with 5 of us, amongst whom 2 gold badgers, to roll back the edits, leaving a comment explaining the thing and pointing to the chat discussion
@Rizier123 I put the fifth CV on both
Wai Ha Lee passed a audit!
Hiya o/
> please dont troll :( – leet dot py 2 mins ago
Hiya |o|
Sorry - got caught on the phone
11:14 AM
@Rizier123 Took a while to sort out what was going on there, but it's sorted - thanks for the flags
Thanks for handling it :)
@JonClements Do mods need to unlock a post if they want to edit a post: stackoverflow.com/posts/36235809/revisions ?
@Rizier123 no - we can edit without unlocking, however, we can't rollback - probably something to do with historical reasons - it's a bit of an annoying quirk but it happens so rarely shrugs
@JonClements Ah okay. But why did you changed it now to the edited question and not the original one? I mean the question was vtc as it was in the original state, even though it would still apply now. And some comments also refer to the original question.
oh... forgot to clean up comments - to keep the answers valid - the other account was Q banned while trying to ask the other question, so it makes sense to keep the original question with the answers (otherwise the OP gets away with asking the question they wanted to and it invalidates the existing answers)
okay - comments cleaned up
Thanks. Even saved you one click by deleting one of my comments by my own :P
11:23 AM
@AndrasDeak :D
@JonClements (BTW: This guy wrote in the comments (see deleted comments): stackoverflow.com/a/36235902/3933332 that he also flagged it. Don't know if he flagged it with a custom reason and if yes if it gets auto-marked as helpful, but if not you could mark the flag from him also as helpful. One flag less in the queue)
@Rizier123 don't worry - all the flags got marked helpful
@Tunaki I didn't realize my comment would tick people off ... that is not how I intended it in the first place. cc @AndrasDeak
Not sure if it needs fixing/clarification
afternoon @rene
@Tunaki I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
11:32 AM
@JonClements Hi, how is you tummy today?
@rene so far so good - thanks for asking
Have a tea from me :)
sd f on it
Ms Yvette ǝʇʇǝʌʎ sW has started reviewing!
@rene thank you kind sir!
11:42 AM
rene didn't tell you it wasn't a camomile tea, and that he poisoned it
@Tunaki oh dear - how much is it going to cost me to get the antidote? :(
how did this have an upvote? seriously
Finally got around to putting some text in my profile... (can you tell I'm a Dr Who fan? :p)
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW same here stackoverflow.com/a/36246619/559745
@Floern this world is insane
11:51 AM
@Floern wow
and sorry I got touchy yesterday, I'm ratty @Floern
@MsYvette how is your son doing?
I was writing that ^
@JonClements really not good. Will have a meeting with the doctor next week
thanks for asking
11:52 AM
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW no prob :)
@MsYvette sorry to hear - fingers crossed for good news next week
I'm am reviewing, as it gives me a simple purpose and goal
thanks, and if anyone prays, it would be good to include him Gabriel (after the angel)
Ms Yvette ǝʇʇǝʌʎ sW passed a audit!
thanks @Closey
11:54 AM
here is the review if someone wants to finish it stackoverflow.com/review/low-quality-posts/11787916
> This item is not reviewable.
@Tunaki guess you flagged it?
I guess so.
Wai Ha Lee passed a audit!
@WaiHaLee You've reviewed 60 posts today (of which 2 were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 4 hours, 38 minutes, and 4 seconds, averaging to a review every 4 minutes and 38 seconds.
11:59 AM
@PraveenKumar Nope. Attempt at an answer.
@Tunaki Woah? What's the difference?
@Floern Deleted.
2 days ago, by Tunaki
6 mins ago, by Tunaki
Use NAA and VLQ on posts that are 1. "Thanks" 2. "Me too" 3. "I don't understand your answer" 4. "I have another answer" 5. See link.
@PraveenKumar an answer
the Op is giving code to use that may solve the problem, an attempt to assist the OP in a manner that willl remain useful on the site, i.e. not a link that will die
I left a comment for the user also.
Ms Yvette ǝʇʇǝʌʎ sW passed a audit!
@AmanuelBogale you do know that there's a "teenage programmers chatroom" or something...right?
@JeffreyBosboom I hope you were joking with that "flagging thank you comments" thing:P
@rene I didn't find your comment problematic, but I'm a special kind of person (read: asshole) so my opinion doesn't count much:) I was merely responding to Tunaki's comment.
@AndrasDeak o/ (your opinion does count ;) )
12:24 PM
\o :)
that's nice, coming from a fellow special kind of person
grumpy and evil?
among other things, yes:D
> My resolution was similar. I pulled my hair out for half a day trying all different things. Walked the dog. Had half a dozen beers. Slept on it. Had breakfast.
Walking the dog is great, I can tell you that @Tunaki. You're probably biased from all the being a cat.
12:46 PM
No that's not the answer. :)
@PraveenKumar There was a regexp bug. Fixed & updated.
@Mogsdad Super. Thanks.
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Which I've deleted - Can I trust that won't be repeated please?
Hi all \o
Hiya o/
12:50 PM
Hey @Jon, Howya - stomach - doin?
@BhargavRao So far so good today thanks :)
I did a bit of research and came to know why you got the stomach ache
He ate too much spam?
@BhargavRao it was all your fault
He ate too much Scooby Snacks
12:53 PM
@Kyll Hiya o/
@Rizier123 Well, let's just hope the author will see it then
12:56 PM
@Kyll Plop
Got Kylled?
> Omeegawd the numb3rs shrankeded so much dis time
@Tunaki Updating numbers can get slightly boring
1:00 PM
@Kyll 97.14% closed. Not bad, not bad
Of the 9 still open, I think 8 are in the queue and the last one is locked.
meh, I'll review those
@AndrasDeak I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@Kyll I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
I don't think this should be closed
1:05 PM
@AndrasDeak Ha, why?
@AndrasDeak Heh, I was on the fence about it. The main point of the question is to "convey [meaning]". Seems POB to me.
I was on the fence too POB-wise, and in these cases I look at the answers
if they seem factual, then it's not POB enough to cause a problem
especially from 5 years distance
@AndrasDeak In that case you may want to edit it to better fit the answers by removing the POB part (and the tag)
but you're right, some answers there say "personally, I'd ..."
you made me unsure now:D
Also "My own preference would probably be" in the accepted answer.
1:07 PM
I think I'll let others judge
@Tunaki that could still be a valid part of an answer to a non-POB question
it's a bit like a jigsaw, gotta put together the pieces
I don't have enough info to decide
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "off-topic, unclear what you're asking, too broad, primarily opinion-based; [guidelines]"
@AndrasDeak Skipping is also a valuable option
was definitely less than 8
@Kyll I already have before I linked it here
though you've put me back on the fence:P
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[guidelines]"
@KevinGuan Glad you like it! =D
@Tunaki deleted :(
Dating has been deleted. No dates for us!
Just when I was typing a punny comment
1:12 PM
I was waiting for you to post it!
Braiam has started reviewing!
Isn't Closey supposed to ping the reviewer? ^
@Kyll Not they're not in the room
why are we closing this one? stackoverflow.com/q/5306263/792066
1:14 PM
@Braiam scroll a bit up
@Braiam Because we received a few [guidelines] about closing it.
@Tunaki ah, because Hans answered it? Good
btw, for me it reads as "Should I use X if I'm fooring the bar, or should I use Y?"
1:44 PM
@Braiam but that's not necessarily POB
they could be a technical reason making X or Y not feasible
@AndrasDeak I'm not sure why you are saying that to me
btw, this can be outright deleted stackoverflow.com/q/60673/792066
I was clearly reflecting on your message:P Even if in a non-too-informative way
@Braiam Because Shog answered? :D Why do you think so?
do they?
there isn't a single syntax error there:P
1:50 PM
(But maybe there is in a parallel universe, :) )
Why :pdo :)they=(confuse><you?
﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?
ಠ益ಠ ¿what's going on?
--- and now the fun stops, remember we hat fun ---
1:54 PM
Ok, We hat fun B)
Those room owners and their puns
> Is there any body who is expert in R Language?
Nice indication that the question is too broad :D
2:17 PM
Yay, Crossed 21k, One more delete vote \o/
2:42 PM
I almost thougt smokey wasn't working here, but then I realised I was in the wrong room
@SmokeDetector Seems off-topic to me, but not spam
@Rizier123 why was this upvoted? stackoverflow.com/a/36248594
@Fred-ii- In general ... (Dunno bout [php]). The OP of the question has upvote privs. So he will have tried one, upvoted and accepted it. Not bothered to test the second, upvoted and left. FAIL
@Fred-ii- Someone wanted to downvote it, tried out their code, got an error. Screwed up their brain and he upvoted it by mistake.
@BhargavRao @Rizier123 Baffled.
Blame the kittens.
2:51 PM
Stupid furballs:(
The question Smokey posted above needs one more close vote: stackoverflow.com/questions/36248596/…
Being optimistic, Now we have a lot of comments to flag.
It's Easter, shouldn't that be Bunnies instead of Kittens? ;-)
@Rizier123 yeah, probably fat-fingered from an iPhone or something.
@Closey status
@Fred-ii- Fun fact: If he would have passed those values via a return statement from a function you would only receive a notice and he probably would have got more upvotes if everyone disabled notices.
2:53 PM
SOCVR Chatbot, running at nagato v2 docker, version 8dbd64ac on master, running for 4 days, 13 hours, 8 minutes, and 56 seconds (tracking latency 11550ms).
Happy Easter everyone :)
@BhargavRao Have fun:)
Hop hop You too @BhargavRao
@Rizier123 Ah, I love "fun"!
Does this make sense for anyone? meta.stackoverflow.com/a/319835/1743880
@Tunaki kind of. I think he's saying:
> People who review lots need to be tested more as their actions affect more posts: I think this feature request is a bad idea.
3:01 PM
There is a tennage programming group?
@AmanuelBogale yes. Gimme a sec.
Yes i just saw lol
Idk about the programmers chatroom. THey all have CV's...
So they are obviously not teenagers..
3:10 PM
Programming teenagers is very difficult and, in many jurisdictions, illegal.
Yes. The unicorn queen actually banned some of them a while ago.
I am 15.
So its not illegal for me to code
But it doesent even matter. No one can stop me.
@AmanuelBogale I think Martin was making a joke about programming, as in brainwashing.
3:31 PM
@AmanuelBogale Your compiler and linker beg to differ:)
@AmanuelBogale I CV stuff somewhere else and I'm a teenager. Does it mean I'm not human?
3:47 PM
@JonClements what was wrong with that? The last post the user posted was garbled nonsense and caused the user to be black listed? I removed the user from the black list. Don't repeat what? I didn't infringe the rules. Did you read the history? Or jump in ready to sanction me?
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Please remain courteous also, it is you who is jumping on him there.
@MsYvette calm down please... you're jumping to conclusions. I know you're tired and worried about your son. However, while I agree with the sentiment of the comment - it could have been phrased more constructively - it's because I don't want to see you sanctioned I deleted and asked you to not leave such comments. I understand you're upset and stressed but if that bleeds out into your actions on the site then I'd be amiss in my duty to not bring it up with you.
@MsYvette I know what it's like to have life not be going well, and to have loved ones unwell, and how scary that can be. I think being a part of this room and helping out gives you a break from that reality sometimes and it's of benefit to you and the team here. I'm trying to help you from giving any moderator a valid reason to give you involuntary time off. I've said my piece and while I hope you accept my advice - the rest is up to you, okay?
@Tunaki it was :p
4:08 PM
Deleted by community stackoverflow.com/a/36249462/4099593 and not flagged as spam
Account deletion
That'll make a nice audit some day.
4:26 PM
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW I think I speak for well me at least duh, but probably everyone, in being glad you are around
A bit of away time from my desk - bbiab
I should have an open tab for urbandictionary at all times.
be back in a bottle
best beer i always buy?
4:45 PM
@Drew thns
where's Tiny Giant?
don't know ducks :p
hm thanks ducks
glad yer still here ducks ;)
ah they cut me a break now and then
4:50 PM
@JonClements o/
@Drew java_batch204_20160327_1540.xlsx this is done
5:29 PM
yeah, no **** Sherlock stackoverflow.com/a/36250356 hardly an answer/solution
no ja** Sherlock?
@BhargavRao Please don't use offensive words in chat, instead hide them with stars like Fred did
@Kyll Yep, hid it ;)
@BhargavRao Thanks. =p
5:31 PM
@Tunaki there's a java dupe ^^
@Tunaki You do realize you've hidden the offensive part, thus countering your own argument which I suppose is against the all mighty *S
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW ... and deleted
@Kyll hi
@Tunaki OP deleted it?
5:33 PM
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW How are ya? =D
I was trying to post a comment of why it was giving a npe
but it's useless posting an answer
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Howz ya son? He's alright?
@Kyll bit better for seeing my parents this weekend.
@BhargavRao really not good. Thanks for asking
5:34 PM
My dad is unwell, so juggling balls
but starting to get a handle on it all, will keep you all posted
I'm going to bed. Night all, good to see you \o
Damn, That's sad. Guess you need to take a week or two off.
Good night! Tc
@BhargavRao oh it's good to come here.
keeps me feeling connected and usseful
5:35 PM
distracted too
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Join the madness \o/
@Kyll yep trying to stay out of chat if I get cranky.
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Then that's awesome. Keep off meta :P
@BhargavRao yes!! away from meta for all this time for sure.. just want to keep reviewing
5:36 PM
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Bonne nuit :)
@Kyll a bientot!
must get accent shortcuts
bonne nuit @MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Fais de beaux rêves :)
@MsYvette Australia lost the world cup match :P
@Reimeus es.stackoverflow.com <-- Is the language suitable there?
@Tunaki merci
5:40 PM
Last time I had the language wrong
@BhargavRao for what? ;) I have no idea
ok must go to bed.
@BhargavRao dont think the question is suitable as looking for a library
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Hehe, cricket. Just for a small change of mind. Good night :)
@BhargavRao to India? ah... if it's Sri Lanka, I'm cool, it's a win if it's Australia or Sri Lanka for me night
5:41 PM
@Reimeus Yep, But the OP must know that a espanol site is available :)
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW To India :|
@BhargavRao ok as a cousin I will accept the loss graciously :)
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW TBH, Aus played damn well till the last couple of minutes. They lost in the last few overs.
@BhargavRao longest game on the planet.. cricket
But hey, I am happy! Over the moon, defeating Aussies are tough
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Hey, T20 match, 3 hrs
@BhargavRao generally.. you know 3 day matches
5:44 PM
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Go to bed! =p
@Kyll \o
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW That's test matches. They are 5 days.
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Good night
@BhargavRao I'm not surprised, I don't follow sport.. \o
Lol, K. Let's speak later o/
@PraveenKumar I am not sure if the last smokedetector message is really spam, it looks legit to me
5:46 PM
@Ferrybig I just removed my comment. Can't remove flags! :(
5:58 PM
Can anybody salvage this? stackoverflow.com/a/36250634/4099593

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