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what's with links in comments on meta?
it just won't link for me...
@Rob are you around yet?
Small victories are nice!
@Mogsdad We need to remember that one for at least a year, until we have a new one :P
Seems like a really major improvement for the wiki: stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/11458596
@Mogsdad link rot. I like!
It's more than link rot though. It is delete rot of the Answer.
@Rizier123 but that wiki...dear god what is that:D
oh, it's , figures
@kayess Stephen, a Gold, showed up and chatted in the Campaigns room. Perhaps he will be available for dupe hammer review. Thx.
@AndrasDeak, and any other <10K users interested in watching for non-answer posts: try this query. It's just all answers, newest first, including those on new questions. (So it's a bit noisier than the NATO tool, which focuses on questions > 30d old.)
@Mogsdad thanks!:)
only 18M results
Get busy!
@LynnCrumbling Red Rose review requested :p
I forget. More than one NAA doesn't matter. Also, more like, what do you guys think of this question.
ah, I see
nevermind then
from the faq: Not an Answer (NaA) and Very Low Quality (VLQ) flag requests are not allowed here*; a mod will see them anyway, and the amount of flags on a post has no bearing on the action they take.
Of course, I've obviously read all that
with my human eyes
I haven't. I am now.
> * Requests to re-flag a post are allowed; only if the previous flag was invalidated due to an edit.
this confused me
I seem to have only read the second half of that section...
oh, and thanks for the heads up
I enjoyed reading it. It re-inforces the feed the roomba concept.
roomba has a lot of work, needs a lot of food
Need 1 more: 1 2 3 4
@TinyGiant Bug in Unclosed Review Request script... on page 5 of results, no stats are shown. Console: "TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
at Function.keys (native)"
@Mogsdad re #2: does unclear still apply if there's an accepted answer...?
I am already on #2 prior .. I am happy to close a poor question with no OP feedback regardless of Answer status.
@AndrasDeak If the question is unclear, then yes. (Other options: if comments or the answer provides info that could clarify the answer, you can edit the question. Or leave a comment to the OP.) That one, though, is unlikely to help anyone else, so closing it is no great loss. The OP got the help they wanted.
BTW... those questions are all from the Unclosed Review Requests... they are the oldest with 4 votes, surrounded by lots of questions that have had all votes aged off. Sad.
@Mogsdad not enough pitchforks
Or just too many bad posts!
@Pang ok yeah, that needs to be deleted. also shame on the person who put an answer
Hey guys - is it just me or is there a good reason why this is closed?
@gunr2171 dat tag though...
well this is the original close reason:
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because homework questions should show at least an attempt at a solution. — Hovercraft Full Of Eels yesterday
reading the rest....
@Zizouz212 I only know that if I would be versed in java, I would've voted to close due to lack of proper problem specification (no MCVE)
and that ----------------------------------------------------------------------------^
Yes. Of course. Lousy reason too. Didn't we get rid of minimal understanding? I mean, it may not be a good question, but there's nothing wrong scope-wise that I see.
(I've seen it and skipped due to not being obvious enough to a layman)
the phrase "off-topic" doesn't always mean what you think it means at face value
it's complicated
@gunr2171 I agree
for instance, bunch of people flip a coin for no-mcve vs too broad when faced with a "code plz" question
Maybe I should've said it was not "close-worthy"
I have to say I can't blame them
ok, so for the question, it boils down to "here is some code, I need to write a constructor that does X, Y, and Z. How do I do that?"
Well, it seems they don't even know what a constructor is
and people in the comments were calling out that "you have not made an attempt at a constructor"
@gunr2171 and it's not "this is what I've tried to do myself". Right?
@AndrasDeak I understand the arguments for "no MVCE", HOWEVER, I actually going to say this is borderline enough to not be closed
I mean, he's shown that he wrote a good amount of code, but doesn't get the concept of the constructor. If the question was really closed because he didn't know what a constructor is, that's basically minimal understanding, which is something we got rid of, right?
I'm not going to vote to reopen, but I would not vote to close
@gunr2171 sound plausible. If it was clear-cut, I might have voted on it myself.
also, what's the deal with the answers?
@Zizouz212 for the record, we don't actually know how much was given to the students, and how much is their own work
the 0 vote answer looks fine
@AndrasDeak But how much of a factor should that be in closure?
@AndrasDeak doesn't matter. Does the post contain enough information to solve the problem? period.
Has anyone seen a version of the autocomment script that works for custom flags?
OK, I might be cynical a bit. But again, I'm mostly playing devil's advocate here, as I also didn't find the post clearly close-worthy
@Mogsdad no
rolls up sleeves
@Mogsdad I think I've seen something like that... Don't know where. Doorknob's probably got one.
I confess that to me, it matters a lot if the asker actually made an effort, and is only dense to succeed
@Mogsdad well, if you don't want to work on that, I've got another thing you can work on....
@JarrodRoberson ok ok, THAT is a homework question
in contrast to what we have been talking about
All that has been posted is a program description. However, we need you to ask a question. We can't be sure what you want from us. Please edit your post to include a valid question that we can answer. Reminder: make sure you know what is on-topic here, asking us to write the program for you and suggestions are off-topic. — gunr2171 7 secs ago
@gunr2171 Um. You might need to visit HR. ;^)
NOOOO! blocked again!
human resources?
don't make me ask you to come in on Saturday
@AndrasDeak Oh. All you working people :P
@Zizouz212 don't look at me, I'm at a university
(well, researching and teaching, but no HR)
@gunr2171 did the boss show up eventually?
@AndrasDeak guess
Alright :) I'm still in high school
@gunr2171 yes, and he brought waffles to apologize.
@AndrasDeak dead wrong
you couldn't be any more wrong
life's unfair:(
a fantastic amount of wrong
life's a b*tch and then you die
:D Good thing that I'm the cynical here
@AlexanderO'Mara -1 disagree, not too broad. perfectly fine question
Already answered own question, but still
waffles waffles waffles
@gunr2171 Edit history stays forever :)
@Drew Yet? What do you mean?
What's up?
I had and have more batches avail in hive
batch046 count=13 cv4 is in the beehive
just pinged it. 10 are still open
Half of those I'd voted on in the wild yesterday heh
Morning :)
batch047 count=11 is in the beehive
@Zizouz212 Doorknob came through!
in Rust, 19 mins ago, by Doorknob
@Mogsdad Yep, I wrote that script, in fact. ;) https://github.com/KeyboardFire/stackexchange-quickcomment2
@Shadow thats a pretty crappy dupe target ><
@Mogsdad I find all those hardcore code golfers intimidating like hell
@AndrasDeak I can't imagine why. They put their pants on one leg at a time, like normal people. Well - they write software for machines that put their pants on...
@Mogsdad no, that's what a lot of people here do. They write software which writes languages that can be used to tell the machines which pants to choose from the wardrobe.
I'm better than those people. I don't wear pants.
Yep. Just a big setup to get gunr to admit he doesn't wear pants. Well played, team.
@ShamasS Gone with Unclear
@Tushar yeah, either goes.
@cimmanon agre to disagree. There are dozens of other topics to choose from if you do not like that particular one
@Shadow its fine, its just... a question that old, youd expect there to be at least one quality/highly upvoted answer ><
also, you dont see all of the deleted answers i see. half of the answers on that question have been deleted.
3 of them were by the same person
I think they were having trouble with editing
the oldest answer is a link-only turd, #2 is a "lol, just generate a table with all of the dates" (grr, there is a commit strip comic that does this, but i cant find it now)
@cimmanon feel free to suggest another one when you cast your vote
i already cast my vote
There is now
@Rizier123 look at this
I hope that is a good thing :P
that comment though
@MsYvette Maybe I can catch up to the "user" with 231 dv-ratio :D
@Rizier123 community? :D I was shocked by this
No shock to me.
It is reflective of the pettiness of human beings and the inability to set aside personal bias for the sake of truth
i.e. reflective of honest voting
I would have expected the community user to have an stack integer overflow ratio
batch048 count=14 is in the beehive
@JarrodRoberson It ended up getting deleted, after all :)
@StephenMuecke dupe hammer? stackoverflow.com/q/35472829
@StephenMuecke dupe hammer? stackoverflow.com/q/35475608
@cimmanon interesting, the comment of my close vote, with dupe link didn't appear under the question..
Hi! :)
A user named Yury wrote an answer. He mentioned a part of Android called "ShutdownThread". I have suggested an edit which does nothing except for changing the word "ShutdownThread" into a link.
But, so far, reviewers seem to think that my edit "deviates from the original intent of the post" and "makes no sense as an edit; it should have been written as a comment or an answer".
How is this possible?
I feel that the canned rejection reasons chosen by the reviewers are rather vague, and may not actually apply.
batch049 count=8 cv3 jailbreak (in 2 days) is in the beehive
@unforgettableid Thanks. Yes, it is frustrating. We will take a look
@MsYvette Any thoughts on what unforg said above,
@unforgettableid it's not your place to add material not provided by the original author of the post, as well intentioned as it may be. If you need to you an add the link as a comment under the post. Or post a separate answer if you have details from the link you'd like to add.
32 min ago, rejected .... 37 min ago pending ...... So 2 attempts on same Question
@Drew One attempt edits the question; one edits an answer.
@MsYvette The relevant help article in the help center specifically says that adding hyperlinks is a valid reason for editing. Is the help article wrong?
@MsYvette Somehow I'm a bit happy that I'm in this list, hopefully that doesn't make me a bad person.
@unforgettableid I'm really not going to debate my interpretation of the help center with you. Reviewers are free to reject or approve edits on there merits. There was no need to add the link. You brought it in here and it gained attention of people and now you need to accept the consequences of that.
@MsYvette I agree with you that the answer was fine without the link. I still do believe that it's even better with the link, even though you don't. :)
@Rizier123 it means you're upsetting the idiots.. people who vote according to personal feelings, not on merit
@unforgettableid that is not the purpose of suggesting edits, it's to improve the format, as opposed to the content. And 3/3 reviewers agreed on that.
@unforgettableid Often the reviewers error on the side of caution. When in doubt, reject. And the canned reasons are not a blast to read. Been on that end. All of us have.
Cause if that link is wrong, egg all over other peoples' faces.
If I was forced to either accept or reject, I would reject. Why, because I am not spending 10 minutes fishing around. And risk being wrong.
It doesn't matter even if you are right :p
@unforgettableid One thing you have to think about if you do an edit right now, since you don't have full edit privilege yet is: There are at least 3 people which spend time to review your suggested edit. So you always want to think about if it is a good edit and if it really improves the post.
@Drew —
A) It doesn't take 10 minutes to verify that the link is right. Maybe 1 or 2 minutes. :)
B) Even if the link is wrong, everyone can see that the post was edited by me. So it isn't an embarrassment to the original answerer; it's an embarrassment to me instead.
The thing I don't like is when someone asks for guidance and gets and explanation and then argues with you. I was one of the rejecting editors and gave my reason more clearly than the canned responses here and yet there's still debate. If you want to get on in the site with suggested edits, I recommend you don't add links when they're not already there. My opinion
comment above seconded.
@unforgettableid You need to remember those reviewers are not Android programmers. I was wrong. 30 minutes for them.
I'm watching a movie with my Dad :D will be back later.
@Rizier123 —
In this case, I was thinking of bundling multiple changes into one, but decided to be cautious and do the first change first, then wait for review.
Why? Because this site (unlike Wikipedia, where I got started) has a cumbersome process for approving or rejecting edits. (Wikipedia has a much-nimbler process for reviewing edits.) If one of my changes was unacceptable, I didn't want the other change to be rejected along with it too.
But you're right. Maybe I should instead have done the whole edit all at once.
@Drew I'm not an Android programmer either! Just an Android user. I clicked the link and looked at code comments in the linked .java file.
Here is a rule of thumb. If the reviewer can't casually glance at the before and after, and love it, it is rejected. If you add links, and you are not lucky with the random pool of editors, or if they are uncomfortable with the link, or if they had a bad day at work, blah blah blah, you are doomed.
@Drew oh :( still, good to know.
@unforgettableid Also good to know is I tried to see some of your answers to maybe reward you for you efforts. There are 3. Two are community wiki, and the other one is a question and self answer for a thing that is a resource request that could get deleted. So, gosh. idk
@Drew Thank you for trying! I'm not very active here. I'm more active on Android.SE.
@unforgettableid In any case, if you believe the edit should go through, you can make it again. Alternatively, you can leave a comment to the author suggesting they include that change. I personally would have accepted the edit, but that's because I filter suggested edits to my area of expertise (C#) so I can be sure the edits actually make sense
@Rob nah. I give up on that edit, I think. But thank you for the ideas; maybe I will do them for future edits.
Could y'all please look at this second suggested edit? It adds no links. :) It's mostly copyediting.
I'm out of votes for today, so can't help out
as if someone is answering this stackoverflow.com/q/35726371
Anyway, thanks for all the feedback, dear all and dear @MsYvette! I'm going soon. Have a good night.
@Tushar User removed from blacklist (4088209 on stackoverflow.com).
@Drew apt-get install haproxy
like anyone is going to write that 3 page load balancing support once getting married to that question
too broad / unclear stackoverflow.com/q/35734844
At the guys here: stackoverflow.com/q/11753237/3933332 vtc as POB?
Good morning closing people
this is spam and needs a nuke
batch154 count=12 cv3,4 is in the beehive
stackoverflow.com/a/35738768/2025923 SPAM still breathing, few more flags.
Something is wrong on the internet! How did this got an upvote?!
@Rizier123 This keeps happening on Meta. Maybe someone else is getting Meta vs. non-Meta mixed up?
Probably just missed the dv button.
This use goes to town with his "broken link" edits: stackoverflow.com/users/4105359/sevle?tab=activity&sort=all
Hey @TinyGiant
Long time no see
@Magisch Use postgone when the user has not been deleted.
yesterday, by rene
SPAM deleted? Use sd gone (postgone is no longer needed, ). Not SPAM? Use sd f and sd remove.
Oh, why the change?
To confuse you :)
Hey @TheLostMind sorry, I wasn't in the room, just browsing NATO.
@AlexanderO'Mara Undo was working on a page for Madara to list all users that still exist while the posts are gone that have been tp'd. My guess is that he succeeded, and now Madara just nukes them all so it isn't necessary anymore.
Probably also why we don't tp anything other than pure spam anymore.
@TheLostMind Yeah, my CVRG script allows me to send messages to the room while I'm not in here. I shouldn't do it, but sometimes I do.
@TinyGiant - Nice :)
@AlexanderO'Mara Nah, it's a google-apps-script question.
Google Apps Script is not JavaScript, even though it shares a similar syntax. I recommend reading Extend Google Docs, Sheets, and Forms with Apps Script from the google help. That said, this question is far too broad for Stack Overflow, as well as it is very unclear what you're asking for, and what you're trying to achieve. — Tiny Giant 1 min ago
I'm off to bed. Talk to you guys tomorrow.
@Rizier123 - now :P
Morning. o/
@Tunaki About your meta. I think a big reason for the non abating torrent of sewage is that NATO is 10k+ only. I see no reason for that but because of that, I rarely if ever flag non-spam stuff on a daily basis, because I don't come across it usually.
@MsYvette o/
is it my imagination or is this NAA?
@MsYvette Thats not NAA
thats a very bad accepted self answer to a very bad and broad question, but not NAA
@Magisch sometimes things are so ridiculous I think I'm losing my mind!
@Magisch already voted! :D
@MsYvette Thats not worth blacklisting the user over
its an astoundingly bad question yes, but not that kind of bad
@MsYvette nvm I misread that
^ needs coffee
@Magisch ah k.. :) answered a meta Q if you'd like to look and give me your ten cents ;)
3 posts on unrelated questions with spammy nature. 1 Includes his email adress
Feb 23 at 21:05, by rene
Let me be clear: We moderate posts, not users! See the FAQ
good mornings
@TimCastelijns There is a smokey-allspam command to report spammers quickly
I wanna know if thats appropiate here
I'm basically there to derail whaterver topic you would be having. I hope you don't mind
Thats what I mean by "smokebomb"
This looks alot like spam: stackoverflow.com/questions/28258575/… report?
so obviously I miss some basic trooling skills
We are already derailed, don't bother
I'll happily join the derailment
hy i'm stack programmer and learner
only good programmer can add me
skype dr.dd0s
i need friends
obviously yeah, there are some here
There is no rail
but what about the wagon then?
@AmeerHamza this is not facebook, we don't do friend requests
@Magisch Now with an all new answer block!
@MadaraUchiha Did you nuke the user?
@Magisch Deleting all of his answers was enough to trigger an automatic answer ban
Welp, thats that then I guess
so... yeah, he did
Hes also smoke bombed now so if he does stuff again smokey will know
o/ @Kyll
cabbages. oh wait
Plop @Kyll
@rene Dumb question, when should we use sd postgone instead of sd gone? Is this command any useful now?
Plop @Kyll
Yay got loads of Meta rep with my FR!
Hiya o/
Hello fishy
@Tunaki Plop
I commented on your meta tun
Yeah I saw. And I agree with you: the current tools would need to be expanded
Petition to call meta posts by tunaki "Meta fish" from now on
@Drew Yeah it seems ok, not a great question... (help debug...) but hey problem is clear lot of effort in question.... so guess what I answered : ), swinging some...
But until they are, we should restrict ourselves to flagging what really needs to be flagged. There's no harm in raising "only" 20 flags per day
@Kyll congrats you got exactly 0 rep for that :p
Blatant spam
Oh right, gone. Forgot.
Still ninja'd all you
And someone vtc'ed it, damnit
I got @Kyll'd
I wish I had any kind of on that FR
@PetterFriberg closed
@PetterFriberg Writing comment...
@Magisch thanks for linking me here. Yet, w/ my rep, I'm probably not quite useful here ;)
Aaaand commented
@JanGreve Plop and welcome! Rest assured than we use welcome everyone here as long as you're motivated to help in our shared moderation efforts =D
There's loads of ways to help, you can check our FAQ and Team page on the right
@JanGreve You can always participate in flagging and editing and flagging spam
This room is about moderation as a group effort in general, and although we do have close events, everyone over 1k is welcome. Read our FAQ for more info :)

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