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@rene, I cannot judge that on laravel;)
@rene, but thanks :)
@SmokeDispenser Same here
Thanks... have you cleared stared messages or it it just not loading....for me...
@SmokeDispenser you could ask on meta or in a laravel chatroom if we have those
all right. my 20 suggested edits are done. good night and happy eventing :)
@SmokeDispenser Hi! (do we agree :))
sounds like a chat room for bugs
(as I'm of no help:))
I disagree.
@SmokeDispenser Night!
@SmokeDispenser Night!
@Tunaki inorite?
@PetterFriberg, on saying hi? no, I'm leaving;)
@SmokeDispenser Night
@Closey start event
@Closey start event
@Mogsdad One day, I'll have to ask what that really means.
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
I hit an error while trying to run 'Start Event':
0: Unable to post message
at SOCVR.Chatbot.Extensions.PostMessageOrThrow (ChatExchangeDotNet.Room chatRoom, System.Object message) <0x41c57e90 + 0x0004f> in <filename unknown>:0
at SOCVR.Chatbot.Sede.SedeAccessor.GetTags (ChatExchangeDotNet.Room chatRoom, System.String email, System.String password) <0x41c5eca0 + 0x000d7> in <filename unknown>:0
at SOCVR.Chatbot.ChatbotActions.Commands.Admin.StartEvent.RunAction (ChatExchangeDotNet.Message incomingChatMessage, ChatExchangeDotNet.Room chatRoom) <0x41c5c6a0 + 0x00223> in <filename unknown>:0
10217 need review
1568 reviews today
3157375 reviews all-time
lol, have nice evening....
god damn it rene
The tags to work on are: , , .
rene made Closey fail!
@gunr2171 waves
@Tunaki I know, right?
well, let that error go, can't do much about it
all right. happy bot repairing and than happy eventing :)
lets stop programming and just moderate....
@Tunaki inorite?
@SmokeDispenser have a nice evening
@SmokeDispenser Go to bed. Right now.
@SmokeDispenser ^ inorite
@Tunaki, it's 21:00. nope.
But I'll put the laptop away now.
@gunr2171 I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@BhargavRao Is this too broad? stackoverflow.com/review/close/11595518
@rene I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
So when are we going to get a Reopeney bot? :-D
If you want to use closey for reviews, we started with a fresh database, so re-register yourself.
@TylerH For doing what?
@Closey commands
@Tunaki Here is a list of commands you have permission to run:
add [user id] to [group name] - Manually adds a user to the given permission group.
alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
approve request [#] - Approves a pending permission request.
commands - Shows this list.
help - Prints info about this software.
membership - Shows a list of all permission groups, and the members in those permission groups.
reject request [#] - Rejects a pending permission request.
remove [user id] from [group name] - Manually removes a user from the given permission group.
@Closey request permission to reviewer
@Tunaki Sorry, I don't understand that. Did you mean request permission to reviewer?
@Tunaki I've created request #1 to get you in the Reviewer group.
@Closey approve request 1
@Gunr The following is a list of users requesting access to a permission group.
 | Request # | Display Name | User Id | Requesting | Requested At            |
 | 1         | Tunaki       | 1743880 | Reviewer   | 2016-03-11 20:09:14 UTC |
@gunr2171 @Tunaki has been added to the Reviewer group.
All right, let's continue.
@Tunaki I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@Tunaki Hey wait wait
@Closey request permission to reviewer
@PetterFriberg I've created request #2 to get you in the Reviewer group.
@BhargavRao I skipped.
That was the bug question I took 20 mins to review.
It is a bug in pycap.
You could answer it :D
Nope, The bug isn't resolved. (afaik)
@Closey approve request 2
@rene @PetterFriberg has been added to the Reviewer group.
@Tunaki Go with NOT REPRODUCIBLE. I did a mistake github.com/kbandla/dpkt/issues/226 ... Found it
@Closey request permission to reviewer
@Ferrybig I've created request #3 to get you in the Reviewer group.
@Closey approve request 3
@gunr2171 @Ferrybig has been added to the Reviewer group.
@PetterFriberg I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@Ferrybig I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Edited before it's closed :P
@BhargavRao You could comment with the bug that says "cannot reproduce"
@Closey request permission to reviewer
@BhargavRao I've created request #4 to get you in the Reviewer group.
@Closey approve request 4
@gunr2171 @BhargavRao has been added to the Reviewer group.
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[close] [turtle]"
so everyone knows, anyone in the reviews group can approve or reject a request for the reviewer's group.
Danke @gunr2171 I'll start from tomo :-)
(with a 1 day delay)
Bye all o/
@gunr2171 Ha
Cya o/
@Sam For Reopen reviewing queue :-P
(I was joking, btw)
@Closey membership
@TylerH Current users in permission groups:
    gunr2171 (1043380)
    Sam (2246344)
    rene (578411)
    NathanOliver (4342498)
    Tiny Giant (4639281)
    Andrew Cheong (925913)
    durron597 (1768232)
    Dukeling (1711796)
    Tunaki (1743880)
    Petter Friberg (5292302)
    Ferrybig (1542723)
    Bhargav Rao (4099593)

    gunr2171 (1043380)
    Sam (2246344)
    rene (578411)
    NathanOliver (4342498)
    Tiny Giant (4639281)
    Andrew Cheong (925913)
    durron597 (1768232)
    Dukeling (1711796)
@Closey request permission to reviewer
hey this looks nice
@TylerH I've created request #5 to get you in the Reviewer group.
@Closey request permission to reviewer
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I've created request #6 to get you in the Reviewer group.
@Closey approve request 5
@gunr2171 @TylerH has been added to the Reviewer group.
@Closey approve request 6
@gunr2171 @FélixGagnon-Grenier has been added to the Reviewer group.
should have rejected that one...
Tunaki passed a audit!
: )
@Closey next 5 tags
@gunr2171 The next 5 tags are: 34, 29, 28, 27, 26
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
excel, this is going to be fun
Petter passed a audit!
Gunr passed an audit!
NOTE: Their are many question for review in
15 minute delay though
Félix passed a audit!
@Tunaki You've reviewed 40 posts today (1 of which was an audit), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 16 minutes and 1 second, averaging to a review every 24 seconds.
Awesome Closey
There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[close] [turtle]"
Gunr passed a audit!
@Closey current review stats
@Tunaki Sorry, I don't understand that. Did you mean stats?
Hum no I don't think I meant that. Let me get back to you.
"reviews today"
@Closey reviews today
@Tunaki You've reviewed 39 posts today (1 of which was an audit). The time between your first and last review today was 16 minutes and 2 seconds, averaging to a review every 24 seconds.
Thanks :D
@Closey reviews today
@PetterFriberg You've reviewed 25 posts today (1 of which was an audit). The time between your first and last review today was 18 minutes and 38 seconds, averaging to a review every 44 seconds.
Hmm, I need to speed up only 1/2 your speed Tuna..
Feb 19 '15 at 16:34, by gunr2171
Disclaimer: The CV Chat room does not encourage excessively fast review times, especially if it sacrifices accuracy.
^ that
@TylerH I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@Closey total reviews today
@gunr2171 Today, 7 members have reviewed a total of 152 items.
 | User                 | Review Items Today |
 | Tunaki               | 39                 |
 | gunr2171             | 32                 |
 | Petter Friberg       | 27                 |
 | rene                 | 23                 |
 | Ferrybig             | 18                 |
 | Félix Gagnon-Grenier | 12                 |
 | TylerH               | 1                  |
@PetterFriberg besides, the record is like 5 seconds avg
@Mogsdad why?
Spam - Exists only to promote a product or service
> If you are still have this issue I would like to chat with you regarding the service offerings we have here at thinQ.
Its @Mogsdad fault he is reporting stuff while I'm reviewing....
@SterlingArcher Thanks! :)
Hi @Undo - finally, all my choices are mods!
....and out of close votes
@Closey reviews today
@gunr2171 You've reviewed 38 posts today (2 of which were audits). The time between your first and last review today was 31 minutes and 7 seconds, averaging to a review every 49 seconds.
@Undo I'm really glad I held on to hope
@Closey reviews today
@PetterFriberg You've reviewed 34 posts today (1 of which was an audit). The time between your first and last review today was 26 minutes and 38 seconds, averaging to a review every 47 seconds.
You have no more close votes today; come back in 3 hours.
@gunr2171 TIL gunr2171 was close to becoming Darth Vader
: ) that was when Undo lost the election
he was my first choice
Félix passed a audit!
@gunr2171 Still kinda unreal. Got an email in the morning, got the diamond not three hours later. Stuff happens fast.
If you go on a spree of mercilessly deleting accounts, try not to laugh maniacally
@Undo I'm glad they e-mail users before making the change
I am done reviewing out of clove votes, instead of max 40 reviews. How to state this to closey?
@TylerH Well, it would be weird waking up and discovering you've just become a moderator, just like that.
@Ferrybig No need to, Closey understands it.
@Ferrybig you don't need to. Reviews are stored by UTC day, so "today's" reviews are locked
and tomorrow will be different
@Tunaki I agree
bad explanation, hope you understand that
@Closey commands
@PetterFriberg Here is a list of commands you have permission to run:
add [user id] to [group name] - Manually adds a user to the given permission group.
alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
approve request [#] - Approves a pending permission request.
audit stats - Shows stats about your recorded audits.
commands - Shows this list.
current tag - Get the tag that has the most amount of manageable close queue items from the SEDE query.
help - Prints info about this software.
membership - Shows a list of all permission groups, and the members in those permission groups.
Yep, we understood that tomorrow will be a differnet day than today
@Closey audit stats
@PetterFriberg Stats of all tracked audits by tag:
 | Tag Name | %   | Count |
 | java     | 100 | 1     |
@TylerH Yeah. I'd probably have had a heart attack if I'd just shown up one day and there's a diamond on my profile. There was enough adrenaline involved with the email route...
Poor Undo no more review que..., flagging etc..
@Tunaki The one thing that's always coming but never arrives.
Every decision gets kind of final....
Hey, @TylerH... does this look familiar?
@Mogsdad delted by owner
Poor Tyler can't see it. Or are you teasing? :D
@Closey reviews today
@TylerH Sorry, I don't understand that. Maybe you meant reviews today <details>.
@Tunaki Hmm. Guess I'm not getting that flag, then.
@TylerH You've reviewed 15 posts today. The time between your first and last review today was 16 minutes and 26 seconds, averaging to a review every 1 minute and 5 seconds.
@Mogsdad I can't see that answer :-(
yes, that looks just like the code from my answer there :-P
except they used width: 170px; instead of width: 70px;
@FélixGagnon-Grenier You've reviewed 39 posts today (2 of which were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 34 minutes and 22 seconds, averaging to a review every 52 seconds.
so must be drunk
11 CVs cast outside of the queue already, possibly
2 of which were audits
37 real + 2 audits = 39 reviews
it still won't allow me to continue, honest
It was 39 for me too but that's because I wasn't registered for my first review.
so is that 39 number real or did you really do 40?
it might have missed the first review, true
@Closey reviews today
@Ferrybig You've reviewed 36 posts today. The time between your first and last review today was 27 minutes and 34 seconds, averaging to a review every 45 seconds.
Maybe he did a review at the beginning of the UTC day?
Its also off-by-one for me
did you do one review before signing up with the bot?
I did 40. And did 1 review before being added to the reviewer group.
Tyler passed a audit!
That may be the case for me
@gunr2171, why is smokey answering automatically to Felix and Tuna but not to me and Ferrybig...
hum... I'm not exactly sure, I was somewhat drunk when getting back home yesterday, I might have done a review
@Closey add 5292302 to reviewer
@gunr2171 Petter Friberg is already in the Reviewer group.
or three, as it stands
@PetterFriberg what are you trying to do? review or run commands?
@PetterFriberg Smokedetector or closey?
yeah, my history shows three reviews yesterday, I guess I did
oh, you need to be on the SmokeDetector's permission list.
Rene passed an audit!
@Closey reviews today
@Tunaki You've reviewed 39 posts today (1 of which was an audit). The time between your first and last review today was 16 minutes and 2 seconds, averaging to a review every 24 seconds.
Sorry closey... at the end of cv to Tuna and Felix it seemed like it responded automatically
that's controlled by Undo and team
This must be wrong then. I reviewed 40, one of which was an audit.
I'd say the wording is wrong
@Closey do notice that my username is rene and not Rene
@Closey Check this, seems auto response (I did not have this)
s/1 of which was an/and 1
@rene Sorry, I don't understand that. Maybe you meant add [user id] to [group name].
@Closey reviews today
@Undo You've reviewed 0 posts today.
I think it's wrong
@Tunaki well I'll keep the bot running, tomorrow we can see if the number is wrong again
Yeah you made 41.
infinite close votes and he does 0. tsk, tsk.
@Undo you're not registered yet
@rene How would one go about registering?
request permission to reviewer
@Undo say that ^ to closey
@Closey request permission to reviewer
@Undo I've created request #7 to get you in the Reviewer group.
@rene You've reviewed 39 posts today (1 of which was an audit), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 56 minutes and 58 seconds, averaging to a review every 1 minute and 27 seconds.
@Closey approve request 7
@Tunaki You need to be in the Reviewer group for at least 1 days before you can process requests.
@gunr2171 No I meant closey... it seemed like when Tuna and Felix ended reviewing they had auto response.... I can not find this for me and Ferry
@Closey Pluralisation bug!
@Closey approve request 7
@rene @Undo has been added to the Reviewer group.
Undo can really review.... , that seems strange...
@Undo You'll be watched now ...
@Undo Looks like you need to do another batch of 41 now :D
@PetterFriberg uh, weird. Ping me when you review again and I'll keep an eye on it
@Closey total reviews today
@gunr2171 Today, 7 members have reviewed a total of 248 items.
 | User                 | Review Items Today |
 | Félix Gagnon-Grenier | 40                 |
 | rene                 | 40                 |
 | Tunaki               | 39                 |
 | gunr2171             | 38                 |
 | Ferrybig             | 36                 |
 | Petter Friberg       | 34                 |
 | TylerH               | 21                 |
drats, undo did 41 beforehand
=( Closey registered 39 for me.
Did you hit an audit @rene?
@Undo if you ever not want to be tracked, run opt-out.
@Tunaki yes, 1
@gunr2171 meh. Oversight isn't a bad thing.
just saying. As a mod you probably don't want to get random pings from chat
but the bot will only ping you if you are in the room
"hi I need to convert this excel '95 code to work in excel 2010"
Well the good news is probably no changes are needed, the bad news is, it could break at any time...
@gunr2171 Do I need to be re-re-registered to be tracked by Closey?
Tyler passed a audit!
@Closey add 1677912 to reviewer
@gunr2171 I've added @Mogsdad to the Reviewer group.
OK, it is a persistent user though
Hello \o
drats, should have said "world"
Well, out of all teh things. Time to hit the road. So... my eyes are off the NATO stream.
Do we know if someone is still there?
have a nice trip \o
Hello everyone, Not sure but is this a chat room to discuss external site reviews?
@TylerH You've reviewed 40 posts today (2 of which were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 49 minutes and 19 seconds, averaging to a review every 1 minute and 13 seconds.
@Stuart we only deal with Stack Overflow, if that's what you mean.
@Stuart Hello! What do you mean by "external site reviews"?
sorry about that
@Stuart do you mean scrapers?
Such as looking at a site I put together and providing input
or put another way... Discussing a site I built
@toskv Hi...
hey Peter
Maybe a CSS/Html room, or the technology you are using?
@Stuart No, this room isn't a good fit for that
I won't be voting tonight.. I had a couple of beers and I don't think it's advisable to drink and vote
Ok, Thanks @rene
@gunr2171 are they open for that?
@rene no idea, I'd check with them
Later guys
@toskv "you get an upvote! and you get an upvote! everybody gets an upvote!" <-- yeah we don't need that:P
@rene depends on who's in there
he's been rude in the HTML/CSS/Web Design room in the psat
Oh, Ok, we're done then
@toskv I had some wine... just go slow and read twice... : )
@AndrasDeak I'll just drunkely respond to questions.. that's way better.. 'You've got to.. uhm.. burp... fix the thing.. gotta write it better.. burp.."
@toskv *"MORON"
But yes typically if anyone is looking for a room for such things, the HTML/CSS/WebDesign room will at least entertain such questions
@toskv I would love to see an entire meta thread where people were like that
You could start one.
Lets have some wine first... Tuna do you offer...
well.. I'd definitely like to see an April fool's joke from SO where all posts were transformed to something Rick from Rick and Morty would say
Oh dear. There are drunk people in this room, I'd better go somewhere else. The club sounds favourite - Rev. James and a good band on tonite.
@TylerH they've also been doing that in php's room
@MartinJames it's ok, I have to retire soon :)
@toskv I wonder what'll be the April's Fool best question this year.
oh.. I have one..
about prayer or projecting love affecting CPU operations
@toskv I've not had a drink in two days - I need to fix it immediate!
Last year (or was it the year before?) there was an excellent question about inputing an image of code into gcc.
that sounds like something fun..
@Closey status
SOCVR Chatbot, running at nagato v2 docker, version 51944012 on master, running for 1 hour, 30 minutes and 54 seconds (tracking latency 1942ms).
Does anyone know a good duplicate(PHP) when people try to output stuff with < in it and then asking, why they don't see it?
But PHP...
@Tunaki did the answer involve Milla Jovovich?
@AndrasDeak Maybe one of them, can't remember. I know the accepted one had a real serious tone, quoting the standard and everything.
@Tunaki Yeah.. just get another beer in and imagine it doesn't exist for a night.
@Rizier123 this or this?
@gunr2171 Okay, thanks have to remember them :)
no problem
the start of that OP comment could be derogatory
@SmokeDispenser oh and just for the future, we try not to use "gimme teh codez" as a close reason. Trying to be professional here.
@gunr2171, ay ay :)
It could be that.
oh, mabye
And yes, my line was down for all of that.
@gunr2171, That is why I flagged the comment as offensive.
@gunr2171 but that does not help the quality of the question :)
@SmokeDispenser ok. Don't know if you're going to get it for only the first 2 words.
@gunr2171 Played factorio the whole time. :D
@gunr2171, the offended user even deleted her answer when she saw the comment.
I think to then post the answer
I'm guessing though
@Closey status
SOCVR Chatbot, running at nagato v2 docker, version 51944012 on master, running for 1 hour, 52 minutes and 10 seconds (tracking latency 1942ms).
ook, question answered! time to go to bed! Have a nice evening.
@toskv Sleep well

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