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2 messages moved from Moderator room
Paging @Sam:
in The Tavern (General) on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 35 secs ago, by Aiden Bell
Anyone else found the upload has slowed to a crawl?
1 hour later…
I wonder if that status thing still works here
Or not... sigh
That's the easter egg on meta
There's most likely a different easter egg here
Anyone know what it is?
it's not active yet
need to do some polish first
@unicorn hi
/blame @jjnguy
/blame @jeffatwood
How do I parse HTML with regex?
(that should totally have been the trigger)
@Tim it will be, more or less
@balpha :D
rm -rf /
I think I got something
rm -r ./
Q: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

JeffI need to match all of these opening tags: <p> <a href="foo"> But not these: <br /> <hr class="foo" /> I came up with this and wanted to make sure I've got it right. I am only capturing the a-z. <([a-z]+) *[^/]*?> I believe it says: Find a less-than, then ...

A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

bobinceYou can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool th...

If found the eggs
but I don't know how to trigger them
And reading javascript isn't healthy for me...
document.write('easter egg');
del /s
the console is the server fault easter egg
@balpha What exactly does that mean?
try it
enter del /s or rm -r in the SF chat
It's the same javascript for this chat
ah, i shall have to do that
#import anti_gravity
@ColinHebert yes, all chats have the same javascript
but not all chats call the same functions
This should be working ... <[^>]>
yes, this will be working
but the egg is not quite done yet
@balpha Jeff misled people by implying it was active
yeah, he was lying
:920, soft-boiled? :)
@balpha That's what I told him ;)
needs some perf improvement
you can try it if you want
gngng, @balpha, who do I have to bug to get that bug fixed?
put this in your JS console: Eggs.Cthulu("<[^>")
1 min ago, by Benjol
:920, soft-boiled? :)
checking out the eggs has given me a chance to dig into the code - awesome stuff you and @MarcGravell have written, @balpha
@balpha Okay, That is cool !
@balpha Brilliant!
I suppose that Assistant and Asteroïd are for other chats
@balpha i like how the javascript is structured; much cleaner (and probably easier to work with in VS)
yeah, assistant is SU, asteroids is gaming
i feel some refactoring in SO's morass of question.js coming on :)
@JarrodDixon I always get scared when I look at the minified version. OMG looks like a perl interpreter written in Brainf*ck
or a BF interpreter written in PERL
and all the errors on line 1
So Math.SQRT2 etc
Looks like it allows more than in the comments
// multi-line coadz
// ftw!
5 messages moved from JavaScript
[link text](javascript:alert(1) "optional title")
anyone seeing weird scrolling here
a bit yeah
so distracting
avatar resizes?
there is wonky js stuff going on in the message textarea, breaking my stuff
not seeing it, on chrome now
ff before?
when you were seeing the goofy scrolling
uh now, on chrome
scrollbar always reset to 0 then goes to bottom whenever there's a new message
i am kinda amazed that this isnt based on websockets or something, they are just polling like crazy.
not "like crazy", but yes it does poll. There are a lot of things built in to try to make things sane though
its like every 2 seconds?
how can I quote some previous message? is there something built in or is the only way to do it manually using >?
just paste the link
25 secs ago, by Georg
how can I quote some previous message? is there something built in or is the only way to do it manually using >?
oh man, they fixed that? damn!
@JaredHarley, meta only
haha - i've not been in any of the chats since the first preview
that's been gone on the non-meta chats for loooong
now, about that easter egg, I missed something
what is it? Everyone's talking about it, but I haven't seen it?
it's not active (because not totally done), but you can try the half-baked version
36 mins ago, by balpha
put this in your JS console: Eggs.Cthulu("<[^>")
9 mins ago, by balpha
25 secs ago, by Georg
how can I quote some previous message? is there something built in or is the only way to do it manually using >?
strange, I've tried that before and it didn't work.
@balpha Thanks!
@balpha, incredible!
how many unicorns does bobince get in exchange?
Well this is a good idea..
3 hours later…
@Zoitc2014 Hiya
/me is testing /me
fail ..(
@Nakilon Indeed
Q: Why does this string comparison give that result in ruby?

AMIT k=[] path="E:/expr/amit.txt" name="amit""amit.txt").each do |l| k<< l end puts k[0] puts name.eql?("k[0]") O/p amit false why o/p containing false??it should give true

Q: How to use lua to store item/monster templates?

Nagrom_17I am using just starting to experiment with lua and I want to use it to hold information like so name = "Short Sword" image = "Sword.png" examine = "It's a sword" attack = 5 That kind of information(not necessarily in that formatting) So my question is, How can I use lua to help with kee...

sandboxes are cool
italic text bold text *bold italic?*
* bold italic maybe *
**bold italic ?**
Q: Cannot use bold and italic in comments

KipI noticed that using triple-star to apply bold and italics doesn't work in comments. For example: this is ***some*** text I would expect that to be rendered in bold and italics, as it does in questions and answers: this is some text But in comments you get: this is *some* text

Q: MySQL: Search rang of strings with slash

RickI have a varchar field with the following data: Interface Gig1/0/1 Gig1/0/3 Gig1/0/5 Gig1/0/10 Gig1/1/11 I am trying to do a search (BETWEEN). Select * from test1 where Interface Between "Gig1/0/1" and "Gig1/0/5" Returns all the records except for Gig1/1/11

@GôTô test
test received
blue mark is "spam/offensive" ?
@Nakilon test received
@GôTô, if the image url doesn't end in an image extension (.png, .jpg etc), put a ! in front
Please stop flagging for fun. I know you want to test stuff, but by flagging messages you're actively annoying people. Flagging is reserved for spam/offensive posts or messages otherwise requiring attention.
@rchern :(
why ): ?
"Where you can play with chat features without upsetting anyone"
because I thought any image would work
it will
if you put a ! in front of the url
indeed !
when/why is there a dotted horizontal line between posts ?
"Where have I read to"
thank you balpha
np :)
I've read the faq too quickly :)
what were you expecting to happen?
a) that's not an image link and b) it doesn't have a http://
just out of curiosity, is it possible to write in bold and italic at the same time ?
16 mins ago, by balpha
Q: Cannot use bold and italic in comments

KipI noticed that using triple-star to apply bold and italics doesn't work in comments. For example: this is ***some*** text I would expect that to be rendered in bold and italics, as it does in questions and answers: this is some text But in comments you get: this is *some* text

the same thing holds for chat messages
chat messages and comments have the same parser?
yes, with the addition of > quote
and obviously all the oneboxing stuff
how to quote message?
give the url including http etc on a single line, by itself
1 min ago, by Nakilon
how to quote message?
37 secs ago, by Marc Gravell
give the url including http etc on a single line, by itself
15 secs ago, by balpha
38 secs ago, by Nakilon
1 min ago, by Nakilon
how to quote message?
@Nakilon one more?
in The Tavern (General) on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 4 mins ago, by Chacha102
So now I have to go back and forth betwee the SO and MSO Tavern
nested quoting... but if message can have the only one thing "the quoted message", why need nesting?
2 mins ago, by Marc Gravell
give the url including http etc on a single line, by itself
ok, i understood, to see, from which rooms it went through
a quote button would be simpler wouldn't it?
what would that do?
possibility to quote and add your own text to message with quotation
I mean to quote we need to copy the url of the permalink and then paste, I'd prefer a button quote
1 min ago, by balpha
what would that do?
unless I did it wrong
what happens when you press the "quote" button?
i want to discuss [quote:11231231231] i think...
assuming there was one
copy paste the link directly for you
to where?
are you quoting in the same room?
in a different room?
on a different chat site?
oh ok
to clipboard then ;)
also, most of the times, the stuff that's quoted is a little older
so you'd actually be coming from the transcript
more text
more text
only counts if by itself
most importantly, though: pasting a link by itself does stuff, that's how it works for everything. I think it'd be more confusing for the user if the handling was different for different things
that's what i mean... it would be better, if quotation could be with another text in message
@MarcGravell yes, i remember
why better? More complex, certainly
@Nakilon what's the point? this is realtime chat, not a forum
Most times, multi-line means "I pasted something from somewhere", so we treat as verbatim
let's talk about this:
3 mins ago, by GôTô
oh ok
bla bla bla
more talking
why do we need some "annotated quoting"?
Yes, it's chat, and that's why, between you quote some message and write a mention about that, it will take a time. In that time someone will split quotation from your mention.
@balpha @MarcGravell Did anyone figure out the easter egg yet
the easter egg isn't active yet
Even is your write, and only then quote, it has a pause, which can be splitted.
because it's not completely done
occasionally in real conversation things overlap, get interrupted, etc. We just deal.
@balpha Ah, that makes sense
Except in the Lord of the Flies, with the conch
45 secs ago, by jjnguy
@balpha @MarcGravell Did anyone figure out the easter egg yet
will there be a tetris ? :)
29 secs ago, by GôTô
45 secs ago, by jjnguy
@balpha @MarcGravell Did anyone figure out the easter egg yet
4 hours ago, by balpha
it's not active (because not totally done), but you can try the half-baked version
11 secs ago, by jjnguy
29 secs ago, by GôTô
45 secs ago, by jjnguy
@balpha @MarcGravell Did anyone figure out the easter egg yet
5 hours ago, by balpha
put this in your JS console: Eggs.Cthulu("<[^>")
9 secs ago, by jjnguy
11 secs ago, by jjnguy
29 secs ago, by GôTô
45 secs ago, by jjnguy
@balpha @MarcGravell Did anyone figure out the easter egg yet
(ok, I'm done)
Easter Egg should be a secret ,.)
OMG, how to stop it? )))
3 mins ago, by balpha
5 hours ago, by balpha
put this in your JS console: Eggs.Cthulu("<[^>")
who's developping it?
@balpha That's really neat.
It'll trigger when the message contains anything that looks like a XML/HTML matching regex
OK! OK! I agree! I will never parse XML using Regex, only stop! )))
@Nakilon Just refresh
it should have stopped
it stops when you talk
or click
@balpha Nope
Well, it didn't stop when I typed:
2 mins ago, by jjnguy
@balpha That's really neat.
Google Chrome 6.0, had to press F5
oh, now it doesn't -- when it's hooked up to the actual message posting, it will
for now, you have to go through the console again
@balpha Ok, that makes sense
I'm on Chrome 8!!!!
what now?
@Chacha102 You need to go to
SO is about programming, not browsers
@Chacha102 it was a feedback info...
So where are those eggs..
@FilipEkberg Look up a bit
You have to enter the JS straight into the console
Aww "Not activated yet"
no, it's way too slow yet


Where you can play with regular chat features (except flagging...
Think I did that wrong..
@FilipEkberg forget it )
@FilipEkberg you have to type it in the console
Hello Everyone!
@FilipEkberg write "javascript:Eggs.Cthulu("<[^>");" in you address bar and go
hi Doug
Like in chrome [ctrl] + [shift] + [j]
Is this the first day for chat on the stackoverflow site?
@Doug Yup
oh that easter egg is wonderful
Hasn't this chat been active for some time?
@FactorMystic Yes, it sure is
@FilipEkberg Not in the stackoverflow domain
It sure feels like it
this room is getting big...
and it doesn't even have drinks...
13 mins ago, by GôTô
who's developping it?
@Chacha102 blame the coffee machine.
04:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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