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12:00 AM
@rene You've completed 40 CV review item(s) today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 9 minutes, averaging to a review every 15 seconds.
@TinyGiant You've completed 40 CV review item(s) today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 1 hours and 10 minutes, averaging to a review every 1 minutes and 48 seconds.
@MsYvette You've completed 40 CV review item(s) today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 18 hours and 11 minutes, averaging to a review every 27 minutes and 59 seconds.
@KevinGuan You've completed 40 CV review item(s) today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 4 hours and 29 minutes, averaging to a review every 6 minutes and 55 seconds.
@NathanOliver You've completed 38 CV review item(s) today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 19 minutes, averaging to a review every 31 seconds.
@Sam it told me twice today. I finished earlier on. (same with Ms Yvette, rene, and Nathan (possibly Kevin, but I'm not sure))
I thought he was actually Answering the questions and just picked up the lingo of "can't comment"
If I go to sleep now I might be able to wake up at 06:00 to join the event and then go back to bed.... if I don't show-up, enjoy your close vote event.
@rene thanks have a good rest
@TinyGiant script works great thx
btw do you know of a !! / report script out there ?
ie smokey
i need to take a nap I am fried. thx again TG as always
12:15 AM
Good. Morning. Everyone!
@TinyGiant Yep, remember kick Sam if his bot does this next time :P
\o K
@Drew happy snoozing
still chuckling about those "cant comment" ones
I hate my network...Can't load the page correctly...
@MsYvette /o, don't work so hard ;)
Okay, page is normal now.
12:25 AM
@Drew For generating report commands? I could make one pretty easily.
@TinyGiant Noted.
I'll cook up a patch tomorrow when I test GraveRobber again. :)
A script to extend these [ask] shortcut links would be cool, so you could define your own and the script automatically replaces them. E.g. [effort] -> [Some message](LINK)
Well when I think about it the auto comments are similar to this idea. But the shortcuts links are 1) not a full comment 2) you could write multiple in a comment without getting everything replaced.
12:51 AM
Yes, but it would be cool if you could add your own and a script would replace them when you post a comment.
^ Hold on
Wait, @Tiny do you have an idea? This person want to get 3 different but all correct answers...Should I suggest him ask this question 3 times with different language tag? Or just let it be? BTW is this question good or not? It's little unclear for me... (that's why I think it's No MCVE).
@KevinGuan Primarily Opinion Based.
And Too Broad.
1:07 AM
@Rizier123 The problem that you get into then is the max length of the comment, but I suppose a workaround could be had.
@Drew Houston, I Have a Problem.
He's napping at the moment.
@KevinGuan if the behavior is genuinely the same across multiple languages, multiple language tags could apply, but thats rarely the case
Q: Do I make separate questions for separate programming languages?

EvorlorI have a question which I would like to know the answer for in both C# and Java. I was told I needed to specify a language for the particular question. Does that mean I need to post 2 identical questions with a different programming language tag? (Implicitly convert double to int)

@TinyGiant Hmm...fine.
@cimmanon Ah, got it.
However, I saw a good question, it got 50 upvotes (that time). But closed as too broad, because it tagged and .
You can tag that way if you're asking something like "How can I do X (C++) in Python?"
1:18 AM
And for other reasons.
Oh, that one.
1:36 AM
Wow, I waited this at least one month, thanks rene!!! :D But wait, maybe I can't celebrate it with everyone, that's 1 AM here: Starts in 15 hours (in your timezone, that's 1:00 on Sunday), lasts 60 minutes. :(
7 hours ago, by rene
Extended Celebration Event description https://github.com/SO-Close-Vote-Reviewers/SOCVR-RoomInformation/blob/master/cel‌​ebration3.md
@TinyGiant i dont know how everyone else feels about that, but i hate seeing questions with both sass and less tags asking "how do i do this thing less can do in sass?"
Hey @KevinGuan, not to get too far off topic, but do you know anything about this?
@cimmanon Yeah, certain language tags that can be annoying but if you want to ask "How do I do array_sort() (PHP) in JavaScript" it's different.
that doesnt mean you should use the php tag, though.
you can explain the behavior of array_sort() without mentioning php at all
@Shehary greetings
1:51 AM
@cimmanon Maybe you should, maybe you shouldn't. I think that is getting down to splitting hairs.
Alright, I need some FGITW for testing something if anyone has any. (meaning questions that are likely to receive answers while I'm viewing).
@Drew hello bro, how are you?
Hey @bjb how's things?
2:24 AM
Back, was eating breakfast.
17 hours ago, by Kevin Guan
@Tunaki No need sad, actually I never opened any Youtube links which Yvette gives me since it blocked in China
2:39 AM
@TinyGiant Fine
That's good.
What, when I need some FGITW for testing, no one wants to post any answers?
2:45 AM
Fastest Gun In The West - the fast answering game
Or if anyone has a question that they are about to answer, please let me know.
Uh, why? What do you plan to do to my beautiful answer?
@TinyGiant Do you want to answer the question before me?
No nvm, I got the info I needed.
2:48 AM
Just needed to capture the ajax for the new answer notification.
For.... some Magicâ„¢
Oh, that's fine. Remember that our event start in 2:13 hours.
Yup, everyone down for the event?
I'm ready!
For the event, I only cast one CV today.
@KevinGuan It is now.
Looks like it is even the correct answer from the OP's comment.
Yep, I think so.
Yahtzee! @Sam I found a better method for loading posts where you get just the post. Send a GET request to /posts/ajax-load-realtime/POST_ID (where POST_ID is the id of the post you're requesting)
3:01 AM
god forbid if the op would Accept the answer
3:15 AM
what tags are we going to hit in today's event @TinyGiant?
I'm open to suggestions, but otherwise what Closey gives us.
@Closey next 10 tags
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@KevinGuan The next 10 tags are: 89, 65, 56, 47, 43, 41, 36, 35, 32, 31
@TinyGiant Still these tags.
@KevinGuan remember our chat about that? :D
3:17 AM
How about we start off at the end and work our way back.
@MsYvette Oh yeah, yes I know :P
@TinyGiant that's an idea.. makes a change, I've been hitting asp.net every day for a while
3:29 AM
at the tag level, say , has anyone seen a tool here at our disposal to blast out a list of urls of every Q with a close vote
@Drew good idea
@MsYvette do you have access to this page: stackoverflow.com/review/close/history?page=9
I assume not
Thoughts about reopening this? (Currently sitting at 4 reopen votes) stackoverflow.com/questions/34268717/memory-mapped-i-o-in-unix
I would tend to say it's still too broad, but it has a lot of reopen votes.
@Drew only for me unfortunately, it would be a great way to clean up the Q
need to answer more questions
3:40 AM
that is how I clean up the Q (and it ain't thru review queues)
@Drew I hear you, I'd prefer to do that, I need to get motivated to post more..
btw I finally set an additional UTC clock on my pc :D
no more duh what's that time den?
@Drew I actually wrote an auto-reviewer script a while back, but I never posted the code anywhere because I feared someone would actually use it.
I set my watch to UTC
3:43 AM
@Drew don't wear one :D
@TinyGiant oooooooooooh
It would go through the queue and skip any question which did not have 4 close votes and a consensus on the close reason, then vote with the consensus if it found one.
But, I've never let anyone else see the code behind that one because it is so unethical it isn't even funny.
@TinyGiant wow, we should release it on the site for all users and the queue would close up overnight ;) jks
I just want a list say for whatever filter like tag(s), min(existingCVs)
3:45 AM
@MsYvette You would have to actually get people to use it first.
then manually focus on them
@TinyGiant yeh I was trying to say that in my poor attempt at making it punny fail
I could hack it up into a script that just auto-skips any reviews that don't already have four close votes and a consensus, then you still manually review it.
But then who would be the first 4 people to cast a vote?
*hmm, so we need to somehow enter into the secret dome of SO and attach script to unsuspecting user accounts. hm, maybe we can enlist smokey's help*
You guys can't read the italics can you?
3:47 AM
@TinyGiant us
the problem is it foobars your access to those questions in the review code. I want it all back door without affecting one's normal CV Review experience
in other words, SKIP affects you
why isn't it in italics??
@Drew I can skip without skipping.
you can skip without causing you to lose later access ?
3:48 AM
I just load the next review instead of submitting the skip review action.
@Drew yes, I don't know the time frame, as I've skipped the same reviews multiple times...
maybe I have to re-read what you said above. Or as Ms said they come back to life. Like zombies feasting on brains
@MsYvette Once you skip a review it won't show you the review again, it may show you a different review for the same post though.
@TinyGiant oh.. or maybe I didn't press skip, cos I sometimes leave the Q instead of skipping.. hm @Drew cancel what I just said
3:51 AM
@Drew like me when I just wake up
how does one generate the original list without enduring the SKIP that later messes ya up ?
@Drew ?
@TinyGiant moving along
ok so I read a page up what you wrote TG. I am wondering how you generate a list
like, the first step
people with English as a second language sigh
3:52 AM
I just hijack the existing system with a little bit of Magicâ„¢ and tell it to do funky things.
and in doing so not jeopardize (with skip or whatever) your ability to get back to those in a queue stream
alright, that is what I wanna hear
as for robo submit my vote thing, nah, just want the list
@Drew Yes, because the review system requires that you submit a "skip" review action to mark it as skipped, if I just bypass that and request the next review then you haven't actually "skipped" it, you've just moved on.
that's the ticket
I can't make a "list" per se, but I can tailor the queue to just what you want to see.
3:55 AM
don't want the queue :(
queue. bad.
or we can target users with the rep, who have zero reviews and attach the script to their accounts
Why not? You get badges for doing reviews in the queue.
i don't want badges !
Badges are shiny.
have you seen how long the Q is Tiny? There is no badge big enough..
3:56 AM
Well abandoning the queue doesn't help anything.
we're trying to reduce the Q..
closing Questions that we are all looking at shrinks the Q. I am not into badges
You reduce the Q in different ways
Then you're just making your own "Queue" that is different, and you fragment the review system.
not if we are looking at the same questions to get to 5 votes
I don't see the complexity here
@TinyGiant erm TG I think you're being a bit picky here, Drew and I want our votes to count and not age away.
4:00 AM
here, give me a few min. I will post an image
we already looked at that ...
I wanna back door it
and if the mods are cool with it and we are fair in our own review, we achieve that
but it won't happen thru the current queue system
I often skip reveiws with zero or 1 vote on them in some of the tags, as I know it's likely the votes will age away
It would be interesting if we were able to audit our close vote history and see votes which aged away (not using SEDE)
4:11 AM
Hi all. What do we do about this? The OP asked a question, got answers, then said he was still getting errors. He edited his question into his actual code, which was totally different and would've invalidated the answer. I rolled it back and told him to leave that question as it was and ask a new one with the question he actually wanted.
...Thing is, he seems to be question-banned, because his questions are kind of bad.
@Mogsdad I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
So now he's edited that question into a sort of "here's the original, and thank you, but I also want to ask a different question about my actual issue."
@TigerhawkT3 Four buts in a sentence, that's a bad sign.
4:13 AM
if the Op changes it again flag for a moderator
Anyways, roll it back to the revision that made sense, (which will raise an auto-flag if you've done that before) then you could flag a moderator if you have any additional context you would like to add.
@TinyGiant I'll see your 4 buts, and raise you 3 "currently"s
I already had rolled it back, and he was going to ask a new question, but he can't. Do I just roll it back and tell him "tough cookies, L2Ask"?
I mean, he had edited his question into something different, and I rolled it back. Do I roll it back again?
@Mogsdad rough.
@TigerhawkT3 Yes, that will raise the auto-flag.
4:14 AM
@TigerhawkT3 yes and I've left a comment
They kinda jump off the page at ya.
Okay, will do.
Then if you have any more context you would like to add, raise a custom flag as well.
@Mogsdad Yup
@Mogsdad so close to 20k :D
4:16 AM
@MsYvette I can almost smell it!
Nope, that's gingerbread...
@Mogsdad yum
Mogsdad passed an audit!
That's right. ANDROID. BB8, in fact...
@Drew Your spam reporter script. It will add a new item to every post menu called "report"; clicking on this will open a confirmation dialog; after confirming it will send the report command for that post to this chat room. If you want to test it out, find the line where room is set and read the comment.
I took a step in an unusual direction and went out of my way to write "readable" code this time for some reason.
4:20 AM
@TigerhawkT3 actually the OP in that question cannot post a new questions which is what the mod discusses in that link I posted, people will edit to create a new question to circumvent question bans
@MsYvette That's no reason not to flag or rollback. It's even more of a reason to flag. Then the moderator can suspend them.
Ordinarily I would agree, but the OP was just trying to do what I told him to do (leave that question as it was and ask a new, relevant one). I dunno.
@TinyGiant if you look at the link I posted, you it back, if the OP edits it again to a different post, you then flag a Mod.
@MsYvette A second roll back flags a mod automatically.
@TigerhawkT3 not your fault they have a question ban. It's good you are trying to help.
4:22 AM
@TinyGiant then that answer needs to be updated.. hint hint
I've been through this countless times and I've been told that what I do is perfectly acceptable by mods
@Mogsdad You've completed 40 CV review item(s) today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 11 minutes, averaging to a review every 17 seconds.
@Tunaki: Because you are also a purveyor of spam reports, you may be interested in the userscript I just mentioned to Drew.
@TinyGiant I believe you, but perhaps you could write another answer to the question I have embedded in my profile :D meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/290297/… hint
I'll get the answer reference (it might even be a comment).
4:25 AM
Seems like our event will start soon, what's our plan @Tiny ?
I'll start the event in 34 minutes and we'll start on the low end of the queue.
my bad
Okay, I'm waiting.
Already done my cv run.
@Mogsdad You have inlaws anyway so I won't hold it against you.
4:27 AM
@MsYvette see this
@TinyGiant In fact... ended up taking my f.i.l. to a hockey game tonight. The ladies went shopping without us. Win-win-win.
Regardless - it's late, so I'll bid you all good night. Be careful out there!
@TinyGiant that's defacing not editing to make a new post, ah but the flags are automatic
4:37 AM
Hey thanks @TinyGiant that answer is later and I've asked him to update the one I mentioned, as it's a mod flag that's not needed
@MsYvette Changing the question into a different question entirely when there are existing answers that answer the previous question is defacing the question.
@TinyGiant I'm not going to argue about that, the point is, it raises an automatic flag.
I've never been in a room event before, I'm really excited :D I seriously need a life
4:42 AM
@alirezasafian and now there's a answer
@MsYvette What should we do?
it's 30 degrees (86 F) today
@alirezasafian Well if the answer was NAA or LQ it woulc be flagged. However it's likely to be deleted if the Q is, as it already has a downvote. I will make a comment.
@MsYvette Great, thank you.
@TinyGiant I just left a comment too
4:46 AM
@MsYvette Noticed.
@TinyGiant mine is kinder you can delete yours :p
No I'll delete mine if you wish.
@MsYvette Just to clarify, in this case it is not flaggable.
@TinyGiant totally agree
Mine is more specifically about the problem the current problem with the question, so he can look out for that in the future.
4:48 AM
I'll leave it this time, as the Op has replied. I know TG I was being smart.. I know we're not supposed to pile on, but we're also pointing out two different aspects, and with the user has a reasonable rep, so I'll leave it yes?
Those replies though... they seem.... similar.
An event is starting in 10 minutes in SO Close Vote Reviewers - "Clear the CVQ (@ 5 UTC)"
@TigerhawkT3 Are you in for the event?
deleted :)
4:50 AM
whats that global ping for?
@MsYvette Oh no, I meant the author's comments.
it's interesting seeing different replies, I can guess where abouts people are from in the way they address others..
^^^ That is what I was talking about.
Wow, this is the first time that I join an event, can't wait it. :D
@neferpitou We're having a focused reviewing event in a few minutes.
4:51 AM
@TinyGiant I know, but you're quicker than me! (4 seconds)
@neferpitou Please join us! :D
that sounds cool
@AlexanderO'Mara You in for the event?
TG it's a bit scary saying no to you, being a giant and all
But I'm a Tiny Giant
4:53 AM
@MsYvette Hmm...but looks he only has 113 rep, so he can't view the Close Vote queue :(
@KevinGuan ok :( I'm so sorry @neferpitou can we post and @TinyGiant?
@neferpitou get to 3k so you can get in on the fun! :)
@MsYvette What do you mean?
@TinyGiant Erm, event?
Well, who can go to weak up rene?
4:55 AM
@TinyGiant never mind, I was thinking for neferpitou to vote on, but it kinda totally perverts the review queue principles
@MsYvette ??
@TinyGiant ok, soon
What's the event?
@AlexanderO'Mara Yeah, we're going to be doing a focused reviewing event in 4 minutes.
Get as big of an impact on the queue as we can by focusing our close votes.
4:57 AM
@KevinGuan What for?
5 hours ago, by rene
If I go to sleep now I might be able to wake up at 06:00 to join the event and then go back to bed.... if I don't show-up, enjoy your close vote event.
@Brock are you in for the event?
@neferpitou never mind, I made a really stupid suggestion
@KevinGuan Ahh, lol
ok so which tag?
4:58 AM
@TinyGiant Just now looking to see what it was...
@MsYvette :3
Sorry I was away for a bit. What's involved in this event?
is there one we can obliviate from the queue?
@BrockAdams Focused reviewing and fun.
@MsYvette I believe we're starting off with ide
4:58 AM
@TigerhawkT3 You know, we're SO Close Vote Reviewers :P
one more minute to start.
ah OK I couldn't remember
What do I do? Is there a certain queue?
@TinyGiant Okay. I'll help what I can. But intermittently.
We focus on certain tags in the queue, to make the biggest dent
4:59 AM
@BrockAdams Sounds good.
so after ide?
@Closey start event
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
8,063 need review
525 reviews today
3,002,102 reviews all-time
The tags to work on are: , , .

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