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I want to learn how to produce better graphics.. but then I realize that takes a lot of effort and I don't anymore.
@rlemon what kind of graphics ?
well I got the 'take people out of one picture and put them into another' down pat. I can also make you blink like a fucking bauce. Don't ask me to make you anything, or be creative at all.
^ my game quality graphics
Oh, I thought this was graphics done with programming. Graphics done with gimp or photoshop or inkscape are really not in my expertise area...
well I would like to be better at both :P
I wanna try and make my boat sinking game. gonna need to learn how to make metaballs in Canvas.
@rlemon smells like lemon :)
dood. iz top quality graphics man.
makes me mucho money
go ahead, ask me to draw anything
Mar 13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
Draw your bow.
Draw this happening ^*2
Draw anything
tech.pro/tutorial/1300/deep-dive-into-requirejs introduction to requirejs, very nice imho
Also interesting on this week's jsweekly hacks.mozilla.org/2013/05/…
@rlemon draw yourself in a flattering way
Draw me with facial hair
@BenjaminGruenbaum Command artisticpoop learned
Not really flattering in my opinion. But the hairs are well rendered according to your profile picture.
I would like to ask a question people
this is valid jquery syntax right?
	click: function () {

	mouseleave: function () {
		console.log('Mouse Over');
@Connor looks so
i was wondering something
you know when you do something like this
except the mouseleave event now claims it's mouseover
$('body').on('click', '#element', function () { ... });
@JanDvorak just example
!!/tell connor jquery on
> .on( events [, selector ] [, data ] )
im wondering how i can achieve this

	click: #ELEMENT function () {

	mouseleave: #ELEMENT2 function () {
		console.log('Mouse Over');
call on multiple times
Event delegation
@JanDvorak with one "on"?
You can chain on instead of object literal syntax
@Connor can't be done unless you do the filtering yourself
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah i know, just curios
@Connor the chaining syntax is nicer anyway
@fcduarte Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ok, well i was just wondering that's all, thanks anyway
@Connor also, consider writing less anonymous functions
@BenjaminGruenbaum *fewer ?
less anonymous functions = functions that are less anonymous
@JanDvorak that's what I meant
@Connor I' don't see the question..... That's basically it?
IS anybody not busy that can help me test my webpage (I need you to register a dummy account, and then go to the find players page to see if we can form a party together)
@XCritics Sure.
@Jhawinsss What don't you understand about the question?
@Jhawinsss ok cool 1 second
@Connor I don't get what you're trying to accomplish. You want to log clicks and mouseleave for an element?
@JanDvorak sorry had to take a phone call
@Jhawinsss no they were examples
@Connor Ah.
@Jhawinsss i know this is possible
	click: function () {

	mouseleave: function () {
		console.log('Mouse Over');
i wanted to know if this is possible

	click: #ELEMENT function () {

	mouseleave: #ELEMENT2 function () {
		console.log('Mouse Over');
@rlemon Is that you ? Beardified ?
to select the elements aswell as the event
13 mins ago, by Jan Dvorak
Draw me with facial hair
Draw me as a starfighter pilot
@SomeKittens Yes.
So, there is a course in the university about internet technolgoies, one of the exercises is building an HTTP server, then creating a javascript email app using that server. A friend of mine didn't do it, I told him to submit something since the teacher is a slacker and there is no way in hell he actually checks these, so he submitted the following (he got 99 for it):
@rlemon Oh. I'm not good with human face recognition.
I wonder if the teacher never opened it, or just said "lol, it's a funny dog, let's give this guy an A"
@rlemon That's cheating.
I prefer this ^
@dystroy idk why, but this comment made me want to do this
/me has the day off
wants to say hi anyway
rynah ♦, Parksville, British Columbia, Canada
60.9k 9 68 123
It looks like I wear a hood...
So google is broken, at least where I am in Oakland, CA
>My guess is that Steve just didn't know that it wasn't needed. Looking back at his original commit, I see a lot of unnecessary news that have since been removed.
@BoltClock I thought he wasn't elected ???
BTW, what the knockout guys said
@BoltClock minitech?
@dystroy He was the next best candidate in the last election. One of the existing ones is stepping down so he's replacing
Q: Handing back my mod diamond

KevTo Josh, Stack Team, and Community, As per my Skype conversation with Josh this evening, I am giving immediate notice of my resignation as a Stack Overflow moderator. It's been a hell of a ride since I joined Stack Overflow back in 2008(?) as user 419 - I still remember emailing Jeff directly a...

@KendallFrey Eeyup
Interesting username.
His real name is Ryan O'Hara
he's a nice guy every time I've spoken with him
used to be minitech no?
Okay let me explain myself I want to make a promise library to learn more about how promises work. Are there any good learning resources for how you would go about writing one online?
@rlemon Yes
Personally I'm happy for him. I know he's tried several times now - I think across three elections. I encouraged him to nominate for the latest one
@powerc9000 microjs.com just review the others
I think I voted for him
I'm going to bug him to read
Q: Evaluating the risks of allowing teen moderators on the SE network

user774411I have a David vs Goliath case here involving a teen moderator on Stack Overflow. His display name is BoltClock. I'm a low reputation SO user (less than 150 points) who was recently suspended for Voting Irregularities by BoltClock. Eventually the mistake was corrected by another non-teen moderat...

(assuming he hasn't already)
@BoltClock funny question :) You're still a noob though ^_^
(especially in css)
@BoltClock Can we remove questions like that from the "questions" listing (ordered by votes)? Some users were bragging about how bad their questions were, it'd be smart to de-incentivize that.
A noob with 6-digit rep? HAHAHAH
@SomeKittens Which questions listing, the main one?
@BoltClock Click "Questions" -> Sort by votes, go to last page. I think anything with a negative score shouldn't be displayed there.
What should be displayed? Positive scores?
@KendallFrey rep is an indication for so much :P
@SomeKittens Ooh. Interesting point. It would also stop people clogging up our flag queue with 30 to 50 "very low quality" flags a day
@SomeKittens , I'd vote for this on meta
@BoltClock Thar you go. I'm just too lazy to post on "why we won't listen to you" MSO
@BoltClock Can you push for a complete chat system re-vamp so we can have explicit write access revoking without being in Gallery mode?
the meta question answer is "no, technical limitations we will not undertake"
@rlemon thanks
or allow owners to kick people from the room
that would also be useful
@rlemon mebbe
@rlemon We can implement this ourselves with the current system, we just want the site's blessing
It's really simple, we run the room in gallery mode, the bot invites every user who joins
I'm not sure it's good though, I really think that the current system works
No need. Chat bots have always been allowed
No, not for the bot
for emulating rooms where owners can ban
The ban command would actually remove the user from access to the gallery room, but everyone would be auto-invited
but we are not banning anyone. the command just removes write access.
anyone can read, we're locking them out from writing.
and the ban command is only avail to room owners (like the manual revoke entry)
It'd be cool to implement for fun, but I don't think we should use it
@BoltClock you should learn JavaScript
so I really don't see how this is any different other than we are reducing our own workload for controlling access control
We are banning users
I mean, if we just adopted the policy that we will accept all then keep a gist of people we have denied access too. <- isn't this pretty much how Android works?
@BenjaminGruenbaum but we can't ban anyone
we can revoke write access
We can ban anyone but mods
Revoking write access is banning
That's how it works when mods ban
Don't look at me
and if we throw the room into Gallery right now and dont' allow (okok as an example) to have write access without the use of a bot..... it's the same thing
there is nothing wrong with it from a SE/SO standpoint or they wouldn't put the functionality in place.
@BoltClock We just need access to your account ... please?
Yeah, I don't see what the problem is. All we'd be doing is automating what the Android room does
@rlemon the main bot issue is auto-granting everyone
there is no 'official' chats.. just more popular rooms (which this is one of)
@BoltClock you should learn JavaScript.
@BenjaminGruenbaum thats just because the overhead to keep accepting the 20-30 one timers who only pop in here because they just discovered the chat would be tremendous.
the auto-accept is the only sane way to go about it (unless the system were reversed and we could revoke write access without being in gallery)
@BenjaminGruenbaum trace('maybe not');
@BoltClock I said JavaScript, not actionscript, but nice touch.
ActionScript is also an option
and i'm pretty sure the android room owners are on a constant pruning of their write access and shit. They only have like 118 people, but there used to be a lot more.
so it's not just accepting, its pruning the users who only visited once like a year ago
otherwise loading the access tab would crap you out with 20K users in it
We want people to be able to come here and talk
hence the automation
We just don't want offenders to persist
i'm saying, without the automation it would be way too much work for us to handle Gallery mode with such a popular/active room
I think Gordon and TheifMaster are doing an ok job taking care of offenders
but they shouldn't have too
Oh, that I completely agree with
Without automation gallery mode is not practical
no, not for this room at least.
@BenjaminGruenbaum An ok ok job?
@BoltClock thanks for this information. I voted for him twice. I only had good experience with him, even when we didn't agree.
@SomeKittens *buh
problem is, we will have these types of trolls always. If no one has noticed there is always a new one to take the place of the last.
@copy I expect you to apologize for that remark. Your jokes tend to be high quality and funny, what happened? Are they making you work on Windows again?
okok -> DumbSearch -> okok -> Brendan -> okok
@rlemon why am I not in that series? Is my trolling so poor it's gone unnoticed?
Brendan we fixed though, he's ok now
he still thinks cells are dead
he's a zombie
Yeah, but he is no longer a problematic user
@canon I don't want to stab you in the eye with a really hot frenchfry.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yea. but for those two days! woa!
Just because someone is not knowledgeable doesn't make him a bad user, look at @BoltClock , he's telling everyone to use tables to do design in CSS but we still like him!
@BenjaminGruenbaum What
Please tell me that isn't true...
@rlemon If this room stopped having drama Badger Girl would stop coming!
I thought I was the one promoting tables in HTML :\
There can only be one, surely.
it's not about being wrong. it's about accepting the information being presented too you. When you claim A and the entire room says you are wrong and you need to consider B, why not open up your mind to the possibility that your original information was wrong or that you mis-interpreted it.
@BoltClock colspan and rowspan for the win
Well OK I did convert someone's float layout into a table
Q: CSS Why is the last li not being targeted by li:nth-child(odd) or li:nth-child(even)?

AmoguaiThis is pretty straightforward. I have the following HTML structure: <ul id="myContactList"> <li> <ul> <li>item 1</li> <li>item 2</li> <li>item 3</li> <li>item 4</li> </ul> </li> ... </ul> and the trouble maker CSS: ...

@rlemon My first week here was downright arguing, I argued with tons of people here
I was one of them :P
but they are more subjective things
That was fun :)
@BoltClock tables do have a use.
not "cells are not alive" or "plankton is the start of the entire lifecycle"
@mikedidthis Shock and awe
@mikedidthis beware, you'll be exorcised...
@mikedidthis tabular data bitch.
if you give me one of those fake div tables i'll shoot you
@rlemon bin... fuckin.... go.
@BoltClock LOL, I love it when people don't use tables for tables :) idiots
same. people will use tables for everything BUT tables.
Sad thing, tables were abused, and it got a bad rep.
@mikedidthis like jQuery
and eval
eval is awesome ^_^
I use it all the time
it's SUPER powerful in the handful of cases where it should be used.
tell me you're kidding @BenjaminGruenbaum
eval("window."+x+" += "+5)
"all the time" ? Like ?
no way to do it without eval
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's super-inappropriate
eval is handy for golfers
Also $("#myClass"+i) , there is no way to do it, sequential class names are awesome
Very useful way to select elements
@BenjaminGruenbaum you can get close with window[x] += 5
there are some really cool edge cases where it is the best thing to use as well. Can't remember what they are as I avoid it myself.. but I know they exist.
@JanDvorak Whats a [x] ?
then there is always the Florian Calculator
@BenjaminGruenbaum you are the reason eval is so abused
No, I am.
@BenjaminGruenbaum is trolling
@BenjaminGruenbaum O_O
you are dead to me :(
@Shmiddty I know ;-) I'm playing along
@rlemon <3
@dr.eval over 100 rep haah
@rlemon Why did you make the @dr.eval account?
!!/stat dr.eval
@rlemon Look at how bad the font on yours looks, man.
was going to make him the binbot
@Jhawinsss dr.eval has 106 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 0 questions, gave 1 answers.
It's all stretched out and all
people... im looking at Bonzo - github.com/ded/bonzo - shall i go for it or is there a better one? im looking for small so i got that from microjs
@AmaanCheval yea, thats the "Chango" font or w/e
@BenjaminGruenbaum @mikedidthis And Flash
tl;de (too long, didn't explain) - when it was a github hosted project I used Google WebFonts only. the good meme fonts are not on google web fonts. I haven't gotten around to adding more - not until the new release
@mikedidthis cough
I will fly my ass out to the UK and buy you dinner or something if you won't take my money!
He's helping you with a new design?
@rlemon that's sooo romantic. But I feel confused.
he's pretty much made it. he did a photoshop template for me, but as I suck at webdesign I'm also begging him to convert it to html/css (i'll do all of the js)
So my boss just randomly came up with this national scale web platform he's convinced would take off....
As if I can do anything right hahaha. Not gonna happen...
define "national scale web platform"
@powerc9000 powerc9000 has 42 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 4 questions, gave 9 answers.
A web platform that would be sold and used by thousands of businesses throughout the country.
@rlemon rlemon has 7719 reputation, earned -1 rep today, asked 71 questions, gave 359 answers.
I'm not sure 'web platform' is the best word.
@Jhawinsss like a CMS?
@BoltClock noes, flash is cool
@rlemon I see you lost rep today
@rlemon Somewhat.
I lose a lot of rep downvoting people
@rlemon There's already enough of them though....
@BoltClock except for stuff like newgrounds.com/portal/view/526850
@BenjaminGruenbaum :(
He's got a specific target audience in mind. It does actually make good sense. But I'm not sure I'd be able to implement it...
@PeteFecteau Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I have a lot of million dollar ideas I haven't touched because I know I don't have the technical knowledge or time to implement them
@BoltClock The new portal sucks, the old portal was better. Newgrounds took a bad turn in 2007 imho
I avoid newgrounds like the plague
@rlemon I don't have the technical knowledge to do anything worthwhile right now lmao.
hey everyone
@BenjaminGruenbaum I found it alright in 2007. It's this design where things have gone under
@PeteFecteau Hi, Dr. Nick!
1 message moved to Trash can
@Zirak not for me but for a lot of people it is
"has anyone seen my scalpel?"
Guys! I've decided I'm making the next facebook/google/youtube combined all into one. I'll call it FaceTubel - how can this fail.
@BoltClock Yeah, that really ruined it, I still follow most of the cool guys though
Q: Keep Reference to Connected Sockets Per User

vsyncI have a (for clarity sake) a chat. Users can login, write messages, and the others will see [name]:[message]. I don't want to send the user's name and ID every time I write socket.emit('say', message); because that's redundant, so what I'm doing on the server is like so: var io = require("soc...

@rlemon DO IT
Anyone who knows socket io, HALP
@rlemon gif memes. I may have missed the boat, but is there a service that allows you to do that already?
no clue.
seems like the next step? I presume all current gif memes are created in photoshop / gimp
there are services to add text and shit to a gif
@mikedidthis There's tons of them.
:961293 I saw a plugin the other day for FF that literally just records the screen like a hypercam video and outputs a gif. Then you can ad text/whatever.
Not Found

The requested URL /diffusion-mix-fullscreen was not found on this server.
@mikedidthis Hey, that looks pretty good!
Anybody got a sparkle effect in javascript ? that i can possibly re-use ?
@rlemon LEMON ... thats .... just ...... fucking ..... insane!
i wanna suicide after seeing me like that -_-
@Darkyen Now you must change your profile picture.
@dystroy oh god no
Didn't exactly work out.
@Jhawinsss looks more real
Anyway.... Enough webcam play.
@FlorianMargaine you around?
Time for a smoke.
I was just thinking about how badly I wnated a smoke
I think we have a winner
@AmaanCheval thanks man :)
Chat actually has a pretty nice mobile UI!
gacnt-dotafinder.nodejitsu.com/findplayers can somebody go there and click on my name and tell me what happens
Although I don't know how to reply....
@Jhawinsss no,no
@XCritics where's your name ?
@dystroy is it just a blank box?
I just got permission to work unlimited hours. They have no idea what they've done lmao!
@rlemon dr.eval should be an eval service bot
@zirak is the bot basically a user script running in a browser?
@rlemon perform !!> (JS) and c> (CS)
It is @schmiddty
I may swell break my lease now... Cause I'm never going home.
@Shmiddty Yeah
@Jhawinsss you get paid hourly?
if so, never leave.
I get salary.. if they told me I can work unlimited hours I'd A) Laugh, then B) Laugh some more.

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