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@Rizier123 You've been doing this too long - I think you nailed it :p
It's just a guess-game I could also be completely wrong with my guess.
So, you mean that Facebook doesn't have a folder for each user? No kidding?
I think you couldn't even create so many folders for each user in Windows.
FB better not be running on a windows server
Billion folders in one folder .... that's a job for FAT32 filesystem for sure
Okay.. maybe it's possible: superuser.com/q/104220
@Rizier123 but god knows how many files the windows os already uses
Just noticed how sad this is: stackoverflow.com/posts/33937073/revisions Spam is better formatted than others real question: stackoverflow.com/revisions/33935216/1
@Kyll Plop o/
@Thaillie stackoverflow.com/q/33937168/3933332 OP has a bit weird code here: Missing quotes for the variable, mixing php and html with php tags, so I asked him for the html output in the source code, so that we can see what the real code does.
@Rizier123 Looks like a collection of typos to me
Well, most questions look like a collection of typos, but this one more than usual
is a typo.
@Kyll Ah see: stackoverflow.com/questions/33937168/… I bet OP's explode() call didn't worked, so the array only contains 1 value, which is the unexploded string: 1,2,3,4. Now when he loops through his array he prints: 1,2,3,4.png and that image doesn't exist.
^^ But it's just a guess.
P*** morning.
@Thaillie It's fine
For questions like that, the most important thing must be for the intent to be crystal clear
It's probably a dupe since it's a fairly basic matter though (difference between two dates)
Plop kayess!
P*** Kyll!
So, given that all the answers on this question not only correct the logic but an amount of typos, should it be closed as such?
@kayess How is the gaining of reputation going?
That's unhelpful.
@Kyll I would say mark as dupe of this or this question
@Thaillie The second one seems spot on
98 messages in the room...
@Kyll I dont know whats better, mark as a dupe or flag as typo.
@Thaillie I'd go with dupe, it's the most helpful to OP and future readers
@Kyll For if you just google the question title you easily find atleast 2-3 dupes. Its a terrible tag :p
same with python
@Thaillie don't forget to work on your rep as well so you can proper close vote
@rene I don't have much time atm, but I am trying to get ~3K rep to get into the review queue's. So it will take a while :p
The error in this question strongly smells like a typo
@Kyll i think it's just a bad query
@TimCastelijns Could you also edit the title and remove "Please help me"?
Never mind, grace ended
@Kyll For as far as I can see the querry makes no sence :p
@Kyll wouldn't be able to provide a title that doesn't suck
so much c++ hate...
Might be spam probe
@tripleee wut? No, use an offensive flag
@rene thanks for asking :-) Trying to do my best (read i'm trying to answer when my spare time allows it), just answered a question stackoverflow.com/questions/33909468/… Or do you have a particular point of being curious ? :-)
ah yes, will do
About the conversation above with the teacher and the pasted homework, I'm surprised no one said "The community isn't able to deal with ownership/copyright issue, contact the official support for that". Or did I miss it?
@Kyll I think that was stated in one of Tim's links.
Oh, okay
@kayess yes I have. You'll be more effective if you have 3K and I know focusing on moderation might defer your effort on gaining rep/attribute knowledge. We have this in our FAQ: Ideally 3k reputation, but 1k will do. I poke you now and then to get you at our minimum level.
@rene okay. I'm trying to keep my head up until I reach 1k at minimum.
That has worked for at least one member here so ... ;)
The last time durron harassed me, I got to 2k then @TinyGiant gave me some rep to gain close votes
I'm not saying that we should act as a voting ring
Haha I knew that'd trigger that
But I assume tiny liked the quality of your posts
To clarify, Tiny bountied my top answer which has received 22 upvotes
I might have some bounties to spare if you would like to participate in a bounty ring also /-:
to try to stay the moral high ground, feel free to nominate somebody else's post here for me to award ...
I've always wondered if we could do that, actually
Let's say only for non-members of this room to stay impartial
Yeah the repo mafia
No, we shouldn't, really
Could I go ahead and say, "check out this crazy good answer"?
I just awarded random bounties to a total stranger because it felt like the right thing to do -- but maybe I'll withdraw my offer at least for now just to avoid any conspiracies
@kayess Actually one of the main concern of this room is not to appear as a voting ring, so this message just deeply pissed off rene I think =p
@Kyll i have just tried to joke about rep-mafia :-\
The problem is that occasional visitors might not get the joking nature of that comment
We get flagged for that
@kayess The joke's cut short when some user comes in here or on meta or to a moderator saying "I've been the victim or harassment by SOCVR, they are an organized voting ring punishing other newish users for the fun and drinking the blood of innocents"
And that will get this room into trouble
good evening
Ah, that of course was not my intention!
Hi Nisha
Plop @Nisha
looking at kayess' profile I would not be competent to vote on any of those JavaScript and C# questions anyway
@NishaSalim good afternoon
how are you?
Need coffee
@Kyll that "drinking blood of the innocents" was funny :-)
@Nisha So all in all we're pretty well
I have some doubt regarding up and down vote
Maybe we can shed some light on that
people giving down vote without telling reason..I feel that's not fair
Not fair to who? The one being downvoted?
don't know
Or future readers who might not know why the post has received a downvote?
there are way too many newbies who don't read the guidelines before posting ... if they received a lot of downvotes already and I am looking for something to do, it does not take long to add a comment, but really, in those cases it should be easy for them to find out what's wrong
What is the doubt anyway?
A: CSS. How to change font for all items of a class(?)

Nisha Salim * { font-size: 15px !important; font-weight: bold; } <div>Data</div> <div>Data</div> <p>Data </p> please try this.The asterisk implies all elements.

(doubt == Middle East for "question" I think?)
you saw this post? I got one up vote before sometime..now got down vote
@tripleee (Middle East is not a language)
and a single downvote .. those things just happen
Nisha on a sidenote: you shouldn't place comments asking why you have been downvoted
@Kyll I know but I am not going to speculate about exact geography
ok thank @Tim
The downvoter will likely not see it because they don't get notified
@NishaSalim It seems you have misunderstood the question. "page items" in the question refers to elements with the class page-item-xxx, not all actual DOM nodes
(looks at profile) ... Oh, India
ya am india
@NishaSalim see also meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/285081/… and about a hundred similar questions on meta
@tripleee don't do that, please
ok thank you kyll
@NishaSalim As a matter of fact, there's a website in construction: idownvotedyoubecause.com. Once it's finished and packed with a couple more reasons, I plan to use it extensively in comments to show how to improve posts.
@tripleee referring to a user as a group and qualify based on that? At least that is how I read your comment
@rene I read it as "Oh, you come from India" but can see how it could be read otherwise
I misunderstood that question...that's why I gave that answer
sorry, we were talking about where "doubt" is used in this way, and as the english.se links shows, India makes sense as the answer ... but I realize now that I may have unintentionally sounded like I was saying something completely different and very unfitting. My sincerest apologies
@NishaSalim And yes, if the downvoter acted like so for this reason then it would have been helpful from him to actually tell it
@tripleee np, I see what happened, it is me...
Hmm...300+ messages in this room...
And Plop!
Plop Kevin
@NishaSalim so it seems the down voter had a point?
@Kyll :P
Every time the "P" word gets posted here, god makes a syntax error.
And the Spearrel God eats a nut.
@Cerbrus No problem, it's string. Unless there's a \` in it will not raise SyntaxError`.
but in question .page-item-124 is a class name.. and "a" is a item..he asking,apply that css to all page items there..
@KevinGuan Who says that's not the error he's making?
He's a stubborn old guy.
@Cerbrus Ah, It raise an error because there's a \ in my string message.
@NishaSalim Yes, question was a bit unclear
I deleted my answer...I lost -2 point so..get one down vote
selected answer is wrong in my understand...
@NishaSalim See this comment
I think questioner new in html...that's he satisfied with selected answer.
Plop @NishaSalim :)
ok...I didn't saw that comment..
What's the matter?
anyway thank you everybody catch you later..bye bye
Edited question
See ya
Anyone knows a good dupe for this question? Pretty sure it's been covered already
Nice find
anyway something wrong in that question...bcs .page-item-124 {
font-size: 15px !important;
font-weight: bold;
} he can write this css call in all divs...
@Thaillie Want to cast the ?
instend of that selectd answer
@Kyll Done
@NishaSalim I have to cut the discussion short I am afraid. If you need further discussion please head over to the SO Tavern
NNA is a typo
@KevinGuan Not Na Answer
You can't expect developers to complete the task before they've fixed all syntax errors
@TimCastelijns Oops, never mind that.
Also, answer cannot be flagged POB, so you should rethink that one. NAA probz
@Kyll :P
And logical flaws
@KevinGuan SWIFT code fi38 2058 0000 1762 25
@TimCastelijns Hmm...Okay that is.
@tripleee :( Don't understand
@KevinGuan that's my bank account
(not really, actually)
Bottom one is also NAA
@tripleee I just transferred the money ...
@TimCastelijns :D Then SO will...
2 hours ago, by DavidG
is a typo.
@DavidG Really? How to correct it?
@KevinGuan Delete it
Replace with
Done :D
I found this dupe of two already answered questions: stackoverflow.com/questions/33938199/…
What to do in this case ?
@kayess VTC it as dupe, choose one that (you like|more upvotes|helpful for OP).
@KevinGuan I don't think kayess has enough rep to do that
@SmokeDetector Question deleted by author..? I saw a comment from OP on the crap answer
you can add a comment mimicking the CV comment the system generates, but bringing it up here is a good proxy
@kayess which question would you nominate it as a duplicate of?
@tripleee Np, he can flag it and we can VTC it.
@SmokeDetector deleted
no, you need 3k rep to do that
@Kyll Hmm...did I see an upvote on it?
@tripleee Hmm...I remember that I have 4k rep right?
kayess has 439 so still some way to go to unlock this feature
but again, that's one of the scenarios where this room can help, if you can just tell us what to dupe it as
the code from the question is from stackoverflow.com/questions/1420381/…
which is nominated as one of the dupes
@tripleee Then CTV it as dupe that question?
it's one of the flawed answers
but yeah, I nominated to close as duplicate
@tripleee Hmm...but there's already 2 dupe flags flag it as dupe the another question.
@KevinGuan some actions by Community<> are automatically triggered on certain events
@TimCastelijns Hmm...Is there some auto protect events ?
Perhaps like if (question.getDeletedAnswers.size() > 5) { question.protect(); }
@TimCastelijns Android? :)
if question.getDeletedAnswers.size > 5:
That's unpythonic :P
@TimCastelijns Ah, I need do this in vim or other good editor :P
This is the MSE post on the topic: meta.stackexchange.com/a/89971/158100
either you have a property deleted_answers or you have a method get_deleted_answers()
@KevinGuan python usually has snake case for variable naming
@tripleee I guess there is a method
@TimCastelijns Ah, that one :P. Wait me.
so probably if len(question.deleted_answers()) > 5:
if Question.deleted_answers > 5:
@TimCastelijns Now? :)
Nooo why capital Q?
a method would be more flexible in that the accessor can do stuff behind the scenes
and an accessor which returns the actual deleted answers as objects makes more sense than just an integer telling you the amount of data
@TimCastelijns Hmm...because it's a class, like BeautifulSoup?
classes have capitals but their instances don't
@tripleee Oh, forget that.
.oO(forget what?)
if question.deleted_answers > 5:
He means he forgot that
@TimCastelijns Yep, I forgot .
I cannot do your review for you mate
@TimCastelijns :(
I just found something interesting about reviews, do you guys think a tool like this should be banned? meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/310885/…
Thaillie I find the upvoted comment on that answer interesting
@Thaillie How? You can also visit the real question with a click on the link (which I do for questions that are borderline) and then notice you are looking at an audit
Audits are there to stop robo-reviewers that are ignorant.
Audits are not meant to be air tight
@Thaillie Oh, I'm using another one. Thanks @Tiny :D
normalhuman? developer of our coffee machine?
@KevinGuan brews coffee for @KevinGuan
@KevinGuan yep
:P. And sleep time now.
sleep well
Bonne nuit
@Kyll 晚安 :P
30k user edited that and didn't bother fixing the title...
I have positioned a "TLDR" at wrong place in my answer, then a 17k user leaves a comment like this "Nah! Put teh TL;DR on the first line". Whats the matter?
Nothing, ignore him
@SmokeDetector The edit history on that doesnt look to good :p stackoverflow.com/posts/30811934/revisions
@TimCastelijns ok.
@DavidG That's me. There are over 57k tags in use that should not be (according to their Usage guides). SE does nothing to help 'burninate' these and won't even blacklist them (even when not the only tag or even no longer used). The advice is to deal with them manually, as I have been. It is SE policy that such edits appear on the 'active' tab.
@pnuts "57k tags in use that should not be" - what? source?
And if you're gonna edit the post, at least fix obvious things like that, too -.-
@DavidG Good example - a year old and nothing done about it. [data] for example goes back 2yrs+. There is now something being done about that tag (by ONE user who has blitzed about 4k in the past 2 months).
@Cerbrus Source. If you don't like my edit feel free to roll it back. If there is more to be done, help yourself.
@Cerbrus With the same time as a user here as me you have managed one edit for each of my five.
The only way to remove them from the tag options is to remove their existence. I've made a start, removing the tag from posts 1 at a time. Help out! If we all chip in by removing the tag from a dozen or so posts a day, it'll be gone in no time. Don't forget to fix up other obvious problems, up to and including voting to close the question. — Martijn Pieters ♦ Sep 15 '14 at 11:23
Emphasis: Don't forget to fix up other obvious problems
I haven't forgotten - just rather busy with blitzing tags at present.
@pnuts Comparing edits counts when all you do is edit tags is pointless
Those edits are not of tags.
Your revision history is full of "edited tags"
I'm so sorry I don't go out of my way purging certain tags from hundreds of questions
@pnuts also, that comment I linked suggests a dozen a day, you've done over 600 just today.
@DavidG Emphasis: Help out! If we all chip in by removing the tag from a dozen or so posts a day, it'll be gone in no time.
Maybe someone higher up should purge those tags
@pnuts Yeah, you've done 50 times the amount suggested by Martijn
Let me be clear: I do appreciate the effort you are putting in.
23830 / 12 ~= 1985
That's nearly 2k days at a dozen tags.
Day, 20 users do 12 tags a day
that's still 3 months of work
Meanwhile, new questions are being tagged.
My point? Manually editing out those tags is futile.
@Cerbrus Trouble is, that there is in effect at present only ONE other user blitzing tags ([data]) so the average is a lot less than "a dozen or so posts a day" per user.
Honestly, who is crazy enough to invest that amount of time into editing tags, on a daily basis? For months on end?
"That amount" being a lot more than a dozen, to make some sort of dent
To be clear: I can appreciate what you're doing for SO. But don't you compare that with what a average (active) user edits
Folks, this is spiraling out of control - take a breather.
It seems not to be futile (though thankless and not nearly as productive as it could/should be). A year or so [microsoft] was applied ~5k times and was appearing on new Qs very regularly. At present it is 0 (despite not being blacklisted) and, to my surprise, has stayed at 0 for a few weeks or so.
Out of control? Nah... @pnuts: any idea why someone with more access hasn't just deleted those, yet?
@Mogsdad without friction no heat ... but I agree that we don't need fire yet...
It was barely getting toasty in here :P
I'm roasting here, but that's because my boss is apparently cold blooded and won't turn the heating down!
Open a window
Add a fan
Aim at boss
That should get the point across :P
i am going to make a question in that tag right now :>
Remember "that day", and Shog's post?
@Cerbrus Yes, round about 2 doz a day - all of which I have been removing on sight (unless removed by others, though I see no sign that they are, other than for [macros], which is not a DO NOT USE tag). I d have the impression that remove enough and the influx does slow down. Maybe because they are not then suggested to users drafting a question.
Aren't those other tags tagged with "Do not use"?
Tag burnination isn't supposed to be manual edits of hundreds of questions; it's a clean-up, followed by a request to have the undesirable tag removed. If we don't get support from Shog, too bad - the tag survives.
@Cerbrus You've seen the [data] recap - my hunch is either SE don't care (too busy with Careers) or it is deliberate. Maybe in connection with the policy that old Qs get bumped now and again.
[define] was blacklisted by Tim (I think within 24-hours of the suggestion). Didn't seem onerous - and that tag has gradually been withering away.
@Mogsdad Two months in, has there been any kind of progress?
@Cerbrus There are at least 18 DO NOT USE!!! tags (users can't even find others without resorting to Google or trawling through about 44k tags!).
our job is to work for free, without thanks, and sometimes spit on. So on we go
@pnuts Maybe SEDE could help, can it crawl through tag descriptions?
Not that I am aware of.
Like, finding all tag descriptions with "DO NOT USE" or "ambiguous" in them
(Guessing that Martijn would have said so, were that possible.)
That would be pretty cool
@Drew You missed out "and be slagged off for doing so".
@Kyll Tag descriptions are not in SEDE unfortunately.
Or perhaps they are....
What about the word "ambiguous"?
certainly @pnuts
By the way, congrats for the ninja SEDE skills
@DavidG kudos
@DavidG Beware of [networking] (I got bitten by that here - though have since deleted some of my comments there).
I think 16 false positives but 45 rather than 18 genuinely DO NOT USE!!!. Now 72,216 instances (rather than 57k). See, that's 15K extra in less than a day :)
Which is why something official needs to be done, it shouldn't be left to you.
What is official?
and as I think it was @Siguza that pointed it out yesterday, that prob ain't happening
@rene Anything that takes 6-8 weeks.
@rene Diamond
@Kyll Don't think a diamond can help, it's a dev feature request or a mass database update.
@DavidG Ah, yep. It's a suit thing then?
Maybe the 72k is overstated - I think it may be including deleted Qs.
@pnuts That count may not get decreased when a question is untagged? Though if that's the case, it seems low.
Not sure what you meant but it will be three days or so out of date.
I went looking for the single [acm-icpc] Q and it does not show.
Ignore that comment then :)
@pnuts do you have hidden tags?
eh? What's a 'hidden' tag ?
I meant ignored tags
No (nor favourites).
Holy crap @rene that's a lot of ignores!
I did try (miserably!) to get [microsoft] blacklisted.
@DavidG yes, back in the days I used to watch ALL new questions and every time I read one that I was sure I would never be able/willing to answer went on my ignore list
@rene Do you actually see any questions?
@Sam I think there are ~44k tags in all.
@Sam No, not really. I mainly get rep on MSE
@rene But what happens when it's a good tag along with one you've ignored. For example, you've blocked wordpress but you might be a masochist and like to answer php?
I'm not that desperate for rep I guess?
@rene But you're pretty close to 20k though.
I might get quicker to 20K on MSE ...
@DavidG Kinda sorta
Thought Smokey was dead, been nearly 2 hours
I think Smokey is smoked after starting the fracas
@kayess Night
@pnuts Waves...
@BrianTompsett-汤莱恩 Lie low for bit?
@Kyll I stopped holding my breath after just 45s, but I think the answer is no, no progress. I haven't burned a tag with > 15 questions since.
Ah! Tim dealt with define in 3 days rather than 1. But in addition to all the above [yahoo], [hotmail], [facebook], [twitter], [orkut], [myspace], [blackberry], [nokia], [sony], [ibm] are all 'suspect'.
1 hour later…
@Am_I_Helpful just some student trying to make someone else do their assignment for them

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