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12:00 AM
@NathanOliver You've completed 38 CV review item(s) today, thanks!
@KevinGuan You've completed 40 CV review item(s) today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 39 minutes, averaging to a review every 1 minutes and 0 seconds.
@MsYvette You've completed 40 CV review item(s) today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 23 minutes, averaging to a review every 36 seconds.
@Mogsdad You've completed 40 CV review item(s) today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 11 minutes, averaging to a review every 17 seconds.
@TinyGiant You've completed 40 CV review item(s) today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 21 minutes, averaging to a review every 33 seconds.
@rene You've completed 40 CV review item(s) today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 11 minutes, averaging to a review every 18 seconds.
@KevinGuan You've completed 40 CV review item(s) today, thanks!
@Drew You've completed 21 CV review item(s) today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 17 hours and 6 minutes, averaging to a review every 51 minutes and 20 seconds.
1 hour later…
1:27 AM
Note that both and are included in the great legal cleanup from this past summer, the end goal here is to actually complete that cleanup by burninating the tags
I really should've dupehammered it immediately but I had the foolish hope that the question was good. =\
1:47 AM
@AlexanderO'Mara .i.sstatic.net/ZhpsH.jpg
@TigerhawkT3 that question I mistakenly voted to reopen stackoverflow.com/questions/34332956/…
@MsYvette I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@Sam What's wrong with Pham!!!!
@Shi-ii Yep
@Shi-ii Sure, please check our team page and our FAQ.
@cybermonkey Hmm...I think it's . However you really should check the team page. Hat's are funny there :P
2:06 AM
@MsYvette Redemption!
@TigerhawkT3 ;) my fault, too much in a rush
this guy clinging on to this answer is too funny (to me at least) stackoverflow.com/revisions/34374688/1
holy way too fluffing much code: stackoverflow.com/questions/34377351/…
@Drew no promises, but I may be building something along the lines of what we were talking about last night.
2:19 AM
It might be coming along nicely.
@Tiny How do we celebrate the new year? :P
sounds good TG. Working on some maniacal things here too
@TinyGiant However last night is so funny (do you know that it's 10:18 AM here and I've just woke up?), I'll go to check Sam's bookmark :P
Yeah, that was pretty funny.
2:22 AM
oh I so wish I could pile on a comment there too cimm
idownvotedyoubecause needs more reasons. but i forget what reasons need added until i want to use that reason :-(
also, someone upvoted the question. mindboggling
I know why. Because the guy just gave an entire system (one that presumably doesn't work)
Someone was clearly impressed that they had that much code and still had a question to ask
@cimmanon Don't worry, nobody really check them.
The dev comments in the Stack Exchange js are hilarious. Such gems as:
2:31 AM
// handles the "your answer sucked so hard we converted it to a comment" jump on page load
more "too much code". this time it is a link to a pastebin containing ~1000 LoC: stackoverflow.com/questions/34377414/…
Woot! It's alive!
Just checked the bookmark. Now I want say this again: Tanks everyone!
Damnit, just used up the last of my api quota...
@Closey stats
2:38 AM
7,652 need review
198 reviews today
3,003,866 reviews all-time
@Closey starting
@KevinGuan May the Vote be with you!
@cimmanon Just got an edit, much more manageable now
@KevinGuan I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
hm, there seems to be a lot of keywords used here in this image filename mentioned here. does this look fishy to you guys? stackoverflow.com/questions/34377471/…
2:43 AM
@cimmanon With no outbound links, I don't think it's much of an issue
@KevinBrown op deleted it, but i cant reproduce a problem with what he posted (could be a non-space space character, but those usually survive a copy/paste)
@cimmanon My guess was the psuedo element ::-webkit-input-placeholder, but I guess the problem was solved
nah, sass wont choke on that
Not even older versions of sass?
nope. it would have to be really really old. sass doesnt understand exact selectors. i could write ::totally-made-up-selector and sass would be like, "ok, coming right up!"
because it has the same pattern as an existing selector
2:58 AM
is that an auto message "this does not really" ... too funny stackoverflow.com/a/34377138
it does not at all
shouldnt that question be closed?
"not customer support for your favorite company" or whatever
That screenshot... who would set their system's default font to such a thing?
that guy?
(though its probably a woman :p)
gotta be. I bet @MsYvette has the same font goin
then again simon peyton jones uses comic sans for all of his slides...
that is a lot of code
@Drew you gotta be kidding lol.. Man I go for readability.. probably cos I need glasses, but instead just keep increasing my font size and stopped reading printed books :D
what is the background color of your screen right now ?
3:19 AM
You have summoned the Sam.
@KevinGuan it's a known bug.
@KevinGuan the second one is not so bad. You need to include parts of those files.
I'm working on it.
They just don't cut out what is unnecessary
@cimmanon do you do website design?
@MsYvette i pretend to from time to time.
3:21 AM
@MsYvette Oops, so he need edit his question and change his whole files to a MCVE right?
BTW, morning :)
@cimmanon :) I am hopeless at making things look ok. I had a browse of your sites, very nice :D
thank you
@Sam When can you fix that bug?
3:22 AM
@MsYvette try out TG's eye saving userscript for ease on the eyes. I can find the link
@KevinGuan yeh, the first was like.. I cannot read this, the second was I'm not sure all the things I need to answer it are actually there!
And the rest of the messages after that.
@MsYvette Huh, then looks Kevin Brown's comment is enough.
@Sam Hey, Yam was there :P
@Sam Turns out that assigning all of the event listeners to the post after loading it with that link I mentioned last night is absurdly easy.
@KevinGuan oh yeh, definitely, don't comment
3:25 AM
@TinyGiant Event listeners? Which ones?
@Sam For voting and comments and editing and such.
@KevinGuan Yes, another test bot.
Yeah, I know her.
@TinyGiant Oh right. Via the websocket?
@KevinGuan him.
3:27 AM
Nah, just using the existing functions available on every page.
However If everything's correct, I can get 6k rep in 2 days. Wow, from 3k to 6k...@Sam When did I come here?
I've hijacked an empty page, then made a search bar with all of the options available for the /questions api.
So I can query based on anything available there.
3:29 AM
Then I made a filter to search for any unclosed question with greater than a supplied number of close votes.
@KevinGuan A few weeks ago maybe?
@KevinGuan 2 days?
@Sam No, I think almost 2 months.
@KevinBrown :P
3:30 AM
Display them all on a page exactly as they would be on the question page, but one after another.
Everything works too.
Not finished yet, I ran out of my api quota.
Sounds interesting
3:31 AM
Apparently I only get 300, but on the documentation site it is 10000
However, now I have almost 6k rep, so I also can have 9k rep soon. And then...*EAT YOUR HAT @SAM!*
Yeah, there's a thing you have to do. @Pro will know more.
(I just like to hack everything.)
Ah, I'll ask him.
Yeah, I don't like using the api, I'd rather just hack it, but it works.
@KevinGuan wasn't there a time limit involved somewhere? :p
3:35 AM
Really? When? I forget it :P
@TinyGiant And that is why smokey is little slower at picking up certain posts.
He uses the api, so they have to space out when they make the reqs.
@Sam Yeah, throttling sucks.
Hax all teh tings
4:03 AM
@Closey starting
@approxiblue Happy reviewing!
passed c# audit
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[image]"
@Closey next 15 tags
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@approxiblue The next 15 tags are: 89, 65, 56, 47, 43, 41, 36, 35, 32, 31, 29, 29, 29, 27, 27
4:20 AM
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[opencv]"
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[tcp]"
passed opencv audit
@Closey end session
@approxiblue I have forcefully ended your last session. To see more details use the command last session stats. In addition, the number of review items is most likely not set, use the command last session edit count <new count> to fix that.
@Closey last session edit count 38
Review item count has been changed:
User: approxiblue (880772)
Start Time: 2015-12-20 04:03:37 UTC
End Time: 2015-12-20 04:24:19 UTC
Items Reviewed: [Not Set] -> 38
Use the command 'last session stats' to see more details.
@Drew User is not blacklisted. (5509330 on stackoverflow.com).
5:02 AM
Should we close this stupid question? stackoverflow.com/questions/34378115/…
@KevinGuan :)
@TigerhawkT3 :D
@KevinGuan Try to refrain from derogatory terms such as "stupid". Outsiders view are chat regularly, and some will not take kindly to that kind of talk.
@TinyGiant Fine. Now let's test: Can you refer OP's code and my comment complete OP's program?
I'm to focused on what I'm working on at the moment.
5:16 AM
Okay okay :P
@Closey starting
@TylerH Don't get lost in the queue!
Passed JavaScript audit
Passed JavaScript audit
Passed C audit
5:39 AM
There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[android-studio]"
Is this question good? Looks fine for me: stackoverflow.com/review/close/10623285
Passed iOS audit
So this person is replacing with . For example this, this and this one.
@KevinGuan Take that to meta
@TylerH Ask a meta question about it?
Looks is a new tag. But another one is a old one.
5:46 AM
yes, well not really "ask", more of a statement
you can ask "is it OK or should we do something about it"
This user is doing bulk tag edits on ssr-expression stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/10626682
typically behavior like this is detrimental and usually just done so that the user can get to 2,000 reputation quickly
@MsYvette Well, check the above messages :P
which ones?
5:48 AM
3 mins ago, by Kevin Guan
So this person is replacing with . For example this, this and this one.
@MsYvette I'll go to ask a meta question about it as TylerH suggested.
Q: Should we replace tag "expression" with "ssrs-expression"?

Kevin GuanToday I saw a person who's replacing expression with ssrs-expression. For example this, this, and this suggested edit. I've notice that expression is older than ssrs-expression. The first one has 4,146 questions at this moment. But the second one only has 95. So, is replace tag expression with ...

Flag for moderator attention. Explain the situation. At worst you'll get a declined flag.
@TinyGiant So I should delete this meta post and use a flag instead?
Seen in the Reopen queue: " On each lick on the body..." :-)
6:00 AM
Meh, leave it up. I didn't realize you had already posted/
How is this question a dupe? Seems like really different: stackoverflow.com/review/close/10621390
It's a duplicate of the first one, not the second
the second is totally unrelated
It's a duplicate because the answer is the same
so people with this problem should be pointed to the first one, even though the problem is a different one
the real problem is that there's not enough space in the C:\ drive
not that the user is getting the Android error
@TylerH But if we vote to close as dupe the first one, the question will be closed as dupe these two questions since there already 3 close votes as dupe on the second one right?
yeah, it's not the best situation (thanks, robo reviewers)
but it's OK since the right one is listed
if it bothers you, you can always flag for a moderator to take a look and remove the "wrong" dupe from the list of two
:P Good idea. I'll go to flag it for mods. Star for the robo reviewers.
6:13 AM
That makes sense now. I misunderstood the button groups. You also solved the problem of the layout when the screen is smaller by using col-xs-12. I will research this better. Thanks again. — The OrangeGoblin 12 hours ago
> I will research this better
Music to my ears
flagged it
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 17 hours to continue reviewing.
@TylerH Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
6:32 AM
@KevinGuan You've completed 40 CV review item(s) today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 3 hours and 49 minutes, averaging to a review every 5 minutes and 52 seconds.
Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 17 hours to continue reviewing.
@KevinGuan Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
6:42 AM
@KevinGuan most of his edits seem to be focused on questions that are indeed about SRSS. At least from a brief look, most seem to be valid edits, and for the cases that aren't - that's what rejects were invented for. If you think he's blindly editing just leave him a comment. — Mureinik 5 mins ago
@MsYvette Do you think if a comment is needed or not?
@Sam Hiya! What was the discussion about?
Ah, the API.
@TinyGiant You need to register for an API key to get your 10k requests a day.
@ProgramFOX Yeah Normal and Doorknob told me in Charcoal HQ, thanks though :)
7:12 AM
@Closey next 5 tags
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@TinyGiant The next 5 tags are: 89, 65, 56, 47, 43
7:25 AM
@KevinGuan you posted a meta question, I think you should ask there K.
Someone suggested an edit on that, lulz
@TinyGiant Actually I found this spam post in suggested edit queue :P
Good job Smokey.
That was Normal Human in the Charcoal HQ on chat.meta.SE
7:40 AM
I know
How does the "Community" decide whether to lock the question as Protected? any criteria?
@neferpitou If there's 6 deleted answers, and all of them are posted by low rep users, then Community will auto protected the question.
@KevinGuan ok tnx
@KevinGuan Didn't know that. Thanks!
@Drew That was just reported.
7:47 AM
@NisseEngström Related: What is a “protected” question?
Oops, it's 5, not 6.
that said I think I should call that phone number
@MsYvette Good idea.
I need to watch more Austin Powers movies
8:06 AM
Well, what's the content of our tag wiki reject options? I need use them now.
@Closey refresh tags
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@MsYvette Tag data has been refreshed.
@Closey next 10 tags
@MsYvette The next 10 tags are: 89, 65, 56, 47, 43, 41, 36, 35, 32, 31
32 messages moved to Trash can
8:26 AM
Anyways, I'm out for the night, talk to you guys tomorrow.
sleep well thanks again
night boss
9:02 AM
That last one seems more like Too Broad than Off-Site Resource.
@TigerhawkT3 Yup. That's how I voted. I'm cautious about voting for "off-site resource" when there is no actual request for one.
@TigerhawkT3 @NisseEngström It's true.
1 hour later…
10:20 AM
So...this afternoon is very very very quiet...
10:39 AM
stackoverflow.com/q/34380091/3933332 How should we close this? unclear; or custom reason: not a real question?
@Rizier123 that pr0blam solved it self
Seems like smokey is a bit slower than me :O
10:51 AM
@KevinGuan It's a feature request, not a bug report.
@cybermonkey Ah, fine.
11:30 AM
I reviewed these answer(1, 2, 3, 4) and decided to vote for deleting them because "try this" or only code answer doesn't have any value. Am I doing wrong?
@alirezasafian Huh, seems like I reviewed the first one.
@KevinGuan ha ha ha.
However, no need delete code-only answers IMO.
11:54 AM
@KevinGuan Thank you for the link. It believe the "try this" answer or code-only answers should be deleted or should be given downvote.
@alirezasafian Hmm...however as Martin said, downvote is OK, but since sometimes code-only answers are helpful, so we need keep them.
12:07 PM
@ProgramFOX What's the difference between Non-English and non-Latin in Smokey's report?
Plop Kevin
My poster got accepted at ICSC \o/
Well, however you know, this evening is very quiet.
Yeah ... Sunday
12:16 PM
Makes loud noise, starts dropping things off the table
@neferpitou Shell: Unknown command 'ssssh'; Do you mean 'ssh'?
sudo ssssssh
@BhargavRao Suddenly, someone's coffee was gone.
I have a million dollar idea? anybody wanna know?
12:18 PM
@neferpitou [sudo] password for neferpitou:
@neferpitou What's it?
I am thinking of a new Advertising platform
Converting the sky:cloud into Advertising thing.
I got this idea last moth after I see an Apple logo in the sky. :P
what do you think?
Can you touch the cloud or sky?
you cant so far,
12:22 PM
So when you can?
I cant tell yet :3
However, there's still something can celebrate on Sunday, despite it's very quiet, there's also no SPAMMERS.
people loves to code this day, thats why
Hmm...and why?
even spammers and keyboard warriors do have life outside this matrix.
12:29 PM
Still don't know what's life.
<-- same , highfive
Seems so.
@NisseEngström Looks it's a weird thing.
Good morning, everyone!
12:43 PM
I've got a good feeling about today.
Also @Mogsdad Congrats in Advance (20k club)
@BhargavRao Hey, that's really cool! Congrats!
@BhargavRao Thanks - I hadn't looked yet. See, I knew it would be a good day!
12:46 PM
I now need to add the reviewers suggestions and submit the full paper.
@Mogsdad 1 more hat for ya to get to 20 hats club (Only 3 till now on SO)
@Closey starting
@Mogsdad May the Vote be with you!
@BhargavRao I've been stuck at 19 for a while, but should have the vote early/often today.
Yeah, that's easy to get.
@Mogsdad Morning
12:48 PM
Hey Mogs
Hey @Sam
Closey v2 update: git's being a git atm so I can't push anything. Bug fixes will be pushed on Monday instead.
@Sam git == git
12:50 PM
@Sam Ah - wondered why I didn't get the "I see you're avoiding your family obligations and have started reviewing" message!
You know it is an audit when you've filtered the Q and still get other stuff :P
It's sooooo easy to know if an item is audit or not :P

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