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3:00 PM
omg wtf bbq!
outta votes sorry
what do you make of this stackoverflow.com/questions/35016366/… ?
@MsYvette sdfds dffdsf
@BhargavRao you mean you like it as much as me?
@gunr2171 TF2 achievement for taunt-killing as pyro!
3:03 PM
If you know what that is :D
some php key for security
or a cat running over the keyboard?
is the question on topic?
@MsYvette Copy that and find in the page you linked :D
oh the name omg.
3:05 PM
Sigh No one gets my jokes ;_;
^^ yeh that one Kyll thanks! I'm so slow, it's 2am and I'm winding down
@BhargavRao sob pats on back - wrings out wet snot cloth it'll be ok
That felt better
hahaha good
ok my babies, two are bigger then me now, are all sleeping and I should put myself to bed.. we watched Saving Private Ryan... it is loooooong and intense and has a tacked on ending that is no good..
3:08 PM
one more, what do you make of this?
@MsYvette Seems okay as far as I can see
@Kyll thank you my little squirrel genetic freak.. on that note I bid you fare thee well.. anti-plop
Bonne nuit!
Cya o/
3:11 PM
@MsYvette I went with to broad... (seems like asking for code and you can not know how much he knows...)
Bye \o
@BhargavRao cya...
@PetterFriberg I was telling bye to the guys above :/
@Sam 21 stars!
lol was just checking last line... then bye to the guys...
3:15 PM
Star the message below that also. i.sstatic.net/8GlLx.png
@BhargavRao Self promotion
@Kyll :O
@Tushar No No not all
Nobody starred my poem so I'm not starring anything dammit!
Well, honestly, you made us used to quite stellar poems
3:17 PM
This was a rap though, new territory!
@Sam You need to update that repo :D (Actually you could've given all of us access :P)
That's the one
2 Stars?
Oh, seems it has now
3:18 PM
Oh, I missed that one.
@BhargavRao Yeah
That one was especially for G-daddy
I see Sam, I feel like telling Make a bot for that ... :/
@MsYvette, your question above seems to be a duplicate...
@DavidG Now 4.
3:21 PM
> Compare magic, deep magic, heavy wizardry, rain dance, cargo cult programming, wave a dead chicken, SCSI voodoo.
> Things programmers do that they know shouldn't work but they try anyway, and which sometimes actually work, such as recompiling everything.
Yes, yes and yes.
> Magic: The ultimate goal of all engineering & development, elegance in the extreme
cc @TinyGiant
3:34 PM
That was honest. — Braiam 13 secs ago
this will be so much fun
@Braiam be aware you're playing with fire
@gunr2171 I have a position, and I defend it with tooth and nails, how is that playing with fire?
Is this spam? That user is plugging their repo in their answer without disclosing affiliation.
same thing here
How do you know it's their repo?
Same avatar
3:47 PM
in other posts that same user discloses affiliation, also most of their answers plug that repo
I don't think it's spam, but the user should be disclosing that it's his
@DavidG nice
@Tunaki Listed in his profile :p
@JAL commented
3:53 PM
A lot of the times when they promote their Github the link is also listed on their profile. First place I check :p
thanks guys
Meh bad @Thaillie, you should use hand drawn circle:((
sd edited
3:58 PM
He did say sorry
Now, does the answer even make sense?
Did it make sense in the first place?
Good point
@intboolstring No, you are not a privileged user.
4:03 PM
When does SD update with the github repo?
There was a PR adding you?
Well it was only merged 27 minutes ago
Ik. That is why I'm wondering when it updates
4:04 PM
The bot may need to be restarted
@DavidG Running since 15:07:47 UTC (57 minutes)
4:06 PM
@Kyll ... did I miss something?
Yes, yes you did
4:06 PM
@intboolstring Yes, you are a privileged user.
et voila
Welcome to the private club of Smokey privileged user
4:07 PM
@Yam stats
I'm currently watching 610 posts.
@intboolstring You know you need to make a poem as a mark of respect to Smokey now right?
@Kyll Any sufficiently-advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
as the quote goes
@DavidG I didn't know that. I'll be on later but for now, i g2g.
4:08 PM
> “Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced”
nite ibs!
(Well, it is more like Goodmorning)
Time for school :)
4pm here, that's what time I use :)
@DavidG Bye o/
4:09 PM
Java people: is this a dup for the "Null Pointer" canonical?
@Mogsdad no, it should be closed as off-topic -> Typo
@TylerH Why? no. Answer is incorrect
the answerer can't read apparently
He probably inherits from RepWhore
4:12 PM
@TimCastelijns Hey, we're all distantly related to RepWhore
Ah, the SOCVR effect...
@TylerH The distanter the better
@TimCastelijns lol
A cv-p​ls'ed question has been edited (43% changed).
@Yam I guess this can be reopened yes
maybe it's a dupe?
4:15 PM
Is it valid code now?
@Tunaki Errr, no. This is not valid JS code.
Also, OP isn't posting an error message or explaining how it didn't work
(Well, the error message is probably "Missing : after property id")
yeah, still unclear what his problem is
Which you can now confirm with TylerH's edit
at least ASI isn't an issue
@Kyll Fair enough
4:29 PM
@Mogsdad Shouldn't that be closed as unclear rather than a custom reason? Or at least edited with a cached version of the missing site?
@DavidG Go for it. 88 views in a year... it's not much value.
I'm more than happy to close it, but not with custom reason
Doesn't matter now, already 3 custom votes so the next one will take it down as that
It is closed
> X: An over-sized, over-featured, over-engineered and incredibly over-complicated window system developed at MIT and widely used on Unix systems.
@Kyll the protocol?
4:33 PM
@Braiam ?
@Kyll as far I know the X protocol is the thing that makes X so wonky
Willy Wonky approves
You gotta be kidding me. I'm fighting with a X11 problem on a prod Linux box right now
upgrade to X12
4:43 PM
@gunr2171 Maybe in a couple of centuries, when it is done :D
@Tunaki Java 9, however, will be out much sooner than a couple of centuries
then you'll have to start all over on a gold badge
I hate when a question needs precisions to be fine and on-topic, and yet knowing that some FGITW are writing answers right now.
(Not asking for a review, waiting for OP input)
wow it won't come out for over a year
@TylerH Yep...
4:47 PM
what's the max # of flags, 100?
yes I know that number pretty well
Anyone mind talking about a comment and whether or not my mod flag should have been declined?
Yep to @NathanOliver
@TylerH Yes. 100
I'm getting close
4:47 PM
@NathanOliver Shoot.
Up to 75 now
I flagged:
You're supposed to burn cross while wearing your sheet. Sheesh, kids these days. — Will Apr 16 '15 at 19:43
As to me this is a bad joke about being in the KKK. It was declined so I don't know if I am being overzealous or if I was in the right.
personally I'm not offended by it but I can easily see how it is offensive and the other two comments as well
Perhaps has to do with the fact that it is still here after 9 month
4:49 PM
More or less any reference to extremely violent stuff like Nazis or KKK or whatever should be avoided and deleted
So, "not offensive enough", see?
Maybe. I just can't see them declining it as it could be offensive and it adds nothing
@AaronHall you should maybe expand a bit why but I voted nonetheless
Pure opinion
4:53 PM
And what is this
isn't there a meta to kill this?
I was waiting for a few more votes to start
since the question was over a year old
but if a week or so passes with no resistance I'll probably start anyway
~5772 open questions with that tag, it'll take a while
I'd rather not delete vote highly upvoted questions
@TimCastelijns considering it's from 2008, 104 upvotes is not that much
lots of votes don't mean it's good
4:56 PM
Wish all my stuff got 17 votes per year...
@TylerH Ask a question about CSS coding style then :)
no I meant like
I'm just expediting the process of evolutionary linguistics
anyone seeing 404 for this? stackoverflow.com/questions/9185/…
5:02 PM
Please don't. There are enough teenagers out there destroying english as we know it already. ;)
@Braiam Nope. It is deleted though
> deleted by George Stocker♦ 20 mins ago
is sad that George deleted his answers
> deleted by George Stocker♦ 22 mins ago
What? A waffle you say?
@Tunaki It is a reopen vote not an undelete vote.
@NathanOliver Yes I know that :p
I see what you did there :P
5:09 PM
@Tunaki btw, you need 10 for that question
or 1 mod
When someone writes POB, am I the only one that thinks of this?
... yes ;)
5:24 PM
wow, i am surprised george deleted his answer: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/315458/…
Born in the early 80s in the UK, I guess I'm around the right age to remember Pob.
@WaiHaLee Same here, though I'm late 70s :)
sd why?
5:39 PM
sd remove- undo undid it.
I was too slow with my joke :(
5:55 PM
do you think it is worth closing this as a duplicate? stackoverflow.com/questions/28377658/… (target: stackoverflow.com/questions/19456036/…)
I just got the sportsmanship badge. I think I now have a 40/40 mod score
@NathanOliver Mp, I'm on 39.
What badge are you missing?
That bounty one, Will get it soon
6:00 PM
@BhargavRao Ah.
I've decided to join Madara's crew once I get sufficient rep. So it will be there before the next mod elections
I am going to run the next time as well.
6:19 PM
Morning all!
Night @MaximillianLaumeister
I gave up trying to pronounce Laumeister ;_;
@BhargavRao law my stir
6:29 PM
law your stir? why would I do that?
@BhargavRao My best guess at yours is bar gauve ra-oh, but maybe you can clue me in :)
@MaximillianLaumeister Bar - Gow (rhyming with Cow) and for Rao youtube.com/watch?v=t_3GseW9ijo
7:25 PM
Scanned 50,000 messages, and only 5 grave-worthy reqs found...
get to work slacker ;)
sd remove- edited to code
@NathanOliver saw that edit attribution and thought you had written the answer for second
Was almost very disappointed
I know better than that. At least I hope I do. I make no promises at 3am after drinking ;)
Are you in japan?
Not now. I'm just saying if its after 3am and I've been drinking I couldn't promise I would know better
7:31 PM
well, I suppose that's fair
I also make no promises after having just assassinated the Sultan of Agrabah during a quest to steal the genie's lamp
@TylerH Bomb Agrabah!
I need to stop reading Skeptics
@Kyll can't risk damaging the lamp
@TylerH Isn't the lamp kind of indestructible?
kind of?
seems like an oxymoronic modifier for indestructible
7:36 PM
Kind of, as in "Only magic can destroy it"
Or something like that
No amount of explosives would work, but wave a magical unicorn horn and boom! No moar lampz
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic
Mh... And since Aladdin is in the future...
is it?
Make a nanobot bomb that only consumes non magical lamps. That should work.
Oh god, what did I come back to
7:38 PM
Not explicitly, but there is some fan theories...
You sometimes see Genie turning into objects or figures from the 20th century, and you know he's been imprisoned for a few thousand years
From there you can reasonably suspect that he was imprisoned during the 20th century, and Aladdin's story takes place in a couple thousand years in a post-apocalyptic world
Possibly after a nuclear war
Since, y'know. 20th century end of the world? Must be nuclear war.
That holds about as much water as the fan theory that Tarzan is Anna and Elsa's brother
AKA not a lot, since the boat carrying their parents sank
Well, otherwise, how could Genie know stuff from the 20th century?
because it's a movie by Disney who puts a lot of cultural references into their films
it's set in like the year ~600
Hey rene
7:47 PM
Meh. "Because the director said so" is not a satisfactory explanation! =p
I don't know if the director ever said anything on the matter
Disney is like the X-men franchise. They ignore timelines and events when they become inconvenient.
I'm going based on the historical comparisons drawn between names, architecture, clothing, customs, etc.
@NathanOliver Urgh, don't remind me. That whole "Yay, no one's dead!" thing was disgusting.
@rene I'm wondering from the past 15 minutes what the heck they are talking aboyt
7:49 PM
@TylerH Might be in the Middle-East... of the future!
maybe you have some idea
@Kyll yes, well if it is from the future then when I steal the lamp I will wish for the genie to make it have occurred in the 700s AD
so nyah nyah
... You can't do that! That's cheating! I'll counter-wish!
@Tunaki me neither .... but there are times this room simply gets lost in space...
7:52 PM
Not in space, duh. We're lost in time.
@Kyll but you won't have the lamp
my second wish will be to wish that you will never be allowed to wish >:-)
Not if I get the lamp first
@Kyll so you broke the time-continuum?
@rene No idea what you're talking about cough
Anyone playing M&B Warband?
@Kyll There's probably someone playing it
7:57 PM
In this room? grmblrblr shaddup Tyler grmblrblr
Guess I'll leave. Got a lot of tasks on my shoulders to complete ;_;
Bye all o/
Bonne journée!
Goede reis?
8:14 PM
Bonne soirée!
Soirée ou journée pour Bhargav?
Ché po
@Tunaki Oooh s'point bête ça-donc, blablatonner au pif pour perturbatouiller les ch'traducteurs!
@Kyll Je ne sais Francais
8:18 PM
@BhargavRao I was saying, have a nice day =D
And I was saying have a nice evening
@Kyll Night here :D
And the question was: which one of us is right
Got loads of work now. Need to create fake twitter accounts (Will be online itself but out off here :P) Bye again o/
Guess @Tuna was right then
8:35 PM
@gunr2171 @Thaillie Playing tonight?
can I have some re-open-votes so we can allow moshe to answer?
@rene Is the question going to be clarified?
@rene Good to go
@Mogsdad I bet it will
@Mogsdad all gone
8:39 PM
@Tunaki Great... I'm almost done with the tag!
@Tunaki Meanie. You didn't share :P
@Mogsdad Is closed:1 the same as closed:yes?
@Kyll sure!
8:41 PM
@NathanOliver yes
@Kyll Maybe :p
we need more people to join us in games
Why do so many people think it is okay to ask a question in the answer box when the button says Post Your Answer?
@NathanOliver sorry, didn't read your message, what do you want?
8:48 PM
@gunr2171 Most def
@gunr2171 Maybe we need more games than only TF2 :p
can also work, but the good news is that TF2 is fun and free
(and takes 40% of your hard drive)
And we can play at up to 24 people, if it ever happens
Oh God, this whole room in a TF2 match .o.
8:49 PM
more if I get my server running a dedicated server
Then up to 32 I guess
The Source engine won't allow more
I have a dedicated server set-up already :p
Do you? That's amazing!
@Thaillie please load this
8:51 PM
Maybe we could use it with @JAL to finally play those duels!
Do you guys play on PC or console?
(lol console TF2)
(now you see what a gaming newb I am)
look, you're able to talk to us right now, which means you have a good enough computer for tf2
@NathanOliver Well, TF2 is great for newbs too. A nice learning curve.
8:53 PM
lol. I might have to give it a try and join you guys. Its on Steam?
join us on teamspeak later, if only to listen to Kyll's thick french accent
Yep, and for free
And gunr's "Scaaaawout"
That is another thing I'll have to get.
I'm sorry I pronounce it correctly
it's not "scoot"
Why scout?
I'll join.
Bad pun is bad :p
@intboolstring Kyll and I have a small bicker going on. I make fun of him because of how he pronounces some words, scout is one of them. No big deal.
And I am silent most of the time :)
8:59 PM
What do you guys think should happen with this question(see OP's answer)? stackoverflow.com/questions/19258375/…
@intboolstring do you have a microphone on your computer?
@gunr2171 can you invite me to the steam group?
I do @gunr2171.
need your steam profile

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