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12:05 AM
just 1 2broad on this one please. Can be done with 1 eye, 1/3rd open stackoverflow.com/questions/34963470
thank you kindly
@Drew Voted to delete.
Good night.
12:25 AM
someone find a good reason to close vote this, as I retracted my custom reason a few days ago of "it is silly" stackoverflow.com/q/34904724
"each sentence being stored in a different table consisting of about 2-10 rows"
That sounds like a fun project to maintain
@Drew its too broad (too many questions here + asking about support from other companies) and opinionated
12:55 AM
@JonClements Thanks! :)
@gunr2171 At least it's progress.
1:10 AM
@Sam ping jenkins plz
might be up now
1:54 AM
Rob you're no fun. Goes out and edits a perfectly fine question :P
that's what it picked up on?
2:21 AM
Hey everyone! (SO Close Vote Chatbot started, linux!)
@Closey alive
@gunr2171 I'm alive and kicking!
@Closey stop bot
error happened!
0: Failed to establish a connection to ''.
1: No route to host
yeah, i know...
2:30 AM
Hey everyone! (SO Close Vote Chatbot started, linux!)
@Closey start event
error happened!
0: FATAL: 28000: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "kevin", database "cv-chatbot", SSL off
@Closey start event
error happened!
0: FATAL: 28000: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "kevin", database "cv-chatbot", SSL off
Closey's having a bad day
2:34 AM
@Closey start event
error happened!
0: FATAL: 28000: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "kevin", database "cv-chatbot", SSL off
@Closey start event
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
8,200 need review
267 reviews today
3,074,667 reviews all-time
The tags to work on are: , , .
2:45 AM
Hey everyone! (SOCVR chatbot started, linux v2 test!)
@Nordehinu start event
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
8,200 need review
267 reviews today
3,074,667 reviews all-time
The tags to work on are: , , .
ok, good. both bots are back up
Does this look like a troll to anyone else?
oh an event, can I join?
2:59 AM
@MsYvette I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@TigerhawkT3 i dunno. they certainly seem confused (who would think they have that many pages? they probably messed up whatever formula gave them that answer in the first place)
@Closey starting
@Tushar May the Vote be with you!
@Closey starting
@MsYvette Watch out for audits! Note: You had 940 open sessions. I have closed them.
3:03 AM
I can not stop laughing =)))))) , awesome =)))))) — brucea 1 min ago
I think he is trolling.
@TigerhawkT3 hmm tend to agree
have we got an event on now?
Ms Yvette passed a audit!
Now for some delete votes.
@Closey end session
3:11 AM
@Tushar Your latest review session has already been completed. Use the command last session stats to see more information.
^^^ Screenshot of code
^^ typo and with answers
3:21 AM
@gunr2171 do we have an event?
@Closey What's wrong with me? :(
@KevinGuan Sorry, I don't understand that. Use commands for a list of commands.
@MsY I have a batch of 10 in 10 min, java
@MsYvette I think gunr's testing the bots since there's no event now. And seems Closey thinks there's a problem with me.
@Drew are you linking them?
3:23 AM
@KevinGuan thanks
you mean my number thing I do ?
yeh, or do you want me to go through java or some script?
I will feed them
3:36 AM
I like this part; "only using a secure computer" :)
@Braiam what do you think of it?
3:47 AM
Could we get one more delete vote for the troll question?
<300 rep until I can help you out :(
@MsY cv4 most neg netVotes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
no, thank you
4:09 AM
@Drew hey you always help me :) any time
@Rob that's exciting :)
will have to hunt down some of those c# answers when I get a moment
I only have about 4 votes left
4:19 AM
Q: The Developer Story Part 2: We didn't explain that very well

bluefeetRecently, we presented the community with our idea for the Developer Story to get your thoughts and feedback; and feedback we got! We appreciate all the comments and answers on the original post. In hindsight, we realize that we missed the boat, didn't follow our own advice, and failed to inclu...

Management seems to have a habit of not explaining very well.
it's more a back pedal, and trying to resell an unpopular idea :p
Nono, their ideas aren't bad or unpopular; they just aren't explaining them well. Wait, they do explain them well, just not very well. Great ideas, explained slightly less than amazingly well.
I am blowing my 50 on Java
Do you guys remember reading on meta something like the new CEO of SE wants every question Answered or marked as a Dupe?
nope would be interested in seeing that
Well, I am sorry to disappoint him
5:04 AM
@Closey starting
@KevinGuan By the power of the Vote! Review!
@KevinGuan I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@Drew mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....
2 hours later…
7:15 AM
where qid=34983951
well that wasn't supposed to be in my clipboard
Oh, the answer
better than last time
@Cerbrus o\
what do you want.? — Pathik Vejani 17 mins ago
7:29 AM
Mods are quick today
I can't even view the posts before they're gone
^^ that took my last vote
I always feel like I unwrapped my last xmas present when I use my last vote
I can only DV
I'm studying 3d game dev with unity next session, anyone experienced with that?
7:43 AM
@MsYvette A little, yes
Quite some time ago...
Morning o/
@Cerbrus is it hard? I know nothing about it, am a bit scared.
8:07 AM
@MsYvette It's mostly understanding the math and the terms
The APIs are (if I remember correctly) aren't too bad
@MadaraUchiha oh thank god, I'm in my comfort zone with maths
I'm so sick of learning new platforms, languages and ides
I honestly get confused.
there's too much stuffed in my brain in a short time
it will be nice to be an expert on one or two things
8:12 AM
@MsYvette You will not do well in JavaScript :D
Hi @MadaraUchiha! o/
@MsYvette Agree with you in this point! :)
We're at a "golden age" where new frameworks and libraries pop like offsprings from catholic bunnies.
@MadaraUchiha I've had to program in js with web apps, but never really studied it intensely, as with jquery, it's more pick it up on the way.
@PraveenKumar are you the same?
@MadaraUchiha what I call happy clappy churches :)
8:14 AM
@MsYvette I am sick of learning new things! :( #FearOfFailure
@PraveenKumar Boooo
@MadaraUchiha BugaBoo! :D
In my eyes: A day without something new learned is a wasted day.
@PraveenKumar noo not fear of failure, feeling exhaustion and on top of it, being given diff things at work thrown at me randomly.
@MadaraUchiha Agree that too. Mastering something inside a specific topic is what I am seeing.
8:15 AM
I like C#
@MsYvette Yesterday I had like 7 different things I need to be done by Sunday night...
I hear ya
At the end of day, I saw I had done only one... That too because they called off the project.
I thought, **** it, lemme have some sleep.
I slept off peacefully and starting to office now! :P
Sometimes we need to go on... Without caring... And have the dare to face the consequences. Lemme update you guys what's gonna happen for not finishing my homework. :P Ha ha.
Hiya o/
I was writing an api in c#, then looking at an asp website (note not asp.net) then looking at the php of a wordpress site and app, plus mysql, tplus an android app, then we rewrote part of it in c# and asp.net mvc
8:17 AM
@Tunaki o/
that was in 3 months
@MsYvette It's not that hard
Just takes a little bit of practice
@Cerbrus thanks Cerb
the issue is practice, we get the hang of one thing then it's onto another and no chance to solidify anything.. that's why I stick with android, it's my sane place
8:18 AM
and VS, my happy place
I'm actually on the verge of not finishing my masters, as I feel so exhausted by it.
Morning \o
@MsYvette I just did. :)
@PraveenKumar Meh, mastering is overrated.
8:21 AM
@PraveenKumar finished?
@MsYvette Yup with Distinction. :)
congrats, I'm 5/12 through it
nice congrats :)
@MadaraUchiha Mastering what? :P Gawd, NodeJS and Angular are soooo tough to master. Trying hard.
yeh I got a grad cert with distinction, but feel incompetent most of the time
8:22 AM
@PraveenKumar Angular is pretty dead (unless you're talking about Angular 2)
@MsYvette Why do you think so. Do a lot of projects, keep yourself occupied, answer the right questions with right answers, you can build your confidence.
@kayess o/
You don't need to master Node yet, learn JavaScript first.
@Tunaki \o
@MadaraUchiha Omg! Just now "planned" to start. Now it is dead. Nice! :P
8:23 AM
@PraveenKumar Learn v2.
@PraveenKumar Angular is dead for a while
There's Angular 2
@MadaraUchiha Bro, I am already a master in JS I guess. What do you think?
Which is better but IMHO still meh.
@Tunaki Yea...
Master = Gold tag badge in SO? :-P
8:23 AM
@PraveenKumar So what's the problem with learning Node?
@MadaraUchiha Which is best?
@kayess Ha ha ha. :D
@PraveenKumar I can't seem to gel on here.. there's a lot of simple questions, that seem to score the most points. I will show you my fav answer.
@PraveenKumar Each framework and library solves a problem
Frameworks and libraries that (try to) solve many problems suck
And V2 is not just a simple update of V1
It's practically a new library
@MadaraUchiha Unable to understand how they work! :( Without understanding how they work, I am not so good in accepting and learning. I am not okay with mugging up without knowing what it does and vomiting. :(
8:24 AM
Angular 2 isn't really Angular at all (which is an advantage :D)
^ Aha. :D
So you guys tell me that I directly go for V2 without knowing even a bit of Angular V1?
@PraveenKumar Learn the "what", then learn the "why", then learn the "how".
@PraveenKumar That's right.
@PraveenKumar Yes.
@PraveenKumar I'm very familiar with Node, so if you have any question feel free to ask (cc @KevinGuan)
8:25 AM
@MadaraUchiha Best advice ever... I do the opposite perfectly.
But frankly, I'd go and learn React before I go and learn Angular.
@Kyll Yay! Sure.
@PraveenKumar Jack of all trades, but master of none. Still a lot better than master of one.
@MadaraUchiha My new project asks me to learn React...
Struggling with JSX.
8:26 AM
@PraveenKumar Yes
@PraveenKumar JSX is just syntax.
Javascript Learn Vote Reviewers
How the hell <XML> can go inside JavaScript(); - This is unacceptable @MadaraUchiha..
It's a templating language that maps 1:1 to JavaScript objects
@PraveenKumar It gets transpiled into JavaScript before it reaches the client
@PraveenKumar Yeah, right? This templating inside my code hurts me too lol
8:27 AM
@Kyll I second that.
@Kyll When you think about it, it makes sense.
@MadaraUchiha I understand it.
But unable to accept and digest.
Stays in my throat tho! :)
@PraveenKumar So start without JSX
You aren't forced to use it.
The first part says, JSX is everything! LoL.
@MadaraUchiha I know, but I still kinda don't like it, so I avoid it when possible
8:27 AM
Am I missing something?
@PraveenKumar Like I said, JSX maps 1:1 to JavaScript objects
Just write the JavaScript objects
Not that I really worked with React anyway
8:28 AM
@Lafexlos o/
@MadaraUchiha Will try that today.
How good are you with React then?
@PraveenKumar this is my fav answer on SO
the other thing I'm sick of are the petty downvotes, almost all my posts have had one downvote. Which is a bit weird..
8:29 AM
@MsYvette Looks nice.
@PraveenKumar I like that that :)
@MsYvette Meh, just ignore them
@MsYvette I hate that also
It was from my brain and I knew it would work.
Omg... That looks like a targeted attack on you!
8:30 AM
@MsYvette If you feel that something fishy is going on you could still flag for mod attention
I think it is.. I have flagged, but it is by stealth, it will stop whenever I do a mod flag for a couple of weeks then start again, every few days
Once a mod meager, messaged me when I was so annoyed and depressed about downvotes. I guess @MadaraUchiha would be aware of it. It was him, who said just ignore and continue my good work, and the things will come to me automatically. :)
So don't worry about downvotes @MsYvette. It hurts deep, but you just need to carry on.
@PraveenKumar thanks :)
@MsYvette :).
yep I have learnt to barely comment now, as I have annoyed someone
8:31 AM
with my big mouth
@MsYvette If someone has been repeatedly flagged for that and gets regularly punished, I'm pretty sure a ban or something similar would happen. Anyway, as I said before: Don't give a damn
Guys, I am terribly late to office... Half an hour late. So gonna continue this from the office.
I love you @SmokeDetector!!! :D
@Kyll you're right my friend.. I love ewes guys
And butter
8:32 AM
@PraveenKumar \o
28 seconds
Look at them trying to Ninja the master.
yum, why do I get hungry when I come here LOLOL
Even I am hungry.
Bye guys... Meet ya'll soon.
@Tunaki I'm personally trying to master the Ninja
See ya
8:33 AM
it's evening and soooo nice, no uni, a break from work. my kids are out... so just cruising here
Oh, I have a question
@Kyll Don't ask to ask question, just ask
@Tushar I'm not asking to ask, I'm warning I'm going to ask so you can all stop whatever you're doing and prepare your bodies
Okay, I just sat. Go ahead.
8:36 AM
@Kyll (waiting)
Holding breath
Waiting for Lafexlos to turn blue
watching screen attentively
We're closing in on the million Java question.
passed out
8:38 AM
Last week, after an informal discussion with the boss of the association I work at, I decided to quickly code a prototype for an application (a cartography thing). Took me something like 5 hours to have a working MVP. Then I showed it to my direct boss, who said "Oh so it was pretty easy in the end!". Before my brain could process the thing I let escape "Or maybe I'm really good at that!". Laughing followed.
Gets out to the oxygen bottle
How do you allow the non tech-savvy people you work with not to consider your job dead easy and get some recognition?
@Kyll $1,000,000 ? <- million dollar question
a working MVP?
8:39 AM
@kayess Not that kinda MVP =p
MVC? :p
@kayess Minimum Viable Product
i.sstatic.net/B0pcw.jpg when someone says MVP, this kind of thing comes to my mind.
@Kyll Ask them to do it ;)
8:41 AM
@Tunaki I did sneakily opened my editor for them to look at the code ^^
5 hours to get an MVP, that might be just POC :-P
@kayess Meh, the task was simple
not to be confused with MPV en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compact_MPV
so you admit it was simple but you want other people to assume it wasn't simple? :p
@Kyll don't go nuts, I'm just trying to wind you up, so you don't need coffee. :p
8:42 AM
I had similar problem recently.. dumped with 30,000 of files on a website and asked to fix it with a proj manager, who knows nothing about code.
it wasn't until we had reached the deadline the senior developers bothered to look at the code, which I'd asked all along, as it was such a mess, and I was trying to say, hey I can't fix it
Coffee is what drives life.
I think that's the difficulty of all tech people communicating with non-tech people, we are from different planets
No, coffee is life. Everything else in my body and the world is designed for me to drink it.
8:48 AM
spammers are back from the week end I see
@Kyll Huh? What? What's up? Did you get a waffle?
@Tunaki Damnit, do you have a script or something? x)
@MsYvette that's why Ubiquitous Language does exist.
@kayess actually we need a parser for communication between the species
8:50 AM
@MsYvette read up on what I have linked. :p
@kayess yes I like it :)
@MsYvette glad. It took me a half year to get accomodated to DDD, learn CQ(r)S, etc. Still refactoring our apps...
@MsYvette I'm somewhere at the point of having the mental level to have a correctly implemented domain model, but at the moment striving to add PubSub/messaging based on domain events to models/commands without having the need of a queuing event sourcing engine.
@MsYvette Although event sourcing with a correct service bus could be damn fine, since you just register your messages/events in one place and let the bus coordinate.
Brb, coffee.
@kayess k
hi K
Hiya :D o/

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