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12:00 AM
Yay! 50 new close votes!
which one is baluc's answer?
meh, even combined it's only very basic. those are good answers obviously, but i hardly think the are canonical material
Well the exception is pretty basic also.
@JarrodRoberson welcome back from work :P
12:04 AM
I hope Jarrod will answer on that Meta. I'd like to hear his thoughts.
special CV episode with Jarrod
poor guy, gets locked out of SO at work. Has to come home to this
End of UTC day, time to go to bed, Cya!
night, off soon too
12:15 AM
@Drew cast my close vote on the apostrophe topic, now it is closed
1:03 AM
the low Q Q is gradually increasing in size
@WaiHaLee There ya go boss. Let it by python that throws you over the top.
1 hour later…
2:14 AM
2:57 AM
sd remove- deleted by OP
3:43 AM
Added meta to Burninate [goal]?
Feel free to edit, comment, answer, ...
We did checklist in Jan. Corners in Feb. March ?
thanks :D
3:59 AM
@Drew I guess we can take goal (of course if we want to burn it), it's very short just 45Qs
I will gladly re-tag un-tag sort stuff. It's the CV that kills us
and we know who does it all
I am all for busy work. but a 100 question tag just cuz we stumbled upon it is 500 votes to close. Just to give you an idea, corners set us back 2 days in here
2 hours into it, someone is looking at
@Drew You're right. As you said re-tag and un-tag can be a better option
like what brian T (spelling, name) did single-handedly with ... all 10k of them
4:15 AM
does it automatically sent a message when I vote to close?
There are 2 ways. I will give you a screen shot
It adds a "cv-pls" link next to "flag"
But I find it confusing to use as well
hmm... I installed it and restarted chrome but didn't appear yey
I wonder what the other way is
the two ways: 1 ... 2
So, once tampermonkey or greasemonkey is setup and the script is activated based on url .... those 2 options come live
Until then, it's a config issue
4:22 AM
aha let me see
@Drew I always use the first option of this menu, what is the second for?
@pp_ Sorry about that. When you get 3k and privilege to vote to close (in 2 months) then the "close" text will appear
So #2 above is off the close vote dialog box
@Drew But it must be for choosing the target room or something.
Or is it broken (for me) and looks different to high rep users?
I didn't tear the script apart. It posts here.
read above. 3k rep
Yeah I know but does the second option look different to 3k rep users?
4:29 AM
Ya know good question. I don't know. If you do it via "flag" hmmm. I am sure someone here knows.
I am talking about the 2nd option in my picture btw.
sorry again. I avoid that like the plaque. I have no idea what that is about.
Saw it once, was equally confused.
Oh ok, so I'm normal (or we both aren't).
yes. You are sadly like us.
And... if you cv something, do you flag it, too?
4:38 AM
I guess technically a close vote is a flag. @Braiam is my go to guy on SO Linguistics and the Curator of Facts
So do I? No.
I believe if one runs out of close votes, they then can flag ?
You only have 50 close votes per day, but 100 flags.
@Drew in the database both are treated as votes
finally made it work .~.
@Drew check this meta.stackexchange.com/a/2678/213575, they call them "flags" but they are basically just lumped together
Yeah I read something like that a month ago so that alerted me to the notion
And thanks.
4:49 AM
Hey everyone
SOCVR can we set goal of March to burn goalTushar 9 mins ago
@Tushar What does that SOCVR do in your comment?
5:05 AM
@KevinGuan It links to this room
@Tushar Okay, what does that [?] in Smokey's report do?
@KevinGuan Smokey's report, but off-SO
@Tushar Hmm...it might be the new update of Smokey. Seems a good feature.
batch3 count=23 cv3 is in the beehive
^^^ one of this room's current tags
@SmokeDetector remove- edited
@SmokeDetector sd postgone
@Drew - I have a suspicion that you might be a bot :P
Howdy @Tushar
Hi Vinod
Who vinod
5:42 AM
@TJ - I am wondering that myself :P
@TJ BTW, I'm also TJ
by initials
@Tunaki - I don't understand the goal behind the goal. -> meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/317120/burninate-goal . Talking about puns in burninate requests:P
@Tushar cool
@TheLostMind Tunaki can add that in meta.stackoverflow.com/a/316964/2025923
5:45 AM
yes he can :)
why is it off topic..? he specifically mentioned "Via command line,"
isn't command line a tool used for programming...??
@TJ - The OP has not done any research..
that warrants down votes
not close votes .~.
@TJ basic explanations of individual commands is not "programming", it's just "how do I man rm"
@TJ - Not only DVs.. see ^^^
5:51 AM
just like "how do I ffmpeg" routinely gets closed as off-topic
shell scripting and stuff is not considered programming...?
some peeps vote to close for Too Broad even on easy questions if there is no research effort
@TJ absolutely (look at my tags) but there is no scripting here, just a single command
what if he is creating a shell script and got stuck at the part where he wants to delete stuf from a folder... seems perfectly on topic to me
@Drew - I am that person ..
5:53 AM
ok. Me too
If we keep allowing such questions, then we will end up with questions like how can I add 2 numbers in java
too broad is upto you.. But I'm not sure if it is "off topic" for stack overflow.. .~.
@TJ - I voted as too broad :P
@TJ if we took every "too broad" question on good faith, that close reason would not exist
also, the background fact explaining that he knows ls lists directory contents I believe reveals the level of sophistication here
He is just being lazy (after spending all that time on Mars :P)
5:55 AM
Just looked at the question. Unreal.
@Drew I don't think it's the same guy, just the same name -- the Mars guy was able to grok hex, ferchrissake
@tripleee similar question i found is closed as off topic as well.. maybe its off topic after all... idk .~.
@tripleee - Post delivered to the wrong address :P
I don't know who the other guy refers too. Just stunned the guy can't type How to Delete blah blah in linux
^^^^ -> couldnt agree more
5:57 AM
@TheLostMind yeah, sorry, not you Drew, dunno why the link got botched
question closed. off-topic won .~.
I've answered similar (though not this dense) questions in the past, but we are drowning in basic newbie questions of this kind in the shell programming tags; the pure fundamentals (as well as how to properly configure a colored prompt etc) belongs on SuperUser or in the AskUbuntu ghetto, not on a programming site
@tripleee - A properly researched question is still OK
@TheLostMind Is that related to intestellar
6:01 AM
But look at the remove dir guys rep fcs
@TheLostMind hmmm, that sort of excludes the trivial "how do I UNIX in PuTTy" questions
Apply that spirit of The Quest for Knowledge on google
@Tushar - Nope. Its the "Martian" guy
@Tushar actually, I saw both movies recently, and yes, there is a vague connection, to my mind; but no, they are two different movies
@Drew - Well. Yes. Ive been guilty of doing something similar with 20K rep :(
6:03 AM
Really? going on SO asking for the location of your spacebar?
No. on database admins and asking a question which didnt have proper MVCE
Ideally I should be pleading the fifth :P
Somehow I imagine the caliber was different
Maybe not
@Drew - said similar :P. But not this bad
6:06 AM
^that issue was caused by an illusion of light!
First message using the userscript ^_^
sd postgone too late
6:25 AM
@EricD. @JAL batch6 count=15 cv2,3,4 is in the beehive
6:42 AM
Plop way too early morning!
batch3 count=25 cv4 is in the beehive
7:13 AM
@MsYvette - Howz Ada doing?
Ignore my last CV pls request
7:32 AM
@TheLostMind I haven't done any work on her this week, family commitments
I've removed you from the project, but will happily add you back if you'd like to do some work
How are you?
@MsYvette - I was going to ask you to do that myself :).. I am glad that you removed me.. C# .NET is too complex for me :P..
I am Ok. Thank you for asking
@TheLostMind :D ye jsut not used to it
@MsYvette - And I can't do String[] arr = s.split("(?<!\\G)(?!\\s)"); in C# :P
7:40 AM
@TheLostMind I'm refreshing myself with java for uni. It's amazing how many simple directions I've forgotten using Android
also you'd pick up splits and regex in C# pretty quickly
@MsYvette - Lol . So You use C# for Android?
Difference between coder and programmer ?
@TheLostMind no java for Android. But there are many commands we nver use
@MsYvette - Ah I see. Nice
because you're getting data from edittexts etc and the layout is all xml
7:51 AM
Oh I got it
8:13 AM
@Drew - Aha! Now I haz all teh power! By which I mean: thanks for the final upvote - I will endeavour to take part in the room events when I can!
8:25 AM
@Drew Batch java_batch84_20160218_0205 is fully closed now
8:41 AM
/me types : on FF dev. wth.
Plop Tim!
I've not been around much lately - I started working fulltime recently. I know for most people that means more time on SO :p but not for me atm
8:46 AM
Plop Sam!
ok I'm pretty new here as well, what's this Plop guys? : )
Everytime kyll says plop, think for yourself "what a stupid thing to say that is"
The best part is when they ask and I get to explain it
and don't repeat it
clears throat
8:47 AM
Fetches the lighter fluid
Open up kyll
@A.DiMatteo Hey! It's just a Kyll-thing for saying hi.
Good afternoon!
Plop is a rallying Spearrel war cry. It turns human brains into nuts for later delicious purposes. It can make Tim pass the Turing test (but only sometimes). It changes Kevin's IP. It gives dumb FR for dumb bots to Sam. Plop is love. Plop is Life.
Plop is Plop.
/me readies counter-gasoline attack.
starts pouring..
8:50 AM
spews everything on Tim's face
@Tushar... Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. I have a problem and a release to send asap to my colleague... If you know an answer, thanks, If not... go away :) — Pablo D 2 mins ago
Spammers now targetting
And jam
@Tushar I will defend your honour
8:52 AM
Not with a lighter fluided face you won't
Thanks Tim
@Kyll But I still want to know where does Plop come from?
It came to me in a dream, a vision, an enlightenment.
@KevinGuan long time no see kman.. congrats on unlocking apple pay ;)
@Kyll and Eureka!!!
8:54 AM
I was like "Uh, hi? Where am I?" and all I heard back was a Plop that resounded through my soul, crushed my fears and made me the Spearrel I am today.
@TimCastelijns lol, I'll also be a 10ker very soon by the way.
But not even close to python gold
I am disappoint
Hola! :D
@Tushar OP has all tools necessary to make his post better with the comments and close message. Won't interfere further.
The following [tag:cv-pls] is for tracking purposes:
@TheLostMind "Give me the codez" or lack of research is not a close reason
9:13 AM
I voted unclear (what do you need guidance with?)
that ^
3 people now voted as gimme-the-codez so that's going to take precendence :/
@Kyll I agree, unless the question is uninteresting
@TheLostMind I'm kind of getting tired to repeat it (not your fault or not against you in any way, y'know) but "gimme teh codez" is most definitely not a close reason, it's a downvote one. Often this kind of question can be Too Broad, or Unclear, or lacking MCVE ("I tried but failed" without any code). Those are actual close reasons. Using "gimme teh codez" as a close reason is an abuse of the system.
9:16 AM
@TJ ? I don't understand why you want that closed? Seems like an OK-ish question and the answer isn't just a typo?
@rene Very close to a typo, but probably has a duplicate somewhere
@Drew Which one?
@Kyll I agree on the dupe
@Kyll - The question is clear. It just lacks proper research. We don't want people to post how to add 2 numbers in java questions. We want them to know that we wont answer it because it shows lack of effort and the answer is clearly and easily available.. Unclear and too broad are not the right close reasons. The question is neither unclear nor too broad. It lacks MVCE (So I could use that the next time around).
@rene hmm it was caused because OP missed a key word and forgot to invoke a function. Not sure if its going to be helpful to future readers .~.
9:18 AM
@TJ Then why did you answer it?
@DavidG to solve his problem .~.
it was a decent question with the code, problem error and description
but is specific to OP
I think that answering, then voting to close is a bit cheeky if I'm being honest.
And you could have put that answer as a comment
@TheLostMind This question is indeed not unclear, or too broad (I trust you on that, my Java knowledge is very poor), it doesn't even lack an MCVE since it didn't express any attempt. As such... it should stay open.
I think the Q/A pair has value and is a mistake that can be made by many more (including myself)
sd remove- on it...
9:20 AM
@Kyll - Keep a very bad question open because we are not able to find then right close reason? :)
sd remove- edited
@TheLostMind Keep a very bad question opened because closing is not for bad questions, it's for off-topic questions
okay then ignore that one
9:22 AM
Interesting argument.. Which is actually starting to make sense .. @Kyll
@TheLostMind Well, that specific question is kind of unclear (I have no idea what the last part means), so I wouldn't vote to reopen at all
Will keep that in mind
We will DV such questions to oblivion
@TJ Generally [tag:cv-pls] is used to quickly close posts that should not be answered and to prevent FGITWing (like typos, tool recs, etc...). Using [tag:cv-pls] on a question you answered is weird
but keep them open for the OP to delete it
9:24 AM
@TheLostMind Note that downvote requests are strictly banned around here
Hmm.. @Kyll - I don't know what to say except saying that I don't know what to say
@kyle maybe this will give you an idea meta.stackoverflow.com/q/273266/2333214
@TJ - How much time did it take to write that answer?
@TJ Nice, I was wondering that same thing. Will read a bit later.
Do you think this should be closed as a dupe of this canonical?
9:27 AM
@TheLostMind long time ago.. forgot.. :)
Lol ok
How many spam flags do diamonds review each day?
@TJ After a few glances I think I agree with most of it - I'd like to see such posts deleted as they're not useful. So why did you post an answer, allowing that specific question to stay alive, instead of simply commenting for it to be Roomba'ed?
@Kyll that is also explained in in my meta answer lol
Argh, gotta glance some more then
@TJ Glanced again. We agree that upvotes on typo answers indicate that they solve the issue - Not that they're useful. So how are they better than a simple comment?
Hold on
Found the one italics
Meh, not a big fan of that one
comments dont give the yellow color thingy for a question
somebody else will still come at i and read the thingy
some noobies will come and post an answer anyway as well
9:41 AM
I get that, but you completely prevent the Roomba from working (most quick typo answers get upvotes). IMHO a simple comment stating the typo and asking for confirmation would be way enough. You could even use an auto-comment to state "Please don't answer if you think this is a typo too - comment instead" or similar.
how about aswering it and voting to close as not useful for others as a statement like "i dealt with this thingy, no need to come here and waste your time, OP is hapy as well. let the roomba thingy delete this in future"
There is still a risk that someone may answer and keep the question around, but I think it's better to take the chances instead of completely preventing the Roomba from working
@TJ But the Roomba doesn't work if there is an upvoted answer
sd remove- edited
thats why i proposed that feature request to upgrade roomba!! now read the question1 lol
@TJ That was more than a year ago. It's not happening, ever.
9:45 AM
I'd like it to, but it's not. So why not let the Roomba do its job?
@Kyll Well atleast now you know why I did weird thingy. That is my ideal workflow
And I am already ran out of close votes, still have the remaining part of the day to go
@TJ I understand yep, but I think it doesn't make much sense since you're kind of acting your own ways ^^
9:59 AM
@rene and @TinyGiant, I post you this feature request on [cv-pls], lets add the tags of the question before or after the title. Why? 1) Useful for user with hammer and dup request, 2) useful to all user both in chat and in search for previous requests, I would put the tag as [java] not to avoid having other chat tags the the [cv-pls].
@Petter I think we discussed about this a while ago
Like adding only the most significant tag of a post in each review request
I think the idea was finally rejected, can't remember why
Ok, sorry then if already discussed and reject then I do it manually for the dupes : )
Lets close my request as a duplicate : ), who have the hammer?
@PetterFriberg Hey, it's fine to bring it back
I can be like optional and then Tiny implements it in the CVR generator script... can't see why more info is bad... I often specially when viewing old cv pls and I do not have alot of time go after the simple tags (now I need to go on the basis of user es Tuna java/maven, MsYvette android ecc :, Praveen j-script ecc.)
10:15 AM
some of you who like to spam flag everything with an external link might want to check this and write a better answer, with more sound arguments
@Ferrybig Answer some question : ) and wave the flag...
@PetterFriberg do me a favor and add it as an issue here and @Kyll if you can find the rejection again please add it as a response.
@rene Flagging your answer as spam because you added a link to a room you own
ok, thanks for quick replies; removed
10:22 AM
@A.DiMatteo Don't forget to [tag:cv-pls], and also "asking for sample code" or lack of research is not a close reason, it's a downvote one.
@DavidG Yes, it is a bit cheeky to close-vote a question you've answered, although it can be justified on a dupe, if the dupe target is a bit too advanced for the OP and you provide some relevant info &/or code for the OP's specific question. But in that case I think it's polite to make your answer community wiki.
@rene Done, you add the correct labels.
10:39 AM
@rene I'll do my best, it was a while ago
@PetterFriberg done
@user2314737 "looks like spam" is not a close reason. You can ask if a post is spam with Is [this post](post link) spam?, then we can discuss it and if necessary use Smokey.
Poster needs help with lots of 'C code':

mov eax, [esi + ebx - 20]
mov edx, [esi + ebx - 24]
bswap eax
bswap edx
add eax, [esi + 16]
add edx, [esi + 20]

Last report is spam probe. Please destroy
10:57 AM
@SmokeDetector remove- not spam...

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