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5:11 PM
@AaronHall I have some meta post on the issue, it's complicated matters, lets put it this way SE want's users to be nice (are not very tollerante), summer of love etc, meta crowd is more tough, my personal view is that if comment is of no use for other people, no information useful for future users, it can go. (to chatty, obsolete, non constructive who cares)
and this is the FAQ
@QPaysTaxes You can't declare an array of incomplete type.Just ask yourself: how is the compiler supposed to know the size of an element?
If that's about your string module: that's would be an opaque type anyway (<- incomplete type), so you can only create pointers to them, never define such an object,, nor have an array of it.
@QPaysTaxes Sure you don't declare an array of pointers?
@Steve You have a comment there that links back to the same question...
@QPaysTaxes The hashmap itself would normally be an array of fixed size structs or just pointers. And the entries are typically allocated dynamically, which would work with FAMs
@QPaysTaxes Bucket is a FAM:-)
5:28 PM
@NisseEngström yeah I made a mess there. Replaced with the right dupe.
@QPaysTaxes "Has a FAM" would imply it could contain other types, too. But that's not possible. (btw. it is redundant, the pure declaration and being the last in a struct implies it is a FAM).
@QPaysTaxes No: Bucket is not a FAM, but any other type (sorry, I had Bucket as the name of the member in mind - that happens if you don't read properly). And it cannot "have" a FAM either (which would imply it is a struct which includes a FAM, which is no possible for reason I stated above).
Ok, got it. That's the part you asked about.
@QPaysTaxes Yes, but that cannot be member of another array (be it a FAM or a normal array) - directly or indirectly. Sorry, I'm a bit distracted here.
As I wrote: just ask yourself "can the compiler determine the size of the type at compile-time or not. That's basically what makes the difference between complete and incomplete types.
This is an answer, right? It's in the LQPQ.
Aaand it's gone. :)
Yeah. :-(
@NisseEngström Was it removed? . . . Oh
5:37 PM
I would say that's NAA though. It's a joke, not an answer.
@NisseEngström Waring a suit is restful? Can't be a true programmer.
@QPaysTaxes I'm a bit irritated about your compiler not generating an error message here. Without checking the standard, I'd say it is a constraint violation, after all it cannot generate the code for pointer arithmetics when indexing such an array.
@QPaysTaxes Why would the IDE complain at all? Sorry, I don't see the connection.
@QPaysTaxes Erm, so it is the compiler which complains. That's what I wrote (the IDE just showing the compiler messages does not count as "the IDE complains"). Still strange if the IDE filters these particular messages.
@QPaysTaxes I know what an IDE is - that's the electricat interface of old ATA-HDDs with parallel interface, right?
@SmokeDetector ''for me this is really help'' -__-
@QPaysTaxes You can wikipedia it ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_ATA
Kids .... don't even know the most recent history :-)
@QPaysTaxes Not really. Just finding does not mean you know. And being able to recall such things without it is actually quite good. It shows your brain can associate quite well.
@QPaysTaxes Jokes are a cultural and age-dependent thing ;-) Recall what I wrote some days ago about having to concentrate on the language. And I'm still distracted. That's why I'm afk now ...
6:06 PM
Quick formatting question; if I see text without spaces, that's a function's name in the code or something, does it need to be enclosed in backticks or not?
I vote yes.
For instance, something like 'OwinEnvironmentService' and 'SignInMessage'
@Tunaki Well I vote no.
who cares about you anyway, you should use backticks yes
@Tunaki You're very helpful. I don't know what I would've done without you
Thanks, that'll be 3 chocolatines
6:10 PM
@Tunaki now now Tunaki(s) let's keep it civil. lets practive self love
@HovercraftFullOfEels join the club
There's a confused club? Can I join?
Hey! That's a one-box
6:14 PM
@JanDvorak Sirens
@JanDvorak that's one box indeed.
@HovercraftFullOfEels oy! don't do that too often or I have to kick you.
Plop everyonez!
@SmokeDetector huh? posted long ago, answer's been closed almost a month
6:25 PM
@Adriaan One answer was edited 3 mins ago.
@BaummitAugen ah right, I see
@Kyll \o
plop @kyll
BTW I just noticed how lonely ''Ask Question'' looks like without all the other buttons. D:
"Ask Question" button be like, "Why have ya'll forsaken me"
6:30 PM
Oops, @cricket_007 already posted about this question.
6:40 PM
Please take a few moments to read-up and discuss Comment flags on MSE which is a follow up on a discussion that started here.
@HovercraftFullOfEels Yeah, but seemed clear to me
@rene So TL;DR; flag as too chatty, unless I missed something?
@M.A.R. no, use the appropriate flag.
too chatty works for me 99,99999%, Not constructive never works for me
@M.A.R. Think of the flags of a level from 1 to 5, going from least disruptive to most disruptive
6:51 PM
@Tunaki I'm always cranked up to 11.
The higher you do, the less likely it is to be warranted, but you live on the edge or you don't
@Adriaan Nah, I mean a comment that says nothing other ''thankz you''
@M.A.R. that indeed you should flag as TC
@M.A.R. That's offensive to the English language.
@Tunaki That includes half of SO
I'm eight edit approvals away from being able to downvote . . . >:)
6:54 PM
... and love the privilege in the process.
That was supposed to be an s
but I like it this way
My take, When flagged, I'll delete the comments if it's warranted. If it raises an additional flag, I'm ready to handle that too.
Like a train of flags
@cricket_007: I don't understand the underlying rationale for the incorrect attempt though
@ThomasWeller yes?
7:12 PM
@rene Materializes
@BhargavRao That post wasn't vandalized, see revision history.
Yep, deleted the comment
The OP must be wondering, "How high are mods here"
@BhargavRao Nah. Bet you an ice cream they didn't even notice it
@BhargavRao Wait, you mod sober?
7:22 PM
@Machavity Yeah.
in Python, Nov 23 '16 at 20:49, by Bhargav Rao
I became a mod, so no more drinking :D ......"Don't drink and moderate"
@BhargavRao Flag declined "I can't close the unicorn with a spoon"
Oh, That's when I'm on something worse than alcohol
On a horse
rene watch out BR will turn you into smoke
Oh yes, I totally love snorting horses
7:25 PM
Good thing we have SD so that won't go unnoticed at least.
@BaummitAugen No, that's @Cerbrus
@Cerbrus Uh, it's unexplainable how the normal modding conversation lead to this
7:49 PM
@BhargavRao You mean @Yvette?
@Kyll Err, Nope. I've got my own horse farm.
8:08 PM
fed to Mice
8:20 PM
@BhargavRao very nice I wish I had one
Well, Tunas can only own a sea horse farm. Sorry @tuna
I bet you can snore those as well.
@BhargavRao If they don't end up canned and eaten
@PetterFriberg I'll get back to you with the measurements on tuna snoring.
On a level of weirdness, this room is fairly high. Is there a world record we can take on?
everyone looks left and right to spot who's the weirdest, forgetting to talk
8:35 PM
naaa we are all looking at the fish
@PetterFriberg "not an actual answer"?
Thanks Adriaan for stepping up and raising the weirdness bar.
You could be our subject matter expert
It's a bit of a grey area. I'm not sure my adequately coloured matter is capable of thinking on such a profound level.
8:50 PM
Did you look below and above?
9:02 PM
and the leg?
9:18 PM
The leak was caused by using C in the first place.
waffles. It's weight loss.
The leak was caused by programming in the first place.
@FireAlarm TB/POB
9:38 PM
I wish this title belonged to a question on Worldbuilding. — Jan Dvorak 11 secs ago
10:02 PM
I don't get it.
10:12 PM
Unless you push the button and let the computer fly the plane for you ;)
10:29 PM
Bye all. o/
10:43 PM
Food for thought: scaling a dragon could mean either climbing its body, or removing its scales.
or resizing an image of it
11:08 PM
@ThomasWard You doubt me?
11:35 PM
@4castle that answer is awful
I thought w3schools wasn't so bad anymore?
@NobodyNada never heard of that news
Well, I did, and the result of my research was "it still sucks"
Sounds like the parents of a BMX rider
what happened?
oh, dear!
do you know them?
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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