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^ still there
@rene Can you remove guidelines from Closey's SEDE? There is only one remaining open question with it but it's locked. I'll ask Madara to clean it up tomorrow
@Tunaki done
stackoverflow.com/posts/36261158/revisions declined NAA flag incoming. I always should post a comment before flagging consistently.
Hmm...seems the room was very cold after I've gone...
declined - a moderator reviewed your flag, but found no evidence to support it Just happened!
And I'm back (no my name isn't back).
@Rizier123 That's weird. The post was deleted and undeleted. If you flagged before, this would have cleared it.
I'm pretty sure I flagged it before. I think I also only picked up on that because of a SD report
Here: metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/post/22804 And I'm sure I flagged as it was in the first revision.
Something's wrong then. NAA flags are cleared after deletion / undeletion.
@Rizier123 Oh, about that one. Yeah OP deleted it, edited it, and undeleted it then.
@rene I wonder, is request allowed? Not request for upvote/downvote but retract the vote if you have voted.
That's asking for votes either way.
So no.
Got it.
@Rizier123 Could you have caught it in the 5 minutes between when the post was undeleted and when it was edited.
So now here are the facts:
1. Reported by SD here: http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/29593795#29593795
2. http://stackoverflow.com/posts/36261158/revisions Original post was 11:12:25
3. I flagged it: 11:13:13 http://imgur.com/qEk5HkV
4. The post was edited: 11:17:03
I think Nathan says the truth.
@NathanOliver yup, just noticed it that is what happened, because it didn't had a revision I didn't saw that it was un/deleted in the first place already and then edited.
@Rizier123 Nah, my message above.
@rene Ah, I didn't see that.
Link there has nothing to do with the post
that's spam all right
Apparently :D
I'm actually not sure it's an NAA
It could be that it's just seriously badly formatted
It can be read as "I had this problem too, then I added a button and it solved it" (which is the accepted answer, only not as well formatted)
To me it sounds like, I have the same problem, where should I add the button
@BhargavRao it is definitely incomplete
It's missing the most important part.
Only premium users can see the rest :P
> I had this problem too. All I had to do was
@Tunaki You mean: "The answer is: "
I just
@Rizier123 and his red circles, haha meta.stackoverflow.com/posts/319862/revisions
@KevinGuan If the person is currently in the room, it will say the first format (which includes the ping). If the person is not in the room, it will say the second (which won't ping them).
@Tunaki :P
@gunr2171 Thanks
I just noticed that 2 of the pinned star messages are Smokey blaming Tunaki.
Hiya @Eric o/
What can I say, people like to blame RO for everything.
* It's Tunaki's fault *
Sounds about right.
@ryanyuyu And another one is blaming me.
@KevinGuan It's Madara Uchiha's fault.
Ha yes, they also like to blame mods.
@KevinGuan 6 stars on 3 blame messages.
I guess no news is good news.
We never hear Smokey again...
!!/blame Tunaki again?
@KevinGuan It's Madara Uchiha's fault.
Nooo...what are you doing??
it is spam?
Unclear at the very least.
ah if that translation is at all accurate
the yeah. Is it a hair growth product?
Is it worth rolling back this self-vandalizing edit? The question beforehand was a bit broad and closed. Is the question salvageable?
@ryanyuyu It's just about Invoicing in Hangzhou anyway.
Don't know why there're no links in his post.
@KevinGuan so non-programming. Must've just stumbled onto the wrong site?
@ryanyuyu Well, no. It's still abusive (if that's not spam) anyway.
@Kyll how did he post that on Main if he is question blocked?
@ryanyuyu Wondered too, it's an edit on an old (also off-topic) question
Apparently got destroyed
@Kyll wait. Is migrating an obvious duplicate ok?
@ryanyuyu I think it's OK for dupes. Maybe?
url shorteners allowed anymore?
AFAIK they are frowned upon
@Drew nope. Not on SO.
@NathanOliver Plop Nathan! Got any resource about that?
@Drew there's been a bit of pushback for that. Apparently, there are many online demo sites that encode the code being demoed in the URL.
A series of many uber long ones overflow allowable size
Yep. Must be some serious demos
@Closey refresh tags
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@Tunaki Tag data has been refreshed.
@Closey next 5 tags
@Tunaki The next 5 tags are: 41, 28, 26, 21, 20
@Tunaki I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@Kyll Nope
@ryanyuyu I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
, that's not going to be off-topic at all
Wai Ha Lee passed a audit!
@Tunaki Tunaki no more guidelines?
guidelines is practically done
Guidelines are followed.
which tag is next?
@PetterFriberg see starred message -->
not burnination, but tags none the less
I mean't in burnation., rene had a query... that told the order...
@WaiHaLee You've reviewed 60 posts today (of which 7 were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 4 hours, 19 minutes, and 48 seconds, averaging to a review every 4 minutes and 19 seconds.
7 audits. You need to trust me more. :/
they are afraid you'll tear down the system with your conviction:P
also, there seems to be a distinct decreasing trend
I hope it'll be enough:S and that bluefeet will use some kick-ass statistic to determine the enoughness
@WaiHaLee This is Trust Overflow.
I think is pretty clear that more cv gives more result, since really few people hit the review que, but it is sad that few need to do all the work...
not necessarily
@IͶΔ We don't actually add that text if there weren't any audits.
Goes home, sad
more LQP and NATO means more old questions pushed into the queue
The other way is just to stop cv and let everything age away...
Only 21 out of so many days, and so many reviewers. Oh well oh well
@IͶΔ Just skip the review ; )
@PetterFriberg I'm a 101'er on SO. :)
wrong link by me, oops
@IͶΔ : ), well then you have time to reflect on how to do....
Thank God we don't have or need audits where I'm coming from.
The thing I hope is that I can say this a year later
I wonder what the effect on the reopen queue is during this 60 close votes period due to possible overzealous question-closing.
morning all
morning JAL
@WaiHaLee Where I come from we flip tables! (ノ`Д´)ノ~┻━┻
Morning (UGT time)
@JAL morning
morning, afternoon, evening, night
etc etc
how Ameri-centric of me
We may need to look at the reusability tag for cleanup...
@IͶΔ You will need audits soon; you can only ignore chem labs blowing up/melting down for so long :-P
@BhargavRao spam?
@BhargavRao similar post here stackoverflow.com/a/36263398/559745
You know that I don't report unless I am 100% sure
I'll try to get to some NATO today. I'll install the userscript. Is it in the SOCVR repo or do @Mogsdad and @BhargavRao have separate forks?
TinyGiant repo
^^^ that
Go go go @JAL hit'em hard....
both NATOEnhancements.user.js and NATOHideQuestions.user.js?
@JAL care to comment stackoverflow.com/questions/36263892/…, the user has edited, see edit.... seems he is not understanding the POB close reason...
@JAL I use just the enhancements.
@BhargavRao dupehammer stackoverflow.com/questions/36239505 as this ?
@JAL Lately though, I've been finding that the links it retrieves are unreliable. There's some problem with SO's API, apparently.
@PetterFriberg I don't think it's POB.
He's asking for reasons to do something, he's not asking whether we think it's a good idea or whether we agree with the comments on that other post.
"Are any other benefits (aside from cleanliness) or reasons to create an extension for a class I created? I can just put the same functionality directly into the class." Define benefits. I voted to close this question as primarily opinion-based because answers can only be based on preference, not fact. Extensions are just another way to write class functionality. How they're used and created is up to the original programmer. — JAL 8 secs ago
@PetterFriberg added an explanation
@JAL One can definitely write up an answer enumerating the possibilities without going into details of "why I like this". (Which the POB reason states is impossible)
@Drew I'd not say so. Went with unclear
@MadaraUchiha To me the user is asking if they should put their code in their class or as an extension of their class. To me, this is a preference question.
@JAL Yes, but that's not what they're asking, they're asking whether there are benefits besides personal preference.
For example "what benefits do Promises have over callbacks?", can be seen as subjective, but has a few objective benefits as well. Obviously it's still up to your personal preference, but there are things I can say about that from an objective perspective.
@MadaraUchiha depends on what you consider a benefit :-P
normal drawbacks might be seen as benefits if you're developing the STUXNET worm
@Madara Since you're here, might as well ask you. is left with 1 locked question that is open. Would it be possible to remove completely the tag from all questions?
@MadaraUchiha I don't see that in their question, unless I'm blatantly missing something. "Are any other benefits (aside from cleanliness)"
@TylerH Promises are throw-safe, return-safe, and have guaranteed async.
@Tunaki dat split infinitive
@BhargavRao the last comment stackoverflow.com/q/36235851
@BhargavRao oh, can I kick myself? :)
@MadaraUchiha Ugh. While true that question would probably have some great objective answers, it would probably have some crap subjective answers too
@Tunaki yes
@JAL Which is why we vote on answers.
@Tunaki Nope, Madara can
@Drew Badly phrased question. Took me 2 mins to find out that it was a dupe
You should see the amount of crap answers I get on my canonicals.
Madara can do anything.
@MadaraUchiha very fair.
@MadaraUchiha the question was just answered. What do you think of this then?
@Tunaki I've removed the tag from the locked question.
@BhargavRao the phrase "I have almost 30 files that I want the code to work for"
"but when you have more than one or two properties it starts to get messy and difficult to read" smells pob to me
@JAL That answer exactly and accurately does not answer the question as asked.
@MadaraUchiha lol
Especially since OP specifically asked for anything other than "code cleanliness"
BTW, a "Nope, there's no other distinct advantage other than code cleanliness, which is in the eye of the beholder" is a perfectly fine answer.
@MadaraUchiha Very true. I now understand how this question can be objective. Thanks for educating me!
Also it's now a duplicate: stackoverflow.com/questions/24793696/…
@JAL Yeah, I like Martin's dupe
> You voted to close this question yesterday
@MadaraUchiha thank you for closing as a dupe
lol, but it was interesting do we answer the question by closing it ...... : )
basically by POB we would answer his question...
@BhargavRao dumphammer stackoverflow.com/questions/36219880 as this ?
@MadaraUchiha Ah awesome thanks :D. Want me to raise a mod-flag on the burninate-request post to go to step 6?
@Tunaki Sure, thanks
probably not a stellar dupe match
@Drew Related but not dupe. Left a comment stackoverflow.com/questions/36219880/…
@Drew yup
seems to have been burninated (request). It may have suffered the same fate as (request), the tag being mass-edited out of questions without further consideration. This is honestly utter garbage. As most here know, burnination is not just removing the tag: it's taking time and a lot of effort to significantly improve a specific part of SO.
@AndrasDeak I found it is up next...
@Kyll Take it to meta?
I'm thinking of doing a FR to add a banner to all which would look like "Please do not mass-edit this tag out of questions - See [resource]"
@PetterFriberg cool, thanks
@Kyll people have no idea it should be organized as it is
point them to the burnination protocol meta?
All burninate-request are already supposed to have a pre-defined format. Why it is a problem and why it is needs to be burned
Nobody is following it.
@AndrasDeak Let's tell them. I'm writing up an answer to the request then redacting that FR
The pun potential is greatly more attracting than procedure.
@Kyll cool, cool
@Kyll Is it necessary? You already left an answer on that other one.
@Tunaki Well, it is the answer. "Wanted it to burn? It is now. Too bad."
@Tunaki BTW this comment of yours? It took me a day to realize that DST doesn't stand for double standard:D
I guess...
Can't quite find Shog's MSE post about burnination. Anyone got it somewhere?
@Tunaki There is still a gab in low-traffic tags.... I think when few question in tag, the burnation process seems like overkill.
@AndrasDeak Haha. Looks like it hit you too then :D
@BhargavRao dupehammer this with this ... \\?\ issue ?
@Tunaki badly;)
@Kyll Linked to from several burnination posts...
This is more of a rant than an answer (found through NATO). Thoughts?
@Kyll Yes. And take a look at the latest burninate-requests. None are even saying why the tag is bad.
yeah, will note that in my answer too
@Drew eryksun has answered it, I'd rather dupe it in the other direction. I will ask in Python chatroom.
@JAL Question is off-topic.
yep there is that issue too. The good answer
THanks -> How Tom Hanks signs his emails
@Drew eryksun is like the cython giant
Hanks, in advantage.
> This request is of very poor quality (see Shog's answer), the fact that it was acted upon so quickly is a shame.
Maybe I won't be so aciditic
> Tahnk you to all of you for your suggestions
I see @JAL is hitting NATO
What to replace "a shame" with? "a pointer that something is wrong with the way burnination requests are handled right now"?
@Tunaki Yep, we have more fire power now!
How many flags left?
~15 here
@Kyll Hmmm. Comment tu dis "c'est dommage :D"
@Tunaki "Too bad"?
@BhargavRao this with this ?
@Drew I've got a better dupe. Danke
@Tunaki just trying to do my part
90 flags for me, but I'll be in and out today, actually need to get some work done :P
Posted answer. Now starting the redaction of a gist about this issue. It has to stop.
@Drew Can you close with that dupe, I will hammer with the other? Ping once you done.
afk for a min
@BhargavRao done
@Petter @IͶΔ Working on it... regex101.com/r/cO7gG2/1
@Nathan Maybe it is time to consider making the SOCVR burnination process more "official" with a MSO post, or even a FAQ
@EricD hammer this -> this ?
@Drew done
@BhargavRao done
@Mogsdad You want to match all of those? So, just missing to match tank and task?
Hi @Undo \o
@Kyll I think burnination discussions belong on meta, not here
I thought user was deleted?
@Rizier123 No... want to exclude tank, task and tasks.
@TylerH What do you mean? I thought discussing our process and its publicity here seemed on-topic
@Mogsdad I've seen some 10 legitimate instances of "tanks".
(Probably not using "publicity" right here. I was searching for something meaning "publicness")
@Mogsdad Ah ok, and replace everything else with a simple thanks or remove it entirely?
If I read that correctly...
@IͶΔ Magic editor has been correcting tanks -> thanks for a long time, without hitting one yet. They are rare, compared to the mistake.
@Kyll This isn't the burnination request room, it's the CV Review room; if you want to coordinate closing questions with an approved-for-burnination tag, that's one thing, but discussing a burnination's merits in the first place belongs on meta
@Mogsdad Indeed
or the overall process of burnination
@Rizier123 Just correct the spelling... the removal rule comes later, and is simpler when it doesn't need to handle misspelling.
And I didn't. Dupes, they are. DHing.
Because I disagree with you and that could be a big conversation which doesn't belong here
@Kyll True. I think the process needs to added to the post shog answered which inspired our workflow.
@BhargavRao the callout from carpetsmoker stackoverflow.com/q/36194248

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