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You were flagged by someone @Sam ....
sry that had to be validated
no nsfw tag.
one should never post NSFW links without calling them out as such.
I didnt flag it, but I validated it :?
I moved and flagged
I opened that shit
I least my office blocked it lol but its prob in my log now....
luckily thats my homepage at home
Didn't read that in the rules :\
some grandma giving some dude a rim job is not funny
so I already knew
Maybe I read wrong
:o <- ftfy
I thought Blastoise would have known better
He is gone for a half hour now...
no but seriously... internet courtesy is to tag it NSFW.


Where you can play with regular chat features (except flagging...
^ bot is in there guys
30 messages moved to Sandbox
Ok cool. but this is intended to be here when @Sam gets back:
!!/tell Sam define NSFW
@Sam NSFW Not Safe For Work. Used to describe Internet content generally inappropriate for the typical workplace, i.e., would not be acceptable in the presence of your boss and colleagues (as opposed to SFW, Safe For Work).
@Neal Why do you keep asking me to define it when I keep telling you I need to goto UD to get it?!
@SOChatBot :-P thanks @rlemon but still why don't the link show correctly by defualt?
because there is no 'definition' for it on thefreedictionary so it looks at UD
jesus man
I'm off to get a burger... I mean... to fragment my HDD
haha i mean it showed as [link](url) <-- @rlemon
hard line breaks
removes formatting
So isn't that a code issue?
@rlemon ilu
no, You are making it respond twice in a row by giving it a bogus search option
wait the chatbot is talking
expect the unexpected.
I knew, someday, proximity to all the awesome in the room would make that happen.
@RyanKinal ^_^
Oy... I am sticking with 1.7... @ThiefMaster
01101011 01101001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01100001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01101000 01110101 01101101 01100001 01101110 01110011
@SOChatBot 01001000 01101001 00100000 01100010 01100101 01101110 01100100 01100101 01110010 00100001
I'm going to hell...
whys that?
I've created a horrible callback hell thingy
@IvoWetzel why is that?
o rly?
No really... tons of callbacks, and CORS stuff
We needed some kind of FB like login dialogs and stuff...
all in JS
no backend code required
so... you call something.login()
that doesnt seem very safe.
@IvoWetzel named functions ftw :P
@ThiefMaster the future version of CS uses that
you create a proxy iframe on your actual domain, then you create a popup window from that domain handling the login credentials etc (all on your same domain i.e. zynga.com) which communicates via post message with the proxy iframe. the proxy iframe eventually communications with the game page / 3 party page and gives back the login token via a promise based interface. all the magic is behind a cors curtain which only sends the final data out...
now, that's not enough!
@FlorianMargaine CS?
Since there's no backend you need to login against the game which called the whole thing
@IvoWetzel oy... wth, I am sorry.
@Neal CoffeeScript
so for that case, there's a "callback" system in place (basically the dialog can ask for additional data) which allows the game to supply it's ID etc. for zynga's API service
and to make things even better
[obligatory nerd-rage against coffeescript]
since the game's run in iframes
(and another iframe in case of FB because FB is stupid...)
@dystroy ahhh. I like coffeescript @RyanKinal -- it keeps a lot of things in scope.
@Neal I must say, I do like that lambda syntax; it's so clean.
we're forwarding the login dialog and all other calls over multiple frames to a parent instance of the whole script which just displays the dialogs and sends back the data into the game frame which keeps the logic...
I'm not sure I get the point of source map, especially if it makes the source you minified (and that you can keep available separately) bigger
@canon yaaa
Something wrong with coffeescript?
@rlemon where is the github repo for the rules?
@dystroy: You can simply send a HTTP header instead of adding the comment to the source. But it's just a few bytes anyway.
So yeah, extremely simply and trivial to debug
And the point is that people might just want to compress/minify their source and not necessarily obfuscate/hide it.
found it nm @rlemon
In other news, my mom finally quit smoking! \O/
@IvoWetzel Mazel Tov!
I have a form with a "drop down" menu and was wondering if I should leave it styled as default or use some css to change it up?
(hi @dievardump)
I minify my sources but I always have a second index-debug.html built just next to my index.html where nothing is minified. But I agree it would help developpers not willing to put in place a building toolchain. And probably a standard would be a good thing... Not obvious use, nevertheless...
Hello @SimonSarris
Hello all
She had an emergency operation last week because her abdominal membrane cracked... to much coughing + age... she was lucky this time though
@Zirak you can stop the generation for now, I made a mistake in the generation of the certificates
Man, blast from the past today. @IvoWetzel, @SimonSarris, @dievardump ... good times. Good times.
@dievardump hi hi
@IvoWetzel oy..
It's only 2 months I do not talk here every day.
github.com/jquery/jquery-migrate/#readme - can someone tell me what the point of the "production" version of that plugin is? To me it sounds like something you wouldn't want to use in production at all
@RyanKinal gnah... I still have to write a test suite for the callback hell mentioned above...
"past" lol
Hey man... this is the intarwub. The past can be as early as a week ago.
So, what's new here?
@ThiefMaster because updating your code isn't cheap. So just putting the production to still enjoy the minification is a plus.
Coucou @FlorianMargaine
(French power)
Salut :P
il a neige a Grenoble aujourd'hui
truc de ouf :p
A Lyon aussi
Same in Lyon
@FlorianMargaine: It's a plugin that simply warns about deprecated stuff. Why would you want to use it in production at all? That's something you'd use during development.
wait, you're back in Lyon?
Nope. I still have Family there.
@ThiefMaster lol that is true.
@ThiefMaster isn't it the plugin that keeps the deprecated stuff working?
@Neal oy :O
Who's that other French guy?
no, don't think so
Did he pay the taxes to come here as a French guy? :o
oh wait, it does
> This project can be used to detect and restore APIs
@ThiefMaster hmmmm are you sure? I think it keeps it working and only logs in dev mode
@dievardump The monkey driven one ?
@dystroy you're french?
oh, damn.
He is in Lyon.
nice blog :P
Yes I am
@dystroy look into weinre btw
You can not be from there. Only one person by city, sorry
@dystroy where do you work?
yep, that one
From the picture, it doesn't log objects
@dievardump I work for a company in Paris
If you have better to offer...
Am currently unemployed.
I'm used to startups too (I launched a few ones)
And salary are not comparable between Lyon and Paris
I kept my salary when I leaved Paris.
But it wasn't high :(
What is not high?
@FlorianMargaine the point of rol is to log objects you can browser, not just strings
I think weinre logs objects too
@dievardump my salary. The tip I get at end of the month for my remote work
the example just doesn't show it...
What, for you, is not high.
@FlorianMargaine Mine is 1) better, 2) mine
I think he was more asking for a number.
Oh... 4.5k
per month
so around 3k net
More. I should change but I like being able to work from home (nice home)
It's not "not high"
and I already made a lot in previous startups
Especially in France
what's the amount of taxes to pay in france?
@IvoWetzel a lot
4.5kbrut = 3k net
@IvoWetzel 25%
But it's hard to compare, many things are free or cheep
on salary, not taking annual taxes into account
@FlorianMargaine That's a lot? 5.6k brut = 3.1k net here in Germany
Yes that's the problem in France.
3.4 net (I just checked)
and @dievardump, he's 40, his salary is not super high
@IvoWetzel And you have Annual taxes in sus?
And yes, you have other taxes to pay after that
@dystroy "sus" ?
I was payed much more 5 years ago.
But I decided to marry, stop going everywhere for work, and so on
@FlorianMargaine For someone working in IT maybe. Not for a French.
I'm open to change but all head hunters ask for someone willing to travel or to work for finance
If I hadn't left the church I'd still pay ~100€ to them every month :O
@IvoWetzel here we have taxes that the government and some institut take when you get paid.
Then every year, you have to pay "the taxes". Usually 10-20% of your annual net salary
You can't compare between countries. So many different tax schemes, and so many different costs (e.g. health, retirement)
Germany has good everything, no?
@dievardump Ah I see, well you still have to do your tax return anually. but most of the times, you get something back.
Oh here you never get anything back
Your taxes works as the Canadian do
@dievardump lol
In France you know you'll lose
@dievardump If you mean it's better to be a salaryman in Germany than in France, then yes
@dievardump lose what ? I lost you on this...
lose money. You don't get anything back. You pay something, on every "tax return"
Health insurance companies make a ton of plus while the contribs tend to stay stable / raise. Pension is a joke.
That's why French always cry.
is this proper css syntax? #someid > { }
@bushdiver no.
I'm paying 150 euro each month into a private pension fond
@dievardump #someid > * { } ?
@bushdiver Now yes. But this is a REALLY BAD practice
How so?
I would slap you with a bible for that
that: > *
Remember Kids: CSS Selectors, they are resolved from right to left
* <--- why hating the asterisk?
Its just means every elem right?
Because as Ivo said: CSS Engines read and apply right to left.
And because if you have to do that, it nmeans your CSS is not well organised.
Star selectors are slow, unless the star is to the faaaaar left end of a huge expression, and by that point it's most likely not required anyway :)
If I have to do that my css is not well organized.. i'm feeling really stupid right now, i dont get it
slow as in parsing slow?
You shouldn't have to apply a specific style to every elements direct child of an id.
If you use an id you are in a "very specific module"
So you control it and you exactly know what will be its children
Is that still true that selectors are always applied from right to left ?
I thought it was a little more complex with css3
@bushdiver e.g. #foo .bla * {} would be slow due to the face that first it takes every element (*) then sees if it has a "bla" class and only then it checks if it has the id "foo"
yes, a bogus example but I guess it shows the reason for it being slow very well.
@IvoWetzel ohhh i get it.. that's ridiculous right to left
i never realized that
@IvoWetzel "this element has an ancestor with the class blah and if this ancestor as an element with the id foo as ancestor"*
@bushdiver It's the #1 trap in CSS, don't worry there are a ton of people who don't know this, maybe it's better in arabic speaking countries though?
That almost hard to believe.. forgive my ignorance of css inner workings..
(and I still trully believe that using ids in CSS should be avoided)
it's parsed right to left
ah arabic, clever
why should id's be totally avoided?
if I have a unique element such it should have an id.
Im working on implementing a map currently with a specific path, and points on the path
each point has an id, and also a class to style each consistently. But the ones with id's also have unique images
@dievardump why avoid ids in css? what if you only have 1 instance of an elem?
@dievardump If you only got one "main" thing, it's fine. trust me... I'm working with something here at zynga where everything has class name, because they wanted to avoid the ID stuff. but they still need to look up things... so in the end they're just using class names as IDs :(
^ thats what I think not using id's at all breeds
it's a mess and it bloats up the code by a lot
@Neal I just got pinged from the other @moshe's pings. It's like I'm Tim in The Tavern.
I think classes and id's can be abused its just about knowing when to logically use them imo.
And I'm not kidding about the length :(
@IvoWetzel lol wow
@Moshe lol i am sorry. that is weird....
CSS is almost always abused...
The number of people asking you to fix their css and they can't even say why they have those rules...
@dystroy It's just misunderstood! :(
@IvoWetzel Nah, really!?
isn't an id and class really the same thing besides the fact that classes can be applied to multiple elems, or is there more to it?
Depends on how you are using it.
In principle both are attributes.
My colleagues already optimized a ton of the CSS, but it still isn't really that nice
I mean, the idea is nice, as long as you write the tooling to minimize this before deployment
sadly, that part was left out

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