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Are we done with ?
the tag looks gone
@Drew done
@rene corners is gone yeah
@rene There are some corner-detection in the queue
I'll try and run through those
6:17 PM
@Mogsdad just tested on firefox and the comments are showing up for me
I wouldn't vote one way or the other.
yeah, directly it's a math problem, but it's a common thing for programming to do.
I think just remove the tag
6:23 PM
gmbl grmbl apparently having 50 tabs open across three browsers is reason enough for my system to crash.
har har har
must be running linux
runs away
No, 25 vivaldi tabs, 20 chrome tabs, and 5 firefox tabs... don't ask
Are we about to have a linux-windows battle here?
No, I don't run a normal linux desktop
6:24 PM
@zondo no, windows has won long ago
Mine is... kinda funky
@gunr2171 lol
@gunr2171 I thought we would have a battle.
@zondo We're always really to battle here.
Do you want to battle?
6:25 PM
new poo, still POB
I don't really like battling, but I'd be happy to watch :)
@gunr2171 We just hell-banned windows users from the discussion, let them think they won and move on because they never listen to reason anyways.
runs away
To tell you the truth, I've never been stuck with windows long enough to know just how horrible it is.
But I've already had 50 Firefox tabs open without crashing my Windows.
6:26 PM
it's not horrible. It's just not right for everyone
yells from a distance "IT'S NOT A BUG, IT'S A FEATURE"
You mean, it's just not right for anyone.
@Tunaki Any sane linux system can handle way more than that without an issue.
I mean, i joke all the time about Macs to JAL, but I know people use them all the time and it's good software. Would I use it? No. Would other's? Yes.
I'm just adverse to sanity.
6:27 PM
@TinyGiant That's the problem then. Sane Linux. Doesn't exist
runs away
There are plenty of sane linux systems, for example any distribution closely related to Debian... excluding Ubuntu of course.
"Linux doesn't cost money, it costs time".
@gunr2171 RHEL costs money...
It's worth my time to be on linux :)
I have a love hate relationship with them all. some things I like somethings I don't. I have yet to find and OS I like every part of.
6:29 PM
Actually, I'm not used to having a desktop-based Linux.
<-- Command-line freak
@gunr2171 I use it because I'm an iOS developer. It's what I do. I don't go around saying my Apple is bigger than your Windows or w/e
I'm going to make an OS that is popular and manages to piss you all off. I'll call it JavaScript OS.
Worth deleting/flagging? stackoverflow.com/a/35658882/2415822
^ duplicate answer
I like my system because it gives me a taste of what all Linux systems are going to be like in a few years, with the downfall of having lots of bug. Bugs I can deal with though.
@JAL One has URLWithString, the other string. Is that a difference?
6:30 PM
@gunr2171 runtimejs.org
@gunr2171 node-os.com
@Tunaki Yeah, URLWithString because just string, see the comment on that first answer
@JAL Ah okay.
@JAL don't worry, I'm actually complimenting you.
@gunr2171 os.js.org
6:31 PM
@TinyGiant why am I not surprised....
@gunr2171 First time :)
BTW How are you enjoying Superhot? I was a kickstarter backer but haven't finished the game yet
@Tunaki *became
@Tunaki I tend to stay away from closing those edge detection questions, there are sooooo many of them that have good answers.
6:42 PM
Based on the answer of this one it doesn't look all that broad.
yep, fine for me, not voting
there are CV on it though
CV queue for corner-detection is filled: GO REVIEW SLACKERS
@TinyGiant Open first page now, and watch "Database connection failed SQL Server 2012 Express + node.js". I'm about to add a comment to the answer. (answered at 18:39:30Z)
@TinyGiant I am going to ask here. Why? To melt down and sell the gold?
@NathanOliver It was something my father always said when I said I really wanted something that wasn't likely to happen. "Well I want a golden toilet, but that ain't very freakin likely now is it?"
@Mogsdad Ohhhh ok, yeah that's a heartbeat thing
6:47 PM
I have to engage the heartbeat.
Haven't done it yet, been waiting for you. Ready?
Yeah, go ahead
@TinyGiant OK. I wasn't sure what your plans were with it if you got one. I want this one.
@TinyGiant Did it in a separate window. No update in my NATO list.
holy FAQ, that looks sharp
6:48 PM
lol. It would be a pain in the a**
@Mogsdad Yeah, I'm going to engage the heartbeat. I haven't done that on any of my scripts yet, so I'll see how this goes.
@NathanOliver Lol
@NathanOliver Perfect in the house of a lonely, lonely man-child.
Does that mean I a man-child?
Perfect place to sit and yell upstairs, "Mom! I said I want noodles for dinner!"
6:50 PM
Just saying - it looks like one of the things you'd be forced to part with when you move in with a girlfriend. Along with the wagon wheel coffee table.
@pp_ you made meta. congrats.
Yeah. I would not get it but I want it. It is definitely not significant other approved.
I want this...
sd remove I'll do my best
6:57 PM
That is a really original title....
Can someone make a test comment here?
@TinyGiant Cool. I saw this just the other day. That pic reminded me of it.
@TinyGiant On the Q?
That video is apparently not available in my country.
@NathanOliver yes
@TinyGiant done
6:58 PM
wtf... it just failed to notify me of the comment on the question itself....
But it worked on NATO.
@NathanOliver Thanks, can you delete that and post one on the new answer?
@TinyGiant done
Yay, it works.
7:00 PM
Ok delete that one
Now do the same thing here
OK. Just google the mechanical lizard car to see what that link was about
@TinyGiant done
Awesome it works. You guys can delete your comments now
7:01 PM
Apparently you just need StackExchange.realtime.subscribeToQuestion('1', post.id); to subscribe to a question and it's answers.
Hmmm, I wonder if it works for edits.
Someone want to edit one of those?
7:03 PM
This post has been edited: stackoverflow.com/q/35659568/1743880 quite comprehensible now
Notice that the cardiologist will not notify you of comments that you post on the question on another page, talk to SE about that.
Now if only I could subscribe to a websocket for that page so that I could notify when there are new answers posted.
7:11 PM
@TinyGiant Ah - so my primary test case is invalid to start with!
@Mogsdad Yes
Today's new commitstrip.
@TinyGiant But now, if we repeat the "show me yours" test, it should work...
GraveRobber started 1.11.0 (debug).
7:13 PM
@Mogsdad Yeah, that's what I had Nathan doing above.
Tunaki joined in because he was missing out on the fun
@TinyGiant I wasn't paying attention... trying to use all 100 flags.
Works for edits and should work for post deletion now too.
@TinyGiant Works for votes, even my own!
7:19 PM
Should work for your own edits too, just not comments
What's just missing now is the cv-pls and real time update
jump on that tiny
I'm working on the cv-pls.
Oh awesome, you also see if the Q has a bounty.
The realtime update may take a while
7:25 PM
@Tunaki You can also add a bounty....
wait, that doesn't work...
The button does nothing yeah
no errors in the console
I didn't enable it
Just enabled it on my local version and it works.
Not like it would be very likely, but you might find a really good answer in there that you want to reward...
7:28 PM
Like... maybe one of mine.... jk
@Tunaki if you get someone like cimm or a JS person to put a template together, I will realtime stream java for you
But I am not going to design the front end
I already did the c# thing.
Oh god designing front-end has got to be the least interesting thing :D
@Ian tag counts frozen for others for almost a week, not just you. Any update?
I am not owning any of that front-end stuff. Glad to do all the plumbing thereafter
what front-end stuff?
7:32 PM
Ha you need to explicitely click the "show n comments" even if there's already one. I guess I don't care about that really.
I could try to give a hand if it's not very urgent :)
Tuna doesn't want it that bad.
ok, I'm in
@toskv I can also steal you for my own personal reasons
^ well, I do too, but no need to tell the world
ok.. well one at a time..
not sure what all of this involves btw, I just heard javascript :P
7:35 PM
I went with IAA = is an answer
check out gunner's userscript thing
found them.. you want some changes to one of them? or a new one? :)
@TinyGiant Yeah, works on edits - but it did previously, too. Confirmed that it works on deletes - we get a "This post has been deleted, refresh etc." message.
@Mogsdad I have got some fresh air now...
@PetterFriberg trust me you prob don't need this. Call it exhibit A ... exhibit B is now closed
7:49 PM
: ) Mogsdad did like my comment about how Tuna's smell ; ), and he was correct I need to fresh air... I played some steal the cards with my childeren......
so now I rdy...
I have just discovered something. If you search users for newbie, you get higher reputation users than noob.
@PetterFriberg Well, I got "helpful" on that flag, if that's what you are referring to.
Yeah, you where right I was just joking (needed some fresh air) typing Tuna fish? sorry.. but when you can make fun of @Tuna I can't help myself... (love him to much)
Making fun on a Tuna? Go to the corner. There ----------v
Yeah... when it smells like fish its better to move there...
I'm searching for an avatar for your google image search on Tuna a lot of good looking ladies are these yours?
8:06 PM
First result: Albanian singer. Okay...
I like all of them.... second result tuna kengetare is not bad... either...
AFK for a bit - going to another retirement party. (People are so old here...)
@CollinD we could use some java close voters right now. Our java closers are talking about kangaroos or something
@CollinD hi
Happy to help
8:18 PM
unlucky for him he is in the log and will be stalked :p
@Petter I am trying to clean up the swift stuff. I figure we owe Jal big time. Show Collin some stuff please
you like me to hit it?
the java cv2 does not have a lot of appeal... (seems to easy...) : )
we need to review it. We have 400 questions at cv2
@CollinD Hiya o/
@Kyll facepalm greasemonkey and tampermonkey use with for their wrappers.
8:25 PM
@TinyGiant Maybe it's an extremely odd technical need..?
/**/) {
with (context) {(function(module) {"use strict";try {
module.apply(context, [,context.CDATA,context.uneval,context.undefined,context.define,context.module,context.console,context.GM_info]);} catch (e) {if (e.message && e.stack) {console.error("ERROR: Execution of script 'AJAX Listener' failed! " + e.message);console.log(e.stack.replace(/(\\(eval at )?<anonymous>[: ]?)|([\s.]*at Object.tms_[\s\S.]*)/g, ""));} else {console.error(e);}}
})(function (context,CDATA,uneval,undefined,define,module,console,GM_info) {
Blarghhhh javascript
Maybe it's to spoof the global scope..?
They even wrap the console...
Yeah, they do spoof the global scope
8:27 PM
No idea what with does though. Wouldn't the parameters be enough?
Greasemonkey is strict about it, tampermonkey just acts like it does.
Oh wait
Maybe it's because with could allow to spoof globals even on static references
Should just be able to do (function(window){/*wrapped stuff*/})(fakeWindow);
Not necessarily
let me try and make an example
8:31 PM
Because it will still travel up the scope chain won't it...
The lexical one. If the used function is defined out of it, it may still access the global scope. I wonder if with prevents that.
When 2 people are talking JS, it's like the're from another planet.
@Kyll Not really, it looks like it just adds in a lexical scope from somewhere else into the scope chain.
It doesn't do anything to the global scope.
8:34 PM
@AlexanderO'Mara yeah, but overall with has been only demonstrated as a "useful" code shortener with too many downsides to be any useful
@TinyGiant Going to try and make an example
I'm pretty sure with is disabled in strict mode, and since not using strict mode is crazy, using with must also be crazy.
@AlexanderO'Mara I don't use strict mode. I write ES6 code that's then transpiled to ES5 strict mode code =p
> Use of the with statement is not recommended, as it may be the source of confusing bugs and compatibility issues. See the "Ambiguity Contra" paragraph in the "Description" section below for details.
That doesn't say anything about it being disabled.
8:36 PM
It just says that you probably shouldn't use it.
@Kyll stop saying that word
it's not a thing
@Kyll I didn't think ES6 mandated strict mode, just the new modules are.
@TylerH Which one, transpiled?
Transpiling is useful though
And words start being words when people use them
8:37 PM
@TylerH Transmogrificated then
@TinyGiant (function() { 'use strict'; with (window) {} })() -> "SyntaxError: strict mode code may not contain 'with' statements"
runs away
it's just "converted" or "translated"
I actually wouldn't mind transmogrify
@AlexanderO'Mara interesting
Well, never mind, I tried to find maybe a use for with as a scope spoofer but no, the following fails:
window.foo = 'foo';

logFoo = () => console.log(foo);

function module() {
  with({foo : 'something else!'}) {
This would have been fun though. Turns out with really is good for nothing
So why the hell do Greasemonkey and Tampermonkey use it?
8:39 PM
@Kyll Where do they use it?
I'm gonna write a browser addon to replace any instances of the word "transpile" with "dogpile" to make the web a better place
@AlexanderO'Mara See above
window.foo = 'Hello';
var fakeWindow = {};
with(fakeWindow) {
// Hello
@TylerH Could say the same thing about "compile". You just translate high-level code to machine code.
Also yes, the above line is trolling.
@TinyGiant I'd have expected that
@Kyll But that doesn't spoof the global scope...
8:41 PM
@Kyll lol, best comment to destroy the grace period :D
@TinyGiant You tried to spoof window which isn't statically referenced in another scope. I thought maybe you could spoof the static reference of another scope (function) with with
(function(window) {
// Hello
8:59 PM
@Rizier123 =D
You can leave out the 8. Beware of Windows.
I love Windows. I reboot every night.
fail. "i get this error but the other people on my team dont, we are using the same version". surprise, they arent using the same version at all: stackoverflow.com/questions/26523647/…
@Drew I don't need to reboot every night. Linux doesn't crash that often.
9:07 PM
@cimmanon sigh
@zondo I use all the above o/s 's
I have an NT4.0 box that the only time it ever gets "rebooted" is when we have an extended power outage.
Sometimes I suspect new users know that useless edits to their link-only answers clear flags. stackoverflow.com/a/35660686/1677912
@Mogsdad poof
I was told an edit does not remove an NAA flag. see: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/317399/…
9:17 PM
@NathanOliver actually, I just leared that there's more to it
@NathanOliver It does clear it if the edit was made from the queue
I was told so many things and in the end not that many turned out to be true
@Tunaki yep
@rene That's depressing.
By the way @rene, I've gone through all the remaining opened corner-detection question. For me, apart from those that are currently in the CV queue, the others should stay opened and with the tag. Hence, when those are closed, we can move on to delete the closed one. What do you think?
god it's hard to make sense at this hour
@Tunaki sound fine to me. I would love to bring up the next tag on monday if possible
Did you went through the queue already?
9:22 PM
I was about to start that ...
10:00 PM
@Mogsdad I know this is an old question which you've just closed. But isn't the answer also a pure link-only one, in accordance with the tool-rec question?
Me too:
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[corner-detection]"
Good work all
at least the author of the answer is still active
Night all, happy Friday!
Happy Friday! And Saturday, too.
and many happy returns of the day
10:11 PM
Night guys
Night. And day, too.
@MadaraUchiha Can you add [status-completed] tag to this question?
Maybe better flag it, so we have Madara free if we really need him here ...
^no specific error
@rene Ok, I flagged it.
10:21 PM
WOOT! I've just written my first user-script \o/
I want it!!!!
what does it do, turn all text to waffle????
Ninja-ed by Petter :(
@Tunaki does it involve cats?
@rene Did I do wrong?
No, it was fine
10:23 PM
@PetterFriberg you seem to have outedited rene
@PetterFriberg It simply adds a link "timeline" below all posts that link to their timeline...
@Tunaki oooh, sounds useful:)
Sorry like the Magic Script to much... always like to try it....
@Tunaki what does "SECRET" exactly mean? Can I suggest the script to others, or wait with it?
@AndrasDeak Secret Gist means that only people that have the link can see it
10:25 PM
@Tunaki Its beautiful I like it (and its actually working not bad for a Tuna)
But I'll create a repo on my GitHub with it
@Tunaki What's the point in passing $ to the IIFE? $ already refers to jQuery in global namespace.
<-- userscript newbie here :D
@Gothdo Honestly, I pretty much copy/pasted what @rene had in his userscript for the $ declaration. Open to suggestions :D
@Tunaki *looking for attribution*
its rene faults... ok sound correct....
10:27 PM
I should install greasemonkey...
I think wrapping all code in IIFE in userscripts is useless, unless you want to create a local shortcut to a variable (for example if jQuery was in no-conflict mode).
So you would drop the (function($) { ... }($)); and only keep ...?
Also if you're using $(this) multiple times, you can cache it as $this, for example $this = $(this).
^ true, or chain the calls right
@Gothdo is that a benefit of avoiding some namespace lookup?
(disclaimer: I know nothing about java*, just a bit about python)
so a simple "no" will suffice:D
10:34 PM
@AndrasDeak no one is talking about java.
@cimmanon that's right
@cimmanon Sorry, he meant java.+
no, I meant java inclusive
but that doesn't matter much right now, I admit
@AndrasDeak Every time you use $(this), a jQuery function is called to create a jQuery wrapper for this. If you cache it as $this, the function is called only once. Also, there is other advantage: if you minify a script with cached $this, it can be replaced with some one letter variables.
@Gothdo thanks:)
10:35 PM
@AndrasDeak But you know that Java has nothing to do with JavaScript?
@Gothdo yes, yes, as cimmanon already kindly noted it;)
well, they share half a name...that's something
but I honestly couldn't distinguish between the two if they were put in front of me
no, if both were put in front of me, I'd possibly manage
but just the one -- no
saying Java and JavaScript are related is the same as saying Dog and DogTurds are related
But I happened to know that userscripts are JS
Note to self: don't present him with a batch
@cimmanon my Dog produces a lot of DogTurd...so yeah;)
@Drew you can't accuse me of hiding the fact that I'm clueless in the subject:D
10:38 PM
Too bad there isn't any PythonScript language to confuse everyone.
@Tunaki oooh good idea
> The change of name from LiveScript to JavaScript roughly coincided with Netscape adding support for Java technology in its Netscape Navigator Web browser. The final choice of name caused confusion, giving the impression that the language was a spin-off of the Java programming language, and the choice has been characterized as a marketing ploy by Netscape to give JavaScript the cachet of what was then the hot new Web programming language.
or maybe call one Pyth...oops
@Gothdo that didn't really work out, did it?
@AndrasDeak Yeah, it was a bad idea.
10:40 PM
All right: official v0.1 of the script \o/ github.com/Tunaki/stackoverflow-userscripts/blob/master/…
as a java expert, I'd like to note that it's still wrapped in an IIFE...
Blame rene.
@AndrasDeak It's Tiny Giant's fault.
10:42 PM
I'm starting to feel better which seems to adversely affect the room...so I think I'll see you all later:)
Cya o/
@Tunaki Strange stuff is happening when trying to expand comments... I hope its not you fault... I get a # after link and then I can not expand comments...
its probably chrome...
@rene Ha, no need to import jQuery, nice
10:55 PM
@PetterFriberg anything in the console?
@rene merged
@rene This error was because Tunaki used 2.x version of jQuery, and SO uses old jQuery 1.x functions like .live().
I will install latest version then check... t
@Gothdo yeah
10:57 PM
@Gothdo I somehow thought the jQuery version was local to the script but I guess not
A user-script inherits all scripts from the page then?
Cool, thanks :)
You can cause everything to break, trust me
To reproduce my problem go to meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/317791/… follow link "an old answer of mine an old answer of mine" when I press expand comments under question (it does not expand) a # is put after link (Uncaught TypeError: $(...).live is not a function)

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