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8:02 PM
Our interview questions are too brutal. I'm trying to get less brutal ones.
@Compass What's so hard about that?
Seems rather easy
Sounds like a Project Euler problem
@NathanOliver I didn't read the definition of the Armstrong number
All your need is division, mod, multiplication, addition and equality checks. You don't even need the division and mod if you treat it as a sting.
8:06 PM
If it's too difficult, maybe you could just stick to fizzbuzz
All I thought was that it was made of the sum of a bunch of things to the power of 3
Ah. You assumed ;)
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { System.out.println("fizzbuzz this!"); }
A+, perfect. Shortest code ever.
def isArmstrong n; n.to_s.chars.map{|c|c.to_i**3}.reduce(&:+) == n; end
Let the interviewee choose the language. There's probably a language called FizzBuzz or something that solves it with an empty program
8:08 PM
I'd say brainf___
on paper
@JohnDvorak What language is that?
I would of course be asked to demonstrate in an IDE and fail.
8:09 PM
@Compass Pretty sure there's an esolang ide now.
There are multiple IDEs for Brainfuck
9A#{_9b8 9erA0e[A,]ze~__,f#:+s_$@s=*~}%$1>N*
@Compass Yeah Dennis is a madman
@Compass "Execution takes roughly four and a half hours on my machine." For a version that's more efficient that then one you posted here
but it's longer
8:11 PM
Code golf is so weird. I like it, but then I wonder why.
I don't think I'll ever learn an esolang.
It'd break me.
Code golfing is so much fun though. You get to do things that you'd never want to do in real code
Like my answer here (shameless plug). Uses Python's exec with replace.
Am I a bad for owning an egg cooker?
It cooks eggs.
Yes. Eggs are meant to be eaten raw /s
it only cooks eggs
though it does them in different formats (though they were not correct)
my first poached egg was a disaster. Since then I've added enough water to make hard poached eggs
hard poached eggs...
8:20 PM
its that or you pour out egg whites
raw egg whites
on poached eggs =w=
Softboiled eggs are good :)
i mean the yolk is still liquid
And raw egg whites are good too.
but the whites are solid
Sometimes I crack an egg into my instant noodles
It's perfect when the whites haven't completely solidified yet. It's like mucous in texture
8:22 PM
i eat raw eggs
the issue is when i want cooked eggs
having raw eggs is not the same
When pierced the yolk is oozed
So not fried
Looks weird but that's how it poaches
And this is undercooked i.imgur.com/M2GdKegh.jpg
I think going a bit over is more sane than a bit under
@Compass As good as that looks, I admit it wouldn't work well for a sandwich
over, it oozes when you bite
under it is OMG
and it explodes
daily cooking with a cat who is too lazy to use a pot to make eggs
Using a pan works just well
8:27 PM
But this is so much easier to clean i.imgur.com/0zkCLVdh.jpg
its a UFO
also does boiled eggs
up to 6.
Cleaning is the worst part about cooking
i haven't boiled yet.
Poaching is harder than boiling
boil too long and it's just hard boiled and edible
poached too long and you get a boomerang
8:43 PM
9:19 PM
@FireAlarm darn with Shog9 new rep for dupes, I would have earned some :D
hmm I wounder if it will get retracted when op deletes
@Compass - does your UFO do scrambled as well? :-)
It needs a little nozzle to pour in milk.
And a built-in pepper grinder.
Unidentified Frying Object?
@KevinWorkman: approved.
thanks @halfer
@KevinWorkman I was tempted but that darn code formatting of stuff... arrgh, if you like you should just approve and edit (or rejected and edit)
9:30 PM
@PetterFriberg I did approve, and it said I needed another vote. If I approve and edit (just to remove the tag), does it auto-approve?
@KevinWorkman Yeah
If you reject and edit or approve and edit, you do not need others to review
@PetterFriberg ohhh cool, good to know, thanks!
However I probably would have rejected and edit that, tags wrong and according to me dataset and macro does not need code formatting.
@PetterFriberg Yeah, I guess it's a moot point because this question is bound to be deleted, I just wanted to get it away from my precious Processing tag :p
title still in caps also, hence a lazy edit to get 2 reps....
9:35 PM
@PetterFriberg editing gives you reputation?
@PetterFriberg Improve vs Reject and edit is not clear cut for that suggested edit. It definitely improves the post with the formatting of the table, but it wrongly uses code formatting and there is more to fix. In general, however, if the edit improves things beyond a trivial amount, I choose Improve.
@KevinWorkman Yeah if you are below 2K, you get 2 reps
@PetterFriberg Ohh gotcha. I wonder if that rep is revoked if the question is deleted? That'll learn 'em a lesson!
@Justin To me it's clear cut, that is a lazy edit, it's quicker for me to rejected it, format the vars as code, remove the tag and use Magic Editor to remove caps.
The rejection message to user will be something like "This edit was rejected since it did not address other fundamental issues of post" (in this case title ecc)
User can go back see what they should have done, which is better then that they continue to 1/2 edits filling the queue just to get 2 reps
@PetterFriberg I don't reject with that reason, since it's not one of the standard reasons. Also, from my digging on meta, it seems that the consensus was to Improve in those cases.
9:40 PM
@Justin hmm dig better, the reject and edit message is fix as that, let me show you an example
@PetterFriberg Okay, I'll go do my digging again
as you see the message is fixed, when you reject and edit, now I will go and search some meta
Basically, I can raise my standards
@Justin when I see improves like that (that was only on variables, the code formatting of the macro etc is not correct), to me you have 2 choices (1. just approve or 2. Reject and edit) hence reject and edit is different from a normal reject
> This edit did not correct critical issues with the post - view the revision history to see what should have been changed.
To reject and edit only that needs to be fulfilled --^
Makes sense
9:46 PM
If they miss obvious stuff and add additional nonsense formatting I usual "Reject and edit" so they can go back and see
it's a way to both help'em and stop them rep farming with 1/2 edits.
@PetterFriberg Yeah I do that too. It's just that for this particular edit, it seemed like it might have been okay.
baah did it correct critical issues of post? (most obvious is title)
My point is that you pointed out that I can raise my standards on how much they have to improve a post in order to select Improve
Yes/no questions aren't off topic....
@Justin ok, I don't see it as a higher bar, in this specific case if I approve and edit (I need to remove the 2 code formatting, If I reject+edit I only need to fix the var code. Hence the edit to me was not correct, it was just some random code formatting that is quick not adresing a very big issue as the title ecc.
9:57 PM
basically I use reject and edit on lazy edits that may improve something, but creates other problems, hence a pure reject is not correct and I don't push skip since I have some time to fix the post and teach the user.
anyway power users are fairly hard against users suggesting edits, many would have rejected that edit only because "polish turd" (hence it needs to be closed and deleted) don't' waste our time. And in this case your meta search is correct, "If it improves, why do you reject!"
How about accountability?
regarding what :D?
Now we can accuse you of hiding the worst of things behind the deletion
lol, yeah please do
Say, did you link to a user?
Indicate we should upvote all of their posts?
10:08 PM
@JohnDvorak Did you take a screen shot?
Was that user you?
first le me figure out what proof you may have, before I answer
I know more than you think I do
and I'll withhold that information until it's the perfect time to sink you.
no clue what you are chating about ;)
Sometimes in the near future I will post a message with the SHA256 hash of 838e509d82948bd1c84e45aa8d8be376e1da16a7124f39c1fe1053fc8ff092e2.
10:12 PM
does it have the crypto key "Frosty"?
plain hexdigest
let me set SOCVR on fire and then run, need to get rid of that bot first --^
10:29 PM
The "Too broads" are starting to roll in like oranges.
Gah. Qt feels so wrong
@Justin Yes, those people wriving carriages thought the same about automobiles, even more about a modern car.
It's mostly that I've spent the last several years being told that new is not something you want to use; its use should be hidden behind make_unique and make_shared. And then now I have to use Qt where you have to use new. Qt manages memory leaks intrusively it seems.
@Olaf: carriages were pretty hard to wrive, to be fair :-)
/me runs away
@halfer You need to pass a wriving course.
10:38 PM
And once you've done that, you can apply to be a racing wriver
@halfer wrive? You mean ride? Nevertheless, people working with them for a living were strictly against automobiles. They even fought for laws e.g. where someone had to walk in front of the automobile to warn pedestrians.
Thriving wriving writhing snakes
Not sure what I meant, what did you mean by it? :-D
@Justin The OS layer that manages the GUI objects does not understand mak_unique/shared.
@MartinJames That's true, but I do believe that if Qt were written today, it could look a lot closer to how we code in non-Qt C++
10:45 PM
@Justin Never worked with native QT. With Python and PySide it works like a Charm. But then Python itself works like a charm already compared to C++.
It's scary. To create GUI elements, you do new QGuiElement(parent) and it will be deleted automagically when the parent goes out of scope. However, with all those news, it's easy to accidentally new something you shouldn't. And you have to keep reading the documentation to see if a function takes ownership of a QWidget. Also, valgrind doesn't play well with Qt at all, so it's not as easy to verify that there aren't any memory leaks
Especially since I have to use an old operating system to develop. Clang sanitizers don't work :'(
Solution: leak memory
Yeah that's my solution
PHP uses a ton of small processes that each leaks memory, then dies within a second.
I'm just an intern. When they take over my project, they can fix the leaks :)
10:59 PM
@NathanOliver, or any RO: Please move this old request to the graveyard. It hasn't already been moved because the [cv-püls] tag does not match the pattern used by the archiver script.
11:14 PM
@TylerH Why are we closing a question with a score of 493, 150,000 views, and 3 answers (the top one with a score of 971) as a duplicate of a question with a score of nine, 2,500 views, and 1 answer (score of 18)? In addition, the proposed duplicate appears to be more complex with an example that is not nearly as easy to understand. So, basically, I disagree that duplicate-target is appropriate.
As for the message I have promised:
I won't tell anything, LOL
@Justin Out of scope? GUI objects don't really 'go out of scope'. They outlive the function that created them. The owner GUI object is responsible for destroying them - it has to because it holds pointers to them in the list fo objects it holds. If a GUI object wishes to destroy itself, it has to ask its owner to do it. RAII etc. just doesn't work.
@MartinJames I've got to disagree. Even if it has to do that under the hood, it is possible to have a familiar RAII wrapper around it
11:30 PM
@Justin Sounds quite reasonable to me. The actual problem is that C++/imperative programming scope-rules just don't make sense. Not sure how much PySide abstracts/pythonises QT, but to m it look very resonable and works fine. Nothing to really worry about. (and fom my memories when I read about how QT works natively, it sounded quite clear. But that's long gone.
@Justin Why use a wrapper if the system works fine without. Seriously: you are the first I see complaining about the basic operation of QT. But then I only know a handful of QT/C++ programmers. Maybe you just have to get used to it?
@Olaf I'm complaining because it's very different. Using Qt is very different from using standard C++ nowadays. It's like learning another 1/2 a language while also learning another library. So yeah I think I just have to get used to it.
Different from what? An event-driven/data-flow system just does not work like imperative programming. The GUI components exist indepent from the call-tree/code execution. ThatÄs just naturally. Don't use a screwdriver to hammer a nail! The problem is not QT, buit maybe C++, which is just not well suited with it's static scope rules, etc. And yes, you have to learn. SOund like that's actually what you are complaining. But that's what one has to do permanently.
The only constant in programming is that it is variable.
@Justin It's just YAL (Yet Another Language/Library).
Then there are programming languages without variables
You could of course use PySide. To me it feels much more natural than QT with C++. But then that's maybe because I'm more familiar with Python anyway and appreciate its much higher abstraction.
11:42 PM
How about node-webkit.js?
My point is that it feels like learning 1.5 languages/libraries because the style used to handle certain things is very different. I understand event-driven, gui libraries, etc. I understand that the GUI components have to exist outside of the call-tree. It's just that the other things in Qt makes it feel like I have to learn 1.5 languages
At the end of the day, I would still recommend Qt to other people
@JohnDvorak Sure, but maybe that's one reson they have not become very popular. IMO there is a reason humans prefer imperative/OOP languages: Simply because they are closer to how we think adn act ourselves.
@Justin I just can jkudege from my experience with WXWidgets and QT/PySide, both on Python. And I really think QT is easier/more logical, but - of course - also much more powerful. Not that the more modern Design is not a plus, too.
@Justin I just don't see what the problem is. One has to with every similar powerful/complex (sub)system, too. So what? After all I once tried MFC and got frustrated to hell within a week. QT showed me it is not a matter of the subject (GUI-design), but just that particular GUI system (WinAPI). QT at least did not frustrate me.
@Olaf I thought I made it clear. Qt was developed a "long time ago", before C++11. C++11 was a mark in a shift in how C++ was used, and since Qt was developed before then, some of the ubiquitous techniques aren't used in Qt, such as smart pointers. It's the design of Qt being different from the design of post-C++11 libraries that makes it harder to wrap my head around Qt
Modern-style GUI libraries are just fine to me and don't have the same problem with my learning them, except I have yet to find one that is both well documented and has a reasonable amount of features
Maybe JUCE does, but the GPL license is unattractive
@Justin Just that: a lot of what QT introduced has become standard with C++11 or libraries like boost (which in turn influened the standard library). Yes, C++11 was a major change and maybe QT could use an overhaul to become more compliant. But I still don't see how this will change tthe learning effort. GUIs just have to follow a different programming paradigm - naturally.
I think we're basically saying the same thing.
11:58 PM
@Justin Not really. I try to make clear, even if QT was developed in C++11, it would not really change much of the effort to learn it. Those quirks you have to learn are a minor part of the whole system, just beacause a modern GUI has to work differently than the C++ built-in paradigms.
Use a high-abstracting language if you want better integration.
@Olaf I understand your point, but it's those quirks that inhibit my learning. The paradigms being different is no problem to me, just those quirks.
I'm probably just overly bugged by those quirks.

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