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4 hours later...
I haven't been around in awhile...
Chrome keeps closing my rooms I'm in
In Chrome, there is an option to remember the last opened tabs... use that... I do... it reopens the unclosed tabs from the last session...
I do that, but there is some chat glitch that when I am on sleep mode, it doesnt save my last rooms
@CCInc BTW, there is a difference between and ...
Chat constantly checks for a internet connection... so maybe it logs you out when you go into sleep mode(Since sleep mode cuts the connection)... Not sure...
@ShaquinTrifonoff ellipsis and three dots? same, no? at least they depicts the same thing. just that ellipsis is a single char
@ShyamK They do look (slightly) different
@ShaquinTrifonoff please pardon myself
I knwo there is
but im too lazy to find the ellipse symbol
@CCInc Just copy it from earlier (e.g. 3 hours later… above) :P
Doesn't really matter
Well, im going to bed, see you all!
Nighty nite... Sleep tight... Don't let the bed bugs bite
The 'hour(s) later' bookmark:
javascript:var last=document.getElementById('chat');last=last.children[last.children.length-1];if(last.className.indexOf('system-message-container')>-1&&!last.className.indexOf('hourlater')>-1){last.className+=' hourlater';var old=document.getElementById('input').value;document.getElementById('input').value='**'+last.textContent.match(/\d+ hours?/)[0]+' later\u2026**';document.getElementById('sayit-button').click();document.getElementById('input').value=old;};void 0;
@ShaquinTrifonoff how do you sift through the code like this to find specific lines?
@ShyamK What do you mean?
like… how did you find the code for doing the u2026 ellipsis thing?
\u? what is that signify? unicode? \u2026 hmmm… didn't work… works on the console though
@ShyamK I think it means Unicode. Yes, you have to use it in the JS console inside a string
Or in the address bar: javascript:alert('\u2026');
document.getElementById('sayit-button').click(); <- won't that mean its a bot running on a browser... rather than a server pushing some data?
@ShyamK it's a bookmarklet..?
and that is? nvm... bookmarklet
> Usually the bookmarklet is a JavaScript program.
^ still requires a browser
it's just some client-side js
everyday I see something new... I feel so dumb...
It's the same with everyone :)
btw, duplicate message
it showed the retry thing...
DB's have rows? or only tables? saw a question asking for removal of DB rows... hence my query
testing events ^
whats the event for?
Shaquin Trifonoff has removed an event from this room's schedule.
testing your admin powers... :P
@ShyamK Profile pictures can now be set as animated GIFs!
only here...
@ShaquinTrifonoff no
why i can t able to use
i want to use
@ShaquinTrifonoff you user page never finishes loading... maybe cos of the gif?
@ShyamK Loads fine for me, try refreshing the page
Oh, when it's resized, the animation is lost
So it won't work in a lot of places :(
did you guys check catoverflow.com there is many new awesome image added
function ಠ_ಠ(){alert('ಠ_ಠ');}
I did not know that Unicode characters were allowed as JavaScript function / variable names :D
@ShaquinTrifonoff slow down you are running too fast ..:P
20gif tab slow down my net and browser... at the ridiculously high
in PHP, 6 mins ago, by Shaquin Trifonoff
Hey, I managed to create a bitmap file that both is a valid image, and executes as JavaScript :)
Q: How can I make an animated avatar for gravatar.com?

User1I was inspired by this animated avatar from free-avatars.com: Is it possible to use an animated GIF as an avatar on gravatar.com? I couldn't get it to work, but maybe someone else knows a hack.

@ShyamK lol
SE doesn't like it... at least back then... don't think that will have changed much
that is awesome
@NullPointer I know... spent an hour just watching it...
@ShyamK i think its little longer ... 1 minute is fair enough .. :-p:-p
too many cooks gifs spoil the broth chat...
Try tracing where this goes: goo.gl/ddP3H
on clicking that link Chrome gave me Error 311 (net::ERR_UNSAFE_REDIRECT): Unknown error. and on decoding the base64 data I got BMv()/**/function BMv(){alert(1)}. There was some gibberish b/w the /**/
@ShyamK It is both JS and a bitmap
the quote from b4... I see...
no wonder it was things like
<script src="test3.bmp"></script><img src="test3.bmp" alt=""/>
oooh... wait what?
script src is an image?
@ShaquinTrifonoff this image always confuses me... do I look at it from the left or the right?
oh... now I see... RTL thingy
now gif is not working anymore ...
and this is very bad ,,,
its a .png now... earlier it was a .gif
I wonder why it turned to a .gif for some time…
3 hours later…
  url: '/ws-auth',
  type: 'POST',
  data: window.fkey({
    roomid: window.unknown_users_roomId
}).success(function (data) {

function connectSocket(response) {
  var socket = new WebSocket(response + '?l=99999999999');
  socket.onopen = function () {
    console.log('Connection Open!');
  socket.onmessage = function (text) {
  socket.onclose = function (text) {
Same error.. Works for everyone..
Tryed on different pcs here in the work.
Your proxy.
But the thing is..
I tryed that code at my house
Same error..
Do you think it possible to be something related to reputation ?
Are you sure you don't have a proxy?
At home I don't have
Here I have
@AndréSilva Nope, all you need to read chat is an internet connection.
So, proxy doesn't seem to be the problem then..
Just a test ...
What you doing?
2 hours later…
7 hours later…
The animated GIF is gone :(
Did you try to set a gif as your avatar?
@KendallFrey Yes, and it worked
16 hours ago, by Shaquin Trifonoff
Holy crap.
I thought gravatar didn't let you.
@KendallFrey Ah, but they have a new system: you can choose between using Gravatar, or uploading an image :D
A: Disable gravatar on Stack Overflow

Jeremy TunnellWe will be rolling out an alternative to Gravatar in the next couple of weeks. You'll be able to either use Gravatar or upload your own picture from your computer - or switch between the two whenever you like. This feature is now live: Please try it out and report any bugs you find.

I found this a while back:
Q: How can I make an animated avatar for gravatar.com?

User1I was inspired by this animated avatar from free-avatars.com: Is it possible to use an animated GIF as an avatar on gravatar.com? I couldn't get it to work, but maybe someone else knows a hack.

Ah yes, I've seen that one too.
Now because the cache has been updated, I'm stuck with this static image as my avatar:
BTW, the image is from here
Sandbox logo ^
in PHP, 21 mins ago, by Shaquin Trifonoff
user image
Better one ^

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