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8:00 PM
I like how everyone speaks on NG... they're very open and have a soothing voice... even Worf when he gets frustrated, calms down, and then explains his feelings
I am into new stuff, just not the NG junk. I like the movie Aliens or Arnie movies that sorta stuff
Alien, Robocop, Terminator, Total Recall... watch these over and over.
though my favorite Arnie film... Kindergarten Cop :-D
that was good
how about the demolition man? :D
8:02 PM
oh yeah, demolition man was funny -- stallone
the franchise wars :p
the scene with the video conferencing remains in my head since teenager years
taco bell in a capsule
my husband had to ask me "who is betsy ross?" after watching demolition man
oh -- Japan just got a Taco Bell recently in Tokyo.. but it's terribly expensive
8:04 PM
Lol ... They forgot to include Jquery on that page ...
maybe like $5 a taco
guys watch the movie Snatch with brad pitt / statham ?
@Drew Yes, but I couldn't understand what anyone said! The accents were too heavy for me.
I think I needed to watch it with subtitles.
it was a bit ridiculous
imagine how tough it was for Pitt to talk like that
8:06 PM
I am used to listening to various American accents but not U.K. style.
IP Man, loved those 2 movies not the 3rd. Perpetually on Netflix. Chinese. Subtitles
ah yes :-D
I want to see more macho movies of this vein... like Robocop, Terminator, Total Recall, Demolition Man... with funny parts and one-liners
have you seen idiocracy?
I think the closest I've seen recently that matched the aesthetic I'm thinking of is Dredd 3d... though it was a bit devoid of humor
8:09 PM
@cimmanon Oh yes, I saw this one... I should watch again -- I think my tastes change quite a bit. Back then I didn't understand the humor so well.
how about bruce willis movies. Samuel Jackson ones
how about the italian job?
I loved Die Hard... and also Lethal Weapon
@cimmanon Haven't seen this one (adding to queue)
passed python audit
youll like that one :D
yea Mark Wahlberg in Ital. Also ya gotta see The Departed
The Departed was stacked with great actors
@Ike this is very interesting stackoverflow.com/questions/17134522/…
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 3 hours to continue reviewing.
@rene Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
8:12 PM
@Closey last session stats
@rene Your last completed review session ended 12 seconds ago and lasted 16 minutes and 51 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 25 seconds.
I liked The Departed but different aesthetic for me... not the kind of film I'd watch with beer and popcorn. :-D
lol. Like Clockwork Orange or Train Spotting
@MsYvette Ah, that looks like a pretty nice breakdown.
I like somewhat more stupid movies most of the time... like zombie films, 90s action films...
8:14 PM
oh... Jean-Claude Van Damme films... I think they're amazing!
did you see Fido (zombie), Drag Me to Hell
Bloodsport, Kickboxer, Time Cop, Universal Soldier, Cyborg
@Drew Oh yes, that one is great... kind of awkward humor
@Ike I wanted to call my son Jean-Claude and my husband vetoed it saying people will think of Jean-Claude Van Damme :D
speaking of which my son (his name is Claude! lol) wants to see the new Star Wars
8:16 PM
@MsYvette What?! No way... I wanted to do the same and told my wife, if it's a girl, her name could be "Jean-Claudia" Van Damme Ikeda.
is it any good?
or "Jean-Claudia" for short
@Ike true story, his name is Claude, but I love the name Jean-Claude it has such a nice flow
yeah, well my brother's (former) best friend's last name is Rambo, want to guess his first name? :p
@MsYvette I mainly just like JCVD movies a lot... they're so dumb but I get a kick out of them
8:17 PM
@cimmanon not Syllvester?
@Ike and the irony is my kids love marital arts! haha
@cimmanon ah John?
different spelling, but yeah
8:18 PM
I don't know if I actually liked JCVD films because of martial arts... was never that much into that part -- they're just so simple.. black and white, and funny to me... and I think Paul Herzog's music made them one of a kind: youtube.com/watch?v=Hsn1nKYKtEw
I see them as "fantasy" films more than "martial arts" films :-D
I better go, I have a heap to do today
see you
8:19 PM
i think he was born after the movie came out, so i dont think it was coincidence :p
To me JCVD films are to martial arts what Rocky is to boxing... like it's not really a realistic depiction of boxing at all... the characters are bigger than life, somewhat cardboard cutouts.... and Rocky's punches.. "huuurghhhh!"
I like this -- realism is boring... these are all "fantasy" films to me
Have you all seen Excalibur? <-- love this one
SOCVR movie discussion night.
Sorry, I'm kinda movie geek.. also worked at a video rental store as a teenager -- would get 5 free films to watch every week and would exhaust that option. :-D
8:33 PM
Also didn't start drinking until mid-20s... then I found that movies I hated when sober are actually great when drunk... so I ended up finding a whole new possibility for entertainment when combined with alcohol
Like this one.. horrible when sober, great when drunk: imdb.com/title/tt0102804
Well Guess I'll go and sleep. Only activity today is an attempt to get weed :-(
Bye all. o/
see you
8:36 PM
weed as in, marijuana?
oh I see
Fine, bye.
if I worked at a video store, I assure you I would get more than 5 free a week
not that video stores exist
8:38 PM
In Japan marijuana is very illegal.. but I tried some in L.A. one time during a party and I felt so strange... at first I was happy, then suddenly I thought a girl's toenail was so beautiful and kept complementing her about her toenails (I never look at toenails), then I started crying like a little girl about how I missed my pet dog who died over 10 years ago.
That's my only experience with marijuana.
ok, I think that's enough down the drugs path, let's return to topic before this gets too weird
ah my bad
see the movie Revolver with Statham ?
oh yes, but I didn't know what to make of that one... was different from what I expected originally as Guy Ritchie film
8:43 PM
I can't 100% remember the film expect that the ending made me feel strange
@gunr2171 Good to know I wasn't the only one thinking that.
@Shi-ii Hiya
just lookin at toenails what's up
T-man returns.
T is for Tarpit
8:45 PM
@Ike heh. i live next to a high school. pot is one of many things my dog will roll in. if its green and in a bag and my dog is fascinated by it, i know exactly what it is :p
@gunr2171 internet lag! :-D
I guess those high school students are into Agriculture on the outskirts of school property
@Shi-ii Her dog rolls her a joint, of course.
Me neither -- though writing is easier for me than listening and speaking.
8:50 PM
@Shi-ii exactly what it sounds like. he lays down on it and rubs himself all over it.
Oh -- for me it is opposite because when I write, I can just use the words I know. When others write, I always have to use a dictionary.
I went to university in the U.S. and had to read Moby Dick and write about it... most torturous part of my life. I think it took me an average of 20 minutes to get through one page with the number of things I'd have to look up -- not just words but colloquialisms, cultural symbols, etc.
@pham stop bot
8:55 PM
@Drew User is not blacklisted. (3768001 on stackoverflow.com).
keep an eye on that fine fella
@Shi-ii you might find these comics helpful: theoatmeal.com/tag/grammar :D
Hey everyone! (SOCVR chatbot started, linux v2 test!)
@Drew I rather have you link a post here and then ask if the other posts in the profile needs handling as well, instead of just calling out a user
9:01 PM
I was checking with the command. How else would one do that
As mods sit in here, calling it out to them helps
> I have a Plump Helmet Man poet as a permanent resident. I'm not sure of his logic to move into a dwarven fortress, but whatever. (Dwarfs are known for brewing plump helmets)
Is it dwarfs or dwarves there?
It seems like "dwarfs" is standard but "dwarves" might fit into a fantasy context.
well, there's a Plump Helmet Man there... I say that's enough fantasy :P
@Drew Let me disagree on that. If you see something that needs moderation attention you better custom flag it. When that message gets read out of context by someone all of a sudden this room is accused of hunting down users. That is not what we do and I don't want to enable outsiders to load that suspicion on our regulars. I just ask you to be careful.
9:09 PM
am I able to run the command to determine if someone is blacklisted ?
or should I hide off in the Tavern
I suggest you post a link and ask: Is this spam? then run the command.
then mention that to Kevin, Tunaki and everyone else that uses that command here. I am off to other endeavors.
not of any use here
@Braiam i thought everyone called them "dorfs" :p
@Drew I have not seen that before but I'll let them know that I rather not have them use that in that way cc @KevinGuan @Tunaki
@Shi-ii Oh, just that I had to read it in university while learning English simultaneously, and it was the most difficult time I ever had from a study standpoint.
9:19 PM
A horribly boring book about a dude hunting a whale! :-D
It's filled with symbolisms, probably half of which went over my head.
Did you all enjoy university (those who went)?
I didn't at all -- I still have nightmares over 10 years later that I overslept and missed an exam.
I still have nightmares all the time about university.. one time I had one where I just didn't know I had a class for a whole semester and failed it.
Like the dream consisted of the entire semester.. and I'd only be attending 5 out of the 6 courses I took.. I didn't even realize there was a 6th.
9:24 PM
None of this actually happened, of course.. but my memory of university was just studying endlessly... always without days of sleep, exhausted...
Though there was something close to that... one time I arrived late to a class, after an exam had already begun.. and frantically running in there, the students and professor looked at me, and I didn't know what to say... So I lied and said I got in a car accident... and that lie has haunted me ever since... I think it's the source of all my university nightmares over 10 years later.
oh sorry, I'm a rambler.
Was wondering if anyone else still has nightmares about university -- for me it never stops... I think when I'm 50 years old, I'll still have nightmares about doing something and getting a bad grade.
Also have these nightmares like my wife turned into a zombie.. and started eating all my favorite food in the fridge... and I was really upset that she was a zombie, so I posted a challenge on facebook to whomever made my wife into a zombie into a sword fight (in this dream I was a swordmaster for some reason).. then my best friend said he did it...
9:34 PM
... and we got into an epic sword fight and I won, but I shouldn't have because he was an even better swordsman than I was in my dream... but as he was dying, he told me he didn't actually make my wife into a zombie... that he just wanted to see me feel better.
... things are getting bizarre again.
Oh yes, sorry... I like to get weird a lot.
You should notice that the transcript is filling with your monologue ;)
if you wait a bit there are white lines between your messages
Notice: Smokey is for tracking spam, and offensive content. It is not for stalking regular users who happen to exhibit behaviors that you disagree with. If you see some behavior that you disagree with, please do not blacklist the user with smokey, instead use a custom moderator flag and explain what you think the problem is. This room is about content, not users.
Do these transcripts get used or reviewed in some way? If so, I should hesitate a bit more there -- I tend to be very chatty.
9:44 PM
@Ike yes/no, but they are not deleted, ever
unless a mod destroys the room
I see -- parse without ike text -- much shorter. :-D
and sometimes you have users that go over the transcript flagging stuff you said 4 years ago
Keep in mind that at any point in time someone could shine a spotlight on our room, in which case our transcript will come under intense scrutiny.
Ah, even a drunken fool blabbing about dreams?
Well, if we know you can get in a state where you keep talking we will make sure you snap out of it on time.
9:46 PM
Oh well... down to business! There is this one Q that's not reproducible: stackoverflow.com/questions/34382371/…
Tried to work with the op earlier today to post a screenshot or something, but the program gives the output he desires on 4 separate compilers, and other people were answering before that they merely get the correct output.
Did you verify the PC was switched on? Joking...
I'm of not much help, I'm not into C++
:-P XCode novice to C++
and I'm out of votes as well
I'm out here as well, need sleep
what does one do when an MCVE contains various typos (which makes it impossible to run), but doesn't relate to the question being asked?
9:53 PM
see you
@Ike if you fix the typos, does the mcve produce whatever problem is being asked about?
@cimmanon Let's see...
if theres too many typos to fix, i will usually leave a comment stating that i cant get it to compile due to too many uninitialized variables/missing mixins/functions/etc.
ah yes, it does illustrate the issue... he's expecting a different behavior from in.eof()
9:55 PM
I'll try to fix the typos -- the code is kinda pseudocode illustrating the problem more than an MCVE
yeah, if the typos arent related to the problem and theres enough information there to reproduce the problem, fix them in the question
not sure how so many people fail at copy/paste, but it does happen :p
Kind of could do without the MCVE... "How does eof work in the context of I/O streams?" would get to the heart of it, but then it becomes broad. :-D
Not such a big fan of "why isn't my code working?" questions... since I look for questions that give me an opportunity to brush up my skills at explaining things... simply pointing out a simple error doesn't give much wiggle room
@Ike Well, if we aren't careful, those questions may be the only questions that we get soon
@TinyGiant I'm so terrified of that happening!
10:07 PM
I don't want to turn into a debugging service.
Some people seem to think that is all we are. "What have you tried?" And then we should only address what is wrong with what the user tried. Why not solve the problem being asked about?
"What have you tried?" becomes even worse to me.. feels like even more than debugging service, but also technical support.
Sure some questions require code to be answerable, and debugging questions always require code, but downvoting and close voting questions that are answerable just because they don't contain an attempt is not useful.
Yeah, as much as I hate the debugging service questions, I don't vote to close if they abide by the rules.
If questions are unclear or to broad, comments should be used to request clarification or scope reduction, not to turn otherwise non-debugging questions into debugging questions.
10:13 PM
I see that a lot -- where a question about how to do something ends up being pressured into becoming a debugging one. I don't like that either, because the "how to" part is more interesting to me.
Oh most definitely, and much more useful to future viewers.
As long as it isn't way too broad, like: "How do I write an operating system?"
Or: "How do I learn C++?"
Just to throw that in: There are many questions just asking for some code which are unclear + show no effort, so => no effort = DV, unclear = CV
eeh yeah -- those are awful
10:15 PM
it's hard for me to define a "how to" question that gets it right -- narrow enough in scope, but isn't turning into a debug question
@Rizier123 Yes, if there is a lack of research effort which detracts from the question, then downvote it. But having a bunch of research noise for a straight-forward question isn't helpful either.
Getting an answer to a question where OP put no effort into it, just leads to more broad and worst questions where OP put even less effort into it.
"How do move semantics interact with exception-safety?"
kind of a basic question.. but I think that's narrow enough in scope
"How do I do X (simple task)?" + 50 lines of research isn't a useful question.
10:17 PM
The most useful questions on the site (as identified by votes) have relatively little in the way of referenced research effort.
Anyways, gotta run for a bit.
Yes, I think I see what you mean, when the code/research OP should show in the question is bigger than the question itself and it gets noisy, but I think that is a very rare case.
I think so too... but it varies by context -- some questions will have the op get a relentless bashing if he shows too little effort... some questions that ask a simple question indicating no effort at all will become a hit
@Rizier123 It's not as rare as you would think, I see good questions closed / downvoted to oblivion every day simply because they are straight-forward.
the quality that varies to me is based on whether the answer could truly click with the author and explain what he asked depending on the effort (or lack thereof)
10:19 PM
@TinyGiant yes, but a lot of the "best" questions came at a time when it was harder to research such an answer in the first place
Like the one about the symbol the other day. It was a one liner, when I got to it, it was at -7. After I argued that it did not require a bunch of unnecessary noise, it went up above 20 and got 3 great answers.
how many questions asked in the next 6 months are going to end up with more than 50 votes?
I think that's a symptom of traffic.. questions lose their momentum quickly -- they become vapid unless they were a hit on the first day asked
@cimmanon If the question has been asked before, close it as a dupe.
A simple straight-forward question is not something that needs to be downvoted or close voted unless it has been asked before, in which case some duplicate close votes would suffice.
10:21 PM
Someone voted to reopen this? stackoverflow.com/questions/34384951/… oO
It's like we're all looking for a branch prediction question, and anything else is so disappointing that it must be downvoted and close voted to hell.
@TinyGiant Oh not me!
@TinyGiant Check out a question I bountied lately: stackoverflow.com/questions/33829566/for-loop-with-pointer-in-c
ultra-beginner.. but it's the kind of question where the answers can get detailed, start citing ISO/IEC, etc.
Anyways, gotta run. I'll be back in a bit.
10:23 PM
see you
The branch misprediction one isn't even my favorite one from Mysticial.. since it's very basic to anyone working in a performance-critical field.. my favorites of Mysticial are a bit less popular -- the ones going into very subtle details of the CPU cache (things I didn't know about before).
What I do like about the basic branch misprediction question is how beautifully Mysticial broke it down and explained it... that has an exceptional quality to it, even if the knowledge is very basic.
Yup ^^. Also what I do sometimes is: read good answers => write good answers!
The main awkwardness to me is that there are questions that leave little room for such high-quality answers.. and it's not exactly dependent on the difficulty of the subject
a very basic question could still yield an exceptional answer, while a very difficult one may boil down to a basic answer.. "Yes, that's correct."
10:33 PM
I've been struggling to define the qualities of what questions allow such answers and what don't... but struggling and failing.
But I'm searching for those moments when the community comes alive and surprises us with the quality of the answers.
In the tags I hang out in, it's a rare sight when an answer doesn't take on a terse and routine nature... but it's a beautiful one when it happens.
Definitely "routine" is a killer... a routine question -- the 700th one on not understanding that returning a pointer to a local variable is undefined behavior.. routine questions get terse routine answers, not elaborately detailed explanations that surprise me (in a good way)... and when it's routine, a small portions community participates, fires off a very quick, routine answer, and moves to the next Q.
11:01 PM
I always want to provide a third down-vote when I see a post which is -2 as an act of kindness.
So that they can get peer pressure badge.
(but exhausted all my votes for the day)
(of course for things I probably should have down-voted anyway... but more so when it's exactly -2)
11:16 PM
@Drew f implies ignore.
did that guy mash his hands on the keyboard before hitting submit?
11:29 PM
@Drew How is that spam?
no tailored content. can give you mod language to that effect
when i have time
If the user is posting duplicate answers, flag for moderator attention, don't report it to smokey please.
@TinyGiant User removed from blacklist (4792775 on stackoverflow.com).
I guess the mod agreed with me
11:34 PM
Yes, reposting answers is not allowed. Yes, it is worth a mod flag. No, it should not be reported to smokey.
I guess I will have to look at the smokey manual and look at all the use cases it has ever been used for
Spam and offensive posts only. Nothing else.
2 hours ago, by Tiny Giant
Notice: Smokey is for tracking spam, and offensive content. It is not for stalking regular users who happen to exhibit behaviors that you disagree with. If you see some behavior that you disagree with, please do not blacklist the user with smokey, instead use a custom moderator flag and explain what you think the problem is. This room is about content, not users.
I am stalking people is that your contention ?
No, but using smokey to track regular users is not ok. If it's a spammer account, or someone who just came here to post offensive nonsense, that is ok.
11:40 PM
I guess I will have to give you some screen shots of 10k - only eyes where mods warn people who post the same content suggest it is spam
what TG defines as spam is different than what others might
Ok, well it isn't spam as in trying to sell stuff.
well we agree on that for those cases
Use the definition in the help center about how to not be a spammer.
is back, it almost died. sighs

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