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Is this copy pasta code?
@dystroy as for robs point about the image sizes, I'd suggest using something such as adaptive images to deliver optimally sized images
$width = 400px;

@media (max-width: $width) {

@media (max-width: $width) {

@media (max-width: $width) {

@media (max-width: $width) {

-- vs --

@media (max-width: 400px) {

@media (max-width: 400px) {

@media (max-width: 400px) {

@media (max-width: 400px) {
1) One place to change. 2) Multiple places to change.
Brb srry, dinner's ready
@Billy if I size the images reasonably (don't need 2000x2000) and use an optimizer, it's fine enough
(it's done)
@dystroy +1
Good enough, sure. can always be better though. Adaptive image is plug and play so it's not even like it's not worth your time
But it's true, it's not needed
plug and play ? You mean if you use apache (a slow server, thus) and php ?
Anything else needs to be done before I start changing all the links from the old intro to the new one ?
what about games ?
@dystroy Yep. :)
so. I use nginx and I won't look back, my only regret is not having made the effort to dump Apache sooner
Hum... the new intro doesn't render well on Firefox :\
the top stripe isn't reduced when scrolling
I feel like I should at least venture further than PHP/Apache into the world of servers.. but I'm not that hot with back-end dev
hi everybody!
Zach, are you a web developer?
could you help me? like, advise me....
if you have the time....
"Don't ask to Ask!" - room description
no worries!
I think that should be changed back to "Don't ask to Ask, just ask!"
Otherwise it could be taken dismissively.. don't you think?
room topic changed to HTML / CSS / WebDesign: Don't ask to ask, just ask! Support room for HTML, CSS, DOM and WebDesign. If you need help post an example of your issue please. Religion and Politics are off-topic! devdocs.io documentation often helps. [css] [css3] [dom] [html] [html5] [microdata] [responsive-design] [xhtml]
the thing is I'm trying to learn programming, took a course on introduction to programming, learn a lot of C, then HTML CSS JavaScript Jquery PHP MySQL, and developed some websites to practice, I intend to go to Computer Science scholl in about 2 years, but I would like to get a job on the area to help with the budget, you know? My question is: what I should learn next?
room topic changed to HTML / CSS / WebDesign: !▲!▲!▲! Don't ask to ask, just ask! !▲!▲!▲! Support room for HTML, CSS, DOM and WebDesign. If you need help post an example of your issue please. Religion and Politics are off-topic! devdocs.io documentation often helps. [css] [css3] [dom] [html] [html5] [microdata] [responsive-design] [xhtml]
@inBlackAndWhite Make projects
room topic changed to HTML / CSS / WebDesign: ▲▲▲ Don't ask to ask, just ask! ▲▲▲ Support room for HTML, CSS, DOM and WebDesign. If you need help post an example of your issue please. Religion and Politics are off-topic! devdocs.io documentation often helps. [css] [css3] [dom] [html] [html5] [microdata] [responsive-design] [xhtml]
stop "learning" and put it into practice
I do have some projects. Very family stuff,small business but it's being great to put it in practice.
*this is where everyone will disagree with me* Learn to set up an ad-hoc wordpress website in just a few days. Confront people with start up companies that need websites, offering to do it cheaply to build up your portfolio
A lot of people hate Wordpress, but for a small static site, which needs to be deployed quickly and easly, I don't see anything wrong with it
I'm about to charge someone £400 for a website that I will probably be able to deploy within a day
the thing is that i wanted to try for a job because I know very little about this you know....
what do you want to do at your job?
i was thinking like a job as an apprentice
there are no apprentices
internship, like when you are in college
If you know HTML, CSS and PHP, Wordpress is piss easy
apprenticeship means you're following someone, watching what they do, and learning
an internship in web development should not be like that
You can even work from existing themes in Wordpress, simply customizing the php html and css to your preference
right, sorry, wrong word
an internship in web should be doing full time work just like a regular dev, but a slightly easier work load because they don't have as much xperience
show me a site you've made
I'll try wordpress then!!
I don't have it online
so you don't have any projects then...
@ZachSaucier He just doesn't have anything hosted online
I'm coding the websites, not hosting it
I know, but developing locally is completely different than having experience getting sites online
if I were hiring the main questions I would ask are if I can see some of your work and what are you working on that you're excited about
I'll try to bring my projects to life then, and put a portfolio together to start!
thank you very much for your time!
My first (and current) job in the industry was voluntary work. I just emailed in saying; "look, I need some experience, any chance I can come a do some stuff for free?". Then in a months time I said "Thanks, but I need to work for money, so SEEYA!". Then they started paying me :D
@Billy are you in school?
Y NOBODY EVER ANSWER ME stackoverflow.com/questions/24435266
@Billy what's your thought about this year motogp? will yamahas ever cover the performance gap? :D
it's too bad watching valentino and lorenzo struggling :(
@Wesabi That's a double negative.. So everyone always answers you? ;P
I haven't been watching every race
@Billy i always fail at english :D
but I cannot believe marcquez
is with EVER correct?
@Wesabi every English speaking person does the same with double negatives
@ZachSaucier hey,i have one question which thing can guarantee me that this div will be exactly in a center in any resolutions (any devices)?
padding-left: 10%? or text-align:center
@ZachSaucier that's encouraging :D
@Wesabi If I never don't shower.. it means I always shower
@Justcode demo, and how much browser reach do you need?
because I am never not showering :P
Marcquez crashed during qualifying at Catalunya and I was sure that was the end of his streak.. Then he wins from pol the very next day
wonderkid o.0
@ZachSaucier not for all just want responsiveness.I don't have a demo need some hints from you that how can i make my div to aligned center in a screen.Because,i always have a problem in this.
@Billy english is a weird language! :D
@Justcode there are too many different conditions of what you want. Make a simplified structure of what you mean please
imho marquez is overrated, but he surely have a great feeling with that honda
ohk,wait let me show you
But he has won every race so far this season and he's like 22(?).. No one else as ever done that
<body style="background:url(images/green-gradient-abstract-hd-wallpaper-1920x1200-5950.jpg) no-repeat;">
	<div class="advertise" style="width:800px;height:50px;display:none;background-color:#4C7E43">
	<span class="drawarray"></span>
	<span id="prompt" style="float: left;"></span></div>
so in this case i need class advertise to be centered
@Wesabi Why? It makes perfect sense to me :P
@Justcode so full page then?
set width?
it would make sense if it was math! :D
yes i set width to 100% to body.for a div 800px
is width 100% or 800px?
$showering = true;
echo !$showering; -> false
echo !!$showering; -> true
@Wesabi double negative ^^
@dystroy what Zach said about the buttons. and yea, those first two images actually are huge
wait, it is one image
@Justcode jsfiddle.net/KqR7w like this?
is position:absolute; necessary?
don't you want it to be? My understanding that it is an overlay
@dystroy the first responsive mobile image is stretching..
i don't want but it resolves my issue
@Billy :D in italian double negatives are used to make sentences stronger, like if you say "I am never not showering" in italian, means that even on the ISS they need air freshners
@Justcode position:absolute isn't a bad thing if used correctly
@Wesabi same in English. It's just technically improper
@Justcode and please don't use inline styles.
@ZachSaucier No, it would mean "I am always showering"
@ZachSaucier yah,i always have a problem getting content at center of screen.
@Billy technically yes, but it's still very common place, thus I'd argue it's acceptable
why not to use inline styles?
@Justcode hard to override, messy, hard to find, can't keep updating easily
@ZachSaucier That cannot compute with me xD I think it's less acceptable in UKa
perhaps so
actually the wiki is more biased to your opinion
A double negative occurs when two forms of negation are used in the same sentence. Multiple negation is the more general term referring to the occurrence of more than one negative in a clause. In some languages, double negatives cancel one another and produce an affirmative sense; in other languages, doubled negatives intensify the negation. Languages where multiple negatives intensify each other are said to have negative concord. Portuguese, Persian, Russian, Ukrainian, and Spanish are examples of negative-concord languages, while Latin and German do not have negative concord. Standa...
@ZachSaucier yes,thanks
... Standard English lacks negative concord, but it was normal in Old English and Middle English
(to carry on from the preview to include everything you need to read)
Today's workflow: i.imgur.com/NXB8nbe.jpg
@ZachSaucier better than me that i'm switching between the two matches every single minute :D
go ghana btw :D
2-1 :(
I'm fine with ghana winning. And that was the first time I haven't seen Ronaldo celebrate excessively
so long as the points are close I don't care for that game (:
how many goals need to do portugal lol? what a fail of a team :D hope USA will pass :D
4 more
I think we're okay :)
too bad there aren't italian origin players in the USA team anymore :D in fact the only that could have played in the USA team decided to play for italy, giuseppe rossi
but our great coach decided to leave him home, irony
only thing good happened this world cup for italy is that we get rid of that muppet that is prandelli
font-face icons. I love you, but lord you can be a pain in the ass at times.
Congrats to the USA btw.
rip portugal
Did Muller break the record?
@SomeGuy @Mr.Alien my favorite indian song youtube.com/watch?v=ZTmF2v59CtI&feature=kp so catchy
Ooh, did the US win?
... I was in a fucking meeting.
No, they lost 1 - 0, but still qualified.
Oh, rock on
hey @mikedidthis, im back
But here:
@mixin breakpoint($media) {
  $max-width: 0;
  @if($media == 'phones') {
    $max-width: $phone-medium;

  } @else if ($media == 'monitors') {
    $max-width: $screen-medium;

  //etc etc etc

  } @else if($media > 0) {
    $max-width: $media;

  @media only screen and  (max-width: $max-width) {
im just calling one variable actually?
Sorry I don't know what else to add.
Na you dont need to add anything man :p i mean, can you review the code? If something can be done better?
My answer is use a variable. :D
@ZachSaucier haha we call it as an item song ...
item song?
@Wesabi do you know any other font-face service that allows you to edit the icons, other than icomoon.app?
define edit? because icomoon only allows to center and zoom the glyphs
yeah I need to shrink one glyph
anyway there's fontello and fontastic
neither allow glyph edits.
@ZachSaucier Item girl
but it's easier if you just import the svg in illustrator and export the glyph
you will also have the pixel grid etc so a better result then
@Mr.Alien makes sense :) I just like the song, never seen the vid
I don't listn any, hardly I like few.. ;)
@ZachSaucier you may like this youtube.com/watch?v=ZuoIW4aINak
in a meeting atm
play it, they will enjoy too haha
anyways thats a party song here
@mikedidthis But $max-width is the variable right?
yay random downvotes
I get more random downvotes than I do random upvotes :(
@Bas yep
@mikedidthis Well, so i already like... listened to you and used a variable?
I know, right? :D
@Wesabi app.icomatic.io
@ZachSaucier dont worry, I get them too
SVG -> font.svg
@mikedidthis Hmm. seems legit. Thanks man.
@Bas no worries.
tl;dr don't worry too much. If you find it an issue you will work out a better way.
@Mr.Alien maybe if I keep not answering I can get back under 10k, haha
Yeah okay, but it was already there though :P
2 days till i see Volbeat for the first timee.. :D
@ZachSaucier haha don't worry, you have 200 bounty coming in your way
that will recharge your counter
@Wesabi That was soo much easier than messing with them with CSS. Thanks :D
I am feeling bad after seeing questions on the main after long time, they are making me nervous
@Mr.Alien ?
@ZachSaucier the quality is degrading rapidly
more experienced people getting depressed -> leaving. More popularity -> more noobs and vamps
@mikedidthis you mean using illustrator?
@Wesabi yeah. Make the SVG in illustrator on a grid. Upload to icomatic, get webfont.
@ZachSaucier I thought to repwhore a bit, but after seeing questions like this and this, I changed my mind for a while
second one isn't so bad
asked 100 times and is easily solvable by looking at millions of examples
agreed, but it's not a direct dupe
yea, css hardly have direct dupes
more of a generalized question asking, "how do I do this"
and thats the reason I didn't closed it as a dupe
I know :)
you can close css questions with 1 vote, can't you? With CSS gold badge?
@ZachSaucier yes I can, for css, html and soon for php
and css3
Is there a conditional css class, like if hiddenField1 value is true then apply .class1 else .class2
dang boi
without javascript
@Teomanshipahi oops wrong, should be input[type=hidden][value=true] {}
@Teomanshipahi what do you mean "value is true"
<input id='isLoggedIn' type='hidden' value='true' />
@mikedidthis wrong, slaps
something like this
57 secs ago, by Mr. Alien
@Teomanshipahi oops wrong, should be input[type=hidden][value=true] {}
@Mr.Alien shhh dude didn't tell us the element
@Mr.Alien looks nice to me, thanks :)
i will try it now
@Mr.Alien Time for gangsta party, hahaha
I like it already
more more more
every Indian song cracks me up. They take it so seriously but it looks so silly
Can I ask for a book suggestion for advanced HTML / CSS / WebDesign? recently published?
indian songs are catchy
@Teomanshipahi books are bad for programming
it is a old chinese joke right? :)
@Teomanshipahi wait for my blog, one day I would write something (hopefully)
@Teomanshipahi no. The only way to learn programming is experience, not reading. If you run into a problem you read the docs, you debug. A book won't help
what is the best language to learn to build a social networking site
php + mysql
I would say big NO. to you unfortunately. I am .net developer and I would definitely put books at the top of the learning stack. books > video tutorials > blogs > youtube videos
@Mr.Alien not as good. I only like the party songs, the emotional ones are no good
and ofcourse Ajax, to make your site look like a ferrari instead of a fiat
@Teomanshipahi good luck staying current with the web :)
@ZachSaucier aah that is kinda party, but I got your taste now
I also know about html/css/javascript but I have some lack of experience on some fundamentals that books will cover it.
@Teomanshipahi create useless projects, that will help you learn real world stuff
@mikedidthis cool! :D
@Teomanshipahi look for oreilly books maybe
For example question I asked 5 minutes ago, will help me but I will forget it after a week because it will be a copy paste, but learning from a book and implementing it is a totally different
@mrahh will check at amazon thx
But to be honest, practice is the best way to learn.
I practice while learning;

sound unfortunate, but how do i stop someone from stealing my ideas for a startup, like askfm did to formspring? considering i have fewer resources
you can't. Just build it better.
@DaveRandom what you doing here :p
I wait, that's what I do
tick follows tock follows tick follows tock
zzzz nyt ~
anyone from CS background, want to discuss two's complement
@Mahesha999 you are my Indian bro, I would recommend @ZachSaucier, so go ahead and ask him
@ZachSaucier nyt bro ~ enjoy the discussion..
my India bro??
wiki on two complement says : For example, subtracting −5 from 15 is really adding 5 to 15, but this is hidden by the two's-complement representation. I am interested in the last part, as in just want to know if subtracting -ve number in 2's complement form has direct equivalent (but somehow not obvious at first glance) effect of adding +ve number
Two's complement is a mathematical operation on binary numbers, as well as a binary signed number representation based on this operation. Its wide use in computing makes it the most important example of a radix complement. The two's complement of an -bit number is defined as the complement with respect to ; in other words, it is the result of subtracting the number from , which in binary is one followed by zeroes. This is also equivalent to taking the ones' complement and then adding one, since the sum of a number and its ones' complement is all 1 bits. The two's complement of a number be...
@Mr.Alien night man, thanks for the rep :/
@Mahesha999 I don't know for sure (I'm second year CS student) but I think it has a direct equivalent
direct equivalent as in?
"direct equivalent ... effect of adding +ve number"
Have you guys used ionic or ratchet before?
@Martin I haven't
I'm supposed to be building a mobile HTML5 app very quickly in the next few weeks
So I'm looking at different frameworks/libraries to help
those look fine. Most people use Bootstrap or Foundation, but the smaller ones like the one you linked are still good
I think that this app is strictly for mobile, no desktop
I think I'm trying to compare apples and oranges, actually
it's always good to make it responsive anyhow
Not in this case.. I think that BU wants me to rebuild an existing app to be streamlined on mobile
#rusvsalg #algvsrus if the match lasted some hours more, this football field would be totally plowed and ready for sowing
Ionic appears to be more of a framework, with AngularJS built in. Ratchet is more of a toolkit of front end components
@Wesabi o/
quick question guys
can i apply multiple classes on a div?
:facepalm: yes
:| how can i do so?
<div class="one two"></div>
please go learn CSS...
that easy
thats why im here
we're here to help with actual problems
lol I thought the Javascript room was bad
not teach the very basics
@obeyjoseph check out webplatform.org
at my level it actual a question
anyway tanks
@obeyjoseph like I said, we will be glad to help, but you can't expect us to use our time to teach you everything. Please search before asking
@ZachSaucier don't be mean :D you should know that a lot of beginners pass around these parts
that's why I clarified afterwards
but wasting my time is not appreciated
i know i know :P
anyway does "pass around these parts" sound right? i have no idea if that is correct
I think "pass through these parts" is more appropriate
"pass around" would imply that they don't come here, they avoid it. But I got what you were saying
way of saying are the worst, i just can't remember them :(
jokes and sayings are the hardest in foreign languages
mostly because they don't make sense
yeah dammit :P
algeria russia
@Wesabi ^^ Better?
ahah, it was all right already :D
i meant that some people don't even know what to search :P
@Wesabi his would give exactly what he was needing in the first link if he searched his question
ok i can't argue more then :D
Maybe you should add that to the room description on the top right?
considered it, we'll see what people think of the pin first
posted on June 26, 2014 by umarhansa

Updates to the Chrome Developer Tools: CSS property quick search, memory stats for heap snapshots, CodeMirror upgrade and more.

hi, somebody there can give me a little help trying to align one icon font element correctly?
@Marby why doesn't anyone read before asking to ask?
nginx is running on my server because of an owncloud install I did a long time ago. How do I use the already running nginx instance to serve a single static page?
Ahahaha, this is great @Mr.Alien Mainly just the beginning
are American music videos always this funny for you guys?
Zach, sorry, but I dont understand your question!
@Marby Look in top right: "Don't ask to ask, just ask!"
basically I'm trying to position an icon font above my number
of visits but I am not having sucess doing this. Using images I already know how I can do this, but with icon-fonts I am not able to get the same effect.
Its a bit of code, so if someone here can help I´ll put here my jsFiddle with my problem and with what im trying: http://jsfiddle.net/r58Ht/8/
59 questions... dang
You really should use the "Tidy Up" button
The icon is positioned absolutely so you can position it using the usual means - top, left, right, and bottom. Just make sure the parent has position:relative;
@Marby It might do you good to learn the basics
thank you, it was exactly that that Im trying
so when i use position absolute, I cant use margin-top but top?
you can, but you should always start with actual positioning
yes zach, I saw a user post here a book "HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites", and maybe I´ll buy it
the only case where you'd use both is when you need to place something where the parent has varying dimensions
seems that everyone talks fine about that book
IMO books are useless, but do what you want
ah ok!!
try not to ask quite so many questions but answer take more time to look for yourself, you get better quicker that way :)
Hey Zach how do I make the words on my web page bold? I tried Ctrl + B but it doesn't seem to work.
do you mean on any live website? Not sure what context you mean
I've set up a jsfiddle but it's not working: jsfiddle.net/vrWpB
Maybe I should buy a book?
jsfiddle.net/vrWpB/1 There are several ways to do it
the number (700) is the default bold amount
it's used when you have fonts that have different weights
for example some fonts have semi-bold which is usually 600
is that what you're looking for?
Yes!! Exactly!! Now how do I do italics? CTRL + I isn't working...
Maybe I should buy "HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites", everyone be talking fine things about that book.
have you not googled these things?
CTRL + I is a preset commands that is common
essentially, what most HTML text editors do when you press CTRL + I (or anything else similar) is this:
function makeItalic(string) {
    return "<em>" + string + "</em>";
Google? I thought Google was for finding pictures of cute kittens?
but they don't change the HTML, they just affect the CSS property (font-style:italic;)
2 hours ago, by Zach Saucier
I'm not sure if you got that I was trolling... Are you double-trolling me?
1 message moved to Trash can
ლ(´ڡ`ლ) Hahaha I like this one
Another interesting read on algorithms

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