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12:08 AM
Java show me how to do it all stackoverflow.com/q/35279640/1816093
i answered that!
Another example of why never to answer a question that is a complete fishing expedition
there, made it worth your while :)
i thought it would really help him understand the situation.
thanks :)
it was good.
12:30 AM
batch101 count=33 cv4 is in the beehive
12:55 AM
Hey everyone!
congrats bro !!!
+1009, did you get that all at once or did you never clear your counter?
oh wow, 2 bounties
that answers that
12:59 AM
@gunr2171 Yes.
Thanks @JarrodRoberson :D
@KevinGuan Congrats mate
It's time to try these useful mod tools!
yes I did just make an edit on one of the posts just so I could get to the revisions
We need a userscript that adds the revisions link even if they're hidden revisions
1:01 AM
since the /revisions url is still available
@Rob already done, I just don't have it on this computer
Oh, awesome
let's see if I can find it
Could you send me a link for it when you've got it?
1:02 AM
Awesome, thanks
I like the new timeline format
I didn't even know timeline was a thing
that's pretty cool
Well, I only have 16.
Wow, I can see deleted stuff now! :D
1:07 AM
oh wait, that list is only the ones for chat
^ that's the best part about 10k
the tools I've found a bit underwhelming :(
@gunr2171 Nooo...
@Rob Actually I'm testing these tools and they're helpful. For example: stackoverflow.com/tools/new-answers-old-questions
Ah yep
That one, recent protection and tags are useful I do admi
all but 1 is for SE
1:09 AM
I've got 4
@gunr2171 Cool
There're some NAA (link-only, maybe spam) answers here, but I'm not sure which one: stackoverflow.com/questions/23153554
Found by mod tools.
so yeah, let's see if I can ID the specific one that is the one I want
"Stack Exchange like I like it"
"obvious followed link"
1:14 AM
alright @Rob, I'm like 30 minutes late to the party, but here you go: stackapps.com/questions/2138/…
Is this the same as the one Kevin linked?
Or is that ^ a superset of it
I think it's different
Alright, I'll check it out too, cheers
i think mine does more
1:16 AM
ah yes
i need to start staring the ones I use there
afk for breakfast
1:42 AM
And back
2:21 AM
@JarrodRoberson o/
@KevinGuan no problem!
how's the meta? :P
@Drew I stir up the pot, I don't mind beating the hornets nest occasionally ...
clearly you like to play with fire :)
@gunr2171 is that a reply to my reply to Drew?
2:27 AM
there we go
@gunr2171 if this is directed at me, "I am fire!" :-) I make a job out of being opinionated about things. Easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. As the saying goes ...
Does that mean I can close vote you as POB?
@gunr2171 what does POB mean?
"primarily opinion-based", I just hate typing it out, sorry
@gunr2171 thats ok, but I do not judge how you vote or why! :-)
2:38 AM
@gunr2171 is this what you are referring to?
I'm actually not as up-to-date on the happening on meta, so I don't know of any ongoing drama
though I will read
well it's late, i'm out for tonight, back tomorrow
@gunr2171 later, I am about to extend my concious day to the extreme and go see a 10:45PM showing of DeadPool after starting my day @ 6AM this morning! :-)
good luck!
@KevinGuan enjoy the new found privileges, glad I could help get you over the hump, gaining legitimate rep from answer to non-off-topic questions is hard these days.
@JarrodRoberson Yeah, I like the new privileges so much!!!
2:48 AM
@JarrodRoberson if you've seen my meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/312666/… maybe you would have been able to anticipate how sacred canonical questions are to the java community
But I want have a quick way to use these mod tools, I mean, is there a script which adds a mod tools button into the topbar so I can find them quickly?
Has anyone seen Smokie lately?
@KevinGuan It's Nisse Engström's fault.
@NisseEngström He's here ^
And yeah, it's your fault.
2:53 AM
Probably true. I just haven't seen anything from it in a long time.
Perhaps the spammers have seen the error of their ways.
Hmm...nothing this morning. But I've seen so many reports yesterday.
3:12 AM
sd remove- edited
3:44 AM
Burninate goal on Hot Meta posts i.sstatic.net/W0bT9.png
1 hour later…
4:46 AM
@SmokeDetector sd k
@TJ Well, I think you're not a privileged user of Smokey right?
just testing lol
Well, so Smokey would ignore your sd k.
If you want be a privileged user I can open a PR anyway.
if privileged will it display reply or something?
Not with k, no
4:52 AM
@TJ Hmm...I'd suggest you take a look at Smokey's commands wiki: github.com/Charcoal-SE/SmokeDetector/wiki/Commands
@KevinGuan It's user1803551's fault.
@TJ I'm SmokeDetector, a bot that detects spam and offensive posts on the network and posts alerts to chat. A command list is available here.
@KevinGuan maybe it can accept !!/help -tj so that it sends me that message instead of you having to find that link :)
@TJ Well, no matter since I have that link in my bookmarks :P. However, !!/help command doesn't accept -tj argument, it does nothing.
!!/help -tj
4:59 AM
@KevinGuan I'm SmokeDetector, a bot that detects spam and offensive posts on the network and posts alerts to chat. A command list is available here.
@TJ See ^
@TJ brews a cup of darjeeling tea for @TJ
@SmokeDetector good morning smokey, thanks!
1 hour later…
6:32 AM
@AlexanderO'Mara take a closer look, IMO not just OT
@bummi Good catch.
got 100 rep bounty
250 rep away from delete votes ^_^
@AlexanderO'Mara Is that question spam?
@KevinGuan Pretty sure, it's linking to a blog post, with a sneaky URL.
@AlexanderO'Mara After checked the URL, fair enough.
6:44 AM
outch ... that close reason :/
@bummi I guess I'm not the only one who couldn't understand what they wanted. No idea how people drew that conclusion though.
Lets hope he won't ask on SU again
@bummi Yeah, I left a comment telling them it wouldn't be on-topic there.
thx :)
7:03 AM
@user1803551 well that is like, their opinion man ... :-)
@TJ you are closer than you think ...
@JarrodRoberson It's NAA and the question is no repro...thanks for the edit and the link :P
Wait, the question has a bounty on it?
Oh, it's yours
@user1803551 I disagree with the opinion that Makoto has but I appreciate the sentiment. I think consolidation is what the the closing of duplicates is about at its core.
@KevinGuan :-P
7:13 AM
@gunr2171 just saw DeadPool, I am the probably the Wade Wilson of the tag!
7:28 AM
Wait, what's this? Does it mean that I can review flags on chat.se now? Why I didn't see that at the privileges page? ^ ah, was afk after posted the above image, so didn't add more stuff in it :(
@AlexanderO'Mara OP edited. But still unclear
I'm not able to take action those, something like you can't review ...
@KevinGuan I see those occasionally. I don't know much about them, and I find myself skipping them half the time for lack of context.
fine, maybe there's a meta post about those.
Context can be get by the link bottom right ... after inspecting I've never been able to press a button sucessful
7:34 AM
@JarrodRoberson wow .__.
Reviewing Triage and have a question: So I have The editing privileges (2k), why is that Requires Editing button still there? I mean, why not just a Edit button instead?
and afk
@KevinGuan Good question. I often bookmark the "Requires editing" reviews and go back later to perform the actual edit. Most of the time, the "Help & Improvement" reviewers completely miss the point.
^^ wonder who upvotes that
8:16 AM
@TJ With questions like that, I'm so tempted to post a comment like "The error is on line 37".
8:28 AM
How are you?
Good. you?
Fine, thanks. I just ninja'ed some guy on chat
@Kyll :D
8:30 AM
Plop @Kyll!
@JarrodRoberson I liked the dupe target
that you put together. Seriously don't understand what all the hubbub is about
I was too late doing postgone...
8:47 AM
@Ferrybig There ain't no one sd postgoneing when the Frenchies are around to baguette-ninja it
what doe these messages indicate? @KevinGuan It's user1803551's fault.
@JarrodRoberson sd k is synonym to so tpu-. It means "Yep, this is spam, blacklist the user"
@JarrodRoberson Hmm...those messages were produced by !!/blame - a toy command of Somkey.
8:49 AM
That way the next time Smokey sees a post from this user he will report it, even if the post wouldn't match classical filters
It also says to the room "To be destroyed ASAP"
@Drew one highly opinionated person thinks their opinion is more valid than mine and started a witch hunt, whatever. But thanks for the sentiment.
@Kyll I think Jarrod isn't asking about that.
@KevinGuan I only realized that at half my second message and didn't want to waste it
@Kyll lol
@JarrodRoberson When you run !!/blame, Smokey pick a user in this room randomly, and says...
@KevinGuan It's Alexander O'Mara's fault.
8:51 AM
Something fishy/awkward here, not sure what to do: stackoverflow.com/questions/35452185/…
ok thanks for the explination
@EricD. Reading
@EricD. I am out of votes for the next 15 hours ... :-( Down vote the duplicate answers if you feel like sending a message.
@EricD. Commented, not sure if it's any fishy.
Actually now it does not look fishy, just a user a bit lost I think. nvm. Thanks guys.
8:55 AM
Right, is this too broad?
is there a way to cancel** your flag?
Apart from Jam/sugar/chocolate paste, what do you guys put on wafflez?
@Lafexlos Nope.
i have a time machine for rent
@Kyll No offtopic convos here or we will get kix0red by gunr :\
hey @Drew
9:05 AM
@kayess Wafflez are perfectly on-topic
And gunr pretty much never kicks anyone
Unless it's @Tushar, but that's because it's Tushar
Or David* calling him *-Daddy
David wasn't kicked
Only Tushar
Because it's Tushar
OK, excuse me then.
Can this be edited into shape? I mean it's currently too broad
asks about 4 major things in a row
@Kyll And that was just the first time I called him by that name
@Tushar First time's the charm? =p
9:10 AM
Is this spam? stackoverflow.com/a/35500383 and stackoverflow.com/a/35500475 By Dmitry Vasiliev. Both posts mention http://amazoncategories.info/.
Let Spamnaki figure that, but seems so
Spamnaki isn't around. Lemme check.
Its linking to a website that required payment to access the full data, a sign of SPAM to me, the answer also explains nothing that can help future visitors, a sign of a NAA
>>> Created by Blin Media (Google+), 2015-2016 + Profile
@JarrodRoberson went with broad
9:16 AM
@Tushar but that is not as colorful as my reason! :-)
its clear... he wants the lightbox to scroll. but it's too broad.. i'm not gdoing it from scratch :3
@TJ we need off-topic: you are too lazy to rtfm or even google for an existing solution, we are not doing your work for you!
@kayess brews coffee for @kayess
@JarrodRoberson that's what downvoting is for
9:23 AM
@Sam What's been goin' on big guy, keeping busy? :P
@bummi yes I know, but everyone still posts "Downvoter, please explain!", if it was something like that, they would know exactly why!
@JarrodRoberson whiny voice But I tried googling and the top result was SO's "ask a question" page...
@Sam +100000000000^1000000000
And hiya
@JarrodRoberson It's a downvote reason, not a close one
9:25 AM
@Kyll my opinion is if a question deserves a downvote it is closable, and if it is closable it deserves a downvote, the two are tied together 99.9999999% of the time. Then again, that is my opinion.
@JarrodRoberson Nah, you're confusing the purpose of downvotes and close votes
@Drew Hey, well I'm down near London for a few days to visit some relatives (and unexpectedly ended up staying with a veteran programmer [used to write machine code], so that's pretty cool). Oh, and I went to a place where some of the main swords in LotR/Hobbit were used.
@Kyll nope, every close vote reason marks a bad question; bad question == down vote
Hence me being afk for most of yesterday.
ah cool. Thanks for the update. Enjoy the reprieve and family
9:29 AM
:28848421 wow that is a lot of BALLS! But it is off-topic because it is asking for code, no mcve and too broad, but not because of the balls!
@JarrodRoberson When dealing with utter crap, both are applicable. They can very well be off-topic and useless/lacking research. Close voting means, "this question should not be answered as answers would not be objectively useful to future visitors". Downvoting means that the question itself is not useful to future visitors. I have closed questions that I found very interesting because they were not a good fit for SO (too broad, generally).
@Kyll You can also press the [?] part of a smoke detector message to see the reason, it redirects you to the full report of smoke and prevents useless and possibly offensive chat messages.
I have downvoted posts that I found useless but were still on-topic
@Ferrybig I know, got lazy =p
I see @rene's been advertising us again.
9:48 AM
Yep. There's lots of newcomers these days.
@JarrodRoberson you forgot: unclear what they're asking
Anyone getting "SO is offline" Cloudflare errors?
Not here, no
10:11 AM
Plop Tim!
Stop Kyll!
Stop what, Tim?
@user3386109 congrats on gold :)
@LinusKleen greetings. We have some batches (or other tags) we can feed you for review if you have time. Thanks for stopping on by.
10:28 AM
@Drew Hi. Thanks. Go right ahead.
there is a c batch up in the beehive
it is not refreshed in a day or so. We are working c at the moment. So maybe for that one go bottom up
I will jump back to in an hour or so and do a refresh of a batch.
10:46 AM
@Kyll JavaScript/HTML question: If I can use javascript:code in href of the a HTML element, when to use onclick="function_name()"? Also, is <a href="javascript:void(0)">link</a> better than <a href="#">link</a> if I don't want this link do anything?
@KevinGuan As for your first question, I'd use addEventListener so as not to pollute the HTML code with bribes of JS
@KevinGuan For your second question... It depends. I think there's some browser compatibility weirdness if you want to support IE. Let me try to find a resource.
@Kyll Huh, never hear about it. I've seen some websites using onclick="function_name()". Lemme search about that addEventListener.
@Kyll I've tested these two a, first one, my Chrome doesn't do anything. Second one, Chrome changes the URL to <url># and the link's color changed (visited).
@Kyll Oh cool, will check it after the dinner!
@KevinGuan Also: stackoverflow.com/q/134845/4174897 . Beware, the question is very old and answers might be outdated. Don't stop at the first answer
11:01 AM
@Kyll Reading, thanks for the links \o/
Spam flagging is getting slow!
sd commands
Which is odd considering there are more people in here
11:08 AM
@Ferrybig I'm SmokeDetector, a bot that detects spam and offensive posts on the network and posts alerts to chat. A command list is available here.
2min in the PHP tag. Seems like nobody looked at it
@DavidG Rofl at the typo
I guess we are here only with 4 active people, or people don't watch the chat to often here
I think we just have too many bots in here and not enough real people :P
11:11 AM
Surely the bots can be trained to flag spam too :)
I use a google chrome application to pop-up a desktop notification if there is spam on the network, that way I actually have a change to flag it in time. Its make by Sally
@KevinGuan Congrats o/
@Ferrybig The description of that seems to indicate it's only valid for chat spam?
11:15 AM
@KevinGuan WOW a 10000000m repper!!
@Tunaki Thanks o/
@DavidG It works by detecting smokedetector messages in chat, so as long as you have this chat open you get a message when smokey detects something
Oh, 10k - good job @KevinGuan!
@KevinGuan Congrats!
@Ferrybig Ah, so the description is wrong
11:19 AM
@KevinGuan congrats on 10K! \o I'm now just only 12,5x less at rep. :p
@Tunaki How and when the burnination process will start?
Well it reached +20 so now we can add it to our list here I guess...
@Tunaki Hiya
No... trains... no... no.
11:23 AM
@Tushar Kinda sorta
That was super quick
Never quick enough.
@LinusKleen Hey there nice to see ya here
Lasted more than 1 minute. We can do better.
11:25 AM
@Tunaki Quicker than me
@Tunaki Smokey takes 1 min. to report the spam post
The old Spamnaki is now not what it used to be...
@Tushar Hmm. I've seen it report faster than that.
Thanks everyone for the thanks! I really like 10k!!
I've seen a spam post deleted in less than 30 seconds, so it has to be faster than that
^ yep
11:37 AM
batch102 count=11 cv4 is in the beehive
@Tunaki Inform me when we'll be burning [goal] so I can accept the answer. And we can even update post to add the same
I'm not sure it'll be anytime soon. There are a couple scheduled after corners already...
But I'll keep in mind :)
Hi guys!!! :D
Hi Parveen
11:42 AM
@Tushar Who's Parveen? :P Your Ex? :P
@PraveenKumar Babi haha
@Tushar Daiiii! Ha ha. :D
@TJ Just saw that you're from India
11:44 AM
@TJ your name?
@Tushar Ayyo Pei (booth)...
@TJ Tamil theriyuma? :)
@PraveenKumar konjam theriyum nalla theriyath .~.
@TJ Ha ha ha... Nice... :D
@Tushar Tilwin
@TJ Hi Tilwin
11:51 AM
Hi guys
@PraveenKumar @BhargavRao hi
@BhargavRao The comment or answer? Why?
@PraveenKumar The link is to an answer, There are no comments there. It is not in English, so asked if it was offensive in that language
@TJ Hi o/
@BhargavRao Er... Sorry, I couldn't see any links there? Er..
Ah.. I was seeing a wrong post. Sorry. Flagged as offensive.
@BhargavRao Hiya
11:55 AM
@Tunaki Hiya!
@BhargavRao Hey, that's just a comment. It is in Turkish.. Not offensive but it is NAA.
@PraveenKumar This .... i.sstatic.net/0pWLY.png
^^^ That. NAA
@Tuna You busy? (NATO looks like it's full of flag-able stuff)
@PraveenKumar Yep got it. Ty
11:58 AM
Cya guys later. I'll be Free from tomo \o/
Cya o/ Flagging right now :)
@BhargavRao you were captured by tomo .~.
batch4 count=8 cv4 is in the beehive
@LinusKleen ^^^^

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