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6:00 PM
I used to have a shirt that said "I have gone to find myself. If I get back before I arrive please keep me here."
Hello everyone! (Release - Sam)
Closey has released Sam, Sam is free \o/
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW OK, and what do you normally do to fix that? Might help here as well...
@rene good question.
Yes, that is the easy part...
@PraveenKumar Can you keep your excitement within limits?
6:06 PM
@rene Ok
@rene I use it with Kevin and Praveen :D and it works well. I should put it into action more often with everyone
As I have three children with very different personalities.
The 3rd is Ada :)
@PraveenKumar the issue is things like exclamation marks !! it tends to add an edge of excitement, that coupled with language. I will get you a link that will help you
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Oh... Yea...
6:08 PM
@TinyGiant Who would have thought a non-link would break the script? Nice job figuring it out.
@rene Is the above one okay?
@PraveenKumar I see where you're coming from entirely and you have that amazing energy that I wish I still had. The thing is, in such a diverse place we all need to try and be accommodating to others, so what I know is your enthusiasm and way of expressing, others think yikes. :D
@PraveenKumar or even, keep it to the facts, "is this low quality? < link >"
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Sure...
@TheLostMind I don't think we've had any interaction -- but welcome to the mod team. Congratulations!
@Undo you as well! ^
6:10 PM
@SterlingArcher - Thanks :)
@PraveenKumar you understand I'm trying to help you yes?
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW See, I followed your advice. :)
Coz I didn't know, or I am not sure how it affects others.
@PraveenKumar I know, you're a darling :D
Hey everyone, UnclosedRequestReview has been updated (thx Tiny) with bug fixes & stats enhancements.
6:11 PM
@PraveenKumar I see that and you mean no harm, I know that you have a very good heart.
@PraveenKumar yes, thx
The thing I am amazed at it how well we all do manage to communicate given we come from such different cultures with different first languages. It's quite remarkable there are so few communication misunderstandings.
@rene I really didn't know putting ! is an offence. :P
Enough of that for today :D
6:13 PM
Hello everyone o/
@Thaillie o/
hi \o
@PraveenKumar don't get me started on ,
@rene Er? Didn't understand. Okay, leave it. I am not gonna start! :P
6:14 PM
@Thaillie o/
@PraveenKumar I think I made a joke
And if not we have a communication misunderstanding
As I said
> It's quite remarkable there are so few communication misunderstandings.
@rene I am an Oxford comma user! :) Ah... I am from India and I don't understand anything. :(
6:16 PM
@rene There's no reason you can't have both.
@PraveenKumar not true at all, different cultures. I will help you.
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Need to be either more British or Western or International! LoL.
oh people that end sentences like this.... drives @TinyGiant crazy :D
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW That would be me too.
@PraveenKumar I think the international culture is dictated to by the community base that is being used, so that does vary. This culture here has a more conservative tone.
6:18 PM
That moment when you need to salvage an NAA to make it NAA stackoverflow.com/posts/35947030/revisions :-(
@BhargavRao that's funny
@PraveenKumar your comment is not necessary for two reasons.
@BhargavRao I don't understand why you are helping SELECT * FROM Users` WHERE TheyAreFor IN ('Spamming', 'Trolling')`...
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Why?
1. The room has a no pile on policy. So if one member has already left a comment no need for you to.
6:22 PM
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW I alerted a Mod, and a friend! :P
2. The comment is a little mischevious. Try and keep things at a business level, when you have such high fun levels :D
@PraveenKumar yes I saw that, but I'm training you :D
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Sure... Point taken.
@PraveenKumar I'm here to help, #SOreadytohelp
@BhargavRao Help Good People. Not the bad ones! :P
6:23 PM
stackoverflow.com/questions/35946733/… This didn't turn out to be a dupe after all, vote to reopen? It's not a great question (it came from a silly mistake by the asker), but the current dupe is certainly not correct.
I am going to turn you into the most sensible user on SO.. LOL
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Wow. Challenge Accepted. If you do so, I will definitely reward you with something special! :)
@SteinarLima Do you want to change it to being closed as a typo? Also the OP voted to close the question so I am not so sure we want to vacate that.
@SteinarLima reopen, just to close it as too-broad Typo as the user agrees?
@BhargavRao LoL.
6:24 PM
I really don't know how to handle this specific case
@PraveenKumar no need at all
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW :) :)
that needs CV's ^
@PraveenKumar - Ask OP where he got that code, it should be attributed & there may be more clues about what he's done wrong.
Closing as typo seems to be best, yea @BhargavRao, @NathanOliver
6:26 PM
@Mogsdad Which post are you talking about M-dad?
And @Steinar, the post is missing the [python] tag.
@PraveenKumar this
2 more flags till Marshall :D
@SteinarLima when the question is closed, usually it just stays closed, even if the reason is not the best fit.
@SterlingArcher almost congrats :D
6:27 PM
@SterlingArcher You'll love the shiny badge they send you. I never take mine off!
@SterlingArcher All the best :)
@WelsonSilva This looks totally crazy and feels being implemented without understanding. So what exactly you wanna do and do it the right way. Ask what exactly you want to achieve there. — Praveen Kumar 9 secs ago
@rene Are we okay with comment one-boxes?
@PraveenKumar The "totally crazy" part is probably too much.
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Yea, but now it's close as a wrong dupe, it might get confusing? Or will the system auto-delete it after some time given that it has no answers?
I have 2 more Steward badges to get -- but Help and Improvement is ridiculous.. and Late Answers are few are far in between so that will take a while.
6:28 PM
@PraveenKumar "This is unclear" and a vote to close would be better
@Mogsdad Updated. Thanks.
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Already answered. But ... Okay.
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW It's moved beyond that already.
@SteinarLima yes that's true.
^ As you said @MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW
What's true @MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW? The part that it's going to be auto-deleted? :)
6:29 PM
@PraveenKumar within limits and if really important for us all to know. If it is just to show off your fantastic comment I wouldn't use a one-box
@rene Okie dokie... :) I did misuse that for a few times, will take care. Thanks. :D
@rene - He was even giving the sim-card number lol.. Nuked
Saw that, thanks
@TheLostMind Which one?
6:31 PM
@rene do you think this should be reopened if it's not a dupe stackoverflow.com/questions/35946733/…, when it's a not repro and prob should be deleted, or just bookmark it for deletion?
@TheLostMind Ah! That's bad!
@SteinarLima I've asked rene for advice
Good :-) I haven't encountered this specific situation before
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW if the dupe is wrong it should be re-opened
I don't see immediate reason to delete it
6:34 PM
@rene apparently it's a not repro and should've been closed as that
It seems a reasonable question so let the python guys handle it
@Steinar Add the python tag for the question.
@SteinarLima it's a good question to bring in here
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Sure, fine with me
6:35 PM
@rene Must be closed as a typo.
@rene I turns out that the sheet name actually is the filename, so close as typo seems correct
@SmokeDispenser "I need a minimal example" "I'm looking for a small example" Sounds like this person is asking for sample code/off-site resource. It is potentially also too broad and lacks an MCVE
Can someone add the python tag there?
hello from Atlanta!
I can reopen it
@JAL Hi o/
6:36 PM
I've added the tag @BhargavRao
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW @BhargavRao @SteinarLima first call is to get it re-opened
Headed to Austin for SXSW, have a layover in Atlanta from NY
@SteinarLima - The dupe is wrong. We can re-open it. But the question lacks MVCE
hey Bhargav Rao
I have reopened it, Now it must be closed as typo.
6:37 PM
@rene ok, no worries :D
6:50 PM
They reopened it... but it's still borderline typo IMO
Not entirely sure how I would close it. Advice?
Seems like a legit question (even though it's basic)
but it's probably a dupe
Imo it's not a typo @SterlingArcher, it seems like something lots of newbies might get wrong
There must be a dupe then. I'm searching
but yea, almost certainly a dupe
6:54 PM
I would look for questions asking why you have to call a function by following it with parentheses
or "how to call a function"
^ This question will get too many answers now and a lot of rep.
The confusion probably arises because it's an anonymous function
@SterlingArcher - Not a typo. OP is asking why does he have to use that syntax. Its valid
Found a plausible duple
Answers explain his questions answer
Also if it's been closed and reopened, sometimes it's better to leave things be.
6:56 PM
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Let it be opened or what? Coz that attracts too broad answers.
Let me know if you guys would like me to hammer it.
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW never >:(
@SterlingArcher Agreed. Show me the dupe. Never mind. I cannot hammer it. I already closed it.
I fail to understand why that question got so many downvotes though, but I rarely hang out in the js tags
stackoverflow.com/questions/8228281/… this question's answer thoroughly explains it
6:57 PM
@SterlingArcher No oneboxes plz. Remove it.
The person who posted the onebox is wrong because thats against tha rules, :-P
@PraveenKumar I just need... oh... 215 more to get JS hammer.
The dupe target is good for that question
@Mogsdad Great.
I should have that by Monday.
6:58 PM
Ha, jokes on y'all I didn't read the rules
I won't commit vis the year, though.
Where's @Tushar?
@PraveenKumar No oneboxes of images
(or questions being cv-pls'd)
@TylerH :P
6:59 PM
just to clarify
@TylerH Actual rule is to keep them to a minimum, keep them tasteful, and be prepared to see them get deleted. (Somebody made me read the FAQ today...)
@Mogsdad relevant?
@Mogsdad The FAQ on Github is incorrectly inputted by a non-RO on the one-boxing matter
I'm going based on what the actual source messages in chat said
@TylerH The only real problem with @Sterling's one-box was that we've seen it here before.
Night night
7:03 PM
@Mogsdad that's not a problem
Is too... It's Friday. I want new jokes!
You can't handle new jokes!
Pft, "real problem"
Like... Why did Adele cross the street?
Relevancy is not a problem when your meme game is so strong.
7:04 PM
Because she wanted to say "hello" from the other side!
@Mogsdad Did you steal that from my Facebook
@Mogsdad erm I think everyone who's ever used the internet has seen it at least once.
because I thought up that joke like a week after the song came out
though tbh it's not hard to think of it, it's a fairly obvious one
@Mogsdad - That one is old..
@TheLostMind \o
7:05 PM
@PraveenKumar beat me by miliseconds lol
@SterlingArcher Ahahahaha.
@TylerH why
Why must you be professional
@SterlingArcher JavaScript, PHP, and Haskell walk into a bar...
oh wait we aren't still doing jokes?
@TylerH why
@SterlingArcher @PraveenKumar the rules of this room include no pile on. If one person has commented from the room, all else refrain.
7:07 PM
Also, please be respectful in your comments
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW So that's only for people from this room right? :)
Do not use all caps at a post with all caps.
@PraveenKumar yes.
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Revenge? No revenge?
To be fair, I wouldn't consider it pile on if comments are miliseconds apart
7:08 PM
It's understandable that several people would post anti-yelling comments on a post at the same time.
The caps part.. yeah, trolly. I'll admit that.
@SterlingArcher Agreed.
@PraveenKumar I'm not going into that. That's not how it works here
At that point, leave the first, delete the rest.
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Okay.
7:09 PM
@SterlingArcher if you see another member has posted, then delete them
@Mogsdad Or let's delete the post?
And FWIW, the "don't pile on" should have been in here.
I left mine there to show you how to comment on a post like that
Can you please delete your shouting comments @SterlingArcher @PraveenKumar?
7:10 PM
@PraveenKumar A separate action - but in this case, yes.
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Okay :(
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW The original post will be deleted soon. So not to worry. :)
@PraveenKumar no more sad faces, listen and learn. I'm putting my foot down with you, because you know better. It's not a fun and games thing here, we are representing the better part of the SO community.
tbh I've lost the link
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Ah.. You are making me feel responsible.
I understand downvotes, I do... but for a post that's not spam, -1 and -1000 are pretty much the same thing. Until, that is, the post gets improved. It can recover from -1.
7:12 PM
@PraveenKumar you are, a high rep user and you need to be a leader.
@Mogsdad I do not downvote posts that are copping it.
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Okie...
I hate growing up.
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Lingo... "copping"?
I don't wanna grow up I wanna be a Toys 'R Us kid...
copping a feel?
7:13 PM
@PraveenKumar You have to, we all do, and if you want to be a representative of a moderative part of the community then yes, definitely
Ok, that's funny.
@Mogsdad copping it, like a thrashing, in this case downvotes, very aussie sorry
@TylerH it can mean that too :D
@SterlingArcher that's fine and you can joke in here, but not on the site or at user's expenses.
7:14 PM
Ah! Thanks for the clarification. I was just thinking out loud - looking at the edit that's turned that into an ok-not-great question.
Not as a representative of the room
@PraveenKumar I've asked you to delete the comment stackoverflow.com/questions/35947985/…
Whether the post is deleted or not, and please read my comment
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Deleted. Now someone delete the post.
Enough pile on guys One comment is enough. Caps is considered shouting online and is unacceptable on this site. — Ms Yvette ǝʇʇǝʌʎ sW 9 mins ago
7:15 PM
Regardless of the room's rules... "Be nice" means to hold back from poking fun at OPs.
Can we agree this horse is dead?
@Mogsdad exactly
@Mogsdad Which is the horse here?
@PraveenKumar The post does not need to be deleted immediately
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Okie.
@cpburnz [tag:cv-pls] please
7:16 PM
@Mogsdad Thanks, I wasn't quite sure on the syntax
edit, quick!
Hi, @cpburnz, are you new here?
@cpburnz hi
@Mogsdad I've occasionally lurked in chat before
7:18 PM
@cpburnz welcome :D
Welcome, then - first time I saw your ID.
@SterlingArcher You'll find this room incredibly more strict than room 17, simply because this room publicly acts on questions and site moderation activities, so there's a lot of attention on it in Meta, and sometimes drama
But we try to make fun of the ROs every now and then just to keep things light-hearted :-D
@Mogs You looking at NATO?
We're all here on common ground, we just need to refocus every now and then.
7:22 PM
@BhargavRao I M now... whazzup?
@Mogsdad I just opened the page and it looked bad :/
I've run outta flags.
@TylerH not too concerned :P
@BhargavRao how many do you get per day?
I'll come here every now and then but I've been more busy recently
Hello world!
7:24 PM
@SterlingArcher I'm the SO mum at times and so you've copped it with Praveen :D
@BhargavRao Sometimes, bad is good! I have 99 flags to wave. On it!
@Mogsdad 99 problems but a flag ain't one
(til you run out)
@Mogsdad how many flags per day do you have?
Copped it? Not sure I'm following you hip lingo Yvette xD
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW I have 100, why?
7:24 PM
@TylerH I was going to go with The Boss, but that will do...
(Seriously, I may be tired but I don't get it)
11 mins ago, by Ms Yvette ǝʇʇǝʌʎ sW
@Mogsdad copping it, like a thrashing, in this case downvotes, very aussie sorry
@BhargavRao curious
@Clo @Pham test
7:25 PM
So Aussie lol
@SterlingArcher oh yeh, used the same misunderstood colloquialism twice :D
All flags/All delv votes over.
Did you know they discovered a new spider down under and named the species... Brian...
@SterlingArcher ?
7:26 PM
NATO is painful with no close votes!!!!
Like "Reticulated Floating Arachnoid" or something was taken, so the went with Brian
Hoping to cross 4k flags on Monday :)
@Mogsdad don't do that to yourself, you painfully need CVs to do NATO
@SterlingArcher so Aussie :D
7:27 PM
So Aussie it hurts.
@Mogsdad Don't focus much on questions, post a [cv-pls] here. Take care of the NAAs/VLQs :)
I burned them all on old requests, so I'll just make new requests, then come back later to cv them.
Whats the difference between NATO and late answers? Still didn't pass the 10k yet
Shog answered this in chat sometime back.
@BhargavRao OK, voted to re-open.
7:29 PM
@rene I think it needs a bit of editing, but at the end of the day for me to do. :/
@Ferrybig late answer: Review late answers from new users, NATO: All new answers to old questions.
@JAL, thanks. did you care for it?
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[close]"
@Closey @Pham Test @Clos Test @Pha Test
7:46 PM
Event soon. Are there close questions in the queue? I didn't have the time to do a sweep.
oh. you guys are busy soon
have fun :)
@Tunaki I ran through some [close] questions earlier. about 15
Completed flags, delv votes, [close] reviews.
Bye all, Need to sleep soon
Bye o/
7:48 PM
@rene @Nathan @Kyll @Petter Answered questions in nomination Gist.
Funny enough, longer than the gist itself.
Hello everyone! (Release - Sam)
Oh hiya Closey!
@Closey You had Sam in a cage?!
That was slow.
@Sam Running from a home server or hosted?
7:50 PM
It's running on my (temperamental) network.
I'm having a break for a few days, I'll see you next week.
Let's see if Closey can handle the event :)
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW, get better!
7:51 PM
@Sam At some point if you want to move it to a server on the AWS service I recently spun up for the room, we might be able to accommodate that
@TylerH Thanks, but gunr's got this covered.
I'm only doing this for debug purposes.
Cya @MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW o/
@Sam, if you need a network connection, I have some spare traffic on my server.
7:51 PM
Have fun
hmm, chat seems laggy.
Yeah, looks like it.
@SmokeDispenser Thanks :)
@Clo stop bot
@Sam, feel free to ping me if that ever comes up.
@Sam I'm shutting down...
Shutting down. (Release - Sam)
7:53 PM
Switching to gunr's server.
@SmokeDispenser Sure.
But as said, gunr's hosting it.
@Sam did you push?
Let's push @Sam
no git changes
@gunr2171 It's pushing
Push Sam, push.
The baby's coming.
7:54 PM
push harder, better, faster, stronger
Done, it's a... bot?
Congrats gunr on your healthy baby bot.
once it compiles it will say "hello everyone"
The downside is that it ages fast as well
compile done, waiting for postgresql to init
7:56 PM
Only 4 minutes left before hell breaks lose
hey, short question: there is a guy tagging all questions . does that seem reasonable?
@SmokeDispenser don't now
@SmokeDispenser removing laravel-5 / adding laravel?
He is burnination that tag?
@Tunaki, just adding.
7:57 PM
Hello everyone! (nagato v2 docker)
test message
@Closey status
SOCVR Chatbot, running at nagato v2 docker, version 51944012 on master, running for 44 seconds (tracking latency 1000ms).
Well it makes sense for Laravel 5 questions to be tagged laravel
7:57 PM
thanks @Sam!!!
@Tunaki, that's what I thought
@SmokeDispenser But the edit should fix other issues as well.
Let's see how long it lives. :p
@Tunaki Where was can find it anymore please help me Tuna
7:58 PM
In the example you have, I'd accept it
@Tunaki, but after 5 or 6 of them in a row, I suspect it is for rep gaining
But if there are more changes that I'd make, I'd reject and edit.
@PetterFriberg Of course Petter, it's here: gist.github.com/Tunaki/d9e140f6ef7c64997ead
@SmokeDispenser in general with version tags: if the question is specific for the version use the version tag, if it is applicable to all version use the generic tag
@PetterFriberg here is the full nomination list

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