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@TinyGiant OK, Python selected
You are correct, that is way off.
Upvoted, looks like a bug
@TinyGiant but you don't get it don't you? I mean, your rep is 10k+
For me, is off by 2, is off by 1, off by 2.
Nope, mine hasn't updated either.
@TinyGiant OK, so my point in the Meta is wrong. Because so far I only got people < 10k not updated
@SmokeDetector Not sure if this is spam or just bad
the site is fishy but it may still be a honest attempt
dont blacklist that @Tushar
thats a legit user
with another legit answer and a legit profile
Its not spam, its a VLQ link only answer
Good morning by the way
It isn't VLQ, as it doesn't have severe content or formatting problems. It also isn't link only as it is an attempted answer even without the link. It does not warrant flags at all, but it is downvote worthy in my opinion.
Morning :)
I flagged this as excessive self promotion with a mod flag on friday, and its still up
any ideas on how to proceed?
@Ian Honestly, while your investigation is interesting, it's really pointless. Once a dev looks into it, it will probably be fairly obvious.
The entire account seems borderline-spam, certainly excessive self promotion and several answers of them are like that
@Magisch Not really worth a flag, downvote and move on. That's what delete votes are for.
Should I ping a moderator? Or just wait? Or raise a meta post?
I can pretty well guarantee you'll get a declined flag if you ping a moderator for it. Waiting is probably the best bet. It really isn't worth a meta post.
There are five deleted answers on that question, the answer is -1 scored and on the second page of answers. It isn't really causing any harm where it is.
It's a crappy low quality answer, that's about it.
As for that "link-only" answer, it isn't link only because of this:
> You have to manually enhance the mp3 file's bit rate.
Thats really just splitting hairs there, but alright
I guess you're right
NaA is all about splitting hairs.
@Magisch I'd flag that as spam, as well.
Get rid of the link, could it possibly be construed as an attempt to answer the question? If yes then it isn't NaA
@Cerbrus If you look at the user's post history, you can see its a normal (albeit completly a noob) user
I flagged it VLQ not NAA
I do believe its irredeemable in its current form unless the author tosses 99% of the content
I don't look at the user's history for spam flags though
Well VLQ isn't for link only answers.
@Cerbrus I do
if its a misguided link in an answer with no clear affiliation to the author and the author has other legit posts, I tend to comment and get them to fix it first
Just because a user posts normal answers, doesn't mean this one ain't spam
no use hitting a user that is legit trying with the nuclear option (spam deletion)
VLQ is for answers that have severe content or formatting problems. Emphasis on severe. Basically, if it is unintelligible to the point that you cannot tell whether or not it is an attempt to answer the question, then it is VLQ.
I tend to give users a chance to realise that what they're doing is bad and get rid of it before nuking them
Theoretically, you're right about VLQ
We had a guy on friday with a self-answer question that sounded like spam
we nuked it
and then found out the user was actually not trying to spam so a mod had to clean up
I use the spam flag very sparingly personally
@Magisch Okay, but in this case, the complete answer would have to be rewritten
@Cerbrus Yes, which is why I flagged it as VLQ
I want it to be deleted, but not as spam
getting a spam-nuke has severe implications beyond the 100 rep penalty
I don't really see the problem
If it's spam, it should be nuked as spam. Regardless of the other content the user has posted
Is it though
spam is unsolicited promotion of a product or service with the express intent on doing so (and the only intent)
If that user doesn't want to face the repercussions of a spam deletion, he shouldn't post spam in the first place.
otherwise any other link in an answer linking to a site with ads on it would be spam
That answer has way too much focus on the hosting site, and too little on a actual functional example
As far as we know its likely to be a noob who googled the problem and found that site
definately bad, but not spam imo
Notice how those arrows in there conveniently get close to a "New .coms only $10.99" title
Look at his profile name
It's his site
So if I use a site that I own as an example in a screenshot, that is automatically spam?
@Cerbrus oh that is definately unsavory
Even if I disclose my association to the site?
As a bad answer to a year old question
If you're excessively advertising the site in the answer, in your profile username etc, it's spam.
That doesn't sound like it is in the spirit of the spam flag.
Im not comfortable flagging that as spam, but I wont fault you for doing so
Tiny, did you look at the answer I just linked?
You're allowed to put your domain name in your username, profile, and avatar.
I custom flagged it for a mod to look at on friday
@Cerbrus Seen it, downvoted, moved on
The entire account though just looks like a company trying to mong advertisements into answers to promote
Low quality crap answer, nothing more, nothing less.
@Magisch This. Combined with an example that just reeks of advertising resulted in my spam flag
@Cerbrus I want to wait until a moderator deals with it
He could easily have written up a better example without the ads in there
But that nothing happened for 3 days now is a bummer
Weekend, @Magisch.
Many low quality posters could easily write much better answers than they write. It doesn't mean anything more than they tend to write low quality answers.
The answer just got deleted
@TinyGiant: The answer is full of his website.
This user has 3 answers, 2 promoting a commercial library
and its his own library even
Meh, doesn't really make it spam.
thats again a case where im not sure if its spam or just excessive self promotion
@Magisch The 3 questions those are on can all be closed
As too broad, or tool request
@KevinGuan in that case, it depends on the purpose for which you're looping the array.
Are you looping in order to create a new array after applying some operation on all the elements? use arr.map()
@TinyGiant A answer that's filled with images of a specific site that hardly comes close to answering the question isn't spam? (cc @MadaraUchiha)
Morning @MadaraUchiha
Are you looping in order to filter out some of the elements in the original array? Use .filter()
Are you looping to calculate some sort of accumulated value from all the values in the array? (i.e. sum an array of numbers), use .reduce()
Good morning everone
Are you looping to just perform some sort of action and not care about the result? .forEach()
Good morning @Ferrybig
The general looping mechanism for arrays in ES2015 is for..of
Also, morning :D
@MadaraUchiha can you take a look at the answer cerberus linked and the user in general
@Cerbrus It is an attempted answer, with some screenshots that are supposed to be visual aids, in which the user used their own site as an example. That just really doesn't seem like spam to me. It seems like a crap low quality answer on the second page of a question at the end of the answers list.
we're not sure if its spam or excessive self promotion
... or just plain low quality crap.
The entire user seems to be focused on answering questions where they can gain visibility for their business from
Either that, or they just like using their site as an example for their visual aids.
@Magisch Looking, thanks cc @Cerbrus
Thats why I want a moderator to make the call on that
im not making that call
Weird today either im lucky or they severely nerfed audit frequency
@madara I was just about to ask you about that, thanks.
@Magisch It depends on a lot of things like your previous audit passes / fails, the speed at which you review, etc.
I used to get at least 1 audit every 40 reviews
I've gone weeks without an audit before.
Im skipping alot more in the LQP today because there's alot of stuff I can't determine wether or not to delete strangely today
I mostly choose looks ok in the LQPRQ
90% of the stuff I see in there shouldn't have been flagged.
I think I do about 30% recommend deletion 70% looks OK
even though some of that stuff I really wish I wouldnt have to ok
so I click through and downvote it too
You don't have to click through to downvote, you can use Magic™
@TinyGiant for some reason clicking "raw" on that doesn't offer me to install it.
"What i have to do ???? [please post immediatly] and i tried but null is going to servlet....pls dont ask code and all."
Thats pretty arrogant imo
so this user knows how SO works but refuses to cooperate
@Magisch Weird, you can copy the contents into a new userscript in the dashboard though
That non-link-only answer tells you the functions that the user should look into, and happens to link to relevant documentation. Look at the first example of an answer here
When I review the low quality posts, I usually don't click look-ok often, for me its usually comment+recommended deletion or skip for the posts on the edge good/bad
@Ferrybig I'm just overly frustrated with how delete-happy everyone is in the LQPRQ. When it comes down to helpful / declined / disputed flags for other users, it warrants actually reviewing the post for whether or not it should have been flagged, not whether or not you think it should be deleted.
I usually skip those that I know will be recommended for deletion and deserve it, because they will undoubtedly be deleted.
There have been a large number of very short and/or code-only answers in the LQPRV lately. I wonder if those have actually been flagged, or if they were fed to the queue automatically due to being short. Can we blame Shog9?
@Ferrybig It's Magisch's fault.
@NisseEngström Nope, it's all Magisch's fault ^^
:29029301 Interestingly, the post was edited to contain what looked like a real answer, and then it disappeared a split second later.
@NisseEngström I rolled it back, was vandalism by the poster
@TinyGiant That makes sense.
@TinyGiant TBH many people misuse the VLQ queue heavily
Deleted by owner.
I got burned by an audit before for what was a legit answer getting spam nuked
@MadaraUchiha Ah, thanks for these. And morning :P
@Magisch many the majority of people misuse abuse the VLQ queue LQPRQ heavily constantly.
IMO, if you don't want to put forth the effort to actually review posts, you have no business reviewing posts.
Turbo waffles
@Magisch That's a good reason for a meta post.
@TinyGiant People want that badge
Pokemon Badges, gotta catch 'em all!
@TinyGiant I did, and a mod unbanned me (I had gotten a review ban for it) here: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/316891/…
@Magisch Seems like the necessary corrective action was taken.
Hiya o/
@Tunaki TunaCat o/
But it wasn't a train!
@Tunaki It was wrecked before I got to it.
hiya o/ nice to see the close vote queue so low
@user2314737 \o
@SmokeDetector not sure
sd remove- VLQ
@Tunaki today I learned that \o is the answer to o/
@Tuna there's a bunch of old q's with new poos in the recent requests queue, if you wanted to take a look through.
@user2314737 Yeah its a virtual High five
@TinyGiant Now that you have access to this tool, you'll spend all of your 50 CV in it :D
And yes, I did mean to rhyme four times there.
@Tunaki Hiya o/
@Tunaki Especially with my new script :)
@Magisch oh okay I thought it was just a hello/waving
@Magisch rejected
> Comment: now it is more interesting than before
@Magisch rejecturd
@TinyGiant Do you mean: rejectunaki'd?
Nah, tunaki was second, I was the final, and it was a turd, that I rejected. Reject + turd = rejecturd
whoa, bug
@TinyGiant Ah, okay.
@TinyGiant you didn't. I was the final one :)
Yes yes, you were ninja'd.
@Tunaki Look again, you were the second, I was the final.
wait, nvm
I'm an idiot
tempted to screenshot
I knew that would get starred
@Tunaki It's Ferrybig's fault.
good morning (in .eu at least). do you people have a script for those nice cv-pls posts?
@JonasWielicki Good morning
There is an experimental new version that should be pushed out in the next few days. If you want to be a guinea pig, let me know
@JonasWielicki Hiya o/
Also, good morning.
@TinyGiant Thanks for the offer, but being new to this room I’d rather go with something stable, if I decide to use it at all.
@Raju Hum, could you make one request per message?
:29029650 And with the close reason.
@JonasWielicki K
@TinyGiant I’m not even sure I’ll stay here, I usually don’t persist long in browser-only chats. I can’t stand the UX of browser chats.
@Raju We require a valid close reason attached to cv requests.
@JonasWielicki So you don't like us? =(
here in this chat or while flagging ?
In this chat.
because, I did mentioned the details while flagging.
@Raju But we can't see your flag.
If you post a request here, we need a reason. That helps us help you learn what to flag (or vote in the future) as, and we can have better discussions if necessary.
@Raju Check out my cv-pls above ^
@KevinGuan Guan,Got it
We have a userscript to make it easy for you, github.com/SO-Close-Vote-Reviewers/UserScripts/blob/master/….
@Raju There seems to be this github.com/SO-Close-Vote-Reviewers/UserScripts/blob/master/… userscript which automates those posts here.
@Raju Yes like that. But I'd strongly suggest use the user-script which Tiny linked to auto send the requests.
@JonasWielicki, Kevin shared me that link. I have gone through the link. But, I din't get the concept of automating the posts here
@JonasWielicki Yes, that script creates a CV-pls button on questions and allows you to send one upon voting to close too
do mind the room FAQ and rules for CV-pls though
@Raju ^
It's beside the share edit flag buttons.
@Raju The script adds a menu in the post menu to quickly send auto formatted requests to this room, all you have to enter is the reason, and it gives us a lot more information to go on. But it isn't by any means required.
It also adds a little checkbox to the close / flag dialog to automatically send a request here, it will find the reason from the reason you used when flagging.
@TinyGiant, sorry for too many questions, But I didn't the work flow here. You mean to say, when a user flags a question, then it will automatically posted to this room ? or a user supposed to put a tag while flagging ?
@Raju no
but when you vote to close a question and have the script, there is a checkbox where you can also have the script send a cv-pls request directly to this room, including the reason you VTC'd.
@Raju If you choose to at the time you close flag a question then it will post a request here already formatted.
If you want to enter your own reason, you can do that separately.

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