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Only Jon Skeet can get to 100%, sometimes even more. — Tunaki 21 hours ago
@Tunaki What do you want me to do... improve the questions?....
Basically. Reformat the code, remove the fluff, add highlight, rephrase, better title, better tags. The whole picture :D.
I will do some..
yay, the code only is in HNQ \o/ ... meta.stackoverflow.com/q/318781/4099593
8:05 PM
Conclusion on SO meta is that actually, it should be put on hold, but just not for this reason, in fact it is off topic. I queried it on meta because "too broad" seemed really wrong. See relevant comments here. — Michael 32 mins ago
^^^ huh ?
That question is massively too broad
@Jeeped The font is called BR Hand Special™. It is not open source and costs around 50 unicoins. — Bhargav Rao 11 hours ago
Hahaha @BhargavRao Awesome
Merci :D
@PetterFriberg Oh jeez, now that was one wild guess.
I guess CV have other meanings outside of this room...
There is a SE Site called CV ----------------V
@PetterFriberg This ---> i.sstatic.net/ka5Bn.png <---- This
8:11 PM
Not enough arrow --------------------------^
And, yes, remove :D
Only on questions that you find on-topic of course.
@BhargavRao Should I write "Python" or "python"?
heeh, I'm getting confused... Do we edit it out or not?
@Tunaki Python is the official name .... python.org/about
8:17 PM
@PetterFriberg Edit it out, otherwise it wouldn't really be a burnination :).
I'll just draw a snake then.
That was actually my question that I removed I wonder how you interpreted it...
How to draw a snake? Look at this google.fr/…
@Petter For example on that one stackoverflow.com/q/29710492/1743880, you could also add the java tag (and fix the spelling of JavaFX 2)
you are sure of java tag?
Well JavaFX is Java.
8:32 PM
hmm also jasper report that why it seems like just making a mess...
Hey @Tuna you gotta teach me Java. My job starts in 6 months and they need Java. :/
I will obey but I don't really agree, since it also very fx related...
@BhargavRao Reads like a rant to this answer stackoverflow.com/a/24640243/1743880. NAA for me.
Ah, fine, U flagged? If yes, comment
Bah, Undo'd
8:35 PM
its gone : )
@PetterFriberg I see. JavaFX is actually now integral part of Java. It's shipped with the JDK. So you could view it as a Java API.
Hey, this is Link Only, rite? stackoverflow.com/a/35962931/4099593
Down to 9 flags, Almost asleep on Key"bored"
8:41 PM
Just 5 left...
@Tuna NAA? Sounds like error .. stackoverflow.com/a/35963006/4099593
@BhargavRao I'm right behind ya.
@BhargavRao Huh. It kind of does. Hm.... I say NAA.
Damn, mis-flagged as VLQ :(
was on freqent tab sorry...
Really? 700+ rep guy answering with a question stackoverflow.com/questions/26007584/…
8:59 PM
OP answered
close as dup...
@BhargavRao Don't know if you've noticed, the OP also has a real answer under that Q stackoverflow.com/a/34386463/1743880
Hah, So forum type answers. :/
3rd times the charm. Wait 5 min
3 flags left ...
9:07 PM
The field is all yours. I'm ready to take the torch after that.
That's it for my... cya later...
Hmm, I have visited SO on 505/527 days
@PetterFriberg Cya
Cya Petter
Was about to close the windows and puff.. new question in ... is not better to edit the tag info?
@PetterFriberg There's a new one?
There are a lot of new ones!
9:16 PM
Just now! stackoverflow.com/questions/35963200/…, hit with the hammer....
and edit tag info... we have enough work as it is...
Well thats all pression alt+F4 cya guys...
Ciao o/
It took you longer to ask this question than it would take to run a Google search for, say, "download Python." Please read about How to Ask questions here. — Ed Cottrell ♦ 5 mins ago
9:32 PM
Sigh. I just removed on some questions. I refreshed the page to see how many were left. And the number of questions went up.
Bah, Can't take it more.
@Tunaki The floor is yours.. I'm going to sleep
Bye all. o/
Bye o/
hey guys
Hiya o/
I just found 50 bullets in my inbox.
9:38 PM
The ones looking like .?
There are still lots of questions in the queue. Don't forget to hit it and alert if you disagree.
@Gothdo 2010, +14. I wouldn't flag that.
Well in 140 minutes your 50 and my 40 expire worthless. Let's get to work.
@Gothdo it doesn't seem to answer the actual question, but it's old and upvoted
@Tunaki I already did, but the flag got declined.
9:42 PM
again the usual "it could be thought as to maybe perhaps cause the OP to possibly get an answer do to it"
@Gothdo I wouldn't touch very old, very upvoted answers like that.
@Drew, didn't you want to let that expire, though?
I waited long enough. Nothing but way too inadequate
and: in 20 minutes, better call saul is done. then I'm loading and filtering by
@Tunaki I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@Tunaki You've reviewed a post today, thanks!
9:45 PM
Mkay. Thanks Closey.
@Tunaki I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@Sam --------^ Closey greeted me twice :D
10:03 PM
C# peeps, is this "Typo / Resolved in a manner unlikely to help future visitors"? stackoverflow.com/q/28675313/1743880 OP is using Closing instead of FormClosing.
@Tunaki, may I bother you for guidiance on this?
I cannot actually see the typo.
@Tunaki referring to this. alert/disagree;)
@Ferrybig are you around ?
anyone else can point me to the typo? Else, I'd to have to leave it open.
@SmokeDispenser Yes, I voted as "Resolved in a manner unlikely to help future visitors" because the problem is that the OP is closing before saving
typo can also mean can be trivially solved. Not of great importance to future readers
10:14 PM
I don't think such a question is really helpful.
Alright then.
@Tunaki if there is a wall of code (maybe 500 lines). And 2 guys are saying dupe NPE and Pshemo is saying nope we aren't at minimal yet ..... would you generally want to not look at it either as a dupe ?
Because it would take a ton of time
@Drew If there is a wall of code and the OP is saying "but I have a NPE", I'm voting as dupe of the canonical
ok here ya go stackoverflow.com/q/35960325 .. search on phrase "Edit: I meant to include the"
It means that the OP doesn't know / understand the error
10:18 PM
@Tunaki, I just made my life easier and restricted the queue to my turf;)
@Drew Ha, but the OP is commenting "Well I know what a null pointer is AND how to fix it. ". So maybe no MCVE is best.
Voted as that
@Drew Left a comment.
i saw thx
... can I make the queue filter tags combined by and, not or?
Don't think so.
so, @Drew, you're not closing ?;)
10:27 PM
no I am avoiding burnitiating stuff
The concept confuses me and I got enuf problems :p
But when BR throw out references for delete votes, I do cast some. I don't give close votes to burn stuff because too much stuff in java and c# sits forever and ages away.
' There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[close]" '
that was fast.
Undo is hot: stackoverflow.com/posts/35964175/timeline Mod-deleted 1 minute after posted.
@Tunaki looks at link eagerly
realises rep<10k
10:42 PM
and what is your turf?:)
oh, btw, you might have missed my hint earlier, but I'm not Dutch if that's what you were implying
quick question: when a question is off topic and there is a dupe that is also off topic, the dupe is the way to go, right?
Nope, prefer to close as off-topic.
dupes stick around
off-topics might not
@AndrasDeak your hint? I got a ping on a meta post. read it.
10:44 PM
That looks like a regex.
I did read the linked meta. what hint did you refer to?
@Kevin o/
@AndrasDeak, further north?:)
if Kevin starts getting up this early, I'll have to stop considering him the Harbinger of Bedtime
10:46 PM
@Tunaki Morning \o
@AndrasDeak, you didn't get the german security instructions on that fire extinguisher then, hu?
@SmokeDispenser southeast
@SmokeDispenser well I found the sentence and figured the unknown word would mean blaming:P
context was pretty clear
hi @KevinGuan ;)
@AndrasDeak, didn't you move from the netherlands to italy?
@SmokeDispenser not that I know of
@AndrasDeak o/
10:48 PM
@SmokeDispenser Petter is Sweden -> Italy
close but no cigar
Though I've been to The Netherlands, in transit at Schiphol Airport;)
We seriously need to get Matt Clark in here. Now he can power close Java
*mumble mumble * i'm getting old.
@Tunaki I think I've asked this before but no answer. So I'm targetting you:P There's a small and misused tag (~100 questions after half a burnination), most of which is crap, and the tag itself (what's left of it) is mostly a meta-tag. Is it OK for me to start untagging those ~100 questions, most of which are off-topic? I'm talking about the [guide(s)] tag, and it has old open "gems" like this
I'm a bit worried about bumping a lot of closed crap to the front page, but I don't know what else to do
how can this possibly be unclear what you are asking?
There a Meta about it meta.stackoverflow.com/a/315476/1743880 which seems to have support
If the questions are off-topic, you shouldn't be mass-editing to remove the tag though
You could mention it to rene and see if he agrees to start closing the Q.
11:02 PM
@AndrasDeak, I went ahead and voted for that linked gem.
@Drew, closed :)
@Tunaki OK, thanks
@AndrasDeak kinda surprised that question survived the burnination/disambiguation a ttempt
due to only 100 questions around, I was hoping to do this without some mass mobilization of people
@cimmanon well, the "half the burnination" was me retagging the + ones to
Actually, there are 60 open questions.
@Tunaki really? didn't check that
anyway, the rest of / is probably asking for tutorials/manuals, a few of them should be (which is probably still off-topic), or outliers like this one about JS guiders
@Tunaki yeah, I know, thanks, just didn't think to do that:)
Since the disambiguation is approved by the community, retag all that is on-topic.
@Tunaki +19
@Tunaki and leave those that are off-topic, and in the end the tag can be removed by higher powers?
Or help of the room yeah.
OK, thanks:)
11:07 PM
@SmokeDispenser the following is a great example of typo. Read the last 2 comments stackoverflow.com/q/35957471
then I'll get to weed out the on-topic ones
that's safe, anyway
Note that retagging is also improving the question: make the edit worthwhile
do we even need a documentation tag?
well, yeah, but cluttering the front page always makes me wary
@cimmanon generally not, but I can imagine a few useful cases;)
i cant :p
11:08 PM
OK, I can imagine that there are corner cases. Now that's true:P
@cimmanon I want to generate my Java documentation with javadoc
-> tagged documentation of course
and maybe posts about doxygen
@Tunaki cant tell if serious...
of course doxygen kinda implies documentation, but not necessarily
and some of this could still be off-topic:P
11:10 PM
just sayin'
But the tag shouldn't exist.
It makes no sense as a tag.
I generally don't plan to retag with [documentation] since that's a questionable tag itself
only the clear-cut cases which are fine without [guide(s)]
and there was at least one tagged only [guide], never a good sign:)
wait, I'll dig that up for you
Ha, what about lol
please don't be serious
its like [css][preprocessor] or even [css-preprocessor] either youre asking about a specific css preprocessor (in which case, you use the correct tag) or youre probably asking something off-topic (which css preprocessor should i use?)
11:11 PM
@Tunaki I hope some of it is "how to increment loop variable manually"
thanks for the meta upvote on the burnination post, by the way:)
oh wait
that one with a single [guide] tag has been retagged, cool!
I deny all allegations made to my Meta votes.
well you're not the only one here, and worst case is nobody here voted, so no harm done thanking:P
"thank you to whomever it applies":D
*holds a hat full of thanks, for everyone to pick*
I don't want a hat full of thanks. I want a waffle. And a cookie. Chocolate. With a dark coffee. No sugar.
I have some garlic bread.... does that help?
I mean, not for me, thanks
11:17 PM
Fine... all the more for me then :p
@Tunaki you know what they say: some garlic each day keeps the help vamps away!
@JonClements, garlic! nom!
*brings waffle and chocolate to Tunaki, and the cookie for last time's closevoting*
@AndrasDeak brews coffee for @AndrasDeak
11:18 PM
Yay \o/
@Tunaki that's for you --------^
How about a nice picture of food right in the middle of an answer? stackoverflow.com/a/35964477/1743880
@JonClements, so did you go and find some more copycats of yours to upvote?;)
tell them We Don't Have Fun Here
11:19 PM
Erf I'll leave it, no harm done. The answer is well written.
@Tunaki, after all, it is a recipe for something that should be cut ;)
Soooo @Tuna back to my previous issue: what about unclosed but off-topic questions in the tag?
'Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 38 minutes to continue reviewing.'
that is not too long to go.
CV, maybe cv-pls, otherwise don't touch?
I would say don't touch for now.
11:22 PM
OK, thanks
wait, don't touch including no CV?:)
just to be clear
Ah no you can vote to close. But don't cv-pls all of them
After all, it's your votes ;).
thank you, I'll think that'll be all
@Tunaki well sure, but even I can't know every aspect by myself:P
@drew, I am around now, but I'm probably to late
11:26 PM
@Ferrybig I have a bunch of cv4 now cuz I was in 3 land
Oh crap. I've found an awesome example of link rot
@Drew I don't see any java batches online in the beehive
I didn't publish them. How many votes ya got ?
11:28 PM
but that doesn't help much
except I can bug the answerer to fill the void...
and we'd still have a question which is mostly down to fantasy, if not for the answer itself
Q is No MCVE anyway.
oh, thanks for the comment, I won't leave one then
@Closey next 3 tags
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@Tunaki The next 3 tags are: 34, 29, 28
Tunaki passed a audit!
congrats for him!:P
lambdas are fun
11:37 PM
The pleas for help stackoverflow.com/q/35950561
@Drew @MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW, our first close;)
looks like the mods are cleaning up the comments :p
sneaky little mods
Or sneaky little users flagging as too chatty.
they made the question endearing
11:42 PM
@Drew he already had me at "I am italian"
he was a she
Undo passed a audit!
@Closey help
This is a chat bot for the SO Close Vote Reviewers chat room, developed by the SOCVR developers. For more information see the github page. Reply with commands to see a list of commands.
@Closey it's gonna be embarrassing when I fail one of those.
11:46 PM
there are some images of Daniele's down there, with huge beards
so @Closey will not stalk me then, hu?;)
I hope those are men
@Tunaki You've reviewed 39 posts today (1 of which was an audit), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 2 hours, 5 minutes and 8 seconds, averaging to a review every 3 minutes and 12 seconds.
@Closey reviews today
@Tunaki You've reviewed 40 posts today (1 of which was an audit). The time between your first and last review today was 2 hours, 5 minutes and 4 seconds, averaging to a review every 3 minutes and 7 seconds.
11:48 PM
@Sam ^ Closey said 39 and now 40...
@Closey reviews today
@SmokeDispenser Sorry, you are not in the Reviewer permission group. You can request access by running request permission to Reviewer.
@AndrasDeak you're scarin' me
11:50 PM
@Closey request permission to Reviewer
@SmokeDispenser I've created request #10 to get you in the Reviewer group.
@Clo approve request 10
@Tunaki @SmokeDispenser has been added to the Reviewer group.
can closey spit out the last open cv-pls?
^^ yikes
11:51 PM
9 minutes and 7 left :)
@SmokeDispenser What do you mean?
@Tunaki, the not-yet-closed cv-please's, I'd like them in a list to go through :)
@SmokeDispenser Closey doesn't do that no. You can install this userscript though github.com/SO-Close-Vote-Reviewers/UserScripts/blob/master/…
@Closey reviews today
@Undo You've reviewed 42 posts today (1 of which was an audit). The time between your first and last review today was 9 hours, 28 minutes and 24 seconds, averaging to a review every 13 minutes and 32 seconds.
11:59 PM
that was close.

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