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6:00 AM
My prediction: they choose 2 or 3 ROs. Right now we have 4
@Drew I think they need more than one more.
They need like 5 more
Why? 2 is probably enough, this room is pretty well self-policed.
except for gunner, they all konk out at the same time
but yeah, things are cool here.
@Drew That's my deciding factor in running
6:05 AM
It's not like a RO is really needed, so long as we have access to smokey
I think if you run, you get it. My question is, why?
Life is pretty sweet as it is !
I'll get back to you soon, writing :D and you know that's going to take a while with my propensity to be verbose. :D
You will do fine. Either way, you win. Winning or not. It's a win.
@Drew I agree, we have some good noms
I mean you. Let's say you didn't run. Or you ran and lost. To me, that's still a win
Because I think the happiest type of people in the room are like cimm and batman
@Drew I hear you
6:13 AM
You might not want to give that up
yes I've thought about that.
now go right your nom. Cuz some people can never have enough !
Who flagged that as spam?!
pattern / bot ?
Don't think that's possible
I think it has to be a person
6:24 AM
what the yahoo thing ?
No, @MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW last comment here, someone spam flagged it
@DavidG what are you asking? SD caught it and I sd ked it.
Nooooooooooooooooo, your last chat comment was spam flagged
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW This one
@DavidG I did not manually report the post. I marked it as true positive
@DavidG what's your point David?
6:26 AM
i think he means look north more
Noooooooooooooooo! Forget Smokey
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW I think he means someone flagged your message as SPAM!
He's talking about the chat room flags
someone flagged a comment here as spam
@Rob message*
6:27 AM
Yeah, message :)
@DavidG ahh, sorry, I was wondering why you were going on about it... I though.. he knows how smokey works.
@Rob thanks for clearing that up
@DavidG can you see chat flags?
Everyone in chat can
I cant
6:29 AM
Should I be able to see it?
@DavidG Hmm...maybe >10k is needed.
You probably just never noticed it
@DavidG you're >20k
I've found that not everyone sees the same flags
I didn't see it this time
But I have in the past
If a comment is flagged, everyone in every chat room gets to review it
6:29 AM
But yeah, it's 10k+
Maybe it needs 10k
It's also not just for the same chat
I see the flags for Javascript and Lounge chat quite regularly
And you can't see who flagged it?
6:31 AM
well there are two users in the chat I don't usually see.
Well lets not go pointing fingers, could have been a regular too
I'm not sure if the flag pops up a confirm, but it's right next to the start/reply button
so could have been an accident too
Could have been a mistake, took me by surprise when I did it the first time too!
maybe an accident
6:33 AM
@Rob true
maybe if we just spam flag each other we get banned from chat
our service is complete
@Rob Actually, the flag does pop up a confirm.
Ah okay - never used it here before
Oh wait, seems Closey is still watching me...
@Closey commands
@KevinGuan Here is a list of commands you have permission to run:
add [user id] to [group name] - Manually adds a user to the given permission group.
alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
approve request [#] - Approves a pending permission request.
audit stats - Shows stats about your recorded audits.
commands - Shows this list.
current tag - Get the tag that has the most amount of manageable close queue items from the SEDE query.
help - Prints info about this software.
membership - Shows a list of all permission groups, and the members in those permission groups.
6:40 AM
@Closey status
SOCVR Chatbot, running at nagato v2 docker, version 51944012 on master, running for 10 hours, 43 minutes and 57 seconds (tracking latency 1670ms).
@Closey opt out
@KevinGuan You have opted-out of tracking, and will remain this way until you run opt in.
If anyone is interested, here's all the SOCVR mentions on Meta... data.stackexchange.com/meta.stackoverflow/query/449163/…
@DavidG thanks
6:47 AM
And with that, I'm going back to sleep! Night all
@DavidG night \o
@KevinGuan ... did I miss something?
@SmokeDetector Hmm...nope. Maybe it's my Chrome just crashed or something.
@KevinGuan The question should be closed too - not programming
6:55 AM
@Rob Yeah I agree. But that question looks very weird...so many mods have already see that question but none of them closed it.
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW first of all: please stop leaving comments to defend the room. If people hate it, people hate it. (cc @DavidG) Let me rethink if I need to write that MSO post after all to get wider suport.
Yeah.. not sure. Probably the close reasons were different back then
@rene I created this
@rene sure won't happen again
@KevinGuan it is not a test for your English capabilities ;) but beyond that typo you're okay with the guidance, right? That is a valid response, no sweat.
7:02 AM
@rene Hmm...yes. I think it's complete (now).
@KevinGuan OK
@Closey opt in
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Sorry, you are not in the Reviewer permission group. You can request access by running request permission to Reviewer.
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW OK, looks fine, do you want me to add it now? Can you rename it to .md so it honors the markup?
@rene sure
7:05 AM
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW there is some statement to request permission you have to run first
@rene updated
@rene yes
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Note that Closey tracks you automatically like Nord and Pham before. So no need opt in if you didn't say opt out before (I think, it's the first day I try Closey v2 you know).
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW like Kevin did here: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/41570?m=29292111#29292111
@Closey request permission to reviewer
7:07 AM
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Sorry, I don't understand that. Maybe you meant reject request [#].
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW I don't know what that permission group is. Run Membership to see a list of permission groups.
@Closey membership
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Current users in permission groups:
    gunr2171 (1043380)
    Sam (2246344)
    rene (578411)
    NathanOliver (4342498)
    Tiny Giant (4639281)
    Andrew Cheong (925913)
    durron597 (1768232)
    Dukeling (1711796)
    Tunaki (1743880)
    Petter Friberg (5292302)
    Ferrybig (1542723)
    Bhargav Rao (4099593)
    TylerH (2756409)
    Félix Gagnon-Grenier (576767)
    Undo (1849664)
    Mogsdad (1677912)
    Kevin Guan (5299236)

    gunr2171 (1043380)
    Sam (2246344)
    rene (578411)
    NathanOliver (4342498)
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW I've created request #9 to get you in the Reviewer group.
@rene not the best link, it was formatted incorrectly :D
Hey all o/
7:11 AM
Finally set up my old system, It's up and running \o/
can someone please add me to closey
Keeping this system only for StackOverflow :P
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Little help @rene?
@KevinGuan approve request [#] 9
7:12 AM
anyone from the reviewer group can approve it.
This was so the ROs didn't have to approve all the requests
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW No I can't for 1 day
4 hours ago, by gunr2171
"new user to group" restriction
ah k
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW I just woke up, haven't had coffee nor breakfast yet. I only just wanted to boot up my PC. Go a bit easy on me will you ... ;)
7:13 AM
@rene ah k :D
Question: Is "you can use this program to solve the problem" an answer?
Away from chatroom tab, Installing stuff on new system
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Based on the transcript, try this @Closey request permission to reviewer
@BhargavRao So is it link-only then?
7:19 AM
@KevinGuan If [this] is a link, then link only. (VLQ Flag)
Hiya @josliber
@BhargavRao But if it with the name of the program, it's not link-only right? If so, I think I have at least 50 flags should be declined...
Hmm, Kinda tough to tell w/o example
the latest smokey report is still there, we need some flags, it's obscene
Afk for sometime.
@Closey opt in
7:23 AM
@KevinGuan You have opted-in to tracking, and will remain this way until you run opt out.
5 mins to get that trash off the site
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW The funny stuff is that is also a programming language...
@KevinGuan Did you read the post? It had nothing to do with programming.
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW I know, I'm talking about that tag. Only 2 questions now.
@KevinGuan I know I saw that.. shrugs
7:26 AM
Looking at ...oh yeah, it's a Unix command.
@KevinGuan you worked with Unity3d?
@KevinGuan I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
I'm working on a game and having trouble getting my explosions right.
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Well, nope. I'm just a Linux user.
Kevin passed a audit!
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Invalid format. Valid format: !!/isblu profileurl or !!/isblu userid sitename.
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW User is not blacklisted (5549354 on stackoverflow.com).
@KevinGuan (My view only) I usually avoid flagging answers from users with rep > 100. This is because, the reviewers will feel that it is "audit" and skip them. Finally a mod will decline the flag. (Happened to me twice)
@BhargavRao Err...I sometimes also flag answers from users with 20k+. What's your view about the answer (post)?
@TheLostMind I wonder why did you delete this spam post rather than flag it. Spam flag != delete vote you know (they both delete a post anyway).
@KevinGuan he is a mod now
@KevinGuan I'm with VLQ, It's a Link Only Answer
8:05 AM
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW I know, but mod's spam flag == 6 normal spam flags.
@BhargavRao Ah, okay.
2 days ago, by Bhargav Rao
@NathanOliver If a mod marks it as spam, community deletes it. OTOH, if the mod deletes it, it is marked as deleted by <modname>
You have a point @KevinGuan it goes in the wrong bucket and won't be fed to the SPAM algorithm that SE has themselves.
@KevinGuan - Yes. I should have done that. No point it undeleting it and then flagging it
I wonder why Community didn't catch it though
@BhargavRao And if a post is deleted by spam/rude flags, the content of it will not just show up (have to check the revisions), author will lost 100 rep, etc.
8:12 AM
@BhargavRao - Yes. But @KevinGuan is right.
@rene Huh, do we have a system like Smokey, and we can say tp/fp to it use flags?
Yep. What was the wrong statement?
@KevinGuan and as rene said, it'll be fed to the SE's spam algo
@TheLostMind That's fine :)
@BhargavRao Actually...what's SE's spam algo? goes to search it on meta
8:14 AM
There's a lotta posts there in meta
ok I'm going offline for a while
Cya both later.
Nice, @Dave has taken care of all the posts before 2hrs. NATO, morning session, finally found a savior. :)
@KevinGuan On the SE side they have a spam system that can block IP-addresses and all that kind of nifty things. The spam smokey finds somehow didn't get detected by the first barrier, both our correct flagging of the post as well as tpu/fpu the report helps to detect the next spam post that comes from a similar source.
We only see 5%(let me find that exact number) or so of the actual SPAM sent on a dialy basis
@rene Wow, that's cool. Got it.
8:36 AM
Bit skeptical if this is just NAA, looks like a troll answer stackoverflow.com/a/35955377/4099593
@BhargavRao - It is somewhere between - above NAA and far below spam.
@KevinGuan with a bit of help from @404 this gives insight: meta.stackoverflow.com/a/286615/578411 and this (from @Andy)
Above NAA and just below troll
@rene I should have said @JeffreyBosboom instead of @Andy ....
8:52 AM
sd remove- edited
rene is active at the moment, So this nomination becomes a "spoof" :P gist.github.com/K-Guan/d5b3b26b708a9ad94c35 @Kevin :D
(just kiddin)
sd remove edited
@BhargavRao "spoof"? :P
@BhargavRao be careful that I don't make you a spoof ;)
@rene checking...
room invasion
@KevinGuan You said other ROs will be asleep... That's not true now :D
@rene hides in corner
8:56 AM
@BhargavRao lol
@BhargavRao looks in all corners
@rene Couldn't find the corners as he had burned them a few weeks ago
@rene Really!? We have so many spam posts?? Thanks the block system...
@BhargavRao LOL, good for you
Master rene has praised me \o/
8:58 AM
Wow - looks like the number of self-nominations is going to be good this month :p
@BhargavRao Wrong
Hi @Jon :)
@rene Oh, about that: Will we have more ROs this time than one? For example two, or three?
Called up after the election to meet additional demand
9:01 AM
@KevinGuan I/we haven't decided yet
Okay, you still have 8 days ;). There're so many good candidates in this election I think.
@rene Another question about the election: Who votes? The members? Or only the ROs?
@JonClements Yeah, better than the last time. ;)
Nice thing in my SO life today...
It appears I am now worthy of holding the Swift Mjölnir. I'm so happy. :)
Hi @EricD. and @Sam o/
9:16 AM
Heya \o
@EricD. Congrats, May thine Mjolnir be as Swift as the tag name ;)
@EricD. Congrats!
@BhargavRao hehe, thanks :)
@Sam thank you :)
@KevinGuan We're trying to figure something out to allow you guys to vote as well, but for now, it's RO only.
@Sam Understand \o/
9:23 AM
Bah, I wouldn't flag that as spam. 1. It's a github link 2. It will have raised the autoflag
Haha, Microsoft MVP poking fun :P ... meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/318781/…
@SmokeDetector Close this instead (tool req)
The Q's asking for those kinds of answers.
@Kevin, As a side note, If you are finding those from NATO, leave them alone. They will raise the system's autoflag. You need not worry.
@BhargavRao 1. I still think that they're spam...so if I go to post some answers like these, they're all just NAA? 2. Huh? That sounds like good.
Afk, going out for a drink
@Rao The following is a list of users requesting access to a permission group.
 | Request # | Display Name        | User Id | Requesting | Requested At            |
 | 9         | Ms Yvette ǝʇʇǝʌʎ sW | 3956566 | Reviewer   | 2016-03-12 07:09:16 UTC |
9:29 AM
That's still running
@Clo Approve request 9
@Sam @MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW has been added to the Reviewer group.
@KevinGuan That is still an answer. Not NAA.
@BhargavRao The new permissions system.
9:30 AM
@Sam Nah, Who is Closey pinging?
@Kevin THere has been a lotta discussions on this. If it is multiple, same word-to-word answer, then it will raise the auto flag. So mods have declined flags based on this.
Perhaps Drew can teach you better about this.
Afk, going out for a drink
@BhargavRao That would be your last name.
how to enable permitrootlogin in an ssh command I used ssh PermitRootLogin=yes [email protected] but its not working
9:46 AM
@undefined This is not the room you're looking for.
sorry but I need help
@undefined please don't spam rooms asking the same question - as Sam mentions - this isn't an appropriate room - spend time finding an appropriate room, read its rules and ask there... this isn't the right place to ask
What Jon said.
ok im outtie
9:58 AM
LoL... How do we need to handle this kind of users:
Can anyone give me a new code ? — Archana P 2 mins ago
After answering it fully, that was the comment! :P
10:12 AM
"I have a script from internet , but it doesn't work well." (from stackoverflow.com/questions/35725348/search-in-sql-using-php)
@user2314737 Saw it. LoL. This person. Ha ha.
@HansPassant Thanks for sharing your observation and voicing your concerns. I'll do my best to address those in both our room guidance, the burnination process and culture within our room as well as here on meta. We can use some feedback from users that are not involved in our room but have plenty of mileage on both Stack Overflow and Meta. Much appreciated, keep it coming. — rene 25 secs ago
Just for everyone to know ^
10:27 AM
Just wondering, why was this deleted (by regulars of this room) ? It seemed to be an answer, at first glance. I failed the audit for attempting to edit it :-(
Now I realize that it doesn't really answer the question, but, why the edits and the comment about edit grace period ?
@JonasCz After 2 months, a VVVVVLQQQQQQQQ Comment as an answr.
@PraveenKumar I don't have 10k, so I cant see it..
That was like a placeholder before, having thanks for answer. Then it has been edited. Faker.
@JonClements Wow, but why?
10:37 AM
The edit and the spam flags that got marked as helpful on that make that somewhat misleading... I've disputed the spam flags (that should take it out from audit for that reason) and re-deleted it (as I imagine the community will just delete it again anyway)
@JonClements Nice.
Audits should be clear cut - that one I can see is going to get failed unnecessarily
Okay.. I hope I don't get bitten by another "misleading" audit.
@JonClements Soo Nice of You. :)
sd edited-
@PraveenKumar could just remove the entire first sentence there - it's not required for the question - also - you can remove the valediction as well
10:45 AM
@PraveenKumar Nice word choose, "tormenting", never seen that word used in a actual sentence
@Ferrybig Just like that I got.
@JonClements Updated.
@JonClements :)
Haha... looks like your change and the signature got added back as the OP was presumably editing some change changes in :p
10:50 AM
@SmokeDispenser morning!
@JonClements, thanks :)
so, nothing much happening here at this time?:)
@SmokeDispenser Morning
11am on a Saturday morning - generally not that much excitement normally :p
@SmokeDispenser it still is, 6 minutes left...
10:56 AM
@JonClements, I was under the impression that somewhere on the globe, there might be something going on ;)
@rene, hu? 6 minutes left till noon for you too?
@SmokeDispenser rene means that its still 6 1 minute left until its 12 o-clock in our timezones, I don't know how it is in your timezone

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