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@gunr2171 When do you elect?
@PetterFriberg Note also that Smokey main room is not SOCVR but Charcoal HQ and Tavern on the Meta so it'd be a better place to go in that case. But it was really just a thought: the more concerning factor was that a lot of us are privileged "because".
nominations close the start of Friday, March 18th
Hello @gsamaras!
@Tuna whar happend with your NAA VLQ Meta?
that you have not posted yet?
@PetterFriberg Will post this week-end. Or monday.
It seems that at least one developer has achieved immortality, (or pretty close):

'emulate Windows 10. I want the capability to pause the emulation too and view the x64 machine code step-by-step (so virtualization is unacceptable). I think this peek inside would be a good learning experience and help me to possibly design my own OS.'
@Mogs Reading your answers now
Plop everyone =D
@Tunaki You could really use some sleep, it's late where you live
You're up late!
Oh, you're here too
Was in the next room, heard the ping.
Right. Thanks for the answers
Still reading 'em
Okay, going to sleep. Bye!
Bonne nuit!
@Kyll Plop
@gunr2171 are you still in?
Cya, need some sleep...
@gunr2171 May be worth casting your eye on this
Petter just told me about that, thanks
I'm debating if I want to say anything
I mean, we didn't come up with the process, shog did. We're just the ones doing it
My comment may be enough for now then
@gunr2171 Me too.
I think the assumption (taken from Madara's answer, I'm afraid) is that questions are being deleted because they have the tag.
I was a little surprised by the deletion myself
When the fact is they are being re-triaged because of the tag, closed because they are off-topic, and deleted because they serve no further value.
Generally... we've retagged duplicates that can serve as pointers.
SOCVR is getting a lot of meta attention recently though, perhaps it's not a bad idea to have a meta post. If nothing else, it may end up as a canonical post to stop the few dissenters that appear to dislike the room.
yes, lately our meta image has taken a turn for the worse.
I don't really see how Hans Passant could hear anything positive about the room on meta. When things go as they should and usually do, nobody notices anything. Lack of crap is a bit inconspicuous.
@gunr2171 I mean we generally have 2 camps against our 1 camp and 1 who doesn't care: meta.stackoverflow.com/a/252077/3933332 so from a number view we are outnumbered.
@JarrodRoberson Seems that OP didn't really get your quite helpful comments:/
@gunr2171 I saw an interesting issue in this check who has voted to delete stackoverflow.com/posts/30214178/revisions, well now time to go to bed...
cya, again
cya guys...
Wow, this "post closed as duplicate by X of Y" reads really weird in the revision history
@PetterFriberg Haha good spot! Night :)
@AndrasDeak The same happens to mods... one flag handled incorrectly (never mind if it's only 1 in 1000 or something) - and all hell breaks loose :)
(was that the right command?)
Tune in next week to find out.
@gunr2171 I think n works
@JonClements I'm mostly around meta when there's an interesting hot post, but I usually see quite benign "why was my flag declined" kind of things
@Sam I spend too much time here... I read that as "Tuna in..." :p
I guess you have a different perspective:)
@JonClements You not taking down that answer? Just asking.
@JonClements well you already use "plop", so I guess we're corrupting you.
@gunr2171 All the efforts, finally paying off!
@JonClements lol
@gunr2171 a couple of loud vocal sour grapes that fabricate things that are easily proven lies is not bad, there is no such thing as bad publicity US politics should have proven that by now.
<insert Donald Trump reference here>
@JarrodRoberson Try telling that to the anti-vaxxer/creationists/moon-landing-denialist brigade :)
@Jarrod I thought the US Presidential thing was a new American sitcom... it's certainly had me laughing away for sure... Not quite as polished as Frasier or Friends, but one of the better ones :p
@JonClements I'm still hoping he'll come out and say "Gotcha!".
Just curious, where in UK are you from @JonClements?
@DavidG Kent
A good 5 hour drive for me then!
Are you doon west or ooop north!?
@JonClements I've just moved from there! :D
Way ooop north, I'm a Geordie.
Oh yeah... you've put new "cassel" in your profile ;)
@Sam Small world :)
Sure this
Any Python people around? I'm wondering if this is unique enough to be an answer, or should just be a comment.
@Mogsdad huh?
Added 3 LOC outside of function, added comments... otherwise duplicated existing answer.
Could also be a "thank you"...
But I'm not seeing a unique answer to the OP's question.
yeah I don't get it
they are defining main(), with argv inside, but they're not actually calling it
so does the new answer make sense?
@Mogsdad It is different, it says to use an empty argv, vs an empty parent argument.
It's not explained very well - but it does make sense and is an answer to the Q AFAICT
I don't think it's worthy of any action really (not even an upvote)
Cool... glad I asked. As @Andras says, it makes no sense - maybe to someone who knows Python, but not to my C/JavaScript brain.
@DavidG for every 1 person that complains about the room, they draw its attention to a crap load of people that did not know it existing, and a are thinking, cool, how can I participate. Free publicity that does exactly the opposite of what they want without anyone in the room having to do any promotion or look evangelical and pushy with an agenda.
@JarrodRoberson It would be interesting to track room attendance to the various events over time... I agree, though. I think we end up with more tire-kickers & regulars each time.
(Just for the record, we currently have 146 pingable users, so it does seem, indeed, that people definitely are checking out the room.)
And night.
@Mogsdad "tire-kickers" - interesting expression :)
@JonClements Borrowed from automobile sales... refers to people who drop in, look around, "kick the tires", but leave.
@JonClements Unless you are English like us, where we spell it "tyre-kickers" :)
Yeah... I tend to not worry about stuff like that... otherwise I'd be editing half the posts on SO :)
I just like to be pedantic!
MagicEditor accepts / promotes Canadian spellings, btw!
Burninate Canada!
Sometimes the UK spelling is correct, sometimes the US spelling is correct... it depends on whether or not they agree with us.
Saw a post yesterday where someone was having trouble calling a "colour" method. Someone else responded that they'd spelled "color" wrong. I checked... the library did indeed have the correct spelling of colour!
Although having to flip between them in your JavaScript code would be error-prone.
Have you ever seen this: github.com/muan/spiffing
I did notice once I'd spelt colour in CSS - and it wasn't until it got pointed out later it wasn't technically correct, but most browsers seemed to realise what I meant :p
@DavidG Love it! (Don't know Ruby, but.)
@Mogsdad I don't know Ruby either, just found that project hilarious.
@JonClements But you've spelled spelled wrong...
It's 1:40am - I'm not bothered :)
fp -
Oh okay.
@JarrodRoberson "entitled" isn't a valid close reason.
@PraveenKumar Do they need to be stalked?
@Mogsdad Who?
@PraveenKumar Jessica.
@Mogsdad Not sure... But she spammed once?
Let's check three activities of her, and then release, may be?
This one, at least, looks legit.
@Mogsdad maybe not an official reason, but explain this code to me is off-topic too broad ...
@JarrodRoberson I agree with that - it's a fine reason to moderate the post.
Wow, the fast guns got right on that! Nice to see Shog agrees about its quality.
@SmokeDetector malwaretech.com/2014/02/… this is what they are asking about, malware creation
@SmokeDetector this is about malware creation, just for the record, malwaretech.com/2014/02/…
oh wow
@PraveenKumar not sure that comment is going to do anything
@gunr2171 I know I removed.
@JarrodRoberson Your second comment is spot-on. I don't know that we can assume they want someone to do the work for them (although they'd probably be happy if that happened). Maybe they really just want a nudge onto the path... but the question is definitely too broad.
@Mogsdad you should know by now I like to walk the line between inflamatory and out right asshole rude ... ;-)
@JarrodRoberson That's the white space between those comments, then!
@Mogsdad ;-)
@Kyll About your questions below my gist, I have some question about your question:

Your first question: Wait, is that question off-topic to the Nomination? What do you want me answer?
Your second question: Is this question similar Sam's, but it's about "something out of hand which could be used against SOCVR"?
@Jon... still up?
@Mogsdad yup
@JarrodRoberson oh god... I'm sure Avinash doesn't know the java and python tags well enough to have gold badges...
Great - is this rude, re flag?
or would we consider it an answer? It's a meme, after all...
Nah... just a bad attempt at humour... I've deleted it
unregistered user, probably troll
@Mogsdad just close the question
"firefox crash when visiting SO" > bug report to firefox
closed the Q as TB anyway
@Braiam Nah - it's got a decent answer.
@Mogsdad how many non-decent have it got?
@Braiam More.
But answers aren't a reason to close a question.
that's enough for me to look for a close reason
@rene Sorry but I read the FAQ again, and again, and again again again, ahhh...The only thing I found is just a typo:
> Tag burnination requests and tag cleanup requests must be backed by an MSO post with significant community support.
turning it off and on again is a serious answer for windows users! :p
an MSO --> a MSO
@Braiam Actually... all the answers before the jackass one were OK.
@Mogsdad but were off topic for a programming site
@Braiam "Where do I start debugging?" <== that's on topic
how is that any different from "how do i start programming?"
> every time you see a new video card release, don't think "slightly nicer looking games" think "wow, hash cracking and AI just got 2x faster"
@Mogsdad yeah, debug firefox...
that's not on topic
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Hmm...why didn't you join the election?
@KevinGuan pretty sure she thinks she is too controversial
@cimmanon controversial? Why?
@Braiam Well - I don't feel strongly enough to reopen it, so I'm content as it is. Back to the trenches...
some of her meta discussions rubbed people the wrong way
@KevinGuan its different for women. women tend to feel like they have to be a perfect fit for a job before theyll apply for it.
@cimmanon Ah, okay.
@cimmanon I'm not at all familiar with her inner workings, but earlier it seemed to me that she's mainly concerned about the opinion of people in the room
while I'd think that the meta conflicts are with regards to "outsiders"
good night
@AndrasDeak if you think she is a good fit, you can try convincing her. though if i were to guess, she probably wont run this time.
@SterlingArcher What browser are you using?
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW you're free to not do that if you like.
@Closey status
SOCVR Chatbot, running at nagato v2 docker, version 51944012 on master, running for 7 hours, 5 minutes and 39 seconds (tracking latency 1942ms).
Closey has been running for 7 hours without crashing? That's amazing.
I know
you missed it earlier. it crash only in this room
too many messages?
I don't actually know what the problem was. Some problem with the connecting library
I'll have to ask sam later
Oct 31 '15 at 20:39, by Tiny Giant
@Closey who commands face fox help panic!!!?
@TinyGiant Now that you're here... Line 545 is just before the last statement in addXHRListener(). Where did you think I should log?
duhr, hold on
@gunr2171 Closey is back?
and better than ever
version 2
you can now request permission rather than wait for an RO to add you!
This is where it actually assigns the reason, so you may want to start there.
and an RO does not need to approve it!
@TinyGiant WTH... I updated the script, and that's line 550 for me.
duhr... wierd
Uninstalled new & old (which was disabled), reinstalled. Now it works. And the line numbers match. I have no effin idea.
Close / off-topic / no repro
Ohhh... it might not work with both installed.
That's why I had one disabled.
@gunr2171 How does that work then / what's the reasoning behind the change (just curious)?
sometimes the RO's are not online and a person wants to get signed up, so they need to wait around until they show up. This new system allows anyone already in that group to approve the request
Sweet - delegating trust to fellow members :)
granted, there is a 1 day period where you can't handle requests or add/remove users
that number is configurable
A user will only be eligible for tracking if: [...] The user is not a moderator - is that to just make sure it doesn't break at 40? :p
most likely
aww, I enjoyed being tracked
now this is the functional spec, I actually don't know if that made it into the program
we added Undo earlier today
@josliber we can still add you!
Aww look guys - you've made @josliber cry :p
yay! no more tears
@gunr2171 Cool!
@Closey help
This is a chat bot for the SO Close Vote Reviewers chat room, developed by the SOCVR developers. For more information see the github page. Reply with commands to see a list of commands.
@Closey commands
@KevinGuan Here is a list of commands you have permission to run:
add [user id] to [group name] - Manually adds a user to the given permission group.
alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
approve request [#] - Approves a pending permission request.
commands - Shows this list.
help - Prints info about this software.
membership - Shows a list of all permission groups, and the members in those permission groups.
reject request [#] - Rejects a pending permission request.
remove [user id] from [group name] - Manually removes a user from the given permission group.
short list because you're not in the reviewers group yet
@Closey commands
@JonClements Here is a list of commands you have permission to run:
add [user id] to [group name] - Manually adds a user to the given permission group.
alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
approve request [#] - Approves a pending permission request.
commands - Shows this list.
help - Prints info about this software.
membership - Shows a list of all permission groups, and the members in those permission groups.
reject request [#] - Rejects a pending permission request.
remove [user id] from [group name] - Manually removes a user from the given permission group.
Is there a command to see our own status as per tracking and grouping?
@Closey request permission reviewers
@KevinGuan Sorry, I don't understand that. Maybe you meant reject request [#].
@JonClements mods can run all commands, but the are not automatically in all permission groups
It's been so long - I just wanted closey to say something to me - missed you my favourite bot beginning with C
@Closey reviews today
@gunr2171 You've reviewed 0 posts today.
like that Tiny?
@KevinGuan request permission to [group name]
@gunr2171 I remember that - not that I use Closey - just good to see 'em back!
@gunr2171 Oh, that one.
and I guess Closey is a girl, by popular opinion
@Closey membership
request permission to reviewers
@JonClements Current users in permission groups:
    gunr2171 (1043380)
    Sam (2246344)
    rene (578411)
    NathanOliver (4342498)
    Tiny Giant (4639281)
    Andrew Cheong (925913)
    durron597 (1768232)
    Dukeling (1711796)
    Tunaki (1743880)
    Petter Friberg (5292302)
    Ferrybig (1542723)
    Bhargav Rao (4099593)
    TylerH (2756409)
    Félix Gagnon-Grenier (576767)
    Undo (1849664)
    Mogsdad (1677912)

    gunr2171 (1043380)
    Sam (2246344)
    rene (578411)
    NathanOliver (4342498)
    Tiny Giant (4639281)
@Closey request permission to reviewer
@KevinGuan I don't know what that permission group is. Run Membership to see a list of permission groups.
take off the s
@KevinGuan I've created request #8 to get you in the Reviewer group.
@Closey approve request 8
@Gunr The following is a list of users requesting access to a permission group.
 | Request # | Display Name | User Id | Requesting | Requested At            |
 | 8         | Kevin Guan   | 5299236 | Reviewer   | 2016-03-12 03:28:53 UTC |
@gunr2171 @KevinGuan has been added to the Reviewer group.
@Closey commands
@KevinGuan Here is a list of commands you have permission to run:
add [user id] to [group name] - Manually adds a user to the given permission group.
alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
approve request [#] - Approves a pending permission request.
audit stats - Shows stats about your recorded audits.
commands - Shows this list.
current tag - Get the tag that has the most amount of manageable close queue items from the SEDE query.
help - Prints info about this software.
membership - Shows a list of all permission groups, and the members in those permission groups.
bigger list now
@gunr2171 No, to see if we are currently being tracked or not
@Closey opt-out
@gunr2171 You have opted-out of tracking, and will remain this way until you run opt in.
@Closey opt-in
@Closey reviews today
@gunr2171 You have opted-in to tracking, and will remain this way until you run opt out.
@TinyGiant You've reviewed 0 posts today.
Love you Closey (v2) :D
@Closey audit stats
@TinyGiant I don't have any of your audits on record, so I can't produce any stats for you.
@TinyGiant if you are in the reviewer group, you are tracked unless you run opt-out
@gunr2171 so it takes one other in the "reviewer" group to approve a request to join it, but anyone can single handedly remove a user from the reviewer group?
@gunr2171 Okay, I better check the commands of Closey v2, Cya :D
@gunr2171 Ok, I guess I used the wrong term. How can I tell if I'm in a group or not?
anyone already in the reviewer group can approve or reject a request, as well as manually add and remove a user
@TinyGiant run membership
@Closey membership
@TinyGiant Current users in permission groups:
    gunr2171 (1043380)
    Sam (2246344)
    rene (578411)
    NathanOliver (4342498)
    Tiny Giant (4639281)
    Andrew Cheong (925913)
    durron597 (1768232)
    Dukeling (1711796)
    Tunaki (1743880)
    Petter Friberg (5292302)
    Ferrybig (1542723)
    Bhargav Rao (4099593)
    TylerH (2756409)
    Félix Gagnon-Grenier (576767)
    Undo (1849664)
    Mogsdad (1677912)
    Kevin Guan (5299236)

    gunr2171 (1043380)
    Sam (2246344)
    rene (578411)
    NathanOliver (4342498)
@gunr2171 Really? No need BOs?
we have an update queued to make it alphabetical
@KevinGuan we are putting the trust on reviewers
@gunr2171 So there's no way to just see what groups I'm in without seeing all of the permissions?
correct, other than trying to run commands that you don't have permission to run
That seems like something that should be there.
@gunr2171 Cool, let me try add someone.
"my membership" command?
@KevinGuan you can't for 1 day
"new user to group" restriction
@gunr2171 presumably bot owners can add without any delay?
@gunr2171 Okay that makes sense.
@Closey view requests
@KevinGuan There are no users requesting access to a permission group.
@gunr2171 So the commands list is based on my group right?
running commands just shows you the commands you have permission to run, but you can run
@Closey commands full
Below is a list of commands for the Close Vote Chat Bot

    add review [review id] [user id] - Manually adds a review to a user. Should only be used for testing.
    ping reviewers <message> - The bot will send a message with an @reply to all users that have done reviews recently.
    start event - Shows the current stats from the /review/close/stats page and the next 3 tags to work on.
    stop bot - The bot will leave the chat room and quit the running application.

    add [user id] to [group name] - Manually adds a user to the given permission group.
and remember, you can be in multiple groups at once (however there are only 2 groups)
I think we got rid of that page
in favor of people just running commands
@gunr2171 Awwwwwesome. Why add [user id] to [group name] is in the Public group?
I really don't want to go through the work of writing up and formatting that command list
@KevinGuan it's not really in the public group, it's "anyone can run this", but the command will check the target group to make sure you are a part of it
Got it. Can Closey v2 also track me, like Pham before?
yep, that's the core goal
we track review items and audits
we don't track tag changes yet
@gunr2171 Okay, can I test it now?
go for it
@KevinGuan I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
I missed you Closey :D! Nice you see you and welcome back!
do about 10 reviews then run reviews today details
(I was just looking at that avatar...)
Err...failed a Low Quality Posts audit because I was about to click Recommend Deletion but clicked Edit...
better question, why were you in the Low Quality queue?
I like review 2 or 3 queues sometimes. No worries, I'm also reviewing Close Vote queue.
didn't even get my free flag in
Hmm...what's the time there?
and nathan just started playing TF2
Do you really need an Asia radar RO then? And seems Tiny also has time you know.
I'm not normally awake or on chat this late, it's friday night
and you know, normal people are out having fun, I'm in chat with you guys
@gunr2171 Wrong, it's Sat 12:00 :P
well here it's 11:03pm on friday
I'm making the lunch so I can't keep watch my screen. And actually, it's boring time. Usually, others are all sleep now so I'm very boring.
@gunr2171 Ouch.
@gunr2171 "The same...."
@HovercraftFullOfEels Just trying to avoid the downvotes?
@KevinGuan: it looks more like a rant than an answerable question.
I cut down a majority of the fluff
@KevinGuan: it is unclear what they're asking, or even if they're asking an answerable question at all.
Ah, agreed.
@gunr2171 Manscaping? Not sure what your context was...
"Jon Clements♦ reviewed this 16 secs ago" well fine, be that way
@Closey reviews today details
@KevinGuan You've reviewed 10 posts today. The time between your first and last review today was 26 minutes, averaging to a review every 2 minutes and 36 seconds.
 | Item Id  | Action    | Audit | Completed At            |
 | 11599407 | Close     |       | 2016-03-12 03:44:49 UTC |
 | 11600660 | Close     |       | 2016-03-12 03:46:03 UTC |
 | 11600535 | LeaveOpen |       | 2016-03-12 03:48:55 UTC |
 | 11600303 | Close     |       | 2016-03-12 03:53:30 UTC |
 | 11600151 | Close     |       | 2016-03-12 03:56:17 UTC |
 | 11600048 | Close     |       | 2016-03-12 03:56:40 UTC |
 | 11599743 | Close     |       | 2016-03-12 03:59:15 UTC |
@Mogsdad ......no. Hovercraft's cv-pls
@gunr2171 Blame the Ninja dog.
@gunr2171 ofc
@Closey Good, now my review history is open to everyone =p
@KevinGuan Sorry, I don't understand that. Maybe you meant add review [review id] [user id].
Time to go play Factorio sleep. 'later, folks!
@Mogsdad night!
@gunr2171: thanks.
@Mogsdad Cya
cya mogs
@gunr2171 errr... there's more begging/randomness there than the actual question (if there is one, still not quite sure)
@gunr2171 Wow
@JonClements I meant the "this broke the page"
@Drew: thanks for fighting the good fight. The poor OP is like a deer in the headlights.
When my son had to use Blue J I emailed the teacher. There is no way he is using Blue J.
@Drew: why, what is wrong with BlueJ? I'm asking out of true ignorance as I've never used it, but I do see newbies using it a lot here. Myself, I'll stick with Eclipse.
All I remember was it was a horrible online browser environment for Java dev. Makes sense in theory. In practice it was horrific.
It is not like they want hundreds of kids in their school district to deal with Eclipse installs.
@KevinGuan @cimmanon is 100% spot on, which is why she was my first choice as RO, she doesn't miss a thing.
batch175 count=27 (recent trending poorly) is in the beehive
@HovercraftFullOfEels ^^^
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Fine, let's see who will be the new RO :D
@HansPassant is you have your concerns. Why don't you write a post with the specific concerns that can be supported or refuted with facts, rather make disparaging remarks in the comments? — Ms Yvette ǝʇʇǝʌʎ sW 1 min ago
@Shog9 I think the room owners may have a better answer, but I think it's probably just because all the room info was already in that Github repo so that's where they put it to work on it, and it stuck. I'd be willing to bet they would love it to be a proper meta faq-proposed hopefully eventually moving into a bonafide faq. — DavidG 1 min ago
I beat you by a few seconds!
(trying not to put words in the RO mouths, hopefully, that was accurate)
@DavidG I think the best way to deal with snipey remarks is to call people out and I discussed writing a meta post with @rene the other day to air these issues and put some of these things to rest. Mind you there will always be dissenters.
5 hours ago, by DavidG
SOCVR is getting a lot of meta attention recently though, perhaps it's not a bad idea to have a meta post. If nothing else, it may end up as a canonical post to stop the few dissenters that appear to dislike the room.
@DavidG yes that is what I was replying to, I didn't have the link handy :D
Clear as mud that I was referring to that when I didn't have the link.
how do we find our message count in the room?
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Message count?
@KevinGuan how many times we've posted in the room
Is that even possible?
I can tell you that you have posted 17919 messages in chat in total though.
Oh no, 10495 for this room!
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Did you find where it is or need a hint?
@DavidG oh thanks. No, I'm writing a RO nom for myself.
In user profile, the box for SOCVR, bottom right corner.
And good luck with the nom!
Nom nom nom!

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