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12:01 AM
did you check them all?;)
or did you believe that each strip is the same?:D
so what's connected to the emitter of the right transistor in your image?
if that's row 18
I believe that each strip is the same, so I only had to check 60
@FélixGagnon-Grenier mysql batch 26 count=13 cv4 is in the hive. And yes I vtc on all of them
Both emitters go on the same line where I also placed the LED, so that is the output line. And from there also a 10K resistor goes back into the second transistor which should keep it open and let current to flow through the circuit
it's just that it looks like as if the second transistor was directly connected to rows 16-17-18, and that both wire and 10k are connected to line 17
and 16 is power
so either the third leg is not in row 18, or I just don't see what's going on there:)
but as I said, while I'm really eager to help, I'm probably your worst choice here:D
although spelling it out for a complete noob might be beneficial at times
mostly if there's a semantic error...
12:10 AM
Well I'm a total noob on this topic too, and I'm already talking to myself like a crazy man :)
so is the third leg on row 18? and if yes, what else is on that row?
or did you put both legs in the same slot? to do the short-circuit thingy?
So the output line is 22, where the two yellow cables come in, which come from the two emitters(output) of the transistors. (The LED goes away from line 22 with a 200Ω resistor to the GND). And the 10k Ω resistor nearer to the LED goes from line 22 back to the base from the second transistor, which should enable it and let the current from the collector of the transistor flow through go through the LED light it up and also go back again into the base.
you could still tell me the rows which the second transistor is plugged into:P
don't wait
Second transistor: 16 = collector, 17 = base (where the 10k Ω comes back), and 18 = emitter, which goes to the 22 output line
awesome, thanks:)
both your wire and your red line make it look as if 17 (rather than 18) went to 22
next question
12:17 AM
yeah, the image has a bad angle for a few wires
oh, no, that'll be the image too
I rebuilt the circuit at least like 10 to 20 times already...
I thought that the 10k and the 200 had crossing legs, i.e. 10k connected to 23 and 200ohm connected to 22
I'll slowly give up, giving room to ontopicness:P
do you have a decent ohmeter?
I just put the 10k resistors from 5V to the base for each transistor just to check if the or gate works correctly, and it does. LED lights up, which I directly enable the transistor
@Drew I think I should have a multimeter somewhere. I can try to use this to see where and how the current actually flows, even though I should see it with the LED.
12:23 AM
I will build the crazy lab with test equipment first
Then stock up on stuff that will blow so it is on hand
Otherwise it is going to be endlessly frustrating and chasing of tails
Have a large box full of power supplies alone
whoah, did you know that you can drag the close-vote window around, to see the question behind it?
all these features:D
wt heck do you immediately go to the close window ? :p
These questions are precious to me
oh, I've looked at the sql batch to make amends for my offtopicness
@Drew auto.open("close vote window");
@Drew I need it when voting for a dupe
I like to see both question and dupe target side by side
I used to look at the target in the cv window, then close it, check the question again, then reopen if I agreed
now I don't have to:P
1 hour later…
1:42 AM
hey @KevinGuan, I guess it's time to sleep here;)
@AndrasDeak lol, good night :P
1:57 AM
Ta daa!
What, no applause? Tough room.
That's more like it.
@Raju you aren't close voting it, right?
@Braiam <800 rep, alas
@AndrasDeak yeah, but close flagging is bad too
2:07 AM
ah, I see
@Raju if you can edit the cv-pls out of that before the edit timer expires, please do. Or just delete the comment.
@SmokeDetector alive
@AndrasDeak Yup
Braiam, #checkyourprivilege
2:08 AM
I think it's because you edited the message
Reporting once isn't enough :D
Not when it's so crappy!
I dunno, it was a full paragraph, and was polite. We see so much worse:D
2:11 AM
@Rizier123 ... did I miss something?
strange ^ I thought the commands wouldn't work if you edit them. Like !!alive to !!/alive
good night
2:51 AM
@Rizier123 smokey listens to edits
Hi @Tiny - howzit?
@TinyGiant Missed an edited manual report earlier, though.
Not bad.
@Mogsdad o'rly?
2:59 AM
Does @Braiam haz !!/amiprivileged?
Was asked, he didn't reply.
Hence Rizier's test, and now you're all up to date.
Find me some spam answer and I'll do a test
@undo can you take care of that
Ohhh, you cannot report if you are not haz privileged
@TylerH I actually changed my username a bit ago to decrease my google-ability. I was josilber until pretty recently.
3:14 AM
@josliber I was gonna say that, but I don't have access to user name history
@josliber Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.
3:25 AM
A piece of me just died.
@Mogsdad Well, I had a bad experience with a user emailing me and cc-ing my boss so I pulled down any identifying info
@Mogsdad Did you pick up my new cv-pls script?
Everything is in internet caches forever and whatnot, but I have tried to make it tougher to find me from whatever's in my SO account profile
@josliber - if an answer is ONLY a complete copy of a man page, is it better to edit or flag for plagiarism?
@Mogsdad Link? In general I would suggest custom flag for plagiarism
Is this a tag wiki?
3:32 AM
@josliber Ick. I've had a few probes through my blog & published projects' help facilities. I can ignore that. But work? Ouch.
@Mogsdad Yeah just plagiarism custom flag on things like that
Great - that was my thought. If they'd also indicated a part of it to actually answer the question, an edit would have been ok by me.
For an answer to a question about formatting output... he sure doesn't know how to format his output.
Aw, c'mon... custom flags take time! 8(
Sometimes months.
3:35 AM
Yeah, though plagiarism custom flags are helpful because we can look at the history of flags raised against somebody and see if they are a serial plagiarist and take steps in that case.
@TinyGiant I meant to write, not during the time that mods are attending flashy parties showing off their cool swag.
@josliber Must admit - I don't see much of that, other than on tag wikis.
I always laugh at the review badge thingy in the topbar, sometimes it say something like 16, currently it says 1006, nowhere on the review page is there anything close to that number of review tasks available.
@Mogsdad Well, then let me teach you a trick :)
often when folks copy and paste answers on SO they pick up the answer score and the text "down vote" when they copy
@josliber Ah - the lazy cut & pasters.
@Mogsdad You got it
then you click through every single answer from that person for the sole purpose of identifying other plagiarism (importantly not upvoting, downvoting, or even really NAA or other types of flagging)
and you flag every case of plagiarism with a custom flag
When I was getting bored with "new answers to old questions" I would go on plagiarism searches
3:45 AM
So there ya go. Really just the tip of the iceberg, of course
As you may have seen, I've had my problems with duplicate hunts.
It is the laziest of the plagiarists on our site
Well, we get auto-flags in that case
We don't for plagiarism
Even using "stackoverflow" in their URL & ripped the graphics.
@josliber I always love it when I see "shareedit" at the bottom of an answer
3:50 AM
@TinyGiant Ah nice :)
I then leave a comment along the lines of Well, [copy and paste works](link to copied content)
@TinyGiant And custom flag I hope?
Of course not, why would I want a declined flag?
Hmm, I would imagine declined flags for plagiarism are vanishingly uncommon...
I certainly never had one declined and never have declined one
Really easy when they even copy the OP's name & user id... stackoverflow.com/questions/32319284/…
3:53 AM
Ah, they were a bit aggressive there with the copy/paste, yes
Nah, see there are some mods that are on a witch-hunt for users flagging content that would otherwise be auto-flagged, even though we have no real way of knowing whether or not an auto-flag was raised, and many users won't even know that an auto-flag exists, but I digress.
Well, no need to flag self-duplicated content (aka two identical posts by the same person), but please do flag plagiarism (copying somebody else's stuff without attribution)
For reference. That whole discussion is relevant, but that post is the most.
@Braiam No, you are not a privileged user.
3:57 AM
I know I'm on the tavern
No, u r not haz privileged.
@TinyGiant Right, I saw that discussion, which I believe was about flagging self-duplicated content.
See, now I was under the impression from all of that that whenever any content was a "close enough" (whatever that means) match for other content on the site, an auto-flag was raised.
At some point I'm just going to stop flagging stuff entirely because it causes "extra work".
You've become a lot more bitter since I was last in this room
But you are right, we should update the wording at meta.stackoverflow.com/q/317987/3093387 on this point
4:02 AM
I've had some rough experiences recently with regards to moderation and TPTB
Mmhmm, saw the various discussions
Actually, I've been having discouraging experiences with many parties since before I relinquished my RO-ship.
we have to throw our hands up in the air 1 .... 2
Let em answer whatever and however they want
@TinyGiant What's new? (haven't but about to)
@josliber Don't get me wrong, the quality of the content on this site is of utmost importance to me, it's just the whole dealing with unreasonable people that is getting to me.
4:10 AM
@Mogsdad Nothing in the current stable version, but the one on my github is way different.
I completely rewrote the codebase, making it much lighter weight and easier to read, not to mention ES6
@TinyGiant I was about to say... last updated 3 months ago. So, you need some beta testing?
I removed the roomlist part.
@Mogsdad Sure, I was mainly wondering because the version on my computer include the (new activity) if you're in NATO
Not sure if that is in the one on my github or not.
4:13 AM
@TinyGiant Ah! No, I did that because I'd seen it on your posts when I was catching up on outstanding requests (which more people need to do), and because of repeated questions about "poo".
Although if I had the copy from your computer, that would be creepy.
Yeah, see sometimes when there is a new answer, the answer actually isn't poo, so I switched to activity.
@TinyGiant I'm not always successful in this, but I try to always remember to not take things personally on this site. There are a lot of folks trying to improve the quality of the site and they may not always agree on how best to do that, but even if a particular decision/action doesn't go my way, it always feels better when I don't take it personally.
4:16 AM
@josliber I do my best to do that as well. That's probably the reason I still come back at all.
Grrr (Something only Canadians, but not Canadiens, will understand.)
@Mogsdad har har har
4:25 AM
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW I would usually say :
This answer needs to be improved, even if a self-answer. — Drew 8 hours ago
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW It is a perfectly legitimate answer.
That other answer, however, is a link only answer
@Drew thanks.
anyone have a link for the auto comments script handy?
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW I've already done what I thought needed doing there - and that answer is fine. I wouldn't comment on it, personally. If they never want an upvote, that's not my problem.
4:27 AM
@TinyGiant yeh, flagged that
Hilariously, it is in both the late answers and the LQP review queues
@Mogsdad yes, I rarely comment, but can see others make good comments, so I will copy some of the comments you guys in here use! :D
@TinyGiant how can you see what's queues it's in? Is that a mod tool feature?
@Mogsdad thanks ducks
4:30 AM
@TinyGiant First one, then flagged, sending it to the other. (NATO isn't a queue.)
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW My autocomments, if you want them: gist.github.com/mogsdad/f7c3bb8b3ce69d75a965
@Mogsdad No, but late answers is a queue
Anyways, josliber deleturd it
thanks Tiny and Mogs
Dog needs a walk - think I'll clock out.
4:33 AM
Yeah, me too. Gotta limit my exposure.
4:50 AM
@Drew done, cc @Braiam
thx boss
5:02 AM
Should I make a comment here when a file from the hive is cleared, or just checking the relevantly placed checkbox means something?
5:50 AM
What's up with the close reasons? The third one today which is (nearly) closed as rec which is in no way a rec question but e.g. just broad
Which one?
Ah, I see
Voted as too broad
me too, I did not vote on another broad one with 4 rec votes, since it will show the wrong reason I don't want to sign
Anyone know why sometimes vote/flag options are removed? For example: i.imgur.com/ph9QNSI.png
I've seen it happen out of the queue as well
Which forced me to use a non-relevant reason and have it declined (previously, I mean)
6:37 AM
@Rob don't know, I've notice the formats vary within the queues at times
6:58 AM
^^ user registered today only. two link only answers to same question to same site. The site's not in English and doesn't look the best
7:11 AM
second attempt
@bummi flagged
7:28 AM
@Rob I've seen the reduced LQPRQ delete reasons in the last week or so - the text at the bottom says it's not worth commenting on old posts. Doesn't seem to be listed as a new feature though. Not sure about flags - I've not been flagging much lately. Tunaki may know, though.
7:38 AM
7:57 AM
Aw man, that JavaFX question makes me need to get some fresh air. As per my comment, just type "javafx" into google and you're there :/
Google? never heard of it man
yes I should be more politically correct nowadays and call it "a search engine"
duck-duck-go if you will, it seems to be more popular
search? is that chinese or something
he he :)
good morning to you too!
:P hi
Pardon my comments, was just stuck in traffic for 1,5 hours
Didn't do me any good
8:00 AM
I envision the start of the movie office space
Haven't seen that one
ffs, every time. Make it your #1 priority
its on Dutch Netflix, should you be so entitled
@TimCastelijns use the train, then you're stuck for 1,5 hour like sardines
Is that the one where the meme "If everybody could just ... that would be great" originates from?
yes it is
8:01 AM
@rene yeah it's a lose-lose, train is also super duper expensive
true enough, unless your boss pays. Then its just wonderful e-reader time
Good morning
I don't have netflix though. But I have "other ways"
See it and thank me later
Sure, maybe tonight
8:04 AM
@PetterFriberg morning
morning everyone.
Today, I'm not much here probably, taking care of an intern
any suggestions? ;)
@SmokeDispenser AKA Jan - "Taking care" makes motion of holding a gun to own head ? good morning ;)
@Gimby, you still remember my name.
@Gimby, yeah, well -.-
@Gimby, so what is the matter w/ the OT-channel?
@SmokeDispenser I need a coffee here, so if your intern fancies that, lets have it.
8:10 AM
@SmokeDispenser the OT-channel? Wut?
@Gimby, didn't we yesterday implement an off topic channel for us?
@SmokeDispenser What the name-change channel?
@Gimby, yeah. but @Kyll said we already got an OT-chan
I thought that was Tunaki. Regardless, when that was said I left the room and that's the last I know :)
it got renamed on request of the RO's here
8:17 AM
"Where Off-Topic chat with various animals and bots happens" - how rude. But accurate.
Now we have the SO Tavern, A silly hats and a Smoke room
yeah, we may not need the smoke room.
the silly hats may suffice
dunno, it may serve the purpose of keeping SOCVR on the job :)
Maybe if you need a Smoke break
He changed his name :o
8:26 AM
@Jean-FrançoisCorbett did it became active or did it pop-up somewhere?
active 3 years ago
It does say "Thanks in Advance" ... I can edit that out :p
at -9
3 users don't know what flagging is
@rene or 3 people spam flagged and additionally downvoted in disgust
I sometimes do
8:36 AM
@PetterFriberg Yes, you are a privileged user.
@rene I stumbled across it... forgot how. Is it preferable to only cv-pls questions that show up on the front page?
@Magisch yeah, OK, I'm assuming I know who downvotes
I did not see the sd message update on sd gone, but I guess it was to late...
@Jean-FrançoisCorbett sort of yes, there is enough old stuff that could consume all our votes so we rather keep them for stuff that becomes / is active or is referenced as an example of a good or allowed question when it is not.
@rene OK, gotcha! I'll try to contain my irritation over those older questions...
8:39 AM
@Jean-FrançoisCorbett yes, we all are masters at containing our frustration
What if it has high views? Should that count as a reason to close all the same?
Morning al
Basically, fresh questions that should be closed, but are getting upvoted instead.
View count is irrelevant in closures
that ^
8:40 AM
Low traffic tag rule still applies?
@PetterFriberg yes
@rene If a spam question takes a long time before removal, I usually downvote it too
@Ferrybig OK , I would say that is down voted wasted but who am I to tell you how to use your votes ;)
Hiya o/
I'll wreck any train before it starts
@sam 2 csharps up there for ya
There's no close reason for OP is too dumb to read the error message, is there
@TimCastelijns nice one, a "read the bloody error message" close reason
@TimCastelijns I go with "Typo / Resolved in a manner unlikely to help future visitors" if it applies.
owner deleted
The answer yes
can I hammer with canonical NPE?
It's not an NPE though
its solved : )
9:04 AM
Praise the lord
@Tushar the question was edited, it is -slightly- more clear.
okay, curiosity strikes again. Is there a particular function to commenting 'blob blob blob' on obvious spam?
Grace period, if a post is edited within 5 minutes after its creation (without any comments present), the old revision is hrown away, and replaced with the new, a spammer can replace his post with a valid post after that period to remove hide the true spam, causing our flags to be rejected
^ what he said
9:14 AM
Truth be told, 'blob blob blob' is more effective than 'plop plop plop' and even more effective than 'blab blab blab'.
Although I believe there's a FR somewhere that requests that a spam flag causes the same behaviour as a comment
^ that'd be great!
yes I remember reading that
Hiya @Jon o/
9:15 AM
I think it was that a spam flag automatically adds a comment or something
We had this problem at least 1 time, that the rude person removed the rude words
Because metasmoke thankfully stored the old version of the post, we had proof that the post was rude
So fed up with tele-marketeers that pretend that I already have a contract with them and now call to renew the contract ...
@rene yeah that's a global thing, get that here too :) It works the other way too, just sending bills for services you don't actually leverage. Big companies don't tend to check and just pay up
@Gimby yeah, those big companies make that these scams work...
It is cheaper for them to just pay ...
9:25 AM
@Tunaki hmm, if obvious spam maybe better to tell all users (since alot do not flag, but just downvote)
Something along the lines of "If you don't flag as spam, I'll come to your house and haunt you for the rest of eternity"?
that will work
Implying you'd kill yourself in order to haunt him
Making them -indirectly- responsible for your death
Perfect plan
@Tunaki That's perfect, it will generate some more hot meta as well.
hm. I was editing a question from earlier into shape (heck, let me contribute for a change), and then this happened:
see the last tag change by balusc, is that a correct edit? To take the Java tag out of something related to the Java platform?
9:37 AM
I've seen him do that a couple of times yeah. I don't necessarily agree.
and to introduce a double tag of JSF and JSF2 to boot.
Blegh :/ I'm not going to go into an edit war.
As for the jsf and jsf-2 tag, that is okay.
I don't necessarily agree ;) But I'm letting it go
I can't say I disagree with him here
A lot of people are probably just following jsf and not the version specific tags
9:40 AM
I'll better just align to balusc's way of working since he's basically the j.skeet of everything JSF on SO ;)
I tend to agree with Tim and normally from jasper-reports remove the java tag..... yes its done it java but no we don't need this tag....
You wouldn't tag it with Java if it were about the Java programming API? I can imagine you don't add the tag if its about the reports and the design tool.
@Gimby and great that you edit... A community manager stressed that he like this a lot... so all effort we can do in editing is appreciated...
@Gimby Well my feeling is jsf is java... ok so no need to add the java tag.... but hey lets agree that one can disagree....
Wait, we don't have to agree on all the things?
9:47 AM
@PraveenKumar That's nothing to do with a meal of worms that Klingon's eat!
@PraveenKumar kill it with fire
@JonClements Klingon who? :P
@Gimby Killing now!
@PraveenKumar U no like jQuery?
@rene I like jQuery. I no like that Answer!
you can't have enough jQuery
9:50 AM
@rene I eat jQuery! :P
eat it with regexps
now we agree!!!
> I cant figure out what is wrong in my code im trying to make a jquery dropdown menu. I have enclosed my html, css and javascript. please take a look and help me out, thank you.
^ What's the problem? :O
@PraveenKumar seems like typo...
@PetterFriberg Yea...
9:53 AM
@PraveenKumar Typo
@PetterFriberg After seeing the answe I understood. Changing it.
@PraveenKumar Typo
@Tunaki Don't train. Updated it. #TrainFail.
You're making typo
@PraveenKumar Typo
9:54 AM
@PetterFriberg Kill all bots!
Bots killing themselves?
@Tunaki LoL

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