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It's here vvv
Smokey is currently running under 404's account. Check Charcoal HQ for updates.
@AndrasDeak it's here ^ what are you talking about?
thanks, I don't know how I could miss that
night all
night, I'm off too
night, but I'm still here
WHY do I always have problems with that darn markdown while posting an answer?????
Why does the first link not render properly, when you paste this: http://pastebin.com/yWa6ZN7h into the SO answer editor?!
@TinyGiant ^^ Markdown question for you :P
FIXED IT: Needed to replace > with <blockquote> and </blockquote>. But the end tag needs to be on the same line as </pre>, then it works: pastebin.com/4YB8D3f2. Just don't freaking ask my why.
@Tunaki Back under the SmokeDetector account.
@hichris123 Of course
oh hey, I can unpin stuff now
"Another edit is awaiting approval for this post. Further edits cannot be submitted until the pending edit is reviewed." Huh? I thought if you were more thorough your edit got pushed through?
How is this at all constructive? Edit 2... stackoverflow.com/posts/36253934/revisions
@Undo So Smokey is back and Tunaki's message is going down?
what is that even
Ian has started reviewing!
@SmokeDetector What the heck is that?
Trash but not spam anyway
One delete vote to go.
Ian passed a audit!
sd - f, edited
Ian reviewed 60 posts today (of which 2 were audits)! The time between Ian's first and last review today was 11 minutes and 59 seconds, averaging to a review every 11 seconds.
That was a real struggle: stackoverflow.com/a/36247214/3933332 research and markdown wise :P Now it's still left to dig up the source code which makes these "wrong" results happen.
Well done @Rizier123
@Signal Need to get some sleep and then I will probably dig into the source code to see what happens.
@Rizier123 You know what they say about PHP...
Yes, I hear and read it all the time.
:) Sleep well man. gl
@Tushar I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Tushar passed an audit!
@Signal Sure not. Your edit makes the post clear and better.
@Signal Oh, I've edited that post again. Maybe you'd like to take a look at it :)
@KevinGuan Actually in the process of reading it :)
\o/. And afk.
@KevinGuan Why the ---------- over <hr>?
Huh, that's Markdown. I think it's clear than <hr>, that doesn't really matter anyway.
Oh ok :) Anyway I'm off to bed night
Good night!
2 hours later…
sclv has started reviewing!
Other edits on that answer were OP-accepted, so I think that's sockpuppet boosting (via the +2 rep for suggested edits). I flagged for a diamond.
sclv passed a audit!
Custom flag this: stackoverflow.com/a/36257301/3155639 (abusive, edited during grace period to plagarism)
@SmokeDetector sd k
@SmokeDetector sd k
Hi all \o
@AlexanderO'Mara There above you
sclv passed a audit!
One account was destroyed.
Guess we need to report this too stackoverflow.com/a/36257444/4099593
That guy must be very bored
I've cus flagged
Another sock bites the dust.
But my flag is still pending
sclv passed a audit!
sclv passed a audit!
sclv passed a audit!
cripes i'm getting hammered with audits
@sclv You've reviewed 60 posts today (of which 6 were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 24 minutes and 48 seconds, averaging to a review every 24 seconds.
@AlexanderO'Mara Should've put some dddddddddddddd in your grace-period-ending comment.
My flag on this is still pending stackoverflow.com/questions/36256962/… :/
@JeffreyBosboom done
@BhargavRao I also still have one pending on one of their other posts. Strange.
@AlexanderO'Mara - Which one?
@AlexanderO'Mara - Its deleted now :)
@TheLostMind Yeah, but the flag isn't.
The flag is resolved now.
signing off
@TheLostMind Mine still isn't :/
@AlexanderO'Mara Cya
@user2314737 I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
user2314737 passed a audit!
user2314737 passed a audit!
@rene : Hello rene , hope you are fine
I have edited my question stackoverflow.com/q/36238160/418343
Could you reopen it please
It takes five people to reopen a question, just as it takes five to close it (normally).
Are you asking for a recommendation of a framework to use to solve your problem? If so, that, too, will make your question off-topic.
@WaiHaLee : i want some help to reopen the question so that i could add bounty to that important Q
@WaiHaLee - It takes (lets just say n) people / person to re-open a question provided they consider it to be valid :)
@WaiHaLee : I'm just a newer to EF , i want a solution to help me to audit tables ,any editing to the question to make it more make sense i welcome
@WaiHaLee ,@TheLostMind I will be grateful if you can help me to edit the question making it more readable to reopen it again
@AnynameDonotcare - Looks like you are asking for a recommendation
@TheLostMind : i search a lot about solutions to audit the data but almost all of then either doesn't handle the delete except(soft-delete) or used only with code-firrst EF
> Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
And it's still too broad. So we can't reopen it, sorry.
@AnynameDonotcare - I understand, but I cannot help you re-open that question. If you have a question that goes like feature X in app Y not working. I've tried Z, I would definitely help you :)
@AnynameDonotcare Anyway, if you want others recommend a tool, software library, feel free to ask it on Software Recommendations (check the FAQ there before asking). But if you want others write code for you...sorry again.
@KevinGuan : thanks a lot, but it's not a software recommendation ,it's about specific problem .auditing is available through overriding SaveChanges() method in EF but all the search i have found can't implement (delete audit) except through (soft-delete)
@AnynameDonotcare - Add auditing is available through overriding SaveChanges() , show us what you've tried :)
@TheLostMind : Thanks a lot , i will add a link to the question :D
@AnynameDonotcare Well, then I'm sorry if I misunderstood your question, I'm not a C# programmer anyway. But we have a few reviewers who know C#, how about let's wait when they come, and I'll ask them about your question? They'll tell us should your question get reopened or not, and they can probably answer your question.
@AnynameDonotcare And I see that there's an answer to your question already - does it help? If so then congrats. If not, how about ask the OP of that answer for an edit?
@KevinGuan : Really ,Thank you so much , if the question is opened , i will add a bounty to get more answers , really thanks a lot
@AnynameDonotcare No need say thanks, that's our job :)
@KevinGuan Saying thanks is your job?
@BhargavRao Sure. No, I mean help others about question closure.
@KevinGuan Do you work for Stack Exchange, Inc.?
@JeffreyBosboom Stack Overflow Inc
@JeffreyBosboom No but I work for SOCVR.
@BhargavRao Nope, according to comments in the recent TOS update thread, they didn't change the company name, just their brand.
Reading the TOS comments now
Bah, Some lawyer stuff ... Confusing me out
Looks like I will hit 5k flags today
Sorry little Smokey that I forgot you, not my fault really :(
@KevinGuan It's Kevin Guan's fault.
@SmokeDetector Lol
No no no, why you don't trust me? :(
@user2314737 PHP with what database?
@MadaraUchiha It is cloud there but here
Is that an easter egg of the cv-pls script?
@MadaraUchiha now I don't know if I should be embarrassed -- it#s a browser extension that I have
@user2314737 Type cloud again, just to test
@BhargavRao phew
@user2314737 @TinyGiant Is that a bug? the butt should be cloud anyway ^^^
@BhargavRao Wow, is he really from the paste? That's cool!
@KevinGuan He's from paste
@BhargavRao Wait, what happened to that e ?
Interesting, No RO message from 7hrs :|
They're all sleeping. We're in Asia but none of the ROs here (means Asia) you know.
Yep, So we can one-box
Don't, rene reads every messages posted when he comes every day.
I'm in the US and I'm awake. (I've been collaborating with a student in Singapore, but that's just an excuse; I'd sleep during the day anyway.)
Lol, I was kiddin :P
Hi @EdC \o
@BhargavRao I know :P
Hmm, 2 answers with links to a blog. Waiting for 3rd.
Where? Where? Where? Where? Where? Where?
That "Zextras Migration" one?
A new one posted 1m and 20s ago. (I won't edit this again)
Yeah, 3rd up
Damn, 2:30 here; Just when I was about to cus flag. I gotta go
So should we mod-flag it?
Okay, Cya.
Bye, catch you all after a few hours when back in home
@KevinGuan Obviously, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zimbra Zimbra has no links with Zextras
Bye now, I will be kicked out of college if I get caught :P
So you didn't mod-flag it huh?
Just cast one anyway
I hadn't, thanks
Is your flag got declined there?
Nope, helpful...
Bye, class started..
Huh, why is it still there then?
Or too broad.
@WaiHaLee I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Wai Ha Lee passed a audit!
Wai Ha Lee passed a audit!
Wai Ha Lee passed a audit!
@Tunaki - \o/
@Closey say hello to Tunaki
@WaiHaLee are you treating audits like pokemon and trying to get one of each language? :p
I want charizard (breathes fire)
Tushar passed a audit!
Ms Yvette ǝʇʇǝʌʎ sW has started reviewing!
@gunr2171 Why does Closey always say that I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record, but sometimes she says <someone> has started reviewing! instead?
@Tuna Did you raise that CM flag for ?
@KevinGuan Because the person is not in the room
@Tunaki Oh, fair enough.
@JonClements they keep giving me audits - presumably because I skip a lot while I review if I'm unsure: in the CV queue I have 23 pages of history, 60 including skipped reviews. Plus I recently failed one.
@KevinGuan So, how are ya enjoying Node?
MsYvette is here too \o/
@Kyll Not yet, will do it tomorrow
@Tunaki Today's still a free day heh? =p
Nah, today I'm busy drinking coffee =/
@Kyll It's great! It can even access the file system, and etc. etc...It's not Node".js" but even another language based on JavaScript.
@KevinGuan brews coffee for @KevinGuan
@KevinGuan Well, the underlying language is still JS. There's loads of APIs that Node provide that you don't actually have on a classic browser environment though yes (like the fs or http)
Wai Ha Lee passed a audit!
@Kyll Yeah I know, that was just exaggerating =p
@KevinGuan I know =p
Drop JS guys, you're hurting yourselves without realizing it.
@KevinGuan Do you know promises? Also ignore that bitter Java guy here. He's just jealous!
@Kyll Huh? What promises? Also I don't think ignore a RO is a good idea...
@KevinGuan It's Closey's fault.
@SmokeDetector LIE!!!
Closey passed a audit!
And hey, it's dinner time. Cya later \o/
@KevinGuan Well, here's what I offer: I personally show ya what are Promises later today (say, in 8 hours, I don't know how it is for you) or I give you a cool video showing them
I could push the demo in up to 11 hours
Ms Yvette ǝʇʇǝʌʎ sW passed a audit!
I love the fact of you mentioning promises and saying you'll do it later :p
@JonClements KyllOffer.then(data => learn(data.filter(datum => !datum.isBadKnowledge)))
@Kyll Hmm...I don't know what do you mean really: What do you mean about the promises here? A meme or some other stuff? (I think you're not going to teach me that English word right? =p)
@KevinGuan See line above, particularly then.
goes to post it as a question: "what does this code mean" learn more JavaScript
Promises are a special and awesome kind of way of handling asynchronous execution
Huh, so it's about JavaScript?
Let it be said that such a thing also exist in Java.
@KevinGuan .... Yes.
@Tunaki Still trying? =p
@Tunaki Not in Python :(
@Kyll .... Okay.
Now let me search about it use Google...
@KevinGuan No!
@Kyll Why!
I can either show you myself later today (or like tomorrow morning for you), or immediately give you a cool video about them
I have deh resources alreadyz
@KevinGuan You can do it in Python - the Twisted framework has had it for ages :)
@JonClements Wow, never hear about it.
@Kyll Hmm...how about after my dinner?
Which takes half an hour maybe.
@KevinGuan I should still be around. I'll ping you in the Ministry otherwise
@Kyll Okay, and really have to go to eat dinner now. Cya \o/
Look at Future in Java :p
@JonClements So Python is cool huh? :P
@KevinGuan 0 Kelvin cool - yeah :)
Also the new CompletableFuture which is just awesome.
Is mismatching function arguments a reason for typo?
Ms Yvette ǝʇʇǝʌʎ sW passed a audit!
@Kyll So I'm back. Are you still around here?
Mar 18 at 20:43, by gunr2171
Hi Cool, I'm gunr2171
@KevinGuan Hi Back. I'm Tunaki.
@Tunaki shhh...I shouldn't have say that.
@KevinGuan It's Tunaki's fault.
not sure what to make of answers like this stackoverflow.com/a/36258120/3956566
@SmokeDetector YES YES YES
@PraveenKumar It's Ms Yvette ǝʇʇǝʌʎ sW's fault.
Ha ha ha...
@PraveenKumar It's Ms Yvette ǝʇʇǝʌʎ sW's fault.
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Looks spammy.
Clearly, @MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW is to blame for smokey's mistake of saying her name twice
@Ferrybig oooh yes, I think you're onto something
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Hmm...that answer is very unclear to me...maybe "unclear what you're answering"?
:29593558 k
That's so quickly
We playing with the power of nuclear rockets to nuke the posts, :D
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Flagged and commented anyway.
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW I guess it does answer the question: "Yes, creating your own courses is possible." The user says she is an employee of JetBrains. Kevin Guan has commented.
@WaiHaLee yes that is what I'm unclear on. People purporting to be employees of orgs posting answers, speaking from the orgs point of view.
@WaiHaLee Well, is that enough? Without how to do it ?
@wai good comment
thanks guys'
@KevinGuan "Yes" is an answer. Somewhere there's a meta question about yes/no answers.
Just not a good answer.
Well, I won't post it as an answer, but a comment instead.
@Sam Are you here now?
@Tushar You've reviewed 60 posts today (of which 4 were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 7 hours, 42 minutes, and 41 seconds, averaging to a review every 7 minutes and 42 seconds.
@KevinGuan I'm not liking at as an answer, I think it's borderline
@KevinGuan without even a link, I'm not sure either.
Checking the meta posts...
VLQ maybe.
@KevinGuan NAA Flags will be declined on that, because it is a attempt for a answer, VLQ may work
A 1k users that does that???
@Ferrybig Ahh...What's the difference between NAA and VLQ and why we can't merge them?
@KevinGuan - No it wasn't an answer
@TheLostMind Huh? Reason?
So is it still "abusive" if a 1k does it?
I'm always confused
@Ferrybig yes I thought that was strange also
I am not sure I'd black list the user
@KevinGuan - VLQ would have worked.. I mentally marked it as VLQ and moved it to a comment
@KevinGuan Moderators are less strict with the VLQ flag, I was able to get code only answers deleted with VLQ, but not with NAA
@AnynameDonotcare As others already commented it still reads as a tool recommendation and if it is not that it is rather broad. In it's current state I don't fancy re-opening but maybe reviewers in the re-open queue see it differently.
^seems NAA in my view
Feb 23 at 21:05, by rene
Let me be clear: We moderate posts, not users! See the FAQ
yep member has been around a long time
@TheLostMind See that, thanks.
@Ferrybig Huh, got it.
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW User removed from blacklist (793880 on stackoverflow.com).
:29593892 remove
Atleast use sd tp- instead of sd k if marking a post of a higher than 100 rep user, this prevents the user from being blacklisted
Well, seems that I really shouldn't blacklist that user...why did he do that anyway?
@KevinGuan be careful black listing users too quickly when they've been on the site a long time and made lots of contributions
@KevinGuan we don't know. And I left a small comment. It doesn't matter, it's whether it continues
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW I know, just because that I didn't check his rep before my sd k :(
But let's move on.
If it continue's, it will probably be catched by the same check again
Yeah that one ^
anyone interested in reversing downvotes on this stackoverflow.com/a/36261158/3956566?
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Huh, I'd cast a mod flag on it.
@KevinGuan I was wondering if people here downvoted it when it was reported. nevermind, it's not important
I gotta go \o
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Will someone please comment on that user to just post a full answer?
there's no point in posting gibberish first
I don't want to gang up
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Cya o/
bye @MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW
@AndrasDeak that is an answer. It makes sense
@KevinGuan Yep, but gtg
@Kyll Oh, so where's the video?
I mean without posting gibberish first
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Cya o/
You are super fast. I just editing it. — Savas Adar 5 mins ago
@AndrasDeak I already did
read the comment thread
I read it, didn't see that:P
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW There are no comments on that post
anyway, comments removed now
moving on
see you later
@KevinGuan Now I am.
@Sam Ah, that's good. Can you review this question please?
@KevinGuan Isn't that a tool rec?
@Kyll I think so but OP said that it's not.
3 hours ago, by Anyname Donotcare
@KevinGuan : thanks a lot, but it's not a software recommendation ,it's about specific problem .auditing is available through overriding SaveChanges() method in EF but all the search i have found can't implement (delete audit) except through (soft-delete)
I didn't refute since I don't know C#. Hence asked Sam about it.
Might want to edit further, I felt like I was on Software Recs when I read that
@AnynameDonotcare Hi; yeah atm it's not exactly clear (to me anyway) that overriding SaveChanges() is the problem you're actually facing.
The close reason is wrong though imo.
Wai Ha Lee passed a audit!
@Sam Talking about my cv-pls?
@Nathan o/

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